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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1930, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN TEE cANADffl sTATESmAN, iBowmANviLLEI THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1930 âWery Soli Telephone ia a Long Distance Station CaUig by NUMBER saves time keep a list handy Telling the operator the NUM- BER you want in a long distance cali, whether you ask for a speci- f ic person or for "anyone there" gives you a quicker connection. If you do flot know the NUM- BER, ask "Information" and she will look it up for you. Then make a note of the NUMBER and you will avoid delay next timne. It will pay you - both in urne and money-to keep a list handy of the long distance NUMBERS you frequently cail. We are ready to help you prepare such a list - ini a special directory if you wish -and "Information" wilI find your new NUMBERS as you O~j~ necd thern. What Are You Doing For9 That Stiti Swollen Joint Did you ever stop te tbink that many times the inexpensive emedies are best'? Many a man las lest a week's wages with a slow-acting memedy when ene or two good rubbiugs with Swiftly penetrating JOINT - EASE would have kept him on bis job. Now mast beur in mmnd, tbat a gen- erous tube etf JOINT-BASE made right heme lu Canada costs but 60 Juat a tastelese dose of PhilliPs' Milk or Magneaia in water. That is an alkali, effective, yet barmilese. It bas been the .3tandard antacid for 50 yeare among plyicians everywbere. One spoonful 'Will neutralize at .once mauîy times itd volume in acid. It is the rigbt way, the quick, pleasant and effi- cient way te kill the excese acid. The tomach become sweet, the pain de- cents and when JOINT-BASE gets ir joint agony and other aches an( pains get eut! Give your ailing, pain-torture( joint a joyfui treat to-nigbt----givei a good rubbing with JOINT-EASI and to-morrow morning if you don' say that the 60 cents you paid len' the greatest investuent you eve: made, get your money back freni an, duggiet in Canada. Sour Sto mach Sweetened instantly parte. You are happy again in tve miutes. Don't depend on crude methods. Em- piey the hast way yet evolved in &Il the years of searching. That is Phillipa' -Nilk of Magnesia. Be sure te get the genuine Phillipa' Milk of Magnesia preecribed by pliysi- cians for 50 years in correcting excess acide. Each bottle centaine fuil direc. tione-any drugstore. INSURANCE SERVICE OUR CUSTOME.RS WHO HAVE HAD FIRES APPRECIATE THE SERVICE WE GIVE. We hope our customers will neyer have to realize on their fire insurance policies-but when they do have a fire we immediately get busy and have the adjustments made as liberal and as b,1 factory as it is possible to get them. For this prompt and efficient service many customeoe have recommended our firm to their friends and neighbors J. J. MASON & SON Estat. and IusuranS Brokers Phone 5W King St. E. BowniaVmle ORONOf WORLD WAR VETERAN NEWCASTLE 1 Mrm. J. T. Allun, Toronto, spenti maie studonts' hockey club compris-. Sunday at Mr. Geo. Buttera'. -lin, a World War 'veteran 'ad n three tea, the respective cap-. Mrs. M. H. Stapies spent the week-1served overseas for three and a halif tainsbngRyonMuryBt end in Ottawa witbh er husband l >'za with the. 6Sth Battalion 0f 1er end Jamie Wright. They have SCanadian Infantry. 1 was wounded already competed against one another Mrs. J. R. Coouper attended the and gassed i action, and have been in a numbor of iively games. funeral of bier cousin, MNrs. McQuar-1 a siclc man ever since 1 came out of Mr. Mark Allin has been re-ap- rie, at Toronto. iPointed a meniber of the Board Of Mr. Glls McKay of the McKay! Education for 1930-1-2, whiie 3M. Service Store, Col-borne, called on a' Howard J. Toms la the appoints of few old friends bere recentiy. *tihe CMntia' Counicil for the sme Miss Dorothy Rowe underwent a perlod. auccestul -operation on ber noce i M . 1r. A. 0. Parkcer is removing an- the Cottage Hospital, Toronto. h~Other oid land mark frein the village, Hlerbert Murray bas bought froin namely the *Id Court house, -which H. R. Rowe the residence on Mill wth the oid "lockup," built of Oak street nortb, tenanted by the Graham 1~timbers, ha Purchasad Iast fail. . Mr'. family.Parker intends te build an addition famiiy H. wh i~ intb~ . te bis boeuse on the farm and t rc Private Pavilion, General Hospital, a,uin>e, beama j*i s ing, tetm etc., Toronto, is making satisfactory pro- .fo ea, >frame ork.n, atrs t. gress toward recovery.fothtrm rk Mr. Stineon Robinson is reportedNThYon ep' Scty f seriously ili at his niece's, Mrs. Wes- . ewcastle United Churcb heid a loy Patterson. Mr. Robinson was a skating party at the local rink former old resident of Kendal. rccentlv. The ice wsi x Miss ilda amsb is cellentingcondition, and needless to conalscig~SaY, this oxhilarating sport was n- at bier brotber's, Mr. Kenneth Garas- by. er istr, re. . M LitonYoung People repaired to the S. S. is spending a few days with bier in . Roiadrgidteievawt Oshawa. wt baked beans, bread and butter and The social evening given iby the ', coffee. I pt !pohtefr. Women's Institute on January 31st*. oigtesao e enoeo the very bet for skating, and bardly was a pleasant even Te varie a night but tbe rink is crwded with good sized gathering. YugPol npruto hspp Mrs. Win. Sterling, MissD av y,:uarand bealtbful Pastime. Mrs. A. J. Knox. Mrs. L. Buckle, WILLIAM CORMACK TheYon epesSctymti Miss F. Cobbledick and Mrs n.Athe United Church S. S. Room on Green attended Oshawa PrsytFa the service. I spent many a a-Modyenigwthhepsdn, at Whitby, Jan. 23rd, and report a earned dollar tmymig to get back my Clarence Allun, ini the cbair. The splendid meeting. health, but I don't believe 1 ever devotionai topic was taken by Miss Mr. Anson Borland, Winnipeg, wouid have gotten back my healtb if E. Blackburn and Mr. J. W. Bradley, recently underwent a criticai opera- a fiend o! mine in Minneapolis and the presidenit read extracts frein tion. Anse and Bill Armstrong were hadn't started me on this new Sargon the Patbfinder on tbe discussion top-.I cbums in their early sebool days on medicine by sending me two botties. ic. Miss Loreen Lorriman gave a bc-fore the former left Owono for the about shot my systeni to pieces. reading frein "Hucklebury Finn." West. Many a day I'd got so weak and ner- An amusing game. "The Prince o! Mr. Fred Pearson, who bas been vous I'd just bave to quit work and Paris bas lest bis bat," under the undergoing treatrnent in Christie go home. Indigestion and consti- direction of John Ashton, was enjoy- Street Hosptal, Toronto. is reported pation were always giving me trcub- ed at tbe beginning of the meeting. to bave become totally blind and le, in spito of the laxatives and medi- Mr. Cecil R. Carveth, grain, seed otherwise in a critical condition.* His cmoes I took almost every nigbt, and and feed mierchant, Ls taking stock father, 'Mr. Frank Pearson. left sometmmles bad dizzy spelis would this week preparatory te retiring Tuesday morning to be with birn. cin ver me. I couldn't sleop froni business, a step which fanmners Polce rutes re ctio wtbgood; kept losing weight steadily and and feeders are viewing with regret. Pooicendabl;ee preptnesinmakwinbecame migbty discoumaged ever my1 Mr. Archie Glenney, Who is under- rch mneded e pr otessFin all! condition. Istood te have good backing in -theý building. the roof o! whichbhas heen I"I noticed sucli a big improvement enterprise, la taking over the business ' ina lakyconitin fr acoule f Iafter those first two botties of Sar- ar.d purcbasing the stock. years, and the hose tower in a dan- gon my friend sent me, tbat when 1 gerous condition, being hiable to top- found out 1 couid get this new medi- BOND HEAD CEMETERY pie over in any wind-storm with pos-cin in Toronto, I went down to sibe erousreuis.Tamblyn's Irug Store and bought Financial Report For 1929 resi- rou eslt.twomore botties. I fuel like a new Receipte Mrs. Joseph Wilson, a former ei man now and my weigbt bas increas- Mr. John Anderson ......... $ 1.90 dent <f Cowanville section, Clarke. ed fromn 140 to 150 pounds! MY Mrs. H. Anderson........... 2.001 psssed away Feb. lst, at ber daugb- whole systein is strengthqned and Mrs. R. P. Butier........... 2.001 ter', Ms. thel Wlte, Prt ope toned up, and 1 can eat anything Mr, Simon Baskervilio....20 Hier husband predeceased hier four that'.s put bef ore me witbout having Mme. Prank Bennett......... 2.00 years ago. Tbree sons and four a sig of indigestion or dizzineas al- Mra. Fred Cowan............ 2.00 daughters moura ber loss. Mr. Vir- terwards. l'm net nervous eitber Mr. Walter Coucb........... 2.001 n tde Wilson. 'Miss Freeda Wilson, Mr. but sleep good every night and my Mr. Merkley Clark.......... 3.00 d land Mrs. W. J. Walter and Mrs. Vîr- womk is a real pleasure. Instead of Mrs. Wmn. Delong ........... 2.00! dle Wilson attended the funeral. being 'fagged out' at the end of the Mme. Chris Law (Dickson) . - 2.001 d There is nothing repulsive in 'Mil- day, I feel just about as fresh and Mr. W. F. E.ddy............. 5.00 1 .2 iti ir's Wormn Powders, and they are fit as wben I started. Mrs. J. R. Fisher.......200,- 'Ela& pleasant to take as sugar, so that 'II also took the Sargon Soit Mass Misa Eva Grieve............ 2.001 1few ciidren wili refuse -theni. In Pilansd they're a valuable part et, Mmc. Chas. Gomme.......... 3.00 b ethrough tbeir action inan uvoutn amn Tley don't upset MA bon (. Gibéon là m .iesa ed se good that CE hamdly ever have IMm. J. H. Jose...-....301à teoftheir cleansing power, no in- to take thein a more. Mmi. F'red Hancock (Levekin) 2.00'K dication that tbey are burtfu'. ow same te Bm1......... .020' cabehroglyêoneupn treatment and laahroady lookine lots, m Nancy Pope ........... 1.00 ______ to.lJohn pool ............ .00 L PREACHER PRAISES EDITOR iumber of my Moinda and I haven't M.Hwl oln.....2 _______beard ot anybody yet that Sargon Mies Charlotte Rose.........2.0 DerM.Eio -didn't help. l'n aways giad te taik IMiss JaTie Singer......... 200fo Not on the principle that if you te those who want te ask me about, m oe> oa.......0 hav aytin t sa t amue outis great medicine." Mm. Arthur Toma........... 2.001 sbould say it to bis face, do 1 write The. above straightfox'ward MateMr- Chas. A. Wilson.........2.00 You, but ratber on tbe poetic advice1 Ment waa mad. e ul b llaMr& o ellWright) .........1-001 u that- 1Cornack, woll known contracter of Mme. Codweli(Wri ) .. 500 cal "If Yeu bave anything to say of a< 581 MeRoberta Ave., Toronto. Min 0.hWapren ..a....i...)L200Pm man, Sarçon may ha obtained in Bow- Miss e O. amre.........2.00co Don't wait tii) hie is laid at rest, mnail. frein Jury & Lovaîl. Mir. JahnSaicttu...ton.. 2. GO FOr the eulogy spoken, wben bearti MT. John &oSteen............2IA00 1j e are broken, ___________ M.Relt..eo....... .......05! la an empty thing at best."'7 , Tme it........ Some one bas suggested more taffy 1 1 now, and es p-tapby by sudibye mmAa891 or te bave au "introduction" te bis I14AN D 1.4/aumte et nEndowmOnta ,. . . 26:001 observations, and tbe above may op- Busy bands-at hard tasks nteiouEudoentes 2.01 en the way for bis expression o! ap- 1 a in and day eut. Persian W. J. Pinegar (worm>*8.1 You, tiMof the old home iper. aypmintiug, postage & statiouemy 4.50 anuMr Editor, have mainytainedfo Baini keeps the okin sot and u.i nunusually bigb standard fori pliable. RemoveErredness 906 Il over five decades, and it is ne amnail and relieves irritation. Audited and tound correct, lOth ,81 acbieve'ment, as I view it, te arrange AtwIDigWJn 90 sIand cisssify ail local items and other E. L. TrDyuuùt Jan.. 1930.ý niattor, write those brie!. spicy, and D [Aud trs. à- often witty editorials, and keep lt up _m-_a_____ wibineesigvariaty, week by 'KCRWIH ONI am glad yeur bow still abides in _______ ____ eua etn a edFb s. The C9nadian Saemnbs las Members were ail preceut witb Reeve, steod for bigbh moral standards and Il F. A. Hyiand pesiding. arn sure it bas bad ne email parts in Communications frein Plaxton, instiliing tbose bigb ideatalu nte Huston & Ce., Good Roads Associa- minde o! its numerous readers. Iý tion and Higbway Dopt. were fyled. note that seveal subcribers in the 1 .. e tnders for wood were oPenedij appreciatien of the oid home paperl was instructed to arrange betwee when renewing their subscriptions. 1 the two. Tendcrs for cedar timbarl and ccopaningther nte itha .;~*we'e nt aceped. Clerk wiii putl th sron H epie Sm"uses wich many people nave fted - 1- - - - -- "And wbat dld ho amy about It?" aald iuvaluable in the relief of pains and Paborgnt~. i" att uq, le ieur.I the wlta. MWeI-he was against aches cf many kinda. a&W Knlffl temoe for yon. lt."1 May that b. alwaysounr .tti- At tbo Barut dueu *we g aI tude-agalinst It * b.ttl-.,w er or Bta eme I l1. Yours siuearely, m.e à" ad gontnu t reL. Pubmuary S18 0. 5515B Ag-I0N hO 5 1*4. i- FARMERS ATTENTION!! Soils, Fertilizer and Seed Train, 1930 Tlkis tros i vutop at Bowmnanvilie C. N. R. Station WEDNESDAY, FEB. l9th at 10 a. mi. and fer remainder of day. This train wilI consist of ttree cars, one of which will be a demonstratien on seeds. The second one wiIl be a special Soil and Fertilizer car, while tbae third car will -be used »as Lecture car and special taiks will be given at 2 o'clock p. nm. This is a .4plendid opportunity for ail who are interested in the so-wing of better aind cleaner aleed grain. As our soils and the proper fertilizer -mixtures are important questions with us now, we trust full discussion 'will be given to this. topic. J. Y. KELLOUGH, Agricultural Representative. NORTHUMBERLAND AND> DURHAMj APPLE GROWERS ANNUAL CONVENTION WiII b.6 hold inithe TRENT THEATRE HALL TRENTON t 10 clock shrp. WEDNESDAY, FEB. l19th Special taiks will be giv marketing oýxperte. Dr. G. H. B will give taîks on diseases and in; w-hile Mr. G. H. Mitchell, Manage and Mr. W. B. Gornaîl, Domini( the apple situation and marketi ât the Gilbert House, Trenton. This ie your meeting. D W. E. HARE, President, Mauy bave Îbeen relieved of corus Hoiloway's Corn Remnovex'. It l U a pewer of its own that wull be mnd eff ective, A Real Asthme Relief. Dm. J. D. eliegg's Asthme Remedy hms nefvar aen advertieed by extravagant sMate- unts. ExpMeet ra relie! and per- ueunt heneot wNien yenbe ut usady and yon will net have cue )r disappointment It guvea per- 1 aneut relief lu Many eus where âam so called remedies bave ntterly led. Parsien Bala is a aheer delight te s. Cool, and ralleves irritations ued by w.athar conditIons, lM- arta a rama char nd u beaiity te tthe :mpleîdon. Firagraut and veivety mooth. Nevai' leavea aveutige of eckinasa. Swiffly mbsox'bed by tih. ues and Utmulateathe. skin. erslanBau is thé.peerlea toillt bqubdte. Ew.ry voman wil ap- ectat. thé aubtly dlaitlt.cuam chleved by thse usaeofthtutu Maical >ion. BULeFW B'S&TUE Berkeley and Professor L. Cesa seets. as 'well as spray mixtures, er of the Georgian Bay Grow*lrs, on Fruit Branch, will speak on ng. Special banquet at no-on Do flot fail to -be present! J. Y. KELLOUGH, Secre t ary-Treasure. NERVUSALL SHOT N 0W "i y F EEL u hu -- That's aIL Twenty "iut"a. mter taking a ZUTOO "abet your boadache lwill b. one of thève little tabl etaf, »H"bl a.nd barnilem as soda-wl» nto, MW headache in 20 minutae. Or, better stili, taken whmn 'on fed the beadache coming on, a ZUTOO tabIU will ward it off-niplft 14the bu" No HIleaudache- POULTRY WANTED I waxnt ail kinds of Poultry and amn paying highest prce. Phone Witby il and riverse charges. I. STEIN W'HITBY .5 w This Tells You Why YOU SHOULD BUY COAL FROM JOHN A. HOLGATE & SOUY Buy the COAL that SELLS BEST That's one reason why we keep our customme satisfied. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 71. Coal 7at Sais ae We also seli Coke, Cannel Goal, Wood, Best of Soft Coala. -CD<ODCD<C J, A, HOLGATE & SON Boides' Supples sd Fuel Phase 103 or Si DowuaaviU

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