PAGE SEVEN mm. AMATASTATE'IAI'IMANM ROWMAINVILLE. THURSlDAY, JIULY 24th, 1930 A POPULAR CANDIDATE EULOGISTIC WRITE-UP 0F DUR- HAM COUNTY'S MEMBER 0F PARLIAMENT AT OTTAWA oerosn Montreal Standard, June 7) Popular Ontario M. P. There are a few distinctive char- acters in the House of Conunons at Ottawa, flot frequeritly heard in de- bate and of a particularly quiet andi unassumnfg type who neverthelessi possess unquestioned influence and prestige. A Sound Representative A conspicuous eiample o! this clas, is Fred W. Bowcn, member for Dur. hami. Mr. Bowen can express bim- self with clearness anti force, but ht 15 an lafrequent participator in de. bate. Nevrtbeless, no sountier represent. ative o! the Conservative cause sit behinti Mr. Bennett. United Empire Loyalist Stock Prom bis earlicst youth Mr. Bow en inspireti the re-action o! respect Neyer pompous, or iacking la tha mnate courtesy wich is the hall marl o! the thorougbbred, he always toc. life scriously anti sometbix'g to b liveti for on tde finest possible plan( These cbaracteristics come to hir Ris forebears o! fine United Em- pire Loyalist stock sacri.flced place, position anti comort when they le!t Qbe Unitedi States shoitlY after the Revolutioni ta find a new home la Ontario. Naine Favorably Knawn Foi more than 100 yeans they have been residents o! that Province, anti in the viclnlty o! Newcastle, and rnuch f urther afielti, the name o! Bowen stands for gooti citlzensbip, high character, anti unimnpeachable integrity. Active in Public Afflaîra A successful fariner like many o! bis forebears, Mr. Bowen was always ready ta take a practical Part la public affairs. For many years be was a Council- loi anti Reeve o! Clarke Township. In addition, be was Warden of Durhamn anti Northumberlanld Coun- tics. When a man o! outstandilng qual- ity was sought to contest Durham ir 1921 for the Conservatives, Mi. Bowen was the unanimous choie anti the wistiom a! the selection was shown by bis success at the poils. Dol catcd Hon. Vncent MasseY In the cantest o! 1925 manW thought that Mr. Bowen would gc tiown ta defeat. In that battfe bis opponent waa real tioughty ativcrsary, no lcss a per. son than Honourable Vincent Mas sey. former Minister ta the Unitec States, anti now Canatia's Hil Cornilionerin aEnglanti. But even the prestige o! an cxx inent name, great wcalth anti strlking personality falledt t shak the firm bolti o! Mr. Bowen on th loyalty o! the county. Strong Hold on Costtuecc * Not only was he trlumphant1 1921-1925, but aga?n in 1926, anti W la tbe opinion o! those best qualiflE t.) speak. that sometblng like superman would have to oppose hi] wth any prospect o! success in tV comlng campalgn. (Inserteti by Durham Corservati, Asocaton-ativt.) LOCAL AND OTHEBWISE Mrs. Gordon Mitchell, Toronto, is slting relatives here. Mrs. C. ticCartaret is holitiaying ith relatives at Bala, Muskoka. Miss Lois MacLaughlin, Magnet- ýwan, is visitlng Mrs. Oea. W. James. Mrs. Chas. Doncaster, Oshawa, is Isitlng her tiaughter, Mrs. Elgin Wight. Mrs. M. H. Minore is enjoying a ioliday trip ta Taber, Alta., anti Van- ,ouver, B. C. Mr. anti Mrs. Win. Wallace, Osh- wa, spent Suntiay wlth Mr. anti Nfis. F. C. Colmer. Mrs. Grant Valleau, Melville, spent lst week with friends in Bowman- ille.-(Picton Times). Mrs. F. C. Colmer anti Mrs. A. M. Hcist, Oshawa, spent last' Tburstiay witb f nlends in Markham. Mr. anti Mrs. E. C. Rehtier are en- joymng a crulsing trip in their yacht Barbara n"' on the lakes. Mr. anti Mrs. C. J. Staples, Mis. Alice Elforti, Welcome, calleti at Mis. E.Rickarti's, Centre St. on Tucsday. Misses Elsie M. anti I. Irene Bragg, Toronto, spent the weekenti with heir father, Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P. Mr. anti Mrs. Clarence Beatty anti son Ross, Elizabethville. spent Sun- day with Mr. anti Mrs. M. W. Tamn- blyn. Mr. anti Mrs. W. E. Souch anti Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Gayne, Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs. R. H. WVartier. Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Cole anti Mrs. J. E. L. Cole anti Miss Marjorie Cole are hoidtaying with relatives at Mitchell. Mr. Stanley Wightrnan. Principal of Tilsonburg High Scbool. spent the week-end with bis brother H-. D. Wightrnan. Marcelling tione at Mrs. W. Adiams, King St. W., Bowmanville, on Tues- tiays anti Saturtiays-50c. PhonE 275 for appointinent. 23-10,w Mr. anti Mis. Floyd Willoughb> anti tiaughter Joan, Winnipeg, Man. are visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oea. VanDyke. Mrs. H. Harper, Miss Zetta anti Mr Allen Harper, Toronto, were receni guests of the former's niece, Mrs. Ir- win R. Bragg, Providence. Dr. anti Mrs. C. W. Slemon lelt or Tucstiay on a well-earneti holitia trip to the Pacific Coast, visîtini points of interest enroute. Mrs. T. H. McCready anti son Torr who have been visiting Mis. A. E. Mc. Creatiy for several weeks, have reý turneti to their home In Lethbrlidge Alta. Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Werry, Montreal who mnotoreti Up for the Werry Pic nie, returneti home Saturtiay, ac companieti by Mr. anti Mrs. H. Flet cher Werry, Kedron. Miss Dorothy Varcoe, having ai taineti 77 percent in ber studies a Mouiton College, Toronto, is now en joying a holiday wlth Mr. anti Mri Prentiss at Honey Harbour. Trlnity Suntiay School picnic wî be helti at Crcam o! Barley Camp c. Wednestiay afternoan, July 3th. A4 members are invitedtotacamne ai make the picnic a resil success. The MountJoy Plcnic will be hel at the Crearn of Barley Park on Sat iuîtiay, July 26th. AUl relatives ai cordially inviteti to corne along an make this the best ne-union yet. Mrs. Elmer Wood, Mis. CePhm Rundie, Miss Ruth Holmesand IM Edward Runtile motareti to Detro anti spent the weckend with t) forrner's sister. Mis. Robert W. Kul Mr. anti Mis. L. S. Caverly ai daughter Rena motareti ta Wind& 1anti spent a few tiays. Mr. anti M 1Kenneth Caveriy anti children P turned i wtb them for holitisys. misIniez Hickllng spent the weel endti wth ber uncle, Mr. J. E. ElI Concession Street. Miss Hicklil leaves next month for Victoria, B.( where she wil be a Missions Teacher in the Oriental Home the] Mr. A. W. Clemens, Tyrone, a] f 4ounces the engagement o! 1 syounger daughtcr, Geraldine Francý a tMr. Oliver Stanley Hanna, Tome: to, youngest son of the late Mr. ai Mrs. Thomnas H. Hanna. Albion, t: marriage ta take place early la Au ust. Mr. anti Mrs. La'Jerne Hoiff sons, Montreal, while rcturnmng hoi off rom a motor trip in New York St: anti Ontario, calleti on relatives he They wcre accompanieti by Mrs. LÀ lic Keith, Toronto, who will visit1 sister anti other relatives in Canaci I-great metropolis. nBowmailville Wornen's Institi r.wW il lt Its regular meeting int f orin of a plcnlc at the home o!fSM eEdith Weekes, "Kalmar Villa,' ts Friday afternoon. Every memi corme in bard-time costume anti bri a cup, plate anti spoon. Brlag Y( frientis anti lct's have a gooti time. who completeti 59 years in MaE lIn Jt.dy, was one o! the oldeslti bers in attentiance. lb'. Ionnyc ws again oliectoti to the Boa General Purposes anti Arthur geaud was also'honored, wtth th lice et Grand Steward. Mis. T. Hosi. Mis. Eastmnlx, Mise Emmeison, Bowmanville, Mi. George Bedfordi, Purple HMl, Mi. anti Mis. Wilbert Moore anti Jean, Toronlto, Mis. Jabez Moore, EnniskilleIl, visiteti at Mr. Byron Moore's .. Master Ar- thur Stephens, Toronto, 15 holidaying at Mr. Robert Burgess'. ..Mr. anti Mis. J. Hendricks, Trenton, visiteti ber parents. Mr. anti Mis. B. F. Gar-' dinr. Miss Annie Gardiner re- turned home wlth them .-..Mi. Day- id Noble. Orono, 15 vlsiting bis sister, Mis. James Storie. .Mi. Pied Brooks anti frienti. Toronto. visiteci the formners parents, Mi. anti Mis. George Brooks ... Glati to report Mrs. R. Hatberly able ta be out o! Bowmanvfllc baspital a! ter ber ne- cent operations. Miss Viola Shortt underwcllt an operation on ber tbîoat la Bawmanville Hospital. We wish ber a speedy rccovery. Messrs Floyd Dudley, Frank, Hatherlcy, Gordon Cowling, Clarence Hatbemly bave returneti home f rom military Camp at Barrie! icitiMis. A. B. Stephens anti Master Beverley, Tor- onto, reccntly visiteti at Mr. Robt. Burgess'. .Mn. Eroli Hughsan. Tor- onto, spent the weekcnd at Mi. Robt. McCullough's Mi. Wesley Little bas, returneti to bis wonk at Walkervilleaftcr spending bis bol!- tisys wth bis grantimother, Mi. W. Little, Church service ncxt Sun- day evening at 7 p.m.. The annual Suntiay school picnlc will be helti on rthe school grounds on Satuiday s!- ttennoon, July 26th. Evenbady wel- *corne. Corne anti bing your baskets Mrs. Percy McCoy anti family, Toi- onto. are holitiaying at Mr. Simon fMcCoy's Wornen's Institute speni 1 s veiy enjoyable afteinoon, July 16 twhen they motoreti to Orono anc belti their meeting at borne o! Mrs, Dave Hooper, a former memben. ThE rfoilowing progiami was given wth th( ,f Tyrone Pres. Mis. Luther Hooper Ir ,the chair. Miss Pari, Orono, f avored I- us with a beautiful solo a!tei whicl, na splendid papen on 'Truc Great- Bness" prepameti by Mis. R. Wrlghi awas reati by Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Mis er Aieen RutdilU, Orono, pisyct ia ,c instrumental and Miss Aluin. Oronc It delighted aUl with inglng "Lay Mk le Headi Bcneath a Rose". A social hal h oun was spent wben lunch wa serveti at tables on the spaclous lawi. Ccacblng Classes in DomesU 13 Science in the Cornmunity Hall Wec er nesday, July 30. froin 10 a.,im. unt id 5 p.m. Mr. anti Mis. Laine McCo SBrooklin., attentiet the Collacott pic by nic at Hamptonl on Saturday anti vi P- iteti at Mr. Normxan Woodley's . le, Harvest Home services wlll be hel 01- Auguat Si anti Sept. lat. -le, n- Building Lots For Sale le of LOTS FOR SALE-Two very deira ja building lots, one on Centre Street s Sother on Lberty Street, good locatios )f central. Muet be solci to wind up9 tate. Apply Mmm. NormanS. 1B. Jazz WILKINS PICNIC The Wilkns annual picnic wasj held on Saturday, July l2th, atJ Creamn of Barley Camp, Bowman- ville. The weather bemng ideal friends began ta arrive about 3 P. m. andi the remainder of the afternoon was spent in games and social chit- chat. About 5.30 the ladies hati the tab- les beautlfully laid wth potato pies,i colti ham, pickles, salatis, anti other1 tielicacies. Alter ail had done fuil justice to a dainty supper, Mms. Morley Wllkins, prealdent, cafleti the company of about 40 relatives and a few f rientis, to ortier and asked Mrs. jLeonard Richards, secretary treasur- er, to give the flnancial statement, which showed a satisfactory balance. The following officers were electeti for the ensuing year: President-Mis. Morley Wilkins; Sec.-Treas.-Mrs. Len. Richards; Sports Committee- Mr. Theodore Wilkins, Miss Beryl Wilkins, Miss Annie Wilkins; Com- mittee of Management-Mr. E. W. Foley, Mr. R. L. Worden, Mr. J. H. Munday. Mfter supper, the sports commttee under management o! Miss Hilda Foley. Miss Annie Wilkins anti Miss Beryl Wilkins, very capably conduct- eti an interesting program of races, anti prizes were given the winners, after which the children enjoyed a candy scramble. In the evening much enjoyment was deriveti by the married men anti bthe Young people participating in a Isoftball game. IFrientis were Present froin Oshawa, Toronto, Courtice, Salem and Bow- manville. As the shades of evening tf ell, the frientis began to disperse, sorry to part but ail hoping to meet 'again next year. >. COLLACOTT PICNIC On Saturday, July lth, the slxth -annual picnic of the Collacott f ar- e ily was helti at Hampton Memorial v Park. About 80 relatives assembleci 'durmng the afternoon, andt torougb- ~ly enjoyeti themiselves with games anti ancetiotes of tiays long gone by. d The games, owing ta the work oi the games committee anti the gener. r. osity o! Mr. and Mrs. Thompson of kt Oshawa, were more numerous thar -f ormerly, anti of such a variety thal ail were able to enjoy theinselves. n Members of the family gatherec ,y f rom Hamilton, Toronto, Oshawa, ýg Tyrone anti Salem vicinity. Some of the olti familiar faces were migsing na this year, those who appreciateti the -gathering o! the family. Taking -the places of these were a numbe: ewho joineti us for the first turne and of youtbs unable to understand the full significance of our family union. t Towards evening -tables were ar- Îrangeti upon the Park lawn, anti a] Csat tiown to a wonderful repast. t- What a gloriaus sight! Long tables heapeti with temptmng viands, t-faces so varieti in design anti expres- at sion, the willows bordering the pand - whose shade has been enjoyet by r. people scattereti far anti near, the pond in whose waters have bathed il as youths, men anti women now f am- cn ed in many o! the arts, weed-flhled Ul antirely a shatiow of its f ormi id lilory, the gentie breeze anti setting sun, the chatter anti laughter D Id many'voices. t- As the evenlng shadows lengther. re eti, the varlous members of the famx ri ily in littie groups began their home- ward journeys, ail hoping that i as rnay gather again next year. gr.- Dit TYRONE contalning etght rooms, bathroom, clos- ets and pantry; hardwood floors; and ail modern eonvpniences; good vegetable garden; double garage; very desirable location. For terme and particuls.ra ap- ply on the premisea to W. J. Bragw, cor- ner Elgin and Hlorsey Sta., or box 29.1 Bowmanville. Phone 125. 30-tf1 TH C14-JIL BMTHS STAPLETON-II Clarke, on bnday, july 14th, 1980, to Mr. and Mrs. George J1. Stapleton, Newtonflvle, a son (Keith Morley). WEDDINGS CURRIE-GARSU"_' - On Tueeday, July 15th, 1930, by Rev. John Garbutt, at the home of the bride's parents, Mar- ion Burdette, youngeet daughter of Rev. and Mrs. John Garbutt, London, and Robert James Currie, son off Mr. and Mrs. Robert Currie, Florence, Ontario. DECATHS IRWIN-At Port HiopO, July l6th, 1930, Sarah Phenie Nixon, beloved wif e off Fred S. P. Irwin. WOOD-At Port Hopeý Juiy lSth, 1930, Noah Wood, beloved husband of Alice, Giddens, aged 63 years. BURNS-In Oshawa., J 218t' 1930, William Jeffery Burns, of the Burns Shoe Company, aged 71 fears. BERRY-At Port Hope, Juiy lSth. 1930, Mary Marker, beloved wxfe of the late& Wiliam H. Berry, in ber 8Oth year. TURCK-In Hope township, July 1Sth, 1930, Henry Victor Turck, beloved hus- band of Rtuth V. Thompson, in his 41st year. BONNYCASTLE-InI Campbellford. on July 1Oth, 1930, Charlotte Kate Cassan, widow of the late Major Richard H. Bonnycastle. aged 87 years. GOMME-Suddenly ln Port Hope, on July 22nd, Charles Thomas Gomme, only son off Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gomme, 98 Raglan Ave., Toronto, ag<,d il years. WILLIAMSON-At St. Michael's Hos- pital, Toronto, July 12th, 1930. Jean, be- loved wife of the late John Williamson, aged 68 years. Interment at Pine Grove ('emetery, Port Ferry. NICHOLLS-At Wesleyville, on Tues- day, July 15th, 1930i, Susanna Mary Bam- sey, beloved wife of Mr. J. Hl. Nicholîs, in her 66th yar. Sister-in-liiw off Mrs. J. T. Biragg, Bowmanville. BROOKS-At Middle Green, Welling- ton, Somerset, En.gland, July 22nd, 1930, tFred W. Brooks, aged 70 years. Brother off S. S. Brooks, Courtice, lra. G. A. awa. HUNTER--On Saturday, July 19th, 1930 at is late resîidence, 270 Roncesvalles A, enueý, Toronto. Dr. John Hunter, 'M.B, ^e bloed husband off Elizabeth Jane Ren- wick, and fater off Mrs. John Ferguson of Lawrence Park. and B.%rs. John Duthie doff Weston, in his SOth year. L_ BLIGHT-ln Whlthy, et the residence Soff her grandson. Mr. Theodore 'I. J. l3light, on Saturday, July lOth, 1930, Y. Janie, widow of the late Richard Bligh' )fof Myrtle, in her SOth year. Interred at .-Groveside Ceqnetery, Brooklln. Sister foff Miss E. E. Haycraft. Bowmanville. tt Lost or Found 1LOST-A grey woven-silk hand bag dw ha ir of curved scissors in it, at or nerthe Chautauqua tent. Please leav. a, at Statesman Office. 30-1v kg EST RAV-Light roan steer, strayed on lelot 13, con. 6, Darlington. Owner mna: have saine hy proving property and pay- 19 ing expenses. H. G. Macklin, R. R. 6, ar Bowmanville. Phoim 308-21. 30-3 id le Apartments to Rent r- FLAT TO RENT-Five mrne, water- t works, electrie llghts. Apply Statesman office. Ig TO RENTr-4-roomed apartment, ai convenlences, wired for electric range, ils separate entrance. Apply te Mrs. Franl 8-M. Cryderman, Silver St.. Bowmanvll id Phone 232. 23-t by e Rosi Eatate For Sale ed HOUSE FOR SALE--On King St. Est irNewcaste 6-roonied brick cottage, ilu oneacr o ladgarage, etc. Âpply t ng Miss Coucb, 60 Orton*P*teM Bufta . of ~22-1 late 1927 model, firet cla Ehape bar- gain for qulck sale. Apply W. P. Qulck.. Phone 226. 21-t AUTO FOR 9ALE-Pontiac Coach 1928, in good condition, big bargain for Im- mediate cash sale. Phone owner at 651, Bowmanville. 30-tf FOR SALE-1 heavy Clyde mare; 1 hev pring wagon, suitahie for hauling ape. Geo. C. Foster, King St. E., BowinanviUle. 29-t! PIANO FOR SALE-An apartment siz- ed piano In good condition, $95.00, easy terms; aso other bargains. See John Meagher, 92 Simcoe N., Oshawa. Phone 371W. 28-3 FOR SALE-Having sold out my husi- ness, the undcrmentioned wili he sold at decided bargains : 1 McLaughlin Piano Box Buggy, like new; 1 Piano Box Bug- gy, ail overhauled in first clase shape; 1 3-Spring Demnocrat, platform top, over- hauled and palnted, 1500 lbo..capacity; 1 Feed Box, 50 bushel capacity; 1 Grind Stone, on stand, rolier bearings. Apply to John Percy, Bowmanville. 30-2 Houses to Rent MODERN HOUSE TO RENT - On Church St., in August. T. E. FlaxmanI, phone 318, Bowmanville. 30-tf SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT - BY month or the season at Williams Point, Lake Scugog. Apply A. W. Piekard, BowmaflvIlle. Phone 185. 24-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Seven roome, vat- eerworks, bath, e]ectric lghts, located King & Ontario St., Bowmanville. Ap- ply e. A. Colwlll. Newcastle. 51-tf 't HOUSE TO RENT-On Elgin Street, ýr Bowmranville, 6 rooms, newly decorated; garag4e and garden. Apply to Sulas - Foster, Scugog Street. Phone 546. 30-tf 9 HOUSE TO RENT-Brick bouse on El- >r gin St.. containing 7 rooms with ail mod- Il ern conveilences; garage. Possession mi Sept. lst. Apply te W. P. Quick, Bow- -i manville. Phone 226. 30-tf "Y To L£t 6. STORE TO RENT-Stork fornierly oc- *cupied by Mr. Logan on King St., next te Royal Theatre. Will be ready te be occupied by August lot. Apply te J. J. Mason or te Mrs. T. G. Mason. 30-1 n Wated LIl NEEOLE WORK WANTED - Ladies' 5. j coats. suite, dreete. and ail kinds of Ik hoUsehold sewing, charges moderate. ýe. Write Mrs. A. Young, King St. E., Bow- tf manville. P . O. Box 430. Phone 460. 30-2- HOUSE WANTED TO RENT-By re- sponsible private famnily, for October lot, com!fortable 8 te 10 rooms, modem con- tvenlences. Apply te Mrs. Edith V. SScobell. Insurance & Real Estate, Bow- tW maxiville. 29-3w --lirab-eRes- denc For Sale Eight rooma, solid brick modern bouse, atone foundatloit, 2 atoreys and large attic wlth 6 windewa, white oak trim ln 3 roomae downstairs, large sun roorn 10z 30 fazing aouth, back porch, cellar baa brick partition, 2 laundry tuba ln cellar. bot water heating, wired for electric steve and electric grate, brick garage, corner lot 115 x 145, beautiful terraced lawn, nvatured abrubs. large shade trees, fruit garden, one of ohoiceet locations ad beat hut bouSes ln town. PriLed reasenable for immediate sale. Apply to ownler, C. Rehder, at Dowmanville P oundry Co. Offie, Bowmanville. 25-tfi I S' COW FOR SALE-Jersey cow, 7 years old, just ready te renew. T. W. Cawker, Bowmanvible. 30-1 FOR SALE-34 x 4 tires, tubes and rima, like new, and cbeap. F. J. MitcheIl, itowmanville. Phone 105. 29-19 COWS FOR SALE-Odml g cows, one has calf 6 weeks oid. Âpply D. Lewars, R. R. 2, Bowmanviile. 30-1' BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE-Newest style, hrown wlcker, detachable runnems Âpply P. O. Box 38, or phone 646. 30-1' AUTO FOR SALE-Ponltiac Coach, 28 modd, splendid condition, demonstratiofl gNoen; cheap for cash. S. R. Alger, Oshawa. 28-3 Il LAST 3 DAYS 0F GILCHRIST'S GREAT HARVEST 0F BARGAINS ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT Also exceptional valu«s in Mensa Fumbiahinge and -Boys' Clothing SEE THESE SUITS 1 MEN'S AND YOUNG At $17.75 Men' ansd Young Menas SaIts, mart modela lu beautllul Values up to $30.00 for $19.85 Ouita, Unes, d quaI- tweed ty sud A.85 MEN'S AN' MEN'S Values up t Men's and You ln the very bes store, wonderfii and double bi depleted linosi hence the bigi nIai values t. Clearing for on Ps' >ILCH IR MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NAVY BLUE & PIN STRiPE SERGE SUITS io YovNG cea, Including Society Brand E) YOUNGmake, ad Tailie Town moi- SUITS elsan ilwool ciothsansd hast umke and trimmlug. On sale to $3500 fer at thse foliowlng reductionas: st ake lnour $30.00 for . - ... $242.75 9 qulity sigle eg.values up to reasted* modela, $35.00 for ......$26.85 and odd izes- EReg. values pt reductions; reg- $37.50 for .. ... P; $2 if2.75 YOUNG MEN'S SUITS $12.95 eLIST Young Men'a 1 and 2 Pant Slita, faw ansd grey tweed af- Phone 61 fecta, also blue serge suids, 1BOw anvlle values to ."'SM Bowm nvile aring aIt tis. Sale $ 12.95 I -~ e Dress Sale We have decided to clear out our entire stock of Summer Dresses. Every dress muet ho sold for cash. Now is your chance to savo money. Here t1hy are at: - $1.O0 - $2.00 - $2560 - $4.95 - $650 $7.95 - $9.95 Thoso are at nearly Half fPrie.. THE SMART SHOP Cowan Block clotha, tweeds and worsteds, --- suits of fluer qusllty, double & Men's snd Young Mens akigle breasted, values up te odd sizes aud deploted trom our better make and $25,00, l 77 ty suits. These are ln On Sale $1.7 offects, in ahades of gis f swns, 3-pleco suit., val $30,00, t. clear SOCIETY BRAND at this sale SUITS at $24.75 Mouas sud Youug Mena OSuit$, fine worsted clotbs, aIl wool f btaniy yans, honoy tans, silver T eB Coes ba do trlsSt.,I clearing$24.75 Bank of ontreal Milk is Nature's Perfect Food Because of the modeM nmode of living child- ren need more pure milk. GLEN RAE PURE MILK The milk with t he most cream and food value 18 ideal nour- i/I chlen o s hm en tfo Give them plenty of Glen Rae Milk-T. 0. Tested and Pasteurized. Get the best and purest milk- 1 it costs no more. R. R. STEVENS & SON Phone 408 Howmaavll [Take Your Choice HOUSE FOR SALE-S rooms and haths ail modern convenlenoes, centrally locat- edý also nîce building lot, 36 x 156 fL, f ence pons, and Chevrolet 1927 truck, for sale cheap. Apply Frsnk Foley, cor- ner Church and Brown Ste., Bowman- ville. 29-tf il ib GEO. R.. MASON, Managm