0f Course.. you can serve it hot Most people want a hot breakfast dish for a cold day. Shredded Wheat is de- Iiciously warming when eaten with hot milk. Crisp the biscuits in the oven and pour bot milk over them. The flavory shreds retain enougli crispness to en- courage thorough ehewing-that's one reason it's s0 good for eidren. Deliejous for any meal with fresh or stewed fruits. SHREDDED WhaV many people caîl indigest ion very often means excess acid in the stoiachi. Tite stomacit nerve., have he-en overstimulated, and f ood saurs. l'le correctve is an alkali, wiic neutral- izes acida instantly. And te best aîkali l<nown to medical science is P'iillips' Milk of Magne8ia. IV lias remained tite standard witi piysicians in Vte 50 yeaifl incesits invention. one spoonfui of titis itarileiie, taste- When Pain Cornes Two hours after eating lem s alkîîli ini water will neutralize in- stantly înany tues as iucit acid, and the iymptoms ulîappear at onee. You will neyer u.e rtîde methoda wien once you learn tbe efficienq. of titis. Go get s -4mail bottle tii try. lie sure o get te genuirîe Piillipe' MiIk of Magnvsia prî.scribed by pitysi- cians for 50 years in correcting excesas acids. Facit bottle contains full direc- tion--any drugstore. POULTRY WANTED I want all kinds of Poultry and arn paying highest price. Phone Whitby 81 and reverse charges. 1. STEIN WHITBY .ook's Regulatirig Comnpound A *fe reiabid feçutatsUS med.ins. SoId jin thrùe de- of s' t tr<.g4t-No. 1. SI, 8o 3: No. 3.$5 per box Sold iy &Il druggiste, or MDI repaicd or. reoeipt of pirce. p mphlet. Addrci.: THCOOKMEDICINECO., MOD-SPHOSPHODINEý' Tones anîd irigorates the whole W~ Y Inervous syste makes new Blood in oid Veins. Used for NVervoui f.ilbit ty. Mental and Brain Wrry, t*pnec.Lous of Enertv. Palpitation a/ UW HcarFailigtMemoy. rice 52 vii out b #fo $5.9Sold by alidruUists, or maied in, plain TR'E CANADIAN ErATmSMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1930 BROADCAST ADDRESS OF ROTARY I?4TERNATIONAL PRESUDENTr HAMILTON z5T CAI The visfl Vo Toronto Feb. l9th of Sourd, Cobourg and Belleville - t M. Eugene N.woome of Durbamn, a-et as hosto Vo fourteen visiting dele- North Carolina, Preident of Rotary gations frora adjacent towns. Tor- Internationai was the occasion for a onto Rotary entertained Oakville andi grand get-together of twenaty-ont Weston; St. Catharines had Niagara4 Ontario Rotary Chlbs. Bell tele- Falls and Wellantd as guests; Hamil- phone lnes anid publie address equip- ton b.d Siiacoe, Brantford and1 ment enabled Rotarianz at seven Gueph; &lratfoTd ad St. Mary.;à strategic centres - Toronto, Hatnil. Cobourg had Oshawa, Bownianvflle1 ton, at Catharines, Stratiord, Owen and Port Hope; andc Belleville hadà . Trenton, Canmee1lford and Nape.nee. W. J. Garnis, President Cd TOT- «nio Rotary, was general master of ceremnies, assieted by the Presi- dents pictured in te diagrani above. Thtis hm.k-up différed from the us- ual radio broadcast in that it was an all-Rotary festival made possible by Bell telephone long distance circuits and centralized amnplfying parts ORONO ELECTION EXPENSES Mr. C. F. G-aluni, Winnipeg, wa Ret'urantu Officer for Durham Couaty a recent guest at Mr. W. J. Martyn's, Issues Statement of Local Church St. Candidates' Expenses Mr~. H. J. 'W¶nter, t*acher on the staff of the Toronto schools, han been M. J. Elliott, Conservativ Candidat*, horne on sick leave. Bell 'Telepitone, Bowmanville $ 11.701 MisaOraCalwel, 0 waandTown Hall, Bet.iany......... 5.001 Mis Oa aadel, shaaan 'p. Clarke, Orono Hall .. 6.00. Miss Hate MoCutcheon, Toronto, A. E. Billett, Hampton, Hall recently visited teir aunt, Mrs. Zob and 'Caretaker............ 2,80 ert Cooper. Forestera' iHall, Janetv'ile . . 10.00 The esse with which corns and Town Hall, Bowmanville, 3 warts can be removed by Holoway's Vîmes.................... 24.00 Corn Remover is its strongest recoin- C. o. F. Hall, Nealeton .. 6.00 mendation. t seldont fails. Coinmunity Hall1, Newcastle. 40.00 Or9no 1 tezimediates defeated the Çommittee Rooms, Millhbrook, St. Gère'a teain of Oshawa Iby a rent and expenses......... 39.46 score of 9-6 on Friday, February 14.1 Hall, Kendal................ 5.00 Both Vans were entertained at lunch Hall, jPontytpool............. 8.00 after the gaine.1 Empire Sales, Bowmanville, A inasquerade carnival was iteld on coke.................... 1.95 t.he Agrieuftural rink on Wednesday <rno N.ews, printing........ 42.80 ev'ening, 'February l2tit. Winners Guide, Port Hope, printing. . 18.20 were: Lady's cltaracte.r costume-_ Millbrook Mirror, printîng . . 130.52 Miss Ferrier; Gent's citaracter co- Bowmanvi'lle Stateaman, p'g. 144.02 tune-Bill Brown; Lady's contie cos- Guide, Port Hope, printing . . 50.30 ture-Mss . Sark Get$ comîc J. Cox, Coin. Roonts, Bow- costume-Hubert Cobbledick; Girl's iavle et.......50 character costume-Miss Ethel Stark; Pariait Hall, Port Hope.....25.00. Boys' character costume - Edi Orange Hall, etc., Orono ... 28.75 Manning; Lady and gent akaters-' 61.5 Miss Olive Davey and Carilos Tam- $645 blyn; Boy's cornic costume-Edward 1 'nnîlAet MiUaeon; GiA<'s comic costame--Miss ýFnnilAet Maboel Harris; Boys' race-Earl Me- 1 W. J. Bragg, Libera] Candidate Cutcheonj Gents' race-Gc>rdon Wat- Supplies for Port Hope Liber- son; Fncy later-Gordon Watson. a cn om .... .0 Judgs-31ss dams Mr Riter. Can. National Telegrapit,1 Astluna Doesn't Wear Off Ailone. Election Returns......... 15.00 Do not make the mistake of waiting Port Hope Guide, printing . . 20.00 for ast.itna to wear away by itself. Port Hope Guide, q)rinting,... 14.85 While you are waiting thte disease is Rent of Hall, Orono, per A. surely gathering a stronger foothold J. Staples................ 4.00 and you live in danger of stronger Rent of Hall, Bowmanville, and yet stronger attacks. Dr. J. D. per John LVIe............ 16.00 Kellogg's Asthma Remedy taken Ganadian Statesman, printing 39.89 early, will prevent incipient coitdition Bowinanville Orchestra, Pub- from becoming chronic and savesI lic 'Meeting.........12.00 hours of awful suffering. Rent of Public Hàall, Court- Reglarmeeingof ron Hoti- ice, per E. N. Goodel.....8.40 Reglarmeeingof ron Hoti-RentaI Committee Roonis, cultural Society was held on Monday, Bo>wianville........... .35.00 February 17th. Misa Helen Powers Bell' Telephone, Bowinanville 18.55 rendered a very fine piano solo. Re- Fuel Suppy, Bowmanville . . 6.00 ports of te recent annuail convention Electrical supplies and wir- of the Ontario Horticultural Socte- ing, Bowmanville......... 11.45 ies, held in tbe King Edward Hotel, Caretaker at Committee Toronto, were given by thte delegates, Roonts, Bowmanville...... .50.00 Miss Kate Waddell and Miss Marjor- Clerk and Stenograpiter, ie Oke. Committee, Bowmanville . 60.00 Witit so thorougit a preparation at Stationery, stamips, etc., J. hand as iMiller's Worm Powders the W. Jewell, Bowinanville.. 8.32 motiter who allows her chïldren Vo Millbrook Mirror-Reporter . 90.30 sufer fronthVie ravages of ýworms is Candidate, pe.rsonafl expenses 125.00 unwise and culpably carelesa. A child su'bjected to the attacks of $541.86 worms is always unhealthy and wi'U Melbourne James Wight, be stunted in its growth. tis* a Financial Agent. mercîful act Vo rid it of titese de structive narasites, ,--pec;arlly when ~fit Annual report as submitted by Miss Etitel Lockhart, Sec'y.-Treas., and signed by J. W. Bradley, Chair- man of te Board: Receipts Balance froin 1928 ......... $113.52 Legislati've Grant, 19,29 ... . 146.49 Municipal appropriation .... 442.50 Fines, etc .................. 37.02 Mem-bersbip fees............ 22.45 Wonmen's Main. Library Aid 200.00 $961.98 Expenditurescan be done ititut difficulty. CAK O NHPCINI AdultClam books .......... $ 66.13__ AutFcin.......136.82 Expended Over $22,000 on Townshtipn Junvenile...................80.46 odLatYr Magazines, Fapers etc .......72.85Ha e Yo Insurance.................. 25.00Ha eY u A Counicil met February 3rd, at Or-b Librarian's Salary........... 150-00A 9 ono. Reeve M. J. Holman presidingt Printing, stationery etc. ..15.18 A clu .JornacII and members ail present.e Communications were read as fol- Rent..................... 300.00 Witen gas, pain and distress fol-lws lxoh uso or Library Association......2.15 lo'w a good meal, it is an aiîmost sure iw:Patn-Haso or Covnin3.350sg f"o uc cd nyu Highway Liability lnsurance; E. L. Caon n .*3 ', 92 -10.4soah Grdo n or .SMacNacitton, Clerk, re Mrs. Mary _____ tomcit Ge ri ofit owfor't' Nemisit and Oshtawa Hospital; Dept.E $1.Sdangerous. Ulcers are apt Vo f ol- Public Highways, re Township Roa !-w No matter how nucit acid ta Supt.; Soldier Settlement Board, re9 Total value of l.brary furniture is in your atornacli, you can enjoy and NtAz of Lot 20, Con. 7, and otiter in-1 $400.00 and of bocks $2317.00. reliait your next -meal without fear of formation. Fyled.d 'Mte patronage figures indicating after effecta, if you have soine Bts- Jno. Henry was delegated to at- te circulation of te varieras class1es urated Magnesia itandy Vo prevent end conference on road construction o! books tat are read show itow ex- te trouble before it star-ts. Try it. for County and Townshtip Road Sup-t ceedingl1y popular tite library contin- EnV witatever you like, in reason, and erintendents in Toronto on Fe'b. 24tita ues Vo be and te good use te citi- ten take a little Bisurated Magnesta and 25th.8 zensmike of it. Patrons apprec- Vo neutralize te acid, sweeten your C.P. R. and C. N. R. railways sub-t- iate teitigit degree of intelligence stontsch and protect te stom.ach lin- mitted tatenients re asseasment act, te Board bringa te bear in thte dis- ing. Doctors recomniond Bisurated whicit wa.s referred Vo assessor. charge of its duties, the careful Magnesia-thousands use it because Petition front W. A. Courtney andt tought it gives V o iproviding readers it poitively prevents stomacit troubt- 8 otiter employees of C. P. R. was re-f with tfne best literature wititin its le or stops te worst attack in 118s ceived asking for 120 roda of snow1 inean.s and te earnest efforts it ex- titan five minutes. Get a trial pack- fonce Vo be placed on thc road soutitE pends in strirving o -maintain thte lib- age, eititer powder or ablets, front of J. A. Barrie's buildings,. No ac-y rary on as itigit a plane as possible. your druggist, use as directed, and tion taken.t Tite courteous and efficient service indigestion and stomacit troubles will By-law was passed appointingt of thie librarian, Miss Cora Butler, is go like niagic. l'ou nid-keepers and Fenceviewers for1 also rfiected in the library's popular- ________________ 1930.E ity. Many patrons of aIl agea seek- Cîerk wvas authorized Vo farwardt ing and accepting iter advlce in te WANTS EVERYONE TO accouri n l u] to Lucien Kiecka of selection of books Vo suit titeir aste m.nies expended in maintenance ýof or needs, and proflting hy lher sound KNOW' ABOUT SARGON his daugitter in Toronto Sick Citild- julgnirent, continue ta return again ren's Hospital. and again. "Aîthougit l'd iteard sonte wonder- $25 was voted in support of Orono ireL are tite figures for the part full reports about titis new Sargon P'ublic Library. wr n vear: Piilosophy 7, Religion 19, niedicine, l'Il have Vo admit that I Messrs. Norton and Dent e i- Soci(ylogy 1l, Philology 3, Natural A-as surprised at just itow mucit it did structed to make nect.ssary aitera-1 Science 13.5, Useful Arts, 13, Fine 1 for me. tions to ce.rtain doars in Town Hall.I Arts 31, Literature 97, History 84, Tax Colecte:' was furtiter empow- Travel 124, Biogi-apity 134. Fiction rred tu continue collection of aIl un- 8823, Juvnile 2633, Total circula- paid taxes up ta Marcit 4t. tion 12,114. In addition 658 naga-, Auditors J. C. Gamey and 1. T. zines were loaned Vo members of Chapman submitted titeir report wqhom titere were 325 registered dur- witich was a<lopted. 100 copies were ing te y-ar. Titis works out at a ordered printed. $10 eacith spi fracetion over 39 volumes on an av- auditors for services. erage taken froint the library in Reeve and Clerk were autitorized Vwelve montits by every mari, wonan- to sign and subii to te Dept. of and citild who is a member. Tiis l .Public Higitway. sitawing titat $22,- in addition to tite papers, periodicals 310.33 had been expended on roads and book.s secured f ro nt ather . I in 1929 and re.questing te Statutory sources. .. grant. On tite library table or in te files Bis passed and paid were: ntay be found regularly and paid for. C. G. Armstrong, sup. charity $1210 ty te Board: 2 Dailies, 5 WeeklieF, I Orono Coal Ca., szupplies ..11.00 9 Manthiies and 1 "rni-monthly j Jas. Lyce:t, supplies.......... 1.00 Magazine; also 1 Daily, a Regina .RCoprsupi .1 paper donatocd by Mr. N. T. Solby, S. E. Aluin, supplies......7.10 1 Weekly and 6 Montitlies, alsqo don- M rs. E. J. Randail, montitly ated. These msy bc read by thte payment............... 8.0 general 'pubtlie as mnay also tite many. Orono (Xaî! (Co., coal for ha1l l 33.25 reference books in thet librars n ' R.H. Wood, caretakc'r........ 28.75 titefrn 9a.u. o . r onweY L. J. Wood, right -of way 1929 .5.00 days and ta 10 p. m. oûn Saturdays, A J Staples, registrations 1929 '21.60 toese being thte heurs tite reading Laverne Hay, siti'p danmages. 70.00 room is kept open.I . J. F. (oroish, siteep dlamages. 14.00 Ail children attending thit, public .A OSNN nîes,%epdmgs.5.0 or h-gh:ých)ol wheherresient ofNorman AUn, sheep inspector 12.001 thte vil:agü or noV, are privileged Vo "'d ga:,ten in auch a rundown con- Jas. C. Tamiblyn, citarity register as members of te library dition I could hardly muster up supplies.................. 2.10 on the sauete lrnis a resi<lentFz, iy enougit strengt.h Vo geV myseif out Council adjaurnod ta meet T ues.q- paying te ann ual fee of 5) cents. of bed umornings and always felt fag-1 day, Marcit 4tit, at 10 a. ni. Tite library Board at present con- ged out ho fore tite day was italf over.1 A. J. StaPles, M. J. Holman, sists of J. W. Bradley, W. F. Rickard, The trouble wits .I had indigestion so Clerk. Reeve. Rev. Scot- llowar<l, Mrs. (Dri . A.muc. xy food wouidn't do me any Butler, Mrs. B. Moise, Miss B. Mce odjt~ue n ysoai Intouh andl Miss EVbel Locklhart. and cau.sed ga.s and iteart palpitation ________-anid consiipation helped pull m dow"Nn toc.. For years Motiter Graves' Worm "Sargon made a new mani out o Exterininator itas ranke<l as a re- me! Vve got thte stréngtit and en- iale worm pi- parnan.p 1 it ai- durance Vo geVttrougi thie day'sý ways maintains itk; reputati. work now and neiver have te slight- I'eri-sian Balm the 1î<kal toilet re- est trouble -v.ith indigestion. Theý quiqite for every discerrting woaman. Sargon Pis, titat go with thVit onic, Perfect in resuits. Crae complex- are wititout a doubt tc beat flaxative 13EST I ions of rare beauty and c'hant. De-I ever u.sed and regulated nie perfect- THAT lightfully cool1 and refreshing. Neyer Iy. My appetite is so gcod titat I've G O bcaves a vestige of 8tickiness. A vel- already picked up five pounds, and vety smootht lotion Vning and Mtim- I'd go out of nty way Vo tell others 1 EERYTINO FOR THE GARDENAMMDFN ulating the skin. Making il. truly about titis remarkable treatinent." -1 CATALOGUETMOINTEND04G PUPiCHASENS rose-leaf in texture. Al dainty wom- J. A. Pogson, 190 Snowden Ave., M ýRIENNIE CQumffw. en invariably choose Persian Baini. Toronto. TORONTO It iniparts titat subtle distinction st Sargon may be obtained in Bo- L AT MAONTREAL VANCOUVER citaracteristie of te elegant wontan. manville f rom Jury & Lovell. Catarrhal Deafness and Head Noises I. Soaks Right In And Limbers Up Stit Joints Nowadays people don"tha-ve te b. tormented with infiamed, swollen creaky joints. If you want your bad acting joinyte to liinber up and work with amootit- neas the sensible thing te do is to geV something titat is made for just that purpose. It's up to you-jus't ask for a tube of Joint-Ease and give yovr trouble- some joint a good rubbing to-night. When you ru.b this xnagical yet scientific emiolient on your sore, painful, stiff joint it bas te lncanny power of penetration-it soaks riglit in and away it goes thiru akin an<J fleait riglit down to te ligamenS' and tendons of the joint - rigàt where the trouble starts. Out coines the inlamnination and down goes te swellîng--a -liard job is well and swiftly done-your joint is lim.ber agai-it works smoothly -you are thankful. Joint-Ease is a product of Canada and every good drugstore in the Do- minion selis lots of it. Make a note of titis also-for lumbago and lame aching back one good rubbing la us- ually enough-60 cents for i% gener- oua tube and it's guaranteed-you must get results or ptoney back. :Zutoo Stops headache M 20 minutes 25o per box. Are You in a Quandary About What You Need In Building Material' Luruber, Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Roofing, Seaman Kent Hardwood Floorinug. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail tirnes and reasoriable prices. FUEL SUPPLY We are also prepared to take care of your, order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Cali anid see us and get our prices before you buy. McClelIan & Co. Ltd. OfiePhone 15; Hous. Phone&, 228, 274, 218 King t. E.Bowmanville PAGE MXW Ev.iy BBil l lphone ta Long Disa<noe Station Qufreker Service - and eheaper than ever before Long distance telephone service is constantly improving. Seventy per cent of long distance connec- tions are now completed while the calling party holds the line. In 1927 it took an average of 5.8 minutes to coniplete connection. In 1929 the average was 3.5 min- utes per cail and many caîls, of course, are put through on the instant. And with this greater speed there have been two reductions in long distance rates within the last year. Every Bell telephone is a long distance station today, mak- in g speech possible across the province or the world -- more quickly - and at lower r,-te- than ever before. ,~...NEWCASTLE I MEMORIAL LIBRARY k '1! y 1 "à ýffl lov-W 1 Tells Safe, Simple Way to Treat and Relieve at Home If you have catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ne.ss or head noises caused by catarrh, or if phReegm dreps in your throat and has caused catarrh fci te stomacit or bowels you wi]1 be glad to know that these distressing syrnptoins may bie entirely overconie in many instances by te following treatinent w)tich you can easily prepare, in your own home ât little cost. Secure front your druggist 1 ounce cf Parmint (Double Strength.) Take this home and add to it 14 pint (>f hot water and a littie granulated sugar; stir until dissolved. Take one tableepoonful four tiines a day. An improvement is somnetiies noted aiter te first day's treatment. Breathing should become easy, wbile the distressing head noises, head- aches, dullness, cloudy thinking, etc., should gradually dis.appear under the tonic action of te treatinent. boss of ainel], taste, defective hearing and mucus dropping ini the back -of the throat are other symptomaL which sug- gest the presence of catarrh and which -nay oftL-i be overcome by titis efficacious treatinent. It is said that nearly ninety per cent of ail ear troubles are caused by catarrit and there must, therefore, be many people whose hearing miay be restor- ed by titis simple, harmless, home tregtment. CONSTU PATION COMPLETELY OONE4 wtlts mm. W. Wslksr. Thonsanda mlzCE PrIts