PAGE EIGHT 4009000 more users In the Iasit threo months The tremondouS inoreass ln 8ALADA Tee sales shows this Oxtraordlflw"y growth In Canada. "SALADI iTEA ?pr.h from thei gardeuV Il The Wise Automobile Owner -insures beforehafld. It's goati business ta be prepared and foretisougist safeguards yau in tise moment you did nat thinli would ever corne. Sonie unlooked for circumnstaxice turns up in an instant and possible damnage may run into Thousaflds of Dollars and mucis inconvenielice. Caver now and knaw tisat you will be saved the d.a-ppointflients and warry shouWf you be unfartuflate and injuro somneane. THE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ACT-becomes e!- fective Septeinber lst. 1930. Secure a copy a! tisis Act and per- use it and we feel sure you will tisink it advisable ta insure. THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION-lt l5 better ta insure be- fore tise accident and be relieved o! tise caimn than ta pay and tisen be oblîged ta insure. Mrs. Edith V. Scobeli Phone 189 Bowmanville TW ii. hauay Trafic 4tme"rni isArt, 1930 The Saf ety Responsibility Law of Ontario Motorisis.! This is vitally important te 'o DO YOU KNOW the details of this new law, effective Sept. lst? DO YOU KNOW the offences for which yeur driving license may be suspended and under what conditions it will be reinstated? DO YOU KNOW that unless you are protected by insurance you must be prepared to pay for dama-e for which you are responsible or permanently lose your license if you do not pay? DO YOU T{NOW that the new law affects you when in other provinces, or in the U.S.A? DRIVE CAREFULLY ! DE INSUREDI1 -and, KNOW THE LAW Pamphlets clueaxpIlflflng the new 15w eau hi procured without charge trom the agent of any eompany a niemb* of The Canadian Automobile Underwritera Ass8ociation THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR8DAY, AUOUST 215t, 1930 Les Voylageuris." isistoric pageant e * will be presented nmgistly before ti, ~---~- - - 1 grandstaiid as a leading feature a "-"rw qý MW h am M. tise AIl-Canada Year" celebration a NEXT WEEK isa RAILWAY COMMISSIONERS OVERHEAD BRIDGE WEST 0F RESERVE JUDGMENT TOWN TO BE STRAIGHTENED in Appeal Agalnst Curtailment on Provlding Plan Suggested by Minister' C. N. R. Division Runnlng Through of Hlghways to Elinhinte Level Solina, Tyrone and Orono Crossings is Carried Out Thse Board o! Railway Commis- Ini order to accomplish the doublej sioners for Canada reserved judg- object of providing employIfmnt andi ment on thse resuit o! the hearing o! making highway travel safer, Hon. thse two cases tisat were before that 0. S. Henry, Minister of Highways, body for arbitration at Whitby on has announced a progra ffio grade August l4th. Thse cases heard were separation and crossing elimination tisose o! thse Orono Publicity Assoc- which ils to, be undertaken at once iation, which body had laid com- and with whicis federal aid is to be plaints against the proposed re-ad- sought. justment in train service between Whitby Jct. and Port Hope via Orono AJready six such projects. onie on by thse Canadian National Railways. thse provincial highway at Scarboro, Tise second case to be iseard was are under way, and flfteen otiser that o! the complaint o! the Town crosslngs are listed for attention as o! Whitby and thse Village o! Port soon as thse necessary consent of the. Perry against the proposed reduction Dominion Railway Board, and thse o! train service on the Whitby-Lind- assurance of federal co-operatiofi can t say Uines o! thse Canadian National be secured. Railways. One o! these crassings listed is Tise members pf tise Board o! the C. P. R. bridge on thse Provincial Commissioners Who heard thse cases Higisway just west o! Bowmanville, were Calvin Lawrence and the Hon. which owing to a sharp curve bas T. C. Norris. The isearing o! the proven not onîy treacherous but fatal cases. which began at ten o'clock in to several motorists in recent years. the morning, was not flnisised until late in the a!ternoon. Thse Com- Mr. Henry stated that lie intended missioners promised that they would conferring with Premier Bennett im- render their decision as soon as the mediately and, would urge uo)on thse matter had been taken up with thse Dominion government isead thse needi Board in Ottawa. for greater activity in crossiflg elim- At the morning session o! the hear- mnations. While thse C. P. R. bridge ing o! thse case o! Orono Publicity is flot exactly a crassing under thel Association was ably stated by I. J. ordinary sense of thse word. yet it îs 1 Hallowell. o! Orono, who was sup- in many ways worse. mis place is ported by representatives from Or- one tisat does nat need a train pres- Iolio, Solina, Tyrone, Starkville and ent to cause a death. Tise bridge il Osaca. to the number of two isun- a deatis trap in itself. Be! are any dred. work could be commenced on tiss Tise officials o! thse railway stated project which has been mooted oni Ithat they were suffering a iseavy loss many occasions. the plans must pas in running a passenger service on tise thse Railway Board of the Dominion.j line and it was to cut down expenses Citizens will remember that plans to some extent and still give an ade- were drawn for thse straightening o! quate service for tise amount o! pas- this section o! thse highway and thle sengers that the line carried. that road was marked out last year, b ut the re-adjustment was being made. tisat was as far as the matter went. The members o! thse deputation Now that thse government has taken f rom the villages on the other hand, expect action and will hope to see expressed thse fear that tise cutting the matter in hand local people will down o! train service was a step ta- thse work commenced tisis f all so as wards an ultimate cutting off o! ser- t.o provide work for a number ail vice on the line altogetiser. The re- through the winter. presentatives, wiso were all promin- The Minister o! Highways stated ent business men and farmers o! tise that it might be probable that steamr district, stated that they would suifer sisovels would be discarded for pick a severe loss in the marketing o! and shovels so as to provide as inucli their produce by a cut in train ser- work as possible for tise unemployed. vice, and also saîd that it was only because o! a cut in tise number o!f -___ trains on the line that had resulted-- in a loss to tise railway in passenger traffic. They also said that tise i i C r e n coaches were in a terrible condition ---- and not fit to ride in. Ini winter(58 they were s0 cold that it was not safe (588)rÏear~i ehbiosI to ride in them. the Inîurîfilio1l] (.1:10 and in Mr. F. W. Bowen, M. P. for Dur- hot~~he neiaiiýI GrinC landga. isam. spoke on behalf o! the interest- vetner2iceîber 6. wili be ed municipahities and said that at no a;ne br~bnîssl dl time sisould the farmers be discour- ti :1 iberear penti s nai- aged in tise marketing o! their pro- fcred to the r/eulpsitow bof- duce. Tise farmers o! Canada are fdistinuth le Pri itnilo era- in a crucial position at the present mis iuehec.l'lie rin igoerta. tim, cntiuedMr.Bown. They Saskatchewan and [r'ibcohîrln- need all the iselp they can possibly bla. the Calgary floard af Traiie get to keep going. The farmers o! and the Canadian Pacifie Railway tise district cannot do witisout any hv laanucdofr fse les erie is n tiey are getting ciai awards for CaLadian exiji- Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., stated tos that many o! tise farmers in tise dis- That eik are aittriwted bv muici trict feared that tise present curtail- seems to be established by the ac- ment o! service was only a step to- tions af two fine specimiens of that ward the closing o! tise Une. Mr. animal whicb stroli onit ofthie Bragg also, said that if the Provincial bush when dancing hegins at the Government isad known that tise line Ba!SpisHoleeree- was to be abandoned tisey would nev- Bnff Unr He l eveom win er have bufit tise Forestry brandis at th g n heshaetiroreaidosd Orono. Tise brandis was one o! hetise rane cavort nd ae erhedthen largest in tise province, stated Mr. pinsî c avtfot ad e stmngthe Bragg, and it needed the very besteatuilasthe norchevsto bascease o! railway service to keep up with estayih rcetaha ee tise demands for nursery stock. palg Mr. McDonald, one o! the officiais Cnda oir r ail en representing tise C. N. R. stated tisat rCogn.lzd a trareiiout thein--l tis cutaimen inservice would as reaching unusualiy bigh stand- mean a saving o! $20.000 and lie did ards and recently thie S.S. Empress not tisink tisat tise inconvenience to of Canada. clearing from ý'ancou- tise shippers would corne to any ver to China. Japan and thse Philip- amount to approacis that. He stat- pns are 0ba !rgsee ed further that it was lis opinion wiecleonsconied o Mnista tisat the farmers could accommodate wto e ulehornshuldngnu the auil- themselves to tise proposed service tiy inUadn 'bouthidin d. the l witis very little inconvenience. He tYirdstinefthe ianpoulTr heai did not see how tise company could ner Vcae r.maPutyfr give a six day service and not go fur- erVnovr tiser behind than they were. Captain R. W. Mr-Murray. for the Tie Province o! Ontario Building Pat five yeas marine superinten- at he anaianNatona Exibiion dent of the Canadian Pacifies at tin 570seqad a uationaE xhi iti n British Colum bia cost steam ship coTheCains Nati2osq are Et. iton service at Vancouver and prior to T,00 is e c hadi nsNainl i E xhibiton- that a commander with the Cana- certs0-voice chors y wxll ge 2fo r con- dian PItcfic trans-A tantie ieet, ets g i ii e r u. 23nd28. bas been gazetted in the Iondon Sept.2 and6. Mmes o! 14 captain in the ______- Royal Naval Reserve. promotedj from tise rank of cominander, R.N.R, Captain McMurray, whose rank le equlvalent to the army rank of brigadler-genleral. W; one' of the tew living Canadians hold- ing sucis a higb jositiun tin Ill R.N.R. month celebrated Ils sixtietihi' day. Where 60 years ago, the bli- f-alo reigaed alone, -Manitobaî ý - truly- econamical way Is a Brantford As- phait Slatc roof that wl1 give years aiF securlty against Are and weatker. Sec your Brantford dealer TO-DAY and ask hlm ta show you the new colour dlates. TaIlk ta hlm about price and1 the present plentiFul supply oF labour. Re-rooF NOW at littie trouble or expense. IrnBraniford Asphait Siates Brantford Roofing C. Limited, Head 00ce nd Factorys Brantford, Ont. Brnchs .d W.,,.':oies at, Toronto, Wind.or, Winnipeg, Montreal, Haifax, Saint John, N.B. .nd St. John'&, Nfid. For Sale by RICE & cCý:. mhe Live Stock Pavilion at the Canada's National Motor Show at The new Engineering and Electri- Canadian National Exhibition Coli- the Canadian National Exhibition, cal Building. costing $650,000, was seum accommodates 2,000 head of Toronto, occuples 120,000 square f eet officially opened at the 1928 Canad- cattie, 1,500 sheep and 1,200 swlne. in thie new Automnotive Building. Ian National Exhibition.1 Asthma Brings Misery, but Dr. J. Ready-made Medicine.-You need Do not aUlow worms to sap the D). Kellogg's Astbnia Remedy will re- no physician for ordi.nary fils wlien vitality of your childrefl. If not at- place the misery with welcome relief. you have at hand a bottie o! Dr. tended to, worms may work irrepar- Iniialed as smoke or vapor it reaches Thomas' Eclectric 011. For couglis,1 able harm to the constitution o! the thse very innermost recesses of thse colds, sore throat, bronchla.l troub- inf ant. The littie suifererS cannot bronchial passages and soothes les, it is invaluable; for scalds, burns, voice their ailment, but there are them. Restriction passes and easy bruises. sprains it is unsurpassed; many sigus by which mothers are breathlng returns. If you knew as while for cuts, sores and the like it is made aware that a dose o! Miller's well how this remedy would help you an unquestionable healer. It needs Worm Powder is necessary. Tliese as do thousands o! gratef ul users, no testimonial other than thse use, powders act quickly and will expel there would be a package in your and that will satis! y anyone as to its wornis f rom the system without any home to-night. Try it. efectiveness. inconvenience to the child. he Of at Over 1.500 artistS and musiclalis will take part.1 lT'S WISE TO A Truly Modern Car You Winl be Proud to Own Ibecause this is definitely a better low-priced automobile. Priced as low as $635 at thse factory, it is more modern-in design, performance, ap. pearance and f eatures--than any other car in its field. It is a car to Le proud of, 'wherever you go. More than two million owners have found that Cevrolet's modern six. cylinder dIesign means more enjoyable moloring. That six.cylinder power is always smooth and flexible. That six- cylinder speeds are always quiet and comfortable. That "Body by Fisher" means infinitely ernarter appearance The Coup............. 40 The Coach....... . . .. 750 Tht super Sport R.sduttr -795 <Six j'ire uheels standard) cylinder performance, as Chevrolet provides 1, is just as economical as any other kind 1 lu selecting a low.priced car, you should aloo consider this fact.-Be- cause the Chevrolet Six is 80 far ahead of li field today, it wilI be modern tomorrow-and command a better re. sale value when you corne to trade it in. Corne in today. We wiIl give you a demonstration gladly and tell yoit about the General Motors Owner Ser- vice Policy, the most complete in ti industry and the Ç.M.A.C., General Motors' own deferred payment plan. ROAD)STER or PHAETON 8635; The Sedan......... The Sport Sedan -.--.-940 (Six wvre wheels standard) Priei at actOrY. Oshawa- Taxes bumpes and Part $ire xiris. -4 COnquieune ol Commrcial (ëauî and Trucks Irons $483 UP. CHEVROLET SIX ONTARIO MOTOR SALES IMMTED WHITBY OSHAWA BOWMAN VILLE PatchImng Is an expensive rcmedy. The 3 d angerous decision wken you need rooFing NOW When you realize that ane keavy rein- storm Iealcing tkrough your roof can do more damage ta Interior iurnishings than a new rool costs, timen you wl!! sec how im. partant it is ta immedlately give yaur roof~ the attention it requires, à C-1830E IT' S B ETTER BE-C AU S E 9 IT98 CANAD 1 AN CHOOSE A SIX r»lnlnr