THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3md, 1929 PAGE FIVR ARE YOU CARRYING ENOUGH FIRE INSURANCE ? Each month and each season brings its own problem, and during the next few weeks we will ail be busy making our homes ready for winter, ]ooking over stoves and furnaces, making ready for the lighting of the winter fires. The lighting of the extra stoves and furnaces in the home increases the danger of fire with it.s consequent heavy loss and before you must start up the heat- ing system why flot take an hour off' and check up your fire in- surance? A re you sufficient]y protected against loas? You may building but how about the insurance of your householId goods, furniture and personal effects? Nine people out of ten do flot carry half enough insurancQ on the contents of their homes. Are you one of these nine? Take pencil and paper, go through your home room by roomn marký ing down the prices of the clothes, both summer and wrinter, th, furniture and househo]d effects, and it will astonish you how far short of the value your insurance coverage is. We have the agency for sonie of the best Canadian, British and American conipanies, and wiIl gladly help you decide how to figure out your insurance. J. J. MASON & SCON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Meats That Satisfy Hearty àAppetites The choicest cuts of Steaks and Roasts that ever graced your meat platter. Tempting Chops? Certainly. Lean, tender and fresh. What kind would you like? We have lots of other good things besides Ilmeat, including Vegetables, Fruits, Oanned Goods, Tea, Coffee, etc. G. A. EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowmanville Are You Ready Are you ready for the Fail rains ? Don't put off having the leaky roof put in proper condi- tion. We seli ROOFING-Shingles or Rolla ROOFING PASTE ROOF PAINT We will gladly give you an estimate for roofing, etc. MASON & DALE'S BomniPOPULAR HARDWARE STORE PH E14 CARTWRIGHT 60 YEARS AGO 1 CARTWRIGHT SCHOOL FAIR ; L By J. H. Medd, Exeter, Ont. Held at Blacleatock, Wednesday,1 Miss Rets September 18th. iservatory of My next teacher was James Flarr. end with relat He was a large good-natured man- Grain 1 Mr. and M a teacher, too, that the scholars ]iked. W.heat, 1 qt.--John Carlaw, Ralph fainily, Londo I attended only during the ivinter Larmer, Walter W.right, Vincent Werry's parer months ta him. My cla.ssmnates had Archer; Wheat, Sheaf- Walter1 Rev. Canon quit school. I studied Mathematics Wright; Oats, 1 qt.-Ivan Thcmpson,iducted the sei -Arithmetic, Algebra tand Geoinetry' Maurice Sameils, Marion Argue, An- Church on Suý -I liked these better than Grammar ison Taylor; Oas, Sheaf-Harvey He was entert -(the one big milstake of my sc.hoolj Thonipson, Ivan T.hompson, Marion J. R. McLaugl life). Argue; Barley, 1 qt.-31aurice Sain- 'Meeting of There was only one exciting event ls of St. Jo4hn's in my school life with Mr. Parr. A Vegetables home of Mr. a boy named Jin Patterson, a stout, Potatoes, Dooleys-Ronald Trewin, on Thursday e lad, told me one morning hie was go- Lamna Trewin, Allan 'Beacock; Pots- wîth a fine att ing ta thrash. the teacher. He did toes, Irish Cobbler-Hazel Wright, started for t something to provoke the teacher who Marion Argue, Harold Crawford, Noveraber 5th, called hini ta the desk. He would Merlin Philp, Beth McQuade, Lloyd church for hyd net go. The teacher came down and Brown; Ensilage Corn-Jean Wright, Mr. and Mre took Jim by the coat collar, jerked lBob Smith, Walter Wright, Viola cie, Mms. (Dr, hum into the passageway, pulled him Brown, Elmer Archer; Sweet Corn- and Rev. Mrs. ta the door, lifted hlm off his feàct, Havel L. Wright, Neil Johnston, of Kincardine, and with the aid of his foot, sent humI Maurice Samells, Roy Stinson, Max- -Mr. and Mrs. 6 feet beyond the steps. I went well Fallis, George Curtis; M angeLsý- Miss Elizal back ta my seat and the teacher carme Ross Bailey, Ivan Thampson, Vincent Perry, spent a ta me and asked me the reason wvhy Archer; Turnips - Aileen Werry, Mrs. Fred Wi] Jini acted s0 badly. I told him iI Percy Hulbert, Allan Pallia, Mildred Mr. and Mn, could not tell him-he did mot tell me Archer, Anson Taylor; Beets-Dor- town, recently his reasons. othy Brown, Marie Trewin, Dorothy mather, Mrs. My chol aysareovr. r.Williamson, Marion Argue, Margaret A very prett Parr wanted ta recommend me to a Beace, Lois Veale; Carrots-Loissomned2 VelMabel VanCamp, Harold Septentber 2, man in Bowmanville who preparedCrwod Dri Wlsn Hae and Mrs. Ce4 boy fo acoo teches nd ollgeWright, Guelda Johnston; Parsnips- when Mms. Fer work. Had I taken his advice, IoeWit, ralSnsn Voa Elizâbeth, dau "Ouhd notnoIw be a tiredfabner Bradburn, Roy Curtis, Birdie Gibson, and the late1 "Oh wen ws atiy byFrank Woodard; Onions--Russell treal, was unit My dymand nr ihwe anuli ofj; Boa 1nGlenn Gibson; Pumipkin- Russell Moumt, Myomates ere lithsoetand kind; Lloyd Brown, Glenn Gibsan, Bob Mr. and Mrs, Nonwonder th a I ometims sigh Smith, Alfred Grace, Ralph Larmner Bbaeksbock, Rt And ashet alo ehardo ro iye eHarold Crawford; Tomatoes.-Mae The bride, wh< To cas a lok beh-d." 'ghton, Birdie Gibson, Margaret by her brother I amn now fourteen-a man taking j Brauce, Clava Mountjoy, Ralph Larm- ing in a 90-n a man's place on the f ai, going ta er, John Carlaw. trimfmed with1 B-ownianville for the firt time. We PIowers abower boiiqu stopped at Enniskillen hall way, my Asters-Lois Veale, Max'well Pal-îr1eception the father gave the homses ta, the hostlerI lis, Elmer Archer, Norma IMQuade; on a matai' tril to water and went in ta get Warm. Zinnia-Marion Argue, Viola Brad- Points. Father went ta the bar and got a burn, John Cavlaw, Keith Brown; glas of ale. Theme was onlY One African Marigold - Hazel W.right, 1A other person in the bar-room, a Young Perey Huibert, Glenn Gibson, Roy mani drunk fuillof whskey. The Carter; French Marigold - Mae hotel-keeper told him ta get up and Leighton, Russeill Brown, Bob Smiith; ~ mri go into 'tho next roaen. He spc>ke Calendula--4W<er Wright Roger Tèe cf ia te hlm thmee times, but the mani did 'reil1, D]00&£y lBrown; C«omo- dzbe O net mnove. Ho went down, gave the Birdie Gîb&On, Viola&!Brown, Lois St, Moniieai, mani a slap on the aide Of thie face, Vesie, Sidney Remington, Frank Evieret* M'oUi knocked hin orer, toak hlm by the Wright. lit,. Henry: legs, tand pulied hlm into the next Puîtj took place on room. A streani of wh.iskey maxi out Ooeker.l, Barred plyrnouth Rk_21at, at 2.30 p. of bis xnouth the whole distance. The Mamie Trewin, iidie Gilbn, Glen bridea bolher hotel-keeper was ashaaned of his fln- Gfbson, HEarold Crawfor-d, Norma Mc- and Mms Cecil ished product--yet the mani was some Quade, Sidney R'emington; pullet Ont., the Rer. mother'a darling boy. Tihis was MY Barred Plymoeuth Rock-Mari, T.- ing. first temperance lesson. It proved win, Glen GbOmn, Norma Me '1%. I home w good one-I have been a total ab- Birdie Gibson, Hprold Crawford, f p nlo mxi stainer ell my life. Bailey; Pen, Barred Plymooath Rock.s vn i n man It la the fail of 1862. My bro- -Birdie Giben, Glen Gibson, Norma Mr. Milton Pa ther, who was lire years eldee, had Mequiade, Ra»el Wright, Rtonald Tre- Se-11 iiik geor died. I had to fill bis place in haul- win, ImmnaTrewin; Cookerel, Wht ver lace orer ing the wheat ta iarket-iny first Leho<mnra-.Margret Armitage, Lloyd flare skirt fall load. My father told me ta stop at Brown, Leslie Beacock, Anson Tay- he back and; Maynard Hetel to get dinner. I was lor'; publet, White Leghorn---Leslie W ," tWooie early aind was in at the fimet table. Beacock, Margaret i Lly and her beuqm It, was filled with town bays. I had Bro>wn; Pen, 'White 0 lta~ led The only oenai g-et niceiy started when they left, land Beacock, Helen .Arm:tage. lace of pearls another lot filleci their places. When live Stock gift cf the br< thoey left I went with them'--alased Caif, Býeef--4toy Werry, Sidney . Aiter the1 ta stay any longer. The next timne Heniingten, AlIln Beacock, Ivan hOwers of eo 1, went I was later ait the table and Thompson, Leslie Seacock, Frnkin Mr. and Mrs.1 was surmaunded by Cartwright fam- Wright; Caîf, Dairy-Keith Johnston hM eymoon by ers, who had their breakfast hef are Leslie Beacock; Mrket Lapmb>-v' M n Oreal andp daybrenak. I neyer saw such eating. Tboapson, Harvey Thoxnpson, Perey ravelled in a1 When I was through Iat and lookedlaulbert, Allan Beacock; Beat bîroken bOrow, tirinunel op. No use for menu carda there. l and exhibited colt, caîf or laxb- <>'er a flavy b It waa December when I was doingi Leslie Beacack, Keith Johnston, Alian snaine With lx hauling, there was no Snawthe Beacock, Neil JhsoRyWrkid ahees. moads were smooth and d for Iran Thonpson. wheeling. One night about eleven Apples On their vo. o'clock when 1 got past the corners Spies-J'hn Carlaw, Neil Joihnston, Blackstock, Or, on the little mise north of the village Hazel Wright, Merlin Philp, Clara - niy horses ahied ta the beft. There Mountjoy, Anson Taylor; Snow- le-ming-tan,1 was a man asleep. I 'picked hlm uap John Carlaw, Orval Stinson, Marion Lansing, Bibi andi lifted him, inta the wagon. I Stinson, Lula Wright, Clama Mount- Keith Johnsta, drove an aibout roda, the homses joy, ROY Stînson; Golden Russetts Nt ahied ta the right. I got out and John Carlaw, Lloyd Brown, Clama Wee Seed& found another man. I bifted hi 1M.untjoy, 'Marion Argue, Loraa i-GboAni into the wagon, drove hoine, and 1 wîn, Ronald Trewsn. Te ân no drore the horses te, the stable. Whenj Cookint Fotrest Tree I camne baek the married man had I Tea Biscuits--Anson Taylor, Kath- Mrgaret Bruc gone home. I put the rhorse-blanketîl een Taylor, Aileen Wemry, Marion Tewn and robe over the other. He came Stinsan, Osrval Stinson, Marie Tr(nwin; inta the house the next morning, Apple Pie-Anson Taylor, Marion~ Poster-Sidi looking nome the worse. Here were Argue, Margaret Ammitage, Jean iFallis; Map of two mnen, one educated, a very clever Wright, Mamie Trewin, Dorothy W11 blow, Maxwebll man; the other 'a famin labourer, liamson; School Lunch-Jean WSight, MaP Of Ontar tumned out of the hotel dmunk, on a Violet White, Birdie Gibson, Marie Sehool Par& cold winter's night. They had bain' Trewin; Oat'meal Cookies-Dorothy S. S.- 2 Blacksý dowvn on the road, fallen asleep, andj Wibiamson, Betty Grace, Marion S.5Cadm might have lain there aIl] night, had1 Argue, Donald Graham, Glenn Gib- Physical Cul I mlot corne along. f son, Margaret Ammitege; Chocolate 2 Blackstock; tThe good people thank the Lord Cake-Frank Woodard, Anson Ta.y..5 Cadmus; S. that the bar-roorin ag-une. la it any j bm, Darothy Brown, Marie Trewin, Public Speal better under Govermient Sale, byl DomothyWilasnHazlL rgh Allan FaIllis, M whib mn avetedrink in their Home-made Candy-Roger Dormell, School Cha: haines? If I talk prohibition toa*a'Domothy Wiîîiamsan, Marie Trewin, Mahoads; S. S. man, he will usually tell me that the Hazel Wright, Marlon Argue, John Cadrnus. Bible does net prohibi't the use ofj Werry. Lire Stock Jq liquor. They may be ight. The Sewiflg Hulbeirt, Donal Bible aays a gireat many things Clothes Pin Bag--Birdie Gibson, Sidney Hesning agaînat the use of 'intoxicating Clama Moun1tJOY, Domothy Brown; Leslie Beacocli drinks. I wibl give one verse frai Darning on Woolen Stocking-Mabel oPlateocf A the Bible: "W:oe unta hlm that givethJ VanCamp; Wash Cloth--4Bie Gib- Stinson, ROY Si his neighboum drink, that puttest the, son, Clara Mountjoy, Domothy Bron Jean Wright, bottle to hlm and makest h.n, drunk- Pîlle0w Case-Domothy Willia monMcQuade. en." This is the inspired word and arie Trewin; Kitchen Aproniszins Silver Shie] they who voted for the sale of Ii-r .Wmight, Normna McQuade, Mario Sch ool winning areup gaiat hatvere.Stinsoon, Marie Trewin, Violet Wèit numiber of poii The Caesam-s I know nothing about.lJean Wright; Tea Towel-4-Mrar*School Faim 'W 'Pl, - - - - _ 1- - - -C t enm1wirnhnin n bis raîils. H Phail amid Butler it 'vas a t;ü, but b(, dlt'iM<lthe charge. Wibliù came af-i twcon moPhai! a11141Moore, 1 think- tei' nicht. hored a h rie in the Ril Joe had the best Of it. McPhail filied it with poidm-,, pt in a pbug' saidl there ivas no food valtue in po- The nex'\t morning the stove iva,., il] l aU)os; Joe said ho hýad seen men in lover the sitting-rooin. Ireiand, fed on potatoes and butter- Wiilie hnd a abeer that ivent ta lthe! mulk. One of thein could wipe out hote] and ate the 'hay ouît of the a dozen like hum. sleighs that stopped there. The band-.1 (To he continued) Notice to Creditors' in the Surrogate Court of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham In the Estate of Clara R. Goodo, late of the Town of Bowmanvile. In the Coun- t>' of Durham, Spinster, deceased. Notice la hereby given that ail persons haing d'aims against the Estate of Clara R.G Gde,' Spinster, deceased, late of the Town of Bowmanville, ln the County of Durham, who died on or about the 29th day of August, A. D. 1929, are required ta mail or deliver this ame with full par- ticulars verified b>' Affidavit to the under- signed on or before the 12th day of Oc- tober, A. D. 1929, after which date the Executor wiil dIstrIbute the assets of the Estate having regard only ta the dlaims then flied. Dated at Bowmanviiie, Ontario, this twenty-first day of September, A. D. 1929. W. P. WARD, B. A., Solicitor for the Executor, 39-3 Bowmanville, Ont. , Coks-J. HERMON latterT's Buya ftin was Poultry at Fair Prices teron, 2ubn afonMr: Brtn, Phonosvill :5 9 Panes onav 3 f Mon- Toronto: Trinity 3949J ýe ta Mr. Address: 274 Augusta Ave., so fToronto. 37-1l'r. marrage - d charrm-I geargettýe I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Planes bath new andi useci; or geans for chumch and sehool; rad- ios andi phanogmaphs sold on termes canrenient to customers. Thle Freed andi Philic are con- sidereci marvelous far distance andi tone quality. Theela no- thing flner in radio. Have you seen the new 45 inch Dominion piano? An altogetherr-1ý charming instrument. F. J. MITCHELLý Phone 105 Bowmanvllh NOW IS THE TIME To Spebcify a Hecla Fur.nace- that triples the radiating surface- gives more heat with lessctel. Patented F'used Joints which make it GTae-Proof ,ahtdDu- Proof. «Big Circular .Water- pan -gives ample moist'ure. - This new, *fine, modemn heat- ing, system i. just' what you have been wanting. Let's tell you about it and give you an estimate free of charge. Re E. LOGAN Nozt to Pethieks Barber Shop Plumber and Steamfitter Bowmanville ro- P'- feit BE THERE! SET liai FRONT Row TIRILi. new in radio is in store s for you " FACE- TO-FACE PREALISM". Init you wili find genuine "front row thrill". The famous Sparton V oice has becra developed to a perfection that is astounding, even in a Sparton. To listen is to step into the picture yourseIf, to SEE and to FEEL Thrilingly you feel the tenseness of the moment. The newest Sparton EQUASONNEis truIy ALVE. Hear it. HARRY C. ALLIN ~ NW PARONSparton Dae ELSONNE Bowmnanville M.d 3.01 SP4UN RAD1O iPays your naoney and you talk's your choice It doeun't nuake any difference which kind of loaf you prefer, you'Ul get the best of lu klnd If lt's made by Loaves to suit ail tautes White, Drown, Creana, Fancy, Whole Wheat m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 1929 PAGE FIVE rea