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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jul 1929, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADFAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 25th. 1929 SALEM . TYRONE HAMPTON ENNISKILLEN KENDAL Rev. J. W. Bunner, Bowinanviiie, A concert, under tiie auspiceg Of Excellent prograni, lunch, etc., j YuaeivtdoTyn ex AnalfldeytMmra Pk conducted the afternoon service last 1 Tyr<fl. W. id. S. and Womien's Ins4e- Tyrone Monday evening. Attend. Monday evening. Excellent enter-Kedi Wednesday, JuIy 3sit. A Sunday and delirverd a fine dis- tutewill b. held in the GomrunitY ]on't forget that Brantford Cord- tainment. bgdyo prabsbi ora course. He wili occupy tii. Salemi Rai, Tyrone, on Monday, Jnly 29th, age ýBinder Twine, purely Canwiian, Mr. and Mis. Henry Sheppard, ment in which ail the tes=anis the pulpit every Sunday while the p5.stor at 8 p.ini. (S. T.> The. following and finest quality, is Vo ie had et Bunker Bill, Mr, and Mis. E. 0. South Durhamn League will cempete;l la away on his vacation... Mis. artist& wili assiet -Newceastie Maie Horn's. Pethick, Toronto, spent Sunday at hores. sue pitchiig conteat open toi Gillson and little daughter, Toronto, Quartette; Mis. Geo. F. Amnis and Visitors: Mis. Ghapman and Glad- Mr. S. Pethick's... Mi. and Mis. Durhami, and in the evening the attended thi. Sunday service in coi- Mr.F'rank Walter, Courtice; MMs H. y's with fiiends in Toronto and 0Osh- Wesley Oke spent Sunday with hi& Ne-ton Concert Co., Toronto. pany with Mis. F. L. SqUair with D. Ciemens and Mns. Albert Coie, awa; Mrs. Roy Meteaif and chiidren, brother, Mr. James 0ke, Clarke.... Scottish tenor sokoist; Ethel Granger whom they are gpending a holiday.. Bowmanvile; Mis. Lorne Phare, Ty- Base Line, at lier fatheî's, Mr. A. Mis. J. Pye ha etuined boni. fion contralto; Pearl Newton, elocutionist, _Miss Brock of Toronto is visiting rone; Mise Osbo rue, elocutionist, Tienouth's; Mr. and Mms. Alan two weeka' visit with frienda in Toi- and humerons sketches, alzo tihe fam- Mis. F. Cator and attended Sunday Courtice; and Mis. Cecil H. DudieY, Parkes with hier mother, Mis. Grace onto... .Mi. and Mus. Albert Stain- ous Boote trio. service .... Mis. J. Irwin underwent Boanvilie. Admission 15 cent±s. Goodman; Miss Lizzie Reeves with on and son Clifford, Torîonto, spent a serions operation in B'owmanvilie Cafeteria lunch and ice creani serv- fîiends in Port Hope; Mr. and Mis. the weekend with Mis. Pye and other MAPILE GROVE Hospital last Satuîday. Salemi folk e<j after concert. Hîow&rd Cowing and famiy with friends..Congratulations to Mar. are glad to know she is getting aiong Mis. E. James, Gorrie, in visiting ber parents at Creemore; Mis. M. and Mis. Lloyd Ashton on the arrivai Misses Greta Munday and Nellile niceey and hope she wiii moon lie ful- -ber brother, Mi. N. J. Woodle.... Robbins with her sister, Mis. G. of a baby gi..... Rev. and Mis.J. Sniowden are attending Sirniner ]y reeoveied ...Don't fOiget the, Mi. and Mis. T. Curtis, Oakwood, Wickett, Bowmanviiie; Misses Sadie M. Wliyte and son Jo. spent a few sciooi at Oak Lake Park ths week. Salemi Community Picnic at Hamp- are visiting their cousins, Mi. and Virtue and Nora Kersiake, Mi. Tom days with their son Arthur ut Sud-......Mi. Hward Foley and thie on Park on Aug. 2nd. Bring Yow ~Mis. H. HI.. Ms L. Penfound, Sykes, Tooonto, ut their homes; Mi. b.... .Miss Myrtie Brunt, Toro- daugliters, Iva, Florence and Louise, lunch, corne eaiiy and enj-oy a r68.i Toronto, is visitin« at Mr. A. Hawk- and Mis. John Wakeiey with their Vo, spent Sunday with hier parents, and iMis. Walter Fo]ey spent Sunday holiday ... . A number of Salemi folk eya . . .. Mr. and Mis. Byron Moore son, Mr. Arthur Wakeiey, Oshawa; Mi. and Mus. Levi Brunt. Myrtie witii friends ut Harmony ...The are ttending Chautanqua in Bow- visited ut Mi. Edgar Bedford's, Bow- Mi. and Mis. Lorenzo Trul and la ieaving for the. West on Wednee- many friends of Mis. Arthur Burges manviiie this week. inanvilleM. and Mis. Norman famiy, Mi. and Mis. Chas. JohnsI day to spend a month with hieu sister,weeoytoerunSardytt MUTO PCICWoodiey, Mrs. E. Jamnes, visited Mis. and family, Mu. and Mis. J. L. Johns, Mis. Robert Preston... Mis. Will ah. undrw o eanoneraton in Bow- MOUNTJOY PICNICJubez Moore, -Enniskillen . .. Mi. and Miss Ruth Johns and Master Ted Wicks, Toronto, is spending a few mianviîîe Hospital htabti o be el utCran of ~ cc Mis. Carence Woodiey and baby Johns at Rice Lake; Miss Ruthl Fer- days with Mi. and Mis. J. Freeboin. ing Very niceiy ltat iayf burt isdo- The Mountjoy Famiy in wl Edith enjoyed a plegmant trip tVo g135n, Oshawa, ut home; Mis. Alvin..Mi. and Mis. Thom~as McGil vM, and Mis. Truman Power, Miss be eldat rea ofBarley Camp on Lake Scugog and succeeded ini catch- Peteis with friends neai Georgian and Revu are visiting friends near Vers, have ieturned home after a Satuuday, Juiy 27th, t 2 p. mi. stand- ing a large lunge... Mi. and Mus. Bay; Mis. M. J. Stubbings, Winni-IPeterboro... Mus. Edward James, pleasant Viait and niotor trip with aid tme. Relatives kindly accept H. His, Mi. and Mis. Allient His peg, Man., Mis. A. Hlansman, Portj Toronto, Mis. Jabez Moore and friendsaut Osnabiuck Centre, Madoc this invitation. and fainiuiy, Mi. and Mis. John His Hope, and Mis. Kate Allen, Brook- giand-daughtei, Miss Jean Moore, and Stirling........ Annual Mission and family, Mir.and Mis. Sidney lyn, N. Y., ut Mis. R. Katerson's... Mr. Arthur Moore were Sunday call- Band picnic was beld on Thursday Hoar and famiiy uttended the china . .Mr. W. R. Aluin and Mi. Fied AI- ers at Min. Win. Oke's... Lague afteinoon, Juiy lSth, ut the. Creani edding for Mr. and Mis. Lou. lin are in Bownianviile Hospital. meeting opened in charge of th of Bariey Camp, when about 75 ciii- Helps for Hot Buckley, Orono, and report a pleas- Their many friendsA wis them eide Miss Reva McGill. Mftei drn, motiheis and ycung ladies hud aVA II RreV Irving, Mrs. Ernest Gardiner the inteiests of the. Bible Society1 read the bible lesson, and the devo- Toon was spent in basebali. and sight.. W EAT ER nd baby Ernestine, Mr. R. Ridley, was heid ut the chuScli on Wednes- tional was given by Edgar Wright. seeing. Tea was served and the ev- Englehart, are visiting ut Mi. B. F. day last. An enthusiastie address The 3ird vice president, Misa Audrey enîng pieasuntiy spent in games and, Wampole's Grape Saits Gardinei's... Mu. and Mis. Juek was given by the repiesentative, Mi.. Doiland, look charge. Miss Grace races of varions kînds. AIl spent a 50c and $1,00 Dudley and famiiy, Regina, are vis- Crow, and officers were eiected Vo Werry gave Vhe topie, and a social1 very pleusant afternoon.Mr. and Cools and purifies the blood iting bis parents, Mi. and Mus. James take charge of the. work for the coni- bour was spent with contesta. Meet.- 1Mrs Leonard Gates and family, Dudley... Mi. and Mis. W. Mac- ing year ...Juiy meeting of the ing ciosed witb the benedietioui. Cheriv-wood, spent Sunday witihils Eas'em - - 25c Donald and Katharine, Cobourg, are W. M. S.,,was held ut the home of iisitr r.Ia ..Lw.. r n For hot achlng, tlred, blistered feet visiting heu parents, Mi. and Mis. W. 1Mis. E.k. Cole on Tuesday, July! r.W.Lw saa r n Stewart...Miss Floua McRobents, t u6th, vith a good uttendance. Mus. COURTICE IMis Wm. ALland samia, DMi.ta, Exti-act Wild Strawberry Oshawa, la visiting 'Miss Levenne 1Bick, piesident, took charge of the____ is. Wm. Alun dfae'n,il 'rit 25c Buigess..,. Rev. and Mis. J. R. Truni- opening and business part, taking re- Mr.Bert Worden, Mrs. Lonne'Ivan M. Law, on Wednesday. For coic, cramps and dlarrhoea pou and family are holiduying ut bis ports fiom the. varions officers and Stevens and Miss Ruth of Bowmun- brother's, Mu. S. Trumpour, Mount heralds. The -meeting was thoniville, Mr. and Mis. Harry Stafford Rubbing Alcohol Clemens, Mich ...Master Ronald taken by Miss Reynolds, who was lu wer Sunday visitors ut Mr. Frank1 4eMacPeeters, Toronto, bas îetuîned charge of group No. 2. Tiey Pi- Rundle's... Mi. Ronaldj Courtice, W e are the exclusive Agents 1/ Pint40 home after holidaying at Mu. A. W. sentod a good prograin. Miss Lii- ToronVo, was home over the weekond. fou the Stlmulatlng and refreahing Annis' .... Mi. Levi Annis, Toronto, hian Jebson sang a solo nicely. Many .. ... Mus. Frank Rundie entertained I Ash ExM nOooospent the weekend ut home. ...A thanks are due Vo those wbo took about twenty-five fîjends on Satur-1 AI l uper-Quality Relieveexcesie prapton goodly numbor froni here attended cars and arranged ways of getting day evening in honor of liei brother, Beauty Preparations Releveexcssie prspraton the shower on Wednesduy evening tiere, ulso Vo Mus. Cole who made Mr. Neil Woîden and wife, who ]eft Co asgiven in honor of a populur bride o! the social part interesting. on Monday fou the West ufter spend- Specially prepared Vo Makewalkng esy tis mnth Mis Eveyne two months here..Oui Trail Preserve, Correct and Beautify Mak wakig esyRegular meeting of the Women's In-I Rangers are camping for a week the. 5km. Face Creanis and Powders istitute and Ladies' Aid was held ut CIV1C HOLIDAY AT PORT PERRY downat the lake south of Mr.Fak reiieve sunburn, cooi lot faces the home of Mus. Walter Park On. ________ledrMreclJUY OVL Then make your pickles wth Wedne.sday, July 17Vh, with a goodRudes TirldrM.CcJUY&LV L attendance. After various matters A big celobrution la being staged Found, and Mis. Found and littie Exclusive Ageuta Keslkes îcleMitue fbuinssha bendicuseaut Port Perry, on Civic Holiday, Miss Fa. are aiso camping there. Oui omnilOt No fsla nesa ic pepMxre 'ol. beusies ard puer wascgiven by August 5th. Homse races, 2.15 and pasbor, Rer. J. H. Stainton, is also Druga Nofss o usal Mis. od.jýýl peA. .e aer s n"Ti. Fn- 2.22 puce or trot, $250 puises. Sofrt.. elîping Vo muko the boys' camp ________________ Ita made and scid by dr.Ation of Good Ron"The" a n al al, House-shoe Pitching, Acquatie pleasant by sports, etc. Sunduy er- bwas sung by Mus. James Dudley; Races, Band Contest. Big prizes fou be]d ut the boys' camp which la in a ER LA ES uc njyd y vuyn;-vcl'oois, Mto out aces, n oe eiiiig ou eulapt.Mrchui servi c-a K R L K S ad a huinorous reading was givon oach event. Cm u rn oudl«tn pt u on u ac by Miss Hazel Hodgson. A social friends. For information write on.seats and tie orgaux fromi the A Th Dpedbl DugSor Js MKe, erear.primary room in S. S. wbich helped ~A Ti.DPdHNE D49 ore alf hour was enjoyed by al utthVe Js cKe eueay o make the service more complet.. ____________close.____ The attendance was large. Oui pas- ___________________________________________________________________________________toieopned vice srvicecallngoonMir. prayeî. Mr. Ceeul Found read the We bible leason and Vhe sermon preacli- ed from the subjeet "The Cali of Matthe'w" by oui Pastor was one Look! Snappy Shoes which uppealed Vo everyone puement. During Vhe service a quartette was sung by Mus. A. E. Rundie, Mus. K. atth M s Popular J E. Courtice, Miss Hazel Rundie and RAYON SILK BLC at th M osMis. W. R. Courtice. Several visitera. from Bownianville attended the seS-' 4 I vice. .Mi. and Mus. Blake Oke en Stock up on these fine Prices evnnd ilt e ~ei- ý>1,m lBloomers, iegu-lar and b, e" tions te oui boys in the lbague base- Co-operative buying with well knownl~ ball gaine with Maple Grove Mondayî made with double gussel, stre i ornt hsenbld sto sel /(f> evening wb.n they won the gaine 10- stoes anTorotondin e n e s-W , 1. .. .Mis. Frank Smith and Miss ium and large sizes, sosa soniglow rice.\ MAice.Smith, Oshawa were SpciasWek -En off er Special Bragains every week, the ofMrs. W. R. Countice rcnl.SeilW e n first corne are the lucky ones. enty The Special Attractions for SOLINA Thursday, Friday and Saturday Mu. and Mis. J. T. Rundie, Mr. and Mis. John Pasce and Miss Edna aev ,liq %rkV IAL Mr .I.VJL.f mU-VOW. Men'a Black or Tan Shoes $385 This is a f eature value for this week. 100 pairs of Boots and Oxfords that usually sel for $5.00 and $6.00, are being offered at $3.85, sizes 61/-11. Men's Work Boots & Oxfords In good quality leather with heavy panco or leather soles, Special Value $2.95 SPECIAL ATTRACTION Men's Running Boots, leather trimmed at side and ankie, al sizes-1 .18 Men look this up. Suit Cases, Club Bags and Trunks will be shown this week. Wornen's Sport Oxfords $3.85 In honey beige trimmed with tan, crepe sole and heel, size 21/½ to 7,-Price $3.85 A few samples to clear at $1.98 SPECIAL ATTRACTION $1.98 Women's White 1-strap Slip- pers, with cuban heel, real value.-Bargain at $1.98 Wonien's Specials $2.98 (a) Patent Slipper, 1 strap, cuban heel. (b) Patent Tie, high heel. (Special Value) (c) Kid Slipper, 1 strap, euh- an heel, E width. MEN'S WEAR DEPARTMENT English Broadcloth ShirLs in newest shades, collar attached or separate, To Clear This Week at $1.49 Men's Fancy Hose in latest shades, sizes 10, 10/, il and 111/j>, to elear, 39c Pr. or 3 Pair for $1.00 The latest in Ties is being shown here this week. Men's Snappy Flannels, to clear this week at $2.95 Special reduction on Work Shirts and Work Pants Rovan' s Reliable Shoe Store Footwear and Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings King St. West, Bowmanville WHERE YOUR DOLLAR DOES DOUBLE DUTY iMoase, Port ..... .M isses Evelyn, Jean and Mary Millson have beenl iolidaying wjth Orono friends .. Miss Evelyn Tink bas been visiting Peteiboro friends. Mr. and Mis. Ch. Cruicksank and Mrs. Ed. WiI- cox aco-miaied her oae ... Mi. and Mus. R. J. McKessock, Misses Margaret and Ruth, visit.ed ut Mi. W. L. Pierson's, Oshawa, and Mr. Edgar Paseoe's, T'hointon's Corners ..Mr. and Mia. Harold Pascoe vis- ited ut Mi. Douglas MeLaughiinm, Toronto... Mu. Dick Wright, L.on-, don, spent the weekend wti bis bro- ther, Mu. Sidney Wright... Mis. Jas. Jebtson, Miss Lulu Reynolds, Mus. Tios. Pasco. and Miss Margaret of Hampton visîted Miss Edna Rey- nolds ... . Miàs E~velyn Massie, (lai- uwa, was guest 0f Miss Margaret McKessock ...)Mr. and Mus. Chas. Rund I. and twin babis, Mis. Point.- on, Mr. and Mus. Arthu Westlake ~and Carmen, Oshawa, visited ut Mr. ,J .Rndle'... Mi. and Mis. W. J. Reynolds, Mi. Jini Reynolds and iMus. A. Whitnell visited thoir sister, IMiss Bessie Reynolds, R.N., who un- denwent a criticul operation in Vie Nicholîs Hospital, Peterboro, hast week. Miss Vera Baker, R.N., la at- ending ber. We wish her a speedy recvey ...Mi. and Mis,. George A. SehsSalemi, Mis. S. C. Sebolil 'and family, South Crlnvstd ut Mi. Roy Langmid's .... Congrat- ulations to Miss Vera Keisiake and Mu. Ralph Wilbuî on their .successaut the Entrance examinations... Mu. and Murs. Jas. A. Weiry, Enniskillen, weie gue.sts ut Mu. A. L. Paseoe's. . Mi. and Mis. Robert White, Toronto, visited at Mi. W. J. Reynolds' .. Division meeting wus held in Vie Sons' Hall Iust Thursday evening and was well attended. Meeting was opened witi Helen Baker, W.A., in the chair. A splendid progruni of Clipping-, was given, afteî wiich ice cream and cake were enjoyed. Next mreeting the flrst of August ... . Con- gratulations to Mi. Ceo. Werry on hiF surcesas at Toronto Conservatory <f Mulei( examinations, bavinz ob-l I tained honors in Junior History an.d f,st class honnis in Prirnary Grade. HAYDON Dont fail Vo attend Vie concert a Tyrone Monday evening. Can you imagine anything cleaner and more sanitary than glass? Glen Rae Dairy's glass-lined pasteurizer - the latest thing in pasteurization - insures clean, sweet milk, regardless of weather conditions. R. R. Stevens & Son PHONES: Office 408; Houa. 175J BOWMANVILLE Be Ready for Your Vacation 1 Only One More Week ta Take Use the DependIable Film in Àdvantage of Tii.,. Values the YeIlow Bux. $1.50 Georgia Rose Body SWAT THE FL Y powder ..........8 l i $1 Theatrical Gold Creani 69c F]y Tox 50e French Balin, for Sun- Fly Fume 30-c Eulsified Cocoanut Tleot Shanipoo ..............29 TBack lag St 50C Brilliantine ......... 39C 25c ilk f Manesa On sale ait Jury &Loels Tooth Pîmte .......»"..19C i $1 Quinine Élair Tonic ... 79c' ACCURACY KODAK AS YOU GO Is the only thing that w No. 2 Hawk Eye.......9q8c accept m-hen fitting your eyes No. 2 A.............$1l.49 with glasses. No. 2 Brownie ........ $2.715 We specialize in difflcuit SNo. 2 A .............$.5ca. Mk naponmn V. P. Kodak..........$5s.oo to-day. When we test eyes it is done properly LKER STORES Limited& k-EndSpecials jWOMEN'S FINE SILK VESTS )OMERS ie Rayon Knit bobette styles, b, small, med- 1Sale 89c A quality much better than pricee would indicate; opera top style; colors of peach, pink, mauve, maize and white; all sizes, Special for Week - End Sale. BOYS' KHAKI PANTS These are made in long style just like dad's, trimmed with beit loope, regulation pockets and turn'ed cufs at bottom; made of strong Khaki Drill. Size 6 o 1 yers. Special for Week - End Sale 98c OVER -IGHT BAGS- A very handy bag for the car or pienie, made of genuine embossed split cowhide leather, double leather handies and buekle strap, over- lapping frame, measures 14 inches in length; colors of black and brown. Special for Week-End Sale $1.19 Each - CUTRAIN SCRIM 32 inches wide Scrim, in creain or white with 3½/ inch woven stripe, open work border; a quality that el regularly at 15e yard, Special for Week-End Sale 10c Yard STAINLESS STEEL KNIVES Sheffield make, smooth polished handles, dinner and dessert size; ail first quality; and worth regularly $4.50 dozen. Special for Week-End Sale 25c Each 7-PIECE WATER SET Fine quality glass in special effeet euttings of grape and leaf design in silver grey finish. Set k \ Y consists of one jug holding 31,'ý pints, with six 8- ounce glasses to match. Each set carefully p)ack- ed. Regular $1.25 set. Special for Week-End Sale 89c VOILE NIGHTGOWNS Dainty lace trimmed gowns in pastel shades of peach, pink, coral, maize, green, blue, etc. Special for Week-End Sale 98c Each Walker Stores Liited- Your Favorit ShropiCete Formerly S. W. Mason & Son Pay Cath and Phone 164 King St. Bowimanville i i j *1 McMurtry Block quuu THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 25th, 1929 PAGE MUR

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