PAGE FOURTE CANADIAN STATEMAN, BOWNANVLLE, TEUESDAY, JANUAEY 28rd, 1980 SALEM HAMPTON SENFIELD IENNISKILLEN DLACKSTOCK PETER MARIiN & 80 Rev . . .(Bnner'a sermon, deliv- An iilustrated talk l'Severi Years in' misa Alice James, Columbus, in vWs Mr. cnd lIrs. Russell Ormiston Y.... People'à Society cf the )fi, , md g. jas. Sboartt and MIr. B *red from our 'pulpit on ~Surida t' the 1Lumber Camp," wJth100 views, fting at Mr. J. Hepbuii'a .M. Al- vlalted friends iniOrono, and attend- United Church met on Wednesday adlr.W .Cutc ted te Plsatering, StccofrIt!Oe wis 6e cf worthy lffterest, sbowing wlll be given by Rev. J. M. Whyte at bert Niddcry, Toronto, spent the ed the 78th birtbday celebration cf nlght, Jan. 15tb, and elected new gon ddWLg o r. ceatnderstheo exterlor linished nalTtI tbr a ee uhdep thought Hampton Church Monday evening, weekend at Mr. J. Hepburn' . ... The gle ah.go M.adMr.GO in its preparation. One Point in' Jan. 27th. Vocal and instrumental roads this week are impassible for the latter's grandmotber, Mn . offhicrm vof. W.he efl .AinOhw nStra vn pnering hik cwithtiee wating thure ow, nthe frgtaa fulsofAusice mssiof W.eC.nT.1U..cas.cara c h eeigw Ici eiBrnEn aetio parieuar rge th fogetulnss ! usl. Amision25eand15e cas.Tamblyn .... MIr. Oliver Beckett and opened with a devotional talk and giflnwr weekend visitors of &MOse Ucred theaecbo h mearn thnd oey In het o a n f lv s ie s mpofedW StC k T on ,aUo.ou-dau hter Alberta visited their aunt, prayer. N w îY ee t d ofie s are-r n n ei B un, E - h v h s dd j b o . e h v ing a Mit that la worty of lits attain- The Dr. Hess lines ineluding the 1 MAPLE GROVE M ern ..Ms oadPeietMrae wi;Worhi'p4 n cf ou Lor and Mastr. .. .M a. Fed ty "P nami" (i pro.ed P nace) __ ____Mn. m. H rrin . .. Mn. owar Preiden-Ma .aret Swai* W .Mn R.. R. Courice.. .. n.AyOng etal Weat orstlp c Tor m on t e ra n d o b ll in ath e po o r hd e at h s n st m o e d a o .S t r . RC c, HmtonkvT oiteb e r a u n t o n v e n e r- O l vP B . V a nam py . Sa te rn o n la st th e fi rs t W . e nlto ; G re y o r B I& k P a t c . l l g suftsursLoDoraEndeMast v'istingMMr. P rra J.ry ..P.n'm John(Sm prnon ba PanacJohn;1 m p a Smc.tinMof8thmeeeargasofetdeZincrr Bronze M etinW eaoreBronze ... M n F L. S q ai sp nt th e u a tec .H av S oe . C letH aTtonaJ o n;-hri tiatin th e S unday S chool room w th a H ave y our bouse m d r u b , d a Mrs F.L Suai ý pen th ar guraneed Have ustreceived' and Mrs. Ray Snowden, Toronto.... gone te Bowmanville Hospital for r nr Cohip -rru F.e W.eNr e--incagoftexcuivad h'ufre weekend wlth ber smutera, the Miss another ahipment of fresb and smok-, Miss Ida Stevens bas retumned home slight operation. We hore he w;' M ifto n ard esn ws ncey peetd b rs wtr lo ape ac okd wt Stephens of Bowman'ville and enjoy- cd flsh aise. front Newcastle... Mn. Truman acon be home again ...The Aduif K611; itenship Convener-LisE neen, Me n. (Re. Tai ntopewl____________________- Step ens, wbois brne rom the est . U was beld at he h me f Mis da gbtr, M . St art MortnKCemp;t e base ent of te c urch oh p nc. genleme wee inited Th new1497oBo manvfle ed a visit with ber niece, Mm. Jas.1 The monthly meeting of the W. C. Power visited last week witb er Bible Clama held its annual meetin' Weatherilt; Recreational ommittee psde n avry aalemner il on a viit ...Many o! our citizens Reeve on Tuesday, Jan. l4th. Good bourg..Quite -a number in the Tuesday nlgbt, January 14th. wbe" Swain. They are looking forward A. . ay. eor was givl pe ente f rrn ekins on and witotwae. Ti are basy these days getting in teratnne.Ldswreilnterest. neighborbood bave bail colds.... the following officers were elected' to making great strides this year to-e rA uer Gay., sh infon. tbo fcoigsei arti I next Summer supply of ice and in ed ini the work and decided to get up: Misses Marjory and Dorotby Stevens Preident-Mns. J. A. Werry; Vice wadsth ralzaiohf ods ofigo scetowtbth Msso anCUeranwood.ris uns ospent teweeknd witli their sister, President-Mr. Frank Orchard; Sec- wars eOn Wcdin fy Jan - n u scet ih h isinthe flavors of thedlfrn etae, eutin wod.poe... .O Weneda, Jn.22d, irl BandBadb ad sent to thel etc., and the meat etll a e provide prizes for tic medal contest 1 Mrs. Ray Snowden, Toronto. The retary-«Mr. W. J. Stainton, Asst- the Young Peo.ple are holding their Brancb Treasurer for lut year over liclous Utste. Mh tino a sALEM LEAGUE whiicb they are conduting in the deatb angel as again visited our Mr. J. Orhard; Treasurer-Mrs. H. shating party at Blackstock Arena. $40 more than our allocation whicb mo5t gracions inbehoeadd- Leage metin Moday evnlxg l oat l2 under direction of, community and taken from our rnidst1 Stevens; Flower Comm.---Mrs. Frank %efreshments served ...Women's was meut gratifying. Mrs. G. F. ing the cvening wspeetdwt Jal eting Mchae lli* isKtro ... Mr. and Mns. Wxn. Mr. Charles Hinmnan, formerly of Orchard, Mns. Fred Ellis, Mns. E. -C. Auxillary of St. John's Cburcb beld Annis gave a short reading on Temp - tor.u cs Ja.itwas in careo! Mn. Chapman and family bave purchaed i Coiborne, who resided with ber Ashton; Teacher-Mr. W. H. Moore, tbe annuel meeting at the home of erance. Vocal solos were sung by to bave Rev. J. R. Trumpour with us 1owned by the late J. J. Virtue ...sympathy of this comrnunity is ex- Mns. J. A. Werry. We have a very Jan. i 7th...The Play ifarrying nis, and piano solo by Mns. W. R._______________ w gave tetp -i r n r.AthrAlnadfmý56 ori wbe the to I l he everyone jr n n rbrAu n ai tended to Mr. and Mns. Talcott and interesting and inspiring class, and Anne" whicb was glven Dec. 25-26,Curtie. The i.nteresting part of enjoyed. arlrs ly will occupy the bouse vacated by 1he rsister, Miss Hinman, in their buss. every one la wclcome...... Mn .G. by y'. p. ofUntdCuhBak Newly lccted officen are: rM. Cbapman..The many !riendsl .. . .Mr. Charlie Collier attcnded Preston bas gene to Oshawa fer a few sUitocCkrh Blck the programt was a most inspiring ad- o!MisenSdi-MdLaraVituSaime Shol t obug sa wek dy .'r.incM.eev mut'stck asgiven again at Nestleton dress on "Sbaring" by Rev. Dr. gh Tl 1U1m detM.L1icad;Sc -Toas. i n ar Vru itr cola obugltwek as.... r n rs eiBu Jan. l7th, and aise the Anglican Fletcher of Oshawa. The impres- E 1f5 dent-Mr. aichattrds; Vice resi- are sorry to have them leavo the .... .Mr. and Mns. Ross Stevens, upent the weekend with friendu in Church Y. P'S Play was giron at Jan- sions made and tboughts gleaned I~U ~ I , -Mr. Bob Cale; lut Vie-MnS. Hon- community. Tbey have moved to; daughter Betty, visited fiends in Oshawa and attended the Golden etville on Tuesday, Jan. l4th. Thfeso from Dr.Fe ersades hud ACCU cy; 2nd Vice-Mns. Welsb; 3rd Vice Toronto and will ho greatly missed Toronto last week... Mn. R. L. Wedding of their aunit and uncle, Mr. pîyFeewî ieiadwl tg oh lpflt i wherard s hlTh Miss Gilbank; 4th Vlop-Mr. L,; in the social and church activities Womden and Mrs. Ivan Law are at- and Mns. Perkins. .Quite a number ed... Clumch services on Sunday executive served deliclousrorh- Iteonytigfite - Coo'b; rgaia-Msa Marion, bore. Ail wish them happinesln teeding the W. M. S. Presbyterial in from bere attended the sale o! the nih ecrte oryatne n ot n oiltm a Coombe;lae J J.VituenRa ptn. M. acnigt we! the br onds atndednclmnsn a 8teol Meeting on Tuesday evoning, Jan. Slemon, Lloyd and Gordon, Haydon, H. Stevens visited bis niother, Mns.lcnt weatber. Rer. F. W. Newell ... On Wednosday evenleg, altbougb op he ftln ou oe wt 219t, was in charge of Miss Gilbank,1 visited hem mother, Mms. C. Johns ... TRN E. Stevens, Hampton ... . Mr. Orville spoke on the subject of Faith, taking net largely attended, the prayer gass Srd Vice Prosident. Presideet Samn . .Mr. J. L. Johns spent a couple o!fYRN Ashten toek a ntimhem of younçg mon for bis text "Ho Tmuated inH .' meeting hedith uaySol Buttcry occupicd the chair. Bible days at Saginaw, Michigan, recently. _____to Ohaw o'te- oky Hlm.'Te eld wsveyiteetigan om a ising the Wdh oolr hexmn reading by Mns. Welsh; lut part o! ...W. W. Hemn, P. M., attended Mr. borne Annis la taking the! tween Bowmanville and Oshawa Jun- inspiring, and evcryono went an present. Rev. J. R. Bick of Hamp; reet; the lensesron catl tapie was given by Miss Gilbank; Ontario Postmastens Association Con- short Course at the Ontario Agri-. MaudeonMenday evening... .Miss with a deepai, haowledeo temana ton gave a beautiful talk on 'Fraye r.' t orrfato;adtae piano duet, Mns. and Miss Honey; vention at Cananrte Hotel, Toronto, cultural College, Guelph .... .. Miss Mal Ahtn Toronto, Mr. Ira Tra- ing o! Faitb .. . .Miss Mariorie Mar- Sbires aevil e v a . Jplen- perefritd, col"an 2nd part o! topie by Mr. F. L. Scpiaim; last week... .Mr. W. G. Doidge, whol Ruby Virtue, Bowmanville, visited Vi, Oshawa, spent the woekend law, ootaet h eknhdi expoflanatinvo! tae aLrds play- prc fort ed, reading. Mns. L. Richards; violin underwent an operation in ber mothor, Mns. Laura Virtue. wlbbrprntM.ador.E .b rothoiiilacktoek.Md isso"wt lakor lusrto.. deMsr.Ceemba and C. Colla- General Hopital, Toonto, is report- Miss Florece Gardiner la visiting Aho....n .Hoy uktn oi.Dempsey was witb !iends iniOn account o! weather snd road con- We specializeindfcutces dut, earsed slowly on the mend. Mrs. Doidge friendu ln Oshawa... .Mr. and Mn.vitc Mr. and Mrs. JamydeshFetonoon oever the weekend... Missesdtin ths ateigte r- urfcaecomnitC ib eott. _______lffl with hlm le Toronto..Rev. S. York, Sutton, are spending a few Mr and n. Llroy rd Asto n-aiteesDv m rc onjvvice on Sunday memieg were tectaisednt aenumt an o!acf Oendeestartes SOLINA J. R. Bick peached a goo<l sermon days at Mr. W. F. Park's ... .n .o usa vnn atwe. Mr. spentth-eekend at thehomres o! few in number. Rev. F. A. our service. Our Young people by 'requestar Sunday evening. Miss Eleanor Sykes, W. Hendenson, Providence visited hem Ashton bas p)urchased a -new Faa evtt ý a Young pupil o! Mr. F. Sutton, 'Bow- sisterm Mn. A. W. As........Misasn.W. r F adnas eIMe OiveB Vnam sdEelnI.awson, Secretary ef Dominion AI- repeating their play "Marrying manville, sang very acceptablyt Kathleen MeCullougb felI and tore trado . m OsW nd rt bsr- liance, Temonto, was prosent and gave Lot us examin or0~,I Anne" at Eldad Thunsday evening, "Heaven is my Home." Will be gladthe ligaments o! hem hip lut week .. th n. Jfothawa nd 15 tavin MAPLE LEAF FARMERS' MUTUAL ev9peniou asore v . . NxtStnay on- ot Ja.ome . Adisin25e and 15c. te hear hem light aimy voice ln song . .M nm.Little bas retureed home a plndd ddrss Net unaJohudone rquie las. w again .. ee harvest 15 under way, front visiting bier daugbtem, Mns. D. COLUMBUSRENSUR NTC~.N ton, wiîî give an illntae etr îltelYn Misses Maries Williams and Elva again hoe..Our boat wisheu are 1 R. Fraser, Betbesda. . On Tuesday CLMUOT on "Marchieg with the Hemees." A Gray Pot Prry ar vistin Mr an exendd to-Mr an Mr. W G.Hon. Wm. Smith, President special invitation la extended te OD0 Gra, PrtPery, revistin M. ad x±edodteMm.andMn W.G.evoning members of Womes's Inati- Powem!ul Mediine.-The healisg i. G. Purvis, Secretai'y ovoryone ln this commun ity to corne Mn. Chas. Howsam .... Mm. and Mn. Wite (nec Helen Johs) who were ute and Ladie' Aid witb their bus- proporties in six essential ails are 35 yean o! succsful business. and bear this lecture as we know it Charleten McBride and Burton, Mr. quietîy mamied bast Tburday even- banda and families had a social ev- concentrated in evemy bottle o! Dm. Farn and Village iuks camried at ow wlll ho somehing wortb wbile. an mDlegPeebrM*ig a; thef ::: o and bRev. J. R. enin nthe hall. A short proWmniThomas' Eclectrc Oil, !orming one of rate. Drtn ow veyrsR. Sanon"' r Juy & LeI and Mms. Clarence Tink and Kathleen, Bik. Thoy were lustily serenaded wsgvoese.wihpogesvetemutbnfciilniet ve ! enoalteeoeafidjt-ors wkR .aJ!ew. dasint y...inTorM to.JrWl Provden e, r. nd rs.Wil Whte, on atu day eve ing and responded Lest Heir was eejoy d, M n. Russel !erod to the use o!fzman. M any cani ment in ces. o!f ime. Directon in shime put on an aluminu mn dem netra- Hampton, visited at Mm. Georie with a geserous treat at ber motbem'u Wight and Mm. Wm. Staples winning toati!y as te its powr in allaying this territoy: J. J. Smith, Enniskil- tien at the Panonage Monday eroc- The Rexal Sor Wites. .. .Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Tifs nhome .... .Miss Lottie Home bas e- the prizes. A musical contest was pain, and many more ec certify thatl eSme sweBemnil.i1wihwa uhojydb h o! Lcthbridge, Alte., visited Mm. end turned frem Toronto and Oshawa enoyedmualtenowhic, lunch was semJ-nthey owe their health te it.tht enjye, fte wic luchwa sev-thy ee her halh o i. tswon-1 Local Agent: Evert«. V'Jhite, ladies. An appetizing dinner wss Whenin need o rg e.7 Mn. John Baker..Several fronm whre she vsited. .Mr. R. Wetaway ad ... .Women'u Institute and Ladies' derful powermlu net expmesed hy the- R. R. 4 Bowmanvible. aerved by Mr. Wiltshire, meat, pot- bore attended the funeral o! the late who has made bis homo witb bis Aid met at the home of Mrs. Jas. small price et which lt sells.It M". Jas. Camemon at Zion. We ex- daugbter, Mns. Clatwothy, for some Storie on Wednesday afternoon itb Phono 14,6r2. 4-2m toea, cariots, ail cooked witbeut- tond onv sympathy te the beroaved weeks, bareturned te Camron. .anaenan tnace o! fifty-two.onThe! _________ _____________________________________ oses... Mr. and Mns. Chas. Howsam Our i, hsehool pupils onjoy a sleigh president, Mrs. Luther Hooper, pro-I____ entertained at a progressive ouchre ride te and fro oach day while reads slded. Meeting oponed by singing __- .----___-__ party Satnmday evening. Al bad a art, niueOdadprys.M- joîîy time. -Sorry te report that U____thestiere Oede and aprayer. MT-he1 Mr. R. J. Meosock la confined tQ ACut AL olw.emo rad and arved . TbCre bis bed. Mr. Alan McKessock is ACINSL moî cals. Anseruiessbya"Cumenia taling charme of bis scheol work.. , A&-DbusinssmaShorta- Mv.Job Psco i aie nde & Thuraday, Feb p.-uba h rtIpogram was given iby the Grand-1 Mi. ohn ucceis aso 'der hemr Association will hoid its 9thimothers, who camte le old-time cas-' Dv' cao. . lsbthei acb anual consignmet sale o! register- turnes. Solo by Mrs. Robt. Hodgson, a, speedy reevery."Maine hWd Sbortborn cattle at Beitb's Stab- "Whee You and I Weme Young Mag- Anse" presented by Uic Solina ls Bowunanviile, when 10 females'ge"; a talk on the work o! ine yo nn peopbele i the cburch F rlday and 15 bulîs will ho offcrcd for sale. times by M n. Simon M cCo; slect4 r.. .. ..*.,,ý ovcning was a decided suceus hm Write John Baker, Secretamy, Hamp- ion on the Victrola "The Oid Wood. i ' Q was a good -attondance desDite th' tonR. R. 1, for catalogue contain- on Rocker"; a taîk on Ploasume and 1 snewy weather. The play was quite ng pedigree o! each animal. 4-8 Education in Pioncer Tumes by Mrs. taicen. nd heatswe e re well,4tl-r.BotViols Smitb; solo by Mms. James i:.- on hy the Os.hawa Maie Ouartette Jones, Lot 3, Cen. 2, Derlington, will more"; a recitation by Missu na hit ln ette 36-inch Sh t afeaLAAn.ÂAÂ'JVV'.LLLTi comnosod e! Messrs. A. W. Petre, C. selI without roserve on the prem isos, Cameros, "Grand ma Sits le Hem I B. amert, e. A waand J.iR . %Sie ool, a o!y ms'Tocrai- Qu1n A Cai";ucbctenonth îtional value, soft and cosy A SiIk that is especially suitable Sturdy quality, al lne Ro r appearance at Solina and they are plements, funtretc. At the "ivrTrasAog, ~I lneet; sial o for evening and party frocks, but Twlig eystsatr o e abways onjoyed. The cast of char- satise time and place the fan of 150 Ied-" îA conter;at, Tbngsmdim our, jsd ordant budiran Chas. Sbortridize; Aunt Rosie.-, bis sqale. For ternis. etc.. see bis. enjoyed. Prizes weme giron te the wihti7lnheid, 1 chesterfield cushions; colors are brem 6inhswd, 1 ducter-Ruth McXKesaeYck: Anne. Sale at 12.30 o'cloclc sharp. Grandmothers as follows: Oidest-' wegt 7ichswd, 1 c. ' Sale4 P ic ar..... bi sp, raddagitr~ao.r~ . .Monîo, ha . lmoMn. Laura Hicks, wbo is 85; Quaint- Sale Price Yard................ beautiful, showing shot SaePrc YC....... eci~ Jne afr~< e A -n~ est Dressed-Mm James Dudley; '- fet ad......u ._______ Baker; Mn. Cbubb, the bousekeeper 8-3 Clerk. Auctioneer. Grandmother that had the meat e 't ad ............. -Veras'aker: Dr. McCalum-Sam _______________grasd-children-Mrae. Wm. Virtue., I Dewel:Bob Oldavq. son le dîsamrace The Gandmotens, wbo nuniberedi Sr (1did Bath Towels -Aln ]o: r.St]--Rb CRIG N RUKNG egtSpiendw t hetbe.Te i1 Chintz Covere AI] iid on art:g. ru ingand cetre oh e t e sgrae a 1, hîd A Very low price on a large size E taC to rnsC m otr De el: izl S e--T hem n e f - M ,n, oa n og itne a eGandmothems' Birtbday Cake, E t a C t o ri t ojo t tii diectr.Mn.Art'i Miîso..Phone 630 Queen et., Bowmsnvilîe wbieb was cut by Mrs. Roh't. Towel, the.dreOMr.ARD, AbarirMelHodg- j tfTurkish pure white, long 2ooped, Proreeds .0.....................AU DRe at son, the youngest grandmotber. iTwl esrn 0x4 Buy today, save on future re- Well filled with eanct gotid attenidance at Lesee Mni- AN WANTED Lunch wa, sei'ved and a 9ccial time! inches, with hemmed ends and col- quirements . These are Prin j i light and warm, goo(ult niohtto hor ho pmarai,%'calo Ikm!1o, .i,,inry çrk< jonc tromipt dur h ol ofces Superintendentl ";ored borders in gold, blue varhistm alpatt rns, deli htfu ly c intz o!f lie 2 1d V ice P ros.. M iss Hlelen ,,ti.'fmrorv an d et r..a onahI,. prce â C v n osofficet e r sn: Itf ll W55;,,w . %Irj,rarn. King St. E. 1Bowmaf.villle Mr. W. Stewart; Sccetar-Mr.~2 c aer . 'Pldvan al oniod I>n'ri478. sizceS, 1.or.li2,r -m A ss.Set ..pnkad.aene,.ac...i.f...r...alblean oslag tal en li M . ll s al on R aA ,,. îunp 78 ILo mcie A nnis; A sst. Secretarv- M r«i c l r d , adfa t c re s s c î llu e s Miss Fvovn Tisk: a vocal efetion, Gordon Brent; 'resurer-Mm. Rus- for gay house sizesesach........ woth Ala lsn. .W avfend E.gR.Tts -_____ MotAnBloss..E.Wrvrn1d n+e gnt td E . ns-ýel Wrght, 'Pianst-Miss Mary Damask Table ClothS frocks; choice of dark and light 1er. Sn'ne rerv intertieg lentfer, if you are looking fom an opportunlty t, Miglel; st-Miss a rc; lides of the womk amnz the l7Ç5a better your position, the Watkins Bus!- .Misslonamry Suit.-Mr. R. J.oodoy; AneA1tCa ..2ve Sait g Give wee h" bos n en'i<îhv ess wil!!put you le the path ef Succes, son; Asst.-Mrs. Norm WHde;i-'A ttatveSl Sae Gvn Colorings, 32 ince s wide, 9c32 .G ng a s13/ Y Rev.R. th i ck.n andetin ised h' thut r sk. Po,'itively the largest nn 'emperace-Mr. Everton Wbite-;l wyFrewthEey lt L 2rIG n h fRediton E1k C wcc et lc eooo 1o tofmn(AalFe Ee CohSale Prioe Yard .......... Lpaeupe.Fcin.. Eln $hiýc nflflO or mcore profit per week for the C'ading Officer-Mr. S. T. H:oam;l Indu trlous man FI o o henteD.Ms . Woodley; Purchased at 79c Wedneeodav evenne Jas. 2tb et irpnpa w Yetloarty.Rura or City, and tartl WenzaveeMon an 9h.Lt the ewl. Qe r ght. Thp J. R. Wtkino Cradie Roll-Mms. R. Hathery. ver mebe beprson. ompacty. Dept. R-il, 749 Cralg West, 'Penchera: Bible Class-Mr. H.G _____ r epeet.1Mnral u.34,Mcln Ag.M.A.H rnLovely - _____ Win-One Clas-Mrs. (Rev.) J. R il k ltC e e ___ _ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ Trunipour, TIt-M s . J. G - j .('é ru c PE R S O N ~~~~man, fin . n- M?.H rntf' n 1V! E i ivt~i~~i~,iI A .c J T oan on "Thoughts for - IIAKE'ra b jýg HPPNGCNTEBUY FOR( S //Pho e;thie'z Nw Ypa": readneq by Mmr._ - - Phn 1Bowmanville Stanley Payne and Miss eIaLL J ~ For el S.W Mao &Sn 1lvMeipcosed with a hymni Fom ry .W MIn& o hoe14 O M Phodethe4 BOWMAJ.4VILJ PAGE FOUR