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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Mar 1930, p. 5

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I r w w yr .~.. 'y THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, 1BOWMÂNVILLE, THUBSDAY, MAROH 2Otb, 1930 - w - '. -t" ' F- MAPLE LELAF FARMERS' MUTUAL PIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, COLUMBUS, ONT. Monu.Wm. Smith, Pu.,iâ.t P. Ci, Pumai,"7 35 year of auccesdul businoas. TPan d VlUflg risks carried at low rate&. Directors know every riski paraoBafy, therefore a fair adjust- ment micace of fire. Directors in tkis territory: J. J. Smith, Enniskil- Ian, Samuel Snowden, Bowmnanville. Lecal Agent: Everton Wht., R. R. 4 Bowmanville. Your Visio Gowerns Ycur Mental Stability, Peace of Mnd- Efficîency Il youir eyes bother you, it may monu thbe need for new, or if yous do not wear glasses it msvy imdleate the nee-ssty fo-r them. NaturaUy yoti wissh the very best service in having the trouble reetified. Our- service is pains- taking and scientifically dep id- abl.. Jury & Loveli Piione 78 When in NeeJ of Druga W. Deliver LOCAL AND0 OTHERWISE Mr. R. Mïceod of the Public Schoood staff recently visited bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. McLeod, Wick. Mrs. W. J. Ward, O-wen Somid, whe bas ben attending a convention of Girl Guides at Toronto, is visit- ing ber mother, Mrs. John Grigg. Her many friends wili be glad to know that Miss Borea Mu.rdoff is now making very satisfactory progres from ber operation for ap'pendicitis in Bowmanville Hospital. Patrons of the Bell Telephone ICompany are requested to be as len- ient as possi>le witb their phone cakle as se*veral of the regular staff are off duty on account of illness. Mi-. and Mrs. Harry Baskervile,! , Toronto, spent the weekend with his sigter, Mra. Jkbn Curtis, and te relatives bei-e. Mi-. Baskerville at- tended the limerai of Nathan Horne. Mi-. Philp Tilley and Dr. Rosa Tiley, Toronto, recently visited their grand.motbei-, Mms. W. E. Til]ey, Beech Ave. Dr. Tilley bas gone to New York City where ho la taking a post graduate course in Roosevelt HiOfpital. Mr. John H. Medd, who contrib- uted several article-- of reininiscen- ces, concerning Caln and Cart- wright t» the Statesman within i-e- Lent inonths, died at bis home in Exeter on Satui-dy evening, Mai-eh Sth. aged 84 years. 'Mr. Frank Alloway, driver for Canadian Natio.nal Express Co. wt Withy for past il years, is being transferred te the Bowrnanville office on fi-at of next «onth to take Donald H. Brown's place due to the foi-mer~s seniority. Many custcmers of C.N.R. i jîregret to learn of Donald's re- moval from bis duties bei-e as ho bas been mo-st accominodating, carefu] and courteous in the collecting and delivery of express parcels. The St. Patrick's Tea and sale held in Trinity Chui-ch Scbýool Room on iTuseday afîci-noon 'vas quite. an on- joyaible as well as a successf-ul affair. jTh ose contributing to the interesting Irish progrsm were, Mrs. C. H. Dud- ley, Miss M. Allin, Mr. Frandis Sutton IMr. Kenneth Morris and Mr. Bob Ce i-bot in vocal solos and a duet by! Ith e lest nained two, Mi--. S. Feust in an instrumental number, %Ms - laine Reaman and Mr. F. Sutton, vio- lin selections and Miss Beth Gay who Igave recitations.1 Tbat's some real bargains in Suits Glchrist is offering this week. 1 FrR EE A NEW PERFUME To rapidly introduce one of our 'latest Oriental Perfuine creations, "DREAM KMS PERFUME," we will eend aboolutey F91M a generous sample of Dretim Kies Perfume Saeliet Pewdier, enougb to keep a whodle drawei- of clothes dehately perftaned for months. It's free, juat send your marte and address today, to- 12-' 3 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Aricles For Sale Miss Rena Caver]y, Toronto Uni-i FOR SALE-Single sprng wagon, good versity, epent the îveekend at horne. 1condition, a real bargain. T. W. (.aw- Mis Carie Knight ja in Bowuman- Ikr 3orpnil.-1 ville HoMîital seriously il] with beart EWES FOR SALE1 Leiceter Ewes. asthma. Apply to H. E. Rundle, R. R. 0, Bowms.n- ville. Phone 237-14. 11-31 Mr. Alex Kier, Brighton, spentt a few days with Jas. Armstrong at FOR SALE-A Climax kitch4en range in good condition, wlth reservoir, and his home here. nw water front. George A. Coyne, Mrs. Geo. Freeland, Toronto apent Nect!.12-1- the weekend wth bier father Mr. ENGINE FOR SALE-Ma-aey-Harril Richard Jarvis. 1gamcne engins, 8 B. P.. almoot au good 'Ars. W. A. Bunner and Miss Viv- as nfl, wiliItaes one-third off original price for qulck »Je.. Corbett Ilotor ion Bunner spent Sunday with re- Saes, BowznanViUO. 6-tf laties n Toont. -F:OR SALE-A 6 - 135 Baikite ]Elimin- Dr. and Mrs. B. Bowman, Hamil]- aloi-, on easy terme. Thtis will take the ton, spent Sunday with ber grand- pkvc e off botb A and B Batteries and mteMrs. John Grigg. m;1ke your set woi-k like an ail electric. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Hall, Mimico, F .MthlBwavle -r were Sunday guests of her parents, 1FOR SALE-On ri -ame building, 30 xs Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devitt. 14ofi., clapboa.rded, good windows and (l<r;also one frame bai-n 30 x 14 fft; Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Fîshleigh ont e V-n(tah 25 x 5 f t: ail to be moved andRuh, shwaspnt unay r from preîaisee. Apply Mrs. John Doug-t an-d Mrs. Norman S. Plummer. î,ecate1- W. Logan Craig, proprietor of the FOR SALE-A quantity off hay. tim- WinhamAdvnc-Tines fotby, mlxed bay or alfIlfa, il h igb clas Winham Adanc-Tnte, ormerly hay;' also a emall quantity of sugar of Gratnd Valley, suffered a slight mangels. Apply J. Lawrence Cryder- stroke. man, R. R. 4, 1%,' miles ea-et off Bownian- Mile, on provincial higbway. or phone --s. Everett L. Osborne, WeUling- ~12 93 to St. visited ber daugbter Mmiý. Tracy A. Gray over week end at FOR SALE-Dominion Piano. four feet Branch.,rfour higb. full k#eyboai-d with ivory keys ~nd pedals lîke new; beatitiful toucb and Mrs. Han-y Munîphy and daughter ton,- quality. Th'is piano is just ttie Maiion, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. M. ru-bf iz. and, wjth a bencb. will be sold ataprice andl on ternis that are witbin Tripp, Toronto visited Mrs. F. B. 1b hiiyoff anyone wisldng to pur- Herman, Carlisle Ave. . cbuîe, Fý J. Mitchell. Bowmaiilile. Misses Wilda Smith and Evelyn lt MacNamara, Ontario Hosrpital, Whit- hv, spent Fiday wibh Mr. and Mrs.Wa t L. B. Nichols, Carlisle Ave. W ne Messrs Jc'hn Hurley and WI. J. Hurley, Brockville, spent the mueek- BOARD AND ROON $7 A WEEK-AII vco,neic. s..tA)ply Mi-, (leoi-ze A. end with the foi-mer's son Mr. C. B. (tio.TmpineStet oniu. Huirley, manager of Walker Stores. ,ýoTýI.rnSr-t oia1 -1l Lastweok two ig dpartern WANTED-T-OIt fising privileges on sni w plows, which have been on the sîrein~ preferably with pond. Writei .No. 2 provincial highway ail winter -F. F.- co Statesman Oflice. liowmnan- went through town W summer quart- t 'i, 1- ors.WANTED-An old stàyle parior suite, %Ir. Goo. E. Maynard, Mr. an<l Mrs. witii carving prefci-ied. Book ce with Perry Lufty, Toronto, Mi- and Mrs. uesk combined. Aiso melodian. Ap- 1Chas. Leach and son Ean], Port Cred- ;ly Il . .,iawer B., Bownanvllle. 11-2- it. spent the weekend with Mr. and BANOSMEN WANTED-A numnber off Mrp.. T. F. Leach. men to become members off the True - Blu and. Insti-ucted iuy Mi-. Tuerk Mrs. BUrtoîî Andru-s and Itol'ai-n to play by note. Fîfes and music and Mrs. Edgar Bedford and Mr. supplled. Phon-e 252W or 513. 12-2- C has Bradley of Oshawa visited Mr. WANTED TO RENT-Furnished or un- Ernest Andrus who is stil] critically ffurnished bouse (prefferably furnlshed) il in Toronto Hospital. May lot for 5 or 6 Write giv- ing full partlcuiars and price, to Mrs. w. Dr. Archer of Lamont, Alta., andR.Jcan68IrigPk vdC! Miss Marjorie Robins, Torontio Uni- cago, 111_ or S. J. Jackman. Bowman- versity, spent the weekend wit.h R.v ville.1- an.d Mrs. J. U. Robins at Trinity 12_________2__ United Chiirch Parsonage. Messrs. C. Devitt, Past Ce'ounty Money Wanted Mater of West Durham, and Byron Hyadof Blackstock are attending WANTED-1-lave yoti fouir thousa.nd HyQanddollars to tend on finIt moitgage on Bow- Grand Lodge of Ontario East at pres- manville business property at seven per ent in session at Bro.ckville. - ce.nt? Apply Drawer L., ] On the Occasion of their Golden 1-, Wedding, Saturday, March 22nd, Mr. and Mr. W. D. Shrtt, Conces- ieSokFrSl sion Str'eet, will be at home to their friends frorn 3 te 5.30 o'clock p. m. FOR SALE-York8bire pigs, ready t0 pupA fro thSdstrt ofMisswean. Appiy Walter F . Park. Tyrone. Pplsle,'shawathis dsic of Mise Phone 194-2. 12-1 EnsleeOaa, wbsosTorensf'Con- MORSE FOR SALE-Clyde mare in pased xamnaton ofTornto<~<~ foal, weigbs about 1350 lbs. Apply to servat>rY ;of Music include: HarMnOny Noble I, Metcaîf Maple Gi-ove. Phone --GeOrge Werry, Solina, honora; 477-31. 12-tf HistrY--4Phyllis Challut, Bowman- v llealt dass honora. MORSES FOR SALE-S work horses, villeaged 8, 9 anîl 12 years, team weigbis about Now is the timo to have your up 3000 Ibs. and the other about 1200 Ibs. holstering done. We have afrlaa Appiy 10 H. S . Barrie, R . R. 4 Bowmian- firs clas vile.Phon 13613.12-1 ulpholsterer andl prices are reasonable. vle hn 3-3 PI*>ne ins Yolr wantganard we wiil give yoti an estimate. We will gladly Seed Grain For Sale upply C&Verings or you xnay order yeur own. Alan WiMlams. SEED OATS-Quantity O. A. C.-72 and 1 144 Seed Oats. Apply te L. C. Snow- The Canadian Weekly Newapaipers' den, B R. 3 Bowmanville. Phone Association wiil hold its anuai meet- 476-4 12-1' ing in the new C. N. PL H)otel at Hali- FOR SALE-Cbhoice two-rowed seed fax, N. S., the second week in Sept- barley, good for growlng alone or with ansber. In the pat these cinventions mixed grain, 90e per bus. Staniley Mal- have ieen hold in June or JuIy. but colm, Nestleton.12. the tinte sele.cted this year is said to FOR SALE-200 bushels off Banneri 'be a most deligbtful one for seein« Seed Oass and two general purpose the Maritime provinces at their best. horses. Apply Iaac Hardy.,IHampton R. R. 1. Phone: Bowmanville 167-4. Quite an honor camne recently to 2- Donald, the 19 year old gon of Big- adier and Mrs. Archie Layman (nee gsFrH thn Edith Meader forffneriy of Bowman - Eg o A tcD n ville) now of Honlulu, Hawaii, ac- N coi-ding t0 a letter received by her Baby Chicks For Sale sister Mrs. W. Marjorain, King St. Buiy your Baby Cbieks and1 Hatching Eagt. Donald was chosen with two Eggs fi-om oui- S. C'. White Leghorns and othere front is university, one a Bi-ed Rocks; higb egg record. Wej Chinose student and tbe other a Jap- bave exi-a fine matings. Rock cocker- ansfrom a group of twelve deat- (,eail pedigreed bu-de from hlgh egg- aneéet- pi-oducing stock. Prices rlgbt. Phone ors toecerne t» United States, a dis- 18W or write W. H. f'arruthcrîi. Bow- tance of over 6O&0 miles, on a débat- manville. 10-il ing tour. They sailed to Vancouver BAYC1K N MTHIGEG tiheco e Potlad, Oego, Sa -Ired-to-lay S. C. White Leghorns: Francisco and Les Angeles. At eaeb stock ail rigldly cuUeet hy and purcbasewd lace they will debate ,vith tudents ffiom Rues. Sulley, Courtice. Special in the universities. price on 500 clieks. Geo. Reynolds., n- uurîce Lii, The Mai-ch meeting of Trinity W. M. S. ives held on Mai-h 4th with Mrs. J. W. Bunner, President, in the chair. After business, Mrs. Robins an- nounced that ýMrs. C. R. Carscallen, Whitby, bod beon secured as speaker for the Easter Thank-offering Sun- day, Aipiil 13. The finance corninittee also announced that the allocation for the seciety was $1060, the W. M. S. share to be $750 of wbich it was voted tot-v and iaise $165 each quarter. Mi-s. L A. Toek gave a tomn- perance talk and Mrs. F. H. Morris, the Literai-y Superintendent, an- nounced that the Mission Study Chuh would meet each Wednesday after- noon during Lent to study front "J e- rusalem to Jerusýalem.' Mrs. Purdy and ber group put on the ftllowing program; vocal duet, Mrs. A. W. Plckard and Mi-s. C. H. Dudey; readings by Mms D. R. Aldread, Mm. Purdy, Mrs. Pickard. Mrs. A. L. Nicb- olls, Secretary P.iebyterial, gave a seynoqtis of Misienary literature in the monthly. Meeting closed witb Mizpah benediction. CARDS OF THANKS Mr. and Mms. Stephen Jeffery, Maple Gi-ove, wis;b to thank the Supt. and nurses of Bowmanville hlo6pital, aI-so Dr. Siemon, for their kindness while Mrs. Jeffery was in the booiital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. Snitb, Bob- caygeon, wish to thank Dr. H. Fer- guson and Dr. C. W. Sle.mon, aiso the superintendent and nurses of BoNwmanvlle Hospital, and aIl the HATrCHING EGGS-From large type! production S. C. White Leghorns, Dr. Roe's University off British Columbia st.rain, blood Uines frem 200 to 303 eggs. $1.50 per 15; $800 per 100. Thos. Bot- trell & Son Bowmanvllle, Ont. Box 174.I Phone 2. 11-61 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-Higb Claie Exhibition Dahlia l3ulbs. Write for price llst.1 Thos. Bottreli & Son, Bowmaaville, Ont. Box 174. Phone . 11-61 HOUSE FOR SALE-On Cburcb Street,I six rooms. 114 acre lot. water, electric iights. Apply W. Blake Pollard, on premoaýs, Bowtnanville. q-6; FOR SALE-25 acres. being part o!i Lot 4, 0on. 3 Darlington. about one-baîfi pasture, halancec bush. Apply to Geo i Keys, 84 Merrick St.. Toronto. FOR SALE - 7-roomed solid brick bous, for sale on Queen St. Garage, poultry bouse, % acre garden, lots fruit, furnace. water, lighis. Bargain for qulck sale. Cash or payments. Apply H.L.C. Drawer B., Bowmanville. 11-2 HOUSE FOR SALE-.Six-roomed bouse wlth ggood garden ani shed, sltuated on north sile of Second Street; price reas- onal. for quick sale; property off the late Will,.mni Quic.k. Apply to the executors of estate, %V. F. Qîicli, A. McGregor,: ttowimanville. 7-tf HOUSES FOR SALE-Nie 6-roomel hous., wiih alil convenlences, onel bloek front C. P. Ilb Station, wili take $1500 le8setitan tl cost to build; alse a nimber off gond brok bouses ln differ- Cnt parts of te îown, Hav tsi-ms. Ally to Wm. Brock, Qte-n St , Bow- manvillé. Phone 111. 10-6; COATS AND SUITS MAKING oth er frien da for their1 kindness and Mms. Delmage wisbe6 to inforin the I beautiful flowers during is recent ladies of Bowmanville and ourround- 1 operation and seriotis iners. ing counrtry that ahe will1 be pleased 1 to make or remodel coate an.d agita I CARTING AND TRUCKING and al ldnds of dreanaking at lad- AU] kindu of Cartlag,. Trucking au tes' homen or et thse residence of VAI M ng; local Md lOfijalnce. Mme F. J. Cole, Ontario St, Rowman- Phn M. SON uARO, 1. Phono "0 Qw.n St., bowsuanvIm.1 ville. Phsone 339. BIRTHS JONES--In Bowmanville, on Sunday, Maroh 16thi 1930, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jones, Brown St., the glU off a son, Ver- non Henry. BRUNT-At Willowdale Rest Home, N'ewcastle, en Monday, March l7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Weblington Brunt, a daugh- ter. DEATHS KELLY-In Mîmico, on Monday, Marcb l7th, 1930, Louisa Johns. beloved wite off Joseph J. Kelly, aged 49 years. Fun.ýra] f rom the family resldence, 90 Strut bers St., Mimico, Thursdlay March 2Oti,, at 1 p. m. to Bowmanville cenbetery. WILBUR-In Oshawa, on Saturday, March 15th, 1930, Frank Wulbur, in, bie 74th year. McMINN-In Toronto Sunday, March liii, 1930, Matt.hew MceMinn, oet Blaek- stock, in his 84th year. 'TORDIFF-At Guelph, on Monday, March 17t1, 1930, William Tordit!. In- trr.,d at 1-lampton Cemetery. BAMFORD-At 772 Pape Avenue, Tor- onto, on Monday, Marcb 17th, Jane, wld- ow off Cbarles Bamford, Oshawa, aged 82 years. BROWN-At Port Perry, on Tuesday, .'Jrch lltb. 1930, Olive Mary Derriman, belovFed wif off Mr. Wm. Brown, Nestje- ton, in ber 42nd year. WILSON-In Crtwright, on Thursday, Marcb 13, 1930. Elizabeth Scott, widow off the late William Wilson, aged 77 years. Interred ln Union Cemetery, Cadmus. BORLAND-On Friday, 'March 14, 1930 a?. tbe resid.-nee off bis daugbter, Mrs. C. A. Xenne4y. 33 Wellandi Ave. Toronto, ('harle.s B. Borland, in bis year. Interred at Orono. WILLIAMSON--On Friday, %Iarch î4th, 19,10, it er homne. 21 Suffolk Street, Tor- onto. ltarhara C. Willlamson, beloved ais- ter of Itlarriett and Mar-ion Williarnson. lnterrnt in fiownmanville Cemetery. CORSON-At thf. residence off bie dlaughter, Mrs. C. S. Pettit, 52 St. An- drews Gardens, Toronto, March 14, 1930, Rtobert John Coi-son, beloved husband off î'atIerin,. Mine, publisher Markhan, Ec- onom ist, n bis 73rd year. JN MEMORIAM WILLIAMS-In Ioving memory off my dear mother, Mre, M. Williams, off Tren- ton, Ont., wbO Pasa'd awaY Marcb 22nd, 1929. R-er tender smile, her gentle volce lier 00 kind and truc, I miss ber ln such cotiîless ways, Oh, mother dear 1 do. Not tifl the loom les suent, And the s9huttles cease. to fly, Will God unroîl the canvas And explain the reason wby. -Sadly missed by ber daughter, * Clara Williams Haro. For Sale or To Rent FOR SALE OR RIENT -50 acres off pas- Lure Land wlth running stream and pienty off shade. Apply to HoNward Cowling, Hampton, Ont. 12-1 To Let TO LET-Smnall selff-contained boilse to rein, good location. Apply W. F. Wardl BowTnanville. phone 102. 12-tf HOUSE TO LET-on George St., mod- ern conveniences, possession April lot. Apply tb F. Poley, corner Church ans Brown St., Bowmnanviîle. 1 1-tf TWO APARTMENTS TO RENTr - lu' Bowmnanvfl. modem ooaveal.nces HOUSE TO RENT-SBeven rooma, wat- erworka, bath, sMetrie llghta, logtedi KCin & Onstario t., availablejan. iStit. AOeyA. à- C ,rMNewoe.ate. 51-tf FOR RENT-Poultry, fruit and gardoen farmn, acr.-age to suit tenant, good bouse and barn. Apply to A. H. Clemens, R. R. 6 BOWmnanville. Phone 237-3. 12-t! LAUNDRY WANTED Alikinde Or launarY work don. prompt. ty. UatiâfaetOrtiy and at reaeonable price Write P08t OMe Box 12. or cal!] mu. W. mariorain, Ring et. B. Bowmaýnvlle.1 Ph'one 478W. BILL CHALLIS SPEAKINC: 1 wish to announce to the public that I have been appointed AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE for RLYVIGDUT«H MOTOR CARS This, in addition to the splendid line of IDQDGE EaIRG>s MOTOR CARS affords a very wide range in price for the discriminating buyer. Plymouth prices as follows, for car complete and delivered: Sport Roadster ...$870 2 door Sedan.... $83 Coupe ............$870 4 door Sedlan . $8... 0 Whether you require a 4, 6 or 8 cylinder model, see Wm.6 J. Challis DODGE DEALER Jack Hately's Garage-Salesi Phone 44 or 290 Bowmanville & Service Ont SALE 0F MEN'S SUITS ai $19.95 THIS WEEK-END 25 Men's Suits - Broken sizes and discontinued lines and patterns. Fancy tweed and worsteds, the best cloths and makes are represented in this grou p;-,ail shades; and double and single breasted models; regular values up Vo $30.00, $32.50 and $35.00. These go on sale Friday niorning At only $19.95 to clear. Men'XYoung Men's Navry Blue Suits $24.95 WITH 2 PAIR 0F PANTS These suits ane just new in our store, in a heavy quality wool serge, navy blue, single and double breasted models, they corne with two pair of pants. These suits go on sale Friday morning, At only $24.95 to clear. Men's'-ý Young Men's Top Coats $ 19.95 A special purchase of Men's and Young Men's Top Couts in ail the leading shades and styles, enables us to sell these coats at a big reduction this week-end. In this lot you will find coats that were up Vo $25.00, in wonderful cloths and patterns. Going on sale Fr day morrng For only $19.95 to clear. IT WlLL PAY YOU TO SEE THESE THREE SPECIAL SALE FEATURES THIS WEEK-END AT OUR STORE. T. B. GILCHRIST Dissetly Oppolsite Bank of Moutreal Phone el, BewmufflI I PAGE F[VE COMPARE OUR PRICES CONSIDER THE SERVICE GIVEN AND QUALITY 0F GOODS WE SELL- and you will probably admit, like many of oui, regular customers, that it pays to shop at Allun's Corner Grocery. Seedless Sun-Maid Raisins, 15 oz. pkg .........15c Bulk Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs ...................25C Purity Rolled Oats, with China ................32c FRESH EGGS, firsts ........................28c DOZ. Hampton or Orono Butter ..................40 lb. Tea, our own blend,.........52c lb. or 2 Ibs. $1.00 Cohoe Salmon, King's Plate Brand ...........35c FULL LINE 0F BODLEY'S CAKES Bodley's Cherry Fruit Sponge Cake ..........25c Chocolates, another fresh lot at ...........27c lb. WE WILL SHIP EASTER LILIES ANYWHERE Order them early. Shipped direct from nur- aenes. Send an Easter Lily as a gift to a distant friend, or if you live out of town and want to re- member some loved one at home we will gladly fili your order. Southern Vegetables - Fresh Fruits Fisih for Lent HARRY ALLIN, Grocer PHONE 188 BOWKÂNVILLE THE LAST WORD 1IN SNAPP Y SPRING DRESSES THEY WILL BE PLACED ON DISPLAY SATURDAY MORNING Absolutely the Lateat Authentic Id Styles COAT AND BOLERO STYLES AND NEWEST -SHADES ATTRACTIVELY PRICED $16.95 and $13.95 By ail means don't fail to corne in and see these chariming and stunning dresses. DJtST FOliR COATS LEFT Only 4 Winter Coats left in stock. Three were originally priced at $40 now clearing at $15, and one going at $10. Can you beat these values? THE SMAR TSHOP GEO. R. MASON, Manager. el 0! p THE ORIENTAL PERFUME CO. 77 Adelaide St., Wet, Toronto, Ont. Famous READING Anthracite CLEAN - SAFE ECONOMICAL P.nnayfvania Hard Coii Sold in aIl sizes. We also bandie Semet Solvay Coke E.zclusavely. HENRY LATHROPE, Phone 520 ý se

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