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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1931, p. 5

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i ~ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMLANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1931 *Businessj Directory* ACCOUNTANT R. M. COTTON Audtlng - Accountlng Books wrtten up dally, weekly or monthly. Monthly and annual statement and Income Tax Returns prepared. P. O. Drawer E. Phones 611 & 32. BLACKSMITHS D. R. ALLDREAD - Skates Sharpened - Acetylene Weldlng Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing - Woodworking - King Street E. Phone 506 RESTAURANTS OLYMPIA CAFE Bowmanville's Popular Eating Place Deliclous Sandwiches - On toast without extra charge. Try our 40e meal. King Street E. Phone 537? A. MOU0.S. EUCHRE l'O O.0. F. HALL Friday, Jan. 3Otk 8.15 GOOD PRIZES REFRESHMENTS Annual Meeting Bowmanvllle Horticultural Society Council Roomn TUESDAY, FEBRUAEY 3rd. 8 p. m. sharp. Election of Offlcers and Einancial Report for 1930 MR. CARR Superintendent of Horticultural Work at Boys' Training School wlfl given an address on WUID FLOWERS Anl loyers of flowers welcome. Admission free. AUCTIONEER Wm. Maw, Whitby If you should be thinking of hold- ing an auction sale, of your Stock and Implements and would like to have the services of a real live auct- loneer, one who wlll get you good resuits, and a man wJso will bring buyers with hlm, Just-lall Up Will- iam Maw, Whitby, Ont. DANCING Modern Dancing Lessons, PHONE 215 Classes starting Monday, February 2nd at 8 p.m. GARAGES Garage and Service Station Batteries Çharged - Towing and General Repairs on ail makes of cars. Acetylene Welding Supertest Gas and Qils - Accessories BROOKHAM and McMULLEN Phone 285 King St. W. Bowmanvllle TRINITY Y. L. B. C. Ladies Hold Social Evenlng and Enjoy Mlxed Program. The Ladies Bible Class of Trinity United Sunday School held a very pleasant social evening in the school-room on Tuesday when be- tween flfty and sixty members as- sembled and spent a merry time. A short mixed program o! solos by Mrs. Milton Wight and Mrs. Ross Grant; violin solo, Miss Lillile Hath- away and readings by Miss Stella Reynolds and Miss Leta Jackson. and three contests conducted by Mrs. I. R. Bragg, Mrs. W. C. Ives and Mrs. H. H. Jamieson, provided a splendid evening's entertainment. If a good laugli is as good as med- icine be true. then the members1 should have a healthy time for the "Filled With Tonie Orchestra" pro- vided a couple numbers that were richly enJoyed. The accompanlsts were Mrs. Nelle Garbutt and Mrs. Ruby Danlels. Miss E. E. Haycraft presided durlng the program. Ref reshments were served i abundance and all departed satlsfied that the evenlng had been a very enjoyable one. The teachers of this class, Mrs. C. A. Wight and Mrs. W. H. Argue and members wil Wel- corne snyone desirous of spendlng a profitable Sunday aiternoon. Wky Do They AIIow It ? A number of women while out to an aftexinoon tea recently got talking on the subject of bread. They were commenting on the habituaI nuisance of having to answer the door so often for those out-of-town bakers who peddle bread from house to house. One common sense woman spoke up and said, Why do they allow it? They don't give employ- mient to local citizens, pay any taxes or spend any money in Bowmanville. Anyway, they've quit calling on me, she added, for I buy my bread from Corbett's Bakex'y as 1 think there is nothing finer, and more easily digested than Corbett's Butter- inilk Bread. Every member of the family are strong for it, too. So there's no argument in our house as to whose bread we buy. NEWS - Of Family Interest.. Certainly in these days everybody is attempting to make his Dollar do double duty and in our en- deavour to help you we offer some money-saving combin atio ns- 50e Jonteel Face Cream 50c Jonteel Face Powder 50C Both for ................................. 50e Rubber Crib Sheet 25e Tiny Tot Talcum Both for .................................50c 30- Cigar Lighter 50e Shaving Cream59 Both for ................................59 50eO Tooth Paste 25e Tooth Brush lOc Tooth Brush Holder 25e Mouth Wash AIl foi'..................................69c JURY &LQVELL WHEN WE TEST ETES 1? I8 DONE PROPERLY LOCAL and OTHERW'ISL Mrs. A. E. Garner, Whitby, visited f riends here last week. Miss Mae Bottreil las been visit- ing relatives in Toronto. Mr. Howard Blckell recently vlsited friends in Toronto. Lent this year starts on February l8th. Easter Day is April 5th. Mr. Ernest Bottreil of the Domin- ion Store Cobourg. spent Sunday at home. Miss Jessie Hawkins, Port Hope, spent the weekend with Misses Stella and Maud Reynolds. Mr. Arthur Allun, Kenora. is visitlng his mother, Mrs. John Allin, and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jolinston, Ash- burn, were guests of her sister, Mrs. F. H. Bounsal, on Saturday. Mrs. Thos. Osborne, Whitby, has returned home a! ter spending a week wth her sister. Mrs. John Chals. Mrs. R. D. Whitmee is Lterature Secretary o! St. Paul's W.M.S. not Mrs. Whitnell as published last week. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Cox and family, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cox. Ontario St. Mr. Harold Quinn, Peterboro Nor- mal School, spent the week-end with his uncle, Mr. Henry Lathrope. Mrs. lRev.) J. F. Chapman, Wind- sor. is visiting her sister. Miss Win- nie B. Morris and other relatives here. Mr. and Mîrs. Norman Strutt, ,and daughters. Violet and Jean, visited his sister, Mrs. R. Brown, Scugog, recently. Messrs Hans Haberlin and Ken- neth Mitchell. Toronto. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Mitchell. Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, Ottawa. are on a trip through the southern States and will spend some time in Flonida. Mr. Harry Osborne D1utch> of Kitchener visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Everett Osborne. Welling- ton St., last week. Mr. W. H. Symons. Welcomevs ited at the home o! his daughter-in- law, Mrs. Muriel Symons.Liet Place on Monday. Several Providence ladies enjoyed their yearly house party at the home of Mrs. C. J. Smale. Scugog St., on Tuesday and Wecinesday this week. Ail report a happy tine. Mn. and Mrs. Cephas Osborne and chjîdren and Mrs. T. C. Osborne, Whltby. recently visited Mr. and Mrs. John Challis. Mrs. Osborne remain- ing for a f ew days with lier sister. Annual High School skating party was held in Taylon's Arena on Jan. 27. At 9.45 p.m. the skaters left the rink for lunch at the sdhool. Dancing was enjoyed the rest o! the evening. Miss Beatrice Cryderman, miss Gertrude B. Grant, Bowmanviile and Miss E. Blanche Cryderman, Hamp- ton are among the successfui nurses who have passed their registration examinations and who now are reg- istered nurses. A basketball game was played in rB. H.S. gym. Frlday night. when the girls playing against Uxbridge dld mome snappy work. Miss Bate- man was referee, and Miss Lander umapire. from Toronto University were here for the game. Score 44- 2 in favour o! Bowmanviiie. Citizens are warned that the time limit for the acquisition of 1931 car licenses lias explred. Any person stili drivlng the black and white 1930 marker is hiable for prosecution. It wlll also be well to remember that Saturday, January 3lst is the last day o! grace for getting drlver's Uic- enses. Mr. Harold Hoar, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Everett C. Hoar, Bow- manvifle were in Campbellford re- cently attending the funeral o! the late Catharine McCormlck Clark, youngest daugliter o! Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Clark, Campbellford, a member o! the teadhing staff o! Mc- Murricli School, Toronto. On Friday, January 3th the An- nual Conversat o! the O.A.C. stud- ents at Guelph is being held. A feature o! the program Wiil be a bnoadcast over C. K. G. W. from 9 to 10 pin. Durlng this hour stud- ents wifl broadcast dance music, speeches, songs, and yells whldh will prove partlcularly interesting to those familles who have sons at the college and also to those farmers who have attended the college. The second dance held by the Bad- minton Club Friday evenlng proved to bc very successful and enjoyable. Close to two hundred couples danced to the music o! Snell's orchestra o! Oshawa. Notlced improvements in- cluded new lighting arrangements, including a colored spotliglit whldh sent its beams across the floor mak- ing a brillant spectacle as it flashed on the exquisite dresses o! the ladies. Wlves and members o! the club ser- I ST. JOHN'S VESTRY MEETING (Contlflued from page 1) I would llke to see more envelope subseribers and I believe a consider- able amount o! personal work can brlng Up our Sunday collection. This must be done by the lalty. A parlsh magazine is being trled out for the deanery and I believe It wlll be a great benefit to the parish. I have great falth in the congrega- tion and if we ail work, and work together, there is no reason why we should not recleve showers o! Bless- lng."1 Electlon of Officers Rector's Warden-C. B. Kent; People's Warden-R. M. Cotton; Vestry Clerk-T. Annison; Dele- gates to synod-R. M. Cotton, T. Annison, L. Cryderman; alternatesi -L. R. Wood, Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle, T. A. Dustan. Sidesmen, E. C. C. Southey, Dr. J. Spencer, L. R. Wood, J. Alexander, G. Belth, Dr. Bonny- castle, A. Campbell, T. Coulter, Fred Cryderman, L. Cryderman, W. F. Depew, T. A. Dustan, E. Flaxman, G. Flaxnman, H. Fisher, H. Hewetson, H. Hunt, J. Living. W. G. Ormiston, L. A. Parker, G. W. Patrick, F. C. Pethick, J. Smith, B. H. Mortlock. R. G. Harding, J. R. Nidholîs, R. Crowthers, R. Hayes, N. Taylor. H. Moses, T. Underhill, J. Backus, J. Culley, Auditors-F. Crydermnan and T. A. Dustan. Advisory Counil-The Rector, C. B. Kent. R. M. Cotton, Mrs. E. S. Senkler, Dr. and Mrs J. Spencer. Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bonny- castle, T. H. Spry. Mr. L. S. Cryder- man. Mrs. Pattnick, R. Bate, Miss Boylan. E. S. Naylor, Mrs. Hageman, Miss Hiller and Mrs. J. Gunn. Miss Boy-ian gave up the position o! envelope secretary when elected President o! the Guild. Envelope committee is Mrs. J. Spencer, chair- man, Mrs. Gunn, secy., Mrs. J. W. Alexander, L. Cryderman, L. R. Wood, J. Worrell. O. Roberts. Ad- visory committee wiil meet Monday night, February 2nd. The splendid work o! the ladies o! the churdli came to notice at Ithe meeting and a review of their work gave the congeegation the Ithouglit that without their activi- ties the financial condition o! the dhunch would not be so satisfactory. The Women's Guild ralsed over $900 o! which $645 was handed over to the wardens for church expenses. This sum though not applied to the Misslonary allotment pnactically equals it. A !urther $250 was spent by the Guild on various good works such as supply- ing baskets for the poon, paying for rectory telephone and general ex- penses towards their actvitles. Women's Auxillary also have done splendid wonk having contrlbuted close to $200. The absence o! an A.Y.P.A. was noticeable last year and the dhurch by the lack o! this organisation was short o! about $80 whlch is general- ly contributed. The Association is now under way and a succesaful season is predicted. One o! the most remarkable f ea- tures o! the dhurch finances was the fact that aîthougli several thousand dollars have been spent in the past four years on redeeg>ration and re- pairs the total liabillty of the church stands only at a llttle over $600. This speaks well for the co-opera- tion o! the congregation wlth the officiais and whi.le 1930, a liard year generally, proved a great suc- cess for St. John's. the rector and congregation are looklng forward to an even more successful year in 1931. The meeting closed at 10 pin. with- the benediction by the Rector. Floral Designa l1rst clans work for ail occasions, Wreaths , Sprays. PIllows, Brides' Bou- quets. etc. Also permanent Wreathe for the cemetery ln beautlful floral effect. KINGBWAV NURBERIOS On Highway 2 street. eat of Liberty St. Phone 144 Bowmanvllle Wanted Wanted-Robert Pawson La prepared to repaîr boots, shoes and rubbers neat job, moderate prîces. Leave at âldney Morris', Wellington Street, Bowmanville. Phone 424 3-3* "dices For Sale BROOO 80W FOR SALE-Bred. Also 100 posta. Rd. Flsher, Bowmanville. R. R. 3. 5-1w5 FOR SALE-100 fence posta. Apply 10 L. D. Sykes, R. R. 6. Bowmanville. Phone -'37r2. 4-2 FOR SALE-Radio compiete -new bat- teries. Excellent set for country home. $35. F. J. Mitchell, Tel. 105. 5-t FOR SALE-New 5-roomed solid brick bouse on Wellington St., aIl conven- lences. Apply to Abert Hlrcock, Lib- erty St., Bowmanville. 4-tf To Let FOR RENT-East End Garage, can be used for blacksmith shop. Apply to W. P'. Dale of Mason & Dale's, Bowman- ville. 3-t FOR RENT-l3rlck bouse, 7 mrne. on lilvision St. hait a block north of Kng st. with conveniences. Apply to J. B. ,Miartyn. Blowmanville. 4-20 MOUSE TO RENT-Sevs remo. ,wmt- erworkil. bath, eiectric ligbte. locatsd King & Ontario St., Bowmanvillt. Ap- ply A. A. Colwill. NewcaitIe. s-tf HOUSE TO RENT - Brick residence. containlng 7 mrnem, on King St. East: n goofi condition: bard and sof t water ln kitchen. Apply B.< 68, ilowman- ville. 50-tf Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-lirick cottage, soutb-west corner of Church and Ontaxlo Streets, ltowmanvîlic., six omr, ail modlem con- veniences, good garden and garage; newly decorated amit In excellent con- dition;:reasonablY priced for immediate salv. Apply 10 Mmer. R. W. Nîchol,' LEGON ORNR ourtico. or I.. C. lîssion, Soliitor, lBow- LG NCONRmanville. 4-tf Our Conades in Oshawa have HOUSE FOR SALE-13tist built bouse notltied us that on Frlday February on <'larlie;le Avenue, takea only four tons th, they have dhartered a bus and o! coke lper wnter for turnaoe and stove, are omig ovr srongto ake hebas donc It the last four iinters: nowv are omig ovr sron to aketherenting for $25 »Pr nîonth; tbree mrnem presentation o! a gavel and block to and Ibre. closets upatalre, six roome and Bowmanville Branch No. 178. AU hall lncluding bedmoom an<i batbmoom Comrades are asked to keep t downstalrs; cellar dlvlded with cemnent thswall; garage andi ben bouse. Terme easy. meeting in immd and make everYi Apîly t0 C. N. Ruse, R. R I., Hampton, effort to be present to show our jont. 35-tf apprectation and to give our neigli- borlng Comrades a real welcome. Man's Glove found. Enquire at Dinna forget! Stateaman Office. I BIRTHS NEWELL- At Bownmanville Hospital, and Mms. Newell of Blackstock, a son. NORTH-CUTT-At Kalmar Villa. Rest Home on Saturday. January 17, 1931, to Mr. and Nlrs. Arley Nortbcutt, a daughter (Audrey Ann). DEATHS POWERS- At Orono, on Thursday, January 22nd. 1931, James L. Powers, aged 81 years. HOOEY-In Cartwright township, on Monday, January 19, 1931, James Hooey, in bis 76th year. SMITH-At Columbus, on Thursday,! January 22nd, 1931, Hon. William Smii, In his 841h year. Interred at Oshawa. PETERS-At Port Hope, JaÎluary 22nd, 1931, Russell Percy Peters, Infant son of Percy and Mina Peters, aged 4 montha. MORPHY-In Oshawa, on Wednesday, January 28th, 1931, Andrew Morphy, be: loved husband of Letticla Bond,' In his 76tli yeux. GOODFELLOW-At Wbitby, on Sun-1 day, Jan. 25, 1931, Amelia E. Goodfellow, daughiter of the late Adam Goodfellow of Thornbury, in her 75th year. PARlK-In Toronto, on Satîîr<ay, Jan. 24th, 1931, Douglas Walter, infant child of Mr. and Mrm. Walter Park, Tyrone, aged 1 yar. Interred at Bethesda. FRY-In tJeneral Hlospiital, Belleville, on Sîîndazy, January 11, 1931, Alexander Fry, of Sydlney township, in his 78th year. Grandfather of Mr. Riaymond A. Fry, Bowmanville. IN MEMORIAM BALL-ln iovîng and rateful memory of a de voteil mother, .%Irs. EmrIl,,Bal, who crossed îhl,. Great I)ivide, January 30th, 1927. What is hume %vithout a mother, Wliat are aU ilite joys 1 meet, Once lier site nu longer greets The coming of my feot? She %%as truc and very patient Throughi those years she strugglfod on And lir dear boands now restlng Mai.- a bomne t ha t now 15 on. Sadly missd, lilanche. SANDERSON-In loving meanory Of Chalmers Sandorson who passed awayi Feb. Ist. 1927. February lîrings sad nern1ories Of a loved one gone to rest Who will atwayq ho rememherod 13y the omfs wbo tove,1 hlm hesot Days of sarInes.s stili corne o*tr us Tears in silence often flow Memory keeps you ever near us Though It is four years ago Sadly missed by wife and famlly. 2 only,i 1 onIy,i 1 only,i i only,1 1 only,i 1 only, 2 only, I. regular $35.00 at .........$2250 riegular $35.00 at .........$17.W0 regular $32.50 at .........$21.50 regular $27.50 at .........$17.50 regular $26,50 at .........$16-50 regular $24.50 at .........$15.50 regular $23.50 at .........$14.50 The above are up-to-date in style, but must be eleared before stock taking. Men'a Leatherette Coats, $875 for ........$650 See our made to order Tuxedo Suits at ...$27.50 ANY A SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION IN SUIT DURING STOCK-TAKING ICouch, Joknston & CrydermanI k PHONE FOR FOOD Phone 18 6 Try Fish for a Change You see a lot of talk in the papers these days fiiom food specialists and doctors advocating that people eat more fish. If you have the urge to act on that suggestion we offer: White Fish at.................................... 13c lb. Smelts at ........................................ 20c IL B. C. Salmon at .................................1&c lb. Besides various brands of Canned Fish, Cured Fish, Sardines, Oysters, etc. White Beans, nourishing and cheap.... 5 lba. 25c Onions, we're selling lots of them at . . ..121/2 IL 25c or if you want a bushel at ...........90c Prunes, three qualities at 10c lb.; 121/2c lb.; 15C IL Keep the hens fit by feeding them Ful-O-Pep Mash and Oyster Sheil. HARR Y ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMAIEVfIE I LADIES' WINTER HATS 1 $1.00 Each BIG REDUCTIONI IN ALL KJNDS 0F DRESSES 1 SPECIAL SALE MEN'S OVERCOATS PAGE UFm We have laid out for quick sale 10 Men'. Overcoats at the following prices: I

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