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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1929, p. 5

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PAGE FIVII THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM.ANVILLE, TKURSDAY, MAY i$th, 1929 21 Dresses at $14.95 We had only 21 of these attractive Dresses Wed- nesday Wt they are going very f ast at this special price. They are of canton crepes and georgettes in red, navy, black, rose, biege, sand, figured geor- gette. When you see them you'll realize they are a bargain at $14.95. Coats Ail Reduced One lot of Tricotines and Poiret Twills, styles, and marked at only $19.75. latest Another lot of Coats gouped for quick selling at $850 Silk and Kid Gloves Queen Quality, Double-Tipped Silk Gloves, al shades, guaranteed $1.50 pair. Also French Kid Gloves, guaranteed. New lot of Orient Hose and Lingerie just received Smart Shop GEO. R. MASON, Manager. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Lost or Found BRH Mrs. Fred Knox recently VISIted1 Glove found. Enquire at States-, WOOD-In Bowmanville Hospital, on her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) McKay, Tor- man Office. May 1th. 1929, to Mr. and I rs. Fred onto. Î _.-- od a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, To-t oe Fid Eqne tTeMay l3th, 1929. to Mr. and Mrs. Walace ronto, called on relatives here dm-t Statesman Office, Bowznanville. -Milter, Bethesda. a daughter.: igthe weekend. AEFON-Opsieî.t22 orh GILCIIRiST-in tolwmanviil 11isiTAuil AXE FLN OpoieLt2.Nrhon May lth, 3929, onMad . T.B Mrs.W. R Cleensand r. Buceoff con. 5. Owner rnay have saxone by Gilchrist. a son (oadEi) Koney WlR.Cloron vantd Mr. Bauce prvng property and paying ixpenses EOSVA Pr PryHospital, Mrs. John Percy on Sunday. 3. Phone 4-.6r4. 20-1.1Ma>' lst. 1929, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Pal osky, Biackstock, twins, (boy and girl). Miss Marion Picloard, Janetville, OICKINSON-On Sunda>'. May 12th, apen Mohers Da wih hr paent, Aticls Fr Sle 929., at the Generai Hospital, Toronto, Mr. nd Mhrs AW ihilearensAtcesFr aeto r. and Mrs. G. H. Dickinson, "d4 Mr. nd rs.A. W Pikar. 1Keystone Ave., Toronto, a son. Misses Elsie M. and I. Irene Bragg, FOR SALE-Ducl< eggs for hatchîng,, Tornto spnt he eeknd ithlarge ani white. Phofle 326r3, Bow-1 Tootsette ekn mhtanville. 20-1w MARRIAGES their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ___________ Bragg. POAOE OR SALE--Cobblers,i PHILLIPS-FLEISCI4MAN-At Reho- Mrs Frnk irte ad ampt or s. . 75he a l. L. Tollboth 1-buse, Chappaqua, New York, b>' r.FakVru and HapoRB.1 Phnl9r4 193 Rev. Dr. Clendenin, on Saturday, May' _________________________ Iil 1 929, Walter Thomuson, third son of famnily, Burlington, spent Sunday FOR SALE--Quantity ofStrwb Mr. and -Mirs. James A. Phillips, and with 'his sister, M1rs. (Dr.) C. W. plants for sale. Appi>' to W G. Nats9h,1 Dorothy, daughter off Dr. and Mrs .il Siemon.- next west orf Cream off Harle>' Camo. lam NI. Fieischmian, both off Westchest- Mr. S. E. Keat, Toronto, was n 1Eowmanville. :-. *er, New York City', N. Y. town Thesday attending the funerali PIANO FOR SALE-GJerbardI-H-eintz-' _____________ Cornis who ~ man Piano in frt-class condition. For terred here. j Eniskillen R. R. 1. Pbol.e 197r24. ' DEATHS Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goddard,î STRAWBERRY PLANTS FOR SALE- CRYDERMAN-Ifi Bowmanville, onl Toronto, spent the weekend wit.h Mr. 1 lari>' S.rtitor Dlunlop plants, 7.5c per Wednesday, M.\a> 15th, 1929, Georginal and Mrs. Gus Bounsall and other 10, $5 per 1101). A. F. it. t, îiamp- Latwry, leloved wiffe off J. H. Crydermn. ton R. R. 1. Phone 376rll. 20-* Funeral from St. John's Church on frienids here.. Frida>', May' l7tb, at 2.30 . ni. (dayligit~ Mrs. R. C. Syntons, Paul and Kel-I FOR SALE-Strawberry Plants. Premn- isaving). Interinent 3in l owmanville ier, $1.1 00lier 100; Senator Duritop, Ssci Cemetery. vin, Welcmne, spent Sunday mith lier per 100; Raspberry Can.s. 2c .eich orl GARRETT-At Osaca, May 101h, 11-29, parents, Rev. and Nirs. W. A. BUn- $1.50 per 100. G. A. Giltlespie, Liberty1 Alton Garrett, beloved husband off At1rnu nier, Liberty Place. St. llownianville. Phonle 532. 19-21 Forsyth, in his 781-h year. --- CORNISH-At Toronto, Friday, May Mr. and Mrs. Irwin R. Btragg and APPLE SPRAYER FOR SALE-FRond 1Oîh, 1929, Gleorge Wm. Cornish, aged fanland Mr. and Mrs. J. H. MI-i Spry. ri odcniin 0glo a- 52 yvars. Interred in Bowmanville Cern- family, r Ml attacmnifor %ile cheap. aber>'. lin, Orono, ýpent Sunday at Mr. F.d\vard i irl, Liberty St. S. Bowin- o aud>,My1,12.Mr dt Harper Allin's, Pickering. ville. 20-1- STREET-In P ortage la Prairie, ',In., Mr. and ',4rs. C. L. Upper, Phyllisi PeStc orSl rout. blotve(l wifo- off llarr>' Street, in and Bruce, have returned Kithe- . LvISok b Sl er 46th year. Daugbter'off the latel er ~ ~ Ktce afe1 laatv~tt IGdmtnd Flrout off Bowman ille. er fte a lesan viitwith her, FOR SALE-6 weeks olit auto-1 WINDATT-At I{oss ',eniorial Hospi-, parnts Mr an Mr. G B.Bicle.i ~ to01bug-ty, in goodl rair. J. P ~,Lindlsay, Friday, May lii.12, R. ntM. MicheMrs .B iss AnPhoe1 S r<i. 2(1-1 le Edwin Winilatt, son offNlrs. Mrs. R .MthlMs neSeo, <sPife4 - r---Winl,'tt ani the late('harles NWindatt,j Lyle, Mrs. C. B. Kent, Mrs. W. J. COWS FOR SALE-Two .J t-Iv C0ws. Gain. briilg, in his 27th year. Nefflew Hoarand 4r. lec yle pent on.,justrenewed, one about to lie re- off Mrs. 1Tiios. Toi. l3owmanv*ill, Hor ndMr AecLye petthe 4 a, tndi5 year, ol&i. r-tr iiiit.WASHiNGTON-At Lafayette, Imdi- weekend with Mrs. John Hall, BTant-!anl cood in * '.ri. way. A îl j0 ntotMa ,12, e.AonoGo ford.aged 78 yearî-, seventli son for. Cdi edaminiM.E- fte tSteijien and Jane, Coleman Mr. edrc Nedhm an Mr Er - --Waslhington. Brother off the late Rav. nie Smith, Camillus, N. Y., spent thel Real Estate For Sale i . V ashington. llowmanvulle. weeken.d at the former's parents, i ________________ Mr. and Mi-s. J. H. Needhanî, Centre 1 HOUSES FOR SALE-Two brick resi-j dinces, Nvith ail modern convenienceý Street. ,Appîv ta J. E. Flett, Centre St., Bow- IN MEMORIAM Mrs. H. F. Hutchison and Mr. Ar- manville, phona 384. 37-tf. ESMl oigmmr f rd 'thur J. Trebilcock, Toronto, Mr. and; HOUSE FOR SALE-6-roomed brick 1 arick Densem, wlio passed away Ma>' 17, Mrs. Normnan Haniley and Jean, Pet- hottse wtli bath, summer kitchen, gar-I1 1927. erboo, pen Sudaywit Mr. ~.C. ge1 and hien bouse. Good location. jNo morning dawns. no night returos, Trebilcock. Bowmanville. 19-Ül Thos. laft bebind are very dear, _____________________ iBut none replaces you. Mrs. Rear, Mr. and Mrs. John FOR SALE-Sevei' roomnei solid brick And througb 1tbe gates off heavan Sanders and daughters Myrtle andibouse, ail conveniences, 'ý acre land, Your arma will stratch sorne day garage, hen-housa, 5 minutes walk ffront To welcomne those who are gri ving Laura, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. J. Me- Post Office, cash or ternis. Apply Box For you, wbo have pausae away. Cary, Helen and Kennetth, Toronto, 485, Bowmanvilte. 18-tf Sons and Daughters. were Sunday guests of the former's FARM FOR SALE CHEAP-South hait daughter, Mrs. Geo. Webster, Elgin off Lot 25 and ail off Lot 26, Concessioni In loving marnor> off a dear buebtLndi St. 13, Township off Clarke, better known as and father, Thos. Honey, wbo diedMa the Gibson Farm. 150 acres al gas,33, 1925, aiso lis beloved mother, Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. W. Addinall, Doro- running wiater. young orchnrfl, farm well 1. E. Hone>'. died May' th, 1925. andJakBlnhix, fenced. Small amount of cash wlll do.I Ever ramemberad by his lovinýg wif e, thy adJcBehiM.ad1Appy ow-ner, R. W. McClintock, 36-38' Emma Gilbert Honey, and Ken and Ethel. MNs. J. D. Fluker and Joan, Cobourg, King St. E, Toronto. - 20-3 Mr. Reuben Cox, Toronto, were FAM O SLEAou tt a"N~-1In ovigmamory of our guests of their parents, Mr. and Lots 3 and 4. B. F. Darlington,' coiisid- passedl away May 15th, 1928. c Mrs. Cha.s. Cox, Ontario St. for ered one off best grain.farme in toWn- God knew that she was sufferlng, Mother's Day.sbip. Can view whole farm frorn And thaebis were bard to climb, buildings. Firat clasa bouse and harns. And He closed bier weary eyelids, Mrs.Georie Ptteron, ho ~ 50 acres plowed. Possession at once. And whisardPaebeI'i, Apl oJas. MacConnachie, box 68, Bver rememnbered by Jim and Jessie. been anending the winter in Toron- Bowmanville. 14-tfi____ to, was in town Wednesday viitingi her sister, Miss Faizibairn, Who bas been resting in Bowmenville Hospi- tal, for a f ew days. iMrs. Petter- son is returning shortly to Mexico. Mr. and Mms. W. Kelvin Bun&z of Prince of Wales College, Achi*o-l ta, Gold Coast, British West Afria are on leave of absence an re spending a few weeks in Bow=nn-1 ville with his parents, Rev. and Mm. W. A. Blnner, of Liberty Place. They have soine very interesting ex- p ene3e to tell of their trip acromé th, ocean where they encountered ice fields and were delayed nianY liours. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MAY 20-21. MATINEE DAILY 3.30 p. m SCECIL 0. DEMILLE'S Reverential HOUSE FOR SALE--roorned brick1 hnus,, on Wellington St., now occupxed~ by Mr, Strike; all conveniences; good garden and garaige; $600 cash, balance on easy terme at 6 per cent; will sacrifice for quick sale: possession .Tuly let; If flot sold by June l6th. will be rented. Inspection by appointment. Apply J. L. IMetcalf, R. R. 2 Bowmanville. Phone 183r5. 19-tf FOR SALE-A new brick bouse on El- gin Street. just being finisbed, at a rea,- onabie price: aiso brick residlence in Wellinigtom St-aill modern convenien-1 ces in both: also one remidence on Lih- i erty St.; and one framne residence on] Ontario St. (Mrs. John GrIgg's); also igond brick bouse on Ontario Sit., ail con- veniences, re .sonable prices for cash. Apply to Wm. Prock, Queen St, Bow- inanville. Phone 114. i2-10w* Baby Chicks For Sale garet Noble, wife off James Hodgson, '1'>- rone, wbo passed away on May 12, 1927. Juet two yeurs ago she left us, How we miss ber cheerful face, But she lof t us to rememaber, None can MI our motber's place. Sadi>' missed b>' Famil>'. in loving memor> off Viola Pearl Truli. beioved wife off Arthur I-. Moore, wbo passed peacefull>' away on Ma>' 16, 1927. SadI>' missed b>' Husiasnd and Parents. Wauted HOUSEI<EEPER-Good raliable wom- hn wanted, no %washing. AppI>' C. Reh- der, Wellington St., Bowmanville. 20-2 WANTED-A position as bouselteeper. tborougbly competent in ýaIl kinds off housework. Miss Handerson, Bowman- ville. 20-1- CHICKS FOR SALE-A few hundred S. C. White Leghorn chicks for the lasti WANTED-We are ready off Ma>' and 1-be first week ln June forlyour broken fences. wirec 15c eacb. Place your order now. Phone1 and an>' othar odd jobs. Gi 38-2. W. H. Carruthers, R R. 1, BOW- Phone 578 or appl>' H. Holl manville., 17-t Batamtan, Elgin St. N., Bo' BABY CHICKS FOR SALE-A limnited, number off S. C. White Legbor chi ka ffromn Pedigrad, 1rapnested bîrds ro T1-le A nrca Poulbr>' Schoot witb re- o Let corda fromn 220 to 339. Prit-e reason1 able. Cali or phone Fred W. Battte GARAGES TO RENT-Fi 25J,1owtanvIlllp R. R. 6. 17-t conv eniantoto Kting St. S4 -. & Sons. Bowmanville. Phon( LAUNDRY ANTD PARTMENT TO LE Ail kinda off laundry work dons prompt- Iaartment ln Cowan Block. iy, gatlsfactorily and at reaeoilable pricea at once. Mrs. Cowan, Phc lWrite Post Ofice Box 12, or caliliMrs. manville. W.,Marjoram, Kng St. F. Bowmnville. IROSTO RN-Two Phone471W.- ,. furnisbed or unfiîrnished, _________________________ Ihouse-keepinit. Apply' 10 2M TRINITY YOUNG PEOL corner Ontario and Nelson manville. Phone 459. The competition for progrants is' PASTURE FOR RENT-1 .getig vrykeen between the y <f goo<i grass and watar. getting veryWIiltake ln cattle up (o tb sionary and LiterarY, Music Depart- 51i.00 and $6.00 per head ments. Monday evening the Miss- Write stating nu mber. 0 ionary group att.ained a very highi linok 638Kn t laverage and went cnashing away upi___________ amongst the leaders in the race that, I will finish this rnonth.1 These prograins are beconiing ofi Notice to Cri an exceptionally higb order and the,_____ members are grateful that husy pe-' In bbhe state off Wesl ople are willing to give so liberallyj Wallon Allen. of their talent in making these pro-j AIl persons having claini gnam --0succssfua eqate off Wesley' Thornton gnams o succssful1i î-,e off the Town off Bow Monday evening Miss Vilda Sym- i caaed.who dled on or sl ons presided and thbe worship service da>' off April. 1929. are here wias~~~~~ codce y r.Rb aniels ten d in 10 the undersigiied 1,wa conuctd byMrs.Rub thaIr Solicitor on or befor. and Miss Marion Haînley. Mr. A. E. off June, 1928. full partici Hircock iand Mný. D. J. Chambers, daimns. Isang solos in splendid voit-e; Mrs. C. i Immeeliatel>' affler (liemai IH. Dudley, charnîing piano num- lune. 1929, tbe assets off1hï a -liedistribut-il aron6st tlb ber; and M iss Dorothy ,Rowe, accoMttif- (tei ereto, having ragý pan ied by Miss, Gladys Cobbledick,) laints off whielî (ha Exect showed ber versatality by a fine per-1 noicel omavtet formance wilh the cello. Miss Mabel iPaédatB1929.ll tt 1Dowson recited two effective read- 1 w. R.1929 itngs. Sc Mrs. M. L. Hancock gave a Veryl Toronto General Trust1 interesting talk on Chinn. Her long. Bay' Streat, Tor stay in that country has given berý an extens-ive kîîowledge of the nman-? ners of the people and her nianner saon makes ber audience as enthusi-i astic about ber subject as she ap-1 pears to ho. Next week the Citizenship Depart-i ment make the paco with Lornel Jackman in the p)iloi"s seat and any- thing is lable to hapîpefl. It is rua-i ored that they may bave a schete, ready wherebv nl] this ram will he; HOW'S YOUR LAWN MOWER?F Does it neeâ sbarîenillg or repaîr- îng for the comin * zsea-son? Lots $ 0 5 of folks bhave alroady bad us put' theirs in shape. lring yours in to- day before thie rush. W'e use tbe': Ideal Lawn Mower Grinder which- gives such excellent satisfaction., dread, Blacksmith Sbop, opposite:i One doi SalIvation Army Hall, King St. East, JBowmnanvflle. 16-tf - ,TRIKE, 3olicitor for Corporation, -onto, Ontario. 20-3 Where WilI 1 Buy My Shoes? and Why? A T The Elite Shoe Store Because you are always sure of good fitting, proper style Footwear at reasonable prices. FOR NNIERSAY TME FR 2th 0 M1 Wonien's patent 1-strap slippers, with cuban heels, rubber top Bifts, combination fitting ..5.50 pr. Men's fine caif oxfords in black or .brown, sizes 7. 7 ý& and 8, a spec- ial puxchase, a real buy at $6.50 Womeç's patent '1-straps, with cov- Men's oxfords in black caîf with ered heels, dressy styles, . .$4.961 welt soles and rubber heels $4.75 cuban and high heel, in maro leather witb futuristic triin, W4.95 Misss' bcklepuxps......2.1 Every boy wants running shoes for the 24th. We have thein: 1Mimses' sun tan one-str....... $298In brown oxfords ...........*1.15 IMisses' oxftaord, aet, ronan ..r.w$.25 a e-- -4oeeloou. black........ ....$2,91 Misses' patent one-straps $ 2.25 up Children's patent oxfords .$*2.45 pr. Infants' patent oxfords ... $1.65 pr. Infants' patent one-strap .... $1.20 Baby's soft sole one-strap..70c Women's full-fashioned silk hose in new shades, size 9 to 10O%, $1.85 Men's brown oot .......... $1.35 Men's brown boot, suction sole $1.90 Boys' brown boot, suction sole $1.65 Child's brown boot.......... $1.00 Youths' brown o3dords ...... $1.10 Men's fancy socks......... 65e pr. Misses 1-strap biege sandale 95e pr. 'RING $15.00 :or west of F. F. Morris Co. PICTORIAL FASHION 25 cents a You wdl fnd ten« i*«.47 nsa planning your W"r Du.No. 4M3-45 em REVIEW BOOK \1 CPY Fasluon Book ew modemot L 1It contana ouneed mC«ro-f 50 CI= Dru N. 465a-l.o om Special Demonstration at our Store to-day Sold exclusively in Bowmanville by WALKER STORES Limited Formerly S. W. Mason & Son COATS $2250 $25.00 Bowmanville s I& The Cowan Block Specials This Week 100 Men's Dress Shirts, regular $2.00 for .... .$1.50 Men's Khaki Work Pants, regular $2.50 for $2.00 Men's Work Shirts, regular $1.25 for..........95c Men's Work Pants, regular $2.50 for .......$2.W0 Men's Feit Hats, regular $3.00 for ..........$1.95 MEN'S SUITS Single or double breasted, some suits have double breasted vests also, in fancy worsteds and plain blues, 2 Pair of Pants, $W00 IS. G. Chartran Phone 26 Bcowxanville FOR YOUR PROTECTIONV WE HAVE INSTALLED A KELVINATOR ELECTRIC REVRIGERATION SYSTEM We can now assurie our customers of fresh- er, better and more wholesome meats and vege- tables. In fact, it is for your safety and protec- tion we have gone to the expense of equipping our store with this modern systein. It's interesting to see how the Kelvinator works. We invite you to corne and see it. Itfs truly a marvel. You take no chances in buying meat at this stole because it is kept under refrigeration and in a most sanitary condition. G, A. EDLMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowinanville The Bargamn Counter ha& sornething for everybody. Corne ini and b. shown our good values. W. CLAUDÈ IVES, Manager. e4nnouncing the Opening of Our 'Aew 1 PICTORIAL PRINTED PATTERN DEPARTMENTI Pictoral Prnted Pateru need no introducto t' p.o date women. The>'ame kow for their startness of dusign, .hirpefetono fit, ad the which malte them theon trdy perfec pri-ed p - -tra M iUil learirig Sale c>f ail CLARENCE S. MASON 9

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