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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1930, p. 6

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*~~rn ~-j THE C ANÂDIÂN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, MARCH 6th, 1930 M M Many people, twi' hours after eating, Fufer indigestion as they cal! it. It le usually excess acid. Correct it with an aikali. The best way, the quick, harm. less and effiient wav, is Philli ps' Nlilk of Magnesia. I. has remained for 50 years the standard witI, physicians. One spoonful in water neutralizes many times its volume in stomach acids, and nt once. The symptoms disappear in Alve minutes. Zutoo Tablets Do Three Things -stoP Headache in 20 minutes -break up a CoId over niglit -stop Monthly pains of women. There lu one thîng they wiII fo« de-thoy won't hurt you. At DOZEN different tbings may cause a beadache, but theres just one tbing yau necd ever do ta get immediate relief. Aspirin is an absolute antidote for sucb pain. Keep it et the office. Have it ready in the home. Those subject ta fre- quent or sudden heedaches should carry Aspirin in the bandy pooket tin. Until you have used it for head- aches, cohds, neuralgia, etc., yau've no idea how much Aspirin can help. It meens quick. camplete relief ta millions of men and women who use it every year. And it does flot depress the heart, %ASPIRIN, Aepirin le a Tradeoeark Retistered Ia Canada ,ok's Regulating CompLountd 1 ~/r.rr, ii'rri, n, n ae Sold a iii ai d Ir epaunphltt. Add ,b:sa 'V>THE COOK MEDICINE CO., The Great Fnglish Preparatinre Toes an~d rwgorates the whale nervous systern, makes new Blood in aid Veins. tlsed forNr'u )eblty. Mental and Bi'>rain lWerorr Dgponden?-, Loss of Ener.v Palpitation oý Meé Heari, Faulne Mentor-. Price $2peu,- box. 3., les' $5.1 Sold by alldnaggists. or mailed in plaie *g. on rcvcito!pricc, Nets'pantphWttated Ika& m WOOD *reicwg CO,.JOtoTo..r. AcID You wilh nover use crude methode when you know thie better method. An yau will neyer suifer f ram excess acid when you prove out this easy relief. Please do that-for your own sake- aow. 'Be sure ta get the genuine Phillipe' M1ilk of Magnesia preecribed by physi- cians for 50 yeare in carrecting excesa acids. Each bottie cantainsi fuIl dirc- tlons-.any drugstore. YOUR.MOST IMPORTANT MEAL At no turne in the world's bistory bas the question o! diet reîachcd tbe importance it bas at the present tume. Physicians when prescribing for the ihîs of bumanity lay great stress on what ta cat and what not ta e-at and it is interesting ta note that vwbole mheat plays an imtportant part Sin th dietary as laid down by the niedical profession. The physician wll generay xplain t:hat wholc wb1jeat cntins, alil the noursbing el- enaents-pcotein fOT body building, carbohydrates for enecgy, minera] salts for bomo and tissue, vitamines B and E for energy, vitality; and bran for safe cregulation. To meet the cequirement o! mod- ern lite, it is universally agreod that he"light" breakfast is supreîmely important. Wbhat the meal h.acks in volume it must niake up in nourish- nment e5oscntial to tbo l- evelopinent of husky young-sters, vigocous men and hcaltby women. 0f aIl the grains grown, w.%hcat i- the richest in food value. Witb childreo the- nio,,u ing cercal1 for breakfast is the neces,.acy ele- 1 ment. After the night's their, amall stomachs are empty and it is imperative that good nourishing food1 be taken into the systcm. The food cblîdren et in the marning can do thora the most gZood or the -nost herm. If the flavor of the cereal is appenlin.r, no coexing wi-Il be neces- sary and the fiavor i-s appealing wbont the cereal bappens ta be the ever popular Shred<le< Wheat--thc- crisp, Biscuit that cequires no coûkinog and niay, ho served with anv(it the frcsb or bot-bouse fruits served at the fam-t ily table.1 Many suggestions on bow ta serve( Shredded Wheat will appocar in thin paper froin tino tri tiome in intercst- ing Shrlshc.d Wheat advertisements describing the dcoudcous combinations 'bat, cao be mnade with thi.s cereal for 1il). siather and winter nieils. Mothers Value this Oil.-Mothers ivho know bow suddenly croup tay z.oize their children and how neces'- i -ary promnpt action is in applying re- lief, alwa.s keep at hand a supply of Dr. Thocnias' Eclectric Qil, bc-cause experience has taugfat them that this is an excellent preparation for the treat-rnent of this ailmont. And they are wise, for its varlous uses render t a valuable niedicine. OBITUARY C. C. Pearce, Owen Sound Charles C. Pearce, for many yeana crier in the Sipreme Court and long license inspector and sheriff's bailift, Owen Sound, died Fehruary 28th, at 86 ye"ars. Mr. Peance coine ta Canada from Hatherley, De'vonshire, when five yeaxs told. The family settled at IDarlington, 40 milies east of Toronto, and later me'ved te Bowmnanville. In 1870 Mr. Pearce and his wife xnoved ta Derby, Grey Countiy, at that time almost solid bush, and broke a 200- 1 acre tai-m. Surviving are threc sons anmd tbnee Idaugliters, Fred W. Pearce, anenib>er of the Federal Government stffat Washington; Samuel H. of Owen Sound; Charlcs C., Grey County; Mmp W. A. Ritchie of Mentreal; Mrs. F. W. Hinton o! Regina; andMrs. New- ton Boddy of Minneapolis. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE AT Low CosT Prolecting Your legal liability up ta $10,000, regardlesa of number of persans injured, or whete damage is to persans or prapercy. Protecting You againsc damnage ta yaur car f ram cither FIRE OR THEFT. Private Passenger Cars $27 PER CAR Chevrolet Cars lisîed .up to $1,000 Essex $30 PER CAR $50,000 Pontiac Cars flot exce.<ing $1,300 Special Fordpe $38 PER CAR Inclusive Erskine Catr. fot exceedarag $2.500 Liability Durant 4 $43 PER CAR Lintits Dodge 4 Cars fot exceedng $3.500 Chrvsler 4~ $57 PER CAR $3.00 Iucladed in Car.flot exceeding $4500 EXTRA $1,000 u t $62 PER CAR Cars flot exceeding $5.500 TH E PILOT Automobile & Aeident Insurance Co. Ltd. Head Office: Waterloo Toronto Office: 159 Bay St. See Your Local Agent Osear Hudlson Ca. of Toronto ,tarted last week to audit the books; f the cotrorationofo!the tüwn a! Vital .,;Litistics foc Bowmnville foi. Fubruary record Il birth-, 4 ;i r) dlaths. Gas on Stomachi Is Dan gerous' Gas pain, b]oating and sourness etter eating almost ahways niean "too mucb acid" in the stamach. The condition is dangeraus . Acid irri- tates the stamach lining and niay lead i ta Ulcers. Gas forma and presses against tbe beent. The stomacli needs an alkaline. Bisurated Mag- nesia-powder or tablets-is tbe ideel metbod o! getting safe, quick, 1 lasting relief. It neutralizes thse ex- cei cid, swcetens the tomach, breaks up the gas, stops the pain and sourness. Food digests naturally. It mnuat give prompt relief or money backîSa-y druggista everywhere who sel] it on this iran clad guarantee. SEE TO IT NOW With the constant use your furnace has had this winter it niigbt be well to have us look it over to see that it is in good work- ing order. Better -to do this than wait tilI it breaks downm. Phone 264 or 453. R. E. LOGAN Plumber and Steainfitter Next to Pothick's Barber Shop Bowmanville CUT THIS OUT THIS COUPON IS WORTH 10 CENTS ROYAL THEATRE, BOWMANVILL.E At any evening performance. Only ane coupon applicable on each paljd admi1ssion. Not good after March l5th, 1930. Âdditional coupons snay be had a The Statesman Omle. 9I COULD TALK ALL DAY ABOUT SARGON" ',This new Sargon is miles ahead lif e. "Four four years 1 kept going down hifl. My nerves were 'B;hot to piece-r' Mrs. C. H. Carlisle, Toronto IMany friends in this tawn of Mi C. H. Carlisle, President and Geen Manager et the Goodyear Tire aný Rubber Co., Toronto, wilI sincecel: syinpatbize witb bum in the death o bis wife, Mrs. Katherine Cook Car hasle, whio died on 'Puesday, Feibruar: 25tb, at Miami, Florida. The Carlisles were h'olidaying ii tb,. South, with R. S. McLaugblin cý Osbawa, wben the tragie event occur ced. No news had been received a the caum-e&of Mrs. Carlislc's deatb, a: tbough it is known that sihe was siiî Ijeot ta beart trouble. Bon in Youngstown, Ohio, aht marcied Mc. Carlisle in 1897. The3 moved in 1910 ta Toranto, wbece Mr Carliske organized the Canadiai branch of the Goodyear cancern. Funci-al took place froni tbe T-or onto borne, 1 Scbofield Ave., on Mon. day. Service was beld in NantI. Rose-dale United Churcb, Glen Road. Entombinent in Forest Lawn Mauso. le umi. Surviving are ber husband and two sons, Frank Kennetb and Donald Mr$. Elizabeth A. Coleman, Partland, Oregon On Januazy lOth, 1930, there pa&is. e'd peacefuhly ta rest Elizabetji A. Coleman, relict af the hate Frank C. C olemnan. jThe late Mrs. Coleman was born in Devon, England, and came te Sohina witb ber parents, the late Mr. an~d Mca. John P. Beer, wben she was twelve years of age. In 1869 she was united in niarriage witb Frank C. Coleman, and for eleven years tbey remained on the Coleman homestead, where Mr. Colemnan was bon, tlhe farin now awned and occupied by Mr. C.ecil P-ascoe, Zion. Frain there tbey moved to Arthur, We'llington County, wbece tbey lived for seven or eight yeacs, wben they moved te Tarante, remaining there tbr'e years. Froin Toconto tbey maved ta Spo. kane, Wash., at which place they liv- cd until Mr. Codleman's death, Feb. 26th, 1926. Last Septiember Mca. Cabm-Yan moved, with her daugbtecs, toa Part. land, Oregon, whece it was tbeir pheasure ta spend some tume in the hoime îvitb the younger son and daugliter o! Dr. Narman F. Cabiman while he and bis wife wvere -on a tour o! the far East, spcnding Christmnas with has brother, Dr. Leshie C. Cole- man and faani'ly, Bangahore, hIdia. Thk- hate LMrs. Coleman paasessed a ýbrigbt intellect and maintained a keen interest in people and events until the last. Slbe spent a happy Christmas time witb members of ber family about hec and in the enjay- ment ot the many messages whicb cami- ta bher froni cbihdren and friends far and near. For many years almost totally blind she bacc ber affliction witb Christian patience an-I cheerfuineas and was a marvel in the keennesaf hec otlber senses. She is very kindly renîembered ;by many friendi wbýo ha<l l.c- pleasure o!fnmeeting ber, wben about fifteen years ago, witb Dr. Henbert T. J. Colemian and ber daughtec, then Ms Luella Colemnan, she visitwsd relatives and friends in t.his district, spending a weekend in the honme neighbocbaod, guca e!4 al truc friend, the late Mns. W. werry. Mr. and Mca. Colemian iphaced a hig<h estimate on education and spar- cd no sacrifice in their endýeaivor te afford their cbi'dren the advantage o! tbe higbest and best training and in-f struction aîvnilahle.f T,3 imoun th,,mir loss and revecef dahe Miss BreforhensM.ndColoa thtersmeMoissaeforhaons an tw ani Mca. Luella Colemian Palmier. Portland, Oregon; Dr. Herbent T. J. oléman, Professor of Plhilosopby i the University of British Colunmbia, Vancouver. B. C.; Dr. Norman F. Coleman, President Reed Cellege, Por-tlandl, Orp.gon; Dr. Leslie C. Cale- man, Director of Agrcultuce for My- sore Province, Bangalore, India; and Ru fus A. Coleman, Professor o! Enr,. ish, University oif Montana, Missouls, .Mon tana. CATALOGUE TO INTEND(NG PUIICHASERS W, RENNIE (C9umITE w'I ^#.$0 AT MONTREAL VANCOUVERI 1- ORONO (F'rom The-News of February 27th.) Mn. Chare, Vinson of! Toronto 'vWs ited at Mr. T. W. So-marville's. Mr. A. Sonierville, Oshawa, visited bis rurother, Mr. T. W. Sosnerville. Mr. A. T. HRunter, East Orange, N. J., spent a f ew days in town recentlY.,l Mr. and Mns. pt.Ran a upending a week dn Tovronto -Î*I Mrs. Thos. Rainey. Mr. F J Hall was a county delegate to the G-ood Roads convention ini Toronto st week- No one need endure the agony iof corns wàth'Holllaway's Corn Reniov- er at hand to remove them. Mr. John N. Powers returned hast week from Cochrane where he spent the. winter with bis daughter, Mme G. E. Rainey. Messrs. Henry Junker, 0. A. Gans- f 'y andI Fred Sisson attended the Cin- cinnati Orchestra concert in Toronto an Saturday. Miss Edna Ho'gg attonded Ceun- mencenient last week at Guelph Ari- cultural College w!here lier brother, Mr. Nornman Hogg, is a student. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lorrianan .and IMr. A. Drixmmond were gue.%U of 1Miss Loreen Lorninian ait the Mendel- ssohn concert at Toronto, Saturday. As a vermifuge an effective pre- paration is Mother Graves' Wormn Exterminator, and it can be given to the most delicate cbild without f car of injury to the constitution. Miss Hazel Barry of the Oshs'va teaching staff. Publie achool, -,as a guest at the Canivpbe.l Farire last week and attended the nihiitary dance in the Town Hafl Fciday eiv'ning.. Mr. Edison Keat, Toronto, attend- ed the fune rai last week of Mm. Leonard Ganîsby. Edson was on bis way back froin Belleville where Mrs. Keat is nursing ber sister, Mrs. 1 (Rev.) Ross, who is serieusly ill. Mr. C. A. Chapinan bas returned home froni a twa inonths' visit witb bis sister, Mrs. Harry Bellainy, and othý,r friend, in Saskatchewan. Dur- ing bis absence lie also visited the coast, spending sanie time in Bratisb Co lunbia and Seattle, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin and fanùhy of three sons a! Canipbellcroft, Hope towneflip. will shortly heconie resi- dents af Orono, ha last week having purchased the late Edward Jaynes residence on Concession Street, at present tenanted by Mr-. Wilson. Mrs. F. W. Bowen lias returned trom Ottawa where she attended the social functions at the op.ening of parliament. At the dra-wing rooni of thkir Excellencies, Lord and Lady Willingdon, Mrs. Bowcn presentcd her niece, Miss Doris Stockdale, one of Toronto's charming debutantes of last season. ýMiller's Worni Powders destroy wornis witbout any inconvenience ta the cbild, and so eff ctually that they pass from the body unpcrceived. Phey are flot ejected in their entir» ety, but are ground up and passa away througQi the bowels with the cxcreta. rhey thoroughly cleanse the stonisel and boweils and leave thee iniia candï- tion not favorable ta wornis, and there wilhl bc no revival of the pesta. The late H. E. Milison pre'perty on Concession street qouth bas changed ownership, Mr. David Hooiper of Tv- rone, wbo is a brother o! Mrs, C. F. 5.wde of this town, being the pur- cbaser. Besides the fine residence and outbuildings tlhere are about sev- en acres of ]and in cannection. Mn. and Mrs. Hooper expect Vo, take pos ession as soon as passible. We understand Mms. Milison intends ne- iding in Taronto. Could Hardly Uve for Asthma. Writes ancenian who after yesrs of suffering lias found coniplete relief bhrougli Dr. J. D. Kellogg's .Asthjna ReinedY. Now he knows bow need- leu bas been bis suffering. This malchless reinedy gives sure help to Ill afflicted with asthbia. Inhaled as smoke an vapor it brings the belp io long need<-d. Every dealer ham Ior car, get it for you fronbis çibolecalc,.r.1 Th, Orono Wonien's Institute held ,oir mnt1hly meeting in the Council 'hamber on Pciday, Feli. 21st, a i rze nuniber -if ladies being prc-sent.j ketter was ral froni Mrs. Bounsafl, Bownianville stating that furnisbings ot.he valuo of $70.65 had been plac- r d in the Institute ivard ini the Bow- nanville Hospital, tlbe night branche% n the district «of Wcst Durhami con- ributing. Ave-v intere.sting an(] iiil account of the fir-s4 settlers of larkc. toý,nship \vas given by Mia. bhos. Cowan. Musical number-, were -ntnii'but-ed by Mrs. (Dr.) ColvçiIle id Miss Alice Duncvîýn. Usu;al soc- al ha-If hour was c-nioyel. '.. PRiEVEui CATrARRHAi A KE it a habit to have a 'ýtQiminýg cup of "ýOXO"1 wit h your lur ch. You can ia :i aa mrnîent- it is h>uwholesome, invig- ort~.Just what busy 76R .4 We are also prepared to take care of yourt order for D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, The Standard Anthracite, Oto Coke, Pocahontas and Steam Coal. Call and see us and get our prices before you bu~ McCIelIan & Co. Ltd. Office Phone 15; House Phoues 228, 274, 218 J King St. E. BowmmnvUie Are You in a Quandary About What You Need In Building Material Lumber. Shingles, Cernent, Lime, Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles and Rooflng, Seaman Kent Hardwood Flooring. If so, we shall be glad to supply you at ail times and reasonable prices. FUEL SUPPLY PAGE 8MX ýand 1 lost 53 pounds ini weight. My food disagreed with -me, gave mie the worst kind o! Ïidigestion. and in sipite cf ai! the medicine.- 1 toak I seemed ta. grow warsL- a'] the time. I'd get up niorninge feeling hal-f-dead and couhd hardly pull tbrougb a day's wa rk. "Sargan did me more goad than everything else I tried put together. 1 cat tlhrce hearty meals a day naw without a taiace ot indigestion, niy nez-ves are steadied, 1 sleep good and amn steadily gaining back ny hPost weight. i feel great no-w and my work is a pleasure. Sargon Pill praved ta he exactly wbat 1 necdedi to tane up .my liver and kecp xny bowels regulated."-Fccd J. Cale, 26 Avaca Ave., TeT-enta. Sargon niay be obteined i 'w manville froin Jury & Lovell. OR3ITUARY Mrs. Louis Graham, Blacketock On Sunday, February l6th, deatb removed another well known and son of Mrs. Louis GrabamiîhbN.t.yo-,, bigbly respected resident of Cart- wrigfht, in the persan o!fca Louis Grahami, who passed away aften a 1 lingerîng ilîness.j D4oea.ýsed was bora, married and lived nearhy aIl bec lite in Cart-. wright Torwnship. A fcw ycars ago she aond ber buf0band rctired tronij facin hife and settiled in< She was of a quiet uoasauming dis- position, dlevoting ot ber tume and care ta ber home and famihy. She %va5u a taithful wife, a loving mother, andl a qplendidl neigbbor. For ,)ome tirne th%- late Mra. Grabami bas suffers'd fro-m a painful hi.seause, but bor~e taI with a wondcrful courage and patience until <bath came a., a welconio relief. The funeral service froin ber late residence (n Tuesday l8tb, was con- dlucted h)y Rev. F. W. Ncsweh and in- terment was made in the Union Cem- e*eiy. The beautiful floral tnibutes and lergely attendird funeral evinced the love and esteem in wbicb she was behd. Six sons, Leslie, Charles, Mai-y, Oscar, Mervin and Clarence, tender- ly carried their mother te lier leist resting place. Besdes ber sans ghe leaives ta nîaurn ber loss ber huaband anad two daughters, Mrs. Rupert By- ers and Mca. Fred Gibeton. E___________ Z POU LTRY WANTED I want al kinds of Poultry and arn paying highest price. Phone Whnitby 81 and reverse charges. 1. STEIN WHITBY 1 wmmàmmmý - No FRIEND LiKE AN OLD FRIEND For thirty-*five years millions have shown preference for Shredded Wheat over ail other cereal foods - end it's so easy to understand why. It's the whole wý%heat in its most dLg*,est- ible form. The crisp, crunchy shreds encourage thorough chewing-and the more you chew it the better you like it. So easy to serve a quick break. fast because it 18 ready.cooked. Deli- zious for any meal. SHREDDED WITH AIL THE BRAN 0F THE WHOLE WHEAT iE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY. LTDe, ~Unete ned FR=E RECIE DOOK Wrlte The Borden Co., Lirnited, Dept. B 81, 140 St. Paul St. West, Montreal.

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