i ~~nibtan ~t~teman With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmianvilie News Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5e a Copy No. 5 CATHOLICS HONOR DEPARTING PRIEST Rev. Father Butler Fresented With Purse of Gold by Congregationof St. Joseph's Church 1 Congregatiosi of St. Joseph's Ro- man Catholic Church bld !arewell to their pastor Rev. Father P. P. Butler following the evening devotions and Benediction on Sunday evening. Failier Butler who goes to Kinmount as Parish Priest and who had been assistant at Cobourg has had charge of the Bowmanville church for past five Years and in a touching fare- well sermon thanked the congrega- tion for their co-operation. He ex- Pressed the hope that the cordial relations which have existed during bis time will continue under the pas- toral care of Father James McGuire who will be his successor. At the conclusion of the service Mr. Thomas Bottreil on behalf of the congrega- tion read an eulogistic address and made a presentation of a purse of gold to Pather Butler. The pastor was visibly touched by this token of esteem and suitably replied to the add.ress. The congregation with their pastor then spent a pleasant social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Westnutt on Second' Street. ______ Annual Vestry Meeting HeId At St. Joh'n's Encouraging Reports.. Pre- sented by Various Organ izations-Rector is Opti- mistic of the Future Despite general depression the xe- p)orts af the various orgaiain of St. John 's Anglican Church as1 given at the annual Vestry meeting in the Parish Hall on1 Monday night showed the church to t.e in a most flourishing condition. Evidence of Ulis was shown by every organiza- tion completi.ng the year w-ith a balance in the bank and the church's liabilities, which are very amnali, had been conslderably re- duced during theyear. The church report showed that it too had a handy balance on hand. The Retor's Report The Rector. Rev. C. R. Spencer, pre6lded at the meeting whlch was vieil attended. The rector's report was very encouraging and read as follows: "In bringing this, my flrst report ta the vestry of St. John's Church 1 want to say how grateful I amn for the klndness and courtesies shown ta me durlng my short term of office so far. Ini many ways I amn reap- ing the benefit of the splendid qualities o! organization expressed by the last rector. The attendance at the services has been splendid so far and I hope it wilU continue ta grow. The organizations are working f aithfully and 1 see ahead a very brlght future for the church. The choir bas been very f althful and it 18 a great Joy to hear them slng God's pralses s0 well. It la a matter of great satisfac- tion ta see the sideanian at their posta each Sunday and dolng their ailotted duties. We are particu- larly blesaed at St. John's in havlng such faltbful and capable wardens and it wlll be the hope o! the entire congregation that they wilU long con- tinue to be a blesslng. I see na reason why the church should flot grow licre. Visitation seerns to be the great need and I arn gettlng over the parish as f ast as I can. The Regis- te for 1930 shows, Baptisms. lnclud- ing 2 adults, 15; confirzned 13, 6 male and 7 female; marriages. 0* burlals. 9. Number of visita since comlng ta, Bowmanvllle to Decemn- ber 31st. 1930. 99. (Contmnued on page 5) 1 kELATES PATRETC STOIRY 0F WESTERN CANADA CONDITONS Bey. Calvin Young repreaentlng Home Mission Board of United Chiurch of Canada and who spent 30 years i the ministry in Prince I, Abert, Sask., and 18 very famillar wlth the drought strlcken district i et the prairie provinces told a very pathetlc story o! conditions prevail- ing there at the mornlng service in Trlnity United Church on Sunday. Because o! two years o! crop fail- ures the people are in dire need. The Premiers of these provinces have advised that they wlll do every- thlng possible to relleve the physlca.l needs and urgred up)on the officiais DL ton Darlingto Farmerettes and Junior Farmers Enjoy Meeting at B.T.S.' ELECTED ON EXECUTIVE Young People Spend Edu- cational and Social Eve- ning in Ideal Surround- inga - Girls and Boys Hear Separate Lectures -Dr. Reaman Welcomes Guests to the School. The Boys' Training School was the scene of largely attended and exceptionall1y interesting Young people's meeting on the evening of _001*Wednesday, January 21 when the Junior Farmers and Junior Instit- ute of Darlington township gathered for an educational and social even- ing. On the arrivai of the Young farm- ers and farmerettes they received a cordial welcome from Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bradt, the former the agricul- tural supervisor at the sehool. The Junior Farmers' meeting was in charge of their president. Laverne Clemens, and the special speaker was Mr. Bradt who gave an inform- J. Ross Stutt ative and well worded address on "Better Seed." He also described Of the f irni of Jury & Loveli, Bow- the slides which were shown and manville who was elected a member which portrayed the experinental of the executive commlttee of Osil- seed plots at the Experimental awa Branceh of University of Toronto Farmn at Ottawa. Alumni. The members of the Junior Instit- ute who were welcomed by Mrs. MAKE BOWMANVILLE Bradt was in charge of Miss Sadie Muir. the president. The speaker at MORE ATTRACTIVE this meeting was Miss Burnett. who was the instructress at the Home Annual Meeting CaUed For Tuesday, Economics Course which was held in Feb. 3rd.-Address on Wild Flowers 1 Canton early this month in con- -Citizens Invited. inection with the Department o! Citizens interested in beautifying ed her remarks around the subject their own home surroundings. and "How to Make the Junior Institute a also ini co-operating with others in Success" and her talk was much making Bowmanville more attrac- appreciated by the Young ladies. tivecanaccomplish a great deal About 9.30 a combined meeting of more by united enterprise than both boys and girls was held in through individual effort. That is Ferguson Hall in the Administration why every resident in this commnuni- Building. Dr. G. E. Reaman, ty should join the Bowmanville Hor- Superintendent of the school, form- ticultural Society. ally welcomed the Young people to The ann'ial meeting of this im- the school and he issued to them a portant bodly is being held in the cordial invitation to return and hoid Council Room on Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, further meetings at the school. He at 8 p.m. when new officers will be also invited themn to make use o! the elected, other business transacted gymnasium and swimmlng pool. A and plans made for 1931 activities. hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Reaman A feature of the evenlng wlll be an and Mr. Bradt. moved by A. Balsomn address by Geo. Carr, supervisor of and seconded by James Hancock was the Horticuitural D)ept. at Boys' tendered by the president. Training School. his subject belng Mr. A. E. Summers. agricultural 'Wild Flowers." representative fol7 Durham County, Membership in the Horticultural then showed some exceptlonally fine Socety is only $1.00 and the prem- motion pictures on "Poultry Dress- lumns given its members often lng" and "Packlng Apples." A, amount to more than the fee. humorous picture entltled "The Hired Man." was also lncluded in RLeeve George H. Hooton of Cavan the program. A bountiful lunch was elected Warden of the United was served by the boys at the con- Counties on the nlneteenth ballot clusion o! the pictures and a very en- Pt the openlng session of Counties joyable evening was brought to a Council in Cobourg on Tuesday. close by a dance. School Boardi Strikes Standing Committees at Inaugural Meeting' Charles F. Rice is Elected Chairman of Board for Fifth Ternu-Has Com- pleted Twenty-five Years Service With the Board -Much Sickness in Pub- lic Schools. Charles F. Rice. four' tues chair- man o! the Public Scbaol Board was re-elected ta, that position by a unanimous vote at the inaugural meeting o! the Board Wed.nesday last. The appointment also marks the commencemient a! Mn. Rlce's 26th year as a membor o! the Board. Secretary Treesurer Cecil H. Dud- ley opened the meeting by swearing i the niembers and calling for nominations for chalenian. There was only the one nomlnated and a standing vote o! the Boand assured Mn. Rice o! bearty support durlng the ensuing year. The aid members o! the Board, Trustees Fred Crydenman. J. Hately and F. W. NoUles wene appointed a commttee ta stniko the standing commttees for the yean. Their deliberations resulted as !oliows wth first named as chairman: Financel Comnilttee - Trustees Crydennian,j Dustan and Conbett; Property Coni-1 mittee-Trustees Hateli'. NoIes and Dustan: Management Conm tte- Trustees Noules. Hlately and Cryder- man. C. H. Dudley retained bis positioni as secretary-treasunen. Mms. B'M Warnnca was re-appointed as schooli attendance officen and L. S. Caverlyl wes again appointed ropresentativel o! the Board ta the Hlgh School1 Board. Chaînman Rice in a short address stressod the need la Board business of economy and retrencbniont dur- ing the year. At the present tume ho stated. thene was noa big expendi- tures to ho made and ho boped that once again the end o! the year would ho able ta show a surplus. Ho congratuiated the Board on Ita surplus of $773.19 on Dec. 3i. 1930 and expressod bis surprise that vith all the extra expenditures for beat- ing system sud other melon Jobs, the Board wuabele ta complete the year In thia way. Other mombers of 4he Board spoke briefly. Principal 3J.JE. Toastonraun am bis report showlng 584 enroiled pupils et the commencement o! the present terni. Duo ta slckness. ho stated. thoe ttendanco vas ver paon wltb about 100 students home. coughs. colds. wbooping cough. scarlot f ever sud jaundice were the nicat prevelent a! theso diseases. Commxittees wil report hofore the noxt meeting on the advisability o! installing up ta date ventilation ln the dlais rooms as et the present there 18 fia ventilation et ail. Buying o! supplies hi' teachees, vithout proper authorlzatlon, came came in fan considerablo criticisn by the Board. It was nesolved thet tram that date ail expondituros for supplies. bowver sanial. would have ta be O. K.d hi the principal and the chainman a! the management conittee and that vouchers would ho issued for each puechase. Thoe vouchers would bo pnesented ta the menchanta vbo vould return theni as bis authonization wben ho rendered bis eccount ta the Board. Trustee Cryderman reported on the great succosa o! the Rotary Rink which vas heing patronlzed ail houes o! the day and ovening by the achool eilîdren. Ho bnought up the sub- ject a! liability should a chlld ho inJuned on the nlnk and the secre- tary vas ordered ta securo the nec- essany Information rogardlng this matter. B. H. S. Boys Win Bwekebai Gaine Bavmenvllo Hlgh Scbool basket- bail teani defeated Cobourg boys on Wodnesdey by e score o! 22-16. The game vas very oxciting with the play on edge up ta the lest minute. Lino up- Forwards, Slemnon. Osborne; Centre. M. Vanstone; Guarda. ]Doug. Adams, Ingeain; Subs. Honeyman, Adams, Wright, Morris. Calmer. Eari Cunningham rofereed. W. D. AGICULTIJEAL SOCIETY Annuel Moetg Fridai Feb. 6th. The annuel meeting o! the mern- bers o! tue West Durhamn Agricultur- ai Society wlll h ld ln the Council Room Eowmanvllle. an Plday, Peb. th 1981 et 2.30 p.m. for the pur- pose of recelving reports, election o! offfcers. sud general business. Ail mmesinvited to, ho Present. 0. V AnlePres. C. M. bMamon. sci MUSIC STUDY CLUB SPEND EVENING WITH MENDELSSOHN MI'..G. Elmore Reaman Directs Fine Prograse at Monthly Meeting TLe regular meeting of the Music Study Club was held Jan. 2lst. i St. Paul's lecture room. The meet- ing opened wlth singing o! "O Canada" wlth Miss Helen Morris at the piano. after which the busi- ness was transacted with the presi- dent Mrs. C. H. Dudley i the chair. Mrs. M. A. Neal presented the third chapter o! the Study Book entitied "Intervals." This topic was given i a most capable and efficient manner and thorougbly illustrated by means of a black- board. Mrs. G. Elmore Reaman then took charge o! the prograin. A most interesting paper had been prepared on the if e o!f elix Mendelssohn, and his wonderful works o! composition. From bis early childhood his musical ability was outstanding. Among his famous compositions was the sacred Oratorio "Elijah." He con- ducted some o! the best orchestras in Europe and showed extraordinary power over his orchestra membems being able to instll into them. the feeling and meaning of the selec- tion they would be rendering, thus holding his audince spellbound. A few lantern sldes. were shown con- sisting mostly o! rictures of Men- delssohn. Following this was a splendid musical programi each selection a composition o! Mendelssohn. AI double quartette. "The Spring Song" by Mesdames C. A. Cawker. G. E. Reaman. C. H. Dudley, D. W. Best, M. A. Neal. H. M. Fostei. Elmo An-I derson and Miss Helen Argue wvas well rendered. Mr. G. Davidge, o! the B.T.S. gave two piano solos. "The Funeral March" and "Consola- tion". both numbers were weil re- ceived. A trio. "I Waited For The Lord," by Misses Margaret Alli, Helen Argue and Mvrs. D. J. Chami- bers. in their usual ozood style. and a violin solo. Andante !romn E. Minor Concerto, by Miss 'Elaine Reaman. who shows great promise as a music- ian. Piano solo. 'Variations in E Fl1at Major, by Mrs. C. H. Dudley was !aultlessiy piayed, double trio. "Lif t Thine Eyes" !romn the Oratorio Elijah by Mesdames. C. H. Dudley, C. A. Cawker. D. W. Best, M. A. Neai. Elmo And.erson. and H. M. Poster was very much, Pnjoyed by ail. Mrs. Reaman s.X,?e conclusion o! the programn heartily thanked ail who had assisted bier in helping ta make the evenlng's entertalnmenta success. Meeting closed %rith the singing o! the National Antheni. COMING EVENTS Trinity United Churchi Congrega- tional Meeting wilI be held on Tliurs- day, Jan. 29 at 8 p.m. Annual congregational meeting o! St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church wll be held Thursday Jan. 29 at 8 Pmn. Annuai Shorthorn Breeders' Ban quet wiU be held i BowmaHos on Thursday. February 5 at 8 pin. AUl fariners and othem linterested are ivted. The annuai Hospital Bridge and Pive Hundred wii be held i the Badminton Hall on Frlday January 30 at 8.15 pin. sharp. Those who have not yet arranged for tables niay do so by phonlng 143 or 158. Bowmanvllle Women's Institute wlll meet i the S. O. B. Hall on Fr1- day. Jan. 30th. Good prograrn la be- ing prepared under auspices of! Mr. H. Dilllng's group. Ail members at- tend. The regular meeting o! "The White Shleld Club" will be held on Tuesday. February 3rd In St. Paui's Lecture Roon. 8 p.m. It Is hoped every member will be on hand. and do not f orget the collection whlch Is ta be made for Commninty Wel- f are. On Tuesday February 10 at '7 p.ni. the Men's Canadian Club vill hold a banquet at the Bowmnan House when Mr. C. H. Carlisle, Toronto, President of the Canadian Branch o! the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Ca.. wll give an address on "The Industrial Future o! Canada". The Ladies' Association o! Trin- lty United Church wlll hold a Valentie tea and musical in the Bunday Sehool room on Tuesday a!ternoon. February lOth, f rom 4 tili 6 o'clock. Admission 25c. AI- so a sale of home made cooklng. 1Mrs. H. W. Poster and Mrs. W. R. Strike. conveners. The regular meeting a! the Music Study Club wlll be held i St. Paul's 1Lecture Boomn on Feb. 4th. at 8 pin. An excellent program i wll be present- ed. The studY perlod. "Tline and Father and Son Fellowship Stressedi( LOCAL NEWSj By c. A. Plewman at Rotary Club > NEW UIBERAL SECRETARY Boys' Work Board Secretary for one o! the most important meet- Delivers Fine Address at wbich the town officials are appela- Rotary Father and Son ted. Among other important items which wlll be dlscussed wll be the jBanquet on Friday - relief of unemployment now that the Many Attend Interesting the town 18 faced with keeping scores Function.f families for the rest o! the wln- The relationshlp that sbould exist A Treasure House between a !ather and a son was the theme o! a brillant address deliver- This issue o! The Statesman is a ed at the Rotary Club "Father and veÉetable treasure bouse o! old time Son Banquet" in the Balmoral Hotel, news gleaned froni many sources. on Priday evening by Mr. C. A. Piew- Sanie o! the stories are taken from man, Toronto, Secretary o! the Boys' three books whose aggregate ages Work Board o! Ontario. Mr Plew- reacb 418 years. The books have man, an interesting and experlenced been klndly 1oaned ta us by Ex- orator, kept bis audience entranced Mayor T. S. Hoigate, Mr. A. H. during the entire thirty minutes o! Scobeli and Rey. C. R. Spencer, bis tant. rector o! St. John's Church. Tb Practically every meniber o! the these gentlemen The Statesman club braugbt his son or sonieone's wishes ta extend its hearty thanks, son and the tables were filhed ta for their klndness. capacity. Pailowing a fine chicken dinner served by Rotarian A. J. Public Llbrary Officers Wadhams, Bob Corbett, accompan- led by Charlie Cawker rendered a Officers eiected to the Public Llb- Lawrence C. Mason fine vocal solo. Mr. Plewnian wlth rary Board for 1931 at the annual Loca bariser ho hs ben p-bis audience went through a drania- meeting are: Presldent-Mrs. (Bev>. Local baersery w heDha m ben a- tized version a! he aid favorite, George Mason; Secretary-M. G. V. pointedssecretaomfw the rm ib- "Down by the Old Milli Stream" Gould; Directors-Mrs. F. F. Morris, ern scation fE foSnliowingte res which provoked much iaughter. Mrs. J. A. McCleilan, Miss Helen in atofo!e.SSekeate20'er Charlie Cawker then delighted the Carruthers. Miss Helen Crirdernian. in hatoffce.guests with a well rendered instru- L. W. Dippeil, John Cawoad, and G. mental solo. L. Wagar. Miss Crydermnan and Mr. Rotarian hri Mason had the Cawoad are the new members o! the TOWN FIRE BRIGADE honor o! intraducing the- guest Board replacing Rev. R. J. Sbire HOLD ANNUAL MEET speaker af the even.ing whoni he bad and Mrs. Wm. Quick who have niov- ____known for many years. He spoke ed froni town. Officers Are Ail Re-eleeted at Meet- o! him in glowing ternis mentloning especiaily the fine wark being carried Liberals Eleet New Secretary ing on Monday Last out by Mr. Plewman and the Boys', etn !te xctv oi Annual meeting of BowmanvilleWrkBad mittee o! the Liberal Association was Pire Brigade was heid on Monday. Mr. Plewman's Address held on Jan. l5th, when repreaenta- January 19 when ail oflicers were "I am giad ta be bere for twO tives f rom this county ta the Ex- re-elected. Attention was brought Ire asons this evening" the speaker ecutive Conimittee o! the Province ta the error in the Fire Report in said in bis opening remarks. 11 am O! Ontario were elected as !ollows:- wbich Hoigate's Evaporator Èire was glad to be here ta spend this hour o! Mes. J. R. Cooper, Orono. and Mrt. listed as responsibie for a big iasslfeliowship with you. and I ami glad Lamne Giddy. Port Hope. At the in 1930. The Evaporator fire was ita be here ta fui! il a pledge ta speak same time the resignation o! Mr. in 1929 and the tire which should ta your club which was unavaidably E. S. Senkier, Bowmanvllle who bas have been mentioned was the one broken sanie weeks ago. been secretary-treasurer o! the coun- at Cale's Cooperage shap, Manvers "The father and son banquet" be ty organization for the last twenty Road, in which cansiderable damage added "'ls a comparatlvely new thing. years was accepted and Mr. L. C. was dane and in whicb the firemen It demonstrates the new reiationship Mason. barrister o! Bowmanville were bampered owing ta the tire wbich exists between a father and was eiected ta that position. being outside the water his, bis son as campared with the stiff Officers and mien o! the Fire Bri- relationship whicb was tbought cor- Estern Star Electa Officers gade are: Pire Chie!, Geor~ge Lyle:, rect and practiced years ago. It Deputy Pire Chie!, Lucius BHooper;1 displays the- fmI that a pals;hip. a lOffcers eledted Ini the Durham Secy Treas.,Harvey W. Carden; comnradeshlp exists between the Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, Firemen:C. Bagnel. D. Blckle, Neil father and the son. are:.-WorshlPful Matron-Mrs. L. Taylor. M. Jamieson. F. Bottreil. H. "Tis father and son business" he Miller; Assoclate W.M.-Mrs. C. HE. Hooper, T. Percy, C. F. Rice. A. H. contiued "was after ail a very bu- Dudley; Worshipful Patron--Mr. W. Bickie. F. Calver. W. Hackney, D. man thing, and It took two ta make A. Edger; Assoclate W.P.-F. Ber- Aldread, W. Corden, R. Sudds and it- The two words in theniselves man; Sec'y-Mrs. F. Goddard; Treas. J. Hateiy. were fraugbt wlth meanlng. They -Mrs. S. Bounsai;Codctes _______were the words that Jesus used in Mrs. R. E. Logan; Assoclate Con.,. descrlbing bis relatlonshlp wlth God Mms. J. E. Anderson; Chaplain-Mis. Dr. G. E. Reanian. Superintendent and they were the words used ta Wm. Pound-, Marshall-Mls E. o! the Boys' Training School was show the relatlonsbip between God Thickaon; Organit-Mes. E. S. F«- the guest speaker at tbe annual and mian. The fatbenshlp and son- guson; Ada-)&Ls. H. Cleniens: ]Ruth meeting o! the Big Brothers' A-isr.o.wlhc sterMs.E.J ation o! Hamilton on Jan. 20th. j (Continued on page 8) Glbbs; MaWit; e-Mrs. . .Nr J.n Electra-Mrs. K. Coi; warden-mi. E. Edger; Sentine - m. wtn. R. M. Hollingskead Co. Anticipates Pond~. Record Year's Business in 1931 Tuegy fenon j ay 7h attended an atternoon tea, at the ta- vittio ofandsposord.by the GASOINE CO. EXECUTIVES ïCompany la Aaaured of Co- Women's Association. The heartF HOLDBANUETAT ALMBALresponse ta the Invitation vau evi- HOLDBANQJETAT DLMORAL1 operation of Retail Urug dent la the large attendance thse C. . Hmm.GenralMangercfibelng approxizmately 100 preemit C. B Ham, Gnerl Maage et Trade 'Following Inspec. which certiftes ta the popularity et Sinclair 01 o.ofCn"il Si'e tion of Plant and EqUip- the organization. An approptiais Cec ana awelcome vas extended ta the guesti Predctins ! btte tMenatadbY Toronto and Dis- I by Mrs. George L. Hall. Foflowing Predctins f bttertims aeadprogram was groatly appreclated 1w was the feature a! an address de- trlct Druggiata. the gathering. songa by Mia.' Ais. llvened by Mr. C. H. Hanm, Toronto- Colville and Mrs. C. F. Rice aocSm- general manager o! the Sinclair Following a convention a! To- panled by Mms. C. H. Dudley snd-rM- IOn Comipany, at a banquet for local rontoansd nearby retail druggigts at citais bi r . W. Adamsand Nid. J. doalers beld at the Balmoral Hotel the Whiz plant la BowmanllUe on C. Calrna. A dainty buffet lunchea. last week. Mr. Hamm expneased Wodnesday last R. M. Hollingshead was served at the close. the thought that business was pick- Ca., o! Canada Llrnlted la anticipa- lng up cansldorably and foreold a ting the biggest year's business since St. AYai5W'i Young Peeple very succesaful year ahead for bis they located bore. R. J. Kem- campany and ita deaiers. bring, Superintendant o! the 50w- Young People of Knox Presbyteç- Tl'e bannuet was attended by ail manville plant announced this week. ian Churcb. Oshawa vero guUM the local dealers, Art Cale, district Where co-operation between the re- Monday evonlng o! the Young Peoples manager a! the X. S. Power Gasoline tail drugglsta and the Hollingshead o! St. Andrew's Church Bowmaavlle and 011 Ca.. distributors a! Sinclair; Company had flot been as enthusi- wben a moat pleaalng and entertaix- -)11. Mayor M. J. Elllott, Len W. astlc as could be wlsbed for la past ing evenl.ng was spent. Rev. W. J. Elliat Everett Hoar, E. Pugh and years. the visit o! the druggista to Todd welcomed the visitais who thon 1. L. Morden. the plant and their Inspection o! the took charte o! the prograin. Nx. Durlng Mr. Hamm's address he modern equlpment used I the man- Dusncan Mp ýroe sud the president tated that althaugh an American ufacture o! insecticides, bas assur- o! the Y.P. 4)f Oshawa voie among c itizen ho was niuch lmpressed wltb ed the company increased business those vho madethe Journey. Miu Canada and ho guaranteed that for 1931 and ensuing years. The Agnes Morgan took charge of the should the Sinclair 011 Co., bulld a dolegation o! druggista vblcb nuin- prograni vblch conslsted o! a vocal Canedian reflnery It would employ bered about tbfrty vas accompanled slXi r uro u sdu 100%'7 Canadian Labor. Other speek- by Mr. Crowder and Mn. McCartney hi' Miss Hazel MacDonald fofle ers also were rnost optimistlc o! the tram the Head Office o! the HEohlinge- by gaines. After the prograin a vsq future and ail spake in glowing tenus head Company i Toronto. Local tasty buffet lunch vas served bg of the growlng business o! the Sin- druggista also wene among those who the local young people and at il p. clair 011 Ca.. whlch bas flrst dlstnlb- vlslted the plant. altesentwa voce joyed a spor en- uted Its products In Canada In Bow- The Wblz compani' had made dnid evenlng's ent etaiment.spe nianville dis;trict. sevenal attempta ta get Into the ne-d eeigsntramn. Other pensons lncluded, Me. Puler tail drug trade but owing to a mis-tI akfrArMra credit managrer. and Mn. Doran, sale; conception, they nover recelved the SEWItfrArelua oi --~~1 ~- ~F7k i ~ t NO SKATING SALTUEDAY Owlng ta the Ptderboro-Bow- manville intermediate Hockey clash here on Saturday nlght there will be no skating at the Arena on that evenlng. This gamis aCoeof home and home gaies to decide the second place in the grop and the rlght to meet O.swa ln the play-offs. .1 1 (-----7 C ýw