THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2lst, 1930 WORST IS VET TO COME o -rH-iaI- ARP LUCK LJA6T YEA-9 ARE PUTTIN' TON Tt-4E DRO.'UGHT N)iwo WELFARE CONFERENCE There will be no Infant Welf arel Conference the flrst four Pridays inl August. It wU be resumed on Fr1-I day, August 29th. OSHAWA FAIR September 9gth, loth, llth. The South- Ontarjo Agricultural Fair, held annually at Oshawa, wilI take place this year on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, September 9th, lOth and llth. The Prlize LSts have been mailedi and contamn a program which is of vast improvenient on ail, previous P'airs. Wednesday and Thursday, etem- ber 1th and llth, are fuilShow Days and both the afternoon and evenmng entertainmients are of a veryý hlgh order. The afternoon performn- ances, f ull details of which will bel given later, differ entirely to the us- ual County Fair afternoon entertain- ments. The Hal'ry Lottridge Shows have been booked and wîll provide one of the best mnidway attractions obtainable. Further particulars will be given later. Remember the Fair Dates. Sep- tember 9th, 1th and llth. I you wish a Prize List, write or phone the Secretary, Charles P. Davis, 19 King Street West, Oshawa, and one will be mailed. NEWS FOR THE BUSY FARMER Dairying in the North In 1917, the Ontario Government deînonstrated its interest in the dairy industry of the North Country by establishing a creamery at New Lis- keard. This Creamery was opened in March of that year and until the end of December of the same year, drawing cream f rom as f ar north as Cochrane and east and west on the Transcontinental, manufactured 40,- 000 pounds of butter. This was the only creamery along the T. & N. O. at that timne, but since then, four other creamneries have been located i the District of Temniskaming and more in the District o! Cochrane. Last year, namely 1929. the butter output of the Districts of Temiskam- ing and Cochrane, was well over one million pounds. This is concrete evidence of the prog'ess the dairy li- dustry has made in this part of Nor- thern Ontario. This year all cream- eries report increased production over last year. Testlng Fertilizers A new method o! bringing the On- tario Agricultural College into con- tact with farmers is the practice of holding evening meetings on field demonstrations with fertilizers. These demonstrations, of which era hundred were laid out on a variety of crops throughout the province, con- sist of plots of hall -acre or acre size, on which different combinations of fertilizing elements are compared 1with unfertilized plots and with one another under practical farn condi- tions. This work has been made possible by co-operation of the col- lege. county representatives. fanmer demonstrators and f ertilizer interests. So far this season ten field meet- ings have been held. in Kent, Essex. Elgin, Middlesex, Welland. Oxford,. Waterloo and Wellington. Further .meetings are planned as the later crops reach maturity. At each meeting the crops are inspected and a general discussion opened on the subject o! fertilizers. led by soilfýer- tility experts f rom the O. A. C. Reduction in Alsike A considerabie reduction in the seed crop of alsike and red clover is officially forecast for 1930. Ontario is expected to produce net more than, 70.000 bushels of alsike or about one- third of the 1929 production. An i- creased acreage of alfalfa is being held for seed in Ontario. Thee~a practical.y no carry-over a!ao l seed and owing to the extent to, Iwhich this year's crop was winter - killed it is expected there will be a! good demand for alfaîf a seed during the coming season. Summer Fallowing Pays R. H.. Clemons, agricultural repre-' sentative in Noth Wellington, esti- ! mates that West Luther Township; alone will have about 4000 acres of summer fallow. "Nothing has im- proved our crop yield so much andi Ireduced oui- weeds more than July! plowing.' he declares. "'Some have; found, however. that when a great deal of work is put on a dlay field. it runs badly in the spring and be- cornes wet and soggy, remalning su until it becomes hard on top and1 Iproduces a later crop than one would expect. This may be overcome to a great extent by duck-footing in the faîl wth a cultivator and some farm- ers are planning on ridging with a plow. Ricleinrt suînnr fallows with' a plow t.- biglily recornrnended in Clay areas. H ere and The re 1 craîthe b,îk'uotî. f.t.;tii, Il rk Kete ls Tiîr; cte i t 7t o'.' t" trip front ii îte Yi!zl'ain.,')Y Canadian Pacifie Ex\prcuàsâ.5E !nAi- press of Asia te the cri!er cf a itipanesp ntcrch;înt of the 1' rity. Dtrn is lecu jî !h- ' dog i it it rze cf ( ia dtin Pat- fie ef!i eî,îs. Tw' :5t v New Zeala:; tblt and twenty ,thictos frem Xti tr;. ut have aiready arrive,] et Hîizi itn).i fer thei Empire Gaines tinder the e-htrnsan- ship of E. WV. Beatty. chairmi;n and president cf the Canadian Pacifid Railway. There will be represen- tatives froto Great Britain. South Africa and nearly cvcry provinice of Canada at the Gaines which are scheduled te he heid in the Ontario city next month. Doubling the population of Co- bourg for the day. a ferce of more than six tbousand members of the Canadian Pacifie Recreation clubs of Toronto and Trenton ;et a new record for plenic attendances when the annual functien was heid there recently. The freedom of the citY was conferred on the visitors for the day and the high spot of the sports, the Grout Cup. tropby of the softball mattch between the Toronto and Trenton clubs. was won for the fourtb year in succession by Tren- ton. Wth an aggregate o! 133 years of unbroken service, three Cana- dian Pacifie engineers from the On- tarie district retired on pension recently. They are John Dougiass, Thomas Bennett and Joehn G. Moore and al bave tinblemishetd records. Bennetts service goes back te 1883 while Douglass and Moore go back to 1885 and 1889 respectively. The Toronto flîdusiriai Comis- sion anneunces- that between Jan- uary 1 and June 30, 15 new indus- trial firms have corne te Toronto, with which the commission bas co- operated. O! these. i1 had their engzin in the United States and 4 originated in other parts o! Ca.n- axia. The ist o! new indus- tries inoludes a number of out- standing companles whose entrance intû the assembling and manufac- turing field in Toronto means an, important growt4 and developmeflt in the city's industrial life. The old b*lie! that the Red River fixes a cbarm upon those who toîich it, was tried eut recently as Hlarny Pearse. undefeated Austra- lian Single Seuls' champion and one tirtie wo)rl champion, stood en itU s;hore and watcbed bis son, H. R. Pearse. Olympic amateur cham- pion, in a try eut as a guest o! thse Winnipeg Rowing Club. Pearse is a contestant in the Empire Games at Hamilton next Month. F~or thse first titre In history, herses were ridden over "Bal PaSs" near Banff recentiy. The riders were Jim Brewster, J. Murray Gib- bon and Giery Temple. the latter a L.1ke lotilise guidle and the purpose cf the trip wa te locate camps for th,.'rr:îil ride t end cf Tily. OnlY thr-e h itîrs awcri' cuiri.d te traveI f. c lnf' te :be sýunînit cf Bal p . . it'.~ pss as hithprto e " ire; iîîtîîasible except e"ciners. Unique Christening at Banff Are you being fair ,'.th your eyes" You have no truen and more faithful f iends than YOUR EYES but what do yeu de for them te show your appreetation o! their faithful service? Do you ever have Your Eyes Examnined to know If tbey aeed assistance? Remember thse old adage: "You neyer miss tise water until tise well goes dry. Thlnk o! yauir eyes. tisen think o! R. M. MITCHELL the busy Optometrlst. - Latest Methads - - NModemn Instruments - R. M. Mitchell & CO. Druggist, - Optoinetrkat Phone 92 OSHAWA MAN WINS CAR APFOINTED AGRICULTURAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR DURHAM James G. Beavis Lucky Man in Contest Conducted by Bowmaflville A. E. Summers Succeeds J. Y. Rotary Club Keliough Who Has Tendered For a foreman of the General iRegato 1Motors o! Oshawa to win the Austin As announced in The Statesman Car given away at the Bowmanville last week, J. Y. Kellough, for the pastI Rotary Club Carnival is like taking few years agricultural representative coals to Newcastle. But such is luck. for Durham County, with head- or fate as you wish to consider the quarters at Port Hope, has tendered results. hais resignation to become effective Owing to five ticket holders guess- September lst. He will be succeed- ing the exact mileage covered by thse ed by E. A. Summers of Winchester. Austin Car in 24 hours at thse Carn- Ontario. ival held last Tuesday it was neces- While representative of Durham sary to hold an eliminatian contest County, Mr. Kellough has been of li- to declare a final wnner of this valuable aid to the farmers and hasé greatly coveted prize. This took done creditable work in this district. place Saturday afternoon on thse lot He bas accepted a position with thse adjoining Royal Theatre before a Canadian Co-Operative Wheat Pro- keenly interested audience. Only ducers with headquarters at Toronto. tour of the five contestants put in an Mr. Summers, B. S. A., is the pres- appearance, James Wilson o! Caesar- ent representative at Woodstock li ea was an absentee, althougis notlfied Oxford County and graduatcd f rom to appear. O. A. C. in 1923. He was a member jThe bantani Austin was blocked UP of the stock judging teams in Toron- and allowed to run for 20 minutes to at the Royal Wter Show and at and the lucky ticket holders given the Chicago International Show and another opportunity to use their sklll cornes ta Durhami County highly in determinig how fast thse car was recommended. running. When the speedometer was examined by C. E. Rehder and Alan Campbell it was found that the This year's agricultural prize list car had gone 9.4 miles. Mn. Beavis o! the Canadian National Exhibition o! 130 Eldon Ave., Oshawa, came the is greatly i excess o! $125.000. closest with 7.9 miles and thus be- The cost of constructing the On- came the immediate owner o! tise car. tario Government Building ai the Canadian National Exhibition was Thse cost o! staging the Canadian approximately $700.000. National Exhibition annually is $1.- The leadig works of art and 225,000. photography by Canadian artists will The Princes' Gates at thse Canad- be shown in two Art Galleries at thse ian National Exhibition, ot, Canadian National Exhibition as part cost $160.000. o! the "All-Canada Year"' program. ONTARlo DEPARTMENT 0F PUBLIC HIGHiWAYS MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH NOTICE TO OWNERS AND OPERATORS 0F MOTOR VIEHICLES FINANCIAL.RESPONSIBILITY LAW A New Measure for Safety on the Highways in effect SEPTEMBER lst, 1930 THlE amendirent ta The Highway Traflc Act, known as te "Financial Rcsponsihil.ty Law,"' wilI corne into effect on September 1. PURPOSE of the LAW The purpose of the Finan-ial Rcspon..i!tîity Law is to furtiser encourage safe driving of iceter vebicles. îm the interest of the public as weli as of ewners and drivers. WHAT the LAW will ACCONfPLISH No moterist in affected by this Lawv until lic brings bimself within its provi.ïiî.n-. It svill net ijepIose aey oeblig; tien upon tiios,. wbo ci e s.fely nnd ob(îv Tht Highbvay T:,..'ýAirctad wbo, in case of iccitîin, pay judig;îitits rendered agaitnsi theni; for injury donc to pvrsons or propcrty. HOWV the LAW will OPERATE Upon conviction of an opvrator of a :iiotor vcbicle for any onc of the offencîs îîacr.ed driver's liccrnse and al totor vuliicle pe mits issud te hi e. i. '11 Ile su..ped(c d ntîl ucb hoperator or owner gives proof -i*;bis i ltyt;) coiflpeii ate finaîîei.sly those who:it; le inay edanger in the~ future. The OFFENCES Following are the offunci t.d (a) reil ~iny injury to :tr.ýon or property occuzs in conricn,'u (b) racing on the ;î..w.y ahch i,; pr,)i iited hy The Hi-hsvav 'rrafîie Act. (c) excet 'ing i hr .eed hit, if icy îcî ,:: y to ary person or propcirty occur,. in ceniîection th,. ris.,tlî. (d) failing te r- maint. . i tre te tht scie. c f an accident nn I te fuii b i eà( t ,S ' " :, s <.of t i%-,,- and wner o c hticle and faln,4 t- -i, !t:' , ,i'l 1,t ...i .if directly or iîîdirectiy a p.îrty se sL! ' . ut. (e) ciri,-ing a !,.ni( lt on a ,îîghway wtheut holding a dirivri (f) nny erîcin; 1i, lice(tvcvigthe use of a cotor vehicle. înciuding driving a in.oteî vrhîr1, itintcx 'ic: ted. <g) any îîiï' net aguc.t :t,->,.,r i,..;itvays as may be dusig- natcd by the Lit iutc t . '()\irnor-je C ouncil. NON-PAYMENT of JUDGMENTS if the holdîr cf a drivrs licenst or osseer'., permit faius to satisfy a juidgmetnt i endcred ;îgaiist lit for damîages on accoujît cf injîiry to. or death ef, acy ip -:,n, or on accounit of i . .ot propcrty in excess of $100 -oriîened by a noteor .(hcI . stîthin 15 days from date of îîîigî.;tct, such license oe prit shail be stispended jintil sucli judgîîtint is satiîsficd te the extent cf ai least $5,000 for iîjury te, or death of. any one persen n.rtib:(et te that limîit, for euch person se iniured or kilîrd 10 the exuu'i î,f et Ieast $10.000 for injî;ry to, or death of, twe or more persons miii on ce accident, and te the extent of at leasi $1.000 for damiage te property of others resulting from any one accident, arl îI mail sueh persan gives proof of his financial responsibility in case of future accident. DEPARTMENT OFFENCES OUJTSIDE ONTARIO By Drivers Licensed in this Province For similar offences committed in other Provinces or States of thse United States and reported to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles of Ontario under reciprocal arangeî:ients, tht Minister cf Higbways shahl suspend the driver's liccnst' .ailow-m ,.'s pi etit uni il tîat driver or owner lbas given proof cffil.b;. ' ir'I)oriiXi!iity us the: saine mnrnner as if tht offence had been coiii;îi.itcd in Ontario. PROOF of FINANCIAL flESPONSIBILITY Ansoutnts and Hoit- o Gii c Proof of financial n. 'pn-ecsibiiity sliaîl be give-i in the iîilowing aiotints by every di iver andin i the ca-e of an eweer in thi saie aicotints for eaeb i iotor .,ebiele reiisttered ini hiý, naite: -. <a) at leit $5,009O for injury te, e: icath of, . ûnt .i-rson and, subjeet te thet liiîuit for tarît person se injured or I- .iItl, et least $10U,000 for injîîry or death of two or mocre persois ini any one accident. <b) At lIcsi $1,000 for damiage to propcrty cf ethers resultie - frein any otît e' ci lent. Pîeef ,f ficî:ei.l responsibility îîîay be given iin any ont of the (a) Tliu writtcîî certificate filed witb the Regi trar cf MteV,'u oîf .îîv ;ulerz insu.-' r tht t h . h i.s i îîI1til ptit . ,i..e ai'-, ýtwir îîhluneliability uiilicy or 1piu il-'. \iceliat thL~...o tih, il aie is in fui! fercu and cuidit <b) ~ o 1 tn ; ~îi i. : . .r ' - .':'*pe"- y1; -. 1 (c) T 11 f., ecititi Tiii.î ti l'1, . , Kî n l t i W - tI p( ,ît'i"(1 i luli i:n .1 siiiîti.! 'A ci -. m i' Ïpryvri iiti 1t lie anoiîi'.;f I 11 r cdi i u1tr r\î c ttistt:cil iii the Ciii' ii îci uc its: PUB LIC NOW PROTECTED bv INCt NTEST. \ :lLE INSL 'RANCE In tb c. i trf O ;. . I' ii itit er: 'r driver Ofa . 'e vei Iî him;;î iir, r ir n 't te îiCpurty eof.îiîtliî r pluon, uIj'i 1 e l ýiv i lItl aux in 'il tilcV i ' ey to i;. tht Ieg;i h.l 1litty f ',1 , ,i , 1 I i L -7 . t î . titi if t i î :'l s r î n î e i li n iil)')li.tii, , '.tioclic r't;11(h .-il y n; i. ii1ti(i(\.(nt ef a i . i l'y the M; , . : i 'Y ter-, . îýî%ii 11, ci ieîilii ofiiithte î-i i' wcîîld ! t vi tht insurer fi,,; i lîi iiy. 0t i:-- raztn- c",.:i1 ;11: 'ý nexe-rtli, -ss itîjider the Sal*ity Rvp1î 'siIby 1. Tse ,V ttiý î te thie pui'on injiinIup te the littits nw:,îtI :i 0 e. l'.t c' , . the insuî once coiipany hy a prvisiont in tlt icioi, y îî;ay b.'ve the iglit te r-ecover froiiî tht erson iutrî the ainoiit oi; an.ietts so paiti in liquidation cf the daîîtages for tit' intii y îic bas done to the persons ori property cf others, including interesi anîd costs. REPORTING of ACCIDENTS Every persn in cbarge f a mîotor veicle wbo is diectly or inriectly invî,lved in an accident, if the accident results in p>ersouit ' iiýries or in diitage te property apparently exeeeding $50, shjýll cc'crt such accident forthwith te the nearest provincial or mnunicpal police officer anti shall fîrnisb such information or written stateient con. ccrning the accident as niay be requred by the officer or by the Registrar of Mator Veilicles. 0F HIGHWAYS The. HON. GEO. S. HENRY, MinLster lm0 S 4 1 PAGE POUR Danger Lurks Insist on Pasteurized Milk It is dangerous to use milk unless harmful germs have been destroyed. Pasteurization effectively removes aU possibility of undesirable bacteria in milk and renders it not only perfectly safe, but healthful and deUiclous. For health's sake, insist on pasteur- lzed milk-and the best pasteurlzed miU< is from our modern, sanltary dairy, where every step ini the process of preparing it for your table Is taken under strictest supervision. GLEN RAE DAJRY R. R. STEVENS & SON Phone 408 Bowmanville There's pep in our service as well as pep li our quality motor fuel-Sheil and Super Sheil, the famous antl-knock gasoline. We stock the famous Goodyear Tires and Tubes. There 15 pep for your coal où stove i our hlgh grade Coal 011. Drive rlght Up to aur station. We atm to please you. P,:Z NE 110 KING ST EAUT-l BOWMANVI LL E4