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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Dec 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTE CANADIAN .STATESMAN, BOWMANVIILE, THURSDAY, DECÈMBER 25, 1930 When You Hang lp Your Stocking May good old Santa fi it with a lot of Happi- ness. That's our wish, and w e hope it cornes true. PHIONE 110 KIN 5LT.E-AST2 BOWMANVI LLE Strangled with Asthma is the only expression that seems to convey what is endured from an attack o! this trouble. The relief f rom Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy is beyond measure. Where aIl was suff ering here comes comfort and rest. Breath- ing becomes normal and the bron- chial tubes completely cleared. This unequailed remedy is worth many times its price to all who use it. Miler's Worm Powders iili erad- ict the wormn evil that bears so heavily on chiîdnen and is believed to, cause many fatalities. They are an acceptable medicine to children and can be fully reîied upon to clear the food channels thoroughly of these destructive parasites and restore the inflamed and painful sur-faces to healthfulness. They are an excellent remedy for these evils. LAKE SHORE SCHOOL Report of S. S. No. 2, Clarke. Names in order o! merit. Figures denote percent. Sr. IV-Neta AllUn 81, John Mit- chell 72. Myrtle Allin 66. Jr. ilI-Maurice Powell and Jean H-olmes equal 74, Floyd Powell 60 II-Audrey Jaynes 65, Edith Hen- dry 64. Sr. I-Evelyn Brown 64. Jr. I-Donald Powell 70, Stanley Brown 65. Hilda J. Rowland, teacher. DARLINGTON December report for S. S. 3, Dar- lington: Sr. 1V-Annie Kush 73, Harold Forsythe 70, Aloysius Kush 69. Jr. IV-Grace Trull 68. Sr. III-Elsie Flint 66, Hazel Flint Jr. III-Hazel Trull 64, Louise Fol- ey 63, Helen Rundie 60, tMaurice Morphy 55. tSammy Van Camp 54, j-Berniece Roberts 53, f Vera Gibson 48. tHazel Roberts 47. Sr. Il-Arthur Forsythe 72, Eddie Forsythe 64. Jr. II-Jean Metealf 61, Peggy' Finnigan 58. Pr. A-*Eveline Gibson. *Marie Roberts, 'Viola Roberts, *Gordon Pr. EB-*Madeline Meteal!. *Glenn Trull. Meteal. *Gordon Metcalf. *Louise Forsythe. Mike Bonk. *-Honour; f-Below 60%. j Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. Trinity Young People's meeting on Monday evening was in charge o! the Citizenship Committee, with Bob Corbett i the chair. Devotional was in charge of Miss Spargo and Mr. Kenneth Morris. The program i- cluded: Vocal solos by Misses Ber- niece Belîman and Margaret Allin; readings, Misses Jean Milîson, Daisy Clarke and Ada Allin. The Frayer Lu e was the subject splendidly given by Mr. G. L. Wagar, M. A., who is alwaYs heard with pleasure and pro- fi. Games, etc., were enjoyed at the close. Next meeting in charge o! the Missionary Dept. when a special treat is expected. AN ADVENTURE! "I had an adventure the other friends-"an adventure in friend- ship." Her listeners were interested. "Yes," she went on, «'I went ona j300-mlle trip i two minutes. No. not i imgination-by telephone. Won- derful. isn't it? I called an old !riend ,-on the spur o! the moment. XVe are golng te telephone o! ten. It's a TODAY ... Two New Cars Now Ready ... TODAY -~~~ HUDONG 1f7f (COCI4$I9..j. Jf: ~ LOCAL AND OTHERWIBE (Crowded out asat week) Mrs. W. B. Pinch, writing from Texas, says: "We are enjoying lovely weather, pretty cool nights, and mostly warm sunshiny days." Dr. J. B. DanDeno of the Depart- ment o! Education, Toronto, former teacher in Bowmanviile High School, inspected the Agricultural Classes at Brighton High School last week. Bowmanville citizens have been shocked by thE news of two sudden deaths during he past two weeks- Mrs. Harry Hamim whose death oc- curred on Sunday night, Nov. 3th, whiîe going to church; and on Fri- day afternoon the news came that Mrs. J. J. Mutton, Church St., ne- turning f rom a shopping trip, sud- denîy coliapsed as she entered her home. One of the important events o! the past week in Trinity United Church was the PrImary Class Christmas Party on Wednesday last when about 100 little ones with their teachers and some parents assembled and had a merry time. Each one received a gif t from the gaily decorated tree which was made all the more inter- esting by Santa Claus who had a cheery word for each as he distribut- ed the gifts. Darîington and Bowmanville friends will remember Mr. Fred Chattîerley, who on account of serious inj.uries received, spent a year in Bowman- ville Hosptial, and who is now in the National Hospital, East Finchley. London, N. E. Engîand. Acknowledg- ing a letter to Mrs. T. C. Jewell of this town, lie says he is coming along slowly but surely, waîking on crutch- es. He sends very sincere thanks to Mrs. JewelI and family, Bowman- ville Women's Institute. Dr. and Mrs. Bell. and a numhor of other friends who made it possible for the former to send him a Christmas gift o! $25.1 0 aAstounding pricee, ""We invadle a new field with vostd'yx, improved cars at the lowest prices in our history" BY WILLIAM J. MCANEENY Pruident, Hudson Motor Car Company XVE have built these models up to and beyond the 1931 standards of performance and quality in every way, and have neyer in our history offered so many improvements. Quality is greater down to the last detail. Every phase of performance bas been greatly improved, and the luxury we have built into the cars is substantially greater than ever before. Motors are larger and more powerful. An efficient system of oil cooling is introduced. A marked improvement in carburetion increases fleibility and economy. Bodies are longer and wider. These cars possess the finest, easiest riding qualities. For the first time, such con-dort is available at these low prices. Only great manufacturing economies and the fact that our large resources permit us to take the fullest possible advantage of reduced commodity prices have en- abled us to ofler the public the greatest combination of quai- ity and low prices in our entire history. Owner-Management Permits Exclusive Value Advantages Owner-management enables Hudson- Essex to give you outstanding ad- vantages in quality and price. The men wbo are now guiding ifs destinies bave been with the company since ifs inception twenty-two years ago. Its department heads and principal dis- tributors are its controlling owncrs. Their independence is backed by un- usuaily large resources in capital and plant facilities. It enables Hudson- Essex to lead in design and engineer- ing quality. It permits economies in manufacture and distribution that bring exceptional quality direct to the public at distinct price advantages. Ses both new cars at these places todlay: Ross,, Amnes & Gartskore Co. Ltd.,l thrill I've only iust discovered." BOWMANVILLE, ONT. OSHAWA4 ONT. COURTICEdnadby rsA.JGaadMsINUIE cm c itdseoftesm epeecs (Crowded out last week) be presented with life-membership, REV. GEO. E. HARTWELL SPEAKS Church here some years ago and re-, Qulck Relief weeendwit M. ad Ms.G. . A-'one A Cluist A bibe soy, wa Ms wel___ __,Mr.oer.Tonsptth FoeceC rtc watecosnN NIECSTLE tedsomgrab ofaltesie byMr Hrt fo W m Ru~ iel tl b Ms Sdi ui ad The congregation of the United Wonun Glad to note that Mr. F. W.*Rn another story by Mrs. Jackson. A Church enjoyed a rare opportunity NEWCASTLE UNITED CHUKCH pain~s an hoadaches. ThekW.m dleis mprvig a te hs ilnes. Christmas chorus was sung by the last Sunday morng aqiing inmêv taufern ~ We offer congratuhatians eMS band, led by Mrs. Courtice, with Missmc ubntcifr ationof Cina Womefl's Association Officers ZUTOO TABLETS. MmN ien Aura Brooks on securing the position Mimauh pao ada tecos and thenthinfrmtin of Coneanho ufrwowsrloe of head dietitian im Lockwood Clinice mu tein ad a sered byote wd hobse nt te re ter ipaof a W AofnheUiedCurhme Wr~3 ight teof soy wo wu pai nd on Bloor St., Toronto.theleaetandgassant ea ers. bythe wlue timseinttht far ofpanrt ndTosayaW.Aof tenonite homet n3 mnosof!v pi n A most happy afternoon was spentI mite boxes were handed in and the aogisgetmse fpol r.(r)J .Bte n lce at the Parsonage on Thursday last splen~d doffering amouted taogisgetmse f epe r.(r)J Bter and elcted in t lan : "Evkor when the monthly meeting of the W. ly $1().(o. Of er Rev. Geo. E. Hartwell, B.A., B.D.' the following officers and commnittees ~ ~ tetn Imudko M. S. was held there. Although it was ,udysrie suulwr o oeo ulunatr3 er for 1931: about ZUTOO TABLETS and what a rainy afternoon a large number of o d Inthemor n our Pastor as a mi ssionary in West China, oc- PrsdnMs. ecyHee- tywldo"Jttythtaet cupied the pulpit. Mr. Hartwell said elctd. and know for yourself how quicklY ladies attended and it was a very in- delivered a fine sermon on "Bear ye eVece rs- s.W J.SRck tytotepan terestîng meeting. The president, one another's burdens." The S. S. tbat it was obvious that he could not Vc rs-r.W .S ik hyso h Mrs. H. F. Osborne, presided. and in session in the afternoon was îargeîy tell a grat deal in a baif or three are-elSecte.-r.CR.aveh te devotional period the bible les- attended. Sunday evening the Mis- quarters of an hour of the story ofreectd son which was the Christmas lesson sion Circle were in charge and Mrs. China and of bis experiences there veetenc nth et-r.W durig narl for deade ofbislue Sec'y. pro temn, during Mrs. Car- ter which Mrs. (Rev.) Wolfraim told speaker. Mrs. Sterling took for her He did bold the rapt attention of his H. Cooke. a beautIful Christmas story on "Why subject, "Faith, Hope and Charity," bearers as he related a number of the Cor. Sec'y.-Mrs. H. R. Pearce, re- the Chimes Rang." The story describing In a beautiful manner outstanding incidents of bis first electeci. , brought out the theme of bringing three bible characters representing: year in West China, beginning witb Treasurer-Mrs. E. C. Fisher. ________________ gifts of sacrifice te God, and Mrs. lier subject. The whole address was bis arrivai tbere in company with Dr. Pianist-Mrs. Ernest Rinch. Wolraimhas a gift of! teiling stories full of inspiration and the attention Kilborn and Dr. Stevenson and their Flower Committee-Mesdames C.ASAE NDSR wywhich was thoroughly enJoyedj out by the touching way Mrs. Ster- Io! Mrs. Kilborn f£rom cbolera just two Group Leaders-Mrs. W. J. S. REMEDY FOR bthe ladies. After Mr. Wolfraim ling has o! expressing hersel!. The weeks after they settled in their new Rickard, Mrs. A. Cowan, Mrs. Fred AUGCIDE led in prayer, Mrs. A. F. Rundle read choir consisted of Mission Circle and home so far away from ail her On- Graham, Mrs. J. C. Hancock, Mrs. J.MIIGCIOE some verses on the spirit of Christ- some ladies and a pretty duet was tario borne folks, struck a deep chord W. Glenney, Mrs. W. H. Cooke. j M L L ER mas which were very appropriate. sung by Misses Sadie Muir and Hazel of sympathy in the hearts of bis bear- Visiting Comm.-Mrs. John Doug- Mrs. Blake Oke and Mrs. Ted Rivett, Rundle. Offering $11.00 for the ers. Mr. Hartweli also traced broad- las. Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard, Mrs.J.M responded to the watch tower. and a Mission Circle.1 ly the history of China during these Cobbledlck. 'WORM vocal duet was nicely sung by Miss Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Annis enter- ycars. The past twenty years bas Devotional Comm.-Mrs. W. H. PWE R Hazel Rundle and Mrs. Chas. Found. tained the King Street, Oshawa, male been Cina's great awakening when Cooke. Mrs. J. M. Cobbledick, Mrs. The chapter f rom the study book was quartette and others who have taken she bas been struggling te throw off Edmund Thackray. taken by Mrs. Sam Vinson. Af ter- part i concerts recently on Saturday the lethargy of tbe ages. There lias Church Decorating Comm.-Mrs. O»datn'.N o NACOlU wards refreshments were served bY evening. naualrenmc umi n o-Wm anl.Ms ei aisn WVAN.cvAO Mrs. Chas. Found's groun and during nt___________ I ol ndcon W . arel, rs Go.Jaieon NLY EN. QU: the lunch hour Mr. Wolfraim favor- motion. The present is a critical Mrs. J. M. Cobbledick. VNR MO"T OELICAT EM cd the company with a song. Mr. ENNISKILLEN CONTINUATION itimne. Communism, materialism, athe- The group leaders turned In their As SWECT As suGaf and Mrs. Wolfraim were most genial SCHOOL 1 ism, unbelief are rampant forces, final earnings to the W. A. treasurer in their home and everyone had a Cbristianity must hold on. Chinaiwho reported that the Association, happy afternoon. Report o! the standing of the pupils amid the gospel for ber own sake fe paying ail expenses. meeting alI :ooki's ouaigC m Ud Friday afternoon the "Sunbeams" for the Faîl termi: 70%-100% First an( for the salie of aIl the worîd. This obligations and fulfilling all prom- 0 A sf. rialemum MisionBan hed is ontly eet Clss onurs 60-70 Seonds no timne for Christians here te relax ises, wouîd close the year with a bal- .eden.SoId in three de. Missionnd Shooî. Ts nh preet- Class Honours; 50%-to70% Ssn or weaken in their support of Christ- ance on hand of about $60.00. em oi atreusth.-No. 1, $Il ing nian 8Smissions insden, Chinanorsw50ereteMtbess -.Mrs. A. Cowan's group served re- o2 83- No. 3,là per ba Miss Audrey Trevail, had charge Of Below '»% Failure. inmsin nChnweetepeo- freshmens sitdb h ots. id 6v or Mt the meeting until the election of of- Fr l- is lssHnus pie by the millions are yearning f or Mronsnssse yte ots ficers when the leader, Mrs. W. R. FGrce ISm ith,0%; las oor6%.the gospel of Christ and its saving t mr.Beu. w' THE COOICMEDUCWfo Courtice, took the chair. and the fol- G___Smih,8_;_____More_7%._owr.themeu.T OOM< EDICINE COL- Iowing officers were elected: Presi- Second Ciass Honours-None. Pass powe ____of__the________________W._M den-MssAure Trval:Vie Alce shon 5%.P.Rogers, Mr. Hartwell sang that oft MOVING ABOUT* w OO'S prMOSPHOOINIL.1 Form1-Fist Cass onous- $ne, Great bni.Pgi.çh Preparatnni Prp'< .-Raymond Barber; Treasurer Form IFMart Cîass HonoViuSsung Sunday School Hymn, "Wboso - Irene's social welfare work requir- 'a fons.and ,rigorates the whole -Margaret Gay: Cor. Sec'%v.- -Waltpr 82%;dysMartin k, 831; VublaVrtule,! ever Will, in Chinese, and lied the ed frequent moves from city te city. niervous systeinu makes new BIood Devenish: Rec. Sec'y.-Margaret Ad- 8O;MreOe 1;VoaBai ini h igigo h o uhtm owieltes h NlIYMeins. JJtJ for ry, V1 -Freda Bradley, 73', eoa1cnrgto nth ign fteNtm- im ewieltes h 1i id V sdfrn'ao ams: Temperance Sec'y.-Lawrence :Vrn chorus in English. found thc telephone te be a very Desponden7, LozaofE q, on7 (,rudicp. The President then Worden, 72%. Second Class Honours a jg, io sýided and a good programn was gilr,-laaPg, 4;ErnLk,62;_ e . D. ibr, for se many real heîp, and her habit of calling th. Hoarf, auftine Memor>i. rice. 'bbo.3' liv Miss Elsie Brock's group. The; Roland Tbompson, 61%. years, Rev. Mr. Hartweil's associate home f rom wherever she was nmalle foi t5.1 Sold by ail dniggists, or mailed in plain Band then voted on one member to Margaret H. Dalton, teacher. in West China, spoke in the Metbodist her feel that she was neyer far away &golrnpcfpieN.pahjEmuO when there was a telephone at hand. UWO MDCNcJRwToT THE BOYS PLAYED SAFE Terry Gilkison J May Yuletide Joy Be Unconfined! When the fire glows on the hearth and the happy f amily gathers to observe the f estive Yuletide, may your cup of joy bubble over. That's our wish at this jolly season of the year, and with it we add the hope that your joy wil be as abundant throughout the New Year. McCLELLAN & CO. Ploms115 fl.wm*avl. Rowmanville 14 JI NGLEF, '<OU KkCk AND0 'I.L. AN RA&R M" YN 'OuRE NMAP,-YOU 00. *Tr wfII 'fURAPe ON Ti,4E. Hou'* ýYOu'RE VER'f,V5Rw Nlc,_Iý Amazing qualities fflE SIX

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