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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Dec 1930, p. 11

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PAttE ELEVM THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1930 Cold weather is a severe test f or any gas or oul. Super Sheil Oas vaporizes mnstantly and our Zero Qils flow f reely at 10w tem- perpture. This of course, means cuiclc starting. Let us serve you. If You use Coal O~i for lighting your home, we have a message for you that will surely please. We are importing and can supply you with a wonderful qualty Coal Oil at the price of the ordinary grades. Give it a trial. PHONE 11O KING 5T.E5~i BOwMANVI 1LLE ~ J. HERMON wants POULTRY and APPLES at Fair Prices Phones: Bowmanville-235 Taronto-Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 46-tf Redecorate For Winter Winter is a long, cold, drab tirne of the year, and It's a time wheu you stay lu the house more. Make your home brlght and cheery wth new decoratlng so your Win- ter will be enjoyable. Any wafl piper we have on hand la going dlitcheap. Get your share and save a lot of money. Geo. Pritchard Paluter and Decorator (Over Statesman Office) Phone 489 Bowmanvilla NEW BEEF FACTS Beef-How to Choose and Cook It.' a new publication issued byv the Dominion Live Stock Branch. Ot- tawa, contains a wealth of informa- tion about the most valuable of meat food,-beef. It al3o shows the housewife many new and attractive ways of utilizing the cheaper cuts of government graded beef. thereby getting superior quality with practi- cal economy. Domestic science teach- ers. dietarians and women's organiz- ations are showlng a keen interest In this new bookiet, a limited supply of which is available for free distribu- tion. S tart Early TNany plan of life assur- J.ance the extra risk is what increases the premium that is required. The earlier yau stare the lms yaur assurance will caset !~1l ~ Life assurance ls realiy or- .. e .. c ganized thrift reduced toa r. - plan wbich converts the lu- nL. ~tentions of every thaughtful plan. - . Its psycholagical value ls as great as its financial meit. Tom t b er wkb onse of1oMr reresensttip SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL middle of the night-there's always clean, safe heat vvien you burn Reading AathraciU.e. Phone us today. H-enry Lathrope F hcne 520 Bowmanville THIILAT BETTER PENNSYLVANIA HARD COAL I l'iia epartcu ay atractive In IWntas. Ail yter tickets wlth stop-over peIvIIeg.m ive you the cholce .ofseVMsa dhl.arent routes includins di. NoMd PécIBic mreots of Vancouver v-V'ct@'Ii wkiee Canada. uiuit set gathun .«Ch wlnter. Golf ,Idlng huldng, budminton and ;»Y. tLmr poP~uIar Puti walt yomn indulguice. F. soI<i iiiA M, PA C I VV0BD,-G _LTF5T ,A L 7F lm1, accident."- You know-" he stopped abruptly, Chittonham made no answer, and only to go on again wlth quiet delib- presently Bmîa drew the nurse asido eration. "Cbittenhamn's wife is dead ta whlsper: "Would she . .. do you -Chlttenbamn is free." tbink she would over have reovered Julie tried ta speak, but her lips ber sight?" foit too cold to frame any words. She There was a littie silence before sat staring beforo ber at the fading the answer came. sunset witb a sense of numbed roal- "The dactors were bopeful-but--"> ity. the nurse shook her hoad. "I dont Chittenharn's wif e was dead! Sadie tbink Mrs. Chittenbam hersoîf evor dead! Sadie! . . . Sache ta have died had any real hope." like the buttorfly she bad beon, after Bim walked ta the window and a few short hours of vain fluttering looked out. The sun was shinmng, in the sunshine. and the air was sot t and warm. She Like a voice in a dreamn she heard closed ber own eyes and tried ta im- Schofield speaking again. agine wbat Sadie had suffered. To "Wo'vo searched for you overy- be blind! Neyer ta see the sunlight wbere-Miss Lonnox-" or the flowers, or a beloved face. "Oh,-Blin!" Sho turned and crossed the room 1Blm had neyer tailed her-the anly to Chittenham. Sho understood so 1 friond who had flot. well what ho was feeling, bow bis; He went an without noticing the beart must be torn with remarse and interruption. "We've searched every- grief, and yet tbraugh iL ail she knew where--Miss Lennox and Chitten- he must bo cansciaus of a great and bam and I. It is pure chance that I overwbelmlng relief. came hero ta-day, somthlng seemed She slipped a hand into his. Ita, force me ta came . . . "Atanyrae, wberever sho is, shef "Poor Lawrence!" Julie whlspered. can soe the sunshine again." 1 He wlnced and turned his face There had been noa definite plan in away. Julie's mnd when she ran away from" been a fooi-all my awn fault Landon.. and yt-yau neyer cared for me, She had no idea where she meant Julie . . . I always knew that you ta go, but she had taken a ticket ta! neyer cared." Folkestone because it was the flrst! "I don't cire for any ane," she said place that occurred ta her. and be- harshly. "I will neyer care for any cause she had ance spont a happy one again. It hurts toa muc-it's holiday there. flot wortb the little happinese one IL was anly at mid-day wbon she gets flung ta tbem in return." reached Folkestone that the idea oc- They were bath silent for a mo- curred ta her ta cross over ta France. ment, then she broke out feverishly: SIXTEENTH INSTALLMENT What Has Gone Bofore Giles Citteniham sets out ta make Julie Farrow love him, to throw hier over in revenge for the suicide of his brother Radney, whomt Julie had cast off. He succeeds, but finds that ho bas fallen desperatelyt in love witbh ler bimself. Thon ho discovers that iL was not this Julie1 Farrow, but ber cousin of the aime name, wbo bad driven bis brother ta deatb. But GUoes is married, ta ani American girl named Sadie Barrow,( with wbom ho bas flot iivod for ai long time. Sadie unexpectedly turns up in London, at a Party at Giles' mother's bouse, but bath koop silent about their marriage.t Julie, dlsWlusianed, entera inta the wild night lit e o! London ta try ta drown ber angwish. Lawrence Scho- field wants ta marry ber. Lombard. Who had flrst introducod ber ta Chit- tenham, demands money tram Gilos with the threat that if ho is flot paid ho will tell Schofleld that Chitten- ham and Julie spent the night ta- gethor on the St. Bernard Pass. Later Julie confesses ta Chittenham that she loves him. tGlst At a spiritualist seance a is matber's house Sadie Barrow, bis wifo, suddenly goos blind. Slie calis to him and hoe responds, revealing out, but she leaves a note for him. She goes ta Schofleld's botel. Ho is the tact that she s bis wit e. Julie, wbo bas sent Schofleld away be- goos home in despair. Chittenham fallaws hier, but sho sends him away and decides she will accopt Schafleld. cause a! ber love for Cittenbam, Schaflold's reply is ta rturn Julie's note unopenod. Later hoe caîls an Chittenbam and tells hlm that Lom- bard bas tald hlm of the night that Giles and Julie spent tagether at St. Bernard. Ho believes the worst af Julie. Gilos throws Scbafield out. Sa that is wbît the warld beliovos abaut the girl he laves! rA ittle later Schofield meots a man wha tolls him that ho, too, was at the St. Bernard Hospice that nigbt and that hoe and Cittenham sat up ail night talking, as thero was no vacant raam. Lombard's story wms a lie. But Julie bas dlsappeared, leaving a ngaen. ying sho is not coming back Now Gio On Wth the Story 'Whon I get well MI1 stmrt aIl over again and show you haw nice I can be." sho told hlm. 'You'vo been s0 gaod ta me-far btter than I ever dosorvod. III pay you back same day, Giles." "GeL well and strang, and I shal want nathing else," he oLd lber. The reports a! the specialist.s woro encouraging. Tbey had overy hope, tbey said-it might bo a long ime naturally, but Mrs. Chittenbam was sucb an excellent patient . . ." *Gilos winced and turnod away. One Saturday ho and Bin wont down inta Gloucester ta follaw up a dlue which they bopod might lead ta news af Julie. Cittenham had tLd Sadie ho was golng away on business. Sbe turned impationtiy away when hoe would have kissod ber. "~You treat me like a cbild. Nobody would tblnk I arn your wit e." Chltterîham frownod. «'Don't be unreasanable. Sadie. I cannat spend ail my time wth you." Hor drawn face flushod. "Yau wauld want ta, if you loved me," she accused him. "If you would ratber I did not go," ho began hopelessly; but she broke in "Oh. go! go! They ail suy you ho- bave like an angel. Tbey ail think that I arn a beast ta yau. Oh, I know Lbey don't suy so, but I know what thoy tbink." Thon as she feît hlm move ta beave ber she caugbt at bis arms with ber thin. nervous bands. "I'm sorry, Cies. I ddn't mean it. I do ry ta, be reasonable, but if you were un my place-" Her volce broke, and she controlled iL wth an effort. "Ill do anythlng in the world ta make you happy, Sadle," Olls suld, but in bis hoart ho despised blmself for a caward and a traltor ta the wornan ho bavod. Ho could do noth- lng for Sadie if it was only bis love she wanted; that wms already in the keeplug of Julie, who bîd gone out o! bis lite perbaps for ever. Ho kiss- od Sadie hurrledly, anxlaus ta ho gane, but she clung ta him. "KIss my Uips--kiss my lips-" ".Sadie!" Ho held bick tram ber for a mno- ment, thon gave way. Ho k.issed ber lips kIndiy eougb, but wtb na warrth or passion. and seopushod hlm tfram ber petulantly. "Go away. You don'L love me. You bite beiug wtb me." And a starm of toars came, and bitter sobbing. Chlttonbam wont out ta Birn. wbo was waltîng for hlm. bis face set and white. and bi& eyes miserablo. "I can't stand this mach longer," ho told ber as Lhoy drove awîy. "It's an impossible situation. Ood onl.y knows wbat the end wil be." But eu-o-.U-1- wr1A §.e--t41-ond..hen, It was only a ittie journey, but thore 'Why did you sond my letter back was something comforting un the ta me? wby were you so cruel?" knawledge that she cauid soeaesiiy He oLd ber unhesititingly: "A put the widtb a! the sea between ber- min narned Lombard . . . a min self and the thlugs tram wbich she namoed Lombard came ta me with a desired ta escape. lylng story about you and . . . Oies. Sho crossed ta Ostend by the mid- Cblttonham. Ho suid thît you and day bout and took a room lu a cheup ho spent the night togethor on the little pension whicb at any rate had St. Bernard ...Ho turned bis sud tbe monit o! great cleanlinoss. And eyee to ber. "Forgivo me, Julie-I there Julie stayed for a fortnight, must have been mmd ta have ho- sleeping and resting, and trying ta llevod It." fargot. "Forgive you? I don't undorstand She nover tbought of Schofeld-it -whmt do you moan?" was too bitter a momory. Ho had Thon suddonly she know. and the been the rock in ber ea of distresa blood rusbed in a burning tide ta ber ta wblch sho had lways uncon- face. sciousiy ciung, and ho had tailod ber "Yau tbought that!" she whispor- even as overytbing else bad failed ed.l ber. e. And hen ne venig a shewas The lasL streak of sunset warmth walking along by te soi wlth the hdJdd n hr a hl sunset llgbt lu ber face, she met him. ind blowlng lu tram the seu. Julie Ho looked fil, she tbaugbt, and aid' s.blvered and rose ta ber f eet. And as ber eyes searcbed bis face, IL :IL's cabd. I muet go." seeed mpssilethat only a few ULt nme corne with you, Julie. Now eeemed io shsiben .adt I've faund you--don't send me away ed ta blm-sarely montbs must have lklti-wtotsyn o ogv draggod away sinco she told hlm ho me. must go out o! ber lite. "IL cannat maLter ta you whether And Scbafioid grlpped ber wrist Ifargîve yau or nat.-" wtb fingers that bruisod, as ho sald lI matters everytbing in the hoarsely - "Tbmnk God-I've found world. Julie, if there is anything I YOU." can da for you-anythlng, unytblngr Jlie maniged a laugb. -ta make umends for the past. . ." "D yo nwta yuatal Juie hait smiled as she lookod aiL a ya knw tît yu atuuihm. IL mattered se littie ta ber that0 sound sincere?" ebe taunted him. ho hmd been anjust; ho bad nover "I was nover more sincero lu my had any roui power ta burt ber; for- lite. Whoro cmn we go ta ho mone, glvenoss between theni would ho an I have sa mucb ta suy ta yau . .." Jule glanced dawn the îlmost de- easy Lhlng. serted sou-front. jShe tauched bis hand wth suddon "If you have anytbing ta suy that "'Don't lot us amy any more about rnust ho sald, I hardly think any ane itLawrence. It's over sud dano wiLh. wil overbear you. But I ar n lua W'lprtfins salw "W r y au b. Hr oe b mli?" ly "And you will came back with me 'We ae b ee t lngt n autaEngland?" ho asked eageriy. "eve huealbe!tndn." Hieor g- j Hon face grew cold. eversine yu lft ondn."Hisag- "Came-buck ta England ... I nov- Itation was unmIstakable: she coubd e att obc gi. fee1 bow bis hand sbook as be heid orBwat JL gouk aalnes ber wiist. S"But. abe-your bappisly Juliebagbod ugin. She baued mlrtessby 1 "We?" she queried. acueNotWk "Yes--Glbes Cblttenhamand my- soit." A RUILDERS 0F CANADA "Gîbes Chittenhmm-" The cooiu' CONTEST 1died f rom ber face. 'I arn ndprd ___ banoured." seosmld wltb a bitter Our attention bas been drawn ta sneer. mn interestlng Cantest Just lmuncbed Schafiobd wincod as if sbe had hui-t by the Fimuily Herabd & Weokby Star. hlm. known as the Builders o! Canada "Don't Labk liko that. If you oniy, Cantest. $3,000.00 are offoered in knew .. . Oh, Jale, lot me expiin- Cash Prises ta those most sucoessfui lot me try ta expîin-" in solving a set of lntenestlng puzzle "Thero le nothlng ta explain-no- pictures. thlng I want ta hein." A al sto! the aatstanding mon un "You don't mean that-iL's not like aur Domninlan's bistory Is givon oacb iyoa ta o b ard and cruel-' contestant taking part and this pro- She trled ta free hersel!. v ides a Cantoat bath educatlng and "Lot me ga. You and I have fln- profitable. At the same ime the L sbod wltb oach othor." Contest is so mrangod that a knaw- 1 "Yos." Ho reiemsed ber wrist, but ledge a! Cnadian hlstary is not es- naw she made no effort ta beave hlm; sentilta winnlng the finost o! the there was a hauntlng sadnoss in bis prlzes. eyee that held ber against ber wi. 1 Amy of aur readers will find iL well i"But thore is stibl Chittenhîni," ho worth thoir whilbo dropplng a lin# tu saud vory quletiy. the Fîmlby Henald & Weokiy Star-- t- Julie triod ta spemk but no wards detailao! the Contest wblch wli would came. and betare she could re- gladly sent ta anyone interes sist ho bîd drawn ber doVVn La sit long witb a simple copy o! hesîde hl n on oe f the seats over- ipiper. looklng the soi, and wms holding ber Lhand un bath bis. Persian Blm Is irreslstible. Frîg- 1 We'vo been sarching for YOU day 1rmnt as summer flowers. Cool as a v ad nlgbL, Juie-it seems a lifetime mauntaîn sprîng. Wondenfuîly in- since you went away-" iIgorîtlug. Softens and whltons the Hon lip curlea scoanflly. bande. Makes sklu eoft-textured and E A lifetime! anly two week-" yautbf ai. Used by wamen as a paw- " Sametimos twa days can ho an der base and as a Peeriess aid La %eternnty," ho told ber wltb unusual loivoiy complexions. xUsod by mon as tebaquence. Ho did nat heed when she mn effective bair fixativo or ehavlng strld ta lnterrupt hlm; ho went on lotion. And for chidren, nothlng rapldly: sothes and protocte their tender Sao mach seoms ta have hîppened sk= liko the dollcateiy cool Pereuan a ince. . . sinco you and I parted. Bilan. Gwve $B ealth and IlHappiness vith a P LAN uow Io bave lu Y~urhome t"a (irfatna, 4a Gmeral Electric Refrigerator .. . the gifi ihsat emaures health and happinesa for th.e -tire fanib for many yeau. b eome. Here la a gif t that wIll actuailY gave more dua- le eot& ne .General Eleciric Refrigerator gvm-o-01Y hy ehinnating f ood spollge . .. by assisadug in econ- omical marketing ... by maklng possible au endiless variety of Inexpensive saladeanmd frozen desserts. Àny dealer vii explain b you te .mazy aupes4ori de. of the Generai Electric Refrieraor ... and he wil aiso teil you how eauy it lu to purclisse the model you want on termi t. suit your convenlence. 93.81,. GENERAL *ELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFIRIGERATOR For Sale by THE HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO laOWMNIL NTARIO Gîiaranteed by CANADIAN GENERAI. ELELTRIC CO., Lited ~Don't Look for I. Il Mercy f rom Firt NO HOME IS IMMUNE Its visit may take you by surprise, and when its flaming fingers have reduced your home and possessions to pathetic ruins you will realize that full protection is the only sane policy. TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE But do more . .. see that you are fully'cov- ered against los8. Let us give you ful 'par- ticulars on insurance that will protect you. h. M VASON & SON Real Estate and Imsurance Brokens Phone 50 King St. E. Bownmanvîlle I For Catarrh.-It is one of the chie! i1 Mfind that the OÙ1 when used, ac- recommendations of Dr. Thomas' Bc- crdlng ta directions wifl give prompt lectric 011 that It can be used lntern- 1 reliief. .Mùany sufferers fram ibis ail- ally with as much succesa8 tc ment bave found relief lu the on1 outwardly. Sufferera trfm atar nd have sent testlmonll. i ;Pq: ý4 $ý HERE COMES YOUR COAL Our truck la awaitlng your caU to dulivoe t your basement the biné ef coal that hundreja ef familles tbrouthout ibis town bave fo»ur » Ome mtlftory. Yen eau depend upon tbla old-establlabed ceai Fard t., furulsh strlctiy hith quality coal at ail limes. Order new fer prompt dellvery. -D. L. & W. Scranton Coal - The Standard Anthracite Steve Ceai ...... $16.50 Egg .. . . . l . Chestnut .... 16.00 P.. .13.50 Buckwheat . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 11.50 Nut Coke .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash whU bu alowed front above pnies. McClellan & Co., Limite LPhone 15 Bowmanvi .d rille Early that moruing, just as it was gotting Ught. they found Sadie on the pavement below her window--quite dead. 1 iè e

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