~"i I ~rrnbtan taeman With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXX VI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWWMAN VILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 52 A Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year Durham Regiment OFFicers Present Rev. C. R. Spencer with Chairý g. 4 Il t I il j, MANY ENQUIRIES RECEIVD FOR DURIIAM SHOR THORNS Otto Bragg Is Elecieti Presideni of County Breeders ai Annual Meeting Sbortborn prospects in Durbam County are the best in some years according to the number o! enquiries which have been made to local breeders for Young buils, it was revealed at the annuai meeting o! sbortborn breeders o! the County beiti in the Balmoral Hotel on Saturday. December 20. An Idaho ranch bas matie onquinies for fifty Young bulis wbile anothor roquest for twenty Young buils bas been receiveti f rom a nearby county. This shows cleaniy tbat Durham County short- borns are in demand ail over the continent and that theso breetiers JOINS STATESMAN STAFF B. Herbert Mortlock Presentation Made After' Officers Attend Evening 'Service at St. John's Churck Officers o! the Durham Regiment, boadod by Lt.' Coi. P. H. Jobb. V. D., attendeti the evenig service at St John's Anglican Church on Sunday as a mark o! respect to their padre, Major Rev. C. R. Spencer. the rector. Mn. Spencer preached a forceful and most apprapniate sermon from ltb Chap, lst Epistle to the Corinthians, 31st verse: "Whatsoever ye do, do al ta, the giory o! Goti." Ho showed clearly the necessity o! taking God inta oui confidence in everytbing we do, whetber it ho army or civil work, or if1 it be in play. Great prepara- tions are made for a long journey. ho stated. and so great preparation shoulti be made for the long journey to beaven. To prepare, one must bave weapons, anti the weapon o! preparednes for the journey o! 111e is prayer. Foflowing the service, Major Spen-, cen was guest o! the officors at the home of Major E. Smith Ferguson. Concession Street, where be was matie the recipient o! an office chair by bis Regi.montal comrades. Coi. P. Hl. Jobb acted as chairman and alter a !ow brie! remarks cailed on Major W. J. Hoar to make the pros- entation. Major Spencer approp- rlately replieti, thanking bis f ellow afficers for their kindness andi re- membrance. Othors who spoko in- ciuded Coi. L. T. McLaughlin. D.S.O., C.M.G., a former commanding of- f Icer a! the Regiment, and Major G. C. Bonnycastie. Other officers present besides those mentioneti above. lncludod: Major A. H. Bounsail, Capt. F. Dudley, Lt. S. F. Fenguson. Lt. C. G. Venning. Capt. J. C. Gamey, Lt. M. V. Malcolm. andi Lt. Neil Stewart CHEISTMAS SERVICES AT1 TRJNITY UNITED CHURCH9 The spirit o! Christmas was very evdent li most tawn churches an1 Sunday when the sermons and music( were i keeping wtb the day. The1 R J. U. Robins, toak for bis textofTiiyUie hrh ifW morning, "There standeth one1 among you, wham ye know not" Johnt 1:25, and gave a very timeiy addiess. His evcning discourse was on the Ena of Peace and the facts presentcd af the vast expendture of money i wai, luxunles, etc., as comparai wth the amaunt spent fan the spiesti o! the gospel af poace was appallng. The musical services thioughout the day were especially good andi the congregations f reely oxpressed thoir appreciation of the wonk af the chair o! aven forty valces wtb thoir leader Mr. Francis Sutton. Mus. Bac., wbo are desenvlng a! very speclal praise for the excellent service rend- red. The morning numbers were: Carci, "A Chilti this day is born," solos by Mis Margart Allin and Mn. O. Nichalas; anthern "Brlghtest and Best,11 sala by Mrs. H. M. Poster; an- tban 'There Were Shophords," solo, Mrn. P. H. Maady. At the Sunday Scbool session Mis. C. H. Dudley sang apiendlily the solo, "O Holy Nlgbt". in the evening musical numbers were: Hymn.n "Silent Nlght,.' coni- mmeca by distant vaices o! Mis. T. W. Cawken. Misses Bellnian, Allin and Pollard, and Messrs. Pallard, Marris, Plckarti and Dr. Slemon; caret, "Watcbman Wbat a! the Nlgbt," salas by Messrs. Cale, Striko, Dae and Nichalas; antbem "Anti the Glory" by Handel; canai "Thie Kinga," solos by Messrs. Strike, Dale, Nicholas: canal "(lad Christmas Bous," wbon 50 chiltiren af the boys anti girls Mission Bandis sang f ram the gallery: antheni "Christmas," sls by Mis. T. W. Cawkcr anti Miss Heten Argue. PAESTINE CHAPTER OFFICERS John Baker Elecfed New Pinciple Newly electeti officers of Palestine Chapter G. R. C. Na. 249, Royal Arch 'f 1Bowmanvilo were installoti 0 Il iday, Decembor l5th. EX. Comp.PF. C. Hoar, assisted by V. Ex. Camp. Sherman Cooper o! St. John's Cbapter, Cobourg, Ex. Camp. W. J. Yroutien. P. Z., of Cobourg, anti W. R. Chapman, Z, of Pentaipha Chapter. Oschawa, canducted the Installation. COcers lnstalied are: Z.-Jna. Baker. I. P. Z.-G. C. Bonnycastle H.-E. H. Brown J?-M. W. Comstock. Scribe EJ R. Stutt. Scribe N.-R. M. Cotton. Treas.-P. P. Morris D. aof0.-P. C. Hoar P. Soi .-T. B. Glchrist a. S01.-W. R. Strike J. 801-A. E. Bllett. Cbaplai-W. J. Bragg Organist-S. Leggott M. af 4h Vel-P. J. Groat Boar's Head Procession la Feature of Big Annual Event - Santa Claus Dis- tributes Gifts Froni Huge Tree The mitddle ages, transformai f ram their place thnee hundred years ago, came ta lite agai at the annual Chiistmas Diner anti Troc at the Boys' Training Schooi an Frlday ev- ening. xI a bcautlifuly decorated dinig bail theolad Baar's Headi Pro- cession, whlcb usedti t be a ieature a! ~the Christmas i niedievai ages. was staged mhucb ta the delight a! nearly two bundrai ant i ffty boys and guests gatheneti for the greatest event a! the year at the s;clool. Every ligt i the dlning ball was extinguishoti beiane the procession wended its way arounti the bail. Leadlng came a jaily lester, bUls anti everything, dancing anti waving bis anms, wblle behinti came the roasteti anti gannisheti Boar's Headi on a huge platter anti borne by anc o! the boys in a snow white unlforn. Foilow- ing, twa mare boys canrieti the tine- lionoreti turkey anti pluni pudding. A beautiful effect was atidedti t the procession by seven boys who fol10w- cd the procession af Christmas Cheer. Those were clat Iin English Chunch surpices anti as the procei- sion proceedai tbey chaxiteti an aid Christmas carol. Brnxging Up the rean was six boys clat inh the sombre apparel of the manks anti holding hlgh above thein heatis oaken can- tiiebara eacb wltb seven lighted can- dles. They were the only liglits i the hall, anti one's mind couiti casly ho transferredti t the castie of a feu- dai lard in the mitddle ages at Christ- mas time. whcn the festivities were at their height. It was a bnilliant scene anti anc that was appreclateti by boys anti gucsts alike. Back in those gooti aid tumes a gooti eater was commonly knawn as a good trencherman, anti there were many gooti tronchermen at the di- non on FYiday night. The moat slotbful appetite couiti nat have holpeti but b nevivetifI oniy temp- oraîly, by the temptlng menu wbicb hati been prepareti for the great ev- ent. Beo re the gucats anti the boys were ailowed ta beave the table, ibein dinnon was given a fair chance ta (Continuai on page 8) WEDDING GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mis. Archie Mathews Celebrate 5th Anniversary Married, on December, 2lst, 1880, Arche Mathews and Eliza Barrible, botb of Bowmanville, by Rev. John Kenner, pastor of the Bible Christian Church. On Sunday, December 2lst, Mr. and Mis. Arche Mathews celebrated the fifftietb annlversary of their. wed- ding day and the event was marked! by a gathering of relatives at the' wortby couple's home on Hunt St. Owing to Mis. Matbews' healtb, the celebration was of a quiet nature and was only attended by immediate friends and close relatives of the family. Durig the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Mathews were presented witb a golden satin bedspread by their daugbters, Mis. McMaster and Mrs. Gamble, wbile two sons, Wil- liam and Wesley, prosented their parents with a puise o! gold to mark the auspiclous occasion. Mrs. Pair- banks presented tbe bride and groom with a linen table cloth, wbile Mrs. Milton Morrow presented tbe couple with black and gold milk. sugar and nut service. Tea was served i the dining room whicb was prettlly decorated i green and yeilow, while a big white wedding bell bung over the centre of the table on whicb stood a beauti- fully iced two-layer weddlng cake, whicb was cut by the bride in the traditional manner. The o ut of town guests present in- cluEled Mrs. Milton Morrow of Lon- don; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Fairbanks and son Vincent, Taronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gamble and family, of Oshawa, Mi. and Mrs. Will Matbews and faniily o! Oshawa; and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Mathews, o! Toronto. Mr. Matbews was boni in Picker- ing on April lst, 1859, and was edu- cated at the Pickering schools. He came to Bowmânville when quite a Young man and worked for some years as a sailor on the Great Lakes' steamers, later being cmployed with the Bowmanville Foundry Company, whom be bas been witb for 25 years. Mis. Mathews was borninh Bowman-1 ville on May lst, 1862, and received1 ber education in the Public School1 bere. Botb are adherents af Trinlty United Cburcb. NEW YEAR'S DINNER Balmoral Raidl Serving Special1 Holiday Dinner, January lst. 1 Mi. A. J. Wadhams o! Balmoala Hotel wsbes ail a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. To comply witb many requests a specil New Year's Dinner wil ho served at the Balmoral Hotel on Thuisday, Jan. lst, fnamn 12.30 ta 2 p. ni. ai $1.00 a plate. Make resenvations early, please. M EN U Fruit Cocktail Olives - Celery Soup Cream la Oyster - Chicken Broth Fleh Roante Tiliey-Ularper Dressed Young Turkey - Cranberry Sauce Dremie.d Young Goose - Apple Sauce Dressed Young Chlcken - Jeliy A cbarming weddlng took place Prime Riba of Beet - Ju-lus Pridy aternonDeceber19th atVegetables Pnidy aiennan, ecemen 9that Brown, Boiled or Mashed Potatoes (race Cbu.ch-on-tbe-HIlI, wben Greeni Peas - Corn Miss Joanne Cunrie Harper, tiaugliten Dessert af the late Mr. anti Mis. Gearge Dleep Apple Pie - Whipped Cream Dance Harper, becamne the bride of Hot Mince Pie Mn dwad PllpTiieysonaI boEngiish Plum Pudding- Caramel Sauce Mr.EdwrdPhip illy, onof he Fruit - Nuis - Candy late Dr. anti Mis. Abert Sydney TII-_____ loy a! Bowmanviile. Canon Bîaugb- ail officlateti. The aitan was banketi DARLINGTON MAN PASSES with Ydlaow chrysanthemunis antid________ painis anti feins. Mn. H. G. Langlois presidai at the organ. The bride, wba was gvon i marriage by bon uncle, Dr W. S. Cunnie a! New York, enterai the chuich toth ie airains of the wedding marcb f rani 'Lohengrin'. The bride was smartly gawnet inhia Patou madel o! cardinal reti crepe matie an long, tlght-fitting lines wltb, black broatil trimming an the col- ian, the fui ai wbich extentiet don the tiness ta île ai the aide. She ware a black felt tricorne bat anti black patent loathen alippers anti a fleur-! ette a! white gandenias. She carrieti a white kidi prayer book. Miss Mai- Janie Cuinie, cousin a! the bride frnm New York, was bridosmaiti anti ware duil golti lame cloili matie I the long. tigbt-fitting style. with black satin bat anti long black suede; gioves. Hen alippers were black ap- pliqueti suetie, anti she carriai rase onchitis. The besi man was Dr. Rosa Tilley, brother af the groom. F'olaowing the cenemony there was a receptian at the home af Mns. Par- ley Clarke ai 251 Russell Hill Rd., at whlcb Mis. W. E. Tillbey, Bawman- ville, graxidmathen af the groom, Dr. - anti Mrs. Curnie af New York antidaesCri Mis. Clarke necelveti. Mrs. Tiiley JmsCri ware black satimi, anti black bat, anti Hampton, wbo dicti Decemben l6tb, carrieti violets. Mis. Curle w0IrO at Hampton, in bis 76th yean. Sec light tan chiffon wlth bnown satin obîtuary on page 3. hat and carrled roses, while Mis.______ Clarke was I black veivet wlh black Mn. J. H. Hl. Jury waa badly cut velvet bat anti carnieti roses. about the face anti heat inh two acci- Later the bride anti groom leftIon dents In which ho was a participant New York, wbere they wlll embark1 on Frliay. Mn. Jury was ta be a for a crulse soutb to Panama. The1 speaker at the Christmas dinner ai bride inaveileti In a Patou model of! the Boys' Trainig Scbool on thai gray broadclotb. The dress was tail-I evening anti was burrylng ta Tan- aneti an severe Uines anti was cani- onto when ho was fonceti mua tbe pleted wlth a shart gray caracul 1 dltcb anti lightiy lii ureti. On the jacket. She wone a gray ribbet il 1r etuixittip ho was agaifarceti inta bai anti black suetie lippers trmmc edietucl anti recelveti furthen cuis wlth gray snakeskln. On their ne- anti bruises. Ho was canfinoti ta bis turniMr. anti Mia. Tllley will neside 1 bcd ian twa days ant iis reportai ta ai 97? Avenue Rd. 1 be pnogressing very favorably now. DURHAM COUNTY BOY Elmer Ewmdle We offer congratulations, along witb his many frlends and relatives, to Albert Elmer Rundie, of the North American LiI e Assurance Company, Toronto, and a native of Darlington, being the only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundie of Ebenezer, who was elected Honorary President of the LiI e Underwriters Association of To- ronto at its annual meeting recently at which he retired from the Presi- dential chair. Mr. Rundie bas had a splendid career and is one of Durham Coun- ty's boys who bas brought lame and renown to the county of his birth. He attended Bowmanville High School frra 1903 to, 1909 and was employed on graduation in the head office of tbe North American LiI e Assurance Company from 1910 to, 1916. Mr. Rundle is still in possess- ion of the letter of reference from Principal John Elliott of Bowman- ville High School whicb was the means of obtaining for him bis flrst position in the business world. From 1916 to 1919 be was in France in the defence of bis coun- try joining with the Machine Guri Corps. On his retuin from France he became a student of law at os- goode Hall from wblch be graduated wlth honors in May 1921. He r- mained with tbe Nortb Axnerican LiI e and was the flrst man in Can- ada to graduate In law expressly for life insurance field -work. He bas been a member af the company's Production Club consistently sinoe 1922 and is this year president af the Eastern Division. Last year he Rotarian J. U. Robi At Pre-Ckristmi Dickens' Tale of Scrooge's Christabnu IoGraphically Told By Pastor of Trinity United Church. A Christmas stary, the inimortal Dicken's masterpiece, 118craage'a Christmas", told In a most entertain- ing manner by Rotarian Rev. J. U. Robins. pastor of Trnity United Church, was the feature of the pre- Christmas luncheon of the Rotary Club In the Balmoral Hotel lust Frl- day. Follawing the regular lunchean and sing sang, Rotarian Robins braught the Chrlstma message In bis story of the aid time miser and money hoarder who by a dream was converted fram bis hatred af Christ- mas and its attendant festîvities ta one who in after l11e excmplificd the very spirit af this joyous seasan. The story in brie! was as follows: "Scrooge, an aid miser, llved in the heart of the city of London, living ýnly for wbat money he could make -rnd treating bis employees and rela- 'ives with scant cercmony. On Christmas Eve he bad been espcc- ially cross, berating bis nephew, de- llvering acrld crlticlsm ta bis clerk and loudly passing pungent remarks about Christmas, the absurdlty of the day and Its festivities. That night after balting bis doars and gaing ta bcd ho was awakened by a scraping noise and thraugh the locked doar came the ghast af Jacab Marley, bis one-time partncr, noW deceascd. Jacob had been Just wbat Scraage was today. He toa had made maney bis (lad, and now after death ho was suffering for bis mlsdceds. Jacob lssued a strong warning ta Scraoge and acqualnted hlm of the lmpendlng visit af thrce spectres wbo werc ta cail that nlght at ane o'clack. Scraagc endcavoured to sleep but wlthaut avail and It was with antici- pation that he awaitcd bis ghaatly visitors. As the dlock struck one the Ohost af Christmas past entered bis roam. His face was young but bis bair was grey and li bis hand ho held a sprig of holly. On the wings af the wind he taok Scraage back tbraugh tbe Christmasscs af the past, then dis- appcared. Scraage feUl aslcep but was awakened again by the clock striking one, again. I"ram the nex roam came the reflectian af an enti light and Scroage vcntured fram. bu (Cantlnued on page 8) Holstein Breeders Discuss Their Problems at Annual Banquet MssU WAn j«PBfTCHAID J. B. Fairbairn, Deputy Min- WINS W. C. T. U. CONTEST ister of Agriculture le One Du Awarded Prise For Best Answer of Speakers - Mayor El. la Examinaion liont Welcomes Breeders December meeting a! the Womcn's -oB w avle Christian Tempexance Union, Baw- Tebra trsso!teH- manville Biancb, was held hi St.1Th rainestofhe ol paul's Sunday sehool nooni on Thurs- stein-friesian breeders o! Durhami day afternoan with the president, were brougbt out very clearly at their Mrn. L. A. Tale, presidlng. The banquet i the Balmoral Hotel, Baw- meeting opened wlth the singlng af a manville, Wednesday, Dec. lOth. byinn and the repeatig a! the Lard's They may indulge i mlk stool ruam- Prayer. Miss Lifian Pritchard, iations frequently and intenslvely, daughter a! Mr. and Mrs. George but tbey dan't let this monapohize Pritchard, King Street, was announc- their tiine. They may study the bis- cd as the winner af the recent temp- tory, the breeding, the !eedlng, the erance oxamination and wlll be pro-; performance and the cash returns of sented witb $4.00 i cash. The ex the widely spread 'Black and Whites.' aminatian was on Cana.±ian Youtb This is an obsession witb theni; but and the Liquor Question. Mis for ail that, perbaps because af it, Woadgen iead a paper giving statis- they also bave a keen appreclation tics to show tbeicrease i the sale 10f symetry, beautY and lntrinsic val- and consuinption o! liquor i the ue i other tbings. Thei aftornoon's Lprovince and in tbe dominion. with- program Sbawed tbat. It shawed the resulting evils which accompany tbat they were aesthetlcally inclin- this heavy consumption. The meet- - d, that as a class they are cultiva- ing closed with prayer by Miss Bell- tors a! the reflnig influences aiflite man. and promoters o! the cultural even ________ i their puisuit o! the materlal. becae te Pesientof he ifeUn-They are practical idealists i mat- becae te pesient f te Lf eUn-tors other tban dairy cattle and milk, derwriters Association o! Toronto tremendously important as these aie and will be the honorary president t h hl ua ae thsya. Tbe membersbip o! this1 association is close ta, 650, ail full At 12.30 tboy sat dawn ta a roast time 111e insurance salesmen f roin ah goase dinner served by mine hast, A. companles. The International Con- J- Wadhains. The moal began wlth vention o! Life Underwrltors bold in'tbick vegetable soup and concluded tToronto this past September was the doligbtfully with pie ausd mare pie largest ever held witb over 2000 dole- and ice crearn. gates in attendance from ail prov- Accampanying the mombers at tYxl inces in Canada, ail states i the f east were thoir wlves, i accandance o Union, and !rom South America and witb a resolution passed at last year's 'Australia. meeting, also a numbor of male IMr. Rundle also obtained bis De- guests and thoir ladies. Mi. N. I. 'gree of Chartered LiI e Underwriter Metcalfe, Mapie Grave, presldent from tbe Institute of Chartered LiI e elect, witb Mis. Metcalf e, presidai at Underwri>ers. Ho is the Chairman 1 the bcad table. 1 of the Text Book Committoo and Is a The llst af speakers was a formid- lecturer on the staff o! tlme Training able anc and icluded an M. P., a School for Chartered LiIO Under- Mayor, a Deputy Minister of Agri- weiites 0 aoto. s peien fculture, an ex-Presidont af the O. A. hounis also the atpint ao! C., a Wbeat Poolficial, a District Toth , YugMons andin lu1fAgrlcultuxal Representative, a Can- Toratomem ofo the Optimlst adian Haistein-Flriestan Association Club, of the Board o! Trade and the Officiai, a Toronto Mllk ProducersV Masonic Order. and is the assaclatei Officiai, as wefl as lQcal officiais of leader of the Young Men's Club ofJ the Durham Holstei Club. Coilge tict UntedChuch.Dr. J. B. Reynolds, Welcame. Intro- Mn. and Mrs. W. G. NoUles are duced the Principal speaker, Mn. J. B. spening Chrstma wih teirFalfr, Deputy Minister of Agri- sdng Cbrismas. . W.BentthMis-culture fon Ontario, at anc time a daen. M.Of.roni, a-iuit gnowing neigiiior ai Dr. Rey- r sOy.nolds. Mn. Fairbain touchai on the pne6- ent wonld wîde econasc depression and pointai out haw ih affects the nis Was Speaker CaaUnfre adhwtegv hep t arnin hwhatever bnanch as Rotary Luncheon of grcuturte ho laengaged in, in ever wa Itcan. H ntne h jgavernment's necent installation of anup-to-date apple grader and a COMPANIONSHIP HOUE cooling and ventilating systeni at the CONDUCTED BY DEACONESS lC. P. R. fruit bouse, nean Newcaatle, and of the gaad results ibat were al- Deacones Ethel Spencer, sister of re,.dy apparent. Church, it w o eis engican ductin ofCanada hs vast utr the specil speaker at Womens Aux- of aven 3,000,000 square miles, in fliary meeting i the Panlsh Hanl an comparison wlth ibat ai the ile fflday altennoon. The deaconess is land of Denmark, offened much -food hi the service af the church i the fan thought. lIncn week, fhec fini United States and bas spent a nuni- week ai Decemben, Denmark b"d ber ai years i the mission fields ai manketed 140.000 hogs and Canada Japan. Just anc tenth of this number cor On flday she conducted wlxat is 14,000. Sometbing wrong here. knawn as a Companionsblp Roui and IncldentaflYho mentianai that the hi bon taik told plainly and ln an Danish feeder can buy western Can- 1 iterstig mnne th menin ofada barley lad down rlght -atidbs inteestig annn th menln aIhome a few cents a bushel cheaper 1certain parables i the Bible. She than can a N;ew ]Brunswick farmer. 1tald o! the story of Jesus teacbing This i abcuea ifnnet f rom theo sp n thesand <> e rfreight rates. Ho also pointed oui nesiet 0 bi prabes ndther1how production cas and labor cmn >meanings. "Peter," she said, «lis a begeti d master fisherman, and wie bis ser- bgetllessenai as athers bave vant ar washigthenetsho c-~also shown, i the dairy business by Jesus pressod by a throng af cager k--PhgabtecasaIcw.T People langlng ta bean some o! the (Cantinued on page 8) wandenfui stanies ho tels them. Ho bas a gIIt, this prophet, of taking the simple daily occurrences aofite, SIX HUNDRE» CHUDREN and making parables out of them. GUESTS OF ROYAL. THEATR For instance, everybody knows haw the oriental woman carnies ber dawry Enjoy Manager Resa' Annuel Christ- on ber persan in bracelets, ta whlch .mTrf-EoayCbOle ane lnked coins, al ber wanldly t. et Ohi luben e weaitb, and baw easy It is fionencoa these cois ta became unlinked tram Oven six hundned children crowded the bracelet and be lasi as she goes inta the Royal Theatre an Mcndow about ber bousehoid duties. Haw aiternoon ta see a specil pragna she is impelled ta beave bon wark and as the guests of the papular manager, to sweop the -wbole bouse until she C. T. Ross. Long befone the time flnds the lost coin, as thaugh aillbei for the show ta commence a lange athen coins are ai little value wben crawd congregated oufalide the build .the collection is braken and anc gane. Ing and i dfftaulty was foundti t seat LJust a simple Uittie stary like that, thernial Mayite tieppe thetling blc mgbtbapen i ay ad ta sit twa on a seat and oven waman's home. Ho means ta beip thon when every avallable inchiof .You understand and bow (lad seems space had been taken nearly a score ;ta cane a great deai fan 5inX101'5wb0 bad ta be turneti away ion lack of have strayed away tram bim and acmoain hs atrwr haw o scrche an seachesforgiven tickets ta attend the night per- thein and wHilnat lbave theinita formance. FPenisb but sends alter thom, even in The special prognam, consisteti ai the person af John the Baptist. and t+,m,. picun_î-ug Rmace by their unitecl efforts have made a jWe are pleased to announce that name for the quality of cattle bred in B. Herbert Mortlock, wbo for the the district. past 18 months bas been the Bow- The officers of Durhamî County mý,anvile Representative of the Osb-, Shorthorn Association were elected awa Daily Times, bas resigned bis as f ollows: President-Otto Bragg, position and joined the Editorial B3owmnanville; Vice-President-.N. S.' Staff of The Canadian Statesman. Rickard Newcastle; Directors-J. F. We feel particularly fortunate in Osborne, Bowmanville. W. F. Rick- securing the services o! Mr. Mortlock ard, Newcastle, E. R. Osborne, New- as we have closely followed bis news- castle; S. C. Allen, Bowmanville; Paper career andi believe that witb J. R. Jobnston, Ashburn; R. Richard-i his genial personality and bis natural son, Asbburn; Secretary---john Bak- abillty for writing qualifies him to be or, Hampton; Ass't-Sec't'y-Wý. P. of particular value to us in improv- Rickard; Sales Managers-S. C. Allun ing the news service o! The States- and J. F. Osborne; Auditors, J. A. man in town and county. We will McClellan and E. R. F. Osborne. appreciate any co-operation citizens may give him in securing news and The members unanimously decided interviews he may seek. to hold a sale early in February and______ wîll bold a banquet the evening of the sale. A red letter event in the bistory o! _________Puiple Guards Lodge, L. O. L. No. 2384, was the first annual Christmas Citizens. don't forget nomination tree beld in Sons of England Hall on meeting in town hall Monday, Dec. Wednesday evening, December l7tb. 29th, at 7.30 p. m. for members of The event was so highly successful it town council and school trustees. will become a regular event each year. Rev. W. J. Todd acted as Trinity Choir members are asked chairman for a splendid program of ta make a special effort to be at choir songs, by Mrs. J. R. Stutt and Mrs. practice an Fiday evening on ac- R. E. Logan; recitations by Mildred count o! exchange witb Sincae St. Andrus and Mary Irwin; and a violin Oshawa choir next Sunday evonlng. duet by A. Fletcher and J. Bennett, Mr. Jack McNaugbtan, for the past accompanied at the piano by Tommy two and a hall years the popular and Bennett. Santa Claus made a dranm- courteous toiler itbe Bank af Mon- atic entrance and distributed gifts ta treal here, bas been transferred ta a every chlld, while they also recelved like position in Oshawa Branch. Mr. on leaving for home a bag of candy. McNaugton's place bas been taken nuts and an orange. Fred W. Bow- by Mr. Wilbur Graham, lodger koep- on, M. P., and Mayor M. J., Elllott er, of Newcastle, wba bas also been were among the interested visitors with this brancb for sevoral years.1 at tb. function. Annual Ckristma's Tree and Dinner Is HeId at Boys' Training Sckool