THE CANADIAY STATESI(AN. BOWMANVHLE. THUR8DAY. DECEMBER 18. 1930 PAGE TEKUE IS1.0 MAKE WALKER'S YOUR GIFT SHQP BRUJLIANTLY DECORATED ZUDSON WHALEN APPOINTED FERGUSON HALL SETTING 1 TO BOWMANVILLE BANK FOR B. T. S. DANCE, Popular Accountant at Local Baiak of Fwoceeds of Dance Goes ta Purchase1 Commerce Becomes manager Christmas Gifta for the Boys I From Belleville Ontario) F 1 A. J. Whalen. better kiiown to his! Ferguson Hall at the Boys' Train- hundreds 0of f riends5 in Belleville as ing Sehool was the scene of a merry 'Juidd' has received notice of his ap- tathering on Friday The pontment as managýer of the Canad- occasion was the Christmas Tree ian Bank of Commerce branch at Dance with proceecis used to pur- Bowmanv±flle. Ontario. His many ohase presents for the boys of the i friends in banking circles and other school. Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Reaman. business were to-day congratulating Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hil. and Mr. and Mr. Whalen on his advancement. Mrs. E. P. Bradt were the reception Mvr. Wiialen came here in 1919, oommittee who welcomed the guests twelve years ago, as a paying teller in go one of the flnest social functioxis the standard Bank. Since thatûtme. that has been held tbis year. hie not only received promotion te ac- As one came down the shining counitant of one cf the largest stairway and walked down the foyer branche, of the bank in Belleville, a scene se beautiful and artistic fi11- but also made hundred, of f rierds in. ed the eye that for the moment be- the city. He married a Bellev'ille girl j wilderment ran through the mind. Miss Dorothy Johnsi.on. daugl'ter & Here directly ahead with darting the laIe J. W. Johnston. M.P.P, and briglit lighls was a winter scene in principal of Ontario;Cl- the mountains. In the background a lege. and has two crmldren tUny white road wound its way up- Mr. Whalen has ha'd a diýtingu- ii ward to the sumnmit of the steep hill. ed career in the bank. He sîa J din On the side of the incline fr and Peneîangliisher.e. Ontario. in. the oli' oedar trees glittered with the snowy Standard Bank. From thc-re he wr.: substance on their wide spread transferred to Blenheixn. went f reni branches. Then following doWn the Blenlieim to the Biner anl zi . n'.- road one came ta a quaint little log brandli, Toronto, fromn Toronto r.' cabin with snow and icicles hanging was sent to Chatham, and camc hcru from the window and covcring the f rom that city in 1919. sinail roof. In the mldst of it ail Mr. Whalen is a member of the we look around and here Just out- Bay of Quinte Country Club and th- ide the cottage. almost sitting in the Belleville Golf Club. He is affiliated glittening snow. are the musicians with the Masonic Order. Mr. and wth their instruments. On theirl1 Mrs. Whalcn and family expect to riglit is a sinal Ihicket with a large 1 moe to Bowmanville on Monday briiliantly dccorated Chrstmas Tree next. ta balance the picture. We tufli Before leavîng Belleville Mr. Whal- again to the cabin and sce that pos'*ien was gucst of honour at an in- sibly there are occupants, smokc 's formaI gathcring at the home of the caming out the chinney and there manager, E. V. fllsey. on Saturday are lights inside. Mci-ry Christmas' evening. The entire staff of the is an the quaint little sign outside. local office was present. A beautiful Just as we are about ta enter to seek dinner wagon was prcsented t0 Mr. the cosy interior, we realize that aï- and Mrs. Whalen. showing the h1gh ter ail it is our imagination has led esteemn in which they had been held us astray and the whole scene is but by ail. another creation of the decorative_________ gcnius of Mr. Carr and Mr. Hyslop. Turning to the now animatcd "HAPPINESS AND EDUCATION"1 dance hall we find it also gaily and barmoniously decorated to complete Subjeet of Address Dellvered Before the scene. The lights are covered Home and School Club by with colored material and white Rev. J. U. Robins snowy streamers are carried from one light to the next. everything The regular monthly meeting of complete in the finest detail. thc Home and School Club was held The music was furnishcd by Bur- in the Central Public School on Wcd- ton E. Till and lis orchestra of Tor- ncsday n.lght with a good attendance. onto. Nearly two hundrcd guesth The president, Mrs. Frank Jachinan. attended tle dance. As the evening was in the chair. and opened the progressed many novelties werc an- meeting with Christmas carols, with nounced and a picture of the galber- Miss Leta Bragg Presiding at the lng was laken. At eleven o'clock piano. fallowed a bilarious lucky lady bal- Instead of the usual exclange of loon dance, in wblch the last lady ta gifts which has been a feature of the bave tbe orange balloon won in the December meetings in the past. a Persan of Miss K. Wilson. Refresh- collection was taken and subscribed ments were then served in the class to the Comxnunity Welfare Commit- room, after whicl. Mr. H. C. Hudson tee for its work among the needy. of Toronto was successful in the Followig the business session, Mrs. gents' lucky Paul Jones wlth Mrs. G. F. Purdy, convener, took charge W. E. Smth as bis partner. of the program which consisted of tlefollowing numbers: Two vocal solos by Mrs. D. J. ]IAPLE GROVIE REFLECTIONS Chambers, accampartcd by Mrs. E. ____ IWood; a bumnorous readmng by Mrs. Drings Comments From DeteH. Cameron; a piano sol,) by Mrs. Former Correspondent Frni E: Wood, and a duet by the Misses Jean and Alice Purdy. accompanied Maple Grave by Mrs. Wood. AiU number, were thoroughly cnjoyed by the audience. Mr. Ed.lor:-A f ew weeks ago I "Happlness and Education" was read wilh laterest Maple Grove Re- the subject af an address by the IRev. flections No. 1, and among thera you J. U. Robins wl.ich followed tle pro- relerred ta aone Dexter. I would llkc gram. "Happiness is net a gif t of to tell you that Dexter 15 still alive the gods. like some people imagine," and mudli so, and was so intercsted the speaker remarked. "Il is a prize that lie could not refrain f rom ans- ta be won by diligent effort. We must wening it wtl a few more Reflect- discard one by one the methods Ibat icns. The samne lime Dexter was seem ta Promise much and yet are *riting the news for Maple Grave known to fail. Wcalth and fame there was one aI Courlice wlo signed may bring lappincas but more tlan bis name 'Trim'. cartbly and temporal happincss one Do you remember aur controversy needs most of ail spiritual lapplacas. and Dexter lad a verse in which read If wc would achieve bappiness we bomethlng llkc this: must fInd it in lealtb. work and Trin keep your eyes about you. comradeship with God and man. For fear that you mlght fail These lhree ingredients of happincas, When you go down ta goose Hollow without whicb ail else is dros and To sec the Young Miss Hall: with which nothing else is necessary, Who on the day of île picnlc île speaker added. Turning ta edu- Out of the boat did slip. cation tle speaker asserîed Ihat this And feUl inta tle water slould include the training of the And accidenlly gai a dip. body, mind and soul. Bod.ies were That was the tune Dexter was ac- intended te be temples of the Holy oused of hiding under the skirls you Spirit and God would have us have referred ta, somte weeks ago. strong. vigorous bodies and good care Do you remember when Ben and and training would malte them such. Cranny Wilson lived away norl of A trained mind and a dlean soul in the grave! pit, and Ben would go te such a body makes marihood and town with lis horse and cart and womanhood complete. le said. In one day la tawn somte mischievous closlag, Mr. Robins strcssed the fact persan taok the bah eout of the shafts thal île higlesl aimi must be ta serve of tle cart and when Granny step- mankind, and honor God and glorify ped into tle cart it tipped back and Him. spllled Granny on the sîreet. A bcarly vote o! thanks ta île Do you remnember when Snowden's speaker was moved by Mrs. G. F. cid horse called 'Fariner' ran away Purdy, who inluded la the motion and tipped Mrs. Geo. Trinible out of ahl whe lad contributed te tle pro- ber buggy with a basket of eggs and gram. Refreshenents were then ser- mt lier on top of a stump on the side ved by the convener's g-roin> anel a a( the road with the eggs in lier lap. oclal hall haur was spent. The alng- ing of the Nationpl Antnem brougnt Dexter. 'le meeting ta a cloSe. Woods' Silk Pyjama Suits $4.95 Couid anything be more timely -right when you are seeking silk Pyjamas for gift giving; 2 and 4 piece styles, la pastel and vlvld colors, trimmed with applique; regular value up Ici 86.95. on sale at $4.95 Tight Twist Chiffon Hose $ 1.5s0 Duil finished "Tight Twist" Chiffon Hase. full fashioned, sllk ta hemn, excellent range of shades. including Inky; the duli finish is permianently knitted in, pr. $1.50 Ladies' Scarves $1.95 and $2.95 Beautiful square and oblong Scarves as yau prefer, for bath styles are quite proper. you know:, ridli patterns and colorlngs; box- cd f or gift giving. Pongee Pyjamas $2.95 Tuck-la style. with bell bottom trausers, yoke front a! cantmda- lag malerlal, waist aitractively ftnlshed wiih applique design, specially priced at S2.95 Children's Silk Dresses $3i.95 - $4.95 $5.50 For thc Young miss. 5 ta, 14 years: be sure and see these lovely little dresses of crepe de chine and fiat crepes;, many styles ta, dhoose from. and cvery wanted shade for daytlxne or evening. Crepe de Chine Gowns $4.95 Crepe de chine gowns. with prctly lacy yokcs. princess limes froin shoulders. bottom finisled witl net footing. white and pastel " shades. very smart looking. Suede Fabric Gloves $1.25 Ladies' suede fabrlc gboves, in pull-on aud fancy ouf satyles; splendid assortment a! shades and trimmings, per pair 1.LU Womnen's Fur Trinimed Coats $19.95 10 Coats in Ibis grouP, bovely qualily lmported broadcloths. riechly f urred with muskrat, op- possun, lynx, etc.; brown, black. navy, etc.; ail silk llned and inter- licd; women's and misses' aizes; values ta $30.00; clearing, $1995 Men's Boxed 'ties 49c Hundreds ta choase f rom; made .f fine imported miaterlals; bright and subdued cobar tanes: all box- cd, each .... c9 Men's Broadcloth Shirts $1.59 Here is a chance ta settie a feW o! your gif t problems. These Shirts will surely please; made wlth collar attached; easdl n box f or gift givlug; wide range of de- âghtful patterns and ciseig Marbie Clocks 98C Marble finish boudoir Clocks, ln inty calorings: movement is en- cased la brasa; a suitable Christ- mas gift; specially prxced at 98c Mid Gloves $1.95 Wasbable Kid Gloves. a gif t supreme; ail shades; sizes 6 to 7Y2; fancy cuifs and pull-on. sup- er quality Frenchi kid; a gUi lItaI wil please your lady friend: oh yes, boxed. WALKER STORES, LIMITED PAY CASH Ab '4D BUY FOR LESS BOWVMANVILLE YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE -~1~ Canadian Poetess visita Jack Miner i n ail infantile camplaints Ilal arc thle remuit o! the depredations o! fworms in tle stamach and intestines i Mer's Worm Powders will be found an effective remedy. Thcy attack tle cause of these troubles, and by cxpelllng tle worms f rom tle argans insure an orderly work.lag of tle sys- t em, wilhoul whicl the child cannaI inaintain ils strcngtb or llrive. Ihs praenwders inean healtl and im- Asthma Cannai Last when the greatest o! ail asthma specifics la used. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Astbma Remcdy assuredly deserves tbis ex- alted title. Il lias ta its credit thous- ands o! cases whlch other prepara- lions lad falled ta benefit. It brings help ta, even the most severe cases and brings the patient ta a conditiqu 0f blcssed relief. Surely suffering fromn asthma is neediess when a rem- edy likc ibis 15sa easily secured. A~ ~1 olOvlflur Cusiomors mdnd frod bQd \K41 for dJ morryad'islmas C]/ Pros porous Now/Qr The RI.oyal ]Batik of .oCanad a:: -etor .* «-t. ______ Rayon Spreads $2.95 Full size 80 x 100 Rayon Bed- spreads, perfect quallty, ail shades and lovely designs: this is one of our lcading maltes;, specafly priced aI S2.95 Pillow Slips 98C Irish embroidcred pillow slips, fine quality cotton, bexnstltdhed and scalloped; wlde variety of dainty designs; eacl pair neatly rlbboned; very special. pair 98e IJ. A. HOLGATE & SON I Bwilderi' Supplies and Fuel [Phone' 153 or 202 Bowmanviile a PACFIC TMM THE CANADIAN STATESM«. BOVIbLANVnJB. THURSDAY, DFeEMMER ia. 193o