PAGE TWOTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1929 a..EGAI. YOU CAN BELIEVE cause 0cr invesatmens~ are made on M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., L.D. 1 the basis of ecnrtitude. We ganible I Barrister, Solicitor, Nitary 1 Sermon by Rev. James 1. Vance, D.D,. on uncertainties, but we invest in loney to boan on Farmn and Town, Pastor of the First Presbyterian securjties that are sound and stable Property. Royal Bank Buildig, Church, Nashvile, Tennessee and certain. An old Puritan be- g,1 mll. Phn 31 lroaned the instabilit.Y of Christians Bowanill. hon 31.Here is a sermon ful of pearia. who ack assurance, who merely hpe W. R. STRIKE Years ago we published many ser- they are _saved. He says they keep Successor to lste D. B. Simpson, K.C. mens by Rev. Dr. Talmage, but we do hope, hope, hoping, hop, hop, hopping. Barriater, Solicitor, Notary not recail one better than this one There is ne steady and triumphant Solcior orBan o Motrai which 'Xe tk ro h hristianIstride in their march for God. Ged olictor Loran k h ono 91 Heraid of New York of August 24,1--ants our time, 0cr talents, our pos- Boe owxanvi Phonenta 91 1929. Read it and ask your friendsi sessions, our influence, our life, oui- Bowmnvile.Ontrio te read it and so share the benefit.- rail. He is flot likely to get them if W. F. WARD, B. A. Editor's Note.f our religion la inerely a guess. You Barrister, Solicitor, Notary IlWe know wvhat we worship." iwili flot find agnostics among those Money to boan. Bonda for icale. --John 4: 22. Iwh<> have washed their robes and Ofles-Bleakley Block, King St., "We know what %re worship." Thismaetmwheinhebo fte Bowmanville, Ontario. Phonos:-, la what Jeaus said to the woman at Lamb. The gnndly company of mar- No Offce 102; Hous 409. the well. We know wito God la. tyrs is mnade up of those who know. 1 We kow tat Gd isnot gues, [f we are to enjoy the biessings2 - but th e great reality. We know thatCoba rmsdwe utkn .à iGod is th e supreTne fact, back of ail It ia certitude that bringa peace. 4 DENTAL ote0 fc' Gdl ntmreya How cani you cdaim the peace of God DR.G. . ONNCASLE ide. 'H s not a biind force, a that pasaeth ail understanding as long 6 DIL . C.BONNCASTE nime forchance or fate or accident, as. yau are in dÔubt as to whet.her7 Hoenor graduat~e in Dentistry, Toronto Jan explanation for 'wbat tan flot be there la any God? How can you ex- 8 University. Graeuato of the Royal expbained, a synonym for the un-1 Pect your testimony to carry the day 9 Gallego of Dental Surgeons of un- knowale. Cod lsaa person. He i ,f or Hlm with others when it has net tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. tihe great Father. He loves us. He carried the day for Him in your own MOfie phone 40. Hous hone 22. wants us to bhe happy. He wants usr sou!? X-icay Equipment in ufce. to corne home to Hm. We long for certitude, for stability,1 We no wat raerla. p~ ifor assurance. How often have you3 DR J C DVlTis not an experimnent. It la an in-. f ot like cring out with Job: "0 thiat4 Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson vsmn. Pae a aaee.I rnight find hlm, tha4 I1'Might corne5 Graduate of Royal Dental Cobe e Praer la iayhod f te nie. even t his place!" ? God wants us6 Toroto. Office, King st. East, Bow- It is a draft on the bank of heaven. to find Him, to have fello'wship with Manvibbe. Office hours 9 a. m. te It i appropriating the boundless Hlm. It wilb never ho done on a8 4 p. m. dafly except Suaday. Phone 1plenty of Onie Who la more wllling to pr<>ram of doniai. If the soul's 0. Bouse phono 283. 'gîve than we to roceive. house is to stand the stormn, it must9 X-Ray Equipmcnt in Office. We know what ianmortality ishv a better foundation than shift- 1 DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Iinmortality la more than a beautlful iii« snd. i Hoorgrduteo TrotoUnve-dream. It is a present possession. Certitudela possible. You May 12 Xonr anduebr of Troaltollnier- Death can flot quench life. We ive. have it if yo at it, if you want it 1 flntl ureoa. Llened teforever. "This inortal must put on lenough to fulfili the conditions which 14 Vciein Ontario and the Dominion..1 mmorta ity."ece t Yocaexhgenht1 pactise nalisbanhs fie7,We know iwhat religion la. Re- i for day. You can leave the haze, 161 Mine t., Bon ilit banchles. opoie-igion is flot a cuit. It ja not bow-ibehind Yeu. You can a9hake off th , BE of Montreal. Phone 301. ling down te wood and atone. It ls j fog. You can know what you wor- 18 not rites and ceremonies. Relgonj1 ship. There are three ste-ps. 119 la fellowahip with the eternal. It isi The flirat l to know the Bible. Ail 20 j coAL mmunion with God. It la know- Scripue or if you prefer, every121 MEDICALinig Him Whom Vo know aright la life Scr tresl given by inspiration of C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. I veriasting. God and l profitable for doctrine, We know what faith is. Faith li for 'reproof,focretinfrin 1 Omrduate of Trinity Medical Cleeio rdlt. Fihi usac fsrcini righteousns, that the 21 Tornt, o meridence Dr. Beth'athinga hoped for. Faith is evidence, mian of God may be thoroughly fur- former residence on churcn Street, th v ne'ftig fo en nished for every good work. Christ-. - Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44t 1Faith is nestling down in the ever- 1 ianity la definitely reveaied to us in 7 iasting arma. It la dwelling in thej the Bible. The word cf God which 8 J.CLR BLLisecret place of tihe Most High. iîs contained in the Seripturea cf the - J.D. C LA..FRK B. ELL 1D..H We know what we worahip. IV ias Old and New Testaments is the oniy 109 (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) great to knuw, te be certain in mat-Irule given to direct us how we may 12S sDons. Graduate in Medicine, Ah ri ters of religion, to have assurance. Igiorify and enjey God. The Biblei deen University; Fellow of the Royal That aisow la what ye worship."1 teaches us what we are te believe 1 Coilege cf Surgeons, Edinburgh. I tasoi wa Jesus said to the, concerning God, and what duty Cod 1 Office and Residence, Queen St.,'woa at the well. requires of man. Hw hecn145 Bowmanville, Phono 89. 1 You do net know ýwho God is. If i we expect to know what we wership 16S OffIce Ho'ars: 2 te 4 P. mu. 6 te 8.30 P. m. you did, yeu would cease to fear Hlm.1 when we know nothing or next te i17-P *'IYou do flot know what prayer la. nothing of what God wouid teach us 18 W. H. BIRKS, M.D. * 1f you did, you would fil your pitcnier[ in the Bible? 119R Office Heurs: 1 te 4 and*7'te 8.30. Iwith something hetter than the waterl When one wants te know cheis- 1C Telephone 108 . from Jacob's w&ll. ýtry, he studies the books on chemis- 22S Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood'a' You do not know you are immortal.! try. When he wants te know astron-I former residence, Wellington Street, If you did, you would flot be livingi omy or geoiogy, he studies the books Bowmanviile. lîke a soiled dove ln a drab towflI. on these subjects. When hie wantsi You would spread your wings and flyi te knaw in religion, he mus t study 1S DR. V. H. STOREY home..1 the books that reveal it. The moati Offce heurs 2 te 4 and 6 te 8 p. M. 1 You do net know what religion'S1 amazing feature of the reiigious life3p After 8 p. m., by appein'mnt only. 'If you did, you would lose your bur- of to-day la the *ignorance of the Bible 5 V Exce Satu-Offayeilht. 36- 9tf e and your stain. on the part cf professing Christians . 10 Satrday ight. 36-tf You do flot know what faith la. If 1If you want certainty in religion, get6S D.RW.CAKyen oniy knew, you would throw away1 acquainted with the Bible. Po'nder 7 M' DR.R. . CARKyour breken idola and forsake yeur lt.s pagea. Learfi its profoiand 8 physician & Surgeon sinful ways and come home ite God truths. Be a "werkman that need- 9 H «ffce-Division St., Bowmanvile. Who quenches human thirat 'with liv- eth net te be ashamed, rightly dlvid-1 (nent te Trinity United Church) inlg water. ing the word cf truth." 10S «ffce Hours-3 te 5 and 7 Vo 9 p. m. We know what we 'wods.hip. Nol The second thing la te do God's 13 SuMiays by appeintruent only. wonder tihe woman said: "Sir, givej wiîî-not te talk about it, net te in- 13 Phone 24 mue this water, that I thirst net, 1dulge in discussions, but te do it. 15 R 4&t1 neither corne hither te draw." ' May There are many oraters. There are 15 ]b Ithis b-e our prayer this merning. 1 k DCTOS'HOLDAY Ae yu i yur eliios lfoplenty te dîscuas. 'But certitude 120 i DOCOR' OLIAYse yoewhat l ike nailte ed oea net corne that way. "If any somwha lie te oomn a th welman wibl de his will, hoe shaîl know of T'h, Physicians of Bowmanville Yen worship but, after ail, you do the doctrine, whether it be of Cod, or ibve agrccd te close their offices net know, what you woeship. Yo whether 1 speak frons myseif." Re- Vednesday afternoons. In case of (rathor think ne ene realiy kiows. iglous knowiedge la more than aca- D imerfency at this time enquire cf Religion la hazy. It la more or less'demic. "With the heart mnan be- tbhe hoapital or telephone operater speculation. It la life in the feg.lievet.h unto righteousness." Thtis ;s for a doctor. Et isce s different frosTa science. Chrlat's challenge te doubt. "Dl niy; ScienRCce ~ de-ais with facts. In science, wil as' As those cleansed lepers one may know. He may have certi- wen,st e obeyod, they believed. CHIRORACTI ANDDRUGL.ESSI'tude. But in religion, co can more- The reason you lack certainty Ls be- THEROP ly ask questiens, and make guesses, cause yeu are net doing the will of DURWIN E. STECKLEY land wronder. Thus, in our worshipj God. Accept Christ, confeas Hlm as ibno grduat ofTornto ollge we substitute agnoaticlaru fer certaian- your Savieur, folew Him, put Hlmi ' y eaefai e it rsfirat in yeur life, in youir affections, et Chiropractie will be in the Bow-1 when we might have a ful loaf. W eli n o r of rig-n ir cl o uanvlble Office Tuesday, Thuraday1spend life filling cday pitchers frein îa.yur offing; adone direc vo »md Saturday eveuinga, phone 141J.j Jacob's well, when we might have the' wll lesyn ihoewh ece Eesid~l i d dcertitude that way: "I kno'w hom I1 Rsdnilcas mae uring fore-îIiving water frein God's great foun-! have believed." So God means us to have certainty ml The third secret is t.hrough an ex- religion. ewnseeyw hpr erience that cemes frem a life of FUNERAL DIRECTORS teb obet say precisely what .iesusj fellewship and communion with F. . ORRS O.said te the woman at the well. "We, hit eu. eel o h ih f Pe FF.MRICO know what we worship." glory ef God shînes in His face. Hel Cemplete Motor or 1"Il is given yeu te kno-,w the mys- is the express image ef Diety. He de- Horse Equipment. itories cf the kîngdom of heaven,"claired: "He that hath seen me hath Ail cails promptly Jesus said one dayt Hs iscpls. seen the Father." Cod becomes real ~U~I riate Ambulan. He is saying it stili. Ged is flot try- to us as we live with Chrisit. This is 1 iand 3Ambnupuaecu. Gdde e vIdtewdte. fost te rhc-dChrti-j S 'T ' B vs manville phene. ing te keep us in the dark, te baff le 1tewa h(aotCsrahc ec Branu-h Stores-_ publicity. "I knew my sheeap, and mûeclv as.a reat prophet, at hcst a. Orono & Newcastle. arn known cf nmine," Jesus said agaîn the Mcýissah. But they waiked with t') His disciples. Faith is net stumb-i Hlm and taiked wvith Hîmi and f!e Ilin" d own a hlind alley over a rough' cd Hlmi and lived xývith 11:m, they ALAN M. WILLIAMS roa'd in the dark. Te be sure, there li2ih( the saine air, t h e yshared EmbamerandFunralDircte. lai-e things we are net permitcd ,,,Iife together, and direcýly they ;mere Callagirverndropt ndersnaire t know. "h is flot for you tu know - rti. Some cre .saving-: "We bh-- Caent in peoeptranchageern isa-, "umsad h esn Jss~dne "2ao<lare sure h' at ht seric. lho-f- #r_1_,Bo- t t îies cf itretun e-i nthAam ayeriud 1es MIDClECONONTtake in counting your moaey or 'meas- j s.0ad$.opesitîvE ring your croea may mean a I s 55 ad$.0te mvv Csok's R.gulating Compound Tor make a mistake in building a' 1 extra free Finger Wave. "Givei A safé. ,diabl. rquLatým* bridge or stceringa ship may invite Poe39 "As for madicns. Soid in eo a catastrophe. To mistake errer frPoe39 of oui of s,ftrengtb--No. 1, 81 truth la science is disastrous, but ti MRS. F. J. COLE, tude, a &I ty ildrsissorsetdo it in religion, where desqtiny andi Ontario St. Bowmanville ligionL onre~tcfPtU.1Ce in ail worlds la at stake, la irre-1 37-3 or cast paple.AdrU Iparalî.. We mi 802*o.II.Com.y 1du Certaluty in religion la vital be- ---àwiling )URIIAM COUNTY TEACIIERS Freachers and Sehools Inspectorate No. 1, 1929. COL. E. E. SNIDER, INSPECTOR CARTWRIGH-T ;. S c. Secretary Treasurer Hooey, John Vancamp, Wm. Bruce, Robt. J. Gibson, Fred B'eacock, Harold Phiip, W. G. Malcolmi, Stanley Wright, Garnet Emerson, M. F. 1Rickard, w. J. S. 3 Foley, Howard R. tOsborne, H. F. 5Wight, Milton * Metcalf, N. I. rWilson, Arthur Gay, M. G. Stephens, Geo. A. Hoar, Sid. T. Barron, Geo. A. Chant, S. G. Smith, F. G. Westiake, Wm. Pascoe, b. C. Ferguson, Dr. H. McLaughin, W.m. Annis, A. W. Smith, J. J. Shortridge, ýF. C. Siemon, Milton Whitney, Bruce Holmes, W. C. Mlilîson, b. Eddy, Chas. M. Kinsman, Thos. Lycett, W. J. Glenney, Howard Savery, Wm. Staples, A. J. Cooper, A. (Miss) Marr, Alex. Davey, J. E. Simpson, T. J. Patton, John Burgess, R. J. Ransberry, Jas. Cobbledick, W. S. Souch, Reoer J. Teac her Add rosa Wannan, borne Phoenix, Kathleen Henderson, Fieora McFadden, Florence Staplea, Audrey Fallas, Winnifred Malcolmu, Marshall St. John, Dorothy Aiimstrong, S. M. Burketoa Blackstock Burketon Neatieton R R 2 Neatieten Burketoan R R 1 Nestieton Nestieten R R2 Nestleton Certif. Salary il $1000 Li 1100 1 1000 I 1000 1 1000 11 1050 11 1150 2 Il 1000 lii 1000 1000 1025 1000 1000 1050 1000 1200 1100 '1000 1050 1100 950 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1100 1000 1000 1250 1200 900 1000 1000 930 1000 1100 1125 800 1250 112-7 1000 1000 1050 1000 900 900 1000 900 Lorriman, Loreen Bragg, Ruby M. Laird, Susie Souch, Eileen Souch, Beatrice E. Taylor, Lorna Ireton, Mar-y E. Arneld, Alice Gilbank, lys Ferguson, Toua Groat, Francis J. Campbell, S. Isabel Lewis, Helen VanCamp, Susie Dearborn, Lilliau Hobbs, Mervyn, J. McGil, Reva Iflarten, L>,ouglas D. MacKay, Grace Dewar, Archie McKessock, Robt. J. Stapies, Edgar E. CLARKCE Poilard, Margaret H. Cann, Gladys Savery, Laurence T. Power, Vera Hamm, E. Calvin Coralah, Roy H. Neal, Velmia M. Cowan, Nora 1. Foster, Kate Adams, Marjorie Stewart Katie W. Rolibins, Giadys Dancy, Veima Witty, Olive N. Crossley, Dcrothy Luxon, Marjorie Smith, Olive M. Winter Ethel ML. Ai-cher Mamie M. MAN VERS Stinson, Rarold McCamus, Eileen E'aiiis, A. W. Henders, Ruth Porter, W. N. Fierheiier, Vera Be«er, E. S. Bailey, Cora E. Wilson, A. E. Rutchison, Cwen M. Shea, E. B. Williams, Doris M. ~iMNeiI, H. W. Faillas, Florence HIamilton, Wpa.. Rawthorn, Auna HIooper, W. R. Hinton, Milten E. ~sEdna G. Stinson, Samuel Pickard, Marlon Davis, Byroýn Speers, Gladys V. MIcGill, A. Carneigie, Grace 3oggs, W. Jas. Shea, Laura Reynolds, F. Carscadden, Mrs. Ida L. ,arnstapie, Fred Messe, Helen "tiuller, R. L. Mountjoy, Razel Bowmanviile Bowuianviibe R 2 Bo'wmanviile R 2 iBowmanviile R 4 IBownianvie R 3 Burke ton G-ourtice Courtice Bowmanvillie R 4 Bowmanvilie R 5 Hampton Haîmpton Hampton R R 1 Tyrone R R 1 Oshawa R R 1 Burketen R R 2 Enniskilien Eaniskiblea Tyrone Enniskillen Hampton R R 1 Enniskillon Fort Granby Newcastle R R 2 Clarke Newcastle ,Clarke Orono Oro ne Oreno R R 1 Orono Oreno Keadal Orono R R2 Leskard Orono RR 1 Kendai R R 1 Orono R R2 Orono R R 2 Kendai R R 1 Orono Jaaetville R R 2 P n typoo Bethany Bethany Frankiin R R 1 Jaaetviile R R 1 Jane tv 111e Pou type e Pontypool Poatypool Janetvi.lle Franklin Pontypo-ol R R 2 Iponypool Bethany Janetviile IPontypoob R R 3 1 10,50 1 1000 Il 1000 I 1000 11 1000 1 1000 I1 1100 Er, 900 il 1100 Il 900 il 1000 il 1000 il 950 11 1200 1 1000 li1 900 TOWN 0F BOWMÀNVILLE Centrai School Dudley, Cocul H. Johaston Jeauha-H. Bragg, Leta L. Brunton Cecil R. (Cadet Iastr.) Bunner, Vivian H. Hartt, Laura M. Jeanings, Miaule M. Jeweil, Edna E. Moore, Florence E. Morris, Helen G. (Sup. of Music) Sargent, Bertha M. Syinons, Mrs. Muriel Wickett, Greta 3outh Ward Coilacott, Marjo)rie H. McGregor, Margaret E. 7earce, Harry R. sndî-rs, J. W Ce ntrtal) ist Primai-y ýest Primiary 'Bowinanvile Bowmanville B.owmanviile *Bow'aville 'Bowmanville Bowmanviile Bowmanviiie Bowmanville Bow-manville Bowmanviiie B owmanvill e Bovomanville Bowmanville Bowmaavi île ril I il I K.P. VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Rodgeî-, Thos. A. Newcastle Mason, Harriett A. Newcastle ya-~, M.iîj "îe A. Newca.-le TOWN 0F PORT HOPE Sonîci-villýe David L. Bi-ownlec, Janet Hiugh, Iri-ne I.aund{e:. iïà1 i O'Nei!. Agne Sont. Violet A. Sma>, Pl'ex l 1. StMîkîîl 'ary E. Thiepson. El- t- 0. Tluer.,1 <'M. Stanley, T» .s. W. (Superv-isr a Musc Black, lî li. Boct.,Iurtomn Davidson, :,î-.E. Bebee, Mary Port Hepe Port Hope Por-t Iope Poart ll'>pe2 Port H ope Port hope l'art Hope Port Hope Por', Hope Port IHope Poart Hope Port Hope Port Ho p- Port [lope Part I-lape K. P., Il 11 2'200 1075 1200 1050 900 1100 1000 950 1275 10,50 9 00 1075 1025 9 2.5 1300 1150 900 110 0 800 800 800) 1100 i 1100 100 1100 100 1025 800 Classification of Certificates 1 11 K. P. Special Totals Men .... 4 13 1 18 Women ..- 25 56 2 83 29 69 2 1 lot .dd that they wish thcy ha<l 1have." dthey ail want it. Doubts get :where. Recentby questienaires sent eut te the students in ,e number of cur American col- and universities. These stud- xere asked what kind of a her they preferred te hear, and kind cf a religion made an ap- In the vasit majority cf cases, nmswered: "We like a preacher vho deals ia facts and net theor- ld we want a religion that la 'e."1 The world is net gcing vest in an interrogation nu.ak. us your faitha!" cried Goýethe. 'r doubts, we have quite enough Lr owu !" We ail want certi- and we must 'have it if our ro- is ýte ho any satisfaction Vo us * any spebi on this godless wo'id. mat know, and 'we niay if we arej - te pay the -price. A Joint Savings Account is a Real Convenience PARTICULARLY as a mater of family cnven- ence des the joint accou t demontrate its value. Al funds deposited are subject te wthdrawab at any time by either of the persona in whse naines the joint accunt la ooened. In case of the de- cease f oeueof the parties holding a jýoint account, al money may be withdrawn by the other. A joint savings account in The Canadian Bank of Commerce is a rosi cnvenince whre two people desire access te the sanie furida. THE CANADIAN BANK O F COMMERCE MTE STANDARD BANK OIF CANADA > Art, Cole's Red Indian Station and Garage Phone 54 King St. E. Bowmanville IS LOCAL DEALER FOR Cyclo Motor Fuel Red Indian Motor 011 Marathon Gasoline ALL MiCfiTY GOOD McColl-Frontenac PRODUCTS O.M.L. Officiai Station-Emergency Road Servic Are You in a Quandary About What You Need In Building Material? Lumber, Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Seaman Kent Hardwood FIooring. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail timies and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are aiso prepared to tak-e care of your order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Cdll and see us and get our prices before you buy. McCIellan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phones 228, 274, 218 King St. E. Bowrnanville 'You have not fulfihledl every dutyl cabass you have fulfilled that cf be-j îng pleasant.-Charles Buxton. ?LOVE MAN Df Busy banda-at hard tasks (lay in aad day out. Persian BaIrn keeps the skin soft and pliable. Removes redncss and relieves irritation. Atouv Dru «ut 7PEPkfIAN 13ALM DARLINGTON PAGE TWO