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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1931, p. 7

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1931 PAGE SEVEIt **'How do 1 keep young?" «'Oh, I learned that se- cret wben 1 discovered Shredded Wheat. It'. the whole wheat, you know, and bas iron for making red blood and al the elernents for building bealthy tissue and bone. And by the way, it's ready-cooked and ever su easy to serve for breakfast or lunch. I just pour milk or cream over the biscuits. On cold mornings I beat the milk -it makes a moat deli- cious bot cereal, and with fruit it's a treat at any time." InE CANADIAN SHRE-DDED W1-IAT COMPAN. LMi SHREDDED WIHALL THE BRAN 0F THE WHOLE WHEAT ADEQUATE PROTECTI ON With times as they have been one is apt to neglect their, insurance. You cannot afford to sacrifice the protection of your home, store, build- ilg o contents when the premiurns are so reas- Check Up îight now and see exactly what your position would be should your premises be gutted by a fire. Delays are dangerous--do it to-day. Corne in and talk overn your insurance problerns with us. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone W0 King St. E. Bowmanvilie LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE Mie CoaI 7Iat Satisfim And we will ho glad to OiU yyur bin wth These price are now effective: Stove Coal PÂ9 Cliestnut Pea Buckwheat Coke. $16.50 $16.00 $16.00 .$13.50 $11.50 $13.00 A discount of $1.00 per ton for cash will be allowed f rom above pricesi. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies snd Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowoeanville 0 -S PHOSPHODI4W., n~Pe Great EnglUab >rPar*atifluieOok's Rogulating Compowid T,~.oes and r.vgorates the uholf SAje. . ibL #«M nervous systema. makes neg Blond Sold i three de. on old Veins. Used for Nors'oaut fm o teshN. i A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o 2opnaLsa . Mailalno ~ ,o No. 8,85 per bon tehoHei, atme kawq. roliia pts joS S,9SoId by aildru eItz o l In LtasAdd rm o. o r«Cpt E prce. VOWPaouW lfl4 COOK M EDlCI N E 06, - ,. WOMIII Ue OJO1 P 7 lml 810350.srwd . eim il Ai ni Cc loi th Sc lei ci ex si( Bc 18 bc WC ac m la] foi Br In! of no W. lai lia toi f rc ne: iiti ira ed sts Ch aà tO of fir to we yeý eV( foi a1 tht pr Wb yoi quý del [lai ,vil Gu 411 th( clh att be giv thi yej iza ME cle pr( foi dei th, su] cal re. Is be by v., thq pei thq En thi utI IT adý glE ini be, gel ME A , MORE EXTRACTS FROM OLD rwo rAncient Volumes IJwfed CHRISTIAN GUARDIAN FILES By Local People Corne to Light A n oeRcps ______ -___________________NOTE-Thîis is the third of a series I of articles about a century old vol- knglican Frayer Book 122 Years OId volume by Henry G. Howell when urne 0f the Christian Guardian and Fornieriy Owned by Grand-I the former was assistant to the late loaned to The Statesman by Ex- father of W. J. Bragg, M.L.A. andI Canon Allen lin Millbrook. The Mayor T. S. Holgate. The vlme 196 earOld ew estaentarebook is of massive proportions and was one the official organ! vof'uthe 196e earocal NeopTetmn. r contains the whole of the new test- Methodist Episcopal Church inl Can- Ownd b Loal eope.ament with notes after every verse. ada. On the inside of the cover Mr. In the issue of the Guardian, da- Fast on the heels of the announce- Howell the previous owner, announ- i ted December 4, 1830, an mnteresting ent made in The Statesman somne ces that the book belongs to hlmi advertisement appears. It is an w weeks ago of the flnding by Ex- and f urther:I announcement of the Grove Inn ayor T. S. Holgate of 100-year old "If ever borrowed by a friend, on Dundas street, York, and in the olume of the Christian Guardian. Riglit welcome shalt he be, first paragraph the subscriber or >mes the news of the possession by To read, to study, not to lend. advertiser. as we caîl him today. )cal People of books much older But to return to me. thank.s the public for past support of ban the Guardian. Mr. A. H. Not that imparted knowledge doth, 1his hostelry and announces that lie ýobell informed us that he had a Djminish learning's store, lwill be running it for another year. ook that liad Mr. Holgate's beaten But books I flnd, when of ten lent, He states that the hotel is equipped Y 22 years and wliat is more lie Return to me no more." with "a new suppiy of beds and bed- rought it with him. It was a The reader is further admonislied1 ding and wili be able to entertain al ,ather bound COPY of the Englisli to rdslwypaefeunt,' who may lionor him witli their pat- ýhurcli Prayer Book and is in an think seriously, and return QuicklY, ronage". cellent state of preservation. In- with the corners of the leaves not "But, as usual", it reads, "we beg ýde we find that it was printed in turned down". Penhaps those who to leave to add, that ail gambiers, ýoston by J. White, published in are in the habit of loaning books tippiers, grog-bruisers, (evidently 09 and thus is 122 years old. The and who do not get them returned some slang of a hundred years ago), Dok is profusely illustrated witli old will copy this verse and paste it la- drunkards, and ail sucl i die and use- ,oodcuts and the services are ex- side the cover .lust as a gentle, but less cliaracters, are warned agalnst tly the same even to the prayers effective reminder of the owner. calling on hlm as lie does not, la sare used in the Churcli 0f Eng- Turning over a page we corne to the least degree, want their custom, Lnd today. the title page whicli states that the and wili take it as a partictflar mark On the fly leaf la tlie book we book is "Exposltory Notes with prac- of their esteem, if tliey will aiways )und the words la faded ink "John tical observations on the New Test- pass las house wthout noticlag it- ragg's Book, Pyworthy, May 5 ament of our Lord and Savlour, they are informed there is no room 22." Immedlately our detective Jesus Christ" and that it is "En- for tliem in." istincts were aroused and we coin- deavoured by William Burkitt, M. A. That is what one would call taday ienced to dig inta the family trees late vicar and J.ecturer of Dedham as comlng straiglit from the sliould- 'the district Bragg families and la Essex," and at the foot of the er. Evldently W. J. Summers, the scovered the fact that this John page it is stated that the book was landlord, was a great temperance ragg mentioned in the fly leaf was printed in London in 1734. man for lie goes on ta say la the ne other than the grandfather of Be! ore the actual Testament com- last paragraph: "The subscriber lias 1J. Bragg, the venerable and popu- mences several prefaces are attached an excellent, sober, steady, trusty, x member of the Provincial Par- to the front of the book the flrst and experienced Yorkshire lad, to iment for Durhiam. Mr. Bragg addressed ta "The Right Honorable take charge of his customner's horses Id us that lis grandfather came and Right Reverend. Father in God. and tliey may rely on their being om Holdswortliy in Devon Engiand. Henry, Lord Bishop of London. one well attended ta.". worthy we discovered was the of lier Majesty's (Queen Anne), most In the same issue are two items cxt village to Holdsworthy and this honorable Privy Council". The which are wortli repeatmng. One tle book was evidently brouglit to is aaral fti ln rfc tells how ta avoid getting coids wlien nada by this man when he sail- reads. "My Lord, If ever my mean one lias got their f eet wet and says: 1shortly after the date in the labours were a blessing ta the People "Ail danger f rom wet feet may be )ok. The grandfather, Mr. Bragg o! my charge. and they with me, avoided by bathing the feet in cold ated, was a member of the Engiish have abundant cause to bless A- water every morning on rising. This hurcli before lie emigrated ta Can- mlghty God for your Lordship. who is also a remedy f or cold f eet la la. So mucli for that little vol- vas the inimediate instrument Of bed." Here's a chance for some who ne. itf my coming amongst them." The sufer this way ta see if this 100-J Thining enouh iportnceepistle ends with the words, MY year-old remedy still hlods good. Thiningit f eoug imortnceLord, Your Lordship's much oblig- The other item is a recipe for sait- tel Re. . R Sencr. herecared and most obedient servant, W. ing beef and tells that one should the English churcli here of the Burkitt. get a barrel o! water and lay two id we telephaned to li expecting Other prefaces are addressed ta sticks across the top and then lay Shear a gasp of amazement when the "Rigît Honorable. Charles, Lord the beef on, covered as thick as poss- eannounced the fact that a 122 Fitzwalter" ta wlom the writer was ible wltli saît and leave f or 24 heurs. ýar aid Prayer Book was actually chaplain and ta the "Family Gaver- The sait it dlaims attracts the moist- existance in Bowmanvilie. How- nours, Particularly those af my ure which penetrates riglit into the ,er the gasp failed ta materialize charge." The family governours beef. ýr we had ta do the gasping when no doubt are the parents within lis On the same page we noticed un- r. Spencer announced that he lad parish. der the caption "A Cure for Swear- book in lis possession, a copy of The whole volume which is about ing" a littie item whicli reads that Le New Testament. which was two and half ladies thick and which "Lady Elizabeth Berkely. this lady, Ilated la 1734 or in other wards is bound with heavy covers is print- in the lionar o! God, made a decree hicli is 196 years old. ed in the quaint type of the time. in her own house. that what persan That book aiong with its mucli The letter "S" except where it ap- biaspliemed Gad by swearlng should )unger contempories is resting pears at the end o! a word is shaped that day lack aie and wine and have ietly la the Statesman office un- like- an "f " and when one reads far oniy bread and water." ýrgoing inspection of its interest- into its lines their is a tendency ta This newspaper, thougli a churcli ýg f eatures. These two. together lisp the "f ". The reverend gentie- organ, gave the details of the big ith the 100 year aid Christian man lias gone ta great lengtls ta ex- news of the day and la the issue Of uardian have an aggregate age of plain the testament and after each Decemnber 18 1830 under a liead- ý8 years and shouid they double verse lias an explanatory note about ing "Piracy and Murder" we read: Leir age they wiil approacli very tliree times its iength. The volume The particulars of a most horrid oseiy the number of years of 1f e is weli preserved and is littie the murder and darlag act 0f piracy tained by Methusela. who iived ta worse foar its wear. or iack o! wear, committed off Fire Island iniet, a- 960 years. during its eventful hlstory of 196 bout the 22nd uit, on board the Brig, Mr Spencer was presented witl years. Vineyard from New Orleans, havlag _________________________________________________ about $50.000 aboard is given la the New York papers. The captala's ~-naine was William Thornly. Al the crew with the exception o! one person were among the conspirators. The after murdering tlie captain and mate, they set the vessel on fire Y,,-~-. ,.,.,......and took ta the long and Jolly boats Leg ion Corner inta whicli tley had tasee h ______specie. It coming on ta biow f resh, O concluded ta proceed aiong the - . A Department off Notu of Inters o theL.Wa beach towards New York and while * - off Rocway, la attemptlag ta land Voeuanaoff D.wmmvsllê S&" of thieboats upset and tlree men __________________________________________ were drowned. The other boat with the five men, la custody, landed on The most effective service can be bugiltohecnnin" oTesaniit stat tlie east end yen by unllied effort and interoot, Con e Isln erthey burledo is was cleariy demonstrated iast The Canadian Legion was organi- so!he on eyey roueliton >ar when ail the Veteran Organ- zed several years ago by Sir Richi- throw livngbeen compeut i$5ed0to ations in Canada met tlie Parlia- ard, and liad as its first president overteboat rd a i ut 5000On entary Commlttee and presented a Lieut-Gyen. Sir Percy Lake, whorevehnqthtbat frnomn ofghe On ear cut case for more adequate saw service in India durla h ecing the tvenoe!temn .ocedure and measures to provlde Great war. as well as ln Mesopo- voluntary tald the story statlag that r the needs a! war veterans and ta-,bt l sno eien ale lad been compelled ta act wlth T rsutssea fr tria. b. C. Is nwrnsidnmberthe others ta save lits own life. An ,pendents. TerslssekfrVcoiB .Isrnsnme examlaatlon o! tlie prisoners com- temselves. The most eff ective re- tliousands, wltli the rank and file menced on Wedxiesday at Fiatbush, its o! Legion activlty la any 10- adequately represented, whie there and lad not been conciuded at tlie lity wil. be obtalned by 100% rep- are strong provincial commands la iast advices. The specie on board sentation o! ex-service men. This each section o! the Dominion. It was owned by Steplien Girard o! an objective which should neyer is f elt that more oficers sliould Philadeiphia". lost f rom siglit. Join tlie Legion. and consequently Sa interested dld we become la Sir Richard Turner, wha is now the this stary o! plracy on tlie higli second senior officer, lias lssued seas that we searched through the The folowlag is an appeai mad the appeai ta conunlssioned men ta remalning numbers la the volume jLieut-Gen. Sir Richard Turner enter its foid. ta find what the iaw had meted .C., and las been broadcasted over The Britishi Empire Service Lea- out ta the five men but evidently Le Dominion: gue. witli whldli the Canadian Le-the men appeaied and appeaied, Quebec. Jan. 10.-An earnest ap-go safltewlhldi n- just as they do in the States taday ifor greater active support o!f iicneto n aaati er and there was neyer any resuit to Le Canadian Leglon o! the Britishi with Earl Jelico, the actual presi- the triai for no more word is spoken npîre Service League by offlcers dent, coming out ta the Dominion o! 't. Lrougliaut tlie Dominion lias been to officlate over tlie session. It A gentleman by the name o! John tered by Liu-Gen. Sir Richard wl eti is iesnei2 Junkin advertised a reward of $20 irnrV. ..oraniero!tli Cn-that thpencnvention lias been îeld n-he-ssu- o!Chr#tiA- ayfor the eupwards o! 1000 delegates fromn a weil known Physician brl.ngs you li an ;;7c Irr(sIn. ot quioli.qait your LI setions of tlie Domninion, la at- thc swift comfort lt lias brouglit ta applostion In now. Writé, or oeilifer In. ,ndancc. We want to complete others, you surely wl» e ho lankfull formation. LI organisation arrangements, ho- and very wen l peascd. If It daca noti DOMINION TRADB s&CO0o.8. LTD. )re thon, te 'ee that cvery Prov- satlsfy the drugglst that suppllcd i mutera lu«dcuurtoe 1queea wmt. ice has Its juat representation, and you la authorlzcd te rceturn your Tosoate. tat there wl» h o n petty politica monop on iffrst box purchaaed. o mpueymem evlei-oaae taeeaet For $200 a 0 0 Can you equal this? For $200 invested yearly, a young man can capitalize his youthful vigour and effectively prepare for life's contingencies through the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. 36BREAT BENEFITS 1. NOW-$10,000 Immediate Pro- tection and 2. IN A FEW YEARS- $10,000 in Paid- up Assurance, earnlng Dlvi- dends. or 3. AT MIDDLE LIFE- $10,000 in Cash. He can secure for bis dependants immediate protection of $10,000, in- creased yearly tbereafter by cu - iating dividends. This $10,00estate is created instantly by the first pay- ment. The assured tbereby obtains maximum protection for bis family at minimum cost at a time when protec- tion is thegreatest need. In a few years he may stop paying, take a paid-up policy for $ 10,000, and thereafter receive regular dividends until bis death when tbe full capital sum of $10,000 is stili payable ta his dependants. By middle life (if he bas flot seiected tbe last-mentioned plan) his policy wiIl mature as an endowxnent for $10,000, returning to bimn a eumn far in excess of the total premiums paid. This investmnent settlement cornes at a time when personal and family maintenance have become more im- portant than protection. monthly Instalmenta over a period of yearsfntead of in a lump auma. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA HEAD OFFICE MONTREAL Forjurtherparticulars,fil! in and mail the attached coupon.- jSUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA, Montreal, Canada. [arn interested in your $200 yearly assurance plan. Without obligation on my part, please send me particulars as outlined in you adertsenen in........ ..... ...... ..... N ane (Mr., Mrs. or Miss) ......... ae.r .......................1 - Address (Street) ............... (City) ....... .. ..... ..... Protection 1ik eI HERE COMES YOUR COAL Our truck la awatig your mli to deUver t o "m haememt the kind et ceai t ha drodu et famMles tbreughout thia town have toua" »e Uailtcoa. You cm adepeni upon thisold-«rt&blihod oal puti to ftrnlsh trlctly hlgh qualty cea st anllim. Order Dow for prompt ieilvry. -D. L & W. Scranton The Standard A Stove Ceai ..... ... ....Mi Duckwhmt .. . .. . .. .. .... . 0 Aawomouf $1.00 pS tmor ecm&h wUlbeailow.i froc abov pioms MC'lellan & Co., Limited: Phono 15 BowmMVMfl t 44 For Your Radiator Tahe the bigg bad off pour mini . . . peu dont haro te Ireat pour car Bbce a baby Ibis ccli wealher 9If o' put eur anti-tem eolcuon lu pour radistor. Tou ea eut In lbe coldest westher sud know Ihal Itlslapretected from old an"Zro emomum Orne ffillng wi last pon U iWnter. Corne la t»daW' wud get pour ou weather lusurauce Our gare la opus nlght ami day. CLEMENS' West End GARAGE TUE CANADIAN STA=ShXAN, BOWALANVMLE, TRURSDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1931 PAGE SEVM# King St West Bowmmnffle.

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