PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1929. SILVER WEDDING ELDAD ANNIVERSARY ENNISKILLEN NIL HAMPTON- Mr. and Mrs. W. Chas. Werry, Osh- Eldad Sunday Sehool Anniversary' Anniver.sary survices will bc con-!I Mr. Page, Toronto, MIr. and Mus. j There was a geod attendance at awa, Pleasantly Surprised on Their1 services mîil bc heid as foilcw v: inued on Victoria Day, Friday, May1 Gerard and Mrs. C. Br.înton, Osh- the Young Peop]e's meeting on Fri- Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Siday, Ma~y 2th, îerxnn- uill 1 4 as fo.laws: Prograni of sportsj ava, have been -. <ting atM. S. day evening, May 17th. ThePei preached au 2 p. fi. and 7 1). ni. Ilfin thepafternoon w iii include: Hiorse1 Page's.Miss Myrtle Hobbs, Tfor- dent, Miss Nora Horn, presided. About sixty friends and relatives Rev. J. M. Whv-e of Eîrniskilien. Shob itching for w hich lst. 2nd an<l Onto, visited Mus. J. Hobbs. r . Several hymns were sung, f oliowed D r of Mr. and Mrs. W. Chas. Werry, Music w ii bc f urnished by the schooi 3rd prizcs wiii be oiiered; Soft bal and Mrs. Edwin Oriiton recently by prayer. The lesson was read by of their home Saturday evening Mrs. John Baker.I len Juniors; League Football gaine1 Hubbard has purchased a new car.. C. W. Souch and Theo Salter, Mrs. w-hile they were down town and on bectwe-ei Bowmanville and Enniskii- L. . Seeding wiil bc ajimost comipleted Soueh and Miss Minnie Hor, san THIS I! their return the bride and groom re- on Monday, May 27th, tea Nvilli beuio teais. Supper scrved f rom 1 this week. '"The Gardeni of Prayer." Rev. J. ceived a surprise and royal recept- served froni-i p. ni. until ail are sat- : 4.3 p. fil. in Schooi House. At 81 E. Griffith, Blackstock, gave a %plený ion from the uninvited guests. They isfied At 6 p. ni. a leugue gaine p. lit. a grand concert wiii be hieid, SALEM did talk and led in a discussion on Mar had called te celebrate with this of Foot.ball wili bc played hetween consisting of Orono Orchestrols "Why Pray" which proved both in- not popla ad wrty oule -h wr~Zion and Sln t8p n h and play entitled 'Yimniie Yonson's Last Sunday afternoon service was teresting and instructive. Aiter former residents of Darlington, the Orono Dramatie Club will present yob)," coniedy in 3 acts by Young withdrawn owing te Tyrone anni- singing a hymn meeting closed withI twenty-fifth milestone of their nMar- their popular play "Red Acre Farm." people. AdLmiý-ion:-Adult.s, tea 1vergary services. The S. S. met at Mizipah Benediction. piea ried life. Orono Orchestra will f uunish the a nd concert 65c, supper only 50c, the usual heur. goodly number Mr. and Mus. Charles Hastings Mr. J. G. Langmaid. in the capac- ui. Amsin-dls ei concert only 40c; Children, tea and of Salemites attended the special and Miss Grace Hastings ývisited their ity of chairman, eicplained the rea- and concert 65 c, tea or concert 40c;'co n cert -10c, tea or concert 25c. services at Tyrone and report a son, Mr. Morley Hastings, in Toron- stur JamefoA.theur the read th lldon - orcncet e. d onert 35c, ,i- m'. ant Mur..Wesley Ruowniee, splendid musical prograin by the S. te on Sunria. .Mr. and Mrs. T.4, inoerfneades conert 21-. Leaside, Mr. Fank MeGili, Toronto, S. and the New-castle Maie Quartet, Saiter spent the weekend with rela-46 in vryfie dde:w-eue recent guests of Mr. Lloyd Ash- -and two excellent sermons by Rev. tives at Gueenbaak. Miss- Winnie ec Oshawa, Ont.,' May 1sth. 1q99lton, W. P. Rogers of NeLwcastie........ Cryderman and friend, and Mr. Al- Mr. ang Mrs. W. C. Wery:- SOLINA Anniversary visitors: Mu. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cornish motored bert Aluin, Torento, spent the week- We, your relatives anti friends, are H. Skinner and daughter, Mr. and te Janetville on Mnday last and end at Mu. A. :B. Cryderman's. gathered here this evening te celebrate1 wth you the T%%e-ity-fjfttnixrsr Visitors:-Dr. James L. HughesiMrs. Wyiie and son, Miss Dorethy celebrated their thirty-ninth wed- Miss Emma Niddrie, Bomanviile, o orwetiding day and teo ffer ourand Mrs. O. B. Shepherd, Toronto,' Kirkton, Toronto, Mr. and %11. ding anniversary by speiiding the d.îy visited at Mrs. G. Niddrie's. .mrs. NO~W F loving congrituiations. iDr. Montgoniery, Butraio, at Mi-.-A. Bro%-l, L eoT.a'sâle, Mss""aKi Thseanixesav ccson ae vr ý i; cîz ir-th their uaugnîer. Mrs. vW. Fitze. C. Johns visited her daughter, Mrs. times or r' inniýie ýart' ita ta-Reynolds'; Miss Ada Pasce, for- ton. Bow'nianviile, Mus. Richard Ash-I.Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Jol1 New-- Milton Slemon, Haydoni..Anuni- stock, as it were. ofounr ttr,-sent siate as, onlt, i.. 't siting her parents, MuI. and 1 ton. Haydon. at Mi-. Thos. M 1ii' castie, visited Mi,. ani Mus. C. Col-1 ber fuom here attenided the funerai that well as looktng fore tri tanto Th,, fuiture. î- .G ace is yteVc radMi.J .DvtBakI lacott on Sundax- and attended an- of the late Mrs. J. H. Crdeumnanmo if rt ti1, roctcltl tlhilb(i into dEa--o thrýee 1 .rois rcf 1w. at -liv . .trs teolt1at Mr. Lcw 'van eîs Oshawa i-stock, Mr. A. Coille andl son, Bowt- I niversary services ai 'fyrone .. . . -Mu..which wtas held in Bowmanviile Fni- ladi anti taktav- cotr fatîtîx .as an ;ter-e! 1 ý 1 tdMrs. Roerot White, -MuI. and îîi'inviile. at Mr.,J. Freeborn's; Mr. PnyHynu.T1n, shs o day afternoon. Several inenibers are about at th,,' cal of the- secondt and J. Camîpbell. Toronto, ut Mr. anti oMi-s,,. W. H. Broad and i ugtein-Z spring decoraing in ou neigh- cfteSw.E.Lii h t iauncltinto the third. 1Mof.tueug. ter,.j cge attendedth Looking ba-ck ex "r t.' as i as .J. Reyn,)lds,'; Mi,. and 'Mrs. I-1yd oroieMrn. Silaz; Trevin, Haydon. borhood. special services held at Bon-inil ta anir cca rrý,ýi 'P, eoxt , Oa utt W iant ýandti lb'- (en at Mr. Thûs. Mu. andi Mus.Hugh ni at -Mr., and Orono on Sunday ...Alargo hpydyo in1ifr. MMulion'. .NMr:et . a M us.J aSien's; Mr. .Samn trticîgenumber frnmhere attended the An- les-e'or te I oItr 1) atit- e > ti et anniXValeit 'uiun_______and__nriersary services at Enniskillen <on our cts-t i iI ,~ ~VîaadMse oe n î.jSanda- T h T1iate'st-I t i arltts 'Clepou 'rac:-, atMr. .J' ha an Y.ialoShor' ridge, Solina,Mu.n Vitos:u.W disEfean .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Mr. TahvCwinti as a : urigziit-uacft(on, I bysi«aý': go a Several froDni heu, ete nI ..(h.. hw -apon iie 'Mu le od Mibok u nd quite ilwith pneunionia. We wish acqitir ta , titc.tlOte, . ntlavo ntSin i M- n.Oo u n iv hrtiMs .WihadJi aea him a speedy recovery. Mus. W. lsetîti,,tt, ltciioie-e of :a ac ,ton ne; r.indlrsnThAîinîIr. A r-ar'ndt- on Suýn a and ntore tauîtr)tat sil -'art.arforan ite d friends... A numeinieof the Sleuiijtt'. Mr. cc. -i)iloii, . Iay-JM.C ieo"t Iu m r.w Chapman and Miss Giadys Chapnian Co a aticin tl,nrette-loas entilons sttr on-si rý d fM.and u.W ha.d a M.TttS.Sea;Misst 1. Rogers, Newcaistle, Ms'v.~ Pent Sunday with friends at Tyroe. toti't andti diecisioas :" matde 1 ri,____of Mr_____._____dn,__iT e M Throu' itot ti i1t),t'ricd th.. î"a. f oî-.f Osha-a 'ent eut iast Sat- 'May nnj Mr. Kenacli Lanmb. Bo%,,- '(anin, Miss Glady:r and Mu. PerecyJ- o1rlolts "tlt'tt:.t ofl orday ove'ning te help colohî-at.e vi-h Jran l îsu Eilee o'îStch. 0Oin,tCaria, Salenu, Mr.. Les-i Aiiiis, 'for-,ORTC prminrtîciturt-h n s1oo Ii... Ia'thmthe 25th annî'-osax-of their!a, 'r.trîioLaiîhY;Mr. and Ml-. 'onto, Mu. and Mi-u' reAni n The s-,,n(I in, Ihv ; tr, l ,a igeée xen on-ratula-1 1mu lerring and BhiOshiawa-.idaughter, Gourtice, Mus. 'foie, Bow-1M.adMs aNmr uf inttpadaee :ssma0t'1toa-ndostoWeîMre.n. eeeeE,'fuare visiting Mu. andMs.Jas. Slîortt.- bilîties. M,rrtage, partrîiiooti, at uSme uhi l o'naleBîan't.Tc .\ Mu. IHarold Allun. 1 onto, at M. A. W. Annis'; Mr. and.M.adMs .F ni n aivcmtpttcily r, at trn ittît' tî, J Hon a -here ho undeun-ent an op- FNon wca.-'1e. Mr'. and Ms.Wili o-.Ms Walter Ric1sat-d atati MariLon, M .ad.F tiekiene-sa cf you:,h gives pîItîe- to a fixedi eration on 'Monday. We hop-e hocIton anti furnils-, al, Mr. Wnî. Heurj Mu. and Mus. Wesley Bruagg, Mr.Mss a, Mu. and Mus. A. J. Gay purpose whiîciî oNi s Ito oeucr taskmy orircunr. t e rngs r. Mdge, ot Pry i-Mr lNwate, Ms .*R,,. tSonday With Rev. and Mus.C wht-her It be pleasing or flot. i hasonret S. . WtOis ott e ing 's i1 ilge, 1.Peuvi-Mak.îtn ewcstWauî~s hen tnFenelon Falls.H The begiannag et the tasî eio sport tha u.S . \uy ited her co:în, Mre- 'ts. cetnîan; Mi- «u-Cien-ens, Toronto, Mrs. A. Ho- rnarke-d by a dispositon te rus: utny sw-eh as can ho expected..Mr.; andiMum Carleton Grahanu and Mu.cens, Mrs. Tole, Miss Aima Poilard, it r. Hward Flintoif n'as in Hanuil- of our activiti- s, car faces tarnmngte- w Ross Stuike cf Bowmanvilie n'asland Mu-. Stewart r-iolnîian, Scugog i Bcto..ranville, Miss Edythe Clemens, to oenhe eknd -iheud- wud t o e, aft.'riow' le gofatagor , b, r n _r.Js.Crighter ...About fifteen niembers cfH sanse cf te bat th clo f iay doespuesont at ou ftcnoon service on .Miss Elaine Palnmer, Miss Maud Ash- Wî us a.CriiCeurtice W. M. S. attendcd the E'ast- net mean night and darkness, bat thelSunday last and spoko veuy a 1yo ton, Mur. Ira Travail, ut M.E .HnpoM. n u.Gog n darning cf a ne-w tay transcendant ian hî c1h o- mauo o-A h' -'Gt md~..euu Section cf the Oshawa Presby- love anti beauty, tiaration and res-etation. eafo h n Emne o- 011 ons, Mie-.-o.Geetrude and tnt-, nîs and Miss Ada, Mus. Levi Annis,iterial held in Hatmpton ]ast Thurs- In lite we need food,. sheiter anti lege. jfred Oke-, rtw-manviiie, with their1 Courtice, at Mr. A. H. Brent';M us. andcm hoefligtwsN. chang.You ar ts bcecorgratulated -iparents-, Mr. and Mu's. Wesley Oko; IF. L. Sq oaiu and Mu. L. Sqoaiu, Sî ay an d camt e e h omovfeing ie tw-No buat youets and flit ne-e-esae utMu. A . cok owavle tlm, at Mus. Jas. Storcys; Miss Voa-necthbstovninsvea- A. E. Hircockt Bol'maneviiiesatieViciai1tended. One of eur yeung ladies, mach cf comfcrt and beauty. But MAPLE GROVE Mu. John Orchards; 'Mr. ad Mus.Sh rtt and .Mr. Hartley Rodman, I isHzlbniecaeterpn change contes without effort and since Wiii Smith and Wilma, Oshv. u onya, at Mn. R. Burgess'; Mu. and iisHzlRnle aeterpr it is inevitahie we congratalate yen ne- wM So of the BranchMetn ldiKng on the courage anti hope-fui spirit with Mu. and Mus. W. H. Vaughan, and Mus. Ruîsse!]GGlîbert and Velnua, Mus. A. W. Puescott and Ruth, En- which yen face the future whamtever cf sons Charlie and En-art, Mus. Zieg- Misses Nellie and Alida Taylor,1 field. at Mrs. E. Wocdiey's; MuI. and sten recently and she excelled heu- opperunity ou disappontment may ler, Touonto, spent the weekend with Blackstcck, at Mr. Sidney Tuen'in's;I Mus. Ceeil Dudley, MuI. and M1us. Wl self, Miss Rondie n'as eiected by' a Evet corne. large maoiytatedheMson Happy as childbooed s joyensd as Mu- adMus. F. Sn'allew.. .. Mu. and Mr. and Mus. Wilbert Smith and son Ibout Dudley, Bowmanville, at -r ay umieuity te attnd thissin- Cameri youth has be-e-, or triumphanî as ml die Mrs. 'Milford Wilkins, Mu. and Mus. boss, Oshaw'a, Mr. and Mus. Ceeul Jas. and Mr. Floyd Dudiey's; Mr u u'Smne eoo n Wity n and bc lite may bel we wouid net wiiingliy o- Fred i TiOhwa isMrleTertred msinr' the hands eftlime back again. for as BeelOha-, MisM Rti ahin and family visited their par-1 and Mus. Howard Findiey and Master u. Th ueued isiny' happy youth supersedes chilrihood and parent- Green, Peterboro, recently visited etM.adMs rdSih u.Ca.address was wonderfully enjoyed hootl supeuseties youth se maîuriîy the fcume's sister, Mus. E. W. Fol- AdaAlin, Bo-wîmranviiie, Miss Ethel Richards, Mu. Lawson Richards, Miss adtelde fHmtncuanydrn buings a ichaess ntl lite oaîy super- e d entertained their guests and served scded by the revr-latîcas cf He-a-en.. ......Mu. Alfred Laird, Jr., is vis- Stephens, Miss Edith Pasene, Miss Jean MeDonald, Mn. Roeot and Miss slni el. audyatr i. was net tntimateiy scquatnte-d wiîh iting relatives in Toronto and Hamli- Manjerie Martin, Hampton, gfests of Minnie 'Jen'eil, Oshawa, at Mr. T.Inspleiseas .SaCrletateu-s Mu. and NMus. Penfounîl but I lhiak et ilton... Mu. and Mus. H. SeveMisMuriel MoornoMrn the MissionardC';cr.eamet at Mus. Brch SteevesoIn arntod it A. F. Rundie's. The Puesident, r joy akîn te hat experierîced by parents St. Johns, N. B., spent the n'eekend, Edwvin Ommiston and famiy at Du. Mus. H. H. Dilling, Bownanviiie, at Miss Hazel Rondie, wsi h hi la general and as having lived up te the with heu faîhor, Mu. John A idsw-orth. F eruocn's; Mu. and Mus. Loune Mr. A. Hawkey's; Mu. John Henry 'si h hi best traditions of otru familie-s. Te-y . Mis Doa.Ei- and the meeting 'tas la charge of hall their trials and beneas-erntns .iîhfiss inrainaes, spent Sunday Guiffin, Mu. R. MeLean, Mn. Melvillei Mebobeuts, Toronto, is spending a Mis Auna sboune's nup. h We has-e mach te ho lhankfal for n la ins nOshaw'a. .Mu. andj Gniffin, Cartwright, at Mu. Wm. 'en' days at Mn. S. McCoy's; Mus. il son a 0 s ienbyM. boThSea iha ve-ha-'bsn saud s fjnlyMrs. Eber Sno'tiden, daughter Mar-j1 Guîffin's; Mu. and Mus. Howard Won Wii Dobsen, Toronto, at Murs. Launa Peauce Tthe Puesîdent gave the re- some a usan upntslinme e4 oa go ltt and est. is as Mu. and Mus. i. nacott, Hamptýn, at Mr. James Buad- Hicks'; Mu. and 'Mus. Richard Ford, po cf the Buanth meeting heid at Cameut ut ail thetu hedain' oe. elhadb-t i aetM. n r.W .ley,. 's.\Mu. arndMIsEln'vooid Rahun Newcastle, at Mu. L. Brooks'; Mu..Kingston Miss Louise Courtice te mat< o e ail ld conartu'lae yn Cat Snowtden....Mr. Gates, Miss Gates, and Betty, Oshawa, n'îth heu mothen, Hugh anti Miss Anale MecCUoughi, g and Jose, on haviar a daughtee f whom, I Lang, Cheryod spent Sun- Mus. Gog Preston; Mu. and Mus. Pnyol at Mu. bobt. MeCul- gave a ueading, and Mus. Milleu, Ten- No. with you, wc shane a.pMde. - w t heJ day with the formeu's daughteu, Mus. Hi .Psc adsnounadM-.lug'; r.Wl m t , a piano solo. An inteuestingNo home, the chuuch anti business, but par. l-1aM.GL.'. .. Mu andndrs.R.nL J.. and ~ -~Mrs. -' l Miss Vna renWin OSih-part of the program wnas a veuy heip- Net ticularly la music, shenanfe IanMsLw ... r athe. .L.J T undi, o lina, Mr,. and frs. E. andWilma, Ms, - Tei s-fol talk on "Young Women's Auxil- G same perseverance, ti.k-in.-iis-lven',e. Wonden, Mus. J. B. Wouden spont C. Fiouy, Hampton, at Mu. Levi an'a, at Mu. C. W&odiey's; Mrý and iauies andi Mission Circies," b Miss thue ye and abiity wbtch characterize heu cous- Sunday n'ith -Mu. Wiil WoreT-BusM.and'v Dr M 'f . r tees rs hs Cruhrs r ndMs by fBo vl. A h We ask yen te accept these articles ef rone .... Mu. and MuIs. Milfordti Wl- 1Mus. Enoch Stevens, Mu. Herbert R. Rutherford, Bewmanviile, at Mru. Spgo o Bo anie. A thpcue sils-eu as a remembuance cf Ibis day and kins, Osh'awa, visited Mm. and Mus. r ito, Janen'Anie M. i -al ct's;Mu. anti Mus. Herb. close cf the meeting dainty refnesh- wltateveu pide of possession and joy of R. L. Wouden on Satuutiay.. Mrlu d eSm,Janantir Anoalde, M undlndar ly Haptot;Mrments n'eue seuvet by Miss Aura Os- oeuhipyen may hsetal hae.. - inate mth a u.Hn'id te-bode nt amii amtna *M.beune's group. There n'ere over knrew aad yen know that that isoly anti Mus. hri White, Oshan'a,î ens'. H. His'; Mus. ;Clara Byam, Ms ot rsn.Ms ni otat supenslufictai hera undeyingeres aMis rtha Metealfe, Toronto,i Mus. J. Pye was caliedti t Napanee Marien Lylo, Bon'manville, Mu. and Mus. Rundie n'eue most attentive to Stro' veub cn sns fpess a tlaydre veta spent Sunday 'tith Mu. and Mus. J. te seeue sister, Mus. John Gilbert, Mrs. Henuy Hooper, Pontyoo, tthi.....Sevcso frygiuaon our part. D. Stevens. who is swuiously i]ii.. Mus. Henry Mu. Luther Hociers Misses Ruby heir es ttenderice oInd ar Signed on behaît of youu veuy naiiy Rpr fDrigtn.. ~St uong holtis the lucky ticket teoi and Elva Viutue, Bowmanvilie, n'ith w r lactn foend. Invesan'as Muiend A.yLuke * 1 se cure a ioveiy bedspread pot op by their motheu Mus. Laura Virtue; neorofhe g . uy ni Tom B. Pentound. Su. IV-Arthuu Stewart 74, Wii- 'the Queen Mary No. 97 Lotige, Osh- Mu. and Mus. Clarence Brooks aniite~dre h a . n ni On ýbehaîf of the guests assembied, fred Aldsn'outh 61, May Fowleu .58. 1aisa, of which Mus. Strong is a mein- famiiy, Claukson, at Mu. G. Brooks' versary wviii be heid on June 9th and anti others who through distance and Ju. IV-Lloyd Metcalfe 79, bosslber. and Mu. L. Brooks'; Mu. and Mus. ltn. *lbe.tW. smiaeth of e iiin- Phont sickness n'eue unabie Vo be present, Law 69, Bout Cauldery 65, Lavenne I Messus. A. J. Tamblyn, Fued John Lillicuapp Jr. andi babe and Mu. o udy D oIoge h ae three tuays iaden wîth beautiful Timble 58, George Gon'eu 35. 1 Tamblyn, J. D. Bnronn, bussell Or- F. Jen'eii, Woedyille, Mr. andi Mus.onSda.Dntfugtteat.- flatn'are wore presentedti t the bride Su. III-Mildueti Snowden 82, m son and ordon Weruy motoretd ohn Llicuapp and eina, Cnning- anti groom by Mus. R. J. Loke, Douglas B'ethwell 77, Morley Flintoif te Woodstock iast 'tseek and attend- ton, at Mu. F. L. Byam's Mr. and Messrs. T. B. Penfounti and Geo. W. 40. ed J. W. Inais' Holstein sale. ...... Mus. A. W. Ciemnens visiteti hisl James. The gifts n'eue suitabiy ac- Jr. III--Jean Stevens 76, Thelma Mu. Remelis, Mu. and Mus. Aiken- father, Mu. Wm. Clemens, Centre-' knewiedged by the recipients. Freeman 76, Jin Uppeu 70, Helen head and Mus. C. J. Pascoe, Toron- tien, wh'e is very iii; Mu. anti Mus. Miss Noua Werry uead a numben Meteaife 59, Reta Flinteif 44, Deug-1 te, Mus. J. J. Smith, Mu. anti Mus. Arthur~ Smith andi family, Raglan, at of congratuiatory messages frein las Goweu 44. Chas. Smith, Solina, Mu. çand Mus. F_ Mu. T. Scott's; Mus. Chas. Mutton, B New Y'ork, Montueai, Toronto and Su. IIBill Cauitiery 79, G ordon~ V. Hoar, Misses Ethel andi Douothy Bewmanvilie, visited heu unother, elsewheue. Short adtiueses were Jars-le 79, Lyra Freeman 77, May and Messrs. Haroldi anti Charlie Mus. Viola Smith, and heu sister matie by the Chairman, A. L. Pascoe, Storms 74, bobert 'Bothn'eii 64, Hoar, Miss Grace Bragg, Du. and Mus. H. Buugess; Mm. and Mus. James M. A. James and otheus. James Fon'ieu 58, Evelyn Evans 57. Mus. Siemon, Boyd and Keith, Btewv Cameron and Miss Mary, Zion, Mr The balance of the esening n'as Jr. I-Leona Flintoif 83, Margar- mantvilie, Mu. Jas. Brown and Miss Richard Morton, Haydon, Misses very pieasantly spent ia conversa- et Upper 83, Charlie Wright 74, Elia Tamblyn, Oreno, were Sunday Mickey Kivelle anti Rota Cannen Hl*dy R serveti refreshinents. Mis. Werry 60, Norman Gon'eu 58, Clifford Johns Sontiay Schoel Anniveusauy of thue thur McGee, Toronto, weue Sunday aIso serveti a generous sample of the 4,5nte'ruuhwshedo Sniy visitiors at Mu. H. Catmeron's; Mx. original wedding cake 'of a quarter Su. I--Jean Uppen 76, Florence May l9th, and though somen'hat cdt and Mus. Win. Chapinan, Hampton,I of a century ago to thse guests. Es-ans 61, Jean Jartie 52. the large shed n'as n'eu filieti at bath atiMiTss atlenGbbs , unayd Guests n'eue present froin Enfilit, Su. P.-luene Wright 89, Noua services. The massed choruses un-atM.To.Gb' stock, beneîée, 'Bownanvili, antirr.her.laahdeesAhipeof81Srice nSndiay w er a deci etisr- s ns S o e o Kedron, Solina, Enniskilien, Biack- Meredith 81, Milton Storins 64. ie h eduhpo Miss Marlo on Sun ay ehool an i e s u e- e s t r f 1 shac, as neuras WmaterT Pi l Peuand yJFliif71 enice Goeu 8 Oucharti neue of a. high ouder anti bs. ey W. P.Rers, Nencas- Oshwa aswel a Wlte T Phl-Pecy*Flntof 1, ericeGoer70.îrentiereti in a most excellent manneu. 1de(2055. ogexelensrmns lips anti his bride frein New Youk î The chiltiuen's chorus was aise great- In pthe d two exhellpoent sermy o._____ City. Miss B. E. Souch, teacher. l y enjoyeti. Mu. Albert E. Hircock," the chiltiren taking flou his text Ro- T EN W S A DB S O Ben'nans-ille, ahly assisted anti sang ins 3:- 23, "For ail have sinnetian ________________________________________________ most acceptably in the aftenon nt corne short of the glouy of atG T ENE 'STA D ET O es-ening. boy. A. L. Rich-ards s3eI h vnn esoeo e. WOMEN and MISSES ;ý f,. - +- ý,;1A- - l' th eveinghe pok onInnocence Il te- owr Httll l he- X'ilte- crf lam-(j j"ing imeîis biitcher Ibusiness,-te' J. H. Ilo ' Ua onit P'rittay, jt1 t Il- t. ' 12,ut the- Aidr'tad i sl tui es te thank hi,, ma Il he~~~~~~~~~~~~bur of 2.30 0 c e-ick p. m., telie-ar and . Ca t a l ii ocniu egst N L ~ ~ ~ S o e o Cort arc neýque-slced to attenid as atone- Mu. .Altrea<ij his share of business. E S N S S o e o Phone 26 Bowmanville siaid. W. R. ALLUN, on trssmiiing contenance Walk a Bloc lClcrk cf the Township of pr go.wili carry on aus foumeuiy gatheuing Date-ilaI lHamptton thi 8 Zt daoft ho stock anti acting as Mu. Aidread's May, 1929. 21-21 chief assis;tant. 2:~* .Isses for Larger Women IS REAL WELCOME NEWS 'ho iaugei', stately anti uealiy hantisonie iny in this con-tmunit.y, are often heard te tget dresses to fit thern in t.his tesun. ladies, anti there are uemauk that they can- f theso saine ladies ivili 'tisit The Smnart Shep this n'eek a isa,,nt surprise 'tsill a'tait then. Vith these pauticular w-omen in mmid ne, booght a specially inning ltot f beautifuliy figureti celenese dresses, sizes 38 te shades include black anti white, santi anti navy, navy anti white, . andi pricýed to nuake very attuactive boying at $9.95 and $ 10.95 FOR ANNIVERSARIES This is the season tof rural S. S. anniversai'ies. Yen knon' what ât ne:n't. Well. among cîher t-hings it moans a non' tress for hou-, suife aru d taugliteus. We have alîeady outfitted a lot cf es fou',bhis gi-et nîmull tent. They are greatly pleaseti, tee0, th choiceu andl reace.nable puice-. We are ueady te supply ycuu tirobe neetis. ie Block Smart Shop GEO. R. MASON, Manager. [OLID AY SPECIALS iAWK - EYE CAMERAS 2-Size 2 ý4 x 314 98C o. 2A-ý4 x42 $1.49 :yone <tan non' onn a ra at these Ion' puicos t sure of keeping the incidents-n'hich occîur ea heliday. Now ,wnmie Cameras In Color rt, brilliant anti hanti- are the newv Bron'nie ras in colou w'ith cases tch. 2A Brownie $4.25 >2 Brownie $3.25 mino Kodak Films in elon' box make best es. The 1A Pas, ket Kodak ssith f.6.3 lens. Costs but $20.50 Good Light or Poor j THS lldrr, odkiià_ gets good pictures early oi late in the dav, indoors neai sunlit windows, outdoor '4hen skies are duli. Genuine i Srniles 'n Chuckles Kozak Thermos i 60c lM. Dry Wash $1.00 1 Also 1/2 lb. 11/2 lb. For Yoiir Auto Dnglass $.50 1 and 2 lb. $1.50 JURY & LOVELL Mhen We Test Eyes It la Done Properly ie 78 We Deliver [Y YOUR equirements AT kigger and Better Values GOOD VALUES FOR DAD AND LAD New TIES New CAPS New SHIRTS New SWEATERS New UNDERWEAR New SUSPENDERS New SHIRT WAISTS New HANDKERCHIEFS New SOCKS, Etc. XTRA SPECIAL VALUE 35 doz. .. Men'a High-Grade Broadcloth Shirts in plain or i fancy colors, ail guaranteed fast with collars attached or separ- r ate, size 14 to 17, Holiday Special $1.39 Bigger & Better Values ck and Save a Lot 1~ PAGE FOUR THE CANADIA-N STATES.MAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1929.