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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1930, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATEISMAN, BIOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21st, 1930 PAGE THREU tALL-CANADA YEAR-9 OPENS FRIDAY EDWARD WENTWORTH BEATTY, B.A., K.C., LL.D. Chairman and Presîdent, Canadiari Pacific Railway Company to officiate at impressive ceremony inaugurating "Ail-Canada Year" at world's Iargest annual exposition. EXHIBITS FROM AROUND THE WORLD IN EXPANSIVE ARRAY MLýCANADA PBRMANENT FORCE BAND SeventruLx akflisdInsunumea ln daly concerts. "LES VOYAGEURS" an elaborate Grand Stand presentation, nightly, commending Monday, August z5th. Admission 25c., $i.oo and $z.r 2,000-VOICE EXHIBITION CHORUS- FIRST CONCERT NEXT SATURDAY accompanied by All-Canada Permanent Force Band. 25C., 75c., $1 Mo Remamning thrce concerts, Thurs. Aug. 28, Tues. Sept. 2, Sat. Sept. 6. AGRICULTURE IN ALL BRANCHES DispLsys, Competitions, with $1î25,000 Prize Lit. PROFESSIONAL TRAM RELAY RACE Ray, Gavuzzi, Newton, and odiers of the world's greatut rumwen SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, GRAND STAND TRACIK FIFTH MARATHON SWIM Womnen's Section NEXT FRIDAY-10 Miles Men's Section WEDNESDAY AUG. 27-15 Miles Rgwvatim ,f. xiims hn p adadadPs Ir-yq/eor Uoa bemaOtdft. g _____ y SAM HARRIS, H. W. WATER.S, Gamral Maugr -M Î -*L-t4 w WILLIAM O'NEIL was burdened with rheumatlc pains. Four bottles of Sargon drove every pain out of my body, my entire sys- tein has been rebuilt and I've galned 5 pounds i welght. "Sargon Pills relleved me of con- stipation and stimulated my Uiver to normal action wthout nausea or up- setting."-WilUian O'Neil, 1483 Maria St., Toronto, retlred business man. Sargon may be obtained li Bow- manville f rom Jury & Loveli. LOCAL SOLDIERS TO ORGANIZE CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH IObjects of Legion Explained inin formative Address by M. M. Hood -Another Meeting Called for August 29th. Feeling the need of some influen- tial organization to look after the interests of returned soldiers and their dependents. the ex-service mer of this town and district have beer considering for some time the estab- lishnient of a brandi of the Canad- ian Legion of the British Empire Ser- vice League. With this objective ir view a meeting was held ini St. John's Parish Hall Friday evening whicli was attended by about forty veterans of the World War. Major W. J. Hoar piresided. M. McIntyre Hood. Editor of the Oshawa Daîly Times. and Provincial executive representative of the Leg- ion, gave a very informative address pertaining to this organization. The speaker first gave a review of Pensions and war veterans, allowance legisiation which was pass- ed at the last session of parliament, and declared that this legislation had only been secured because of the con- stant and untirmng efforts of the Can- adian Legion. The Legion had been formed in 1925, and had brought unity and constructive effort out of the chaos which had resulted from the multiplicity of organizations which had existed prior to that time. Since it had been formed it had gone forward until it had reached a total of nearly 100,0111 spread from the At- lantic to the Pacifie. Mr. Hood then gave a thorough ex- planation of the service bureaus op- erated by the Canadian Legion in To- ronto. London, and Ottawa to assist veterans, widows and dependents who required aid and advice in press- ing their clainis for justice, and re- marked that while the services of these bureaus were at the disposai of ail war veterans, whether members of the Legion or not, they could not give the fullest Possible assistance to the needy veterans of Bowmanville unless there were a branch operatinig in the town to give flrst-hand service. He tpaid a tribute to the efforts which had been made by the Rev. R. J. Shires to help the veterans with their problems, but pointed out that Mr. Shires has used the service bureau of the Legion to give this service. In closing, the speaker said that it was the duty of every war veteran te get into the Legion and help to fight the batties of those who could not flght for themselves and pomnted out that the Legion's sole aimn was to give service, which made it the greatest service club in Canada. Other speakers încluded Geo. Walsh. President of Oshawa Branch Canadian Legion, Col. L. T. Mc- Laughlin and others. Ail present were unanimous that a branch be started immediately in Bowmanville. An organizing com- mittee was aPPointed to secure as large a charter membership as pos- sible. and to make plans for a further meeting te be held on Friday, August 29th, at which the formai organisa- tion will be completed and the offic- ers of the branch elected. The members of the organizing committee are: Chairman-W. J. Hoar; Secre- tary--C. T. Ross; Members-O. Huxnpage. G. Crombie. A. C. Kilpat- rick. T. Hamilton, Fred Cryderman, and C. W. Tait. Ex-service men wishing to become charter members of the Bowmanville Branch Canadian Legion may do so by signing the membership list at the Statesman Office or at the Royal Theatre. Do this before August 29th or attend the meeting on that date. HOMING PIGEON CLUB IBowmanville Homing Pigeon Club flew their second young bird race on Saturday. August 16th. from Guelph Jct.. 75 miles air line. Following is the result: P. Bottrell 2 hrs. 7 mins, 29 sec. F. Bottreil 2 hrs. 7 mins, 37 sec. Wm. Wallace 2 hrs, 7 mins, 47 sec. Woolner Bros. 2 hrs. 8 mins, 21 sec. Wm. Wallace 2 hrs, 9 mins. 27 sec. W. J. Martyn 2 hrs, 9 mins, 44sec. Woolner Bros. 2 hrs, 9 mins, 44 sec. Roy Dilling 2 hrs. 10 mins, 28 sec. Pete Woolner 2 hrs, 12 mins, 57 sec. Len. Richards 2 hrs, 18 mins, 55 sec. "All-Canada Year" at the Canad- ian National Exhibition is an ideal time for Canadians in other count- tries to return to their native land and see Canada from coast-to-coast. MIS ENTIRE SYSTEM REBUILT BY SARGON Indigestion, a sluggish liver and constipation made my if e miserable. I was thin, weak and rundown andt CANADIANS WORTH $3,M0 EACH According to a statistical report if ail the wealth in the Dominion were equally dlvided it would provide $2,- 966 for each person. This does flot include the value of Canada's unde- i veloped natural resources. The na- toal wealth is placed at $28,940,- 000,000, an increase of $1,27?2,000,000 over the previous year. Individuaily the people of British Columbia are the wealthiest people li Canada, the per capita wealth of 'British Columnbia belng $4,339. Al- berta comes second wlth $3,717, Sask- atchewan third with $3.613, Ontario' fourth with $3.063, Manitoba fifth with $2,986, and Quebec slxth wlth $2.759.1 zie wvas defeated in the next election. In other walks of if11e reward us- ually comes for effort made; and if effort along political lunes is to go unrewarded then there will be less genuine interest in party politics and an increase in moaey-spending pre- cediag voting day. Redirement of Veterans Brings Changes in Canadian National Financial Staff ' U pon the retirement, June 1, cf J. M. Rosevear, General Cornp- trolUer o! t.he Caxiadian National sys- tem, and o! C. E. Friend, Assistant General Comptroller, each of whom lias given 34 years' service, thea pointnient la annourmced ofJ. McLaren, hitherto Comptroller cf t.he Central Region, Toronto, to the posi- tion o! Comptroller of the. systeni. In the photographs, fromn left to right, are: top row: C. E. Friend, J. M. RoseveVj and J. B. McLaren; bottom row: T. H. Cooper, who bas been appoitedl Assistant Cornpro- 1er, General Accounts;. A.. C. rEau appointed Assistant Comptrllr, Di.-hursements; W. S. Harrison, ap- pointed Assitant Comptroller, Re- venues; and Fred Horton, a pointed Assistant COnproll.r, Szsidaw Companies, all at Montreal. Other appoitxnents are: J. F. Aitclusoa, ilegional Auditor Toroato; T. J. Gracey, Regionai uditor, Winnipeg; G. H. palmr, Regional Auditor, Moncton, and G. B. Bird, Auditor, Detroit. Bofli Mr. Rosevear and Mr. Friend. arn very highly respected by railway aounting officers on the continent. The Rosevear faznfly lias played an important part li railroad service in Canada, the story having begun in 1864, whess Matthew Rosevear came to Canada from Englaad to work for the Grand Trunk, and the family lias given the. National System four generations of men and more than two hundred yeaWs of service i 40 "HOUSÉ ALWAYS COMFORTABLE" Peas e MOGUL 1; Pv ', Is ogu -, o grat s iseni Rad iow itis achievernt inprLase Mr. W' Our Pease Mogul Boiler is doing Its work aatlsfactorIly 1 arn flrlng withI coke and although the weather han 'wbeen very severe tis wlnter Up haro I * my house has bee 7 omfortable at ali I I On* reason Pease Boliers heat with such narked satisfaction la that the corrugat- * .~. d flire-p)ot preaents a live heating sur- face 113 ia.rger than a plain surface and * permnite ample air draft Up the aides of tthe fineý. Ask us for literature descrlb- * ing the many othte.r features of this Convenlent deferred payments offered to responsible home owners. PEAsEFf.Q-mDi_.«Com4y 118-120 King Street East Toronto 2, Ontario i. TAKE ME HOME FOR 51 Will Sve You Hours of Work But You MUST ACT NOW To Buy on This Off er The Premier Spic-Span doubles the usefulness of *any ord- inary vacuum cleaner. Lt has taken the place of clumsy, old-- fashioned attachments in thousands of Canadian homes. The Spic-Span affords you the ideal way of cleaning-. those out-of-the-way places you find so difficuit to dlean now--shelv- ings - upholstery - mattr;esses - hangings - mats - and count- Iess other things. You just plug the Spic-Span into any electric light socket. Then, with the handling ease of an eleetric ixton, it does ail these jobs -- and, as well, eliminates cooking odors, dislodges dirt from places that no other cleaner can reach, and& protects mater- ials against rnoth ravages. Your home really isn't complete without the Spie-Span, and Now, for just a few days more, you may have a Spic-Span for a down-payment of only 50c. The balance is on equally easy termà - just $2 per month added to your light bill. Phone now, while this exceptional offer remains in force, for a home demon- stration. THE HYDRO SHOP' Phone 192 Bowmanville il The Elite Shoe Store" Just a few weeks more tili sehool days, but stili plenty of time to get Sumnier Footwear. Blue kid 1-strap with cuban or spike heel .. . .$4.95 Two-tone brown shoes, spike heels ..........$4.95 Brown kid oxford, lizard tràm ..............$4.95 Patent 1-strap, cub an covered heel ..........$450 Black and white canvas oxfords ...........$2.00 Misses' sport oxfords, crepe soles ...........$3.00 Men's sport oxfords ............................$5.00 We have'a good supply of canvas footwear- quality high and prices 10w. "SHOES THAT SATISFY" W. CLAUDE IV«S, Manager. You Can Afford Quality Lum ber YOU CAN'T AFFORD ANY OTHER KIND "The best is the cheapest"-is certainly true of lumber. When you build, remodel or repair insist on high-grade stock-that is the only sure way of saving money. When you want quality lumber and building supplies consult us. Our prices are low-and we guarantee satisfaction. McCLELLAN & CO@ Phone 15 Bowmmnvile NO REWARD-NO IINTEREST (Renf rew Mercury) What is there about any set of men who happen for the time to be advocatmng certain policies under the guise of Liberalismn or Conservatism. that they should expect the support cf others to the extent Of Carrying on a campaign to elect them to Par- liament? Time was, when for loyal support and many personal sacrifices oif time and some money, one might expect a governmnent position, at least when vacancies occurred. But that has changed somewhat and we are toId it is only a bold, bad man who would suggest that "to the victors be1ong the spoils."' A recent writer on Can- adian politics says of a former Lib- eral premier: "In many ways Mac- kenzie was too conscientious. He disliked the spoils system, and when, he took office he declined to dismissi the civil servants appointed under the previous regime. The result was that his Government had only the half -heartcd allegiance of those en-, trusted with the execution of its pol-1 icies.' And, true to form, Macken- PAOB TERM

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