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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1930, p. 8

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PAGE $IGHT TEE CANADIM~ STATE.~MAN, K~OWMANV1LLE, THURSD'AY, MARdi l3t~i, 4980 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Trinity United Church-Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor. Sunday services at Il a. m. and 7 p. ni. SundnyScoo at 2.30 p. mi. St. Pau's Church-Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., Minister. 1l a. M.- Morning Worhip-"The Road to' Ood"; 7 p. m.-Evening Worship- "Smotlhered Goodness'; 2.30 p. nm.- Sunday Scisoci. St. John's Anglican Church- Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector. Second Sunday in Lent, March l6tli, 1930:1 il a. m.-Holy Communion and Se- mon; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School an Bible Class3; 7 p. m.-Evening Pray- er. Preacher, Rev. F. H. Mason, M. A., Newcastle. Confirmiation Qass in Parish Hall each Wednesday at 8 p. mi. Lenten Service each frlday in Churcli at 8 p. mi. Sunday services in Trinity United Chnrch were largely attended. Ex- cellent sermons were delivered by the pastor, Rev. J. U. Robins, and good music rendered 'by thse choir under direction of Mr. 'Francis Sut- ton. Pastor Robins' morning sub- jeet "IndilYerence" pro ved very in- tersting and helpful, w~hile thse even- iag theme '<Why I believe in Christ" was considered by ail who heard hlm f» be one of his best serimons. In addition t<> the anthems, a solo wvas sung iby 'Mr. M. S. Dale at the morn- ing service, a solo hby Mr. Allan Kaight at the Sqnday Schoc6 session, anid a duet fby Mrs. H. M. Foster and Miss Helen Argue in the evonîng. FAREWELL PRESENTATIONS Tg Misa Helen Hutchinion of Brigh- ton on Leavin.g For Bowmanville Miss HIelen Hiitchinson of Brighston ubo has ýbeen an eniployee of Vise Brighton Nightw.oar Co. for sonne time,. an.d who moved to Bowmanville with hber parents recently, was most *gr.eealyly sunprised when her feilow employees gathered at her home and presented lier with a beautiful Frencli ivory manicure set. Helen thanked her many friend.s with kind wor'ds and invitc.d them aIl to visit ber in lier new home. A very pleas- lut evening was spent by alI present »nd &Il kinds of god wishes were voiced f0? ber in her new home. At anotiser gathering held at the Brighton Raiptist parsonage by the B. Y. P. U. Miss Hatchinson was tise recipient of a beautiful French ivory dlock accompanied by a miost eulogi%- tic address of appreciation for lier services as secretary, treasurer, group leader and member -of the choir. Bowmanville Pirates played O)rono puck chaser. a Vbie game 4-4 at "The Bob" Friday negt, To Prove tih. Quality et REXALL SHAVING CREAM we will give FREE_ A Genuine Auto Strop Razor Blade and Strop witli ..c!,35c tube of ReKail Shaving Cream New Gillette Razors ......... 98c New Gillette Blades . .40c andi 75c Wheu in need off Druge Phone 78. Jury & Loveli When Wa Test Eyes It Is Dont Properly. W. Deliver 100 PAIRS 0F WOMEN'S SAMPLE SHOES PUMPS - ONE-STRAPS Etc. Sizes 31/>, 4, 41/., 5, 51/ and a f ew 6's. Reg. $500 Shoes TO CLEAR $2.95 ROYAN'S SHOE STORE BRIG.-GEN. D. C. DRAPER VISITS BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL Praises Methotis off Sdisool in CrimeI Preventionj The Lunciseon Club ef the Boys' Training Scisool staff had as it-, guest speaker Tuesday, Bnig.-Gen. D. C. Draper, Toronto Police Ciief, who aften inspecting tiese chool dur- ing the aftternoor ansi getting finat isard information on tise methoss usesi, unhesitatingly pronouncesi it as ont of tht meat practical ansi et- Ifective institutions for tise correction of crime in America. Dr. G. E. Reaman, in intnoducing tise speaker after tise dinrer, coin- mented in a very complimentary way on tht splenbdid results Chiotf Draper lad obtainesi since takirg charge of tise Toronto Police Force. Among thse outetanding remarie made by tise General in his asidres were that tht only effective metihosi of crime prevention was t e llp the individual wlo lias made his tirst mistake in life. Show thern a spirit of sympathy wher they corme out et neferm institutions, place -them in wonk ansi keep ir contact with tisen. Sudh is tht meth-oss producing satis- factory resuits by tise 'Citizens' Ser- vice League of Toronte. Ht aIse pleadesi for a better urdenstarding ansi coser ooDeration between thse judicany, niagistrates, police ansi citi-_ zens believing ths would brng about a neduction in crime. Ht particular- ly stresses tise point tisat tht general public coulsi be of greater service in decneasing crime by infýoTming the police of tacts insteas et keeping back knowledge ir their pessession. W. R. Strike, whe servesi overseas in Gieneral D)raper's division in France, exipressesi thet tianks of tise club members ansi guests who were, pnivilegesi te heanVise asidress. PROVINCIAL POLICE OFFICER NOW IN BOWMANVILLE P. C. Smith off Napanee to Patrol Four Local Townships in Durhamn Througistise influence et Mayor M. J. Elliiitt witis tht Attorney-Gener- al's DLepartment in Toronte, Provin- cial Corstablq W. Smith, who lias been stationesi at Cobour'g, will in future make lis heasiquartens in Bowmanville. This -will fie a great convenience ansi assistance Ire local police as weIl as asidesi protection te nesidents et West DuVisam. His beat wili include Darlington, Clarke, Cartwright ansi Marvers Townships. This new anrangement sisoulsi gneatly facilitate tise werk etfpolicing ths area as it lias been anything but satisfactory on mnany occasions when tise provincial police wene rnoquinesi. It was necessany Ire caîl Cabourg by long distance ansi await tht arrivai et tise police. Often tise lecal po!icec were calies eut of tow,ýn in timer- gency cases ot auto accident-, tleffts or robbery leaving tht town untpro- tectesi. Sucli circu.mstances wili now be reducesi te a minimum. P. C. Sinith i% boarding wntis Ciief ansi Mrs. S. Vemn on Division St. TRIP TO MONTREAL (Centiruesi tram page 1) are canniesi by thenu inta a m'et re- ceptive attitude. Tise atterneon prograni was aIse ot great intereat ansi very informa- tive to ail pres-ent. C. E. La Branche, et Thnee Rivers, Que., con- versesi on "Publishing et Newspap- ers," atter which theet was general discussien witis many goos publish- ers gi'ving their views on tise subje-ct. Tesecond speaker was H. R. Cock- filPesident oft Cockfield, BrovMr & &'. Montreal, ontetoftise largeast advertising agercies ir Canada. Ht gave vtas et lis aide et tise asrver- tising stary which causes mucis in- teresting contro'versy as-tise trutis7 lit home witis somte of tise prirteo-s.1 Tise biggest event et tht conte-r- ence was the banquect tenderesi to tise1 neaspapermen by Lond Atholstan ansi the staff et the Family Heralsi andi Weelcly Star. Thlis was scýme blotw-ou.t, witl ontetftise most potent usera of Englisl, Rev. Canon A. P. Sisattord, of Mentreal, as thse main 1 zqokesman. His marner ans con-1 vincing, lis matenial almnost perfect, hia language unquestienable, andi lis personality dharmirg. Witl suris a rare mixture, -wlo coulsi help but en-f joy it, couplesi witis an array et ca- vian seldora seer or heard et, tht evening was perfect. Tisent atre entertainers, singera, a magician, a wise-cnacking elucidatýon et humer, andi an orchestra, aIl ef wisomn are et tise'best. Tiser quite satistiesi ands omnearat weary after a liard day, we adjourn- edts teour respective sleeping accoma- modations. Satunday are t:eok ir thse towr, that is from nor on, we slept ex-1 cec-dingly w4.eli ansi long. We vîsitesi1 or phoned aIl the relatives or frienss tisat lived ir tise city. Mn. ansi Mis. Roy Wenry, son et Mn. ansi Min. R. Lutiher Werry, f&rmenly -of Salina, were kind erougis te effer ta drive us arourd. We lad dirrer with Mn. andi Mn,. LaVerre Hoff (nee Greta Van Nest). Atter a very fine dirnen the protes--sienal hockey gamne attnactesi cur attention.Tise Mon- treal Canadiens acre meeting tht Newr York Rangers at tise Forum. Tise game wns rrot so goosi iowever, tht Canadien.-,wînning 6-0, ansi the play quite a poor exhibition. Clin- tcn Caverny, son et MnI. andi Min. Clifford Caverly of Concession St., ansi Arthsur Baker, termerly et4 Solina, accoîmpaniesi us to tht gaine. After tise game we consumed a lit- Vie foosi andi hetook ounselves te tht a-'waiting train, ahrie we bath crawl- tsi into a Lo,.,er 7 BerIls and wene soor fast asleep. We arnivesi lome at sever o'eciack Sunday morniing, tise finish of a fine outîrg. Frem pres- ent indications we teel it is goirg Vo take ail'w-tek for us te, get restesi up andi back Vo normal. John M. James Tise morey you vnll save by reasi- ing th,, assoe local menchants in Tht Statesnitan wil psy the subOcrlp- tien price ot this paper many tures Over. The NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT THURSDAY, MARCH l3th, 1930 NEWCASTLE Mrs. Harold Allun, who has been critically ill in Bowmanville Hospital, is now convalescent. Miss JAinnîe E. Pearce spent the weekend in Toronto with Miss Hilda Rowland and other friends. Messrs. Walter Bl.ackburn and Charlts Thackray spent the weekend at tise former's home in 'Darlington. Misses Greta Munday, Maple Gra-ve, and Nellie Kirkton, Bowman- ville, spent thse weekend with Misses Dorothy and Evelyn Rickard. Newtonvîlle and fanmera along the highway es are looking f orward to thse extension of the Hydro finesl eas' frozn here andi the ligliting of liheir homes iby electricity. Congratulations are ýbeing extensi- ed Vo IMiss Lorine Btatty ýon passing lier Junior Piano Exasaination of tise Toronto Conservatory of Music. Lorine is a pupil of Mrs. E. C. Fisher. The Young People's So'ciety met in tise Unitedi Ohurcli S. S. Rocen on Monday evening. After the usual gaines, conducted by John Ashton,l thse president, Clarence Allin, tookl chsarge. Devotional toipic was tak- en by [Mrs J. C. Hancoe-k. MissiÏonary program consistesi of to4pie, "'Ukran-' ians in Canada," Mrs. N. L. Rickard; vocal solo, Allie Bragg; readuxsg, Mrs. Clarence Allin. A full attend- ance is requested at the social meet- ing on Monday evening, March 17th, wisen Port Hope Young People wiil be guests of our League. A good time is in store for everyone. OBITUARY Robt. William Gibson, Toronto The funeral of the late Roibt. W. Gibson Friday afternoon was one of tise largest seex in this community in some time. The news of his sudd>en death at his home in Toronto on March 5th, came as a severe Jhock to ail thse people of Newcastle, the place of his birth. By lus relatives, his fel'low citizens, his fonmer school- mates, Bob was likesi for his'friendlv nature and dlieery disposition. In the days of his boyhood andi younger manrhood if there was any one thing that caýuses i hm Vo be a general fav- orite, it was an innate quality of mischiefvousness, of the brand tihat neyer harmesi anyone, but kepyt the world around, him f roým beconing dull and drab. Many of lis old associ- ates shed a tear for Bob wlien tliey learned that they lied lost him, cut of f as a f-lower at the companatively eanly age of 31. Ris- was a nierry heart that doeth goosi like a miedicine. His death is attributed to an af- fection of the tan, whidli had causecý him considenable trouble and pain for some time past. Ht had decided on the adrvice of lis pisysician, Vo have an opera;tion in the near fut-. une, as soon as lie could spare some time froni liis duties at the Royal York Hotel. But tise end c=ne un- exrpectedly, Mrs. Gibson's niother, Mrs. Sarah Atkingon, finding se could get no re.4ponse fnomn the 'bath room when âhe ealled Vo Mr. Gibson wliom she knew had gone there te shave, became alarmesi. is surn- monesi Mrs. ýGibsçNn andi their doctor wlio on forcing an enitrance to the room, tise door ef which isad a spring lock on tise inside, discovered his a.pparently lifeless body. The dec- tor thinking Ilisere migltitbe somE spark of life tried eveny nitans te revive him but without avail. He ia sui'vivedl by his wjdiow, for- merly Miss Olga Atkinson, lis mother Mrs. Tisos. M. Glibson of this village, wso, bas suffered three bereavements in the past seven months; one brother and five sisters, alI of whomxn were at the funerai except Jessie (Mrs. E. T. Arnold-Forster) of England. The late Mr. Gibgcn lhast been on tihe staff of the Royal York Hotel fnom the time of its initial opening last June, conuing there fnom the Marlborougli-Blenheim in Atlantic C ity. Rev. F. H. Mason conductesi the funeral serviv'e in St. George's Churcli whicli aas fillesi nearlyto capacity, a Very extensive famliy connectionoccurpying quite a number of tise front v>ews. Among tisose present froin a distance were: Mr. Fred Gibson, Niagara Falls; Mr. and Mrs. EarI Wynn, Port 'Hope; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Cannon, Mn. and Mms. D. A. Valleau, Misses Etta Holmes and Hazel Barrie, Oshawa; Mr. andi Mrs. Wallace Holneis, Lake Short; Mr. J. E. Atkinson and Mr. Jos. At- kinson Jr., Mns. Jas. Douglas, Mrs. Frank Cibson, Miss Jean Gorvans, ,Mr. Frank L. Gîbson, Mrs. J. Mor- son andi Mr., Doyle, of Torointý); Mr. Misses Helen and Marj ory Lycett Radio Omwners if you haven't a spent thse weekend at the homeof radio license ibuy one fo-r $1.00 te. their father, Mr. A. Lycett, Oshawa. day. Govern.ment inspectora are on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson have the search fSoo evaders No rmcy rented tise Chapple house fron Mr. is being sbow-Nn those who cannot pro- S. C. Bonathan who is making some! duce a license. It's $10 and eosts. alterations to it. 1 Saturday, Mardi l5th, 8 p. mi. Mrs. Marjerrison, Sud'bury, is Cocmirunity IHal viU show thse filmn, spending a nsonth with ber parents,1 "'The Ye'lowihack." This is ta.ken Mr. and Mrs. Roqt. Gray, while lier f rom a book written by James Oliver hugband is in thse norVis on sç>ecia.l Curwood and depicits scenes from business. life in the Norths West. 11-1 Mr. W. VanDusen, who was taken Mrs. Geo. Joll, Newcastle, and to Oshawa General Hospital last Mrs. W. G. Rundie, Bethesda, left on week, sufferin.g front a diseased ap- Sunday for Detroit to attend the pendix, came through the operation funeral of their deceased brother, succesafully.F He is a bricldiayer by Sylvester Po'tter, a nephew of -the trade and a meniber of the union. late Dr. L. 15otter of Enniskillen. St. 'Geo>rg's Church-Rev. F. H. Mason, Rectur. Sunday, Marci 16, NEWCASTLE W. M. S. 2nd Suanday in Lent: 11 a. nt-Holy Cominrunion and Sermon; 2 p. m.- Regular meeting (Yf Newcastle W. Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Evensong. M. S. -took -place in S. S. Roonis, asat Preacher, Rev. R. J. 'Sbires, M. A., Thursday afternoon, 'withs a splendid B. D., BowmaiiLe. attendance. President, Mrs. W. P. Tise 3rd World's Day of Prayer as tittingly observe I by thse ladies ot St. George's andi the United Oliurdhes, in a mass meeting jr thse Unitedi Clurcb or Fniday atterreon, Marcis 7th, ivhen a lange numbenr were presen't. Min. W. P. Rogers, assisted by Mrs. Scott Howard, pie- sidesi. Tht prograim ustd.was uni- versai andi hast for its thione, "That Jesus Might Be Littesi Up," a Korear girl bejng tise auther. Menisen of each cdurcis took part. uMrs. Geo. Honey ansi Mrs. Frank Brarten con- tributed solos, adding -very mnucli ta tlt Ibeauty et tht service. varieus secretanies wtre heard. Pro- grain in charge of Mrs. J. A. But- le's -and- Mrs. "Harry Jose's gronpa was giver. Min. Butien 'aas jr charge of devotienal ýperiosi, atter whicl prayer waa offened fby Mrs. Jno. Douglas. A duet was nicely renderes i by Mesdames J. H. Jose and H. R. Pearce. Introduetion Vo Mission Study Book aras very thon- oughly given by Mis. Rogers ansi next chapter by :Mn. W. E. Benuan. Mrs. W. E. Rocman, Tnýeaurer, re- portesi a donation etf $20 a-s a menu- onial for the late fHenorany Presisient, Mrs. J. W. McLaughlin. NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Report for February Senior Roora Sr. IV-Jear Richard 81, Mary Chsaplin 76, Muni-el Pollard 71, Mar- garet Teins 69, Mary Vanflusen 66, Audrey Bonathan 64, Alecia Williams 62, Milter Browr 61, Hanry G-oucli 60, Gwen Williams 55, Manie Hen- ring 51. Jr. IV-Gladys Matchett 74, Jack Hart 70, Haro-I Deline 68, Mariente Lycett 68, Evelyr Allr 64, Charlie Breretor 64, Gladys Poillard 63, Vers Brown 61, David N.aden 61, Jack Toms 56, Marier Aldmrasi 36 ai. Sr. III-MurielS haw 73, Jjouise Harcock 71, Dorothy Alsireail 69, Joe Hoekn 68, John VanDuser 68, Gertr'ude Bonathan 65, Norton Cew- an 65, KuVîleen Spencer 64, Mike Arych 63, Ruth HoneLy 58, Ralpis Gibson 49, Margaret Burley 44, Bab- hie Duck 41, Katie Clark 70 ai, Ilear Clark 57 al, Allan Clark 40 ai. i-absent fer ont exazninatien. Fourtb classes examine in jrith- metic, Literature, History, Spelling; Third Glass in Spelling, Arithnetic, Literature. hon. A. Rotiger, teacher. Internediate Rooni Jr. IPI-Lloiyd flancock 88, Victor Garrod 84, Molly Quigg 79, Arche Martin 75, Reta Powell 73, Frances Brereton 72, Jimumie 1Coyreý 71 ai, Donotly iHenning 69, Stanley Brown 69, IHazel MeManus-62, 'Clarence Clark 61, Lois Rowe 5Oal. Sr. II-Margaret Pearce 87, Tom- my Brereton 82, Helen Roiinsaýn 79, Lillian Buriey 78, ýSam GOowan 77, Ethel Spencer 71, Haroldi Hockin 4e. Jr. II-Altresl Gray 67, John Arycis 38 ai, Geralsi Henning 34 a2. H. A. Magon, teacher. Junior Reom Jr. I and, ;Sr. I-Rov Wight 91, Vivian Duck 83, Jimmie Lovekin 83, Reita Cooke 82, Bruce VanDus.. 80, Ross Allun 76, Keilhi Rowe 68, Sta.- ley Couch 66, Artie Toms 61, Han,' Brown 51 (absent 1) John Cotter 71, Niora Merediths 65, Gordon Cot. ten 65, Jimmie Keecis 61, Dicis A.- dersýor 56, Charlotte Gray 44. M. A Purdy, te"der. UNITED CHURCH NOTES Woman's Association meeta bi Tisursday atternoor at 3 p. in. et Mrs. S. C. Bonathan's. Mission Bard wiil meet on Satiar- day at 2.30 p. mi. at Mrs. Herb Toms'. Unitedi Churcih-Rev. W. P. Rog- ens, Pastor. Surday, Marcis l6th: il a. m.--Mornîng Worship); 2.30 p. m.--Surday Scihoel; 7 rp. m. Eienlng Service. Mesdames Herb. Toms, Aibert Pol- lard andi H .R. Pearce, a conmittee esgpecially aippoirtesi by the Woman's Association, have entgagesi Miss Min- nie Barrett toelioroughly renovate aUl the, choir gowrs. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH NIEWS Owing to an erroir in last woek'ae report et tht Parochial meeting, thse nrme et tht President was 'pnintesias Mis. D. J. Gisserwhich siseulsi have neasi Mrs.,D. J. Galbraith. W. A. of St. George's heMd ita us- ual business meeting ir the Pazjsih Rafl on Tnes<lay atternoon. Duri'ng Lent a service au 6 e 3ield eat Tlmiray evening. On 'Surday rext, Marcis 6th, tht evtning service will becenducted by Rev. R. J. Sbires et BowmancrMte. On Fniday ttftc-rnoon a commttee of ladies wîll imeet at Mms.J. Ceulson's to prepare articleset clothirg, fancy work, etc., lor thse Bazaar which tht ParodhiaI Conmjt- tee interd holding. Amd How Ontario« Pvovide çy- ýw 'W Tboeewas a t wbe had w. muashmbu D»h pioê. . .. M mt hume h ave ESTABLIZOSb~p h 05b 01U*~~~ h 01Us .iélvi'a S859 74fed ENW slv1 uIso 0 »fr 0 bF A *àis sIOU&iL»V . * i Ahi 011kw.. v» e vous PAVO BZri W e-Ed peII MEATIS EoeBTII ,KT A & P MARKETS, QUALfTy 18 TM UE T lm 6O« OWW FANOT PASTZURIZM CgiRAUV- SmBERATION, LOW PEtICESl, 0r COU11111b bI I EEL PORK BUTTER M>. 40c, POREU11lvovbrook Cteammy ObN. 390 CUOICE FRES13 YOUNG DOASTING OVES I OWN sNECTR& SHOULDERS --N.19a TEAb. 49 BUTT ROAST Plb-25e AC MKDgGI-lM PORTERHOUSE RAMts HAF 9 OLnTgNX âb290 AU 1ExOeient Rot ' UEC l b. 35o A & P DREAD YOUNGmOFTm mATE Lsre Wâ TELVFuil Wcght10 WHOLE WHEAT LOAP7cLliO"" 1c RAISIN LOAF................... loc Los- * b 32e FRUIT AND NUT LOAF ........... 12c NEW ECONOMY LOAF 3 unwa't'Lavl 5 FRONTS O.0 00Sb ]eeEXCELLENT WMSIE AAA BACON-Smoked Breakfast, Siced . lb. 35c 2 NPROU.17 COTTAGE ROLL mIAmp lb. 27c OKn g l FAKEÉS 2 17 M EA T LO0A F CH McS L CED lb.28 A LENTEN TREAT-CLABES RIB BRISKET-Boiling Beef....l.1Ue Ba eTDINS2 : 1 PligiT CEIATEAU, RPEGULAR OS PIENTO %L COMPETESTOCK FOR YOUR LENTEN SELECTIONS C e s KS 0 CATELLI'S FINE EGGWUEAT C O D ATLANTIC PIECE lbG. CENTRE CUTS SLIGHTLY HIGRER 10 ooteç2 1 HADDIE FILLETS-Fresh........ lb. 17c FOR THAT LENTEN SALA» S ALMON HAlb. ORc LobsE Fu.R lb. 171. -L. HADDOCK HEALEs ANDRE in lb. 10c COD ROLLS ................... lb. 22c PEARS CDOIE KEFER5 2 No. 2 Tins 29c tei CUGH ZbaCROSSED FISH SARDINES .. .. 2 Tins 33c ~f ff h WINTEIIR5 JELLO-Ali Flavors.......... 2 Pkgs. 15c S.O.S. CLEANSER-3-Pad ...... Pkg. 14c U- -lb. Tin... .13e lb. Tin Ut. Choies...No. 2 Tin U PR 5 F aA>a d CHICKEN RADDIES- PNAPET[BIS vEGETIm BlummRS »WREAT FLAKES- CORN-Aylmier, Fancy Golden DELIVERED FRESH DAILY AT ALL A & P FOODSHOPS Wht Swan ... 3 ibs. tic Bantam...No. 2 Ti 17c SANDWICH SPEDOmw Jar 29c ORNES- LARGE SIZE CALIORNIA .CD"zBR55c _LREI EBER LYON'S TEA BELCK 1/2-1b. Pkg. 43c LETTUCE- LA BRGE, IPHA5.. .2 Heads i17c SmN. 2 Tim56 SPINAC-Fresh Curly- 1 TOMATOES-Mexlcan lb. 19e MARMALADE PINEAPPLENo21<Ti56 CELER TeizaSUN-WHE4T AMU <K's Pkg. 24c Crisp, Tender iunei 19 ' ...BAG1-... 2 Ibm. Zie ONDOCA--V..1/ Ib. Tin.-.-31c lb. Tin. . . 53c ONIONS-Tellow Cooldng BEETS-New Sprlng, Texas 1 .. 7 Ibe. 2e Crp .- Z -9Bunches 19e TUE COPFEE SUPSENZE4N FLAVORTIGUT TM -',S BANANAS-Large Fancy Fruit...... 3 Iba. 23c Bolkar wr 26e 51. CARROTS-California Grown . .2 Bunches 15c POTATOES-N1<w BRUNSWICK DELAWARES .3e8O 15MEnAI ATUTN TEE GRURAT ATIANruc &, PACUVç TUA Cb* BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONL -tu APPETITES 0 41 1 1 - - -- - -- - IABUTILD 01- CANADA THE CANADIAN STATE-Shý, BOWMANViLLE, TRUMDAY, MARCII 13th, IM PAGE JEIGHT 1

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