THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1930 PAGETWO 'p M. G. V. GOULU BA., LL.D. FINAL MEETING 0F COUNCIL Barrister, Solicitor, Notary BuiesIiiSo a ral lioney to lbaiion Farnand Torn DseBsitnfes s ing MShowiaMona. çtopertY. Royal Bank Building, ) FoctAtrCurent Expen'e Bowmanvllle. Phone 351. FrCretEpne W. R. STRIKE Town Couneil held its final meeting' Barrster Solcito. Noary foir 1930 on Monday nighit to wind up Solicior fo Banko! Motreal the business~ of th,, yen r.Mao BaolicitrolcntorfNota Deartei yAvcle o Money to Loant. Phone 91 Elliott prC2,i(lCd. clteo BowmfflVile, O tarlo. tîo notified counicil it must appoint W. F. WARD, B. A. a municipal wee;l inspector and sub- Barrlster, Solicitor, Notary mit name to Dý, p'îrtmie-nt bu fore Mone to oan Bons fr sae.1 February lst, 1931. This matter was Mone toLoan Bods fr Sle.left for the new council to consider. Offces: Bleak.ley Block. King Street, Oscar Hudson Co. . Toronto, iC-1 Bownfville, Ontario. kxîowled-el its appoi:itlent of tx.i Phones: Office 102, Bouse 409. audîtor L. C. MASON, B. A Provincial Departmient of Health Barrster Solcito, Noary notified counicil that it inust submit ail Darrste, Slictor Noary new waterworks to the departme nt L.oans - Investments for approval before work is cani-1 Bowmanville - Next to Royal Theatre mnncd. Phones: Office 688; House 55yr3E.cre oerCmni 1.o _______________- *.-agreed to the installation of new lights in the business section. Forty-1 DENTAL three 300 units will be installed on BONNCASTE IKing street and four 150 watt units Bonor graduate in Denistry, Toronto units wl e charged at rate of $37.50 University. Oraduate of the Royal per annum and the 150 watt units at Callege of Dental Surgeons of On- $27 per annuni. Council passed a taria. Office: King St., Bowma.nville. resolution approving tiiese charges. Office phone 40; house Phone 22. Town Clerk John Lyle notified X-Ray Equlpmeflt i Office. counicil o! the resuit of tax arrear DR. .J. C. DEVITT sale held on Dec. 6, when five prop- Asistant Dr. E. W. Sisson erties were offered foi' sale. Only one Graduate of Royal Dental College, was sold. Tm'onto. office. _Mng Street East, Washington Loan and Trust Coi-1 BawmanvllC. Office hours 9 a. M. pany sent a statement of affairs with tao6 p. m. dally except Sunday. the McGill Estate whereby the town Phone 90. Bouse phone 283* is to ieceive 51 per cent. of $1,367, X-Ray Equlpmert in Office. which is now the balance on hand. Finance Committeeý and Water ____________________Works committees presented their re- MEDICALports of expenditures. MEDICALTown Clerk Lyle gave statenient C. W. 8LEMON, M.D., C.M. of taxes paid showing about $22.000 Oraduate of Trinlty Medical College, bigi rLrt aea ias Toronto. $14,000 at this time last year. Offce and residence: Dr. Belth's V arious' standing comimittees pre- fomer residence, Wellington. Street,' sente(l their reports of expenditures Bowmnvile. Pone 59.for year, somie have a balance and Bowmnvile. Pone 59.others requiring a supplementary J. CLARK BELL grant. The Mayor intimiated that the M. D., Ch. B., F. R. C. S. <EdIn.>, D. P. H. vear's business would likely sowa (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) smnall deficit of around $5)00. Bons. Graduate in Medicinle. Aber- The McGill nioneys wero ver'. uso,- deen University; Fellow of the Royal fui in keeping dowri '.vhat might ha-,-( College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. heen a largo deficit. However, this1 Office and residence: Queen Street, matter of the McGill money beingi Bowmanvli.le. Phone 89. used for various works ivas not a last1 Office Hlouru: 2 to 4 p. m.. 6 to 8.30 p. m. minute thought 'o keep down lhi e- ficit but W i ranged in July. Roads and Streets CHIEOPRACTIC ANUDREUGLESS Roads and Streets Conmnittee comi- THEROPY menced the year on an estimated ex- penditure of S7,M>O uni Ment about' DURWIN E. STECKLEY $8,182.73. 0f this extra amount $8UO Hanor graduate of Toronto CoUlege was provided foi' in a previous supple- of Chiropracties wlll be i the Bow- mentary estimate and with cer-tain amrnville office Tuesday, Thursday moneys coming hack to the depart- and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. mient from other sources only a itr ReÉdentlal cails made during fore- ther supplementary estimate of $150 Doon. was needed. Part o! the expense which bas been incurred in this de- partment has yet to be paid by the FUNERAL DIRECTORS Governments under the unemploy- ment relief plan. FF.MORRIS CO. Printig, Etc. Complete Motor or Printing and Stationery Committee Horse Equlpment. showed that with an estimated expen- Alcafls promptly diture of $700, actual expenditures attended to. were $696, le;ax ing ý ,mall balance. ,. F . Private Ambulance Relief and Health 1o0mandile34one Relief and Health Committee camef Branch Stores: off the best of any department *espite Orono & Newcastle. the depression. While the Govern- ment bas been co-operating with un- employed very little expenditure has been made by this committee. The AUCTIONEERS resuit is a surplus o! $318.85 in tbe - THEO IL 8LEMON relief section and a surplus of $121 in Auctioneer the bealth department. Parm and Hanse Sales a Specialty. Cemetery Termis moderate. Ennlskillen P. O. Cemetery Con'rîittee commenced Phone 197r3. 1-tf the year expecting to spend $2,0W( ___________________________but committee decided that new gates and other improvements were badly VETERI.NAEY needed at the cemetery. However, IL G. KERSLAXE, V.B., B,V.Sc. it was decided to caîl the new gates Orafa the McGill Memorial gates, the Hanor Graduate of the University of imoney Wo corne !rom the McGill immlto. Al cases given prompt estate motieys. The actual expen- Mdi careful attention. Office: Dr. diture of tbis committee was $4,J99.96 Uffloy'8 former office. Phones: or $2,099.96 more than was expected. Cbke 3921: Orana 18-1. As $1,650 is Wo be paid out of the Mc- ______________________ Gill moneys only a deficiet o! $449.96 remains on tebook.s. piSDep$. ilPolice Department came very near their quota. Estimates were $4,00 and actual expenses $3,992.66 leaving a balance o! $7.34. I Public Property wIio were wise enough Wo ask for as mach naney as A / they needed after contemplating sev- --- 1ýt 11- týwn ýq1B i T jerai improveflents at .he townLhall finisbed witb a surplus o! $114.52. Th'e estimates weme $7»J~ and the ~expenditures $6,885.48. Fire Deparînient Fire Department bas a deficit of $198.88 but sbould aIl outstandi'ng ac- counts be paid the cornnittee wili' g actually bave a surplus o! $167, Cer- Thne Sang tain charges have been made for at- tendance at ires out the corporation. Lis and these bave not be ad si ~1"r mates were $5,000 and expenditumes O n O u Lips $5,198.88. O! this sum $3,480 is pai(i ta the W'atemvworks Departnieiit as It's a Chistom ar ao, rent for Fire Hydrants. we're ulng.Mai the It took members o! the serenade is ta M o long time to figure out whetber or not there was a deficit at the enul of awlsh Mtaaght fromn the year, and most of themn are nom. tb. heant - a MeiTy clear on 'the subject. llowever, Mayor .Cbabitas. Elliott's, figures pointed to a snial, deficit o! $450 wbich might ho wiped - out by tbe end o! the year. At close of session Mayor Elllot.t lnformied the counicillors that inst.ead R. . O G N Jof treating them ta the usual oyster R , . L ) -Asupper he had decided ta forego this Ipleasure and give the money ta the lM.bIfi. B 1eatin &Tihmtbi Welfare Camnmittee. The announce- phone: 264W shop; 264J Bouse mnent was greeteci with aplaue BOWAV HL NWOMEN SUPPLY Su- Two Bowmanville ladies last week commenced a-v"Y wothv work I-t < I'N1 amang the transients stoppmg for a J. H R M O night's lodging in the local jail when they decideti to send. once each week, wants 1a large preserv'ing kettle o! soup te 1 hese hungry mon. In this way the POULTRY and APPLES CommnunitY We!fa.tre Committee wll be saveti a consielerible i! mon- att'y whîch can he spent on the local ie-dy' Tht' t' !wo laweshave dç-eid- Fair Prices 0d it take Mm%ý)daY, and Tuesday phones::î h frtl:"'il ork. Other ladies BaWmanvil1ý235 leüdit; î ncliiied to hellp in this wor- Toronto-Tmrnty 3949J thy calise shoulfi get in tauch with Addes: 74Augusta Ave., Mr. D. R. Morrison, chairman o! the Addres: 274cammuriity Weîfare Commnitte. Who Toronto. 46-tf will designate a night on which tr supply their offering o! good cheer. Ch ristmas, the MiracleI I BY CHARI 'S 11EYR!' BRENT Henry Brent, a native of Newcastle, Ontario, for The Buffalo Courier-Expre.zs uf Decent.ber 25, 1926. was republished in its issue i of December 25. 1929, for tvwo reasons: First, it is one of the most magnificent Cr~îa messages ever written; second. since the death of BishoP Brent. there bas been an increasingly general recogni tion of the fact that he was one of the world's great spiritual leadrc-.- f a'l! 'înrc andi a correspondingly general interest in the words which he spoke and wrote and the deeds which he did. The Statesman. through the kinidness of Mr. Arthur A. Elford. a Durham County boy, who mailed us this clipping last year. is glad to carry to its readers the inspiring Christmas message which Bishop Brent, with characteristic graciousries. wroto fotir yeqrF ago. The fertilizing river, Christmas, thc, greatest miracle in a world of miracles. flows carolling through the viney rds of the humnan race with strong, unhurryiflg tide. In itself it is s0 simple. the anniv'ersary o! a Baby's birth. Its influence is so, amaziflg. the conversion of a selflsh world to unselflshness. It glides with magie power. With its benediction it caresses the banks o! time. Cities of Jay are enriched at its touch as it goes singing on its way; barren wastes are fructified; hardened hearts are softened. So f ull o! loving nature is it that it would fain convert the toiling alleys of men into the smiling uplands o! the Kingdom of God. The first characteristic o! Christmas is its winsame beauty. Its introduction to earth was wth a mother's lullaby. an angellc chorus with pastoral homage and kingly gl!ts. As it began. so it continued its course-in royal beauty. it awoke the hand o! art zo that the galleries of the world have as their cholcest treasure Madonfl5 and Child. It chainmed to if e the poet's gi!t o! sang. Milton's Ode to the Nativity stands as the chie! jewel in a corona of simple carols and noble Christmas verse o! and ta Jesus Christ. Bis divine maJesty does not obscure Bis human dearness and nearness: "Sleep. little baby, 1 love thee. Sleep. little Ring, I amn bending above thee. How should I know what to sing Bere in my arms as I swing thec to sleep? Hushaby low. Rockaby so. Rings may have wonderful jeweh to brinc Mother has only a kiss for her K-ing! Why should my singing so make rie to "' Only 1 know that I love the..I love thee. Love thee. my littie one. sleep." Around the manger-bed the theologies. th, th'y~:e.i% ethical speculations of the ages linger and circle. and out o! the mystic Thing. which la God's Son. they weave tiei" fi' :rdfabricFZ o! thought. Faith. hope and love hover above thc Zabe. In Him they find drink to quench their thirst for God. visiont satiý;fv their yearning for the best. the heart's de-'- that catches us away f rom self up into the glad heights o! servi- to Hlm. This is the creative wealth with wl'¶rhý the Chi 's runs as it gaes lilting through the ages in f ull tide, offerin-, of its riches to ail who will ta receive. Fxoc' fitting that the joy- spot o! the year should be a little Child! What other religion o! the world bas dared to make the birth of a bAbe a chie! festival in its calendar? Only an immortal Ba""c = :. nim- mortal anniversary. Though B-e grew ta tast.p the ioys and sorrows o! manhood, Be is today still thie Babe. for into and through Bis maturity He ever preserved. unsoilfpd and unspoiled. the beauty and the power o! Bis infancy and c'.hlllhood. H, came. bearing in Himnself God's best. Gad's very best. God's self. Grod's very self. For why? That by Bis self-gi! t Be might demonstrate the love which. be-cause o! our limitations of intellect. we cannot understand. Sa Christmlas Is gl!t-day. Was there ever such an orgy o! giving as now marks the perennlally recurrlflg f eat We shal not belittle the spirit of giving even if it is not all perfect. It la impossible to kill Christmas. Its Author was killed that Christmas might live. For one day in the year at any rate we cannot but thlnk a! others and show aur thought by action. Christmas compels us. We cannot escape the fertilizing power o! the insistent Chrstmias river. it performs its miracle an- nually on a self-seekiilg world and for the moment man lives on a high plane o! unselflshness. one larnents for the littIe childrefl who know no Christmlas. The sob cornes ta my throat as 1 think of a single "ernpty stock- ing." It is the Child who set the Christmfas river flowing, so that Christmas can be only for chldren i act or children in heart and mind. One lanierits for tiiose who have neyer learned to give f rom the compulsion o! love or whc> glve only to those who have. We pray the God o! Christmras ta awakeri tlem. A wee girl had a slck brothier--slck unto death. The word went forth that "orrly a miracle could save hlm." Little sister pondered over the saylng. Ber duty beme clear. Gathering together her preclous pennies she laid them on the counter a! a nearby store and sald she wlshed to bu3' a miracle. "A what. my chlld?" said the clerk. "A miracle. I must have a miracle. I have a sick brother and they say only a miracle cari rave hixn"* A big man standing by said ta her- "Lttie one, I arnt a miracle. Take me ta your brother."Il Band irn hand they went ta the sick bed. The big man was a wlse and skilled physiciari wfr became the miracle that saved her brothers Il! e. For us, if we only knew It. Chrlstmas is the great Worid Miracle that can alone save- our lives !rom ourselves, rationafly not less than individaullY. 1% gives us the C?îrst. It weants Ss f rom selftsh calculations. pofltlcally, industr1iaM' and perscriifly- !It emancipates us f ram f ear. When. every day is Chrlstas Dey. so far as mutualty a! gtvlng gDes. the world wfl not bc r tf rczi the Klngdorii o! O/ad. .ii Decemer r.. 19 A Friend's Wisk May Chriabmas bring you the happy realizatiori of many new friendships and the re- newal of those to whom your acquaintance bas been a real pleasure. '-r - -r--~- - -'~-~- - The Hydro SIop program. a debate -Resolved thatI Santa Clais is Real."' Much to theI delight o! the audience a splendid argument ensued, but the answer to the debate was solved by Santa in Ini a very short ture he unlaaded the twa decorated trees which stood on the stage and everyone received a present including the members a! the teachig staff Who were handsomely remembered by the students. iThe singing a! a Carol brought the iter- esting program ta a close. Af ter the program the students indulged in dancig for a short time. Miss L. Whitton. for twa years a member o! Bowmanville Bigh School. teaching staff, has resigned ta take a position in a Western Ontario colleg- iate institute. Ber place here. as teacher o! French and Modemns. will be taken by Mr. Bruce Ingham, M.A.. LL.B.. Port Hope, Wha was formerly on the staff and Who resigned some years ago on accoiirt o! sickness. PRLIZE WLNNERS PUBLIC SCHOOL r-,;' ;Boom fias Program and Christmas Tree Beforf- Iolidays Comm nce A much anticipated e'.Llt foi' thc pupils at Bowmanvilit Public School, i ,ûok place on Friday morning when the winners o! the an-i-.:-l prizes were n)rc znrc' with the rex,ard of their 'tifc ::e students "ecre ma-fd in the main hall togct wr v-0h;t teachers and represent0-."e ious clubs o! the town Prinz.pel J. B. Johnston made a v;cm'i hy chair- ~,Ati~,remnarks sinoke o! the r" hf - -h and e-,/'ty :tudent fio-ir' h..ý or W'er work r-' n it for tie sake oi reward ta f o. ow,. b"tf be' cause it la right ta do -,- ana obe- cause in later years th', efforts o! x'o'th wîll make an outstanding mark o - tie ie of the ind'r:;duatl. Mrs. George Mason. President Women's Canadian Club. pree-r-'c the prizes donated by t«hee lr1l"ifor the pup" - -aiiJrig the hi;:hes, L--I-a* î r fui Can.aiîan '-i ory during the term . The winners were: lst. Jim Sissons; 2nd. Helr. Mason. Mr. A. M. Hardy, President Men's Canadian Club, presented the prize ýandin, in Canadian Bistary in the I ntranceClass. The wlnner was Jean Morris. Prize f :r highest marks i Arith- metic t l00<,) was presented by the 'Ionor. Principal J. B. Johnstafl, ta Grace Crawfarth. Mr. Johnstan also presented hi prise for the highest marks for Spell- ing in the Entrance W Bill AI- lin who got 50 out a! 50. Prizes donated by the Public School Board for the highest total i the Entrance Examinations went ta: lst, Grace Craw!orth; 2nd, Jean Marris. Fred H. Cryderman, member o! the Public School Board, presented the prizes for general praficiency donat- ed by the Board as foflows: Roomn 2 - Jr. 4th - 1, Doris Dudley; 2, Lamna Clark. Room 3 --Jr. 4th-l. Marlon Jewell. 2. Audrey Elliott. Room 4-Sr. 3rdI-1, Ma'lAge M.oses; 2, Mary Birks. Roorm 5-Jr. 3id-l, Frances Hearl; 2, Flor- ence Shotter. Room 6-.Jr. 3rd-1. Clarence Tomhlinson; 2, Ruth lIen- ningri. Room 7ý-Jr. ZiaI -1, NMaiion Scott; 2, Margaret Wood. Room'- Sr. 2nd-1, Benny Rosne':; Jr. 2nd- Byron Crawford. Boom Ç-Sr. 2nl- 1, Marlon Davic,; Jr. 2nd---Georgina LamnbroŽ,. Rcain 10--Jr. 2nd-1, Al- an Taniblyn; Sr. lst-Jeanfle Adams. Boom 1-Sr. lst-l, Donalda Creas- ser: Jr. lst--Marian Dudley; Sr. Pr. -Marjorie Tomlinson. Boomn 12- Frimr-l. Jean Pattinsan. 2 Laura «Wil.son, 3 Violet McAllister. South Ward School-Room l-Sr. 2nd-Jack ('nîville; Jr. 2nd!-Madp- leine ('alver; Sr. lst-Jean Rice; Jr. 14t-Tom Depew. Room 2-Jr. I t- 1Flasi Aider; Sr. Primer--Kenneth Luxton; Jr-. Primier-lKernth Nicker ;aii. In ttmîe Public Schoal reports pub- ishedc' in last week's issue of The S3tattesman tbe n'xme that appeared under Boom 3 o! Central School reading Frank Taylor should have 5een Frank Tlghe. On Friday afternoon the annuil Christmas parties were held by the pupils in their respective' cl.,s'tmoomns. Plays. dialogues, solos. duets. and musical novelties were features o! aU t>ne programas. Each roomn was nîce- iy decorated and was complete with a Christmas tree f rom which cch -tudent was presented with a present, whie the teachers came ii, for their'r' as. It was a most enjoyable oc- "asion and particularly pleased werc the parents o! the students Who at- tcnded. Each teacher preqented tl'.eir pupils with a smaîl token and these were greatly appreciated.' To add to the festive occasion the Home and School Club had made arrange- men ts for each child ta receive an FI Y W. P. CORBETT STORE CLOSED ALL DAY FRIDAY Iii order to give our staff a real good Christ- mas holiday our store and shop will be closed Thiirsd ay anid Friday. So goveru yourself ac- cordingly. Rice & Cou Opposite Post Cýnce r t' q B owmanville p 1,1 96 -~ - May Peace and Happiness be yours this Christmas Day.. and throughout the new Year to coïne.g. Edmnondstone's PURE FOOD STORE Phontl .-11Bowmanville CHRISTMAS PROGRKM AT THE HIGH SCHOOL M4iss L. Whitton Has Resigned Froin B. H. S. Teaching Staff The Literary Society of Bowman- ville High School held its annual Christmas entertainmnent in the aud- itorium on Friday afternoon., The stage and auditoriumn were tastefully decorated and every seat was filled. The program was in the hands of the Fifth Form who certainly made thelI most of the opportunity of making it seasonable. 1 The program opened with the singing of O Canada and this was followed by a farce, which although it was un-nanied, was received withi gi*eat a.a4uS àndwa.i really well acted. A selection by the Boys, May the day be sunny, your hearts merry ... and may you flot f orget our good wishes are with you!