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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Oct 1930, p. 7

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TEE CANADIJN ESTATMAN, BOWMAWI1LE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3th, 1930 CABRTING AND TEUCKING AUMo ide of Cartlng, TruIsokng .nd moving; local and long d1atnc*. H. DOMMARO Phonoe6no Queen St., Bowmanvlii We are literaliy Cutting a Melon wth our customers in off erint them BEST SELLERS IN NEWEST BOOKS by such authors as Packard, Nor- ris, H. G. Wells, Grace Richmond, and others, origlnaily priced from 1 00 to $5.00, any book in this lot - Star Dollar Books for $1.00 Fairy Yarn for Infants Something new and very popular for infants' wear, ini pink, blue and white. J. W. Jewell Big 20 Booketore Bowmanville TOU WILL ENJOY EHEAEING JOHIN McCORMACK it's wonderfui to Thlnk This Great Irish Tenor May Be heard Right ln Tour 0wn Town. You have to hand it to Manager C. T. Rosm of Royal Theatre for bis aggressiveness by installing this month the latest devices known on sound on film which gives a much clearer and truer tone to the pro- ductions presented at thl.s popular theatre. Mr. Ross has also worked on the principle that the best is none too good f or his patrons. This f act is quite apparent when it is learned that he is bringing to the Royal Theatre Nov. 5-6-7 the voice of the world's greatest lyric tenor, John Mc- ,Cormack, who will sing eleven nuni- bers in his movietone musical mas- terpiece "Song 0' My Heart.' Ini this drama of song, laughter tears and surprises you will enJoy Delghtful scene where McCormnack sings to a group of children. Beaut- if ul rendition of Eugene Fieid's "Lit- tle Boy Blue,'" and given a pictorial setting. Drama, pathos, tenderness, charm he puts into "Rose of Tralee.'" "I Hear You Calling Me," sung as even John McCormack bas neyer sung it bef ore. A tribute to the clarity of Fox movietone. Exchange of rep- artee and Irish wit that passes be- tween J. M. Kerrigan and Farrel I MacDonald. The beautiful love scenesg between John Garrick and Maureen1 OSullivan-The many glimpses of beautiful Ireland. Irrepressible Tom- my Clifford, just eleven years of age, One of flmdom's greatest discover- ies-The beautiful scene in what is said to, be the oldest church ini the world. Where McCormack sings from the organ lof t- Sequence where Mc- Cormack is seen and heard giving a concert. You imagine yourself one of the great audience. Money To Loan MONEY TO LOAN-On first mortgages. Lýawrencee C. 'Mason, Barrister, Bowman- ville. 44-1 Wr a TIIRIFTY SIIOPPERS WILL BE INTERESTED IN THESE SPECIAL WEEK-END VALUES We are doing everything possible to assist our customers in getting the most goods for the dollars they spend with us These items give you a fair indication of the reasona!blene,4 of our prices: Aylmer Choice Peas, 2 tins ...................19c Aylmer Standard Peas, 3 tins ................23c Jumnbo Sweet Peas, No. 5, per tin .............18c Aylmer Choice Punipkin, per tin .........l....1c C hoice Cooking Beans, 4 lbs .................25c Christie's Mixed Cakes, 1 lb ...................25C Fresh Oysters, jar .............5 Peanut Butter, 2 lb. jar ............................39c Castile Soap, 10 cakes .............................25C Comfort Soap, 5 bars .............................25c oHawes' Floor Wax, tin ............................43c Farmers, we want Dressed Poultry. FUL-O-PEP EGG MASH Get our pices on Ful-O-Pe Egg Mash. Our prices are guaranteed till Spring. HARRY ALLIN, Grocer. PHONE IM DOWIANILLI R'- el conitin. ilse ou or$35. Ternis would be given to respon- siblo party. Write W. E. Braden, Crown Hotel, 335 Jarvis Street. Toronto. LOCAL AND OTEEEWISE Mr. J. Prater of Toronto recently vlsited at the home of Mr. H. La- thrope. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Harns are spending a couple of weeks wlth f riends in Belleville. Mr. and Mis. J. B. Saunders, Lind- say, were weekend guests of ber sis- ter, Mrs. Geo. Webster. Trinity United Chu.rch Choir ex- change wlth Carman Church Choir, Toronto, next Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Edson Keat, Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hamilton,-Mllbrook Report- er. Miss Nellie Burk, Belleville, Miss Sybil Burk, Toronto, were weekend guests of their mother, Mrs. H. W. Burk. Mr. and Mis. C. J. Mountjoy, Miss Annie Mou.ntjoy, Toronto, uA cre week-end guests of their sister, Mis. J. E. Elliott. Mis. W. C. Washington and Mis.i B. M. Warnica are vlslting Mis. B. E. Ingham, Campbeflcroft, and Mrs. J. Frank George, Smithfleld. Mr. and Mis. Henry O'Brien, Ux- ,bridge, Mrs. W. Cherry, Cobalt, were recent guests of Mrs. John Hocken and Rev. and Mis. J. W. Buinner. Mr. and Mis. A. C. Eliott, Mis. Chas. Ellliott, Brooklin, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doble, Toronto, were re- cent visitors of Miss T. Maude Pen- found. Mrs. Fowler, Toronto, was in town Sunday visiting ber cousin, Miss Clara Allen, who is recovering f rom a serious operation in Bowmanville Hospital. A speaker ini Montreal the other day declared "1that people are more aive today than their ancestors."1 And the proof is to be found in the cemetery. Mr. J. J. Mason was ta Toronto last week attending convention at Royal York Hotel of Ontario Insur- ance Agents Association of wbich he is a Director. Mrs. G. A. Giflispie and her sister, Mis. Brisbin, and Mi. and Mrs. John Fee lef t on Wednesday morning for Manatee, Florida, where they will spend the winter. Mrs. W. C. Aluin o! Valentia is visiting her brothers, Messrs. Geo. and W. Allin, Bowmanville, Lake- shore East, for several weeks, and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Aines and son Ralph, Mrs. C. M. Murdofi and daughter Borea, spent Sunday with Mr. C. M. Murdoif and Mr. and Mis. James Cowan, Lindsay. Don't f orget to come to the Big Dance in Whitby Town Hall on Fr1- day, November 7tb. Music by Bur- ton Till and bis broadcasting orches- tra. Novelty and prize dances. Dr. P. L. Cole, a former Bowman- ville boy, now of Toronto, pald a friendly call to Mrs. T. C. Jewell on Saturday evenlng last whlc-h was very much appreclated, as they are both very old frlends. Mrs. L. M. Densem, Advlsor, and Willi-am Smith, Editor of the "Boys' Training School News," attended the Eligh School Editors' Convention held in Convocation Hall, Toronto, Oct. 24th and 25th. Miss Marlon G. B. Warder, Foyer- sham, spent the weekend wlth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warder. Miss Dempsey and Mr. Albert Wright accomnpanied her bore and attonded the Queens-Varsity rugby ganie in Kingston. Mr. W. R. Strike, barrister of Bowmnanville, addrossed the congre- gation meeting in Deseronto United Cburch st Sunday. His father, the late Rey. A. J. H. Strike, was a former pastor of this church.-Des- eronto Post. About f ourteen friends of Mms. Ai- berta Brown gave ber a genuine sur- prise on Satu.rday evenlng whon they assemblod at ber home on Division St. Mms. H. W. Poster brlofly ex- plained the reason of the call and Mrs. D. W. Bost presentod the bride- to-be wlth a silvor service. A social half-bour was spent and good wlshes expressod for hor future bappins. Many old f rionds here were sorry to learn of the sudden deatb on Wednesday, October 22nd, of Edith May Edwards, wl! e of John Henry Edwards, In ber 45th year, at ber residonce, 27 Osbawa Blvd., Osbawa. The late Mrs. Edwards was suddonly takon 111 on Monday. She was a momber of the King Street United Church. Bosides her husband sho leaves ber f athor, William Richards, in Bowmanvillo; two sisters and six The Sunny South Minstrols were in Marmora recontly and the Horald remarks that they are not what thoy used to be. Many people are not aware that J. C. Rockwell, who made the qlunnv South Minstrels famouls, IN MEMORIAM In Ioving memory of MY dear mother, Sarah Evans Armstrong, Who fell asleep in Jesus October 26th, 1929. Deep in my heart theres a picture, WVorth mare than silver or gold, JU's the pictune of my dear mather Whose memory wili neyer grow aid. Sadiy rissed by son WIII, Maggle and .Marguerite. ARTICLES FOR SALE One 15 h. 1). gas engine, practicaIly new. Ont clutch puiley, ix20, brand new. One heavy cord Wood circular saw, new. One resture high tension magneto, suit- able for any engine. frame up ta 25 h. P. hrand new. One Singer sewing machine. lieavy duty machine, Sews carpets or mattresses. One cemtnt mixer on skids, good as new. Twa set of rubber tire wheels, complete w"ith rubber and amie beionglng to th. wheel. Four Starm Windows, four lights 12x2. One single buggy in gaod condition. Ont body suitable for mail carrier or ordinary dellvery. One automatic hoianger, handy for any blacksmlth for repair wark. One cold steel tire setter, new Two stoves, heaters, sultabie for any house, coal or wood. One ement wheei bar in good condition. Lot of shaft bearings, all sizes. One bracing torch, ln good shape. One iran smaothlng plane, as gaod as new. A large quantity of 6-inch stove pipes, in good shape. One pattern bench vise, eultable for sny pattiern-lnakcer or any itinti of wood-worker. One four-inch cylinder slnk punip ln gooti condition. One four-inch tank pump in gooti Con- dition. One tearn buggy pole, suitable for demn- crat or ordinary buggy or cutter. One buggy top ln good .q»dition. Lot o! sprlngs for waggolls. Seata and also building body suitable for any truck. AIl above articles will bo sold for loua than haif pe-Ice. Buggy Rubber Tires have taken a drap of 10%. This Is your chance to ge-t your wheel repalred naw. If you want a new wagon, any size, bring your order ln. If you have any steel tires to set brlng theni ln now. If you have any furniture ta repair you're welcame any time. Inipienents and machinery re- palred. Ail work fully guaranteeti. W. J. MOROUSICI, Bowmanville Carrnage Worke, Rear of Hydro Shop. Comtort and Il Satisfaction When you get your Glanes from Kerulake'a, yen are aasured of both. Comafortable vision and latest style frames at moderate prices. Eyes and faces accurately fitted. Make your appointment to6-day. KER.SLAKE'qS THE DEPENDAULE DRUG STORE POMATES FOR SALE Dooley's Extra Good Grade A Delivered right to your cellar. Phone 195rt J. A. Werry &Son Enniskilleu Lost or Found FOUND-Pair of Chaniolsette Gloves. Enquire at Stateeaman Office. HORSES ASTRAY - Came an Lot 20, Con. 6, Darlington, 2 homses. Ownor rnay have sanie by provtng property and paying expensea. C. Shaw, Hampton. Phone 376r2. 42-tf MjON EV LOST-$20 bill io8t last week on Manvers Road, between Geo. Cor- nisies gateway and C. N. R. station. $5 reward for return ta Stateeaman Office, Bowtnanville. 44-1w Wanted flITES GLASPELL-On October 22nd, 1930, at Bowmanvlilie HoMital, to Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Glaspeli, Taunton, a daughter. BROCK - On October 24th, 1930, at Jlowmanvllle Hospital, ta Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brook, Courtice, a son (Donald Gordon). MRAGES FEE-BROWN--t the residence of the bride, Division St., Bowmanville, on Wedntsday, October 29th, 19r30, by Rev. J. U. Robins, Mr John Thomnas F'ee of Omemee and Mrs. Aberta Louise Brown. DEATHS WALTER-In Weetan, an Monday, October 27th. 1930, John W. Walter, son of the late John Walter, Courtloe, aged 47 years. Funerai froni the residence of his bro- thers, at Caurtice, an Thursday, Octaber 30th, at 2.30 p. m. Cortege ta Ebenezer Cemttery. WORDEN - At Sinicoe, on Tuesday, October 28th, 1930, Vida Azeline Warden, (Iaughter of Mrs. Worden and the late James Worden, Bowmanville, aged 37 years. P.uneral tram the residence of her bro- ther, tir. Russell L. Worden, Maple Grave, on Thursday, Octaber îth, at 2.30 p. m. to flowmanvllle Cemetery. KELLY-In Clarke an Monday, Oct. 27th, 1930, Sarah J. Hoaper, relict of the late W. H Kelly, aged 76 years. LYLE-In Bowmanville, on Saturday, October 25th, 1930, Mary Munson, beiaved wife of John Lyle, aged 79 years. STAINTON-In Oshawa, an Friday, Oct. 24th, 1930, Martha Tremeer, belaved iife of!.10r. William H. Staintan, in her Sth year. COWLES-At the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. A. L. Townley, Fenelan Falls, an Sunday, Oct.. 26th, 1930, Catharino Cowles, wldow of the latt Rev. W. S. (Jowles, in lier 89th year. Interred at Orona. STOVE FOR SALE-Cooking range, in Igood condition, 6 lids. large aven, opper Iwater tank, burns woad or coal. Apply at Statesman office. 43-2 FOR SALE-Two cows ta freshen in 2 weeks; two sows, bred recently; one heavy draught horse, 8 years aid, sound, welght about 1400 ibs. Appiy Levi Word, Ennlskllen. Phone 199r4. 43-2' VICTROLA FOR SALE-Cabinet niadel In excellent condition, aiso several dozen records, machine cost $135.00, wii seil at a fraction of original cost. C. Avery Johnston, o o ouch. Johnston & Cryder- man, Bowmanviile, or phone 338. 43-3 FOR SALE-A frame buling cavered with galvanized iron roof, 25x25, good frame loft, substantlally bult; would make good coal shed, hen bouse or gar- age: no further use for sanie; wlll be sold at a bargain, Apply ta John Perey, Bowmanvllle. 42-tf FOR SALE-Used pianos for students, at very easy ternme andi price. Trustons wlll call me for Information on organe for school purposes. I bave piano, for echool une and wilisoli l t nominal prions ta, promaote mnisi study andi lator sale of more expocisive Instruments. F. J. Mitchell, Phone 106, Bowmanvilie. 36-tf FOR SALE-Extra good Barred Rock Cockerels from birds direct froni Gulld's best, and pedigreed birds wlth records of 254 te, 283. March and April hatcb $2.50 each, 3 for $7.00; May, $2.00 each, 3 for $5.00. Toulouse Geese from, Tor- onto wlnner, $5.00 each. Richard Sand- erson, Tyrone R. R. 1 Phono: Bow- roanville 320r2l. 44-10 To Let FOR RENT-Apartment to rent, »If contalned, 3 roonis andi bathroom. Ap- piy Everlst Smith, Queien St., Bowman- vile. 44-1' HOUSE TO RIENT-Beven moins,, ut- erworks, bath, electria llghts. locateti King & Ontario St., Bowmanville. Ap- ply A. A. Oolwili. Newcastle. 51-tf STORE OR OFFICE TO RENT - On north aide of King Street, Bowmanville, Ideal location just etat of Royal Theatre, decoratod to suit tenant Apply to L. C. Mason, Barrister, neit door. 40-t HOUSE TO RENT-7 rooms, a&U con- venlences, good garden, house in tiret class shape, near high echool, on Quoen St. availabie Nov. lot. Appiy H. Gale, Coîborne, or Thos. Percy, Bowmanvlle. 42..2w For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE-Naar C. N. R., nmodemn convenencem. Azply T. B.PIMaxman. Phono 318. FOR SALE OR RENT-House on cor- ner of Concession and Liberty Streeto, Bownianvilie. with all canveniences; pos- session about the middle of Noveniber. Apply to Mrs. R. D. Davideon, Church St. Bowianviiie. Box 506. 43-tf 10 Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE - Brick cottage an Queen Street, containlng four mroneu with mod- ern conveniences, the property of the lote Mrs. S. Stacey. Apply to Mm. W. Cowle, Church St., Bowmanvllle. 42-3 FARM FOR SALE--60 acres, being lot 22, con. 6, Darlington, on which are brick 8-roomed house with modern conven- lences; hard and soft water; outbuld- ings in good repair; 3 acres orchsrd. For particulars apply on the promins ta E. Hagglth, Hampton. Phone 198-21. 42-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick realdeno., containing eight roonis, bathroom, clos- etc andi pantr3'; hardwood floors; and aill modem conveniencea; gooti vegetable, gardon; double garage; very deairable location. For terms and particulars ap- piy on the premIses to W. J. Brag, cor- ner Elgin andi Horney Ots., or box 29, Bowmanviile. Phono 125. 30-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Beat bult bouse on Carlisle Avenue, takes only four ton, of calte per winter for furnuce and etoye. has dons it the last four winters; now renting for $26 per mnonth; three roota and throe closots upstaire, six mrone anti hall lnciuding bedroom anti bathroomn downstairs; collar divided wltb cement wall; garage and hen houa.. T«=en Easy. Apply ta C. N. Ruse, R. R. 1 Hampton. Ont. 35-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE-Fraine houso, 8 rooms, woodshed, veranda. furnace, new cement clstern, gaod cellar, cern- ent floor; barn 36x26, stable for three harses, hen house, driv'lng shedi sultable for garage: one acre of land with smali fruits, on lot 23. con 6, Darlington. con- venlent ta Sauina church and sehool, the îroperty a! the late John Pascoe. For termes and particulars appiy ta H. E. Tink, Hampton R. R. 1. 44-2' Desirable Residence For Sale Elght roonis, oid brick modern houe. etone foundatica, 2 atoreys and large attic wlth 6 windows, white oak trini ln 3 rooma downstairs, large sun rooni 10x 30 facing south, back porch, celler han brick partition, 2 launtiry tuba in coller, hot water heating, wlred for electria etova anti electria grato. brick garage, oorner lot 115 r 185, beautiful terraceti lawn, matureti abruba, large shade tron,, fruit gardon, one of ohoicost locations adi but built houées ln town. Prlood resnbefor immediate sae. Apply to owner, C. Behdee-, at Bowmanvilie Pountiry Co. Offic, Bownville. 231ti D - - DODO .D.D- Dustan's Cash Hardware We Serve YDu Well Bowmanville WANTE ID-C.ockerels, any neavy oreed, any size, 50e per bird. Phone 89, Bow- manville. 44-1 WANTED - Secand-hand stove wlth goad aven, also floor covering 15xl2 or 9xl2. Phone 377. 44-1 WANTED-About 300 bushels of Oats or Mixed Grain. Appiy ta N. Allsan. Liberty St., Bowrnanvilie. 44-tf WANTED-Robert Pawson la prepared ta repair boots and shoes, neat job, rnod- erate prices. Leave at Sidney Morris', Wellington Street, Bowmanvlile. 42-3- Articles For Sale HORSE FOR SALE-General purpose. Appiy F. B. Rundle. Phone 176-21. 43-2 FOR SALE-6 Yorkshire white pigs, 6 weeks aid. Appiy ta John Nichais, R. R. 3, Bowrnanvilie. Phone 133r12. 44-1 FOR SALE - Young Yorkshire s0w, purebred. Appiy ta Lantern Inn, R. R. 3, Bowmanvilie. Phone 203-13. 44-1* FOR SALE - Potatoes, good wlnter variety, $1.00 a bag delivered. Apply ta Ed. J. Doldge, R. R. 6, Bownianvllle. Phone 160r2i. 43-tf FOR SALE - American Billiard and Pool Table mn goad condition, fuliy equip- Ped. Apply Mrs. W. 1-. Dustan, Queen St. Phone 122. 44-tf COLD DAYS COMING TVoul neSiabut, warM oveot aMy "ay now! Ani the wlse feBliw la the. oe ewho pleks ont Isa t ulue the. seleotien in large m»d in prer for the Ont .14 biMate. Toull i style, varlety and value hems The.. grest, hmsone cmats are tailorol ef fine, heavy fabrios that wullistami pleuty ef wear. Corne lu today. Tour overcoat la awalig you. $15eOO John E. Mdler Phono 170 King St. E. Bowmanvilio You May De pend IT WILL BE GOOD IF YOU BUY CORBETT'S BREAD, BUNS, CAKES, OR PASTRY Only the best ingredients are used and baked under the most modern and scientific methods. Then remember in these times you should buy goods made by Bownianville citizens. W, P. CORBETT Phone 3 Bowmanvilb PAGE Evim WEST END GARAGIE 24 HOUR SERVICE WEST END GARAGE IS THE ONLY GARAGE IN TOWN GIVING AN ALL-DAY AND ALL-NIGHT SERVICE Many of our custoniers tell us this is a great con- venience to them. They van bring their car in at night, have it repaired or washed, and itfs ready for them in the morning. Then often an emergency cail cornes in and we're right there to give you ixnxnediate service. Phone 188W. CLEMENS' West End GARAGE Kirqg% S.Wst Bowmanvili. F'u r-wTii m mcd WINTER COATS Swingingr back to the romantic nin e ties8, they achieve a qan andsp ecialc ami. With u4sual sleeve treatment, sumptilous collars and fur tiim- med hems, they are utterly enchan t i n g for the miss or mat- ron. You will find a W*de variety of fab- rncs: tweeds, wool- ens, lIeda cloth, chon- go and others . .. ail Of exceptional quai- $18.75 up The coat sketched ta abe- tif ully made model of fna Chongo wth wide bandlnt and coUar of tray wolf. THE SMÀRT SHOP (IOWAN BLOCK GEO. R. MASON, Manager. Whether You Believe In Witches or Not. It's a certainty that for best values in real sturdy built, attractive Stoves and Ranges our prices will appeal to you as verzy - - -..~. easonalblë. We have a large display right on the floor. If we haven't what you want pick one out of the catalogue and we'll gladly order it for you.. 1 4

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