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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jan 1930, p. 3

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TIM ANAUN IATMR, OWNANVILL& E, MSAY, :ANUAI ~omIw~ PAGE TRIEZ 4113 Clerk and Bailiff at- ORFV IT REM.GA tending Division Court . . .. 22.16 YORFV IT Manager Bank of Mantreal, SOPPING CENTRE Plumber and Steamfitter cOllecting taxes........... 46.95 Frel .W ao Neat to Pathick's Barber Shp Council adJour.ned ta Frlday, Feb- F Bowmanville taW.7h, yR. Allia, Clerk.Mao& _____________________BPc M. Pacoe.1 NEWCASTLE MISSION DANO ODFELLOWs' LOOG NONAGENARIAN CELEBRATES U -E l .Phiet S-pi-I m ntiatias of Office»s et Floreic. I r.Elao eLuhi o i -New Officers n hateNgtiae1Wi. cosMi.. enorâ aua in~fe el th The Golden Rule Mission Band of late k&obert h1c±augnfln, found.eroz the Newcastle United Church held its A lange number of Oddfellows the McLauguim tanar»ge tompany, burt meting of the New Y..: en were present at Florence Nightingale celebratea lier 9th birtliay at lie Baturday, Jan. lSth, in the Bfble Lodge, No. 66, I..O.F., WednesdaY, l»me on Jan. 2Utn, 19,8. clame room wth the new officeers in Jan. 22nd, to see three candidates Mms. Mciaugwin, wnose imaideu charge, Evelyn Allun in the chair, initiated and aima witnems the. beauti-, i O ewas Lideanor Snith, Waà bol-n wlth Jean Rickard as secretary. The fui installation ceremony which was j i usex, EngLand, in tAie yeur l1.. usuel programn was proceeded with, no splendidly carried out by D.D.G. M.1 At the. age oi il yeara suie came ta and i addition Gladys Pollard gave Douglas Moore and bis staff. Thec Cana"a wkLh dis parents, who tookc a piano solo; Ruth Honey a song, and officers instailed for the next terni up reidence in a village about two Kathleen Spencer a recitation. are: mies f ronm the present village of Ln- Mms. W. E. Beman produced a let- field. El~eanor Smaith received he: ter from Santa Claus in which hel N. G.-Wm. Milis; V. G.-floward education at the little cli". there. stated lie was on hlm way to the Northl Cowle; R. Se'y.-F. A. Haddy; Fin. Mrs. McLaugkiiin can recali anai re- Pl'oe and could not possibiy return, Sec'y.-W. J. Ormiston; Treas. lt many tartling taiea of pion..: but sent his love to the Mission W. A. Edger; Warden-W. J. Jef- lfe f~wliich she herse if exporienced Band. In addition Mrs. Santa said fery'; Conducor-Rd. Sudds; Chap- whie atili attending achool, and later she would send aiong ail the parcels lain-W. Lynier; R.S.N.G.-Fre she married George McCullocli snd whleh lad been left from Xia.' Bennett; L.S.N.G.-E. Bird; R.S.V. movd with hm to Columbus, Ontar.. These duly arrived by mail and were G.-L. Roenigk; L.S.V.G.-Clyde io tw nti ilg h ie presented to Mrs. (Dr.) Butler and F'orsey; R.S.S.--Juhn Living; L.S.S. evn as i the s ilag o er ha. vd Mms. C. T. Batty, Superintendents, -Jas. Gibson; L.S.G.-Fred Moore- and to Loreen Batty, the retiring. O.S.G.-H. Smith; J.P.G.-T. M4 and bronght up hier family of six President. Imagine their surprise' Wilcox. chidren, three of whom are living to-day: Mrs. J. Benson of Edmon- upen opening them! Mrs. Butler The Noble Grand also appointed ton, Alta.; Mm. P. L. Gras& of Syd- received a bras% dinner gong; Mrs. the f ollowing Committees: Finance- ney, B. C.; and Hugli McCulloch el Battv a brass dish on stand; and Lor- J. A. McClelian, C .B. Kent, W. C. Columbus. Twenty-eight yearm ago een a chinese jade charm in the forni Ives; Covenant-J. E. ElliGtt, Wm. se becamie the wife of Robert Mc- of an elephant, and also a Chinese Yeo, S. Glanville; Property-W. J. Laughlin, lounder of the MeLaughlin' handlcerchief. Ail these gift came Jeffery4 J. Miller, J. J. Magon; Mem- Carniage factory, and ince then lias' direct froni China. and needless to bemhipJ. E. Anderson, E. Harnden. en a esident of Oshawa. s~v thy erahiglyapppcite hyw~Percy; Visiting-H. Cowle, T. M. alt gh few of he: acquaintances the three recipients. Wilcox, W. J. Jeffery, John Living. of her own age are living, Mrs. Mc- On acknawledging the gifts the Wni. Corden. Lnhi' oel edzasfr Mission Band sang appropriate versesi aî tnhe omsia ieenepheso, sioWeBrd"ad ta eang rvto tes- grand-chuldren and friends for miles sio Bad" nd"Wero ar-v o 5Yj DARLINCTON COUNCIL around the country, who canstantly we'rc losing L-orcen." The otheri drop in for a visit. Mrs. MeLaugli- parcels contained candv which was a The inaugural meeting of Council lin is well inf-ormcd on every-day1 treat for the Mission Band £rom Mrs. was held on January 13h, at il a. mn and up-to-date topiez, and can carryl Beman. witl the foilowinq menibers elect on a inost eheery convestion. Alec But the surprises were not yet present: Reeve-Silas Williamis; Dep- lie lias the faculty cf remcmberingi ove:. Miss Annie Drummond pre- uty-Reeve-George F. Annis; Coun- clearly tIc interesting happenings of sentcd the Band with a smali egg ilor-Charles A. Blanchard, Ar- long ago, and these mli. relates in ai tied with ' iblion which contained a thur L. Pascoe, Charles M. Carruth- vMvd way. five dollar blli whieh was a nest eRg er,. EvrSudymuinemslern to santtIcBandon ts ay fr 130. In absence of the Clerk, R. Averylie: 'pew at St. Andrew's durci. SI. Mr,". J. E. W. Phiip also had a sur- 1J. P., administered the deciaration of doea lier own shopping downtow:n and prise. and informed the Bard that office. Reeve Williams called upon lis verv fond of taking drives in lier she would make one of the girls a ife Rev. J. R. Bick to take charge of the1 automobile and stili goes ont to visit inember as she hmd last year. She1 opcning ceremonies. A vote of at tIcheomies of hier friends. 8h. aiso asked each meniber to save a tov thanks was extended to Rcv. Mr. reniembers thill1 or unfortunate and or picture book, whieh would le col- Bick. loves doing lielpyful things. In the lcct d asdgvnt.anepo hl Reeve Williams expressed regret spring and summer aryone passing in ________________________that W. R. Aluin, Clerk, was unable the morning would find lier in lier iFYO R AR RNG to le present. Members of Council garden, whicli is anc of the best in IFYO REA SRIG made a few. brief rcmarks. the city. WITH HEAD NOISES Minutes of Statutory Meeting wore efEditor' Nete:-1'li senior editor read nd adpted.e of fire years, iived at wlat was If you have roaring, bnzzing Counties' Treasurer stated pay- tIen lcnown as Camnpbell'a Steain noises in yonr ears, are getting hard inents made during the year 1929 Mills, later known as Podunk on the of hearing and fear Cat.arrhal Deaf- amounted ta $7,865.13. lt ocsino alntn i nee, go ta your druggist and get 1 Cmmncainswreradfroiftih eeinos awyr lu tc mii ounce of Parmint (double strengtl), Cmuiain eera rmfte ej ayri h il and add to it YÏ pint of liot water Hospitai for Sick Chiidren requesting East Settlenent scho.ol, No. 17, Dan- anda ltti grnultedmugr. akegrant; S. R. Hart & Co., r. Index lington, tIen tangt by John Jesmop, anda itlegrnulte sga. ak Book for birth and death registra- later Supeintendent ofShoifo is blesonforimes a day.elitions; Ontario Good Reads Associa- British Columbia, was the sclool. Thi wliefenbrig uik eleftion annual meeting in Toronto Feb. Mrs. McLaughlin, tIen Eleaner froni the distressing liead noises. 26-28, and asked for membership fée Smith, and ister Charlotte werc Clogged nostrils sliould open, breatî- adrqetn oni osn ee I dtreBgSsesadto meg become easy and tIe mucus stop atdres. Lid n on o ddtabee.caneo h Bim whule e attnd dtliat dropping into the throat. It is easy ae. Liontbe aofhiwilleatnd ht ta prepare, cote little and ia pleasant Clerk was instrncted ta order ev- school. In 1864 the George Me- to take. Anyone who las Catarrl en copies of Municipal World. Culli fax-m and tIe fanm John trouble of the ears, is lard of hear- Road Supt. was rcquested to > l James rented for 10 years were on ing or bas liead noises slould give ont and forward employer's pay ral oppeete sides of the road runnnlng this prescription a trial. statement for year 1929 for Work- rnorth from EnficTd, tIen caiied Chat- -men's Compensation Board, and gir-leauguay, and tIe childien of tIcs. ing estimated expenditure as $1200. two familles went to selool togethen Fees for services of Deputy Re-j at Enfield schoel No. 15 and taught- tnrning Officeer $5.00; Poli Clerk bY E~lsha JeSsoP, yonnger brother ai I $3.00; Use of Hall $5.00; Returning Inapector Jehn Jessop, and later Dr. Offie:r $1000. Motion carried. Ellsla JeSSOP, MP.P. for Lincoln, D O IT1 H. G. Macklin requested grant for Practsd::idicine i t ahrns lWestDuhmArulra Society. his wife being Mary McC-uiiocî, niece 1 :$75 was gatd ftepeetMs oetMLuh F.A Bv-law "for tIe appointment of lin of Osha'wa- FJ. Groat and R. Kyle Sqnair as NOW la:ditors for year 1980"1 was pass:d.___ ABy-law was passed "for tIc ap- HARMONICA BAND d thc following names being filled in: POPuîai Musical Society Oýrganise H. Ferguson, M. B. (M.O.H.), C. W. For Coning Year You've been putting off long Slemon (Asst. M.O.H.), Reeve Wil- liams and A. Hogarth, with C. W. A reorganiization meeting of the enougli Iaving that room papered Hastings, Sanitary Inspector and Newcastle Sehoole' Harmonica Band whidh looks so shabby. Clerk Secretary." w85 Icid i the Public Scahool ona 1 By-law for the Collection of i'0îî Monday, Jan. 2Oth. Principal T. A-. Wliy not do it now wîen you Tax amaunting ta $3.00 upon cvery Rodger of the Public Sehool conduet-8 may select one of the ne 1930 maie inliabitant of the municipaîitv cd the election of officere for 1930. Sunworthy Wallpapers which are who is twenty-ane years or over and Jaii Wright acted as Secrctary pro guarntee notto fde.under sixty years of age. was pasaed. tem, and Tom Spencer and Billy guaanee fottafae.A letter was received froni J. D. Rowand as ecrutineers. Practically e IHogarth tendering his resignation as ail of asat year'm members were pres-P Came in to-day and make your Assessor. cnt, exccpt tîose who have left tIc selection from anc of the many Clerk was ordered ta advertie for schffol during the year. fm really deligltful patterne. applications for Assessor. Thse young people conducted theïr a S. Davis, Tyrone, appealed for help. $3.00 a week was aliowed un- tii next meeting of Council. Time for collection of taxes 1929 was extended ta January 31st with eo. Prtch rd 2% ta stili apply, on which date war- éé Geo. Prtchard rants would -be issued for balance o taxes unpaid which can le collected. PHONE 489 BOWMANVILLE Treasurer acknowledgzed receipti* of C. H. Muniford, rent road 1928-29;* $4.00; J. McCamus. rent Hall Pro-A ________________________ vincial Election $12.00; T. Tavlor, * _______________________trees on roadside $18-00; C. D. H odg- __________________________son. taxes 1929 $1178.67. li lu T% à'b Y à -Orders were drawn on Treasurer WI eAW% Co9 THEI Qutstanding Radio Values oF the Year Rogers-Mdjestic Model 591 Lowboy of iirsured woods with panel deep! sct-ngving very rich appearancc. Hish-l ighted panel and two diminutive overlays. Fancy grille. Eight fulIy-uaranteed Rogers Tubes. Super-scnsitivity. Genuine Electro-Dynamic Speaker. TIC RADIO MODELS 591 andi 592 To Pittingly celebrate an 'epoch-making occson- the inking of Rogers and Majestic into the new one-name radio "Rogers-Majestic"-you are invited to take advantage of the most remarkable radio values of the year-two magnificent new receivinq sets at the exceptionallY Iow price of $188 and $198 respectively, complete with Rogers Guaranteed A.C. Tubes and Electro- Dynamic Speaker. Rogers-Majestic Model 592 Lowboy with heavily carved paels et sides, with neat figured overlay. Eight fuIy-guaranteed Rogers Tubes. Super - sensitivity. Genuine Electra-Dynamc Speaker. Th ese are the lowest prices ever established in Canada for a standard', guaranteed, new-type electric Radio with the features embodied in these models. Compare them with any radio selling at $50 more. Now! Proven performance, mighty volume, colorful tone and rich beautiful cabinets at a price that puts perfected radio within the reach o! everyone. Enjoy the thrilling entertainment oF the Rogers-Majestic in your home immediately 'hile payinq f-, -ntiste easy ternis of the budget plan. Ask us for a demonstration today. 1eje King Street wasinesa in a very enthusiastie and b"snemaiike way, and eiected the following officera: Bon. Preoident- Prin. Geo. AX Coyne, Prii. T. A. Rodgier, Alex. DeMaio, l'est Presi- dent; President--Rosa Cowan; Vice Pres.-J4amje Wright; Secret..ry- Heien Lycett; Treasurer--G-en Wil- liama; Property Secretary-Miiriel Poilard; Associate Members Secm- tary-Dooiitiy Bonathan; Represent- atives to Executive: Puiblie Schol- iladys Pollard, Harry Couch; High School-Roy Jones, John Riekard, David Gray, Leone Burceli, Jessie VanDusen, Adair Hancock; Leader- M!iss Hattie A. Mamon, Musical Sup- erintendent; Accompanist to be ap- pointed. The memibiership fee is 25e as in former years. The Band will have amembership of about forty. Rlieumatism no Part of Nature s Plan. She off crs her healing herbs to stop suffering When Amerira w-as wiliflriies.-s, Indiana were 1uaing lien s sîî-., F r-I. e the Redinen, .50 y-asagi), j..s Gallaglier le:rned herbuI serets and h ld ll e d~îiîs. Il is fin uns K iney Rcnsedy hits liilps-d nany a snutlcrer fram Rheummtis!n. This flne, ii,-pm'Irenedv. dr:îwn from the he:trt ofaifatrv, lhals and l<upskidiue '-s. Que Uklv stops u~e aiche, d izziusess aîxid ouht-r ssaggiuîg hkiluey and bladder ailmest.s. Try itl For eak by 31 Jury & LevalE, Bowmanvilll. A. E. Mullow, Phm.B., Nmeveaatl. ROUP Or NEW for clearanceI Coats styles and styles that feature veloped of high-grade broad- 1plain and fancy silks; have Efs, Of caMeaul, oppossum and 3and styles from sizes 34 to 42 ro $22.00 Always Good and Fresh Among our large variety of Cakes, Pastry and Buns baked fresh every day you will alwaye find something that will appeal to, the family ap- petite. For a change serve our baldng on your menu occasionally, or better stili, regularly. The Bowmanville Bakery PHIONE 97 BOWMAN VILLE R E Made in the new siender waist and hip line-longer skirt and dainty feminine touches in lace jabots oxi beit eff ects. This group i8 made of the new soft Veriinse Silk Crepe in attractive shades of the last colors such as English violet, imperial blue, p ale beige, dahlia, English green., navy and luil WALKER STORES LIMITED Son Phone 164 BAGNEL Bowmanville 6 b ARRIVAIS Up to the Minute Dresses, $11,095 PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS BOWMANVILI.E -if 30vimur PAGE TEREZ Co-infent with the Linking of thîe 1V/O Gredtest Names in Radio (Rogers and Majestic) into ONE Supreme Product WE OFFER TQDAY Bowmanviiie

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