andtan With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmnanville News M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. .it 1 Brings Luxury 'n Coats The luxury of finer fab- rics, deep and soft - the luxury of lovely furs - these are what these beau- tiful Autumn Coats bring you. We have just re- ceived our shipment, and we believe they are the finest coats we have ever off ered you. Further, they are- priced reason- 1) ably. Brand New Eail Dresses Just arrived for, your inspection are these IoeyFali Dresses, colorful and interesting in desgn. Silks and soft wools are the fabrics, fashioning themselves into new and charming patterns. Attractively priced. There are stili a few Summer Dresses re- maining, selling for just a littie more than a song. Your oppoîtunity-don't miss it. Autumn Millinery In charge of our Miss Down The finest features are contained in our chic Hats foi' eveîry occasion. We solicit a trial and guarantee satisfaction. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Fine Clothing for Cents Suits, Overcoats, and Ail Accessories Have Just Arrived and Are Waiting for Your Approval The FaIl Idea in Hais It's a style originating at Eastern centres where the beau monde sets the pace in smart wearables. We're presenting this particular model along with several others of equal favor in a variety of shades including tan, grey and inter- mediate colorings. Though the prices are low, quality is built in. You'll see that in the soft closely-woven feit, the linings and sweat bands. Ail sizes of course. AUl these features are contained in Couch, Johnston & Cryderman PHONE 104 IMITED BOIWMAIIL BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 BOWMANVILLE NOT HARD UP A fair indication of the financial condition of a communlty may be judged by the promptness in wbich citizens pay their taxes. September l5th was the final date on whicha discount was allowed an taxes, other wise they need flot be paid untik. December lSth. Alec Lyle, Tow Treasurer, informs us that over one- third of the total taxes of Bowman- ville for 1930 have already been paid amaunting to $37,352.69. It is also interesting to note that although the mil rate is the saine as last year and the total assessment lower than in 1929 more than $3000 bas been pai up ta the some period last year. Such facts are welcome news in the face o! so much talk about bard times and business depression. PEACHES GROWN IN TOWN John Stacey Picked 44 Quarts From One Tree in Ris 0w» Yard Sixteen years aga John Stacey, Liberty St., full o! hope and faith in the future, planted a Crawford peach stone la bis back yard. mhe seed grew lato a matured and bearing peacb tree when this year the owner reaped a bountiful barvest of four il-quart baskets of richly colored lusciaus tasting peaches. We are flot publishing tis incident on bear- say for Mr. Stacey very thougbtfully and generously brought the Senior Editor of The Statesman flrst hand information in the fan 0 f a dozen beautiful specimens of tis ellgtful fruit whicb be greatly enjoyed as well as sharing the treat with bisi f amily. Mr. Stacey "served bis tume" as a printer la the Observer office and in later years. back la the 90's, often belped out as a composi- ton on The Statesman staff. MEN'S CANADIAN CLUB POPULAR INSTITUTION IN COMMUNITY Address on "The Scot and His Ways" by Dr. Parker Will Feature Meeting Friday Night Bowmanville citizens are proud o! the fact that the founder of thel Canadian Club idea, Col. Charles R. McCullough, now of Hamilton, is a native of this town. Citizens bave taken a just pride la the honor which this illustriaus son bas braught ta Bowmanville by f orming a Canadian Club bere over 25 years ago. This institution bas grown la popularity and strength each year until in cent years it bas been found neces- sary ta lumit the membersbip la or- der tbat ail may be accommodated at the series of delighitful banquets during the faîl and winter months. mhe ast meeting of the 1929-301i season is being held at the Balnmoral Hotel on Friday, Sept. 26th, at 7.30 p. mi. fast time. This will take the f on of an annual meeting and el- ection of officers. Prospective new members for the coming season may secure tickets on Friday nigbt or f nom W. H. Hill, Secretary-Treasurer. The Club bas always been fortun- ate in getting outstandlag speakers wba have flot only been entertaining but have bnougbt messages of profit and instruction. A rare treat is in store on Friday night when Rev. Stuart C. Parker, B. D., D. D., Toron- to, will deliven bis address on "mhe Scot and His Ways" which bas brougbt this gifted and eloquent speaker international fame. The Greater Movie Season THURS. - FRI. - SEPT. 25-26 The year's screen event Greta Garbo in her flrst talking picture "'ANNA CHRISTIE" Tbis year of screen triumphs will bring no event of such interest or importance as this-the debut of Lbe most eagerly awaited volce in the world. Matinee Tbursday at 2.30 p. m. SAT. - MON. - SEPT. 27-29 AI Jolson la "MAMMY" Nothing but frolicsame fun - and riew Irving Berlin sangs - the King of Entertainers at bis in- mitable best. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. M. TUES. - WED. SEPT. 30 - OCT. 1 Hold Everything For "HOLD EVERYTHING" Wlith Joe E. Brown and Winnle Llghtner, George Carpentier and Sally O'Neill. Wbat a combla- ation for round after round o! side-splitting comedy. Here's the heavyweigbt laugb sensation o! the century - racy hunior - mile Sminute action. All la tecbnlcolor. Matinee Tuesday at 2.30 p. mi. Rit after Rit at The Royal Lord Bishop o! the Diocese o! Ton. onto, who wil preacb next Sunday morning at the 95th anniversary of St. John's Anglican Church. SILVER WEDDING eMn. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard Pleas- antly Su.rprised on Their 25th F Wedding Anniversary i On Saturday, Sept. 2Oth, at 4.30 1P. ni. about !orty relatives gathered 1at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. A. W. sPickard, King Street East, Bowman- sville, gîving the bride and groom af 325 years ago a very great surprise, rAt ter some tume o! social chat and renewing aid fniendships, the bride and groom wene called ta be seated by Mn. J. E. Beacock, brother o! the bride, wbo made a veny fune speech, i appropniate ta the occasion, and re- quested Mn. G. H. Houston, nephew, to read the folowlag address: Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard, Bowmanville. Dean Fniends: On the occasion o! the Silver anniversary o! your wed- ding youn relatives and f niends take this opportunity o! congratuIating you on reaching the twenty-filth miiestone o! married happiness. It is only on an occasion like the present that we who have known yau for so many years are given an op- portunity ta express our appreciation af youn many splendid qualities o! bead and heart. We have watched with pleasure the progess eo! your mamnied lif e, rejoic- edl the measure ef prosperity be- stowed on you. p;tiat&en o! your gnacious hospitaiity and enJoyed as- sociation with youn lovely f amily. The !elicity o! youn marnied lite bas been an inspiration to your niany !niends, and now la the f ull flawer o! your il! e it is aur eannest wlsh that you may be spared ta enjoy for many years the happiness and contentme;ît we wisb for you. As a meniento of the occasion we ask you ta accept the acconipanylag gif t, flot for its intrinsic value but as a taken o! aur love and affection. Signed on behalf o! your relatives and !riends: Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, C. A. Beacock, J. E. Beacock, G. H. Houston September 2Oth, 1930 Mn. C. A. Beacock, nephew, pro- sented the hononed couple with a beautiful golden oak buffet, afteni wbicb tbe groom responded, also the bride, tbanking thein friends for their very kind words and expnessing their very sincene appreciation for the beautiful gif t. Congratulatory speeches by sevenai o! the company were made. Owing ta a bad coid the soioist o! 25 years ago. Mns. Geo. Houston, aitho present, was unabie ta sing wbich was regretted by ail. Miss Olive Spencer. niece. sang "The Wedding o! the Painted Dolls" and IMiss Marion Pickard sang "At Dawn- ing." Tea was then served, the din- ing roamn being beautifully deconated by sanie o! the guests. with pink and red asters. Streamers o! silven were hung froni a large silver bell attach- ed ta the eiectric iights aven the din- ing table wbere there was a beauti- f ul story cake, decorated with silver fr the occasion. After partaking o! ail the good things. the evening was spent in miusic by the Spencer fani- ily and others. During the evening telegranis, telephone messages were read and many lettens o! congratula- tions, frani those wha wene unable ta be present. Frlends were present from Port Arthur. Windsor, Toronto. Babcaygeon, Nestleton and Biack- stock. W. C. T. U. MEETING Bowmanvile Branch o! the W. C. T. U. met la St. Paul's schaol rooni on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. L. A. W. Tolo, president, presided, and Mrs. S. Woodger bad charge o! the devotionai periad. After reading Psalrn 90, Mrs. Woodger la a f ew weil cbosen words encouraged the nien- bers to carry on stronger than even before as the need was greaten. Mrs. W. A. Bunner was appolntod delegate ta the Provincial Convention wblcb is belng heid in Belleville oarly la October. A commlttee was appointed ta rtiake arrangements wltb the Sunday schools to haid a rally on the Wonidl's Temperanco Sunday. The death o! Mrs. Gordon Wright, Dominion President, was tauchingiy commented on by Mrs. Taie, and a number o! the members pald tnibulte ta the warthy qualities o! thls out- standing womnan. Meeting olosod wth the slaglng o! a bymnn $2.OO a Year in Advance 5e a Co~v No. 39 s.a ÉL r r 1 Community Field Day at B. T. S. An Assured Annual Event Facilities at Farm Make Ideal Conditions for Displays and Demonstrations - Cabinet Ministers' First Appearance - Wonderful Apple Display -RECORD ATTENDANCE- The Comrnunity Field Day held on An apple grading and packing de- Wednesday afternoon at the Govern- monstration was given la the Rotary ment Fanm by Boys' Training Scbool gyrnnasium by a gavenninent official. in cooperation with West Durhami Very beautiful displays of horti- Agicultural Society was, as adver- culture were made by S. J. Jackman tized. an outstanding event of the & Sons, Brookdale Nurseries, and Year and an occasion o! real enjoy- the Kingsway Nurseries. The lat- ment, unadulterated pleasure andi ter is a new company to make its genumne profit ta both spectators and bow to the public and bas taken exhibitors. The bundreds o! people1 over the Dr. Baldwin property, J. H. who attended from every part of the Hl. Jury now belng the owner. county, as well as outside points, One o! the main attractions o! the wene unanimous la their opinion that day was the aquatic display la the it was a success la every way and will Rotary Swirnming Pool, featuring be laoked forward to each year with Ernst Vienkoetter- and Ruth Tower Y considenable anticipation. Too much Corsan, and eigbt members o! the 4praise cannot be given Dr. G. E. Rea- Tononto Ladies' Swiniming Club. man, Superintendent, and bis staff Eanl Cunningham, physical director, for advocatlng such a movement and who introduced the swimmers, stated carrying it tbrough to such a satis- tbat tis aquatic display was given la f actony completion. place o! the usual physical exhibition "It is a new departure for West by the boys, four o! whomn were pre- Durham Agicultural Society ta joi sented la a diving exhibition. These witb another fair" was the remark boys, wbo, la spite o! their short made by President Geo. Annis, o! the Peniod 0f training, did credit to tbeir W. D. A. S. Those la attendance instructon as well as tbemselves, were 0wiil agree that, if new, ît was an il-. Russel Lee, Dornien Mitchell, Wilbertr îluminating and highiy successful de- Stewart and Earl Bnasb. panture. crammed f ull o! interestmng,1 Molly and Peggy Bailey o! the Ton-e unique, as well as educative, feat- onto Ladies' Swliming Club demon- funes.1 strated many kinds o! trick swim- There was something ta occupy the. ming, sucb as the pin wheel, porpoise,s attention every available minute, and and many othens. These were ex-u more. of the afternoon, beginning ceptionally well dane and greatly en- with a plougbing match for Junior joyed by the spectators. Farmers, la charge o! JamsMc Methods o! life-saving were also Lean, Richmiond Hill, past presidenti shown. the flghting swimmen, the of Ontaria Plowmen's Association, tired swimmer. tandem swimming, and Wm. Hamley o! the B. T. S. and the crawl stroke, added to tbe Competition was keen la tis event attraction. Mrs. Corsan's husband which attracted many spectatons was intnoduced and spoke a f ew c with an eye for a straigbt furnow andI words. t >a spanking team. Winners were: At 4.30 the Assembly Hall was I Ciass 1-1, Howard Crydenman, 2,1 fllled to capacity. The assembly r Harold Muir, 3, Clare Allun; Class 2 wene welcomed by H. C. ScholfieldP -1, Maurice J. Baker. Banik o! M.P.P.. Chairman Boys'-WelfareM Commerce Silven Cup for best turn-;Board, Toronto, la a short messageW out in Plouging matches was won by o! greeting; by William Smith, presi-W Wilfred Carruthers. dent o! the Boys' Executive Commit-E The buildings, wbich included the tee; and Dr. G. E. Reaman, SUpermn-P academic and vocational exhibits o! tendent o! the Boys' Training Scbool. 4 the boys. the Junior Fanmens' exhib- Dr. Reaman expressed the desire o! its, and the apples and grain shown the board that tis school be consid- by prominent fruit and grain growers ered a coniiunity enterpnise. He o! the district, were thrown open for in!onmed bis audience tbat they were inspection. Several interesting gov- gomng to open a school for ai eriment dispîsys were also on view. the boys in Toronto. li The apple exhibits, housed in the .HFon. Leopold Macaulay, nieur Pro- H gymnasium, deserve special mention vinial Secretary, and Hon. W. G. as an outstanding feature of the fair Martin_. Ministen of Public Welf are, for they were a splendid sight and made their flrst public appearances a distinct credit to their growers and smnce attaining cabinet rank, each the possibilities o! this fine fruit speaking a few compliinentary and area a! old Ontario. The exhibit o! suitable words. to 180 bushel baskets o! apples froni President George Annis o! the 21 the orchards o! J. F. Osborne & Sons West Durham Agricultural Society, and R. M. Cale was a sigbt to behold expressed the hope that the new de- n and equal la appearance and quality panture of the soclety meet wltb the E. ta any exhibit at the Royal Wlater approval of the citizens and be at- Fair. The entine display was pur- tended with even more success la R, chased by Robt. Simipson Co. o! Ton- comlag years. P onto. D. J. Gibson & Son, promin- The main address o! the afternoonE ént orchandist, aiso did a brisk busi- was given by Mr. SamiRarris, presi- ness un selling apples froni thein dis- dent o! the Canadian National Ex- vi play. hibition, wbo briefly but concisely 2E Pnize winnens in the Junior Fan- gave the boys some very valuable and dî ens' section, sponsored by Bowma.i wothwhile advice, advising theni ville Rotary Club. and la the openfl flst to "Live wltbln youn means, noa0: fruit and grain competitions, were: matter what you get"l; "Bear each or Junior Farmers' Competition otber's burdens a littie"; "Be respect- H, Live Stock: Pair o! Market Lambs1 fui and courteous always"; "Be cour- CI -Maurice J. Baker, Samuel Allan, ageous. especiaily when you meet Up Archie Muin; Senior Dairy Cal- with the seemingly impossible"; last- af Maunice J. Baker, Gannet Rickard, ly "Be a good sport-a good laser, as sa Senior Beef Calf-Archie Muir, Bert well as a goad wmnner." vi Mutton: Agicultural Colt-Leslie The school choir, under tbe direct- cc Welsb. ion o! Mn. Frank Converse Smith, ar Poultry: One cockerel and two rendened "mhe Road ta Mandalay" la Pulets-Jini Sissan, Howard Bickle, a. splendid nolllcking style. i Bert Mutton; Best Utility Hen-J. The medals and prizes were pre- wi Sisson, B. Mutton. Archie Muin. sented ta the boys as follows: Bi Fruit: Spies-B. Mutton, Leslie Academie Awards af Welslh. H. Bickle; McIntosh Reds- High School and Commercal-Sil- Tl bWelsh, Maurice Baker; Snaws- ver Medal-Wm. Mundock, Bronze rI Bickle. B. Mutton, L. Welsh; Gol- Medal-Clayton Moody; Entrance- den Pussets-B. Mutton, L. Welsh, Silver-Albert Perdue, Bronze-Peter- M. Baker: 10 Named Vaieties- i Nunavish; Mrs. Densem's Class-Sil- .loward Cryderman, Harold Muir, ver-Ernest Hale and Elmer Cleve- liare Aliii. land tie). Bronze-Lucien Warzee; C,; an: Fall T"t VJY vel- Miss Galbraith's Class - Silver- 0,e: Otý-A. ?.uir. M. Baker* Frank Middlerniss. Bronze-Wallace 'iy-.Bakir. Perdue: Miss Nixan's Class--Slver- Open Competition Mike Ludzuk. Bronze-Arthur Cox; Fruit: Spies-W. H. Carruthers, Miss Mantgomery's Class-Silver- <e 1 Mutton. J. F. Osborne; McIn- James Findlay, Bronze - Arthur n e3~W H. Carruthers. John. Camlpbell. >a '.A. E. Belmna: Snow.s-W. H. Vocational Awards .ZaruhesJ.F.Osborne. A. E. Bell-'I Geo. E. Carn's Class, Horticulture- ý.in: Greenings-W H. Carruthers, Ist. Garnet Crackford. 2nd, Gaetan 3D. R. Osborne. A. E. Beilman; Rus- Mayer, 3rd, Herbert Stevenson; Wm. ýýfts-O. R. Osborne, J. F. Osborne Davldson's Class, Motor Mechancs- & Sons. Neil Mutton; Weaties- Silver cup, Gardon Miller, Silver W. H. Cannuthens, C. M. Carruthers. medal, Deibent Lake, Bronze medal, Lawrence Crydenman; Wolf e River- Eari Brasb; D. W. Hyslop's Class, J. F. Osborne & Sans, W. H.Cr Metal Worklng (senior division)- ruthers, Geo. B. Bickle; TalionSlver niedai, Anibrose ICeogb, Bronze Sweets-Geo. B. Bickie. W. H. Car- medai, Leanard Cronkwrigbt; (Jun- ruthns, . K Osbnne.iondivia,-SuiermeAlEdwar ENTIERTAINMENT "THE FOUR SEASONS"I wlll compete for your favor at the "SOCIAL HOURI' St. PauI's Lecture Room TUESDAY, SEPT. 3Oth. at 8 P. nM. Admission 25 cents. Vol. LXX VI ORONO FAIR COMES NEXT Great Preparations for Two Big Day.' Program Next Tuesday and Wednesday If you haven't already planned to take in Orono Fair next Tuesday and Wednesday you ceistalnly will want to enjoy that aranual treat when you read on page 3 about the two day.' big prograrn. Tuesday aiternoon will be taken Up with a basebafl tournamnent featurlng the famous Alderville Indian Basebail team pit- ted against Orme Gamsby's Barn- binos. This will be followed by a Ladies' Softball game between Osh- awa Malleables vs Toronto Parkaides. Wednesday ail exhibits will be on display. Special attractions will in- clude three Horse Races, Horseshos Pitcbing Contests, Baby Show, and music by Durham Regirnent Band. Bath evenings the popular comedy "It Pays to Advertise" will be pre- sented in Town Hall by the Agricuit- ural Dramatic Society. B. R. S. FIELD DAY At Crçam of Barley Camp on Frlday B. H. S. will hold its annual Field Day on Friday, September 26th. The sports will take place at J. L. Mor- den's Cream of Barley Camp. Mr. Morden off ered the use of the grounds f ree of charge, This is just another of the many flné acts or generosity for wbich Mr. Morden is responsible. He is putting in a fine '4-mile track for the use of track athietes. 'Ihis will flot be complet- ed in timne for the sports on Friday. The sports begmn at 1.30 p. m.. Any visitors wlll be very welcome and should derive a great deal of pleas- ure f rom the races. BOWLING TOUBNAMENT Local Rinks Wl» Two Events Bowmanville Lawn Bowling Club ..onducted a very successful and at ,imes exciting tournament on the local green Wednesday wben twenty rinks f rom lake shore clubs partici- pated. L. B. Nichols, skip, A. H. Mloore. J. Infantine, Wilbert Graham, won flrst prise; Walter O'Boyle's rlnk with J. J. Mason. I. G. Hefkey, Bob Kent, were second; Frank Flood of Port Hope, 3rd; and A. B. Sturgesa, 4th. TOWNSHIP TAX COLLECTOR Gilbert Adcock, Hampton, has been .PPointed Collector of Taxes for Dar- mgton Township, succeeding Dean Hodgson who bas moved to Oshawa. COrdffG EVENTS The Music Study Club is planning to hold a Concert on Tuesday, Oct. l1st. Watch for particulars. BowManVllle Women's Institute meets Friday afternoon in the S. O. E. Hall. Good prograin. Corne. Fowl Supper under auspices of Rebekahs will be held In St. jobn's Parisb Hall on Thursday, Oct. 30th. Eldad Speclal Anniversary Ser- vices will be held on Sunday, Oct. 26th, and Fowl Supper on Wednes- .ay, Oct. 29th. Trinity 'United Church Thank )ffering services will be conducted on Sunday, Oct. 12th, by Rev. Dr. [olling, pastor O! First United .hurch, Lindsay. On Frlday, October 3rd, the ladies of St. Andrew's Church are havlng a sae of home-made cooklng and ser- ving afternoon tea la the S. S. room, cmmencing at 3.30 p. m. Corne and have a cuP of tea. 39-2 A humorous sketch "The Conven- ion o! the Female Welfare Society,» will be presented by the Berkeley BUSY Bees of Toronto, a clever group Df womnen loyal to their name, la rinity Church, Bowmanvile on 1uesday, Oct . 7th, at 8 P. m. Corne. MUSICALE W: AND 1 $2.00 a Year in A dvance 5c a Copy NOVELTY man No. 39