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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1930, p. 5

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TIRE CANADIAN EWrATmMIAN, BOWXANVILLE, TRSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1930 AEFV AUCTION SALES Thna"y, Feb. 27th.-Fr,.d J. WI<bt Lot 30, Con. 3. Clarke~, wifl oU bMe faim stock, impienienta, etc. Sale t 1 p. in. sharp. See bUils.j, Auctioneer. Thuu.mlay, March 6th-Edgar Pro- cott, Lot 28, Con. 8, Darlingten, % mile east of Enfield, who has soit] bis fan, will seli by public auction al of bis farm maehinery, seven headi of horses, 26 heat] of cattie, 27 pure- br'ed Shropshire sheep, hogs, poutry,1 etc. Sale 12.30 p. ini. Se. bis. Theo M. Siemon, Auctioneer. Saturday, Mardi th.-A. E. Nay- 1c'r, nMt.ario Street, will sell at bis re-sidence, househodd furnishings. in- luding parlor, dining-ro.on, kitchen and bedroin furniture. Sale at 1.30 p. mi. W. J. Challis, auctioneer. Tneaday, Mardi 11-S. A. Burgess, .Luot 23%/., Kings9ton Road, Darlington, wil] sell by public auction the follow-« ing registeret] Holstein cattle: 4 re- newed cows; 6 COWS to renew in -March or Apnil; 2 two-year-o'ld heif- ersspposed to be in calf; 2 heif-« ore, iing 2 years; 3 yearling heifers; 1 two-year.old Holstein bull, a good rire; also McLaughlin deniocrat, coni- plete, as goo)d as new. Te.rnis: 7 mnOntlhs' Credit on approved joint notes; 5 % off for cash. Sale 1.30 p. in. WM .Maw. auctioneer. Wedmesday, Mardi 12-Mr. F. M. Cryderiman, Lot 6, B. F., Dalington, Govern<ment Highway. (1 1,4- miles east of Bowmanville) will sen ail of his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 P. m. sharp. See bills. Wmn. Maw, auctioneer. MARCH 1ist is the last day for BIRTHDAY SALE BARGAINS at TH1E REXALL STORE Wheu we toit eyes it as donc propenly. Jury & Loveil Wbem in need of Druga Phone 78. We Deliver FLOWERS Violets and other Spning Flowers, were 75c buneb-Last Chance Sale, bunch - -- 5 HOSIERY "Si ersilk", regular $1,95 pair, Last Chanmce Sale................. "Supersilk", negular $ 1.49 pair, Lest Chance Sale................. 'ru-Silk, regular $1.0O pair, Lat Chance Sale ................. $1.75 $1.25 79C ____________________ - E LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mis. M. J. Brodie, Toronto, is vis- iting Mr. and M"s. M. W. TamblYii. Mrs. Arthur Wright, Hamiltoii, spent the weekend with ber mother, Mrs. Thos. T'od. Mrs. Clarence Hayes, Columbus,' is visiting Mrs. Norman James and] other relatives here. Ms.. (Rev.) W. S. Blyth, Detroit, Mich., la visiting ber motho-r Mrs. C. Rehder wbo la quite poonly. Dr. and] Mrm G. E. Reaman have returnet] froni a trip tc New York, Atlantic City and Ph&dadeiphia. Mr. and Mrs. Normian Haniley and Jean, Peterboro, apent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock. Rev. J. U. Robins, President cf Bay of Quinto Conference, was in Belleville on Wednesday attending a meeting. MNr. and Mrs. Howard MeýClellan, Buffalo, N. Y.. spent the weekend ,xith bis parent-,. Mr. and 'Mms J. A. MeCldIan. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle and Mr. F. C. Hoar represoented Palestine Chap- ter No. 249 at the Grand Chapter Assembly being held in Toronto thisî week. WHITE SHIELD CLUB A nmoot enjoyable evening was spent by The White Shield Club on Tuesday. Feb. l8th. at the home cf Mrs. J. Davies, Ontario St., the cele- bration being the Valentine Party, when about 45 members and friends had a very happy time. The bouse& was very prottily decorated with hearts and streamers-, and the fancy costumne-e worn by some cf the meni- bei-s, gave quite a touch cf gayety. Cames and a radio rprogranî, inter- spersed -with dancing, sent the bands on the cleck round &Il ico quickby. A splendid variety cf refreshments served by the hostess and bier help- ers -ere thoroug'hly enjoyed. After the singing of the Good-night Song and National Antheni, a very hearty i'ote cf thanlks was Civen to the host- ess, for ber kindness in opening bier home for this ovening and the wcn- derful time everyone participated in. LICENSEr> AUCTIONEER CLARK WILLIAMS Licente<l Auctioneer Rteasonabile Rates. Phone: Port Perry 225r4, or write Nestieton Sta- tion R. R. 1. 8-4wi CARTING AND TRUCKING AUl kinde of Carting, Truckng and Moving;, local mnd long dIstance. H. DOM DARD, Phono 00 Qusen st., *owmanvilll. 38-tf LAUNDRY WANTED AI> kinds or za'înary work don@ prompt- Y. satinfactorlly and at rêasonable pricee Write Post OmCe BOX 12. or Cal Mr@. WV Mfarjors m. King St. Ir. Bownianville. Pl-one 478W. CUT THIS OUT THIa COUPON 1S WORTH 10 CENTS ROYAL THEATRE, DOWMANVILLE At any evening performance. Only ane coupon applicable on each pald admission. Not good after March lSth, 1930. Additional coupons may b. bUd at The Staleasmn Office. 1 OBJTUARY Major E. C. SotIb7, Bowmanyll. The funeral of the late Major Er- neat Clay Southey took place ifren "Marnwood" his residence, Elgin St., Bowmanviile, on Saturday, February 22nd. The body of the deceased was bnought to Bownianvifle f rom the Wetminster Hospital, Londun, Ont., where ho bas been an inmate for the past eig'ht years, suffening frein dWi abilities roceivet] during the GreatJ War, which finally restilted in bhis deatb on February 20th. Major Southey is survived by his1 wife and] one son, Mr. E. C. C. South- ey« ofwmanville, andi two brothers, Major Edmund Southey, 'New Zea- land, and Capt. Charles Southey, England. Deeased was born in England, a son cf the late Cul. Edmund Southey, cf the Royal Engineers, Marnwood, Iron.bridge, England, and a meenher cf a famiy digtinguished for their militarv careers. Ho came to Bow-S manvilie in 1896 and] receiveti bis3 education at Trinity Scho'ol, PortS Hope. and at Toronto University, b.- ing a meinhen of the Arts lass of 1902 and 1903. Ho served in the South Africans War as captain in the 46th ReginientN and joined the 2lst Regiment in No-t vember 1914, as a lieutenant. He went orerseas in April, 1915, andt landed in France in September of the( same year. He was wounded at the ý taking cf Craters at St. Elois in Aprili 1916, and was nientioned in despatch-1 es the sameenionth, for conspicuous bravery on the field. Ho was inval- ided back to Canada in June 1916. He was appointed captain of the 235th battalion in August cf that yean and was pronioteti to thne rank of 'Major in Noveniber following. He resigned bis cosmission in Mancb 1917. He was thon appointed dis- tric-, representative of the Soldiers' Aid Commission. Military District Number 3, a position whicbheh held until Octobor 1918. The funeral service, helt] at the residonce where Major S.outhey bat] live.d previcus to going te Westmin- ster Hospital, was ccnductet] by Roy. R. J. Sbires, assistx-d by Rer. Robt. Seaborn, Toronto, a former rector of St. John's Cburch1 cf which the deceased was a member. The pal] bearers were Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, Messrs. C. B. Kent and E. S. Sentler, town, Robt. Manning I td T. S. Ronaldson cf Toronto, and T. R. Caldwell cf Oshawa. Flowen bearens were menibers of the 21st Ba'talion: Messrs. A. M.1 Stroud, Chas. Patton, Rcbt. Stewarnt, L. A. Parker, C. W. Tait and Edward Maidiman. Amoig the fiondsa nd relatives f rom a distance presont at tihe funer- ai were members of the staff of the General M»trs' Office, Oshawa; Mn. Howard Waddell, St. Catharines; Miss Ethel Manning and Mn. Relit. Manning, Mn. ant] Mr. Artihur Piper, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ronaldson, Sir' Fredenick Stupant, andi Bey. Robt Seaborn, Toronto. Intes-ment was ma&i in the i anily plot in Bowmanvi-ile Cemetery. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. E. C. Southey and son wL-tb to tbank the mombers of the Ziat Battalioyn Club for the tributs paid. to Major Southey's memory andi for the beautiful wreath and their at- tendance snd boelp at bis funenal. For Sale or Exchange FOR EXCHANGE ON FARM-$46000 Oshawa resîdence on 100 acre futly equip ped f arn,. FarTn listings wanted. Sond full particulars of your farn te A. E. 'Murdoch, 18% King St. W., Osbawa. 7-3 *0c'ei of Iniportet] Broadcloth, Nith collar and cuffs of Muakiat; was 157.25, . Last Chance Sale................p$25.W Coat of -excellent qu.ality Broat]cicth, wth Platinum OppoSun coliar and] cufs; made vo rptai.l at $56.00, $5o Lait Chance Sale ............. $ 50 Goat cf navy Broadcloth, with lorely cullar and] cufs cf Crosss Fox Oppos.-uni; made te ne- tal at $42.50, Lait Chance Sale............... $22.50 Coat cf all wool Tweed, with a -Irage cîllar cf Thbetine; medeto netail at $23.75, Lat Chance Sale.................$10.00 Coat of Brown Broadieloth, with French Boarer coilan & culTe; to rotai] at $30. Laet Chance Sale .............. $ 15.00 Wh.r. y..noves se. tw. garuents au*h. HANI)KERCHIEFS Fancy Silk Crepe Handkerchiofs, were ll 25c to 40e Chance Sale, eacb.loc LINGERIE -Serus Brand"~ the Lingerie with a real guarantee: Bloomers, regulan $1.50, Lait Chance Sale.................... .00 Bloomers, regular $1.00, Last Chance Sale .................. 85C Coat of Brown Broadclotfh, with c4lar and] cufs cf French Bearer; made to rotai] ait $36.50, 41n Lagt Chance Sale................$ 50 Coat of Brown Broadcloth, with coliar and] cufs cf Chincilia, mado te rotai] at ;36.50, $50 Last Chance Sale.............$ 50 Coat c f "Camet ex"-J ust the Coat to have ready when you beave off your Fur Goct; miade te retail at $28.00, Lait Chance Sale ...............$ 5. Coat <ti new blue iniportoti Broadclotb, witb a bant]some collar and] cufs cf Black Fox Op- posuni; made to netail at $55. to Last Chance Sale...............$2p5.00 Where You Are Never urgoa 80 Bu>. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE DayIight Saving in Toronto wil commence Apnil 27th and conclut]. Sept. 28tb. Mn. andi Mr. Leland Edger, Tlor- onto, spenit Sunday with bis anothen, Mm Wm. Etiger. Miss T. Maisd Penfounti visitet] Mn. and] Mrm. W. E. Finlay, Port Hope, over t~he weekemnt. Mn. and Mrs. Henry Doubt, Osh- awa, were guesta of Mr. and Mms. J. T. Hooper over 5unday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clemence and Arthur spent -Monday witb Mr. and Mm. Robt. Allan, Cobourg. Mn. and Mm Ridhard Tudor, Tor- onto>, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Evans, Church St. 'Bill Clarko, veo iras in Hamsilton for somo thme, bas returnedti t town and la prepared to do plumbing, steam-fitting and tinsmithing. See hi, adv-t. Mrs. Wm. Cullis, Pickering, dieti suddenly on Feb. lStb in ber 73rd year. She was bon in CRanke town- ship and] is survived by ber husbant] and] three sisters. Rev. E. A. Tonkin, who is staying with bis daughten, Mrs. Geo. Jack- son, Port Penny, was in town titis week and] attendet] the Trinity Bro- therhood B.anquqt. Mr. and] Mrs Chas. Gorrett, Spar- ta, who came down te attend the Golden Wedding cd Mr. and] Mr. Sami Oke. are visitîng ber brother, Mn. R. H. Hamley, and other relatives ber. Mn,. Jas. Stephens and] ber brotb- er-in-law, Mr. Chas. Stephens, Bal- carres, Sask., who have been onjcy- an a i-ait witb relatives bore, left for homo on Tbursday owing to the illness cf the latter's wife. Mr. Frcd Cewlin'g. Bunketon, On- tarie, announces the engagement oif his only daugbter, Evelyn Mary, and Mn. Freeman Henry Hepburn, oniy son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Hepburn, 1Ber.hany. the marniage to take place the latter part cf Marcb. Miss E. E. Haycraft attondet] the funeral of ber cousin, ttbe Late Mrs. Elizabeth Lawrie Sewell, widow cf David B. Sewell, 'millide Farni," Scarboro on Saturday and] spent tbe weekend witb ber cousins, Mr. and] M.m John Lawnie, Malvern. Mn. J. B. Mitche1l, Mn. And Mm. A. Mitchell, Messns. R. M. Mitchell, Mn. Kennetb Mitchell, Mn. T. A. Dustan, Mn. and _Mn,. J. A. Gunn, Mn. Chut-ch- ill Cawker and] Mr. Reg. Jones Attendi- ed the funeral of the late Han-y Gil- bort in Toronto on Tuesda'y. The Mâny finonda in Clarke, New- castle and Darlington of Mr. W. W. Jardine, B. A., formenly toacher in Newcastle High Sohool, will bo inter- estedt] t hean that ho la well andi on Satux-day, Marcb lat, will celebrate bis 88tb birthday. His present ad- dreas is Sioux Lookout, Kenona, Ont. An Expert Talon frein Th,- House of Hobbenlin will bo at Couch, John- ston & Crydernian's stgore on Monday, Marcb 3rd. Ho wiiil have mon 's suits and ovorcoats ade up in the new s*pning stylos and a full lino of samnples froni wnich Yqu may choose your spning outflt. Wz noxt Mon- day! Cobourg, like BowmanvIfIe andi many other places, bas a considerable amount outatanding in back taxes. The Council bas authorzedi the Treasuren te take stffl to coileet ail outstanding taxes, including arnear. froni 1914 t» date, andto mue what- ever measures are provide] by law, te enfonce sisyments, with costa. Mr. and Mrs& F. J. Manning and 0Mn. John T. Fee are in Toronto at- tending the funeral of the latter', nepbew, John Arthur Wylie, who, diet] suddeniy on Monday. He inaa nepbew of Mn. FPe.and bis wife, nee Ethel Bennett, is a sistor of Mms. Manning. Mr. Wylie has been Man- ager of the T. Eaton Co. Drug Dept. Mosasm L A. Parker, C. W. Tait, W. Johnson and] Oliver Roberts were in Osbawa Friday nigbt at the org-an- iz-atiion meeting cf the 2lst Battal- ion Club for this district whicb will bo afilintot] witb the Toronto Club. IOflicers electet] are: President, IGeorge Edmunds; lst Vice, L A. Parker, of Bowmanvile; 2nd Vice, T. Caldweill; Secretany, W. C. Sut- ton; Treasuror, G. Morgan. Mr. W. R. Strike is in Montreai speaking at a banquet giron by Colonels C. A. Petons, D.C.O., A. T. iBazin, D.S.O., and C. W. Viapont, D.S.O., to the oniginals of the Mc- GiII 4Ambulance Corps at the Mount Royal Club, Thursday e<vening, Feib- ruary 27t.h, to celebrate the leaving of that unit for orerseas upon the sanie date in 1915. GenemI Sir Arthur Curris is the guest cf honon. BIRTUS DUMAS-In Bowrnanvilie Hospital, on Sunday, February 23rd, 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. L. S. D)umasa, a daughter. DEATHS HUNTER-In Mlllbrok. Feb. 11, 19310, James Humter, ln hie 4th year. LINGARD-In Port Hope, Feti. lSth, 1930, Wilbert Charles Lingard, agsd 34 years. PIKE-In Oshbewa. Februany 17th, 1930, MaiaBl- s widow of the laie Clancy Pîkce, in her 95th year. GAMSBY-In Orono, on Monday, Feb- ruary 24th, 1930, Mary Aiberta Adams, beloved wif e et Leonard Gaxnsby. MORRIS-In Orono, on Saturday, Feb. 22, 1930, Annie L. Chapman, beloved wîfe et John H. Morris, agsd 51 yeare. GRAHAM-At Blackstock, on Sunday, February 16th, 1930. Elizabeth Mary L-arrner, beloved wife of Louis P. Gra- ha. ,in ber Oth year. POWERS-At his late residence, Wal- ton Street, Port Hope, on Saturday, Feb- ruary 22nd, Lafontaine Baldwin Power-, M. D)., in bis 5tb yesr. WYLIE-Sudtlenly at Toronte. on Mon- day. February 24th, 1930, John Arthur Wylie, beloved husband of EDthel May Bennstt, aged 52 ys.ars. SEWELL-At Lot 9, Con. 4, Scarboro. on Wsdnesday, Feb. l9th, 1930, Elizabeth La-wnie, Widow Of the late David B. Sewell, in ber 75tb year. McLAUGHLIN-Suddenly, on Thurs- day, February 2th. Sarab, daughter of (-Jtpt. Neil Wilkinson, and widow of Dr. James W. MeLaughlin, Bowmanville. LARMERi-In fllackstock, on Saturday, February 22nd, 1930, John William, In- fant son et Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer. aged 6 months and 1 week. Inierrsd ln Union Cemetery. SOUTH EV-At Westmninster Hospital. London, Ont., on Tbursday, February 20, 1930, Major Ernest Clay Southey, belov- ed buisband et Sara Wilson. Interment ln Bowrnanvilie Cenetery. MONTGO MERY-At ber laie, residence, 18-d Pickering Street, Toronte. on Sunday,. February 23rd, 1930. Caroline VanNest, widow of the late David 'Montgomery, tat, ocf Hampten. Ont., in ber 79th year. Interment in l3owmanville Cemetery. SMITH-In Cleveland, Ohio, on Mon- day. February 24tb. 1930, AnnieP Jne Gordon, wid'ow of the late James Smith, formerly of Betbesda, Darlington town- sbip, aged 80 years. Mother et Mise Isabel IZ. Smitb,.BB A., Bowmanville. GILBERT-In Toronto, on Sunday, Feb. 23rd, 1930, Henry (Hlarry), dearly beicved busband cf Rosa 'Mitchell, father of Mrs. B. W. Rice, Mrs. W. J. Marshal and Mrs. F. S. Jarman. Brother of Mrs. W. R. 1. Cawker. andl brotber-in-law of Mesars. J. B. and A. Mitchell, Bowman- rif11e. IN MEMORIAM BALLAGH--In iorjng memory et MY dear sîster, Sara Ballagh, wbe passed away February 26tb, 1926. She bas taken ber ]aat long journoy, In Goda beau tiful sleep called 'Rest. Away frein this world cf sorrow, To a home et eternal rest. Always remembered by Sîster and Brothers. Wanted BOARD AND ROOM $7 A WEEK-A] conveniences. Apply Mrs. George A Gibson, Temperance St., Bowxnsnville. 8-34 .1 WANTED--Â wcman or girl te help witb general houseworit. Other help kept. Apply to Mrs. Southey, Elgin St., Bow- manvilie. -tf WANTED-A horse for delivery wagon, weighlng about 1200 Ibs. Apply te Wm. McReynoids, Scugog St., Bowmanvilo.I Phone 223. -f LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTEO for Bowmanville and District, for th -~Old Réllable Fonthill Nurseries." A splendid opening. with exclusive terri tory right. Send for circular inatter and. full information. Stone & Wellington, Toronto 2. 7- Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Well bred Durham beifer cow. 1 year oid. W. T. Perrn-tt, Hamp- ton. Phone 376-34. 9-2 COW FOR SALE-Ayrshire Cow, due t o freeben Match 6th. Appiy te Archie Thompson, R. R. à, Bowmanville. Phone 139-2. 9-i MARE FOR SALE - Black mare, 5 years old, sire Black Mode]; broken double; about 1200 Ibe. Geo. White. Hampton R. R. 1. or pbone 238-6. 9-1 ENOINE FOR SALE-Massey-Harrla gasoline engin.. 8 K. P., almnt as good as new, wifl taire one-thîrd of original pnice for quick sale. Corbett Motor Sles, Bowmaavllle. O-tf FOR SALE-A 6 - 135 Baikite si*min- ator, on easy terras. This will take the plÙ,of both A and B Batteries andi maký your set work lîke an ail electric. F. ..Mitchell. Boiwmanville. 9 -->n BUILDING FOR SALE-A frame build-1 ing, .fflx6f eet, Ili..storieq high. This building Is aound and contains a lt of splendid material. For partiîculars ap - oW bt Georire Jamnieson, Newe.,itle, Ont.ý 9-2 FOR SALE-i Book case and %-riting desk comblned. walnut finish, made tol order by Upper Canada Furniture. can't Pes that Its been used, will oeil for hait price . Appty te John Perry, Bowman- ville. -tf To Let H-OUSE FOR SALE OR RENT-6 roota and, bath.' Ontario St. Apply Mr. E Passant, Dulie St., Bowmanville. Phon 563. 8-t Rer. S. C. Mocre, B. A., B. D., who TWO APARTMENTS TO RENT - 1n bas heon supplying the pulpit of Ai- Bowmavitlle; modem conveniences. bort St. Unîteti Church, Oshawa, APPly ta W. WoWrd Baz-ister, etc sines the first of the year when Bey. Bowmanville. Phone 1 2. 48-él R. A. Whattam resignedti t accept a HOUSE TO RENT--Seven rooma, wat- position with the Ontario Prohibition er-orks, bath. eectnic lights. located unio, ha accpteda uIn Ring & Ontario SL, available Jan. 12th. union,- bas ac.cAptet]va uenimous in- it vitation te continue bis %ministny for Apy..owl*Nwate 1t the coming conterence year. %,y. FARM TO RENT-Nortb baîf of Lot 5, Mr.Mooe i anex-President cf Bay Concessiqon 8, Darlington, known as the Mn. oon 15351John Tape fan., consistîng et 120 acres of Quinte Conference anti a former more or lé&ss; possessilon Aprîl lot. For pastor cf Trinity Unitedi GbUrcb, furth-r prticulnrs apply te D. B. Farrell, Bowmanrille. Tyrone. R. R. 1. Phone 194-14 Bow- The entortainniont "An Adoptet] Cinderolla" giron by O"bwa King For Sale or To Rent St. Music and. Literary Glub, Mrs. 0. J. C.Fa-otv ietwi h OR SALE OR RENT-7-roomed bouse C. Catwrthy dlectresin te wth garage on Wellington St., all con- Opera House bore on Fridtay srening veniences, wîred for electric stove, nsw- drew a verv aniall audience. The play ly decorated, immnediate possession. Ap- ply to J. L. Metcaîf, R. R. 2. Bowman- bad a good ton. andtheb cast diti thein ville. Phone 183-5. 2-tf parts fairly weql but the voieswr - not s:rong enouo<tib for the rooni. MisLea sat orSl Marjorie Beamisb, pianlat, performet RaiEtt FrSl ber part splendidly. The acta were in1-. HOUSE FOR SALE-On Churcb Street, tensper-ed witb music and] rocitations rootnis.5 111 acr,- lot. water, eîectrie lihF AppIy W. Blake Poilard, on and a fine patriotie chorus by the premîises, tlovnsanvi1li. 9-3w ,wliole company at the close. HUSE FOR SALE-Six-roomed bouse A bintht]ay celeibration wqua held at wîth good gardon and shed. situatod on the home cf Mn. and] Mms.,C. J. Stap- north aide of Second Street; pries reas- les, Weleome, on ThursdayFbu onable for quick sale; property of the late Y er-William Quick. Apply to the executors ary 20ti, in honer of the 80th bleUI- or estate. w. F. Quîck, A. McGregor, day of ber mothen, Mrs. AIse. Elford. H3owmnville. 7-ifl Mrs. Elford ïs a sister cf Mm. E. FARM FOR SALE-Part of Lot 5, Con. Bickeil, Centre St., Bowmanriile, 2. contning 77 acres; also part Lot 4, anti cf Mms. Jane Riekard, Newcast.le. Con. 3, containing 25 acres, Township et M"'. Elford was presentet] wit à Darlington. On 77 acres la 7-roomed life-imembermhip pin - by Wth ne trame bouse. bank barn 34 x 104, good elo e otabling, drive shed, chieken bouse and W. M. S., anti Witb num111eVOUs other pig pen: land ail workable. On 25 acres gifts and ilowes. Tnienda sand rela- le about half tumber, balance posture; tivo wen loent roniBowanyilewl1oil se e>ately or together; reason - iNeweaatle, POnt 90", CantOn, WQR- abetrme; mmediate possession. Par CHOCOLATE SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY Moira Deliejous Chocolates' Assortted flavors including Caramel, Pineapple, Nuts, Hard Centre, Vanilla, Nugatines, Cocoanut, Nut Brittie, Peppermint. REGULAR 60c PER LB. A real bargain for Saturday only ini 1 IL lots for OnIy 39c. a pound If you think you're bard to suit regardin bread, try a loaf of Corbett's Butterrnilk Bread. It's tasty, wholesome and satisfymng.. HOVIS BREAD -8c and 13c aLoaf. W. P. Corbett Ph one 3 Baker and Confectioner Bownîanville ALLIN'S CORNER GROCERY Be fore Ordering Your Groceries Read This List Fresh Dates, 2 lbs. for .................25 Sheriff's Pineapple Preserve, jar .............19t Gold Medal Peanut Butter, pint jar ...........25c Special Blends of Tea at ....52c, 59c ahd 80c IL Pure Gold Coffee, per lb ......................53C Bulk Coffee, freshly ground, lb ................60c Maxwell House Coffee, lb ....................65c FRESH FRUITS - GREEN VEGETABLES York Brand Sausagees, fresh every Tuesday and Friday, package ............................30c Mulfets Whole Wheat Biscuits,' irradiated with ultra-violet rays, contains the sun- -shine vitamine, package ...................15c We sell Quaker Flour and Five Roses Flour. Canada Dry Ginger Aie, per doz ............$2.35 Feed Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash for best resuits. HARRY ALUIN, (irocer PHONE M8 BOWIMANVLBI TIIEY LIKE TUE SE DRESSES OUR REPUTATION FOR HAVING THE NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' -. o. WEARING APPAREL Is spreading judging from the increased business we are enjoying. Many ladies do flot hestitate to express a decided preference for our dresses be- cause they are distinctly different and reasonable in price. We are again featuring another lot of new dresses this week from ........$9.95 to $1 7.95 When in search of your new Spring outfit we invite you Vo visit our store, THE SMART SHIO? GEO. R. MASON, Manage. SPECIAL FOR SATIJRDAY Youths' and Young Men's 2 Pant Suits at $16,,95 New Spring Suits just ar*ived; shades of grey and briown effects; wond ef uuality; with two pairs trousers; sizes 34-35-36-37. Clearing Saturday at Only $16.95 ME141S FINE SHIRTS AT $1.95 50 Men's Fine Shirts, ail the leading shades andpaers collar attached and separate col- lars;p vausuto $3.00, Clearing This Week for Only $1.9.5 T. B. GILCHRIST Diroctly Opposite Bank of bMeataia Phoe el0, Dowu&IU. 't. ---i i LAST CHANCE SALE THURSDA Y FRIDA Y SA TURDA Y NEW SPRING DRESSES A limitot] number ocf Si]k Crepe Dresses, bought to retai] at $17.50-Extra Special 125 Thursday, Friday andi Saturday ... 129 BUY YOUR COAT NOW FOR NEXT YEAR r $ k' Cia rence S. Mason ON£ DOOR WEST OF F. F. MORRIS CO. r-il PAGE rws

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