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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAILLE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2lst, 1930 Mn.E Fra-1nktGibsDOn Tan aml w The NEWCASTLE INDEI'IN)LN«I- THURSDAY, AUGUST 2lst, 1930 FUEL! FUEL! FUEL! Tele -hone 520 L1COAL FAMOUS READING -~ COKE SEMET- SOLVAY Chestnut S$15.00 per ton Stove $ 15.50 per ton Pea S12.50 per ton Egg .. 15.00 per ton Coke $11.50per ton A discount of 50e a ton wil be ailowed off these prices for cash wth order. HENRY LATHROPE, F'CHINA WARE Gold Band China (open stock) - this is a new Uine that we are offering to you very reasonably. 94 Piece Set $14.00 Cups and Saucers, dozen $ 2.00 Other items priced quite as 10w. Stamped Goods for summer needle work are selling very well indeed. For the summer evenings when we are aIl just sitting chatting, the needle work is quite a pastime. J. W. JE WELL "BIG 20"1 BOWMANVILLE GIA NTSo- C. - N. E. - World's Grreatest Exhibition Afi & P- World 's GcteSt Food Retailers Be aura to viit our Booth#, Nos. 208-9-10 in the Pure Food Building. Wu cordially invite you to try a cup of our delicious Bokai Coffae with our complimenta. GR OCRl PRODLCED IN ONTAIIO'S FINEST CREANMERIES SILVERBROOK CREAMERY BUTTER 2.Ibo. 590 SUNNYFIELD PtA tEDl.» FINE GRA'NULLTED B3ROW4\ OR WHITE SUGA aAc4Tioib. 48e )RONiO AND DIXTRICT ONLY) SAL ONGOLDPSEAL 210Q 9 LOB3STEIRQUALIXTY iN 9 'q OUR 0WN N'ECTAR BRIt ND-FIt0M PLANTATION TO YOU A, oNE E'worIT TEA INlb. 39e BUY A DOZEN CAKES a% r THTIS 04 PRICE MANYFLOWERS TOILET SOAP 4 Cakes 190 Cornilakes Quaker 2 Pkgu. 1 5o Asparagus Tips N-43t WORIDS FINEST PACKAG.E COFFEE 1-L». FLAvoRTI(.HT BOKAR_TIN 4570 MEATS Genne New Season Spi-ng LAMB- Fronts lb. '15- LEGS ilb. 2,30e Loins lb. 202 SWIF E *. CIRCLF * SM'* kFi il 1I)FR AND it 1 i iýi TEF) Picnic Hams lb. 24 Brisket of, Beef 'b. 100 FINEST *fl C 'i*4 F5.1141ý B3ACK BACON 4 M OKEFli BACON SQUARES PORT ERi UP. b. 35e SHORT RIBUSE Lb. 35C Raump l.25eý Macaroni and Cheese Loaf ,ileced lb. 2170 FRLE<II t(OMME 1.11 Salmion B'I lUt I27e Sea Hprn"lng lb. 100 ,FR UI2S and MAYONNAISE oVER 0WN ENCORE BRAND .b, q,:ee t (A Soad Dressings 34 OZ. JAR lac 84 r>z. JAR 23e là 07'. JAR 43c *I OZ. JAR 73e I 28-oz. Jar $2.69 MAGICP'WE 16-oz,.TLn 34o FLEI'II'.1 5'S -Batit for Health YEAST Cake 4o SIIIRRII F' Orange Marnialade NO. 2 Jarv33oe BABBITT'S 1.111. PERFF( 1 u CLEAN.SF R ns CHERRIES 1-oz. Jar 2 for 25. KIKOVAH . 'kL 2 Tins 3!5e VEGEËfZWLES2 Freah fruits and vegetables deli',ered dailist 1. c o;eteliIst of aIl ntive and irnportî'îtfil::'î'a :' ia he bail t .,%ttrniie pr(ts. Iis, frepf .1%A1landeiA & I>,eIliE' T ai 4'n. OJIEI F CAN ADA---- BOWMAINVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL S Miss Janie Singer, Toronto, is vis- Middle School Examnations Results itlieMts. P. Bone, Lake Shore. A *Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Britton, Toronto, o! visited ber sister, Mrs. John D1u-. Lorine B. Batty-Anc. Hist. C. Art las, over the weekend. Murray M. Butler-Eng. Comp. C; anc Eng. Lit. C; Anc. Hist. 1; Geom. C; the Mrs. A. Garner, Whitby, and Mrs. Chem. C; F. Auth. C; F. ComP. C. on W. White, Port Hope, were weekend Rb I.C an-AcHit ;B guets ! Ms.P. artn.Geom. 2; Phy. 2; Chem. 1; F. Auth. bri Mr. Volney Moore la over !romn the 3; F. Comp. 3. mLi St ates, hoiidaying at his old home, Dunreath Dudley-Chemf. C. by gest o! Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Allin. M. Roy Jones-Eng. Lit. C; Geom. tic] Misses Filena Martin and Viola C; Phy. 2; Chem. 3; F. Comp. C. se. Byers and Mrs. P. Williams, Toronto, Maretta Law-Eng. Lit. C; Geom. waî spent Tuesday at Mrs. J. P. Martin's. 2; Phy. C; Chem. 2; Lat. Auth. C; F. 1 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Comp. C. BE Gordon Martin on the birth o! a lit- Arthur J. Lockhart---Anc. Hist. 2; aE tle daughter, Joyce Gertrude Lor- Geom. 1; Phy. 3: Chem. 1; F. Auth. w& raine Martin. 2: F. Comp. 1. ma MissLoi Marinwho as een Helen M. Lycett-Anc. Hist. 3; visiting in Toronto for a month, re- em1;Py1;LtAuhC;a. turned home Sunday accompanied Comp. C. by hr siter-n-lw an nepew. William J. Rowand-Anc. Hist. C; I byhersistr-i-la andnepew. Geom. 2; Phy. 2; Chemn. C; F. Auth. childen wene called recently to Ruby M. Shaw-Oeom. C; Phy. C; Streetsville where Mis. Coyne's Chem. C; F. Auth. C; F. Comp. 1, Hi mother was seized with a partial stroke. bel Mr ae hlots mlyda OBITUARY red Mn. T. H. lmneslinusgaCe broken armi as the result o! being o!s m HneNecsl kicked by a Young horse while riding Cany ssh lpt rs m a bicycle among the farin animals. Hunter passed away last Friday ev- ter St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. ening at her .home south o! the Cý. tor Mason, M. A., Rector. Sunday, Aug- N. R. whicli she and Mn. Hunter es- pw ust 24th: 8 a. m.-Monning Frayer tablished shontîs' afiter thein mariagelhbe and Holy Communion; 9.42 a. L-and whère they reared their fine Et Sunday School; 6.30 p. m.-Evensong famîly o! five sons and five daugh- W. and Sermon. ters. She had arnived at the even- a Miss Hilda Rowland, prospective ing o! her life and in the evening o!f fo teacher o! the Lake Shore school. the day. a little a! 1er 8 o'clock on 1 has compieted her summer course at Friday, Augusi 151h. her spirit fled. stc tthe Toronto University and obtained Esteemed and loved in h! e she is now jc! her certificate as Supervisor o! mourned i death. IrE Physical Tnaining. Bs' !riends and neighbors she will cer Mrs. Stella Anderson, who has been be remembered for hier f iendliness. of holidaying with hen mother, Mrs. R. her cheery disposition and her kindly wa P. Butler, and her brother, Dr. J. A. hospitality. Her attitude towards wa Butler, neturns this week to her dut- lufe and all lies interests wvas al- 1 ies as social hostess at the King Ed- ways cheerful and optimistic. ais ward Hotel, Toronto. The late Mrs. Hunter, nee Eliza tle Little Arthur Toms. youngest son Couison, came to this country with w. o! Mn. and Mrs. Herb. Toms. who was her parents, William Coulson and his Ja: sticken with paralysis some weeks wif e Sarah Crump. about 1856. she MC ago duning cherry pickiiig time, is being about five years o! age at thet wi now mucli impnoved and is gradually titme. They and two other çhildlren Ihi: regaining the use o! his limbs. cnossed the ocean f rom England hIa 1 Mn. Alex DeMaio, a former bril- sailing vessel and came up Lake On- 'St. liant student at our high school, who to-teBoLdkenadschoo NeaWilam du has now completed his senior matric- Clohad en a shoraiWclntact-iO ulation at St. Pete's College, Peter- olnhabe ariwyctat-O boro, is now covering this district as or in England-he was an Irishman wi an agent for a line o! brushes. by birth-and carne to Canada spec- Hc ially to assist in the building o! the 1 Miss Evelyn Allin returned home new Grand Trunk Railway. Here as foi last weekend !rom Belleville where a sub-contnactor, he built the new 1 O she had been visiting her uncle. Mn., line eastwand for some miles !rom 1 Eric Toms and !amily who motored Newcastle, while the laie Thos. Mon- spi up with lier and spent Sunday with tague's faiher built f rom Newcastle fcl Mn. Jos. Toms, and other relatives. westward. Messns. B. and B. E. Moise and Bert Previous 10 her marriage, the laie Pri Brereton, under direction o! the Mns. Hunter lived with her parents ai property committee o! the B. o! E., and their napidiy increasing family ne o! which John Scott is chairman, on their farmn on the lake shore road. thi are up the appeanance o! a litile over three miles east of, the gn the school by painting ahl the exter- barbor. oi ion wood wonk.Aithug hemaiellesei United Church-Rev. W. P. Rogers, was aathule aednto!the 'c B. A.. Pastor. Sunday, August 24th: wMethodi hunchandatauncth il a m.Moning orsip ndSun- supporter. inancialiy and otherwise, day School; 7 p. m.-Evening Ser- of its local and connexional interests, he vice. Rev. A. J. Irwin, B. A., D. D.,an 0itthUiedCuc.A- Sec'y. o! the Ontario Prohibition wlladl it h ntd hrh l preac at oth hurchservces though f ailing healh pevented her li prech t bth hurh srvies lattenly f rom taking a personal part fa: Fniends are pleased to learn that in its activities. her heart was in the w2 Mrs. F. L. McCargar, who came f rom work and to the very hast she was aso the west to attend her sister's (Mrs. regulan contributon to the church W Douglas) f uneral. is recovening !rom f unds. the W. M. S. and the Woman's ho diphthenia and is now able 10 leave Association.h the Moose Jaw hospital whene she She is survived by her five sons, ciu was taken shorily a!ten her reiurn. Mr. Sam Hunter o! Seattle. Wash.: pe Board o! Education has engaged Mn. John Hunten o! Treherne, Man.;fi: Miss Aima Woodord o! Owen Sound Mn. Hugh Hunten, Toronto; and Mr. for the junior rooîn o! the public Wm. Hunter and Mr. Jos. Hunter of~ school, to succeed Miss Mariorie Belleville; and three daughters, Mrs. Purdy who has accepted a position F. L. Mcdargan, Moose Jaw, Sask:.; on the Toronto Public School teach- Mrs. Percy Ransom and Mrs. J. R. ing staff. Miss Woodiord is a teach- Camr. Belleville; and several grand- er o! expeience and a holder o! a lst children; also two brothens, Mn. J05. class certificate. oloNýase ndM.G . Mn. H. C. Bonathan lef t on a moton Cotlson VancastveBC, and n heo. tripto Sskathewn lat ModaYsîsiers, Mrs. Chas. CoulterIand Mrs. week in company with his cousin, T. M. Gibsoss. Newcastle, anîd Mns. Mn. Charles Warren, who was ne- Bert Bailagh, Ripley, N. Y. iurning home f rom his visit with his Telt r.Eutrhdbe grandmoiher. aunis and cousins o!f h aeMs uirhdbe this village. Mn. Bonathan wili Makte widow for 22 yeans. her husband hav- the return trip by train 10 Fort Wil- ing died in Augusi of 1908. For the ~ liam and then by steamship down lasi f ew Years she has been living the Great Lakes. ihrough the f aIl. winter and spring The Women's Association o! the, months with mrembers o! her family United Chuncli met Thursday after- eithtir in Toronto or Belleville, b ut noon in the S. S. Roomn. Pnognam 1 mostly wiih the laie Mrs. Jas A. was in charge o! Mrs. W. H. Cooke's Douglas, (Amy) in Toronto. But it group. and contained a wondenfully was her great joy ihroughout the inieresting and descriptive talk very s.,ummner 10 come back 10 her ohd much enjoYed by ail, by Mrs . NormanI home and keep open house for her Allin on hier recent tnip south 10 Los j sons and daughters and grandchild- Angeles, returning via the northern ren during vacation time. And il rout andtheCanaianRockes. was here she died. as it was her rout andtheCanaianRockes. hearts desire. ens on his holldays, a former pasior o! deceased, Rev. A. M. Irwin. Osh- 't awa. conducted the f uneral, and in his discourse spoke of the fully rounded if e o! the one ihey were now laying 10 resi. and how, Blessed are the saints who die in the Lord. havehaddiff- -A large concourse o! relatives, Yourchid my hve ad iff- nighor-Adfiends wcr p rese;nt 10, a NEIGHBORS Aibout a week before the marriage Miss Marion Baskerville ta Mr.I rthur Bragg, residents of Brown's nd Lake Shore school sections, to ie number of about sixty, gathered athe lawn of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. ýskerville and showered the popular ride-to-be with a choice selection of iscellaneous articles, accomparied ymany expressions of congratula- )fls and good wishes. Lunch was arved and a very enjoyable evenmng rs spent by ail present. About a week previous to this Miss àskerville was also the recipient of shower of silver and pink crystal rre f rom recent graduates of Bow- ianville Hlospital and the present OBITUARY Mis. David Huston, Orila The remains of the late Mrs. David' luston arrived from Edmonton,A- rta. on August 2nd and were mter-. ed in the family plot in St. Andrew's' ,metery, Orillia. Death occurred foilowing a short! ness on Dec. 4th, 1929, at the home fher adopted daughter and the at- r's husband, Dr. and Mrs. A. 1ay- on Greenaway, with whom for te Lst twelve years deceased had ade Ùnmonton was conducted by the Rev. V.J. Haggith. and beautiful flo wers ýve evidence of warm. friendships ormed in the evening 0f hife. Mrs. Huston came of old pioneerl ock. Her parents. Mr. and Mrs.1 )seph Glenney, came from Belfast, reland, in the flrst half of the last entury and settled in the township * Clarke where eighty years ago she vas born and where her early life vas spent. In 1876 she married David Huston Iso of Belfast, Ireland. They set- ld on a farm. in Whitby township vhere their two sons, William and ýmes. were born. In 1894 they oved to the Warminster district vhere they lived until the time o! lr husband's cdeath in 1918. Deceasecl had been a member of Andrew's Presbyterian Church .tring aIl the years of her residencel n the district. Rev, Mr. McGillis, rillia, had charge of the service vhich was held in Mundeli's Funeral ome, and at the grave. To her friends deceased was known or her cheery, gentle and peace- oving nature. and to her family her fe was a shining example of the pirit of Christ whom she loved and ollowed. Her sons as well as her husband )redeceased her some years ago. In tdition to a number of nieces and iephews, she is survived by one bro- ,er, George of Toronto, and one ,and-daughter, Ethel Jean Huston )fOrillia, and Mrs. Greenaway who Lcompanied the remains f rom Ed- nonton. Miss McNeil, Toronto, is visitin* ier sister, Mns. John Stapleton. Mrs. Mainwaring, who has been! ving since spring on the Farncombi .am on the lake shore east, and who vas seized one hot day in Juls' with ome !orm 0of paralysis and talken 10 Nillowdale Rest Home. is now ai ome again with lier husband and 111le daughter. Hen condition ist ,nsiderably improved but it is ex- :ected some months wil elapse be- .re she is completels' necovered. Expe rience'e TE ACHES Fathers and mothers are wiser than their children because the many years o! their lives have been rich in expenlence. In the same way business firms wth mnany yeans o! expenience producc the best products. It Ifollows out in every lime o! busi- ness. The Kodak Company has had the greatest experience in pro- ducing Films and Cameras. Tis year the compafly celebrated its flftieth anniversary. The fi! ty years o! the life o! the company have been years o! record ach.leve- ment, years o! ceaseless endeavoun to improve their products, and years in which they have learned much. Knowing this, we do not hesi- tate to say that Kodak Filmn is the Finest Ail- Weather Film. Buy ail sizes; as well as Kodaks, Brownies and Hlawk-Eye Cameras Jury & Lovel Phone 78 We Deliven 10 ihank iheir mnany fiends for their kind sympathy i their meent ber- eas ement, and for the beautifuI ~floral tributes. il The local C. S. E. T. so!tball team celebrated its hard luck and lack of success by a weiner roast at the beach last Friday evening when they entertained the young ladies' so!tball team. The Newcastle boys had also expected to have for their guests the Solina young ladies' so!tball team which had planned to play here that evening. but the expected visitors cancelled their trip owing to a num- ber of cases f infantile paralysis, or suPposed cases, here and there throughout the district. SEE UT while you're af THE EXHIBITION N -not at the Exhibition NGrounds -but at our own showroomn-wbere there is pienty of space-and no crowd to elbow you out of -the way. '~ 7Then yod 'will see foi6rself ;Vhy thse "Caterpillar"', witb its long wide tracks--saves so much gasoline--doesn't slip or slide- doesn't pack the soil- cao plow any hill you cao work with a teaxq L_.can iast so long under bard usage-is so useful for ail kinds of road work. We're on the north side of King Street, about haif way between Bathurst and Spadina-rigbt on your way to the Exhibition. If you a!rc at ail interested in tractors for farm or road work, you'Il be giad you.carne in. Toronto Tractor &EquiDment Co. Limted 6 B 510 King Si. W. Toronto, Ontario Do You Know How To Choose The 011 That Is Correct For Your Mlotor ? SINCLAIR has reduced it ail to the simple Iaw which you yourself apply by a simple method :-OIL ACCORDING TO THE MILEAGE 0F YOUR CAR AS SHOWN BY YOUR SPEEDOMETER. WHY? Because the factor which makes your car different from others is wear and wear cornes with mileage. As that space in your cylinders between each piston and clPlinder walI increases with mileage, your motor oul must be heavier, to keep the space, sealed-to keep your power frorn blowing by! SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL, properly applied does this EXTRA SERVICE. It is not only a good motor oul made to meet the demands of the present day engine, but it is produced in different grades, one of which is the correct grade to sel the power in your angine at its present mileage. SINCL AIR OPALINE MOTOR QIL DISTRIBUTORS 407 Central Bldg. - Toronto 2. BOWMANVILLE TELEPHONE 14 - AN NOUNCEMENT IT IS0F VITAL IMPORTANCE TO ECONOMIC SHOPPERS J. E. Miller is opening a GENERAL DRY GOODS - FOOTWEAR AND FUR STORE on e THURSDAY, AUGUST 28TH. Next door to W. J. Berry. Entire new stock offered to you at lowest prices. We give the money-back guarantee on ail our merchandise. Remodelling and repairs on ail furs at lowest possible prices. --John E. Miller - P. S.-Don't forget the opening date, Thursday, August 28th, at 8 a. m. I ___ ________ ____ __________________ I ______ - il M. e le . Àý ip ,ur stc.res.

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