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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1930, p. 3

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PAGE THREE THE CANADIAN STATES3MAN, BOWMLANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3th, 1930 e SALEM LEAGUE ENTERTAINS Friday afternoon, was largely attend- NEWCASTLE YOUNG PEOPLE ed. The pastor, Rev. H. C. Wol- fraim. had charge of the service and A veny enjoyable evening was spent in his emarks spoke very nicely o! by both old and Young Tuesday, the deceased. The flowers were October 21st. when Newcastle Young beautiful and bespoke the esteem lu People's League paid a !iendly visit which she was held by her loved ones to our League. A veny intenesting and fiends. and instructive pnognam was put on Mrs. Rarris was a daughter o! the by the visiting league. The presi- late Mn. and Mis. Thos. Jardine of dent. Mn. Sam Buttery, opened the Jardine's Corners, of the Bethesda meeting with a hymn, followed by a neighbonhood. Darlington township. short prayer by Pastor J. R. Til=n- Mis. Barris leaves three daughters. pour. Mis. L. J. Short; Mrs. Jack Hicks, Meeting was taken in charge by Toronto; and Mrs. Davison, Detroit; Newcastle presîdent, Mn. John Ash- and two sons, Mr. Arthur Harris, ton. Devotional topic was taken by Detroit, and Mn. Thomas Hanrs, Miss Hilda Rowland, and was fol- Bownianvllle; also two sistens, Mis. lowed by a violin duet by Messrs. (Dr.) Mitchell, Toronto, and Mrs. Is- Gordon Ashton and Howard Cryder- obel White, Manitoba, and one bro- man. The topic proper was then then, Mn. Thomas Jardine, Brandon, veny ably taken by Mrs. J. C. Han- Manitoba; besides sevenal grand- cock. Mn. Charlie Glenney gave a chiloiren and some great grand- comic readlng entltled "My Last chldren. Vocation." Mn. Austin Turner gave Those who attended the f uneral a very pleasing mouth organ Solo) from a distance were: Mr. Arthur accompanied on the autoharp bY HrrsMr. and Mis. R. D. Haris. Miss Annie Wragg. A mnock ser- Mis. Davison and Mn. and Mrs. Clan- mon was given by Mn. Newton Ash- ence Kellar. ail o! Detroit; Mn. and ton, taking f or his text "Old Mothen Mrs. Jack Hicks, Mn. and Mis. Clan- Hubband went to the Cupboard." ence Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miss Vera Power and Mn. WilbunrHicks, Mrs. j. C. Mitchell. snd Baskerville sang a very pretty duet. Mn. A. N Mitchell, ail o! Toronto; While the ladies pnepared lunch Mr. and Mis. Chas. Doubt and Mis. Miss Glbank. third vice president o! Albert Wilson. Oshawa; Mn. Will Salem, conducted a contest, the ans- Hanrs, Greenwood; Mn. Frank Han- wen of whlch were parts o! the body- ris, Whltby; Mrs. Smith and daugh- When the contest was over a tempt- ter, Newcastle. li.> lunch was served. The paîl bearens were Messrs. Hon- Befone leaving Mn. Chanhie Glen- ace Hancock, A. J. Short, S. S. ney, on behal! o! Newcastle League, Brooks. Archie Muir, J. G. Langmaid, moved a vote o! thanks, seconded by Oshawa, and W. IR. Courtice. Miss Vena Power, to Salem League Mrs. Harris has lived wth her for the enjoyable evening they had daughten. Mis. Short, for a number had. The usual method o! show- o! years and will be much missedi by ing appreclation was followed. On ths who knew he. behalf o! Salem League. Mns. Welsh The interment took place lu Beth- made a very suitable reply. esda Cemetery whene she was laid to Meeting closed with "Blest be the rest beside hen late husband, Mn. tie that binds," f ollowed by the Thomas Harris, wno predeceased her League Benediction. forty-six years ago. SALEM LEAGUE CARD 0F THANKS League meeting Sunday afternoon h aiyo h aeMs ge was opened by Vice President Mis. ThfaiyotelteMsAgs L. Richards, after which Mr. K. Harris desire to express sîncene Squair, 4th vice, took charge. Bible thanks to the !nlends and especially reading-Mrs. Inwin; Introduction to the neighbons for the very great to the topic-Mr. K. Squalr; Topic kinduness extended te them during ,Missionary Work lu China" was the illness and death o! their mothen. spiendidly given by Mn. K. Wenry: on emt r erebtol Readings - Mrs. Honey, Mn. K. Sm emt r erebtol Squtair and Reg. Coombes. Meet- the travelers are wlse. It la trueO ing closed with League benediction. that "A nolng stone gathens no Dramatic Club will present their moss," but It gets rid o! the rough populan play "The Village Lawyen" corners aud takes on a lovely polsh. at Lotus Monday evening, Novemben Besides, who wants to be covened 17th. wth moss? -George Ade. Cilchdist'9s Clothina and FrihigSl LIFE MEMBERSHIP DURHAM COUNTY JUDGING COMPETITION W. M. S. Certificate Presented to Mrs. Annie Scarlett Winners Get Free Trip to Royal Winter Fair, Toronto Members of Trinity W. M. S. met at the close of the morning service The Annual Seed and Stock Judg- on Sunday and presented Mrs. Annie ing Competition of Durham County, Scarlett with a 111e membership cer- was held at Canton, Friday, October i ificate in the Women's MissionarY 24th. with forty-nine boys taking Society of the United Church of part; twenty-one of whom were try- Canada. Mrs. J. W. Bunner, presi- ing for the Free Trip to the Royal: dent, explained the reason for the Winter Fair, Toronto. gathering in a short congratulatcoi7 The winners of the Free Trip are: address and Mrs. A. E. Mcçready. on ist--Stanley Theobald, Fraserville, behalf of the members, made the R. R. No. 1; 2nd-Lawrence Dunbar, presentation. Mis. Scarlett suitably Port Hope. R. R. 1; 3rd-Mervyn and biefly thanked t'ie Society for Smith, Cavan, R. R. 1; 4th-Arnold he favor confered on her. Mrs. Brown, Millbrook; 5th-Archie Muir, Scarlett. who resides wth âer daugh- Courtice; 6th-James Hancock. ter, Mrs. Baldwin, is removing with Courtice; 7th-Harry McCamus, Ida; hem to Toronto where they will re- 8th-Allan Ough, Port Hope, R. R. 2-, side in future. 9th--George H. Neals, Bethany; lth ST. NDRW'SYOUN PEPLE-Kenneth Fallis, Millbrook. ST. NDRW'SYOUN PEPLE The high scoring boy in the Com- petition was James Brown, Orono, Hear TaIk on Origin of Hallowe'en but as this same standing was won by Mr. Brown last year, the award The usual weekly meeting of the which is a two weeks' Short Course Young People's Society was held in at the 0. A. C., Guelph, is to be glv- the basement of the church on Mon- en to the second high boy, Ralph day evening, and in spite of the in- Staples, Cavan. clemency of the weather there was The Coach of the team of three a large attendance. The president, boys scormng the highest aggregate Mr. W. Ingram, occupied the chair also gets a two weeks' course. Ralph qhd conducted the business in a cap- Staples won this honor but the sec- able manner. Mfter singing and ond high coach, Anson Balson of scripture reading, Mr. W. J. Todd, Hampton, gets the award. the minister, offered prayer. Miss The cup donated by the Junior Caroline Hamilton read the minutes Farmers' Club. Bethany, for the high of the previous meeting. Mr. D. F. boy in the Live Stock was won by Henry gave a very illuminating ad- James Brown. dress on the "'Origin and Meaning Emery Smith of Cavan won the of Hallowe'en. Readings were given cup donated by the Durham County by Miss Flora Galbraith in a happy Hostein Club for the highest score in way, and she also prepared and car- Dairy Cattie. ried through an interesting contest. The Canadian National Exhibition Miss Marion Leggott rendered a Shield for the highest scoring novice beautiful solo. and Newton Hackney iudge was won by Athur Pollard played a pianoforte solo with good of Canton. taste. At the close of an inspiring The following is a list o! the flrst program. lunch was served by the and second prize winners in the van- committee to the members and vis- tous classes of Live Stock: itors. All f elt it was a delightf ul Dairy Cattle-lst, Emneny Smith, meeting. Cavan; 2nd, George McKnight, Mil- __________brook. W. C. T. U. MEET Sheep-lst, Joe Barnard, Baille- _____bono; 2nd. James Hancock, Courtice. Hold Temperance RaUly in Trinity Hogs-lst, John Moon, Port Hope; Church Next Sunday Afternoon 2nd, Bruce Beer, Bethany. _____Horses-lst, Jim Tamblyn, Orono; October meeting of the W. C. T. U. 2nd, J Wihittington. South Mona- was held in St. Pauls Sunday School ghan. room on Tuesday afternoon, with Beef Cattle-lst, Jim Brown, On- the presdent, Mrs. L. A. Tole. pre- ono; 2nd, Stanley Theobald, Fraser- siding. Mns. Tole also had charge ville. o! the devotional exercises when a Poultry-lst, Earl Smith, Bethany; number of ladies offened short pray- 2nd, Carilus Tamblyn, Orono. ers. Final arrangements were com- Competition was in charge of 3. A. pleted for the Temperance RaUly Summers, Agicultural Represent- which is being held in Trinity ative with the following acting as Church next Sunday, Nov. 2nd. at judges: Wm. Croskeny, Agricultural 3 P. m. and in which ail Sunday Representative of Ontario County; J. Schools in town are participating. Baker. Hampton; D. M. McKinnon, Dr. Irwin, Secretary of the Provincial Dominion Hog Grader. Peterboro: Union, will be the speaker and there E. P. Bradt, Agricultural Supervisor, will be special music by prominent :Boys' Training School, Bowmanvifle; local soloists. Bunre-W. Reynolds, Port Hope; Mr. Web- Mrs. W. A. Bne gave anex ster, Assistant Agicultural Repre- ceptionally fine report o! the Pro sentative. Northumberland County. vincial Convention which was held in In the evening a banquet was held Belleville recently. She stressed the in Canton Community Hall. Each teaching of scîentiflc temperance in of the judges gave his placing and' schools and among other items said reasons on the classes he had judged. that 'Tempenance is the highest a! ten which the results of the Com- patrlotism; the cure for the evils of petition were announced. prohibition is more prohibition, andlI also that the problem to-day is the OBITUARY moderate drinker." The speaker presented some beautiful thoughtsi Mrs. Agnes Harris, Courtice f rom Mrs. Gordon, the provincial j president, and othen well knownt Mis. Agnes Harris, ninety years Torkers in Temperance work. She 1 old, peacefully passed away on Wed- also informed hen audience that 1 nesday. October 22nd. at the home there would be a world's Tempenance of her daugliter, Mis. L. J. Short, convention mi Toronto next June Courtice. Some weeks ago Mrs. with delegates present f rom flfty- Harris celebrated herninnetieth three countries. This will be the birthday when many of her f iends first convention of this kind to be called on her and she was quite able held in Canada in thirty-three years. to enJoy ,the a! ternoon, and until Miss Bellman, seconded by Mis, about two weeks ago was enjoying Siemon, moved a vote of thanks and pretty fair health, when she took appreciation to Mrs. Bunner for her coid and it settled on one lung and excellent report. Meeting closed by durîng the most o! her illness she singing and the benediction. suff ered a good deal but at the last I1iîst slept awav nuietly.Th funalwic wshedo WINTER OVERCOATS MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOAT LOT 1 - $14.95 Young Men's heavy quality, fancy tweed effects, also navy blue, polo lined, values to $22.50$4 9 OVERCOAT LOT 3 - $26.95 You will find in this lot our very best makes, in ail that's new for fali and winter, ail shades, val- ues to $35.00, on L I sale for ...........$6 9 OVERCOAT LOT 2 - $21.75 Men's and Young Men's Overcoats, wool cloths of exceptionai heavy weights, new shades & styles, values to $30.00, II f o r . . . . . . . . . . .$17. Y(DUNG CEN' -I suirsgi at Big Reductions to Clear at this Sale LOT 1 AT $995 LOT 2 AT $19.75 Young Men's Suits, fancy tweeds, in ]shades Pinstrpnv le wesadw ofgryan roneffeets, double breasted steds, double and single breasted models, of gey nd bownin Men's and Young Men's styles, values .oer.aslndd $ formerly up to $27.50 wearing suit, values on salet l ai t to $15.00, for only ny............9a7 ony ...$19......75.. LOT 3 AT $22-95 LOT 4 AT $27.45 In this lot you will find our very highest This includes Society Brand make, high class Suits in quality merchandise, popular grade Suits of the better quality tailoring, shades for faîl and $ ~ I in every style, navy, winter, values up to $ 2 9 brown and greyrg $2 e4 $30, on sale to clear up o $3., o nsae SPECIAL BARGAINS IN WORK CLOTHES & MEN'S FURNISHINGS OVERALLS and SMOCKS Headlight Overalîs and $ Smocks, on sale ......... 19 MEN'S WORK PANTS AT $1.95 This includes any work pant in the store, in values to $2.75,$ 9 on sale for only ..........$19 MEN'S SWEATER COATS $1.69 An O. V. quality, ail wool, (sub- standards), to be worn under coat, values worth $3.00,... $ 6 on sale only .............$16 OVERALLS Se cial Overaîl value, $13 Meand black, at ....... 13 WOOL SHIRTS & DRAWERS 98c Heavy cquality ribbed, a few sizes in Penman s and Arcadia make, worth $1.50, on sale for only98 each............................ 8 25% REDUCTION ON THE FOLLOWING: Sweaters, Fine Shirts, Men's 'Separ- ate Trousers, Ail Lines of Winter Underwear, Shirts, Drawers, and Combinations. This reduction means as follows: Reg. value $2.00 for ....$1.50 Reg. value $3.00 for ....$2.25 Reg. value $4.00 for . $3....0- Reg. value $5.00 for ....$3.75 MEN'S PYJAMAS $1.69 Heavy quality flannelette, warm well made pyjama, a real bar, ~ gain, to clear, each ..... ...1.6 MEN'S WORK PANTS A line of Men's Work9 Pants, ail sizes, on sale ... $1.19 Te B. GJLCIIRIST Directly Opposite Rank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanville HANSON BRAND WOOL SOX Heavy quality, regular value 45c, clearing on sale,$1 0 3 pair for .................$10 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT 79c Heavy quality tweed effects, chain- brays, and duck, blue, fawn, grey, khaki, regular $1.00,79 for only .......................... 9 GLOVES AND MITTS Horse-hide Gloves and Mitts, lined and unlined, regular $1.00, 79 on sale ...........................79 UNDERWEAR Fleece lined Underwear, heavy qual- ity Shirts and Drawers, 79 all sizes, each ............... 9 Stanfield's Red Label Undexiwear, in the heavy quality ribbedle 1 9 Shirts and Drawers, each WLAe> I Sale Starts Friday. Oct 31lst. Sale Ends Saturday, Nov. l5th. Big Stock Reducing Sale of Men's Clothing and Furnishings Your Opportunity To Save at These Prices £ e OVERCOAT LOT 4 - $34.75 7 only Young Men's Coats, regular value $45.00. These carry rope shoulders with gards model, sat- in lined, on sale for ...........$ 3 4 *7 5 1 1 mvýý m Oum mou n

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