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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Oct 1929, p. 9

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9 E e v 0 When Tou Have a Sale Y OU need flot worry over your Sales Notes. This Bank will be glad ta supply blank forms and look after the notes for you. We will notify the buyers of your stock to, pay their notes at our office, and wil deposit the payments ta your account. The Royal Ba"k of Canada Bowmanville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager 1049 Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea is truly economical. A haif pound makes almost as many cups as a full pound of cheap tea costing 50e to 60c. 8 IRD ROSE RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra gooci Fre.ih- Delicious Bakery Food For YOUR Table When you make out your daily menu don't forget those crisp, delicious roils and wonderful fresh bread. Don't overlook a delicious pie oxi cake for dessert. And don't fail to get them HERE-fresh every twenty-four hours. FOR AFTERNOON TEA You'll want a suppiy of our dainty cookies and pastries. The Bowmanville Bakery PHONE 97 BOWMAN VILLE NORTH DARLINGTON i YOUNG PEOPLE'S PARTY j 1 SCHOL FAIR (Crowded out last wiveek) Held et Enniakillen, Septeniber 19thî -Tyrane Wina Shiedd ; On Thtzrsday, Sept. l7th, Mr. Win. MI - Moore's Pasture field, Enniskillen, was dayi Grain an ideal spot for an out-a)f-.door party, home Whet, qt-Doal Sipso, "len about thirty h_:ppy youngI50,r, 1Aead ni;Wheat, ShDo ald Sipson people from Bo'wmanvýille, Hampton ailin Adea~d Ani~;What,~h~f~~e-and EnnisklIlen assemb.eud together hi s laid Anis;Oats, 1 qt.-Donaid for an evening's f un. AhafN rthu Thompson Doald, 'The evening was cool but the wariniMr. Shea-Noman hoxpson Doaldglow of the boftre and the hearty bornI- Thompson;- Barley, 1 qt.-Francis sprit. o the girls and boys -made Thompson;- Barley, Sheaf-4Francis spiritFrosfee ewsa necneCoun Thonvpson. akFotfe e a nuwloeageo Vegetablea gest 1shiÇi, D~oeysEuniceKnap, The early part of the evening's ried PtSVoes, uly$Enc p, merriment was spent in games such as Marie Oke, Merle Stinson, Clifford Nosey, French Tag, Touch Tag, Re- aetM Pethick, Mildred Bradley, Wihna I Iys. The games and cool froni Wotten; Potatoes, Irish Codbler- air provided appetites which wore sat- ye Gordon Stevens, F'red Trewin, Roy isfied by a generous supply of wein- Oen Trewin, Ileen Cowling, Myrtle Cowl- ers, marshniallows, bot coffee and ever j fing, Veina Cohrane; Ensilage Corn watermelon. Even he boys tried to Mr -Bill Gilroy, Harry Collacutt, Fa'ed sugges-t how to cook the werners H Griffen, lvy Tabb, Fred MeILaighlin, whxch were done ta perfection over Jamnes Simpson; Sweet Corn-Jlarold the ho nfire. :By the way, Gracie Mn t Wilson, Norman 'Miompson, Eileen Hastings and Edythe 'Fascoe know Cowling, Viola Paikin, Grenfe.ll how Vo deal with ravenous appetites. Mir Truinpour, Eunice Knapp; Margel- The hilarity of the young folks at- dent Donald Thompaon, Greta Stinson, tracted a few of Mr. Moore's poultry bonie Rlobeit Cameron; 'Turnp&--Eva Col. Vo the party but they soon w/andered aged lacutt, Bill Gilroy, Merle Stinson, away ini diagust. natii Maud Simnpson, Josepi Stevenson, After aIl had eaten as much as, or ca'me Clarence Hatherly; Beet--Irene more than they wished, the even- cross ShaMn, Joyce Trupour, Howard Oke, ing's program was brouight to a close vessel Norman Avery, Veine Pethick, Ed- by playing a few more games, then aettlîi gai Wilson; Oarrots-4Jaok Paîkin, ail joined in singing "We are jolly shem Marion Grifin, .Audrey Thompaon, good fellows" and "Good Night Lad- Her i Bill Gilroy, Maiie Oke, Francis ies." The : Thompson; Parsnipes-VeLnia Brad- ___________ 1880, ley, Fred rrrwin, Velma Stinson, krirk Suisie Thonrpaon, Harold MeLaugh- tario.-Geoige 14cKenzie, Edna Cam- mnoviT lin, Ruth Stevenson; Onions-Gladys eron. Vo hez Morton, Mildred Bradley, Myrtie Sebool Parade-S. S. 17 Union; seeven Cowling, Marion G<iffIn, Pearl Smiith; S. S. 16 Enniskilen; S. S. 21 Haydon H. Bu PaMikin--Marie Oke, Verne C.och- aàd S. 'S. 18 Long Saisit (tled); S. S. Win. rane, Myrtle Cowling, Murray Taibb, 18 Tyron., S. S. 15 Enleild; S. S. 7 Geori Fred Trewin, Alic-e Ashton; Tomu;neios Burkton. The --Fed Tre'win, Roy Tirewin, Berniece ÏPhysical Ouktare Exeese--g-S S. Chutc Stainton, Gordon Stevens, Pred Me- 21 Haydon; S. S. 16 Enfld; S. S. 13 temlbe Laughlin, Bert As~hton. Long Sault; S. S. 16 Enniskillen and burial Asters-Flred TewnVelmniad- ne;S . S.i 7o S* S 18 Mi ley MurayMcClloghEthl Prt- Pu~blie Speaking-Bernieee Stain- fer, Veina Pethick, Vera Griffi .Vo, oal Smso, oma sA Zinia-ekn Stnso, Rth tev Clarence Hatherly, Loine Annis. Eone eZnn;ia-Vlm insnRVhSev hool Chonue Singing-S. S. 16 Arcan MarioldVerona niakilen;S. S. 17 Union; S. S. 211jMondi Wre'Myrtle 'Cowlirtg, Cliffoird jHaydon; S. S. 18 Tyrone; S. S. 15-Helen lPethick, Nina Hodgson, Ruth McNeil; Enfleld; S. S. 7 Burketon. Wm.. Fa\ ehMaigold-Beniece Stainton, Live Stock Judging-Bert Ashton, for D Marion Prtner; Ca&lendula-1-Harold F'acsTo1snLieAna MCLýaughlln, tPenn Smith, Edna Cam- Roland Thorepson, Pred Trewin. en y eron; SalPiglossis- Eunice Knapp, Silver Sbield, awarded Vo the scliooî anak, Gladys Martin, Viola Parkin;- Cosmos tuinn i Mest Mi -Harold Wilson. wînngth ies average number of points per pupil in al Sehool Pair durin Poliltry sr i - - Work, won by S. S. 18 Tyrone. aa Cockerel, flairiso 1Plymoutha Rock-1 Ruth Stevenson, Berniece Stainton, Edna Caineron, Viola Bradley, Velma Stinson, Donald Thompson; Plullet, Barred Plymouth Rock-Ruth Stev- enson, Ruth McNeil, Ursul MeNeil,l Berniece Stainton, Greta Stinson, Loins Annis; Pen, Barlred Plymouth Rock-Ruth Stevenson, Velma Brad- ley, Freda Bradley, borne Annis, Wilbuî Stacey, Merle Stiison; Cock- erel, White Leghrn-Roland Tbonip- son; Pen, White Leghorns-Bert Ashton, ROY McLaugblin. Liv. Stock Caîf, Beef-Bruce Ashton, Keitb Orniston, Fred Tiewin, Robert Cami- eron, Roy Trewin; Caif, Dairy-4ýmil- dred Htiie, LoS-ne Annls, Ra]ph Or- nistan, Fred Trewin, Edna Cameron; Market Lanb-.Clarence Bradley, Roy Tre'win, Fred Tureln, Liocme An- nia; -Best bioken and eixhibited Colt, Caîf or Lamb-.-Lorne Annis, à0idred Hare, Rnlpb Oniiion, Roy Trewin, Keith Ormiston, lBobby Cameiron. Apple ,Spies-Eva COliacutt, Doreen By- anm, Berniece Stainiton, Myrtle Go'wq- ing, Ruth Stevenson, Lorne Annis; Sno--Adelaide Annis, biorne An- nia, Ruth Stevenson, Berniece Stain- ton, HnIrry Collacutt, Effie Aveux-y; Golden Russetts-William Savage, Ruth Stevenson, Beiniece Adamns, Berniece Stainton, Ursul MoNeil, George McKenzie; Mlntoss-Ber- fiscs StainVon, Rutih Stevenson, Ado- laide Annis, borne Annis; Wealthies -Clara Guiffin, Ada -Beech, Doreen Byan, Myrtle Cowling, Freda Brad-j ly, Berniece Adanms; King-Lorne Annis, Adelaide Annis, Edgar Wii- -son; Baldwins-~Berniece Staintof, Ru-th Stevenson, Adelaide Annis, Loins Annîs, Jackie Trîmm, Edgar Wilson. Cooking Tea Biscuits-Verna Cochrane, Verna Stinson, Lorna Thoanpson, Helen Trinam, Nina Hodgson, Pearl Smith; Apple Pie-Alice Ashton, Helen Trimm, Berniece Adami, Ursul iMcNeil, Marie Oke, Verna Cochrane; Sche>ol Lunch-Greta Stinson, Jean, Trumpour, Merle Stinson, Edgar WilI- son, Myrtle Hughes, Berniece Stai n- ton; Oatmeal Cookies-Alice Ashton, Nina Hodgson. Gladys Martin, borna Thomplson. Vehna Bradley,' Helen Trimmn; Chocolate Cake- Berniece Stainton, Verna Pethick, Berniece Adams, Marie Oke, Muriel G'ilroy'. Laura PhiIp; Hoiiie-made Candy- Ruti MeNeil, Audrey Thompmo n Viola Bradley, Verna Pethick, Edna Carneron, Dorothy StacQy. Sewing Clothes Pin ]3az-1,Susje Thompson, Merle Stinson; Darni-ng on Woolen iStoceking-lMerl Stinson;- Wash Cloth -Verna Pethickc Merle Stinson, jSusie Tho.mpson, Greta Stinson, Irene Sharp, Pihlow Caqe Berniece'Stain- ton, Veina Pethick, Susie Thopn: Kitoben Atron-Nîna Hodgson Mir- i i e Oke, Berniece Stainton, Veina Petbick, Susie Tbonavson,' Velma Bradley; Tea Towel..Gladys Maii, Marion Griffa, Veina Pethick, Suais Thonipson, Verona Wotden, Nina Hadgson; Patch on Grain Saek-.Don-. aId Thomnpson, Francis Thoxnpson, Edgar Wilson, William Savage, Hl. Manuel Training tBlrd HvU"6-Wnl Savage, Donald Thoinapsn, Francis Thomnpeon; Model 'of Faim Gate-..Jack Hall, Donald1 Thosapeon; Mlk Stool or Benh, Clarence Hatheriy LOmne Annl,j Francîs Thonapson, 'Howard Bradley, 4 ROY McLaneuhlin, JackHall;- Mai Box~ -Gi-e nfeh Trumpour, Fred Meag lIn, Norman Thoinspeon.1 Nature Collection51 Weed Seeds - Adelnide Aaanisi clyce TrUMPOua., B-V tAsht.n,Don aid ThOrmpeon; Foi-est Tre. e e. Adeaide Amnis, GrenfeUl Trumpour. Poeter--Ednu Casaxrn, ee Trissa; Map of Townshli>pWear Smith, Sui. Thoaupson; lIsP of On- 82 Eldon Ave, Toronto, Ont The Womens Department. MN,n. Laboratorjea, Lmted. 126 WlentnSt.West. Toronto' Ont. Dear Madam:- Whuie vlitint my sistar a few monthe ago. &howaus telln. me. htNIln had don* tor her, and gave me somae to tri'. 1 have alwaya auffered "net pain very month. No on.e ouid hardi, believe the rilýef Mêlons haa Ci~e me. 1 have hardly any pain now at a&l. What a dfférence to what the pain .aeed to be. Yo.are baIy. (sien"d) Mm .swiber SOLO AT VOUS DRUOOT Baud ln *owmanvillIe by Jury & Lovell, Orugglats Keralake'a Depandable Drug Store R. M. Mitchell & Co., Drugglate A BABY RBMEW % APIUGVED DYD4>CTORO mies a1ni a cold inth bud,1 w mead in every case It Leaves you eeing Good W HEN a cold or exposure brings aches and pains that penetrate ta your very bones, there is always quick relief in Aspirin. It will niake short xvork of that headache or any little pain. Just as effective in the more serious suffering iran neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatsn; or lumbago. No ache or pain is ever too deep-seated for As-pirin tablets ta relieve, and tbey don't aff ect the beart. AIl druggists, with proven directions fer various uses which many people have found iravaluable in the relief of pains andi aches of nany kinds. eASPIRIN OBITUARY James Shaw, Owen Sound de. James Shaw passed away Sun- evening, September 22nd, at hisi e, 671 3îd Avenue East, Owen1 id. The late Mr. Shaw had been ng for the past two months andi demise wvas not unexpected. )eceased was the son of the late and Mirs. Samuel Shaw, being n in Manvers township, Durhami ity, on Sept. 15th, 1849. At the of 12 ho moved Vo Elderslie Vown- 1near Chesley. Ini 1871 he anar- his cousin, Misa Elizabeth Shaw, 4illbrook, Ont. The young couple led on a fartm fie and a half -miles nChesley, residing there for 34 a. In 1905 deceaaed moved Vo n Sound and has roided there rsince. r. Shaw is Vhe father of Mis. W. Webb, Maple Gi-ove. lr John. ingrans, Selkirk, Ma. ira. John Ingiam, an *Id ie rosi- tof Selkirk, Man., died at her eon Sunday, September 5h, 177 years and 7 mon Vhs. A 'e of Cornwall, Englaaid, ahe 0Va Canada with hor inother, sing the ocean In a amaill ailing el, when only a amiail child. Thoy ld in 'Bownanvie, ont., where met and maurried John Ingram. aaiden. nme was Mary Martin. fÊamily naov.d Vo Manitoba ini Dwhere they lived in st SBl- Sfour a numrber of years, Inter ing te West Selkirk. In addition er huaband, she is survived by m cljildien: Mis. B. Eglin, Mrm arker, Mmr. B. Cockorell, lIra. .Atkinson, Mmr. A. Paquette, rg. and John, ail of Selkirk. funeral service fiona Chriât roh was held on WedneadaSep- ber 1Sth, to Mapleton,a 'wher al took place ithe faaily plotJ Ire. Wxn. Richard, Los Angele. ,the home of her san-in-law, Di. et Allin, 2032 Pennsylvania Ave, Angelea, Vhe death occurîed on Cay moring' Sepember 16th, of Dna McCY, wdow of the laVe R Ed of Newcaste, ex-M.P.P. Durham County. 0lowing Mi. Rickaid's death sev- eais ago, Mis. Rickard went Voi ;e her home with ber only chîld, -Ernest Allin, Los Angeles, where ig bher declining health following troke she has enjoyed the sunny ornia clîmate with its floweis, the love of a large circie of ids. Mis. e-Roy Reynolds of ndale la deceased's only grand- d. She was 78 Yeais and 8 ihs of age. he funeral service was conduct- 1 y a life-long friend of Vhs faanily, Alfred Inwood, D.D., assisted by See-tter, pastor of Grace M. E. Xch, of wlaich deceased was a aber. Mi. Wheatley, Venor solo- sang "Fade, fade each earthly and "Sonne day -the silver cord break". The paîl-bearers weîe hews of deceasod, and the many tiful floral designs were a silent ute to the esteena in which Mrs. ard was held by a wide circle of da. The remains were laid to beaide those of ber daughter and Robert Burl.y, Newcastle Mi. Robt. Buîley while working on the z'oad for Merlo, Merlo & Ray, thla flrm. that la building Vhe concrete ronds heure, became seriouaiy ilI on Thuraday forenoon September l9Vh, and on the advioe of Dr. Butler was rushed Vo hospiVai in Toro>nto. He survived but a short ine, death be- îng due it ia said Vo abacesses af Vhs stonach. Ho had been in pao-r bealth for some ine besides being -weakened by a long iUlnees with c6ri- gestion of the lungs last winter. Imanediately before moving into Newcatle inta Mr. Cecil Robinson's bouse on Beaver St., ho was in the employ af Mr. D. J. Galbraitb and lived at Belnont. He was ane of a large family born Va Mr. and Mrs. RobV. Buîley Si., of gocod pioneer stock settling in the Port Granby sec- tion. Ho ta surv-ived by his agcd mother, now a -resident of Newton- ville, his widow, formerly Miss EVbel Watts, and two daugbters, Margaret and Lillian. The funeral took place froua New-1 tonville United Church on Monday afteinoon, Bey. Thos. Wallace offie- ;ating . A very large concourse af relatives and friends were in attend- ance and followed the remains to the iNow-aonv\ile Cemeterv for interment. Deceased'suncle. Mr. Arthur N;ch- -a, f General Mato-rs, Oshafwa, on i-arn rg of his nephew's ilîness, at IoI1CC tiok bis place on the road. ILuy ((>dL Now r. Il Il ( oh t ut t les la in- .- tithe i lit he is prettnred * TJ i h tr otua t Tyýrunie ii t.oa ýits of the town M 'i triers pronptly an 4,- i t t i 'n guaraîiteed. PhonA e518 Felks Past 40 Should Read This If you are troubled with a burning sensation, bladder weakness, frequent daîly annoyance, getting-u-p-nights, dull pains in back, lower abdomen and clown through groins--you should try the anazing valus of Dr. Soutuh- worth's "Uiatabs" aV once and sas -what a 'wonderful diffrence they make! Ilf this grand old formula of a well kno.wn physician brings you Vhes wift and satisfying coaufoa-t it bas brought Vo do zens of others, youi su-roly wili be thankful and very well pleased. If it doos noV satisi y, the druggistthat; arpplîed you wtb "Uns-" la authorized Vo returu your snoney on the fiut -box purchaaed. This Cives you a full 10 daye' test of "Umatabe" without isk of cost unlesa pleased wiVh results. If you çwouId kiaow te Joys of pence!Ul, reistful &leep snd a normal, healthy Bladder, starVt tis test to-day. Any good druggist can supply yo'u.1 andt frier< Glený cbild. mont Ti ed b- Rev. Rev. Chur( men ist, willt nephe beaut tribut Ricka f rienc reoth With ail the bran mmwQeof the whole wheat Eat it with milk or creamu and you have a complete, perfectly. balanced meal--calciun for maing bones and teeth-vita. mina for health and strength-bran for needed roughage~- and so tasty and easily digested. R: 94M 051 F.0L-I>uu)EJP W7HNRib-RohI was firet put on the market ~Ait cnused favorable comment ail over the Vcountry. Others have attempted o copy ita design, but no substitute is as, good as Vhe original. Besides, ail the beat féntaines cf Rib Rall are patented. If you renily want a lightning- pi-caf, fire-pi-caf, weather-proof rooaf geV Bib-RaIL It cornes in big haxady shoota, easy Vo lay, han sevon nibe Vo take nails; no other rooflng givea sucli security; fits weather tight; improves Vhs appearance and adds dollars o hs value f Proper BARN VENTILATION with Preston VentiLdtin To aur knowledse. not a cingle Preeton VentdldBanhea ever b... burned b ecune f pota eus combustion. W rm . moit air in an _lmprr vonntaedbr ode canditiona canducive toapotaneu lglinPeton Vatitone for the mt.aWutb"eedewlldd.. an d=ciu~a.t.e ti5. e age.b,elia the a1 fu n antl' h , a e b i t e t p th E L te a e o u t. r ite o PRESTON BARN D)OOR HARDWARE à reâton ht-galvazd our-whel Ranersaned btdproof en, Don Track are " bout hardware made fMr h eayyQ zado . . 1. Range f a a f ~ a t a 1 . p Ca n d o w n . nI n e a d o p t.r a k e a o e o d m g oU M udCf uldr lf a n pe. Get our big FREE BOOKC about Preston Steel Truas Buas S~et mh, b=builtwltrugged SteeTum.. Eveamgeof. ~c, to wS in. Fou = Guo%* Snn T0N10 P REST N, ONTA RlMo n u 1 And PRESTON LED.HBD NAILS U-T-br.sding"f T>enwetthing-aadthe beet forr morofias-.Tbh ceabe 5. nilhalo cr wcah.rm =4 mr t=- Worth mu"y tue. their STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Priv3te Wire Syatom 11 King Street East, Oshawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phono Calla At Our Expnsa. LEHIGH VALE ANTHRACITE Wu. Col 7L9t Sa&iai. SPARKLES, SHINES AND SMILES WITH HEAT AND COMFORT-GIVING QUALITIES Y Ou will neyer have cause to regret using oua Coal. We buy nothing but the best and guarantee that you will smile with satisfaction every moment you enjoy its heat and comfort-giving qualities. Let us serve you with our high-grade fuels and courteous service. Quality Service J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 cr 202 Bowmanville ALL THE BRAN YOU NEED AL THE FOOD YOU NEED) SHREDDED el TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLF., THURSDAY, OC FOBER 3rd, 1929 ,Quality Plus Service This is the foundation on which we have buit our business. We aim to help you secure the greatest service from your car by supplying such famous produets as Aviation and Shell Gas- oline, Sheil Golden Oil, Castrol and Mobiloil, Goodyear Tires, the only tires in the world buit of Supertwist Cord. ASBESTORAS BRAKE LINING Bring your car in and have your brakes re- lined with this high grade- lining. Bartlett's Service Statioôn Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville PAGE NINIC

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