PAGE SIXTEX CANADIAN ISTATSMAN. BOWMANVIL, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3th, 1930 OBITUAEY HAMPTON Mms John Lyle, Bowmanvlfle Rernember the Tbanksgivlng con- _____cert and Social on November lt. There passed to rest i wa Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bird, Miss Ruth ville Hospital on Saturday, October Brimacombe, Mt. Hamnilton, Mr. C. 25th, Mrs. Mary Lyle, beloved wife of J. Mountjoy and Miss Annie Mount- Mr. John Lyle, Town Clerk, after an .1oy vsited wtb Mr. and Mrs. S. lllness of about three months. Mountjoy.. Mrs. Fairbairn Holmes, Mrs. Lyle was born on September Fort Thomas, Kentucky, has been l6th, 1851, on the Stanley Farni guest of Mrs. R. Katerson...Mrs. west o! Bowmanville, now ocupe Mabel Taylor has returned to New by M. GealdTalctt occupes York City after spending the surn- by Mtrof eralalttDanlwausoa mer at lher horne bere.... Mr. and adugotrhif Buse lat aneMno Mrs. Howard Cole were recent guests and SphiaBussli.of EX-Warden and Mrs. Henderson, She was united in marriage wth Millbrook ... Sorry to report tbat ber now bereaved busband, Mr. John Mr. W. H. Gay, Jr., while at bornei Lyle, J. P.. Town Clerk, in August met witb a serious accident to bis1 1873, and they celebrated their g01- band on Saturday night while fixing den wedding in 1923-seven years I is car wliich caused him to go to1 ago. To them were born two SOns, Bowmanville Hospital.. Miss B. Frank, Manager of the Hillcrest Leach is visiting ber sister, Miss Brancb of tbe Royal Bank at Van- Wilma Leacb Glad to see Miss couver, B. C., and Allck. Town Treas- Grace Hastings out again after a urer, BowmanviJ.le, and four daugb- recent attack of quinsy, Mr. Frank ters, Mrs. R. H. Elliatt. Toronto, Miss Hastings, Guelph, spent the weekend1 Anne Lyle, at borne, Mrs. R. M. at bis borne bere. Rev. W. S. Mitchell and Mrs. Fred Martyn, Smart, Greenwood, preacbed very Bowmanville, ail of whom were pres- acceptably on Sunday mornmng i ent at the funeral except Frank. the absence of our pastor, Rev. J. R.E The funeral took place frorn tbe Bick, Our Young People by special1 farnîly residence on Monday alter- request repeated their popular play noon. Rev. J. U. Robins, pastor of "And Mary Did" in the basement of Trinity United Cburcb, of wich de- our cburcb on Monday evening to an ceased was a member and when appreciative audience. The weatber healtb permnitted a regular attend- was unfavorable but a splendid ant, conducted the service. crowd greeted tbem. Proceedsv Many beautiful floral tributes amounted to $2000 and wilI go ta from tbe Mayor and Town Coundil, tb ligbting fund o! the cburcb Jerusalem Lodge. A. F. & A. M. No. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fursey, Corn- t 31, relatives and friends expressed1 wall, calied on Mrs. C. Horn and F syrnpatby to the bereaved ones and otber friends in the village on Mon-n respect for tbe one wbo was not onlyj day Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston,P well-known but bighly respected by, and Mrs. F. Densem, Bowmanville.o a large circle of friends. visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilcox ona The pali-bearers were Messrs. T.~ Sunday Mr. Henry Wilcox is vis- S. Hoigate, J. B. Mitchell, A. Mitch- iting bis daughter in Redford, Micb.- ell and J. D. Carrutbers. The May- Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Cole,! or, members o! Council and Officiais Bowmanville, visited at C. W Souch S of the town wbo attended the fun on Sunday. Mr. Souch is under the eral in a body acted as flower bear- doctors care. We wish hum aû ers. recovery Mrs. G. VanCamp and b Among the friends attending the son Earl, Base Line, visited ber1 funeral from a distance were: Mrs. mother, Mrs. W. G. Stepbens 11h 1 Sorry to report Mr. Samuel JacksT J. Wilson, Mrs. C. Tugman, Mr. ain nBwavleHsia John Scott, Mrs. W. Pope, Mr. J. D.a pint ain Bfowm anvileospwitalT Keachie, Mr. A. Cole, Toronto; 11rs.owinto a fis f romu waggon wbiC K. Kingston, Pickering, Mrs. Morley isactured bis. petMucandsymaty H Lyle and son, Mr. Vernon Lyle, Pet- entended Mrs. R. Pettit sud mfy erboro; Mr. John Maynard, Mrs. unVeda(o r Pti b id~ <Dr) Wtso an Mis Grtrdesuddenly on Wednesday evening last. Ji (Dr. Wason nd iss ertude A program 0of Hallowe'en sports is Mayar, ampelfod.being prepared for Friday nigbt at P the church. Those not in costume a SALEM will be admitted by a nominal f ee. T Prizes will be given as follows: Best t Some o! our Salem f o1k attended fancy costume (ladies); best fancy i annlversary services at St. Pau1's, costume gentlemen); best lady's ei Bowmanville, last Sunday and report comic costume; best gentlemans e two very flne services..-, Mr. and comic costume; best nursery rhyme; w Mrs. W. Moffat and famlly, orono, best children's. Hallowe'en refresb- a visited wth bier parents on Sunday. ments of pop corn and candy. M ...Mr. and Mrs. C. Billings and M famlly aud Mrs. C. Staples, Orono, TRONpq M spent Sunday at "The Maples," Mrs. n___( Staples and Miss Edna BiiIings re- Sorry to report Mrs. Laura Virtue h( mslnlng for a f ew days' visit ..... confined to her bed, Mr. and Mrs. h( Miss Gllbank, Mrs. Irwin and Mar- Horatio His, Mr. Albert Hilis, Mr. M garet spent Mondsy evening witb and Mrs. Sidney T. Hoar and Miss M' Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squalr Mr. Tena Ferguson attended the 20tb di Chas. Gray and Mr. Fred Groom- wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. gr bridge are prepsrlng ta take a trip Wm. Buckley, Newcastle, on Satur- ta the Old Land sbortly.. Mr. day evening ...Mr. Robert Jewell, Rutherford has returned ta Coiborne Misses Ida aud Mabel Jewell, Osh- after vlsitlng bis daugbter, Mrs. C. awa, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Souch, Bow- M. Carruthers. manville, spent Sunday at Mr. Ai- t% --bert Hawkey's Mrs. (Dr.) Siemon M~ and Master Kelth, Bowmsnville, vis- M~ * AUCTION SALES îted at Mr. Wmn. Staples'. Miss Ivy to4 Park, Newcastle, and Mr. David Park M:~ Tuesday, Noeember 4th.-Mr. Jas. spent a f ew days at Mr. Harry Colla- Ci Mouintjoy, P!nnlsklillen, Wlll ell on cutts. Mrs. Robt. Burgess visited W. the premises. buggy, ligbt wagon, bier mother. Mrs. Enocb Stevens, an harness, plows, barrows, etc., sISO Hampton-.,. Sorry ta report Miss IM2 Singer sewlng machine, case of stuf- Hannah Emmerson qulte HII at the Dc ed birds, washing machine, and other home o! Mr. E. Bedford, Bowman- un articles. Sale at 1.30 p. in. Tbea ville. Miss Emmersan Is a sister of IMi M. Siemon, auctioneer. Mrs. Byron Moore. Quite a num- Do ber f rom bere attended the burial lal Tuesday, November 4th.-Wm. P. service o! Mrs. Agnes Harris at Ge Harris, lot 23, con. 2, Clarke, 1 V Bethesds Cemetery on Friday. Mrs. aw miles east of Newcastle, bavlng sold Harris was a resident o! Tyrone for er bis farm, wlll Bell ail his stock, in- a number of years ... League Thurs- Mr plements, etc. See bUils. Sale at day evening was in charge of the aiq 1.30 P. M. Wm. Msw, auctioneer. 4th vice president, Mr. Theodore AIE F. 0. Mason, clerk. 43-2 Down. Program lincluded: Reading Ad by Mr. Albert Wood, "The Thing Mr WOOD SALE Worth Wbile"; solo by Mr. Gardon Me Wednesdsty, November th.-.John Brent; toplc "Facing Lif e Scjuarely" Ric Sepsies wlll seli on lot 34,c , wss well given by Rev. J. R. Trum- nci Darlington, ½/-mile west o!Efed pour; reading by Mr. Will Phiillips. about 10 acres o! standing mlxed .. Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson co timber i V4-acre lots, more and iess. and Keith, Orono, visited at Mr. Per Purchasers ta bave ta, April 1, 1932,' Herbert Burgess'. Mr ta remove timber. Sale at 1 p. m. Missionary and maintenance Rally ron See bis. Theo. M. Siemon, auct- for Hampton, Enniskiiien, and Ty- Tir loneer. rone wiil be beid at Tyrone. Friday, AvE Octaber 3lst. Women's Missionary Pea WOOD SALE Society wili serve supper in the S3un- We day school room for 35e !rom 6.30 ta Hi I will seii on Wednesdsy, Nov. 12, 8 p. m. after whlch an interestlng Ens at 1 p. m. an Lot 29, Con. 6, Darling-j program wili be presented under tan, four acres of standing bard, auspices o! Oshawa Presbytery Lay- fair wood in 1¼-acre lots. Terms cashi men's Association. The speakers Lea or with interest at 6% per will be Rev. J. C. Cochrane, Home her annum. Theo M. Siemon, auction- Mission Superintendent o! New On- Mr. eer. tario, and Mr. M. H. Stapies, Orano. Lor Tho@. Baker, -Music by Tyrone choir and maie jMr. 44-2 Salina. cuartet. Everybady welcome. mis MAPLE GROVE Mr. sud Mrs. Frank Everson, » Wm. Everson, Courtîce, spent Su day wltb tbe former's sister, Mrs.' J. Snowden... Miss Mary Aidrej Oshawa, spent tbe weekend wltb]1 cousin, Miss Ellen Glmblett . I R. L. Worden was called ta Sim( on Sundsy evenlng owlng ta the sg ious lllness o! bis sister Vida, w passed awsy Tuesday morning. T1 sympathy o! this community isE tended ta hier aged mother aud ot] members o! tbe famlly in their su den, sad bereavement. . Mr. a: Mrs. Charie White and daugbl Gertrude, spent the weekend wi their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Mi Gardiner, Garden Hill.. Be su to read "Maple Grove Reflectiori on front page. ENFIELD Mr. and Mrs. H. James, Columbi visited at Mr. J. Hepburn's..Mi Edna Reynolds, Hampton, recent visited at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's ,I: W. G. McCulloch and Mrs. McCul ocb, Orona, visited at Mr. J. McCu locb's.. Mr. and Mrs. Walla Scatt recently visited at Orono Mr. Bert Ferguson and Miss Eli Fergusan bave moved just nortb Enniskilien. Tbey will be conside ably missed as tbey were bath vei willing ta assist in any way in tl entertaininents and social even given by tbe cburch Tbe play er titled "And Mary Did" given by t) Hampton Young people bere wi mucb sppreciated. Ail those takir part did exceptionslly well. Ai one wanting entertainers should t: and engage them. COURTICE Miss Aunie AllUn, Bowmanvifll sas a weekend visitar o! Mr. an M(rs. G. F. Annis. Miss Lyla Os borne, Toronto, was borne over th weekend., Mr. Walter Snideri -olldsying at Mr. W. H. Nichais'.. T'he Young People's meeting las E'bursdsy evenlng was well attendeÈ Thbe topic wss taken by Mr. Kennet] Courtice. A piano duet by Misse Hazel Rundie and Sadie Muir, and 'ocal duet by Misses Florabelle ani rune Marshall cancluded tbe prc gram. Mr. Alan Law's group tbei Put on a charade sud a game or twi and a pleasant everung ended.. The services on Sunday were well at ended. Rev. H. C. Wolfralm de livered two fine sermons. In thi evening bis subject was "Are yai easy to live with?" and the wayi vas presented was most interestini and heipful, The Young People' meeting this week will be held oz Friday evening wben it wiil bei nasquerade., On Tbursday sfteî noon the Ladies' Berean Class wil hold its monthly meeting at thi home o! Mrs. Blake Courtice witl Mrs. John Found's graup in charge Mrs. Ferguson of Oshawa will ad. dress the meeting and a good pro. gram is being prepared. SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rlckard anc two children, Newcastle, Mr. anc (ns. Liew Luke, Oshawa, Mr. anc Mrs. Edgar Horn and Acy, Hamp- tn, at Mr. ¶lihos. Baker's.. Mr. and Mns. Oral Cbapmsn, Orono, at Mr anl Wilbur's. Mir. and Mrs. Gec thite wath Peterboro friends _Mr ind Mrs. Eric Pearce, Claremont, st Ir. Harold Pascoe's . Mr. and Mrs. )onald Yellowlees sud Helen, Col- imbus, at Mn. Chas. Sbontridge's . dr. and Mrs. Harold Jebson anc orothy, Brookiu, Miss Jean Yei. owlees, Columbus, Mr. aud Ms leo. Gibson sud Miss Marlon, Osb. ma, Mr. sud Mrs. Hilton Tlnk, Sal. n, at Mr. Walter Vice's.. Mr. and irs. Elmer Wilbur, Taunton, Mn. .d Mrs. J. W. McMaster sud Mn. dec, Zion, Mr. W. J. Bragg, Miss isa Allun, Miss Dorathy Plummer, r. Owen Nichalas, Bowmanville, essrs. Stanley, Garmet sud Brentan ickard, Newcastle, Miss Edna Rey- olds, Hampton, at Mr John Baker's. .Mr. sud Mrs. A. Williamns, Mss. >0ok sud famiiy, Mrs. Howsam, Port rry. at Mr. Cbas. Howsam-s_ r. and Mrs. Fred Rabbins, Mr. My- )n Rabbins, ZMon, at Mn. H. E. 'nk's . Mr. sud Mrs. Clarence 'ery sud famfly, Haydon, sud Miss ean Leach, Taunton, at Mr. Frank estikes Mrs. Chas. Langmaid, Lmpton, Mr. sud Mrs. Roy McGiII, rniskillen, at Mr. Roy Langmald's. Mr. sud Mrs. Les. Collacott sud rnily, Salem, at Mr. Gardon eask's Miss May Westlake with er aunt, Mrs. Cameron, Oshawa . su ad Mrs. A. Whitnell, June sud nraine, Mr. sud Mrs. Joe Reynolds, I.and Mrs. Jlm Reynolds, Toronto, ss Bessie Reynolds, Peterboro, Irs Halfacre and Mr. Ted Wood- nd, Hampton, at Mr. Jack Rey- lds' Mrs. Thomas Pascoe sud Mr yar nal Ma an( Cal awi lai Mr Muý Ha: Boi Brc idsi Ost anc Toi Mi5 Miý Mi5 J. Mrý ma: zie maý Iat: lac( at. Mr! Toi Err Mr. M n Mn ace, and tyJ )ronto, visited the istter's son, Mr. mest Twist Miss Smith sud rTed Reed, Peterbono, Mr. sud, rs. Claude Storms, Oshawa, vlsited rand Mrs. Frank Pascoe. Pull count of the Thanksgivlng service id fowl supper next week. n skating over thin Ice, oirr safe- is aur speed,-Emerson. ENNISKILEN SUN'DAY AT LOCAL CHUECHES r. Reserve tbe evening a! Nov. 6th, St. John's Anglican Church when the pupils o! six public schools Twentietb Sunday s! tes Trlnlty, under the direction o! Miss Marion Nov. 2nd, 1930: il a.,m.-Holy Com- 1Orchard, A.T.C.M. are expectlng ta munion; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School; ýr put on a music festival. 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. Mrs. John Hoidge, Toronto, bas1 ebeen vislting Mrs. Jabez Moore .... St. Andrew's Presbyterlan Church -Miss Reva McGiXI and Mrs. H. W. Rev. W. J. Todd, Ministes. DPointen vislted Mr. and Mss. Long Sundsy, Nov. 2nd: Mornlng Wor- eand called on Mr. and Mrs. Lorne ship at il o'clock, Preachen, Mr. D. -Pluinner, Port Hope. .. Mr. and P. Rowland, Knox College, Toronto; rMss. E. C. Ashton snd June spent Sabbsth Scbool at 2.30 p. m., Even- the weekend witb !riends in Toronto. ing service at 7 o'clock. The mem- . Mr. sud Mrs. J. A. Stainton and bers o! tbe Orange Association bave rCliford, Toronto, spent the weekend kindiy consented ta attend this ser- 1 with Mss. J. Pye, the latter returniug vice, sud they wlll please assemble cta Toronto for two weeks' visit . the basement at 6.45 p. m. and aLadies' Aid will bold its meeting on march iu s body inta the church. Wednesday, Nov. 5tb. Ail members Preacher: Bro. Rev. W. J. Todd. are requested ta, be present ta decide about having a bazaar. Mr. and Trinlty United Church Mss. R. Fursey, Cornwall, Ont., vis- Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor. ited the latter's brathen, Mr. Wm. Sunday services at Il s. m. sud 7 Herring W. M. S. heid the annual P. m. in charge o! the pastar. Cas- squiiting on Wediuesday when two man 'United Cburch Choir, Toronto, nice quilts were fluisbed . Giad ta will furnîsb music for the evening report Mss. W. J. Stainton is able ta service. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. be out around again.. Mr. sud Mrs. A. Bain, Toronto, Mn. sud Mss. W. Tyrone Circuit Trewin, Bowmsnville, were Sunday Rev. J. R. Trumpour, Minister cailens at Mr. sud Mrs. J. Siemon's. Betbesda quarteriy service at 10.30 S A Halloween Masquerade will be a.rn.; Salem 2.30 p.m.; Tysone 7 p.m. heid on Friday, Oct. 3lst, in the On Monday the Officiai Board meets basement o! the cburch.. Mr. sud at Bethesda at 8 p m. Mrs. Roy McGill visited ber brother, Mr. Roy Langmslid, sud attended El- CUCE dad anniversary.. Miss Velma Or- CUCE chard spent Sunday with Miss Annie Monday evening's meeting of Trin- Oke Mn. and Mrs. Harvey McGill,a ity Young People was in charge o! Mr. sud Mrs. E. Werry, sud Mnr. J. Citizenship Dept., Miss Eliza Kirk- A. Werry attended Eldad anniver- ton pnesiding. Scripture reading sary -Mn. and Mns. Aidread, Ton- was given by Mrs. G. E. Pritchard. onto, visited fniends here. . Miss E. prayer by Rev. J. U. Robins; piano Strong. Mn. W. Chapman were re- solos by Misses Helen Argue sud cent visitons st Mr. J. H. Freeborn's. Joyce Luxton; vocal solo by Mns. D. Mn. W. J. Stainton, Mn. W. H. J. Chambers; reading by Miss Eliza Moore and Mn. Jas. Staintan visited Kinkton; Mn. Bob Carbett gave the the latten's cousin, Mr. Wm. Stain- topic "'Getting" in a vesy infenesting ton. Osbawa .Mn. and Mrs. W. H. mannen. Moore visited the formen's cousin,1 Mn. J. Gardon, Nestieton, on Tues- CARD 0F THANKS day Our paston, Rev. J. M. Whyte, delivered a gaad sermon ta a fain Mss. John Pascoe and daugbter, audience on Sunday evening, taking Solina, wlsh ta thank their many fan bis theme "Christ's teachlngs in1 fniends sud neighbors for the kind- relation ta bis enemies.", Mrs. O. ness sud sympathy extended ta them E. Jeffnrey sud f amily spent Saturday in thein secent bereavementad a witb ber sister, Mrs. Dave Harrison, the beautiful floral affernis Pont Perry... We welcome Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Werry and Grace ta aur village who have maved into Mns. G. Preston's bouse for the winten ... Mn. sud Mrs. J. Bradley, Mn. and Ii Mns. J. H. Freeboru visited the f or- i merls brather, Mn. Frank Bradley, Broaklil, on Sundsy. lisM ig BLACKSTOCK s n Mn. sud Mrs. L. E. Mountjoy visit- a ed relatives in Toronto necently. Mn. sud Mns. T. Smith necently Ivisited Mn. sud Mrs. T. Harkuess, ie Mîllbnook. h. Miss Marjonie Olives. Whitby, spent the weekend with Miss Susie VanCamp. Mn. Lawrence Mouutjay sud Miss Marguerite Holly, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mn. snd Mrs. L. Mountjoy. ci Miss Demsey motored ta Kingston É Saturday and attended the rugby ýd game between Queen's and Vriy ,_ the latter winning. d Messrs. R. G. Lamb sud F. Cody, rLindsay, Mrs. John Barton and son Douglas, Ennlskillen, visited at tbe hame o! Smith Bros. reoently. On Sundsy evening, Octoben 5tb, service in the United Churcb was taken by the Young people snd the sddress given by Mr. Stabback, o! cOshawa. L The pupils o! the Continuation Scbooi held s social evening sud dance in the tawn hall, Fnlday last. The music was provided by the Scbool Orchestrs. Satundsy, October 4tb, the Young people o! the United Churcb League beld a very success!ui banquet. A toast ta the Young people was made by Miss Olive VanCamp sud ne- Ssponded ta by Miss Margaret Swain sud a toast ta tbe cburch by Mîiss Genevieve Beacock and replied ta by Miss Leona Weatherllt. Mn. An- derson o! Oshawa was the speaker o! the evening sud the music sup- plied by the school orchestra. Regulan meeting o! the W. A. o! St. John's Churcb was held at the home o! Mrs. Leslie Graham, on Tbursday, Oct. l6tb, wltb an attend- ance o! 40. Meeting opened wlth devotional exercises conducted by Rev. Mn. Whittaken. Final arrange- ments were made for tbe bazsar on, Friday, Nov. 7th. Study Book was taken by Miss F. Pair, sud a read- ing !rom the Living Messsge by Miss Dempsey. Program which was In change o! Miss Marion Argue, con- sisted o! neading by Mns. L. Graham, Mrs. T. Smith, Miss Ethel Thampson sud Miss Marlon Oster. locutionist, Oshawa, sud an organ sala by Miss Florence Fair. Lunch was senved at the close._____ HAYDON Mn. and Mrs. S. Byam and son Bruce Goadwood, Mn. J. Graham sud sons, Oshawa at Mn. D. Grabams Mrs. W. Ridge, Margaret and !niend Toronto with Mn. J. Wright Mn. and Mns. W. McLean, Jean and Wal- lace, Pontypool with Mn. E. Bradley. Mn. Eugene Beech. Emmanuel Callege, Tononto, spent the week-end at home Mn. sud Mrs. S. Mount- joy, Hampton, Mn. Cephas Mountjay, Miss Annie Mountjoy, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Wm. Trewin, Bawmanville, Mrs. Bain, Toronto, Mss. C. Johns, Hampton at Mn. Milton Siemons Mn. and Mrs. W. M. Henry sud fam-I ily Lindsay, Mn. sud Mns. R. C. Mc- Lean sud family, Toranto at Mn. E. Mountjoys Mss. M. Moone, Miss Kate and Mn. Douglas Moore, Baw- manville at Mn. R. McNells Mn. and Mns. Clanence Avery visited at i Mn. Frank Westlake's. Salins Congratulations ta Mn. sud Mrs. James Crassman on sttaining their fi!tieth wedding annlversany Mn. Thomas Mountjoy stili remains quite M1. Don't be without Douglas' Egyptian Liniment. Keep it always hsndy. Relieves toathache, neuralgia, sorej thnoat, quinsy, sud croup. Inau able fan burns, sares, BarbersIh and Rlngworm. The Time Ras Corne To Buy the Girls Their Winter Coats Walker's Make a Real Bid For Your Business With a Two-Way Attack FMIST we featune styles especlslly designed for gnowlng glls-stresslng ail the important style features-the propes colon tanes-wlth the correct fus trilninlg-Coats that are warm snd serviceabie. SECOND ous purchasing power enables us ta procure values that are the best obtainable- values that wlll give the girls the coats tbey're proud ta, wear, yet well wlthin the famlly bud- get. Sizes 6 tai 14 yeass. PENMAN'S COMBINATIONS $1.98 Mens Merino Combinations, in long sleeve and ankie length, ail sizes Up to 44, the well- known Penxnan brand, priced at $19 CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS Children's fleece-lined Bloom- ers, in sand and navy shades, heavy cuallty, sizes 2 to 12, Special, per pair 49c YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Good News.. FOR THE THRIFTY BUYER REXALL Original Sale Thursday, Friday & Saturday, Oct. 30-» 31, Nov. 1 This year and especially at this season a money- saving opportunity is appreciated by the residents of Bowmanville and vicinity. A more complete variety of Household Remedies, Toilet Requisites, Stationery, Rubber Goods, Articles suitable for Gifts, may be purchased at an immense saving at this well-known lc SALE. Polite Dependable Service. - Buy Early JURY & LOVELL When we test eyes it is done properly Three Special Prices In Girls Coats $7.95 $11.95 $ 16.95 CHILDREN'S FLANNELETrIE SLEEPERS Kiddies' Sleepers a! checked flannelettes, long sleeves, doub- le stitched thnaughout, sizes 2 to6yesrs, BgValue 85c MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Men's Menino Shunts sud Dsawers, long sleeve and ankie iength, the well-kr>awn Peu- man brsnd, ail sizes.' Psiced per garment ..95C NEW VELVET HATS $3.95 You cannot discount the imn- portance o! Velvet for smart headwesn. Yau'll flnd velvet being worn on the smartest occasions. This grouping con- sists o! sample bats purchased veny, veny advsntageously, sud very specialiy priced. Black and calons. WOMEN'S VESTS Women's winter weight super combed cottan Vests, shaped top, a11 sizes,69 Walker Stores Liniited PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS Coats For Tots to six $7.95 A splendid showing of fur-trixnmed mod- els, smartly f asbioned frorn dependable cioths, lined and inI- terllned, shades of sand, tan, blue, green. BEFORE IT'S TOO LAIE Delays are often costly, particularly if you don't have your furnace inspected, overhauled or re- paired before the real cold weather sets in. No- thing is gained by putting off having our men make the annual inspection of your heating system. Maybe you'll need a new furnace. In that case it sbould be attended to at once. We have made a lot of friends warm, or warm friends, by installing a McClary Sunshine Furnace or a Hart Oil Burner in their homes. An estimate places you under no obligation. Lein Elliott, The Plumber Phone 348 Bowmanville e e Phone 164 BOWMANVILLE PAGE SM Lý-j- Zek