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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1929, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1929. PAGE F'IVE STATIONERY & WALL 1 TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE LOCAL AND OTHERWISE JCMNI BowiaRTU ,o '\fu Articles For Sale PAPER BUSINESS Plan for Closing Meeting, June 3rd. Miss Gladys Cornish, Oshawa, Nvas da, c ,OWtmand Ie, o S.MO1 uPOTATOIES eFO R sALE-iýobIler's,' guet f MssGerrue Hmly oerilo jckmna snuitabie for seed. -.eIag. Il. T'rulI FORgSALt ofeMissizGertrude Hamleyt over thewJaekd OBNn D il 5011. piaiHampton, R. R. 1. Phone 19sr14. 10-i FOR S LE.Th Citenship Deprent wima e ween.on Sunday, May 111h, l1929, to Mr. and FOR SALE 1922 Ford Sc.a son Property of the laitesr on kanpeiigmd Mr. M.%errili Ferguson b s pending! Mrs. Russel Bobbins, Taunton, a daughi- ahi. for cash. R, llusenbury, Ontaril up considerable lost distance with his summer holidays with the Can- [ter. iln' tr) omnilý WELY .ALE, hirpoga o MI-y Inig ANCOCK-On Satur.iý . Mav IiSt, , WESEY . ALEN thir rogarnon ondy eenig'adian Chautauqua. 19e29, at Port Hope Hiospitt;tl, ttNir. and BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO and are now in close proximîty to Mrs. Andrew Clark, Midland, has Ms.MvleG. hlancocIk, a son (Gecorge POTATOES FOR SALE-Quantiiy of teleaders. ibeen visiting Mrs. W. C. Ferguson Robert). good sced ootatoes, Cornet variety. Ap- Tenders w~il Le acceptd by lth- un- ______________1____________ pI) to Ed. I)oidge, R. R. 6 Bowmanville. dersignet iixceutors untit 12 oclock Misses Vesta Sag and Vilda and______A._W.__________Phone_160_r_21 21-tf noon, Saturday, luîne 8, 1929, for ibis Symons conducted thcwrsi pri Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johliston, DAH TABRYPAT O AE MOST DI'SIRAB'LY LOCATED PR- EworshipBERYPLATSFOr-t7i PERTY togetiter with the business that iod and 'Mr. borne Jackman headed Columbus, Ohio, are vîsiting his bro- Hardy S' rxitor Dunlop plants, 75c per has been carriedl on stîcc,,ssfuiliy therein up a discussion as to what change ther, Mr. C. A. Johnston. LOVEKIN-In St. Mliciîtac*shiospital 0,$ w 00. A.Ble,îa- for over tivefty-lve doiteMran Mr Sd d Toronto, Louis A. M. Loy. kîît. uter ton R. R. 1. Phone 376r1l. 202 might b aei h organization Mran s.Sd Hockaday adment in st. Georges Cemnetery, New- --- -- - -,- -- STORE-25 fi. by 81 nf., apartment to secure greater interest and in- the Misses Hockaday, Solina, were castie.CO FOR SALE-one Jersey cow,l over sarop with separate entrnnce. creased attendance. 1usso r n r.Jh hli RYEO ody ly2t,3i thoro-wbrtdl, rising 3 years, with heffer Apartrtent cntains 6 roonts, kitceity- get3rfMrtador. oh hal Rouiley, wjday, ot Ut laie 29,1U calf ai lter side,2 months old. WVon fIrst ette. aIlhom aslentryaetntl ta lo s- Teprga vsofte uulon Sunday. adsnP G rac of Tlewhorbyf theiy tBJohn-i prizL ai lîo%%m.,nviile Fair in 1927. Ap- cit, bthoor, 'anryan]clthts cos Edto H.J.Shoe ala aofl 67 byea rs. î.o1'th-pl to Rd. Pooley, Bownanviile. Piton' oftsIT is w.ll dcrçd. akýncae hh st ranr. Ms.of.te W. MoodH.JySoe n snPrteda ge 7t rs 38J. 21-tf of an is ý-iidecorand.h Msterdar.hursCF.ley both ang Coîborne, gave us a fraternal cail on TAMBLYN-At 19 Dunbar Road, Tor-I BUINS-Satoer. al ndMstr rhu CleybohsagSaturday enroute to Campbellford onto, on Wedntestay. May ltît, 19291----------------- aBUSvoNalSsoloa ionern.owallwlaper,-Jutlia J. 1:lir rguson, widow ofthîe laie W. books, music amInd nvoits., stock salvclslsan noe eed-to visit his father. W. Tamblyn, aged 77 years. up t date, tnventory value apîroximate- manded. Charles Cawker played a tRYI oot eca o ly $5000, yearly sai-s exceeding llo000 . Miss rdna Bottrell, Mr. and mr-. HCRYITontGeraHs , cornet solo splendidly and Misses itlon' damay 111h, 1929, mar1 Rea EtaeFo Sl Eacît Tender muîst le tccornipanic(l hyi Leta Jackson and Ina Carr gave ap Norman Bottrell, Toronto, pent E.Stlggants, belo ed wift, of Edmund a rarked choque for 10 per cent of thel j î Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Tiiackray, Newcaste, agcd 5l years. HOUSES FOR SALE-Two brickrs- Tcnder*s îrice. , proipriate readings. Mrissviola1 Mrs. Thos. Bottrell. YELLOWLEES-At lier residence, 6761dences, with ail modern convenice S The hlghiest or aynov er Brown and '.%r. Francis Sutton were Saia Ave., Toronto, onuî'riîlay, 'May Apply to J. E. Fleit, Centre Si., Bow-1 sarily acc(pied. ofenderllnotphner3s-.17-tf no "ý_tiie accompanists. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Woodger and l7th,1929, Elizabeth White, widowofanie,)tn 3. Fute priulr ionapicto.soni Teddy, Port Dover, w'ere guests Thonias Vellowlees, in lher S2lnd year. FRSL-cc omdsit rc FuHEr T RTOîasto plcto The Executive are planning the of Miss A. V. Colo and Mrs. F1 WADDELL-Suddenly, in Toronto, on O salEonvenences acld.c TETRNOGENERAL TRUSTrS 1t1Sîiiday, May l9th, 19-29, Lltza Eowe, garae, al h eie-hou es, isaelanfro 25COyreeORATrON, coigmeigfrti eso a ode o h e nd Ms.witlow of the laie George L. Waddell of iPost Office, cash or ternis. Apîly Box 25 a tet oot, Monday evening June 3rd. Picnic- '%r',. W. C. Washington andMs Orono. Inierred at Orono Ctey 4R5, Powavle 8 EXECUTORS. 21-2 isuppeî' will lie served on the churchB .M. Warnica have îeturned from Snay ay1th l2,:I T ornod , HOUSEaFOR LE -Groi.rc _____________________lawn followed by games and recrea- la vi-it with Rex'. and Mrs. C. C. , wif, «.\I r. Chs . 129Mry orand, HofiOUiSE Fti arwOR SALEooncîlfbrc ---ti. n and finally a short programn in Washington, Fenelon Falls. \Vest Toronto. Interrol .tt 'rono Coin- inace, batlh, and] frarne kiieli, n, gar- teS. 02. g, ron. ,r ae ndliten bouîse. Good location. Bab ChcksForSal te unui~ chol rom.Mr.bone . MoreandMis H FISHE R-At the residene, of lier son- Apli to J. VW. Buriner, 15 Carlisle Ave., BABY CHICKS FOR SALE-e imrite t Next week Litcrary and Mui1c or fNrhByadM.Asr. în-l.îw, Dr. R. W. Clark, Bowinanvilic, n Bwavlo number of S. C. Wlito 1i,oiorn cdocks GQui C -tpwill 1)0e1in charge. TheyMur _Que' Clee, Kinga-tonlThurslay, .\Tay lth, 192q, llarriett Fitl from poîizreet, taMoo. irl rr heae obekawvfotte r e of 1-een guCatswit Mr F e r, widow of the laie Thomais Fishier FARM FOR SALE CHEAP Sýoltih ialf Th neia Pir coi w Lbr -1t sle t rekawvfrmthil,%e Oree. u sts .th. Fe Toronto. Intcrred in lPraspect Cem-10fTOt Lot5 andul aof Lot 2r.,Conc ssioî cords from .120 to .1:9. Prie, reaFconipttr and conte down the:e at the lRoyal Theatre. etry, Toronto. t3 Toi nstuiî 0f C.tklettvr ttosvît as able. Caîl or phone Fret] W. Baille, 1hnestrotch iveli in front. Mrs. Thos. Porcy's miany frien ______________ I îtt i 5at. r. 0110e orcliarîl. tr, v 252, .ownavilo . 2 6 17i1, will be pleased ta knowv she has suf- tsedî. Sintali amotînt of casht iili tIo. ______ - -_____ ficicen:lv recovorcd fromt her recenti IN MEMORIAM Apion, nr. il. w. mcClintoc1k, 3 __________ ________ I, i. t E , Toronto.2-I i tporation foir appendicitis in Bow-ý - _ nîanville Hospital to return to her BRENT-lît lovitng n,roty tf otîr .1. ri FOR SALE-Brickrsinc on Wci- f mîoi iet .ac, It . îocken l'rý ,tt. w t o nen t lin etoti Stree, t...Il modern conv, - I home whcre she me ganing nicely. to b, scit Tusus on 'mpt î, mlS Iii-nces: aiso iwo r. sidlene. s oit l b- i Clarnce . Fegusn an Mr.l-t a tioiigltt, lear Nioti ir.erty 'St. and one traîne residence O tsi ma tieîttors* fondl ai i i , Ongtarto St. (.\i s Jo riics, i DH.gSto e.HPointen loft Tuesdav yto spend .Nîst a toknetfaffection ck lresonbintarice o t. al Civ Ttat w.stili renieinîbr you. ventc cresonhl psifo 'l' rrtt b y vArt t r ii a n h 'ti B, ock, Quîeen St.. Bo , o goes to Sunningdale. Sask.,________ ______ ___and__the__larter to Leslie, Sask., where STEVENS-In loving '.tofo ourl !lehah spent ',le pasi two sumniers. ct rsi anbrotittr, Fra iii., who diel1 GevertFims orFanny Parker Candies Mis Edith _M. Weekes and Mrs. Dpa! îk the grave where tîtr lve1 01 Wanted Pefet icurs Chocolates you want more of Ed. F. Weekes attended the gradua-1 Swee-t is the meroory Unlit oi neyer fade1 Pefc itrs60c lb. tion exorcises of Grant McDonald i Xe do not forgethn oilieitn, OSKEE-odrlal o- "vu ov d him too dcarly, andI iîI to thei an wanled, no0 îashing. Apply C. Reh- They fit ail makies of cameras Training School for Nurses in con-1 ei dm eligo iBomnil.2- Fruit Jellies nection with the Hospital for Incur-1 Fatiher, Mothcr, Sisier and Brothor.j -EL WNTDaalegr10hp SugaredFri els ables la Toronto on Tuesday whea ___________________ w-it housework on farm. Mrs. Garnel Day Dream Powder......5c0lb. Miss Ida F. Weekes was one of the Symons, Bowmanville. Phone 475r6. Day Dreain Creams..50c A delicious confection net graduates. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE2-1 Day Dream Brilliantine . .5c oversweet. Mrs. William Dineen, Oshawa's' WANTED-We are readytiy10repair oldest resident, died at hier home, Miss Margaret Jolliffe, Toronto, your broken fences, m~ire or otherwlse, and any othor odd jobs. Give us a caîl. 271 Celina Street, on Friday, May gave us a. friendly caîl on Monday. Phono 578 or apply 10 F. Bateman, Elgîi Giant Chocolate Bars l7th, aged 102 years. Mis. Dineen Mr. and Mis. W. Downing, Toron- St. N. , Bowmanville. 8f Rincng arvx -25c Fou K'dS 9c ach came te Canada from Ireland wîth to, were recent guests of Mrs. H. W. - Maltes nine gallons, for bed- Volvo Milk, Butternut becae nt. inh1844, settin n1847Fstr ding and all washable woolens. Brazil nut and Peanut castleOtshaw amiyin14 Please send in you.r list of holiday To Let movedto Oaawa.visitors early te The Statesman or Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Neal and fani- phono 53. FARM TO RENT-For sommer months For Perfect Pictures ily left by motor Tuesday for Buf- Mis Lots M. Sharp, Aldershot, Apply Box 68, Bowmanville, Ont. 21-2 Moth Proof Bags Hv ordvlpn n falo, N. Y. to be present on Wod- -aent guest of Mrs. G. A. Ed- APARTMENT TO RENT-6 moons and 3 kinds-3nesday atrtheinOthoweddingeanniver-ymondstone and Miss Dingmnan. bath.,î'ery centrai. Apply Harry Allun, 20c ach,3 fr $1 pr $n acnGedovaer yilms y sary of the former's parents, Mr. and Ms ara. emln nies-Grocer, Bowmnanville. 21-tf 20c eac, ~ ~o- ~i. nd Si acb [ ovaertFilinsMrs. J. T. Neal. This worthy coup- Ms agrtTmln nvru ______- ____ ____________________ I ____________________ l ofen isi i J3winnvile ndty of T oronto, was guest of Miss GARAGES TO RtENT-Five garages, le fte viit n 'owmnvike nd convenlent 10 King Si. Sco P. Martin P O Ewho offer thesn cordial congratule- Mrs. Robt. Mcbaughlin and Mrs. , 5Sns Bowmanvtlle. Phone 497W. 19-t KERS AKE SI.APARTMENÎ TTO LE-4-roomed 49 tions on their golden jubilee. Wm. McLaugblin, Oshawa, aee n partmentIn Cowan Block. Possession THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE Mr. Stanferd Symonls hO.5 retuin- yo manville.Pho 15.8w- ed te Toronto after spending the Mr. and Mrs. George Joli, New-_____________ weeondwit bi paent. San-castle, were weekend tuesta of Mr.1 TWO ROOMS TO RENT-Furnished or ___________________________________________________ fo d i c iving acona tuano and Mrs. R. Cecil Coliseutt, Manvers imfurntsbed, use 0f bath. Apply 10 Mrs. fr sreiig cnefrtatisicn Ro-I.. E..Smtth, north side of Queen St.. his -appointment as hestitia Ro. Bowmanvtlle. 21-if and ecn,,ist of Ventures Lt., Rev. Dr. E. N. 'Baker, Belleville,j ROO MS TO RENT-Two good rooma, which firm bas ntoved to ts new of- waS in tewn ThursdaY and mnade, furnisbed or unfurnished, for ltghe fice in the new Concourse Building, brief caîls on Mr M. A. James and a; hous-ketig. Apply to Mrs. Wtseman, onelo0f the nvost up-to-date office few other friends. crner OniarlPond e lson59s. Bo-r Ibuildings in Toronto. To be placed Mr. J. Earl Lawson, M.P., and PSUEFRRN-S celt That Rich, Creamy, Delicious Buttermilk Bread ichareotemstmptntd- Mrs. Lawson and Mr. Arthur J. Treb- of good grass and wator, good fonces. partment of a financial firîn witb ilcock, Toronto, spent Sunday With Wil l aite in caille up 10 two yoars old. Peps Up Your Appetite such wîde interest is recognized as Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. $500 and $600 per head for season. Write ssttng number. Owner, R. W. ________adistinct honor. Miss blbie Beatrice Macbeod McClintock, 36-38 King St. E., Toronto. Many friends in this -town will ro- spent a few days at Mr. and Mis. 20-3w Its rich, creamy goodness is attributed to the member Dr. Mahood and Iis two Stanley Erneat Blair's on King's - rich ingredients properly baked into it. If you daughters, Misses Etta and Ruth Faim, Port B'owmianville. have not tried Corbett's Buttermilk Bread you Mahood, who conducted evangelistie Mr. and Mrs. Roger F to Creditord have missed a real table delight. Buy a loaf to- here a few years age. They wl Sunday calling on bier sister, Mis.____ dyand you eat it regularly. also recaîl that Miss Etta Mahoodde John Grigg, and other friends bere. IN THE ESTATE of Clara Harriett day livered an excellent course 0f lectV- Mi a in of UteCownipof Nartwright- an Tucs t ou Srvce ures on health preserv-ation, and wil M. and Mis. William Hanna, ae- the n te ounhîp of Crtwrlght, Delivery Wagons bansoTrutksleain thaSerisceM ihoompaned by Mr. and Mma.Jos. Cap- iand and Durham. pase aayin Calif ornia on April stick, Janetvtille, recently vite Our service extends from the eastern out- p6altrfu mns'ln ae- aayMis. George îBeggs and Mirs. (Dr.) AIl persons bavIng dlaims against the ed6 hat fur mntha'iess RuahDnnwel.Estate of Clara Harrieti Dowson, laie skirts of Oshawa to Clarke and Starkville on the edyahatwakei isRt lllW.o 1eon por aroutiht, ecodas- 1Mahood is rnarried and ]ives in Syra- Mi. and Mis. J. W. JErwell, Bufd- idflonh,129 oer bt tehday east. Hail the wagon or phone us that you'd like cuse, N. Y. falo, N. Y., are spending a fewIn tc, 1929, herndeb noiifon to aliat ur omeThe Bowmanill Flingc1 witb Mr. and Mis H. W. Jewell ana or before th1e 22nd of June, 1929, f ull us t al tyourho e. hotheravile lyn* lu prticulars of ibeir cdaims. Immediate- 1few tb eir third old bird race onSi- te relatives hero. They jav ly after th1e said 22nd of June, 1929, the0 Frida Beig a olidy Stre CosIduiday, May 18th, fron Puslinch, sold their ploperty in Bluffalo and. assets of the deceased will ho distribut- Ont. 80mils ar lne.Wit a estare Ilooking round for a place te le- 1ed amn g the parties entltled ibereto. wind he brds ade ast hav.IIgregard oniy 10 the cdaims of Keep this in mind and order your cooking twindhIc the bird inde asttino. ____________have__ Following s the rosult: Woolner notice. early. If we haven't what you want we'll make it. D. ~ 9mn,1 e; .Bt oto on Toronto Ibis 201h day of treli, 2 bis, 0 mins, 12 sec; J. Polton ROBERT DOWSON, & Son, 2 hrs, 3 mins, 37 sec; J. Po01- Money Found. Enquuire at The 1849 Dantorth Ave., Toronto Executor. ton & Son, 2 hrs, 3 inins, 59 sec; Statesman Office, Bowm-anville. By Fleming & Smoke, hie SolIcltors. W e P . orbettWoelneî Bros., 2 isa, 4 mina, 3 sec; _ 21-2 F. Bottrell, 2 lira, 4 mins, 54 sec DOG ESTRAY-Brindio iBlue Terrier,______________ Baker and Confectioner C. Mutton, 2 isa, 6 mnins, 18 sec; M, <lutte youn, H mtnd.FrhdoneMa l7th Phone 3 Bowinanville Prout, 2 lirs. 6 mins, 22 sec. on. manvîille 375 pton. hono Notice to Creditors Richards, Pote Woolner, T. Wright &t BROOCH LOST-Lost In Bowmanvilo L __________________________________________________ Son and Win. Wallace ne report, on Saturday, May 18111, a.unurso pearis. FiNndor please beave ai States- In th1e Estate of Wesley Thornton _______________________________________________________man Office or Mrs. Sulas Foeter, Scugog Welten Allen. WOMEN'S MEMORIAL St.. Bowmnanille. 21-1Iw AI] persoa having dlaims againsi the LIBRRY ADI leDr rDT IJe-'rnMUADId'bD91nestato of Wesley. Thornton. Welton Allen, LIBRAR AID ilaie of t11e Town of Bowmanville, do- ArA ýprereîro iOd. COR14of folkts bave already ba.d US put and] ilcermine tieseyerai comptlainte of' chufo.,rkrfleu Dr. SrAoU'aZIno-pU&frteodia pe Big or nto rm r Jison nteAsesn srvh.oe.mped toe., .lu0,Cor nd pi. iin onea.ter nsap. Biyusie mm-Rol for te sant( Ji]uniltpality for th1 ec. Liht snd comf,oUblr. ojez r...",friiti..uand d aerrors or ohtsrusnhn IttuseAtsesamen C9LA I W.on lusay ashe. $3.59 0 eprc.orof sh.; dy efretb rsh e1seth yar199 615.0 pr' paix. .otihiu5.i.csu1.iSbox- Ideal Lawn Mower Grinder wbich Ail persons htvlng butsinessantth11e gives sucb excellent satisfaction. Court are recluesteil 10 attend as afore- K o 's S o S o ePrompt service assured. D. AIl- sai]. WM. BEACOCK, One door west of1 drea, Backsiit Shp, eppeite Clerk af the Township of Cartwright. Phone 120 Bowmanville Salvation Arniy Hall, King St. East, ni datNestteton ibis 20t11 day o! 1Bowmanv'ille. 16-tfi , 1929. 2 -2~ The Elite Shoe Store Holiday Suggestions 24th of MAY WEEK Whether- you go fishing, hiking or motoring, or indulge in sport, we have your Footwear needs ready for you. FIS HERMEN Rubber Boots ..54.00 pr. Boys' Rubber Boots $3.50 pr. Girls' and Wonien's Rubber Boots ..$250 and $3.00 pr. BARGAIN COUNTER Satin ene-straps........ $2.98 Patent leather 1-straps .$52.65 Misses' Pumpq.......... $2.98 Misses' Biege and Brown Oxfords .............. $2.95 Patent Sandals......... $1.50 Cream Eik Sandals .... $1.50 HIKERS Le-ather Boots of elk leather $4.50 Pr. Men's bîown elkola leather, nmedium heavy soles and plain toes........ $5.25 Pr. Leggings solid leather $3.50 Pr SPORT WEAR Sandtan strap shees trinuned in futuristic leather . .$4.95 Blue Kid, cuban and hig~h heels $4.95 Biege and Brown Sandal stiap $5.25 Patent leather, wide blue stiap $4.50 Men's black and bîown oxfords on dressy lasts ... $6.50 Pr. OUTING SHOES Brown Canvas Oxfords..... .... Men's $1.25 Boys' $1.15 Brown suction sole Boot........ Men's $1.90 Bjoys' $1.65 Mcn's Brown Boot, no hecel..Men's $1.35 Boys, $1.15 Women's Sport Oxford, biege & bro-wn trim, with heels $2.25 Women's and Girls' Biege Oxfords, With Heels $1.45; No Heels $1.25 Misses' and Children's Strap Slippers ... . 85c and 95c Pair W. CLAUDE IVES, Manager. Men's and Young Men's Spring Top Coats ALL REDUCED FOR QUICK CLEARANCE A lime of Top Coats in fancy and plain Tweed effects, in shades of grey and brown, regular val- ues up to $18.00, On Sale This Week-End $13.75 SPECIAL VALUES IN NAVY BLUE SUITS For Men and Young Men, in plain Serges, basket weaves, diamond weave patterns, Special for the Holiday at only $25-00 MEN'S FANCY TWEED & WORSTED SUITS at $15.00 This is a line of Suits where sizes have beeome de- pleted, only one or two of a size, in- shades of grey and brown Tweed effeets, high grade Suits, with the best make and trinimed, regular to $22.50, This Week-End Your Choice Only $15.00 to Clear MEN'S TWEED RMINCOATS AT $7.75 This is a two-in-one Coat, tweed outside in shades of grey and brown, with a rubber lining, with on without beit, At Only $7.75 T. B. Gilchrist Dir.ctly Opposite Bank of Montroal Phone 61, Bowmanvlll. lin the Store is brand new week for May 24th selling RENCE S. MASON F. F. Morris Co. Bowmanville 2 THE CANLADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 23rd, 1929. PAGE FIVE

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