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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1930, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated The Bownianville Ne-ws Vo). LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, PublisherL BOWMANVIFl~, ONT., THU RSDAY, FEBRUARY l3th, 1.930 $21001 at Yer in Advance 5c. a, Copy No. 7 Extraordinary SALE FIGURED Y' 'PRINT DRESSES $2.e95 Special for Saturday Selling These Dresses are ail new Spring models, newest de- signs, which we bought at a very special cash price. We are passing thern on to our custorners at an equally at- tractive price of only $2.95. We were only allowed a lim- ited number at this very low price so corne early as we certainly cannot duplicate this offer. MORE NEW DRESSES Alrnost daily we are adding new dresses to our stock, which are the latest in styles, shades and materials. Very reasonable in price, too. LADIES' COATS HALF PRICE You rnay have been long- ing for a new coat but feit you couldn't afford it. No excuse now that we are of- fering every coat in the store at haif price. EARLY SPRING START We notice rnost nmen like to be up to date and in style just as rnuch as the women. We are therefore making the first showing this week of Men's Spring Overcoats Men's Spring Suits Men's Spring Furnishings Make your selections early. Balance of Men's and Boys' Winter Overcoats go- ing at great reductions. Couch, Jolinston & Crydennan LIMITED gowmAHVJLLE1 el ALL TAUCING PICTURES ROYAL THEATRE ZRESIN TÂICINOE BOWMANVILLE THUILS., FRI. and SAT.-PE£DRUARY 13 14 - 15 Douglas Falubanim Jr. and Lorette Young in "THE CARELESS AGE"9 A Vitaphone 100% Talking and Singing Feature MON., TUES. and WE.-FEBEURVY 17.- 18 - 19 Thom"a. Meigklin I Au"THE ARGYLE CASE"p Auold- favork**trspeakxng fSu the firut ie, with a szpportng cat includlng M.'S. Werner, IAla Lee, Det Roaei and Zazu Pftts. Mati.... Monay et 3 .n.miSatuu'dy a et p - Adulte net CMlds..a100. use the C4sposa ami Sae. lm..y i I I I Tv. Show., ? and 9p. ma. Admit.380 s m e toaChd.U. ilLLE HIGH SCHOOL BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL BUILT IN 1890 PASSES INTO HISTORY FARMF.RS GET CHEAFP PWER SHORTHORN4 BREEDERS HOLD THE NEW $100,000 ADDITION TO BOWMANVI _______RECORD SALE Farmes-end their wives> to-___ should welcome the anzouncement Hamy Outaide Buers Pres.ut-1 on page 2 tha.t rural hydro rates are Prie., Avmwag.d $13300 Per Animali te b.e reduced 40% in Darlingtonj Clarke and Manvers Towvnship. Thais Apart freinithe rood prices ob- means that viiere fermera formerly talned and the spendid type of cet- -4 had to pay $4.10 per month service tie offered an outstandingfeéature of charge it will now be only $2.50 the nln±h consigument sale of Short- net. In vllages the reduction vik b. horns coWducted Iby the Durhami from, $1.62 to $1.35 per xnonth. County Shorthorn Association et " , Hamlets only require 8 usera instead Bowmanville lest Thursday was the. of 12 as fermerly and in the country tact that although it wua a credit the minimum is three customers per sale only four notes were taken. mile. This would mndicate that the beef This welcoe news should create breeding iudustry is in a flourishmng an immediate hydro extension ad and prosperous condition and pros-j d1eeopment hroghout the elitire pects fer the future are very mSuce ares of these townships whioh would aeg in this particulai, brme~h of mean a great convenience and con- 3mi. fort to rural user. Buy.ra from amny parte. cf On- Geo. E. Chase, local Hydr o a- tario and afar vest sq» Menita ger at Bowmanville will b. giad to were present. Prof. G. E. Day, . «ive full information regarding the. Guelph, Secretary gt Dominion new reduced rates to any farmr in- Shorthorn Breeders' &Nýsoçletion, re- terested. presented several %bzent breedersi and aiurchiased a uix7ber of cattle.1 Prof. Day spoke briefly before the, SAMUEL PEPYS' DIARY sale started. Tke trend of his ad-, vice was towari MAeking milk recordsi ----- Men'& Caiidima Club Hear Audress as there are inany good salikeral by Provost of Trinity Colloge axnong Shortlwres. He claimed thisl kind of cow vas the most profltabl-ej The Men's Canadien Club held its for the ikver*ge fermer. He alac j frst meeting of season et Balmoral stresaed the point of making baby' Hetel Tuesay evening vhich was beef of ail undeafrable bull c&îveA1 welI etkended. Those present were not sultatyle for sire purposes. more than delighted with the address Je&. B. Davidien, Carman, Mais.,, ,y Rev. Provost F. H. Coagrave, Western representative of Shorthorn M. A., D. D., of Trinity College, Tor- Association, was aIse present aud as- ont.,, who spoke on Samuel Pepys, the aale progreused he ren4rked on author of the fanious diary, whiieh the goed offerlng and added ,mimer- CA'PNN A K 'A ET -IH "' made such interesting rea ding after oua favorable commuente about dif- OFFICA P"as.A E L CET -IG T (H it lied been transcribed from the or- forent animais breught jM.o the sale,_______________ iginal 'sliorthand in which it was writ- ring. A remîrk h. ruiade worth re- ten by itV cautious author. peeting vas in referesice te Jealoua' HIGH SCHOOL OPENING. COMING EVENTS Pepys vas desciribed ýby the lectur- Eclipse, a former herd sire ef John' er as a man of many parts. He vas Baker, sold te J. 4. Welters ot Clive, Local cltizens wiii have an opper- Four daya upecial servi«e vilI b. appointed secretary et the Admilralty Alta., tuw'o yearA ago for $650. He tu!ity to-iiight (Thursdayi *t the held lu S. A. Hall, Fb. 28ad to 25th, lu 167e and served in that high Office said iV vas the best bull ti Albertai officiel opening efthe iiqv2High eonducted by Captains Blasa and with inuch distinction. In additioni to-day. 1_ Schoel wing and oz'FTriday night et Moore cf Toronto. he vas a journalist, linguist, musc- The~ top .pr c f slewmpa b the Commencement ExerciSesof Spe ciel Se.d and Soils Trai illI ian, philosopher and an enthusiastic Fred Stac.y, Creswell, wh hs n making a thoreugh survey aud tour st»p at Bowqnanrille on Wedneeday,l I Patron cf the theatre. Taeei ftebatSotouhriof the extensivt alteretieu ed m February l9th, o the C. N. R. et 10 areund Samuel Pepys in his way vas terts cousty. He bld C. H. Muim:' provements ansd the newadtine o'clock sud for the rest efth4e day. one et the most remarkable mien Eng. ford $200 for Faîracres Minstrel ai BowmanvillO High Sdeol, whichl AIl interested vil be made welcome.1 la.nd ever produced. 2-year eld bull, son ot Thrnham have been in the procesa cf renova- On Fridey, February l4th, the Up toe im ie of his death in 1703 Minstrel, grand champion butl et tien snd construction since lait ladies of St. Andrew's Chimrh arc Peysva onidrd n xpr i Ryl ho. This Young sire i s asprint. The work ia new completed, havira1 w*th the exceptIon eta eapert ininoyh- Shoa.Valentino Tees a-d sale cf.T naval affaira. There 15 no doubt he dark iyod, low clown luick type o e .the<-< cptaio theof hlw ith-homici o Snay Scow 3 t» m.3Evr took a prominent part lu re-organiz-1 Shortiiorci. ilmouing nev fr ndtesd enlar«ednth bcdyScoo oo. ve ing the British navy after i-s dis-I vB e eevdhges iue t moignw rn n nagdbd elcome. astrous defeat by tie, Dutch and a ohnakle reeived Coietigue- and improved interior la open forini- ThMuiaan teryCbof auofficiel cf the naval dePsrtment ne wrt, bid *~175 foer Daviot Beauty npeornka athenpubti. Te b uidingutKing St. U4ihited Churah, Osaa, will' madle e brIlliaut defence eofhusnaelf a 4-year old KUI>,ee Beaiuty cv mo<eraiy equipped scholaat edices present "An Adeo't-ed Cindere4lle" a' and his ooleegue. viien called before with a rood heifer tait at foot. in h roic.cemedy drama, in the Opera Bouse,' tii Busefo a exleatcu t he Total receipts cf sale were e llu 'The enlhrged schooî couVains niac Jbowman-villo, ou Thuanday, Feb. 20,; huailiatlng disaster. ever $3000, vkbh average of $129, attractive well ligbted and ventilated et 8 p. m. Admission: Adulte 85c;l It is a tribute te the th-orughness for miales, $138 for fernaïes, sud; school-rooms for whtich a nuaior of Children 25c. 7-1! et is work v-hen it is reluiembered grand average of $133, being a 5-I nev deskg and other furulture have A Valentine Party will be held for' that te tliis day some of the regula- cord for aevexral years pat. been procured. Two suitably equip- "The White Shield Club" ou Tues-1 tiens obaerved iu naval administra- Ameng the. local buyera who wyul, pe science reoms and a partitioued day, Feb. lSth, et tiie home et Mrs. tions are the verk of this man who share in the governient bonus etf commercial room, whicb is net yet in J. Davies, Ontario St., et 8 p. mu. A died so long ago. 20% of purchase price et animai by1 use, occupy the upper floor of the. Wood time ta assmred. Mlembers bring Pepy began bis diary lu 1659 sud purchasing their firet pure bred newu addition. There are boys' aud a friend and apend an enjoysuble ev-' centiuued to make entries in it until Slo-thorn sire include N. White, 1 giris' cloakroona on ýboth floors. ening. 11'iiwy goevmse optionel. 1 failing eye-ight torced hhm Vo abat- Newcastle, Boward Gibcu, Bowinuan-I The smaîl rooxu, tornierly comprise M rs. H. W. Fostr's and Prs. W. il.. don the use et sborthend in which ville, J, Mo gn, Orono, and Wm., ge1es fie ibayedeek.Srk'acrl rut oe' be wrote. The tact that lie viote in Canu, oHp e. rouit bas been enlarged into separ. Association are giving au Afterncuoni characters t.hat were net decipherable Due credit for the auccess of tihis4 t oprmua eMscladSl tHm-a in that day made iV possible for this sale should b. given Theo. M. SIeni-"Pe oprtien ats. . OoMin al ondSdayletfHoe-madte gevernment officiei te deal witb on, local auctioneer, who openedte splendid, spacloua auditorium, with beginning et 3 o'clock in the. achool eveuts lu a trauk vay that wvould sale snd cllected -bide ln the ring, a sesting capecity of fi'. huudred, roorn et Trinfty Chureh. Admission hav ieenimossbl iad e et uhniand Dunc{rn A. Brovn of Siieddo., whl-dh ocçupies the main fi-cor et the 25,c, Coin. along and enjoy 1V. 1 dlown in the crdiuary vay. vho wield .the, ammer ini a satis- front et the building. Gene no'w are ».nt miss hearlng R«.. Net in l The ypeet sortandused bYl factory, gent*ienianly and expeditielusthe. days viien students sud teachera ¶'cnity Cbureh, BewmMaVMOl, On ]NI- Pepys vas original and iV vas not muea. d to migiate te tth. Opera Hosete day, Pcb. 21t, et 8 p. mi. Brantford until long afterward that a key was' Complet. ist of Sale. appears Ou hold Commencerneit Exerçises, plays, pooray:H.gvsmrv- fonnd te unlock this treasure chesa ge 4 et this issue,.onerset. en, oc ae hO1my i e : ud"Et dgay a ilvly et information. cIndeys etc. nto nth 9 druad 4 $ oç»v His Journal bogan lu that jutemat- dy fendleu climbiug up tli e W Indiana can blooom «d4r * ing and exciting period Just preced- At tube sta ff monthly dinuer et the' oeeaking stairs to the place which influence ocf education sud GlrTistlen- ing the restoration. Beys' Training School he'ld uuesday' mlgbt buet be designe.ted as "uext ityo Admiesion frc9. Collection Pepys vas s man -ef cousidrable e'venl-ng the guest speaker vas Mr.te ttie root," for moring aaaembly, Vo detray expeuses. courage as is sbc'wn by the tact tliet F. C. Nummick, Chef Extensio physical exercises, literary meetings, he remained at his official post in Officer of Publicity et the Exper tct., viiere the stage was hardly dis- London vhen nearly everyone fled mental Farm, Ottawia. Following the cernable from thbe floor below. The CELEBRATED 96t1 BIRTHDAY tromtii.h great plague thet avept the. dinr the staff, studeuts and a fevi uew auditorium has an excellent ciVy ini 1665. in'vited gueats adjourned to he ew stage, vhich vill, ne doubt., be the. Our citizens offer hearty cengrat- Ho weathered the storni that gath- Assembly Hall whr Dr. G. E. Rea--: cee of fine entertainments in thie ulaionis Vo Mr. David Keith, Couces.. ered over Vthe naval administration man called on Mr. K. P. Bradt Vo i-j futuhrudtriml tgy-ae Y Stou cn ey, 96erar lotf ai a result oet-the Britishi defeat in troduce the speaker vho m-as a class-1 usi-un anther teture h itheto un-. eth la enarkaFbay ctivea theDpchva tatbroe utlumae t bs t . . .,G»lh kuovu te B. H. S. studenta. 'rhii, alert lu mind and body. He comes 1664. Ris elequence bofore the bar Mr. Nummick spoke on Beautif -at rom aid ot the House when naval executives ef Home Suroundinga his coineyns up-to-dt ro gym conta insap- dwn tevu every day sud walks along were calIed te euswer for their Sp- being most interesti, entertining paratus, fittinga and equipment for! sniarter than many men mucli youug- paret filue covined he em- nd nstuctve. is alkwasifllhTi- lmest every tom et gymnastica banci er than he la. parnt ailre onvnce th nin- ud nstuctve.Bistal va fiin: phv5ical exorcises, for banketball', bers that the teuit did not lie iu the trated vith a vonderful cdlleetion baminton sud other indoor gamed,! AdmiraltY Dcipartuient. et sltdes showin« homes typical et Mr. Csgrave presented bis subject each province in the Dominion froni snd bas atready proved a boon to in- spaclous hall sud corridors viii havel lu an interesting way sud frem in ie Prince EdWard Island to Briish 1 structors snd pupils. seme trouble in reconciling the nov to tme eadextact frm th diry.Colmbi. Sme pctues ereparie- Dressng rooms, showers, lavator- Vo the eld, untîl the. famîlsar acenes te tue readtextracti troxutthe diary. Colunilof.tho'me piciudengvere partic., The Cluib'a thanka vas conveyed ularly st'riki-ug vith the "bfore" tîebeti.dinr.e herevisiner cf c Vii.e l buildingoae ocere.ed toth seaker ici a motion by Rey.1 and "atter" effects cf ontside dec ulig --< rvso a hr u ese oeoc oe W.P.Rgers and seconded by Mrorating witî trees, shrnbs sud plants. aise been made fo>i- the preparationi Altogether, Bowmanville High A. M. [Hardy. Rev. R. J. Sire,, Mr. J. H. H. Jury nsoved s vote of and serving et lunehes and suppers.; School ta an institution in vhich loca preidet o th clb, ascharma. tank teth spake ettbecloe. Ex-students, a5; weli as towus-t cttizems tn tevu sud s rOU=dn preidet f Vi. lu, vs caiîna. tans tc te peaer t ii.cloe. people, ente.-ing the broad portale of .ceuntry should take great pride, as the building, sud tcransversing the. veli as a keen sud heiptul ixterest. LJRSDAY) AT 8 O'CLOCI ENTRAUME CLASS RP.EQ£lr S.... Pu& iShow Ceusldqqu l. poomat Over Pr.vioffl e*.*L Tbe foflowi g la a rq pqt ef stand. ing of the Entrance =l aat Dcv. mauvlle, Pubie ScIcal Thé ftgu represent the. pereuiay* obtained £2 recent tests. olmterested vill note lnxproveen2lu sose. pupls over lest month: Grace CrawfoiUh 89, Jean Montis 88 lenHately 86, Helen Mason 8.~ PIne Adamns 82, qortrgd Hooper 79, Jim Sineon. '79, Jeait Bwcrugh 79, Doris Taylor 79, Walter 1-oode 78, John gires 77, Aileen GO)hs 77, Hamry Deiiew 76, Mary Thompson 74, Ru"si Haye& 75, Bill Dualop là, Hubt B ooper 74, An, nobelle Keler 73, Robert lKent '78, Mabel Brockham 72 Sm, MIn78, Ceeil Jeekinn 72, LthurN nq ~71, Jack Cameron 72, euMn r;nona 71, Frank Mlci 7, Daimd Andrews 70, Gertrude Devehi 70, Frank Tuerk 69, Philip Pattrlck 69, Harry Seuch 68, Fred Mut*on 11, eMarlon Goinviile 68, Eliabh A . anu 68, Joye Adams 66, RufflIl 0k. j66, Ruth Humi84,Jack Luny 68, 14=9f 02 rage livat62 el Doria Bennett aï, Arletta Iaynal4 61, Roland Mte el, Milton Yeo 60, e May Fowler 60, Dorothy Niehols 59, Ji.. CaUsa 57, Egater Crosabie 57 j*Georgena Caverly -57. <Not greded I-Bill Allin. Cu.Richards). Valentinie T«a and Sale of Homie- madle Cooking, St. Androw'@ ÇChurch fon Feb. l4th.1 r mi"s Adeh Wright, -Toronto, writed b Thé Statesanm » Dr. Chas.JohnDs, obituary which appeers on an iralde page. Dr. Johns vas a BowmantvU boy 'who =09do ged. Bis fiather W&& et eue tino superlntende, cio the. Methodist 8. a. RH.W$vas l h grooery businesn athistovn, th. flrm. bing known as Johns & JeveIL Mfr. Johns moved te Kingston and fMr. Jevel te ()"Wua. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Foater were in Toronto this week attending the. funeral of their bx*ther-in-lew, Mr. Erie Fowler, who peased away in the General Hospital on Mondey f ollow- xig an operation. 'He was a son of Mrs. Fowler and the -late Hon. Geo. W. Fowler, and was bon in Sussex N. B. He had been in 'Ibronto for two ryears and worked f iret on the Magil s ad Empire as a a reporter, and afterwards with the Financial Pont. He showed great promise in the lit- ieravry field. Surviving are bis wife, 1formerly Mise Grace Tremeer, Toron- rto, bis mother, Msi. Geo W. Fovior, sand one brother Yredericc, of New York. an c7ýý, an

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