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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1930, p. 7

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ýý'jjeîe-e - iling rih hi G tsed to Po l'r afl, he il Pm penait '. v -înîrrW. 111Vite 8eC<ji r! in his owîî'ri : 'Sinre tatiri2 the revIlar d,se cf lrîisrlieii S. 1' t :i iti I-1 ii . 1110i m l s '11ijvii sc i *4Çii"ni utiL wla:t 1 110î,tî, i. Ienc MY Idetson s . thle saniet1vi tsince '.5 liai trîken 1<rusîlien it4 liecea', -t anîd la put in fronjt of !iiin.., Ml,ql,.riiartilic alicondiltions, error.,o diet, tnverw4 rI I:ack of e'cerci 'e. înîd( soi on. are 1),,tind ti have inj uri ou efîecets in the lonug runî providiuîg dle lnriqi-iîeîsait s sluld hl e vour safe- gi i i. e.idis lvali î'ng the lboIV of impiiý. nienti l'.. sirely and<lpainlessIy, thÇe'.îiV a vital power of giving new ifead vitality to the cointless millioun or velis of whîch every body is cotrposed. That is wliv plîvsicians neyer hesitate to recmmn ed kruschen Salta. 14 -4% " P WOER POWDER Salada Orange Pekoe BIend gives greatest satisfaction TMIL This kiels You Why d YOU SHOULD BUY COAL FROM JOHN X. HOLGATE & SON Buy the COAL that SELLS BEST That. one reason why we keep our custoniers satisfied. LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE 7tA. Coal 7That Satisliea We also seli Coke, Cannel Coal, Wood, Best of Soft Coals. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 2f Bowmanville INSURÂNCE SERVICE OUR CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE HAD FIRES APPRECIATE THE SERVICE WE GIVE. We hope our customers will neyer have to realize on their fire insurance policies-but when theýp do have a fire we immediately get busy and have the adjustments made as liberal and as rm'è factory as it is possible to get thein. For this prompt and efficient service many customers have recommended our firni to their friends and neighbors. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowiuanville MIE CANA.DIN STATEaMAN, BowMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 6th, 193,0 PG E 1bý app!'cd to tS bUnd .'ithin 24 I"My duhtr herne is fiften years old. She was veryI Irregular, often sick ather~ Istomach and had tstay inI bcd two or three days at a âmne. One of your bookiets was sent ta us by mail Sa I gat her a bottle of Vegetable Comn- pound. Catherine has been taking kt regularly and she is ganing in welght and every fway. 1 told the nelghbors and fOur other girls are takingI DADO CANNOVINews For the Busy Farmer EAI Ar!1THINF ý (Furni&.he4 by the Ontario Departmnt of Agriculture) Ili Wh-ýn caves are getting skimmcd1 mIk ,%*ti, c4ov~ or aif alia .aiy, z very good grain mixture is 300, pounds wheat bran, 300 pounè5s ground oaus, 300 pounds corn meali and 100 ipounds linseed cil meal. Some prefer rolled ocats to ground and others usoý a commercial caif feed. The main thing la to grow the calves that are %lter to take their place in the herd. The WeeJ Campaisn An intensive campaign against Iweeds in the Province of Ontario has been inaugurated for this year. By an order-in-council, the Weeds Act bas been c'anged as to reigula- tions and in future no member orf a municipal council Cr road forenian or superintendent may 'ho appointed weed inspector. Some of the lesser weeds wilho overlooked this year and the aim will bei to concentrate on the real pesta. Early Buying Pays The poultryman who ggea to buy cockerels early in the season will not only have a larger selection to choose froas but wjll be aible to ob- tain thers at a more conservative price. The habit of tputting mat- ters off ta, the last monment aften results in securing floiwl that are not entirely satisfactory for the price paid. Another advantage in early buying is that thie poultryman can be surer of the birds that he wants at that tinie of the ye as the early maturing birds wilà show up to a greater advantage than later in the season. Early buying also allovis the cockerels to becoane accustonred ta the farm, thereby increasing their usefulness. A bird will seldoin proyve satisfactiory as a breeder when he has but recexitly heen added ta the fiock. Tankage For Wezning Pige Tankiage la reconimended as tlhe best substitute for weaning pigs. Pigs fed tankage instead of skim Imilk may flot niake quite as rapid gains during the first month after but they will lie iucb more thrifliy than pigs f ed grain alone. Tankage niay be mixed with grain at the rate of fve >ouds o 9 pondsof.grain Ifor the first week atter weaniMg in- creasing thein to fmrm seven ta ton pounds in 10(0 pounds of feed mix- iture untid Vhe pigs reach a weight ai froin 50 to 60 pounds. The sinati pigs inay ho allowed ta hebp thean- selves ta tankage if it is placed in a Ismall seif-feeder rather tFnan mixing it with the grain. A Useful Bulletin "*Paints and painting" ia the titie of a bulletin that ba& nothing ta do with the compact and powdeoe puif. While it teU* @bout iniWr«ving the appearance it deals in thée appear- ance of inanimate objectaeh bas farru bouses, barrs, and snch like. Hoard'a Dairyman declares it ta bei one of the nest coinplete discussions of the subjeet It lias eve-, seen. You would bei interested in Bulletin 341, "Paints and Painting'," published by the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Home Mixirig of Fertilhzee The home mixing ai com<mercial fertilizers for tobacco bas certain ad- vantages oveoe the use of ready-mixed j fertilizers. The cost of home-aulx- ed fertilizers la considerably leffs than ready-mixed 'brands, also the grower knows exactly what he la using, not only the percentage of nitrogen, Phospih'orus and tPotash, but the oni- gin of these ringredients. The mixing should be dene on a level surface such as a barri floor or a specially constructed mixing box. The ingredients shoruld be spread out anid ahl lumps tbreken before mixing 1 la dome. The whole -batch is ahen 1 thoroughly mixed iby re'peated ahovel- lin g. Not more than a tan ehou1d be Mixed in one batch and it sbould1 jNew Fordson Farir Need Cleaaer Soil and Good Seed In sapite of the fact that official re- ports indicate that over a period oi years there is ne decline in crop yields, there are still inany districts where the impression prevails that the harvests are not what they used bu be. A case in point is in Wellinig- tan Cuunty, where the agricultural representative bas fuund that there are niany farmers who are not satis- fied with results in recent years and are sending samples of seed oats ta, be tested. This dissatisfactiori niay be due in part te the short crop of 1929 when dack of moisture eut the yields almoist everywhere, a seasonal condition which should not give the impression that either soil or seed have run out. There are now avail- able varieties of wbeat, barley and oats that outyield the other sorts, 'but even the best selected seeds cannot give re"uts if the soil la not in con- dition or if the fields arpe verrun with weeds. Bovine Tuberculosis ~Farmers are urged te take advan- tage of the provisions ruade by the Dominion Governinent, to have thear cattle tested for tuberculosis. Each municipelity, by a petition signed by two-tirds of the cattle owners therein, may hare a veterinary test their berds for tub erculosis, and ail animals founid infested will bei ship- ped away, and the proceeda given ta the owner, together with a bonus of $40 per hea-d for grade cattie and' up to $100 for purebred animaLs. hs would effectively eradicate tu!bercul-1 osis from. the restricted areasa thus formed, with littie or ne lusesta the ownera of the stock. "OId Dobbin" Replaced It la interesting te note the de- crease of "Old Do4bin" and the in- crease -of tlie "Iron Horse," particu- larly on the farina in the prairie pro- vinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, The CANADA STARCH CO., Limited and Aberta. There are, accordirig B. H. S. NEWS te a recent estimate, a total of____ 66,220 tractors in <peration on the The first Literary Society meeting 248,162 Canadian prairie farmsa, to bei ut on b a florin of the school 14,57 f bic wre urhased but in the competitian for the Literary lest year. Ini Manitobia there are Society Shield donated three years 12,346; in Saskatchewan, 35,083, and ago and w.on last year by fif th, was in Alberta 18,791 farru tractors. presented in thre new auditorium on No figures are available for Ontario Friday, February 28tb, 'hy fifth forru. but it la d'oubtful if ithis province The prograin opened with 0 Canada, can even begin ta compare with the followed -by a readirig, "The Lufe ai western prairie provinces for nuai- Paulinie Johusun" iby Lawrence Ash- bers uf this type of niacbinery. tan; a pianvo duet by Marian Riekard and Phyllis Clemence; the recitation Lamb and Mutton of une ai Pauline Jahnsori's famous The consumption -of lamb and mut- poonîs, "The Cattle Thief," depicting ton in Canada la sho'wing a rapidin Indian ie in the West, was exceed- crease. During thre year ending las ingl'y well given by Winnie Rickard. Marcb, upwards of 40,0010 more sheep Wallace Horn favored with tara sel- aud lamiba we:re s]aug'htered in in- ections on thie violin whic'h were ne spected packing aouses than duning exception ta Wallace's usual fine the previona year. The totals were: playing. T1he last number was a 1,008,885 cattle; 649,994ashop, andi description of an Indian %Iw Wow 2,453,704 beogs. Howe'ver, there wa, 1 given by Mr. G. L. Wagar, the fanm a decrease in the numiber of cattle teacher, in which bei descrihed the and hog" slaughtered at these abia- singing, dances and chanta ai same tairs. Tbe packers are ta bei oi the Indians in Western Canada. making increased efforts te improve The meeting closed witb God Save the qualitîy af the products tAiey turn the King. Bob Cocrhett, the I4iterary &ut. Mure ai the finished and prei Society piarist, presided at the piano pared meats ready for trhe table are for theu opening anid closing numbers. being rnanufactured, looking to the The next meeting of the Litenary dovélopiment oe the home markeît. Society will lie in chargre of fourth forai en March lStb. Fifth fori was the champions in the volley bal last week. On Mon- MAPLE LSAP FARMERS' MUTUAI. day they defeated lourth, two igames FIRE INSUL4NCE COMPANY, Out af thr,0,0. On Wodnesday they COLUMBUS, ONT,. jd-featerd a team fr~m second, twa Ho.W1Sih rsda games out ai three; and in the tour- Hou W. mihPridnt nament of Friday the first teairm P. G. Purvis, Secretar second defeated fourth. T _rdde 85 yeara et succesaful busines, eated ltie second team freai second Farm and Village isks carried at jlowfanni, and thon fifth played tbe first rates. Direetors knuw every niak feisai roru second defeating theni in peraanally, therefore a fair adjuat- thé closest gaine of the aiVrnoon; nient in case utflire. Directors inI and in the last game fiith defeated this territorY: J. J. Smith, Enniski- J third. len, Samuel Snowden, Bowznanville . For the firat time in thbe history ai Local Agent: Everton White, I!the school tIre ffth f onrm Graduating R. R. 4 Bowmanville. Casas elected an executive to look Phone 146r2. 42 after the mrany things tiiat the forai 4-mdo in their at schaol. Thre c-xecutive consiste of: Hou. President -Mr.G. L. Wagar, 9. A.; President -Wallace Horn; Se'y.-Ireas.--Jack Minore; Meniber of Execvtive-He1- i Tractor peaseu Argue. The Executive have made no plans for what theîr worl< for the year will bei, but one ai the firt things tht ust c eu.p la the subject cf Graduation Class Pins. IPer-sian Balai-the perfet aid ta beauty. Essential te real femînine distinction. Results always in the bigbeat expression uf beauty. Its u-se keeis th- han"s asaasoit sud fias leýssy he lnd!nenaible to 7_ he whole famil.. 1mparits added -trt thp mit' er. Serves the t.thgr as a hair fimatve and cavling 4having lotion, and protects the ten- 'l'r skiu cf thc child. Persian Balai 2the true taiïet. requisite. Bladder Weakness Troublesome Nights Swiffy Relieved sensation, 'B]adden Weakness, ire- quent daily annoyance, gettingi-up,- nigbts, dil pains in back, lower ab- domen and down through groins- you should try 'the anmazing value af Dr. Suuthworth's "Urataba" and see whiat a wonderful dIffererice they make! 0 If thia grand aid formula ai a well knaiwn Physician brings yen the swiit and satisfying eomiort it has brougbit te d'ozone ai others, yen surely will b. thankful and very welîl pleaeed. Il ik dues not satmfy, the druggist thst su4>plied yen la author- ized tu retura your nroney an firet box 'purchased . This upves Yiou a ton-day test eT ratahe" 'without rlak ut coet unlees pleaaed wlth r.- Bulta--so, C yen wotrld know thre JeYS Of Peaceinll, rettul slesp and a normal, he&Utly ibladde, e tart the, teut today. Any good druoel a a p Introduction. Its Quality and Dell- clous Taste are known throughout the Country.9 MONTREAL thre cbild grows eIder. If you want te raise beys and girls with strong systems that will ward off constipation, stick te good aid Casto nia ; and give nething stranger when there's any irregu- larity exccpt on thre advice et a doctor. Castoria is sold in every drugstore, and thre genuine a.Iways. bears Chras. H. Fletcher's slg.adj turc on thre wrapper. CIldret CRY for it It mnay be the littie stomnach; it may be thre bawels are sluggrish. No matter what coats a chrld's tongue, its a safe and sensible precaution te give a few draps of Castonia. This gentle regulation of thre little systeru soon sets things te ights. A pure vegetable preparatien that can't harai a wee infant, but brings quick curufort .-even wheri it is celic, diarrhca, or simular disturbance. And don't forsake Castoria as You cannot find any sweet that has such combined qualities of deliciousness and nourishment as these BENSONusSyrps GOLDENCptOWN Everybody enjoys its won- derful flavor, it is thieker B 4 i 6~~ and sweeter than Crown Brand and equally rich in ( J N S~ I J nourishing qualities.- The Famus vruD that needs n Tr RE improved Fordson agrcultural tracter ban a 33.3 brake honse- £Power at 1100 revolutions per minute, tire reocommended engine apeed for a 3.1 mile plowing speed. This inaua Increase of 27% per cent over former modela. TIre new Fordsons are just appearing on the Cariadian and Amenican market&. Quioker starting and impnoved cooling are two ofthtIe additional new advantagea in the new Fordaun over the sarlier model. Price $775 f. o. b. St. John, N. B., plus freight $15. Full particulars supplied by COX MOTOR SALES 10 Bond Street OSHAWA GOLDIeN Try Ut - ail children love t! Every Bell Teleohone is a Long Diatance Station seli this new by Code Nuinhers Many progressive firmas today are using long distance telephone service to get sales at lower costs. *They divide their territories into "Key Towns" from which dif- ferent groups of customners cari be called conveniently and econ- omnically. We assist i this by conipiling Sequence Lista of cala and giv- mng each cal a Code Numnber. The salesman then just tells the Long Distance operator: "I want numnbers 2, 6 and 9 on my Se- quence List". The ikicreased facilities for long distance service make Key-town Selling by Code Nunibers more efficient than ever. We shall be ~glad to explairi the details and help you organize your lista. PAGE az7m

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