PAGE ~GHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3Otb, 1930 ORONO W ILSO NS 1 From The News of Oct. 23rd.) Wr.HarlLSON'S ewastevis-0 ~ Susan Best, recently visited relatives1 bere. 1 i r Mr. William Staples has been con-0 Mrs. Wo teos e ih ,ic veins. Division Court wilI be beld itbe YOU'VE GOT TO GI[VE THEM TE town hall bere on November 5th AT~Tnext, Judge O'Connor presiding. A woman whose son is in bis sec- IL LI Mr. and Mrs. H. G. MacDonald ond year at college writes that ber and Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rolph spent boy is well mannered and intelligent Orne pad kis Ries ail day and CVCI7 the weekend at Mr. H. A. Beach's at but does flot seemn to have any ob- day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 padsi a iicd i ghton. jective. poeket. No apraylflg, no aShcknes, Township collector informns us that "His fatber and I urge bim to de- no b.d odor. "s your Druggist, taxes are being paid very satisfactor- cide wbat be wants to do in 1f e," sbe Grocery or Cenerai Store. ily so f ar, and that be fails to ob- says, "but he tells us that be can 10 CENTS PER PACKET serve any shortage of available cash. flot make up bis mind."1 A number of relatives and friends For the encouragement of hi WHY PAY MORE? ini Orono and district attended tbe mother I can cite two interestlng THE WILSON FLY PAD CO,. Hariltoa, Silver Wedding anniversary of Mr. cases. and Mrs. Alonzo Cowan at New- A certain man now stands neari castle. ed the top of bis profession, wltb an in- ICorn ld crop competition of come considerably in excess of a Stop tha Clarke township Agricultural Soc- bundred tbousand dollars a year. i ety prize winners for 1930 were: A. He worked bard in college, but bis Head Aching J. Bigelow, 91 points; W. F. Rick- bealtb was poor; be was frequently Why stffer headache, or any other >h ard, 89; Sidney Rutherford, 86; c. despondent, and at bis graduation be when ZIJTOO TABLETS, taken wh~en L. Powers, 84; O. Cbapman, 82; W. feit that be was not tralned for any- feel it coming on, will give relief in S. Moffat, 79; Jas. Brown, 73. The thiflg. 20 minutes. Harmiess and re- judge was Herb. Howden, Caledonia. He took the first job offered, and ~ ~ The congregation of St. Savlour's made surprisingly good progress. Just liabkl e ytos Church have made a very decided' about the time tbat bis parents ands., Improvement ta the interior of tbe thought he was well establisbed, be church. A hardwood floor bas been sttddeflly chucked the job and start- I S put down i the chancel which bas ed around the world. After a year's been considerably enlarged, and ves- travel, which used up ail bis savlngs, ______________________-try and Sunday scbool classroom are h e started in another position. The now cut off by heavy curtains on company failed, and be was out eitber side. again. A third time be started in a Cuts and Bruises Disappear-Wben different line, but it did not interest1 suff ering f romn cuts, scratches, him. He could not get to first base. fbruises, sprains, sore throat or cbest On bis fourtb attempt, wben be1 and any similar ailment, use Dr. was almost tbirty years old, be finally Thomas' Eclectric 011. Its bealing'____-__________ power is well-known in every sectLion o! the community. A bottie of Dr. DARLINGTON COUNCIL Thomas' Eclectric Oul should be in' every medicine chest ready for the Regular meeting held October 7tb, emergencies that may always be an- witb the members ail present, Reeve ticipated. 1Siias Williams presiding.i Lewellyn Leigb, an old Orono boy, Donald Davey nmade complaints off passed away Tuesday morning, Oct. bad condition of road between Lot( 2lst, at Oaklands, Calif., a telegram 4 and 5, Con. 7. Referred to Coun.N announcing bis deatb baving been Blanchard and Road Supt. received by bis brother, Mr. A. J. Complaint was also made o! roadt Leigb. Lewellyn, or Jack as be was between Lots 16 and 17, Con. 6. more familiarly known by old school Referred to Reeve and Road Supt. 1 mates, had been troubled for a year Application was made by J. T. Cole or more with beart attacks. James for wire fence bonus on fence erect- Leigb family, witb the exception of ed on west side 0f side-road between RestlessAlbert, lef t Orono about forty years Lots 18 and 19, Con. 2. Referred ago. to Road Supt. C H IL D R E N ca b got than Millers Worm seflted bis report and vouchers whicb Powdrs. heyconsme wrmsand ereordered ad C HILDREN -will fret, often for no render the stomach and intestines Orders were drawn on the Treas-É %wapparent reason. But there's always untenable to theni. They heal tbe urer for the following amounts: e Castorial As harmless as the recipe surfaces that bave become inflamed J. H. Mutton, weed inspector $ 60.00c on the wrapper; miid and biand as it by the attacks of the parasites and Donald Davey, sheep damages 13.00 i tastes. But its gentle action soothes serve to restore tbe strength 0f the A. W. Clemens, sbeep dam'ges 14.00c a youngster more surely than a more cbild that bas been undermined by S. A. Nortbcott, sbeep in- powerful medicine. . the draugbts tbat the worms bave siiector. 3.00S That's the beauty of this special made upon it, and tbat their opera- A. W. Annis, sbeep inspector 2.60 children's remedyl t may be given the tion is altagether bealth-givinig. Mrs. Hatherly, supplies Mrs. tiniest infant - as often as there is11 A number 0f the officers and mern- Savage ...3,.00 need. La cases of colic, diarrhea Or bers 0f Orono Lodge, A. F. & A. M., H. R. Stinson, supplies Mrs. similar disturbance, it is invaluable. accompanied W. M. Adolpb Henry to Savage ..... 14.52E A catd onuecalsfrjsta ewdrpsOshawa Tuesday evening, their mis- A. Peters, labor.. 5.00 to ward off constipation; so does any 1 sion being to carry forward the Leb- T. Wray, labor 3.50 suggestion of bad breatb. WhenevraoSqaewih ey esndtL.Al, br children don't est well, don't rest vr nn qur wic he reene.t2L5llnlboa or have any little upset-this pure 1 Temple Lodge, and a most enjoyable C. W. Woodley, lumber 21.00a vegetable preparation is usual!y ail evenîng was spent. About thirty Dr. C. W. Slemon. medical a that's needed. members of Durbami Lodge. New- services, Asst. M. O. H. 64.00 castle, were present. Three candi- Bell Telepbone Co. 2.25 dates were passed during tbe even- E. L. MacNacbtan, 50 % main- fing, the officers o! Durham Lodge tenance Walter Stewart in S very creditably assisting in tbe work. St. Micbael's Hospital 7.88q IA banquet was beld at the close of E. L. MacNacbtan, 50 % main- t 0 fl é tbe lodge. tenance Mrs. F. Storms and a 'l" ol 11 lu Members of Orono Lodge. I.O.O.F., infant in Bowmanville Hos- u spent a most enjoyable evening pital 8.75 Tuesday. It was their annual i- J. D. Hogarth, salary 3rd f __________________ stallation 0f officers. The D.D.G.M. quarter 125.00a Bro. Fox of Port Hope was installing J. D. Hogarth, postage 2.00k master, being ably assisted by officers T. H. Richards. salary and e o! Durham Lodge of that town. supplies 115.12 t Following the ceremnony a banquet T. H .Rchards, road maint.,. 740.59 was held at the Kumrite Inn at T. H. Richards, road const. ç wbich Bro. W. J. Riddell acted as and bridges ... .... .940.73 toastmaster. Speeches were made Council adjourned to meet Friday, by visiting bretbren froni Port Hope November 7tb. and Pontypool, and leading members J. D. Hogarth, Clerk of Orono Lodge. 'me Porter-Rans- s berry-Harris orchestra furnished AUTUMN l music. Orono Women's Institute held its regular meeting on Friday the 17tb. A chllling wind came froni the lake A splendid prograni was given. Rol And llngered in the buckwbeat bloomn caîl, Hallowe'en Legends, was weîî And whispering ran across the fields, answered by the members. A read-i Hide, for the f rus t is coming soon. ing on 'manksgiving by Mrs. Bowen 'esl un ronuo h on a well prepared paper by Miss Cob- The year is past ber noon. bledick, "A woman's responsibility The summer sang ber sweetest songs, Be r e to berseif, ber family, the commun- And wove the ricbest tapestries, 1ity." At tbe close a dainty lunch Tbe wbile she called unta ber aid * * Cam was served by the committee and the The birds and butterfiies and birds. usual social chat enJoyed. 'me And little songs were in the air, "I hve sedsevralboties members were asked to bring their And beauty in the trees. I hve sedsevralbotles donations o! canned fruit for the of Lydia E. inkham's Vege-1 Childrer's Shelter to the November Now that the summer's growing old table Compound and find iti meig elta n gigto meeti~~ne. ISkinny Man amGainedto helps me wonderfully, espe- clally before chiidbirth. I have five lovely children. After my last baby came I had a misera- ble pain in my rlghr ide 80 I bought another bordie of the Compound and 1 feel fine now. I work outside during the fruit season in addition to my Ihousework." - Ms. Charlas ISin gerland, R.AR.#4,St. Cath- ernsOtrio. 'lyii .i nkiai I 4 Pounds With One Box Cod Liver Extract Tablets He only took one box and besides gaining 4 pounds be writes, 'I ami much stronger and have more pep and seern to take a new interest in life-It's the hest medicine for a sys- teni builder 1 have ever used." When you need more weight just say. "I want McCoy's-6O sugar coated tablets for 60 cents at any druggist anywhere-just ask for Mc- Coy's. 44-1 For I bave loved her tender ways, And every cobweb hung with dew. Eacb colored wing of bird or moth Held something fine and new. Now summer waves a sad farewell, Because she can no longer stay, And ail the littie singing birds I think are making plans today To gather songa in other clues To sing to us in May. By Laura Bedell. A colored woman consulted the vil- lage Iawyer. 'Ah wants to divorce mab bus- band," she said. "What's the trouble?" asked the lawyer. "That nigger's done gone and got religion, and we ain't seen chicken on de table fob two montbs." found work that gripped bum. Aiso, be became engaged to be married. He jumped into, bigb speed and bas been successful ever since. I lcnow another man whose abillty was clearly recognized by the beads o! the big company wbere be worked, but somehow they could not seem to fît him ito the place wbere he would be reaily productive. Four or five tumes tbey shlfted bun into diff erent departments. Tbey were Just about to turn bim ito the street when he struck the one tbing for whlcb be ewas really fltted. Today be is vice president o! the wbole concern. When I buy an automobile the salesman teils me that it bas been Iperfectly manufactured for its work, and carefully inspected and tuned up. At tbe sanie tume, be says that I must be patient with it. For the first two tbousand miles I must run it slowly, and I must bring it in often and bave it adjusted. We expect tbis in an automobile. But in a youngster we bave the notion that the f actory-wbich is the achool or college-ougbt to turn hini out aIl ready for a cbampionship race at bigh speed. It takes a lot o! wisdom and patience to be the father o! a boy wbo is starting in l! e. Boys must bave a chance to get adjusted.1 You've got to give then ime. A POFULAR FEATURE Canada bas 13.7 telephones per 100 population. It is second in the world in telephone density. It is doubt- f ul whether the habit o! calling out- of-town friends is as prevalent any- wbere as in Ontario and Quebec. Daily long distance cails total more than 70,000. Stomach Troubles Are Due to Acidity Tells of Pleasant Home Treatment to Bring Swft Relief So-called Stomach Troubles-in-' digestion, dyspepsia, gas, sourness, etc., are, in probably nine cases out o! ten, evidence o! "too much acid in the stomach" souring the f ood, causing the formation o! gas and starting acid indigestion. Gas distends the stomach and causes a full, oppressive burning feel- ing known as heartburn, wbile the acid irritates and infiames the del- icate stomach lining. Get rid o!f Gas and Acldity, and you get rid o! Indigestion. To stop or prevent tbe sourness and gas, to neutralize the stomach acids and keep the stomnacb. sweet and free f rom Indigestion, a tea- spoonful or four tablets o! Bisurated Magnesia sbould be taken in a little water a! ter eating or wbenever gas, sourness. pain or acidity is feit. 'mis cuickly sweetens the stomacb, neu- tralizes the acidity, stops the pain and is barmless and inexpensive to use. OBiTUARY Mrs. W. H. Stainton, Oshawa An old and bigbly respected resi- dent o! Oshawa, in the person o! Martha Tremeer, beloved wif e o! W. H. Stainton, 23 Charles Street, pass- ed away at the Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, October 24th. 'me late Mrs. Stainton, wbo was i ber 80th year, had been in good health but on Saturday, October 18, had f ell in the basement o! ber home, breaking ber leg. Her heart was weakened by the shock, and ai- tbougb she was removed to the hos- pitai where she was given the best o! care, she fInaily succumbed. Borni in Darlington township, near the village o! Taunton, the daughter o! the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tre- meer, pioneer residents o! the dis- trict, deceased spent ber early li.!e i that vicinity. After ber marriage to Wm. H. Stainton, she moved to Oshawa where tbey have reslded ever since. For a number o! years Mr. Stainton owned and operated a fanm within the eastern limits of the corporation, but retired f rom active work about twenty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Stainton then moved to the present residence o! the fam- ily. 'me late Mrs. Stainton was known as a loving mother and as a woman o! refinement and high Christian character. She was a faithful member 0f Simcoe Street United Churcb and was for many years very active in the work o! the Ladies' Aid Society and the Women's Missionar Society. If sbe bad lived fo 0w more years she migbt bave been able to have celebrated with ber husband the diamond jubilee of their mar- niage. Besides ber busband, the deceased is survived by one daugbter, Mrs. G. A. Speight, Oshawa, and two sons, Luther o!, and George o! Oshawa; one brother, James, now reslding in England, and one sister, Mrs. William Batty, Charles Street. 'me funeral service was held on Monday afternoon from the family residence. Rev. E. Harston, pastor of Simcoe Street United Cburch, conducted the service. Interment i Union Cemetery. William H. R. Knapp, Lotus As the result o! an accidenît with a tb.reshing outfit, near Peterboro, IWilliam H. R. Knapp, second son o! Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Knapp, Lotus, passed away on Tuesday, October 14tb, aged 38 years. He bad lived in Cartwright township the greater part o! bis if e and was a young man that was highly respected. He was o! a quiet and friendly disposition and bis death came as a great sbock to bis parents and f iends. 'me funeral took place on Friday, October l7tb, and was largely at- tended. Rev. Mr. Adamson con- ducted the funeral services and spoke very highly o! the deceased. In- terment was made in the f amiiy plot at Hampton Cemetery. He leaves to mourn besides bis sor- rowing wif e, tbree sons and one daughter, ail at home; bis father and mother: five brothers, Louis and Mervin of North Oshawa, Gordon o! Toronto, Oliver o! Leskard, and Nor- man o! Oshawa; and four sisters,' Mrs. Geo. Spencer o! Columbus, Mrs. Albert Goodman and Mrs. William Scott o! Toronto, and Mrs. Fred Boynton o! North Osbawa; ail o! Bisurateu Ivagnesia, powuer or wnomn attenaed thee luneral. tablets only, can be obtalned frorn Floral tributes included a wreatb any drug store and its daily use f rom the father and mother: sprays keeps the stomach in fine condition, f rom Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Knapp,ý enabling it to do its work witbout Mr. and Mrs. George Strong, Mr. and the aid o! artificial digestants. 44-1 Mrs. William Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Norman SARGON HAS PUT HIM. Knapp, Rev. and Mrs. Adanison. IN PINK 0F CONDITION Thep allbere eHaol Albert Fowler, Mr. Lathangue, and "I bad a lot o! trouble witb my ibrGan. stomach and indigestion during the Wlet anr [ast il years and taxlc poisons seem- * -..- -..PONTYPOOL A very pleasant evening in dancing was held on October 1Otb, in the I.O.O.F. Hall, Pontypool, wben about j1'25 !riends and neighbours gathered ...... show the esteern in wbich the jbride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Lance Plain (nee Mildred Delabey), are beld. An address was presented j j congratulating the young couple on entering the bonds o! matrixnony and emphasizing the good qualities o! botb. The address was slgned by Mrs. Wm. Peacock, Ella Wright and Mae Trick. Mr. and Mrs. Plain were presented witb two lovely chairs as an expression o! the good wishes o! their many !rlends. A saf e and sure medicine for a child troubled with worms is Mother FLOYD ROBINSON Graves' Wormn Exterminator. ed to bc ail through my system. I esa am qikyrlee was in a duli, llstless half-sick state Perspiag n dbalm auickl relieve that steadily sapped my strength andcbpigwidunadilru- .'itlit. Srgo putme ac~on 1 ness caused by' weather conditions. etlinthe vronpinko!me a b ndyKeeps the complexion clear and love- fee i te er pik f eatasbnd [y. Completely absorbed by gentie 1feel as strong and vigorousaswe rubbing. Neyer leaves undesirable 1 was in the army. sikns. Siuae h kn "Sargon Pis got my bowels reg- stikies ts ti mulhand thessk. ulated and cleared my systeni o!f ae tsft mo n iwes poisons and for once in my l! e I'm Preserves and enhances naturali entirey over my constipation "-l beauty. Soothes, refreshes and ii-1 Toronto. 'flawlessly white. Imparts that sub- Sargon may be obtained in Bow- j [le charm, 50 essential to true ele- manville f rom Jury & Loveil. gance. Gyproc Gives PROTECTION M %4ADE from Gypsum rcGyproc Wall- board does not burn. And this year it lias a new smooth Ivory finish that needs no decoration (when panelled) al- though you can tint, paper or plaster it if you wish. s Structurally strong, in- expensive, easily and quickIy put up, Gyproc Wallboard gives perma- nent ire protection to the walls, ceilings and partitions of your home. Your dealer's namne is Iisted below. Ask him for compiete details of this pioneer Canadian fire- safe Gypsuni board or write for free interesting book, "Building and Re- modelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED Paris Onario 7eNm ovow©~ For Sale By John A. Holgate & Son, Bowmanville, Ont. SAFE For N EU RALG IA Prompt relief from HEADACHES, LUMBAGO, COLDS, SORE THROAT, RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, ACHES and PAINS DOES NOT HARM THE HEART ASPIRIN TRADE-MARI< REG. Aceep , oni ACprin" packagewhich containa proven irections. Handy "Aspina" o f o 2 tabletB. Als bottles of 24 and 100-Ail druggista. WOSPHIOSPH OOI1NE -, %kts.Itngop~ The <,reaiF'rtîî/: !'reparati ". -0 a eu tngC m o d STones and r,i.îuft"zt" hOt A aafé. ratiable qlim nervous syýteg., nmakes new 131000 mediine. Sold in hre d. J in Cild Veins. U'sd for,,oui eB of etreugth-No. 1. 1i d f &bîiit, Mentai and Iirai Worry o. 2. 83; Ne. 3, $5 per box. bespnndency. Las of Energv, Palpitation o'Sod by ai) druggita. or sent the Heart, Iaitînc Mc-mory,. Price S2pe * bo x. l V pafid or, rereit of prce. foi $5 iý Sold by ail druggits. or mailed n pli. THE lCOOpaMhEADdrIEsaiO pkg. on receipi of price New pa.rphirt mai eo IECO bCNC. 'rce.TulEWOOD amWfilCINE OfOWYO.0W-tENOO1i r~r/td~ WHY BE STINGY ABOUT A THING LIKE THAT? ElT ý 4E MAK-5 ME t.L'uGô4- Terry Gilkison *10 £V5RVT4eRI11iA.TRL >4A.CY WeN-I "" u W-~ 0 PAGE BIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30th, 1930