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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Apr 1930, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1930 PAGE EIGHT ENN ISKI LLEN Mr. and Mirs. E. Herring and -011î Bobby, Mis., Barbara Wotten O h- ttwa, x'sited Nfr. and Mr. W. lïerrin g on Sunlday..Mr. ami Mrs..Wle Catheart, K. uda. ctS da lir. J. Frt-ernY.\S lu-> au< Ash-1 ton. Toi snto ,lr. Ira Trlýavail, O;h1 awNir. and MrsStewa%-.rt fildinn Port Perry, spent Silnday xihthi pareri _ý. Mr. and 'Mr.. E. C. Ash,,'n. . M r. anti Mrs. Ar thur Wi. ,iandI faniî'y. i3uirke?ýn, visitesi th>. at ter. s ',Mr..1. Shackc- *>-i Mr. J il _,sStainiton ;puenl na wjth hi.-. laugh',e-, Ms.H .~vî- .Mr~. and M. Hugh .nn-. h.r parents.. r.and Mrs. J. Sienion. Mr. Johnl Slîimon Jr., visit-(11 friende in Toron to. -.Ml,. G. Pres- ton ha.s tetur-nesi te ber home here, aftter .-peiing theo xin>er w ith friend.; in O -hawa and Bexvnanvi'le Nlri. S. Pethick and dlau9ghtorI Verna spent the Easter halidayv. with fricnd-- in Toronto ..Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wiliian-iln Hanmpton1, Mu.-. H. C. Hokridge, Port Hope. visited the latter'>..sterMis. J. Bradley ... MsDori2, Griffin, Mr. Jack lier.) 1,1 Toro-rt"o, SpLn: God lFriday xvih lir parent, -Mr.. and Mus. Wmi. Griffin.. .1 .Sunday cevening service xvos -11 1 attenm1ed, the church Seing nearly fiied. Ourpat. Rev. J. M. WhYte., gave a veluy finle and heiptul Ea.ter mes È~ ha:îk-Offering xval . -reely re.sponded to ...Nxt Sinday Mu G. L, Wagar, M. of Bowm'nanville1 High Scho«ý,1st«ff. xiiiSe the teacher for the Adut Bible Glas . t there ibe a gond turm eut. Everyone wei- corne.... Jack Dalton. Ea.>t Temple ,n, Que., spent t.he holiday with his i,ter,.'Miss M. Dahon. anîd while heue received th' sudien n-xvs of their zrandnother's death. Jack, returned htsme on Tucsday te attend the runeraL . M. and Mr7. O » Jeffrey enteutained a few Young pe.ople to dinner on Sundiv ... Miss Myrtle Brunt «inil Mr. Frank MeGili, Toronto. sptln'tthexeekend vith ber parentcz, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brunt. Miss j. E. Virtue, Tron*o, spent tho xivekend wth her aunt. Ms Phlina M.%ountjoy. and other- friends. Mfa-tcr Harli Ash>on is vi.iting his sii-, ". rs. St.,xvart Ro<-ma , r Perry . ... On Monday night. Aprii 2sun !(i iaupces et the Wonien'.- Misionir Socictv. Rev. J. H. Stain- ton crave hi- illustuatcd lecure On "India, its religion anti eustons-.' His addres;x 1-svey interesting and inmstruc>ive. C. G. 1. T. sa nr trxo ihus'. cc.),mPanied I)v Miss Elva' ql Biighten inside and uI) the honme out with M'alli Papet' and Paint. q We can supply you,,Aith Sunworthy GI idd en' s nishes, etc. Paper Paints, andi v au Ç xv&ii do the w'ork, too, if you wish. Geo. Pritchard Decorator PHONE 489 BOWMANVILLE CLARKE F PIONEER PASSES The N EWC ÇA Father of . .Bowen, M. P. Dies In His 79th Year_____ A well kaoxvn resîdenýt and nieniber TH ofet of ethe piner families of Dur- huni Countiy <ied ai hie home licar Orono on Welne sday. prl i th, in NEWCASTLE tle Pei-soliet >.Uîi tiiA. Bowen, iii i.- 79h xar. Ade.cedan cf Miss Panten spent Easteu UJnited EmipireLvli>s Mr. Bowen xith triend: ini Oshaxwa. lias ived «aIlus ite fýun the ioiestead Me l.\ ae shldyn i (iaî -ke exvnhip, xxh. e fiveegen- Ms l .-1o shIdýn eratiomis oetlthe fainîlîr have lived. He xith triendse in Toronto and Oriilia. xa-. a proininent lixe stock breeder, NIr. and Ms A. E. M.%elioxv spent a C îi 'esr a n d a supi>or- tho, weeken(lxiii relatives in Nap- ter eft ,the Unitedl Church. Mr. Bowen ance. xx as the granidsn of a federal nieni- MIl-. ilda Rowlaiîd, Toronto Nor- ber for Durhanm County, anîd fathierniai, is speîiding the Easteu hoiidays of the pueeiît niemiber, Fred Boxveîî, at honme. MI.P. His mnother wxve> the daughter We are sorry to report the death eto the lute Hlenry -Munre xxli rc;ues- from appendicitis et Mus. Norman eated Duîrhaini Couîîty ini the HlouseI Andruews, Clarke, etf Conimon.- tom 12 years. Deceuised xas txice niarrietl tirst MIr. W. J. S. Rickard, Shairs', is at- te Susan Horner et Darlingtea and tend ing the 0. E. A. Convention in about 15 years ugo iras niamied to Trnoti ek .Elizabeth Nloffaýtt et Carke, whe Miss Nellie Garrod, Toronto, spent surilves. Four childiren by hi>. tirst the holidlays xxith brprns r 1 Nite alec ..urixe, F. W. Boweliî, M.P., aad Mus. Jn ieG r paensMr Alhert, at, hoîîîe; Hextard et Nasýh- Mr. and Mn.. Samuel Stewart, Tom- Sville, Ontarie and Mrs. Alden Gibson, ente, speat Eustcr vith lber parents, 1Clarke; txvo sisýter.-,, Mis. Sarah Mr. anid Mus. 1D. J. Gibson. 'Aiison and -Miss M,%argaret, Downing, Mu. Donald Gibson and friend Torontto. Low Butler, O. A. C., Guelph, spent The funerai xhich xvu> largely at- Sundov iUh the formeu's parents, teîîded front alI parts et the Unitoil Mu. and Mus. D. J. Gibson. 1Counties 'vas held fuem his late resi- Mr.LDuiNwYk <lecte Bowma'ilie emceryOitCity, Mus. Ida M. Stiason and daue7h- Satuday Aprl lth.ter Frances, Toronto, were heliiay g-uests, of Mi and Mu. George Eiibeck. Orchard, %vhich xvêre enjeyed bv aIL. Mu. Geo. Bull, Toronto, spent rthe ....Mr. C. W. Scott spent the Easter weekend at bis sumîmer estate, New- hoiiday a- hiis homne iii Whitby. ......castle-on-the-Lake, with bis famiy Leatrue nmceting xvas held April 16th , ihO veme here the whole of 1ast xek xith PTesident Miss Audre-y Derland Unîitedi Chumh-Rev. W.P.o- jr hai. Rr. . . Wyteloilaens, Pastor. Sunday, Apuil 27th: prayer; lib-oe iueading xvas taktn hy 1- a. ni.-Monng Worship: 2.30 Edgou Wright; devo4tionai chapter p. m.-Sunday Schocl; 7 p. m.-Ev- tv aen vMisnie k. 2nd eniag Service. vice pue-i lent,Mm. Harvey M.%eGili. O usa u at ira took charge; uoading. Vra Pethick; adsoMr idrad witt topic 5t,.Mîss Audrey Dorland; MissMu Geo. Law's traction engine nxov- Muriel More gave a rcading; Rev. cd Nrs. Douznlas' barn over to the M. Whyte gave a guitar s l,-ection; lot ef its nexv owneu, 'Mr. Geo Gaines. reading, Grace S-nith. Attendunce XogEse iiosa m n 34. Meeing ciosed with benediction. mo.n.- Peue sons e: M issn 1 The- inaugural concer~t et the Con- Frnce.-. Atinonand Mater Ro tinu-ýti 'n (a.toek iplace in the CoFI ui, - Toron; Master Rr~ Sae iient et the churrh on Thursdey , Riku, Shaon's; a Mm. an Is April l7th. The twelve mnbRsEic Peou, iare,mont. adM cf euroom wxvre a.sisted byto ricPocCaeo ;tupils froni the Entrance ciasu-s oif the Junior uooîîî. Ihere xvas atfair-I ANGLICAN CHURCH NOTES ly large croxvdl ani the pucýcecds xveuo $1720, xhieh wili Se sricnt la pur- The Easteu services ia St. George's chasing a c:ock and some pictumes Church xxeue wcli atteneLed. The fo r cur clissroom. Puoguam con- itector, Rexv. F. HI. MeRson, conducted si.tLd ef a chorus, 'O Canada' la bth services-, being asse in the Fuench; a xvaîid duiIl by the girls; morning by Rer. Scott Hoxward. The reci-taioca-, 5v the Misses Grace chancel and aitar were Seauuifully Smith and Mytle Bu>ks; <umb-bell decc rated xith hules am i tuiips.' The drill SIv the b.(-ys after xhich thcy choir uendemed an antheni at both formedi a pyrami<h a Coca dri11 hy seuxices. SoIOS uat each service xveue te girl-; voxcal duet byI- Misses A""icehautifuily rendered by rs. F. Ashton andl lsie Moore; piano solo Buantoti. hi- Nii"s Rema Bradley; synopsis <)f The ParochiaiBranch is holding a the hukspeu a pia '~ei-han etsnoxvr Thur-dayý in aid cýf the Baz- Xrt.ic." tas ivenhy iesNIytleaur in the Parisit Hall, instead et at Coxvl1ing. andl the "court" and '"inz" the Pre,.-ilnt'.s home, oxxing te iii- -cene xvas pu ,e-te,. Oswuld Pcth- neýs oet Mm. D. J. Galbraith xvhonî we I ~ a vry nipessve uke . aie pleased te report is imui)oving. A;tnand Rena Bradley xer îain StL. G g' Church-Rev. F. H. ttendance te the Duke; Myrtle Mason. Rector. Sunay, April 27th: Brooks ablv Iplayc(d the part ef Por- 8 a. m.-Holy Commnioin; 11 a. m. tia, and Grc Weruy, Nerissa; --Nîoriiinf-, lrayer; 2 p. n.-Sunday 1Hotrard Oke uepesented Gueauio;Schoo; 7 P. m.-Evening Prayer. lBert Ashton, Antonio; Joe Ste2vens;on, ____ Bassanio; El-ie Moore, Salerie; NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH Floyd Pethick, Lorenzo; Nacati Vir -____ tue, Je.s;ica; Edgar Wright played Large congregations attended the the- role et &Id Shylo-ck, the Jew. P oint Receptien and Euster services Enniskillen Continuation Schooi in the Noxcstle Unitedl Chuuch on Sunday nîemning and ev-ening. At jReport et Enniskillea (Continuation the nioning service, Rer. W. P. Zog- Cla sfor spinz terni Cass eus gave a fine tîaik on the sereralý i Honouus-7O'ý t 100 1',.; Second wax-. iniixhch one nîight show aiieg Clu-s Hon.xtiu-iý 601ý te 70l", ; Pas- lance te Christ. There wereme ao-, to 60";. ceived into thie tnîeibeuship of te Form hI-Fir.-,t (lass Heiîoui'- ohureh, 17 candidates, 13 by con- Nao»mi Virbue 91, Renta Bradley 77 fesion cf faith, and 4 by certificate. Mlyrtie Brooks 74, Grace Werry 73,Ini the evcaiag the pastor delivered B -.rt A5sht<îa 72. an appropriate and fo)rceful Eastei FriIiu lus-Hnu-senoion the beliets and unbeliefs None; Second (la-.- Honours-Gra c cncerniag the Resurrectieul et Christ Sauita', 69, Else 1>.oNore 69, Alice Ash- î,aeed on the thoug'ht "Wbýile it W&-, toîî 63, Osxvwald Peth'ck 61 Pas-t--- <Iak.' The choir, which filicd the MreCoxliig -)0. choir it<tt te capucity, rendeucd pec- M. H. Dalton, teacner. ilI E.a.--.temumsic la a very creditable îîîanneu under the direction ot Lead- You arii.;sin atUc o ei r W. J. S. Rickaid The numbers . You dont roudilitho mlx r. inciuded antooenîs, -T'he Lord Has Iisen," -Stiii, Stil i x ih Thee" and _____ Clvary"; a etîlatet. "O Day et JoY Spring Feasts its Eyes i On Modish Suits and Frocks Yotî'11 fid here just the sinaî't fasliions thiat will distinguish y ou as being well dressed. Chie .iacket suits are quite the thing ...and our~ collection of thern i nîr.t4 intîriguing. The new fî'ocks, too, ofYer a hiilliant sel- ectLi(on . , . print,, chiffons, georgettes, laces, cantons. Cer- tany the essence of Srn --martness is gathered here for \'oul-selection. 3-PIECE ENSEMBLE $16.95 'onlyv ut thîs \Ulry s1>cial price infac Tweeds and Jerseys, black, navy and greenî, sizes Wf, 18, 21). Only G, so corne earl. We have also p)ut 01n (lspla * this week a very attractive lot of 2-piece suits in plain navy, Tri- cotines, Pin Stripes, CoVel"t Cloth and Tweed. You will alwaYs find the new- est reasonably priced at THE SMART SHOP GEO. R. MASON, Manager. lira<g, vi:h Nîr>. Gro. lloney, Mse Minnie IercMarion ickaýrd and P.-alrre lrag roviding huîîînîing acrttliai ntn :n< s e, "Ixnow that My Rû4lee(nier Lve,' Y Mis-s Grke iaeir Tealtar and choir l1tt were ho ýutitul!y detcoratetldi, Easýrm %ie, x .e fragrance en- haîîed (lthue spirit 't thanktultie-ss and jy vhirh ;ev tl. he Easter rar. SCHOOLS' EASTER CLOSING Harmonica Band to the Fore Theý High Suhool gave spociai î)h- .ervaace te the closing of tht Kaster 'dm hy a atu-ical ami hýiteuary pro- grani undü e iuspices ut)f 'he Lit- erury SOrie: v on Thairo<Lay t itn A-sýctate<l xith teIliuSuitol j this ,-vent xxeue Principal Rwlger and MisMason aljNtiMiss Purdy <)f the l'îblir Srliool, the papils tth(. -Ca- ier rooni and ail tho-c eto the inter- mliî. rooçni xvhtare nwin.biilor- f the Haiintonica and l>kuieiole aîl Miss NI a on anid -he liiitl<iig tt their auidience ixxith ai fine itexev ensvnebtld nuîi1r-,ila'ingr Iot of xx hidi liave si irrelI n the getierai pute a ray(.i îIiîîg <li ) t heur tl: . traiii. a v r t n f 'î i ful R 'v .,nes, luestîlent ttf Il. S. L. S.<I.ed. Martta axreatl a ilian- lu ,jf itttning, undiee iiirth- piovoking., art ieles tritth(e cIltns, ()ft1wt Iu'te.' Ka hîtoîtSpencer c ,n>riul l ý vrai solo ; Ruîth litn- I ey a eadirîg; Jes.sie Van l)u.-tn a m on4>lue ; andI NI uc>aY li t r a talk ita ittel xar Ace. ist and 2ndl Veni papils, under dIirection of Principal (<tvne, appeareti in a short pli atait1 Ifrein ' Evangeline." M r.rBùiAusiîîjy and1Principal onibcllish- cd thîe pru eediagx xith appropuirite BROWlNS SCîHOOL Report et Eu-ser Exantinatieuis for Brown's î'y, S. S. No. 5, Clarke: Su. IV-~*.tîae Bîown 7(). Sr. IiI-*Besie lAw 79, Kenneth Stephenson 73, jAuthur Redwin .58. Jr. Il- Jane Tketch 77, AnMie Tkatc 67.Ver& A. Power, teacher. ýSTLE INDEPENDENT LURSDAY, APRIL 24th, 1930 I i i Z ND ANNIVERSAR ow Values You Find Exclus;;CU 1859 OO~Sat the Af, *'W HE R EEGR OCERIESO MEuS A 0 çSWEET, PICKLEID PorIk Shouldef s lb.20a ]PEAMEAL BPACK Bacon SLB.ED4 1 0 39e ANN VE SAY EEF SPECIALS JROAS9Tis shoulderl Round lone lb. 2,30 Blade short Rib * b.26o - 0 lb.28o BRISKET B~ORN b 6 BIRISET BOLb. 316 LAMB LEGS SUNNYFIELD R1".DLESS~ BACON Baec 1ý mt 28a Side. -KBr 23e VEALmmi1k Fed LEG l1). 2_5c LOIN i-1 AiLLET lb. 230 ROASTlb SWEET riIXED r-ICKLES... Pint 29e SWEET mýUSTA'RD PICK[LES. Pint 29c SWEET GHEPKINS .......... Pnt 32c COD Emesh-B1Y the PieCe lh:-.1 4ca HjADDOCK Fresh lb. 130 WHITEFISH AUGi'ibi1 4e iFinflan Haddie SMOKED lb. 130 WashboardsELa 450 Lemnl 011 Bot. 22o Bablt5 .« S 'S. LIS NSER 140 steel Wool 2PK(i..9goAmuniia 2»K.i Se5 TUE tgltmuA'ï A'utdA% ý'ir m tAINII I II 0>1 M- BOW'MAN VILLE ST1 SILVERBROOK CREAiERki t s 490 IN W ZAIPED POUND PRINTS SUNNYIYIELD CREAMERY BEST Zb.73o P C;G LAUNDRY SOAP CAMPBELL'S Tomato souP LUX 2SMALL 1 a flftf~< RF) ~OeUALITY- fl O SIII")ý 59 FIE35,e COCQA BUTTER BICUITMCO. lb. 25c AYLINER ('1ioIý'E QI ALITY PEAS iLV 2 N.TN250 COIRN GildenBantam*f IN S 29e TEA Blended India lb. 49e BOKAR - COFFEE o"SUPREM"- Th lc1.TIultIll 90e OU MOPS ...... ea. 35c Mop Handies, ea. 19c Scrub Brtîshes, ea. 12c .Javel Water, 3 bti,. 25c ("A jmtch Cleanser .3....3tins 29c t. litr 29 s l nl o ýit t a, No. in ton o i ,lin 9, O'CEDAR- oV23c 4 3 c NoviteT- i,': nIl2 IK S13?,C FRUITS and VEGETA4BLý' BANANAS-Large, Ripe ......3 bs. for 19c PIN EAPPLES LRF sli FAN 2 for 43c SPINACH-Norfolk, Curly .... 3 lbs. for 27c POTATOES-New Florida ....... 5 lbs. 29c CABBAGE-New South Carolina, 2 lbs for 29c CARROTS-~Calif.-Grown ........ 3 Bu. 21c LETTUCE-Iceberg-Large Heads, 2 for 21c Med. Heads, 2 for 19c ONIONS-Yellow Cooking........ 6 lbs. 25c ORANGES-California Seediess !:xtra Large .... Doz. 71c Large Doz. 65c CELERY HEARTS-Crisp and Tender, ea. 19c rO0R E: PI-IO NE8 s. Peruy, spent the weekcnd at home. Oshawa hospital ]st week. Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, spent Mr. Jack Higbee, construction en- Easter hoiidays xith heu parents, Mr. gineeyr for the Coca Cola Ce., Mon- and Mrs. Parnabvy Martin. treal. is xith his parents, Mu. and Mrs. A. D. Wheeler and c.iIdren, Mus. Chas. lligbe. Toronto, are visiing her parents, Mr.I On Sunday wcek, M. and Mrs. and Mus. D. J. Galraith. Sharp, Trenton, accompanie I by Mus. Miss Ethel McCorîl, Ottawva, visitcd i Rovi Kecch and son Kenneth, xi>ited heu cousin, Mu. W. I. B. Anderson, Mu. and Mrs. P. O'Neil. nd attended the O. E. A. Convention Rev. F. H. Mason and Rev. W. P. in Toronto. Rogers are in Toronto attending the On Thursdcy evcning (to-nightl annuai convention (>f the Ontario the Tuxis, Square xiii entertain the Sehool Trustee and Ratepayers' As- Square -from St. Pau's Churc.h, Bow- sociation. 'Mrs. Rogers accompanied manvile. Teams from the two, thein. Squares wili play an exhibition game '&. and Mus. H-. J. Ragen nd of basketbaài at 8.30. VîsitorB wl- daughters, Toronto, spent Easter core.with her mother, Mrs. John Douglas. Mrs. Harold Toms, Frances and An item ia a Toronto daily xvas noted Kathleen, Richmond, Que., Mrs. A. H. witi much interest by Mr. Ragen's Fisher anîd Marion, Belleville, are Ncywcastle friends in the report of n spending Easteu week xith Mrs. Geo. banquet naiking the close for the P. Rickard and other relatives%. Mr. season of the Five Pini League of Toms anîd Mr. Fiisher also spent the Donic Lodgc, A. F. & A. MN., &ft which weekend here. Mr. Ragea is a W. P. Master. Har- Mr. and Mus. P. O'Neii and grand- ry's teanm won the consolation prize. .son Jinirnie spent Easter in Trenton Tihe Yotung Peopl.e's Society heid with their daughter, Mus. Ray Keech, its Easter meeting on Tucsday even- who was hostess te qoîte a larre, ing, with the proguani in charge <tf farniiy gatherng;, sonie of whm n rot- 4th' Vice Puesident, Florence As- orýd to Belevile te have tea -with ton. Devotionai tepic was ably Mr. and Mrs. Percy O'Ne il. taken by Beatrice Bragg. An Eas- Sehool teachei- at home for Easter ter ýpageant "The Resurrection of .wemre: Miss Gladys BraxIley front Christ" xas Dut on by a numrber of Gloversvilie, N. Y.; Misses Etta the menibeus. Musical numbers Holîmes and Sara MIoise from O-zh- weme a viella duet, Gcordon Ashton arva; Misses Guace Buagg andi Marion ani Howtard Cryderman, and a vocal AMlun from E. Wii,;Miss BeaýtriCC selý> hy (Grace BIragg; Marlon Allin Bragg fronMrarTp MSýs Ten re'ad "The Day Betwecn". The 1Ferguson, Bethesda; 'Miss Ira Gil- Young Peopie's Society xiii hold an- batik, Salemn; Mi. Elizahleih lHan- niverasuy >services the latter part of cock, St. Gatherîres. acxt month. Il TFA COO 1 it LÎ le j- rs Is id )y Würld's Largest Selling Soap at a Very Low Price Bey a Case Tcc ri at Th 1 S Very Low PricO IShoes for SPRING Shoes are chosen alike. for their inbr.ilt cn rta.,; cii as theur înbu it good looks. See th4-»e hn some new shoes, mnade, of fine quaitY icathel. W o iien ss tep- n puips' mediumi spike heel sniart and drez7sy ....... $5.50 Pr. W omen's kid purnps, black or brown, cov- ,ered cuban hetils ...... $7.50 Pr. Womien'S1 patent tie patteras8, cuban heel, rubber lift ............... 50 r Wornen's le.k kid andi patent 1-straP, cuban ýheels....... *......... $5.50 Pr. Women's broiwn kid oxford, lizard tirim, icovered cuban hieels......... $4.95 Pr. Wonien's patent 1-strap buckie, cuban cov- Wonien'S blue kid slippers, cuban or spike heels. ..................$49Pr Men's fine black calH oxfords, on English last, Goodyear welt soles and leather ie-els...................$75Pr Men's black caif oxfords, witih rubber heels, good young rnen's style, $5.50 Pr. iBoys' black calf oxfords, wide "rooy tces .......................$400 Pr. Hurlbut's Pussy-Foot Boots and Siippers for children......... $1.60 to $2.5C r THE ELITE SHOE STORE SHOES THAT SATISFY Phone 200 W. C. IVES, Manager PlibàlýR A lm ]L 0 caltes 35o Runip ma. 35,e ()xycloi i..%Rc-F 230 Starch go

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