PAGE SIX THE CARADIA>I STATESMAN, BOWMA~TLLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21 et, 1930 e 2 si t] st U] fc YOUNG MENIS SUITS AT $12.95 A line of suits with twc pants, fawn, grey tweec effeets, D. B. models, values to $18.50, special f'or week-end, $12.95 MEN'S SUITS AT $24.75 25 Suits grouped from ctur big July sale, odd. izes and depleted lines, )ur very best makes, in ie leading shades and ttyles, values formerly up to $35.00, a special or this week-end, only $24.75 MEN'S BATHING SUITS AT $3.95 piece, Aberiey quai- :y, ail wooi, values to 5.50, this xveek-endl for $3.9 5 *O B. Gilchrisi Phone 61 Bowmanville Directly Opposite Bank of Montreal MEN'S SUITS AT Tremendous Augusi Reductions SALEM ENNISKILEN COUBTICE Mr. Wreford Cornish is assisting Miss Elva Griffin, Toronto, bas re- Mrs. Walter Snider visited in Corn- i n A ; bis brother-n-law, Mr. Wlmer Fitze, turned from a three weeks' trip to wall recently and witb Mr. Snlder fW 2l 1i e o lO e Janetville. Ottawa, Cobden, Forester Falls. motored ta Montreal and other o m n il H gh S oo W i O e Sale HavestHom Serice onBeachburg, K.llaloe and AigonqUin places. August 24th and 25th. Splendid Park. Sbe will now spend two Mrs. Jack Montgomery and cbild- program arranged. weeks with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. ren, Toronto, bave returned home af - G. Cornish wbo celebrated one on Mr. and Mrs. A. Lamb, Mr. and Mr. W. H. Nlcbols. T e d y e t m e n Monday last. Mrs. J. Brandon and Miss Mary Misses Alma and Carnie Courtice, Mrs. Atchinson, Toronto, bas beerii Larnb,_Feflelon Falls, spent Sunday Chicago, are bolldaying with relatives -~ ~ ~~ .'- spendmng a few days witb Mr. and witb Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb. bene. ~~f Mrs. Cannisb. and on Thunsday last Miss Etbel Gilbert, Toronto, ie vis- Mr. George Short. Westan. Mrs.à * Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. and Mr. iting ber brother, Mr. Russelll Ou- Rab Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mit- and Mrs. J. Heard, Osbawa, visited, bert. cbell, Toronto, spent the weekend witb tbem, and Mr. and Mre. W. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry spent wtt Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice. Fitze, Janetville, were Sunday guests. Sunday witb frlends at Cobourg. Mn. and Mrs. S. S. Brooks, Mrs. Mr. Ewant Pollard, Toronto, is Mn. C. Dorland, Detroit, Mr. Will Jas. Short and Mr. Carl Short mot- a spending some vacation at borne. Dorland, Toronto, are bolidaying at ored ta Tory Hill and were witb Mr. Mrs. W. Cann and Miss Gladys the former's parents, Mn. J. r.RC.Sotvethwek were visitons in Toronto last week.. Mn. Jas. Mountjoy je on the sîck end. Mn. E. Werry, Town, was with Mr., lis. Mrs. W. H. Nichals bas retunned and Mns. W. G. Werry on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Mn. from a pleasant visit witb Mn. and Mrs. L. Savery, Newtonville, visit- and Mrs. Osmond Wright and Mrs. Snider, Wagarville. ed her parents on Sunday. daughter Editb. Blackstock, and Mise Congratulations to Mn. and Mre. On Friday last Mrs. C. Pollard, Mn. Sarah Byers vsited at Mn. W. San- Chas. Osborne on the arrival of a son. Ewart Pollard and Mrs. E. J. Doidge derson's, the latter nemaining for enjoyed a trip to Oshawa where they holidays. spent the afternoon. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn and MAPLE GROVE Glen. Mrs. A. J. Knox and Miss Mary 'Knox, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Landon, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Swallow, Miss HAMPTON Illinois, visited Mrs. H. Wenry. Edna and Mn. Clifford Swallow at- 1Mr. and Mrs. David Kay. Toronto, tended the Brown-Menzies wedding ~~ Miss Elena Niddrie and Master 'Mn. and Mrs. H. Wannamaker and ofl Saturday, Aug. l6th, at Toronto. , .s Billie Faulkner. Toronto, visited at sans, Seagrave, Mn. and Mrs. A a-Mr. and Mrs. Swallow remained for Mrs. S. G. Niddnie's. inson, Kendal. Mn. Will Byers and the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Salter, Mrs. Miss Sarah Byers, Bunketon, spent Burnett. also visiting with a brother, T. R. Tennant and Mrs. J. T. Trewin, Sunday at Mn. Adam Sharp's and Mn. whom sbe bad net seen for 30 years. Toronto. visited with Mrs. F. G. Ker- Wilfred Sanderson's. Mr. D. H. Coates and Dr. L. H.-3 slake. Mn. and Mns. S. Way Kent and Coates motored down f rom Brant- Miss E. Reeve spent a f ew days f amily, Paris. Mn. and Mrs. M. Henry fond on Sunday, visiting relatives.! with Mrs. Jno. Pascoe. Solina. and sons. Lindsay, are holidaying at Mns. Coat--s netunned home withl ...i Mns. Edgar Hern and daughter Mns. Andrew and Mr. Adam Shanp's. them on Monday after spending a]I Wîlk isonTarat e jte.Mr.G Hampton Young People will pre- couple af weeks with her brother, sent thein play entitled "And MaryMnT.JCae Miss Marjanie Cale. Bawmanville, Did" an Tuesday. Aug. 26th, in the Misses Susie and Annie Laird have spent a f ew days wth Mn. and Mrs. chunch shed under the auspices of returned home after a pleasant trip H. Salter.1 the W. M. S. Admission 35e and 15c. ta the Coast. Sarny te repent Mrs. C. Allun under1 R. Pnice bas installed a new radio. Mn. and Mre. E. R. Freeman , St. -steedy trce. ewshra A large congregatian was eut Sun- Catharines, visited his brother, Mn.i evening when aur pastar, Rev. J H. G. Freeman, on Sunday. Miss __________________l__________________________ Mn. Nelson Rabbins is helidaying M. Whyte, delivened a good sermon Lyna Freeman returned home witb dito in Rochester, N. Y. an '"The Pinciples of Christ." Ser- them for a visit. . The usual full course of subjects will be given, and in adto Messrs. Archie McDanald. Elwoad vice next Sunday at 7.15 p. m. Ev- Miss Helen Meteaif recently visit- Fennell and Wallace Hern are enjay- eryone weîcome. ed ber cousin, Mrs. Cynil Luke, Osh- Commercial Courses xviii be started. ing a mater trip te Halif ax, N. S. Mrs. W. Sweetman recently at- awa. id .dU-e colStdnswl eota .m Master Murray Wood, Bewman- tended the Sweetman Reunion beld Mn. and Mrs. Will Munday and Midde adU prSho tdnswl eota .m ville. visited with bis grandparents, at KinLesville. daughter Laeutten. Miss Illa, Mn. Lower School Pupii~ and Commercial Students report at 1.30 p. m. Mn. and Mrs. S. Williams., Young Peeple's League met Aug. Lyle Chawn, Sarnia, are visiting the Mn. and Mns. Jas. Wood and son 13th. Rev. J. M. Wbyte led in former's parents, Mn. and Mrs. M.' E C IG SA F Jim. Tarante, spent the weekend with prayer, and devotional lessan was Munday Sr. ,and ather relatives CHN SA F M.and Mrs. ar Holwell. taken b VeraSckeo.Te Ms tha Metcal.fe Toronto I Miss P. Whitton, B. A. Miss 1. Clement, B. A. Pritchand's Selling Out Sale af W. M. S. was present and assisted in spent Sunday with Mrs. Charlie Miss E. Stedman, B. A. Mliss H. Bail, B. A. close. Must vacate store end of gave a reading; Mns. Whyte gave tbe Mn. afid Mrs. Arthun Metcalfe, Miss 1. Ogden, B. A. T. A. Miller, B. A. August. Get your bangains to-day. topie "The Unflnisbed Task"; Graoe Toronto, spent Sunday wth their L. W. Dippeli, B. A., Principal Werry also gave a neading; a sol o cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Farrow. HAYDON was nicely sung by Miss Emily Flet- Mn. and Mns. C. E. Nesbitt, Winni- W. B. Couch, Chairman. C. H. Mason, Sec'y. Treasurer. cher. Tarante. Monthly collection peg, have retunned home aften visit- Mn. and Mrs. N. Welsb and sns was taken. Meeting clased witbaibrmth aighrmter, Mns. A. Wonden, aIe _______________________________________________ Taranto, visited at Mn. C. Aey's. hymn and all repeated the Benedic- ber brother, Mn. R. L. Worden. Aver Miss Helen Worden. Toronto, spent Miss Violet Broad, and Mrs. Dodds, Mn. and Mrs. W. Meuntiey and Sunday witb ber uncle and aunt, Mn. SOLNA TYRONE Tarante, were guests at Mn. S. Tre- Miss Wilma Werry. Kedron, Mn. J. and Mrs. R. L. Wonden. ____ _______________ wins. Wright, Misses E. and O. Wright, and Thneshmng is the erden af the day. Mns. D. Vanderboof and Miss Mar- Churcb service Sunday evening at Mn adMr. .B Ygs and sons, Miss Mae Wright, Blackstock, Miss L. Misses Mabel Dawson, Providence, garet. Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest the usual heur. j . Brown, Tenante. visited at Mn. Elfard, Tarante. Mn. and Mrs. M. and oob aon lefed e Larmer, Ralpb and Lous, Blackstock, T. Slemon's. Werry, Miss H. Wenry. Mn. Chas cently visited Mns. Charlie White. visited wtth Mn. and Mne. W. T. Rev. J. R. Tnuinpeur bas netunned Mn. and Mrs. Harold Gay, Oshawa Werry, Oshawa, were visiters at Mn. Congratulations te Miss Vera Taylor.fnmbsbldy n okcag visited at Mn. C. Garnard's. a James A. Werry's. Trimble and Mn. Farewell Blackburnn Ms d icx atns r.0 ftesriels udy Mn. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Misses Messrs. Bert and Howard Bowen aon abtaining their firet cîass normal uMkns. Ed. Wilo, site Mre. Or he oienie latsnayo. th Ruy ndWlm Sit.OsawNewcastle, called on Mrs. J. Pye. entrance. ClikbnPtrao ie lhaOrectHorim patsigfe.h Sundayed at Mn. Win. Trewln's. Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Annis visited Mr.adMs anFemnadM. and Mns. H..E.. HHavest Home Mn. and Mns. R. Edmunde, Bridge- h atnsprns n n rs. J. Mrs. MeGnegor, Blenheim, Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. John Avery, Norman, M.adMs .D ogo n ponthCenn.,eundayedratts,. E..Saemen Mrs. E. B. Stevens, Detroit, visited Effle and Harold, of Enfield, visited Master Glenn lef t for their new home .b Bradley's. Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Stainton and their causins, Mn. and Mrs. R. R. at Mn. Frank Westlake's.iOsaatswek Mn. A. Beech and Miss Ada Sun- Clifferd retunned ta their home in Stevens, this week. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mns. Mrs. Patterson, Cannington, bas dayed at Mn. Everett Beech's, Pont Toronto on Saturday. Mn. and Mns. W. Hollinger and Evenett Crydermnan on the arrival of been visiting Mrs. Russel Wright and Hope. Mn. Athur Whyte, Creigbton family. Chenywç*d, spent Sunday a Young daugbten. Mrs. E. Wright. Miss Rema Bradley spent a few Mines, is halldaying wlth ies pan- with ber sisten, 14r. Ivan Law. - Miss Kay O'Brien of New York Mn. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott, Ruth days wth be cousn, Mm.A. Wet, ens, Re. and Mrs. Whienn.adMr.W. Allin and child- City bas been visltlng Miss Vera and Herbent, Enfield, spent Sunday Orn.Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Wittaker, nen, Windsor, vislted bier brother, Mn. Baker.wthMsVilSbtt .ndý MsJ.SGeenwood and Ilene and Audrey, IHamilton, Mn. and Ivan Law, last week. nM is ainMtton BowmnilleB e d Mfiss d Mr..Sr(tyd d, wohv Mrs. Wmn. Wittaker, Newtanville Prthds ein Ou Saea Dr. Fred Heatie, Indiana n.i holidaying wlth Mns. V. Smith. j~ ~~ h benviiin tMnEBds ey's baveMnanMs.JCrnnTant.e. Paint and Wallpaper le dnawing to a Wmn. McCullougb, Orono, recently reuredt Bidepn, an. cently visited Mn. R. S. Pethick. close. Muet vacate store end o! visited Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Baker and Mnse lM. a.nd Ms. C.DRedsnand Mn. and Mrs. T. Cawllng adfa- Mn. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton andr Auguet. Get your bargains to-day. Mn. andpp Mrs. JohnPaco. astr lenMn andRy ily and Mn. W. Hews, Blackstock, family visited Mn. Stewart Radman, GoodhnFeceronesszo r.Jh Nbercetyvsie r Sundayed witb iniends in Oshawa. 'Part Penny. Bruce and Harold ne- SOLINA WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Micb., is visiting bier sisters, Mise and Mrs. Dave Heoper, Onono. There'. a certain Mn ad r. . dae Rbyan aining fon a week's holidays wtt Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe, Mn n r.W.McoadadsomeithJflg t. our Pearl, and Mn. and Mns. J. Cross- thein sister, M.ns. S. Rodman. TusaAgs th, was a ned- and othen relatives hene. Katherine, Cobourg. visited at Mn. . breatd that y'ou wll Iman, Oshiawa, visited at Mn. J. Crase- Miss Maud. Ashton le holidaying at letter day in the bistory o! Sauina ma's hRn.Womnen's Institute, being Grand- 1 Mn. and Mns. Douglas McLaughlln Willis Stewart's. notice the first Urne Lagu etn'etTesa v nadMs. J.o.meebon isit- mathems' meeting, wben a large nuni- 1 and family, Toronto, are visitlng at Mn. Dudley Bradd, Oshawa, visited you taste fit. It' the eg is inechang eTesa! n. ev - edr. inds a Bcst H rok. 1 ber af ladies met at the home o! Mrs. i lber father's, Mn. A. L. Pascoe. at Mn. James Dudley's. I ' flar toha ored tan. Special pnagram s belng pre- Miss Reva McGull is holidaytng Thos. Baker. Mne. C. Howsam, MnadMr.Cs.aceBok M.adMs.Hate ievite pared. near Lake St. Clair. president, conducted the opening ex- lin, Mn. and Mrs. Sam Grifi.n and bis sister, Mrs. Stntt, at Onano, wbo! enm creully ciand Mn. Jack Pickard and Mn. Percy ercises and business for the day, family. Part Penny, Mn. and Mrs. is in a serions condition. careful baklng. We Prichad'sSeIling Out Sale o! Strang, Toronto, visited Mn. R . Price afterwands banding the meeting oven 1Gordon White and Donald, North Miss Fiera McRaberts, Oshawa, us neyer stint i the Pit and Wallpaper is dnawing ta a an Sunday. ta Mme. Thos. Baker. chaininan a! thej Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, visiting Miss Leverne Burgess. quality et our White, close. Must vacate store end o! Congratulations ta Mn. Joe Whyte grandmethers' commlttee. lEnfield, vlsited at Miss Mary Ho- Mn. Chanles Pbillips and son Mel- rye anld whole wheat August. Get youn bangaine to-day. en abtaining tiret clase honam i A splendid pnogram was pneeented1 ganth's baumne, accompanied by Mn. Phillips, breads. Try a 10a1 Mr. an ~~~~seven subJects on bis recent exams. by the gnandmathene, lncluding read- Cnrtltost r lnM-tobohr fEsxcutsetatdy Mme. Hngh McCulloch, Our sympathy is extended ta Mr. ings by Mrs. J. T. Rundle, Mns. S Cn.tltest n Aa c w rtes0 ssxcntsetatdy "Monningside Farm,"' East Whitby, Jas. Bradley in the death of h f Thampsan (Tononto), Mrs. J. Pen- Kessock and Miss Ena Smith o! few days with friende here. BOWMANVELLE wisb ta announce the engagement a! mother who died at North Oshawa on found. Mrs. T. Baker and Mrs. W. J. Thamesfard on thein recent manniage. Mn. C. W. Waadley and Miss Clara their eldest daughten, Hazel Eleanon, Thursday, Aug. l4tb, and whose fun- Cryderman; also a sala by Mrs. Oea. 1 Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Misses Mar- Waodley necently visited at Mn. Ait ARR te Walton Grant, younger son e! Mn. enal toak place Aug. 16th, ta Orono White. Mrs. W. J. Leask gave garet and Ruth attended the weddlng Gnlly's, Oshawa, BKE and Mrs. H. L. Paecoe, Columibus, Cemetery. Drummondes "Leetle Bateeste" which in Thameeford an Saturday. Mrs. Herman Gray, Hamilton, ne- Ont.. the marniage ta take place In Congratulations te Miss Muriel was splendidly nendered and mucb Congratulations te our pupils at- cently visited bier aunt, Mrs. W. G. the United Cbuncb, Columbus, eanly Moore on passing her Middle Sehool J appreciated. The old-fashioned tending Bawmanvllle High School Rundle. in September. exams. 1 head-dress wenn by tbe grand- who were s0 successful in their ne- Messrs. J. R. and E. B. Cale and ____________________ IMiss Mae Martin, Base Line, vis- mothens was very becomlng. cent Middle and Upper School ex- Misses O. and E. Cale necently visited jited ber cousin, Mn. W. H. Moore. At t e osea the program lunch amis.. aise ta Miss May Westlake, a Mrs. C. P. Johns, Tharnhill. Miss Misses Gentie and Winnie Oke. was served by group four and a soc- pupil o! SaUina School, who wrote 2! Nana Johns netunned with them and Bowmanvalle, spent the weekend with ial tim ejyed. It was decided ta Lawer School subjecte and 2 Middle us visiting Miss Berta Cale. A .JCB their parents, Mn. and Mns. Wesley entertain thie grandmothene next Schoal and was succese!ul in ail four. Pritchards Selllng. Ont Sale o! .W JCB hOkea. Wnlei hm fna ek' en ta a ttntiean lae Remember the Division meeting Paint and Wallpaper is dnawing toa aProprietor hoid yssa e ecd d atr this Thunday night in the S. S. close. Mut vacate store end o! ,Mrs. R. J. Ormiston entetaineda________________ numben o! Young folk in hanor o! The team of girls chasen ta repre- noom. Everyone attend. Angust. Get yonn bargains ta-day. ber nephew's birthday, Master Rase sent Durham Caunty hn the judging-___________________________________________ Mn. and Mrs. W. Preston and !am- ional Exhibition are: Mrs. A. J. Rey- ily , rtHuon M.-ho.- reto, oleandMise-MAtnAllen.1ele CiD F - NK (heknd--ic oe- t p i Thsi h r*aest L ve .itory uy the M'Jo oeLvei Me ndorn,Blackstack, wishe.1GetetLvnj iero oe tre Phry Loel lo ban er many relatives, îniends1-IGettLvigWtrofoeStie I1 e 8Wejand neighbons fan the kind expres- A p -RbyM.Aye Phone78 W DeUer so! ef ympathy extended ta bher' E S K ' ahl through the illness and recent THE DEPENDAULE DRUG STORIIE -_&dean brother, Robent J. rS. Bruce,________________ S___________________________________________ j *1 t, 1 ý PAGE six THE CANADIADI STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21,st, 1930