PAGE MORTi FATHER AND SON IR. M. HOLLINGSHEAD CO.uI FELOSHPSTESED1 ANTICIPATES RECORD YEAR The N* Continued f rm page 1 r Continued from page 1)" EU ship was not determined by inci- ou the arrivai at the plant the___ - dent. A mere registry offioe could vsitors were taken to the grinding neyer make a man and a boy f ather manufacture of Whiz Fly Fume. TI and son despite the correctness O! They saw liow the Pyrethrum -- their records. Fathership and son- sud pulverising departmeut where ship was a relationship destined by they viewed the workings of the SILVER IVEDDING mutual feelings towards the other. flowers arrived in huge bales weigb- That act o! becoming a father by ing about 450 pounds each. They Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson Hon-1 marriage and the birth of children saw the machines whicha tear these ored on 25th Wedding Anniversaryl does not make the father that is so floîvers t0 shred sud take them necessary in these days o! enlight- dowu to the pulveriser where they More than a century and a quar- enment. You and I have to learn were ground into fine dust. They ter of history aud romance in a to be a father. The average man then saw the four huge percolators new land formed the back-ground receives training in everything but1 which have a capacity of 300 Im- of the silver wedding anniversary temost important thiug in life. to perial gallons each o! Mic. and Mis. Geo Robinson last the ahm chppt eFriday evening. makea hme e bapyto ear They were told hoîv the extract The celebration of the event was children and be companions to thei. was made into Fly Fume and how arranged by their relatives and Yes, the greateat educational insti- twice a îveek the percolators were frieuds in the locality and vas beld, tution in the world is undoubtedly changed thus making a weekly Pro- at Kilcolman. the stately, ancestral Zhe home. When a home is set up duction for a week of 7 days. run- home of one branch of the Love- the occupants are embarking upon n*n 24 hours eacla day. of 2400dongerain th rats dungna etuem kn or haîf a dzngnrtos th raeteuainlvnueinImperial gallons. They were told kis. I a hrfht o the world." that the filling machines have a pat. il was hre thaelt tbhn ' "It is a remarkable the capacity of 5000 gallons per week liattie f girl wa bortodelibtthe speaker continued "that so many and thus the pulverising plant had Mheatsdf hr.fath e an ohe men, briliant msen, make a wonder- t, be run f ull for some time ahead, Mr.and Mers. F. B. Loekiand he fui success o! their business and yet o! the filling machines. as tdheronay.dauhter adthey make a mess o! their homes. Ifcleue ay h a h these men would give the samne They witnessed bow the extracted daughter of a Justice of the Peace leadership in the home as they do in material was pumped from the sec- who was the son of a magistrate and their business it would be a different .n lo orciigtnsi h so on back through the generations world. Some forget that being a basement where it ceceived the prop- from the earliest pioneer days when father. and moulding and making a er physical, chemical and biological a Lovekin was appointed a magis- young man's character is one of the tests to prove standardization. It trate o! the Home District in the greatest privileges in existance. was then pumped into a buge storage year 1801. In the 111 e o! youtb the chie! thing 13,000 gallon tank at the rear o! It was at Kilcoman that May is to grow. Jesus was once a littie the factory where it remained un- Lovekin grew to young womanhood chid bt h grw. he il mpot-tiI orders f rom the Toronto office aud it was froin here her gallant ant thing about your boy at this arrived foir its shipinent. When young lover, George Robinson. a time is not what he is. but what is these orders are given the mixture scion 0f another long established he to become? Through your ne- is pumped from the storage tank Clarke family. carried her off and glect is be to become a dissipated. to a filling tank on the third floor married her 25 years ago. And worthless young man or ia he to be- vhere a specially made esseutial oil j it was here sitting with her husband comie the man you wish him to be- is added whicb acts as a perfumne1 at one end of the large. arched côxue? This is the tiîne wheu he and is beneficial to the stock itself. living room. and surrounded by their bas to learn the dfference between The essential oul is a blend of floral children and grandchildreu. she rlgbt and wrong. the time when he oils and gives a lastiug and agee shared with her husbaud last Friday lMarnis to love art. sport. his home. able order to the Fly Fume miaskiîig eveuing. the congratulations. besi Are you going to help lm in his the disagceeable odor of the Pyre- I wishe ansd tokeus of esteem of a learuing? Are you going to be a thcum fiowers f rom which it is made. large gathering o! relatives and companion to hiîn? 1,T he p'rocess of filliug was then ex- f rinds. I feel sorry for a mani who through, fflaitied to the guests. The Fl mong those present wece the foi- lack o! learning and training hears IFume camie froin the third floori lowing direct desceudents of the the strains o! a beautiful piece of tank and passed through a copper Lovekin pioneers who, it ivas stated. music and does not appreciate its s.trainer having 40.000 holes to t h e first lauded f tom cauoes into theaf beauty. I f eel sorry for the man to owaeîch hsacee n is ie parts in 1793: F. B. Lovekîn, Deputy whoma the field o! literature is a, enough to separate vtrfo i Reeve of Clarke Tow~nship. who cead closed book just because he lacked, besides other foreign matters. The the address and f ulfulled the duties that necessary training ini youth. reflned Fy Fume then psssed o f chairman; C. R. Lovekin. present Again, youth is the time to grow in through the filler which is woked wean ocuntf iom ; the service of our fellow inan on a vacuum systein which auto- ower aud occupaRobnso. Kieon- Whatis or jb? h ased te'mat ically withdraws air from the thei rsisto erMr.Rbiso r n.dheho hats Our job? he asked the .Fttles anid fuls at the samne time Robinsons v hildreu. Florencc fat.ers. Or jobnisTtrher).themons five grow. to surrounid them with the, xactly 10 the îeqi~site asînount as a oh tre .Rgul proper environmieut which will be.;cse on the timer. The bottles then Charles. H--elen sund Jean: Mc. and couducive to stcong and healthy vweut along a conveyor beit svhere in 1Mca. C. R. Lovekins t'.'.o sons, James growth. Lack o! interes, Im a boy Luru they are iuspected. fui' safety; P. andI Richard. and Mr. and Mrs. fails to bring out bais possibilities. Ifl, precautions. capped with sanitary ýunrstosn.Gog n on Abraham Lincoins toster mother ,aiz-. and finally labelled. They Tucuec's trvo ouis.Gorgs e sud Joh had everrecognized the boy's in- arc then packed in cases aud auto- i tives ureseut werc. Mr. sud Mrs. satiable desire for knowledge sud iîuatically sealed. The production 1 John Rlobinson. Mr. sud Mcs. Anson encouraged him in hJi.; work lie would of the filliug machine averageS Waltou. rMc. aud Mca. Mat hew Al neyer bave become the most beloved about 3.000 complete units per hour. dread aud babe sud Mr. Normai Presdentof te UitedStats." At the conclusion o! the demon- Preidnt~fth Uitd taes'- . ration th iigdugsse-Andrce ws aud famnily iucluding hais Continuing Mc. Plewmnan ucged iis se the m odn dugitse- daugh ter. Mrs. Reginald Robinsot hearers to make the byi cie1pressed thieir surprise. h o-aý r.F B oeii itro h boy pratice Iernîty o! the plant sud promised lo caF.BLvei.stro!h what the father biee. If yougcrwowt ehsbnealr want hinm to be industious sud min- o give the conipany better co-oper- groomthe ho vith hec h'îdsn paued ly you must help hum. he said. nuation in the future due to the con - sisite n euing head er ine h Mayapotential great man hast fîdeuce in Whiz proclv'ts which hadlsse u p rohra hi on tobs rv usu sdabenceae y h ist1 Atlas Facm. for tea. gone t igrv nugadaeeiretdbth st . Now in the great living room with pauper because bis parents failed to In addition to the Fly Fume ni-i fr !lg ber unn nt see kils possibilities. The one ie- soection they watched the utakiug afcof oble firplace, r. Lovnte latiousbip above ail that should ex o! handsoap,poihg a adcedtteculeaieywre ist between the father sud the sou toilet flush. ail these articles beiug radrsseprsn the se a nients Cd is a sympathetic goodwill. Always standard drug store requisites. thrse pnysusigub the cnsof remember that a boy as no chance I h vnn hedu e ee ttcmayadsgnd h on ta, choose bis father s0 it is entireîy guesta o! the Hollingshead Co.. t mitee. C. R. LoeiT ad up ta the father to make bis son a banquet at the Balmoral iHotel Peufouud sud Florence Turner. ThE proud o! hlm. Even if you are whlcb was also 'atteuded by local comînittee presented Mr. sud Mrs getting ld, grow up again ivith ium druggists, Mayor M. J. Elliott and Robinson with a set o! silverwstr' Teah hm iscplne hlc wlî n-R. J. Kembriug. R. O. Joues sud R. forks sud spoons sud stainleas steeî courage respect, sud give hlm comn- Metcalf e o! the local factory staff.kiea postrdwce ol radeship, for what profit a mnu if 1 At the conclusion o! tbe banquet îng chair for each sud a lovely bou- he owus the wvbole world sud loses Mr. J. H. H. Jury took the party quet o!fifowei'5 to Mrs. Robinson bis son? over the Boys' Training School sud Mc. and Mrs. Robinson bath madE Many fathers are at business alu the latter part of the eveuing nice replies thauking their f ieuds day. carlng for that almighty dollar. they speut a pleasant bouc ou Mac- aur.Norsangi Tearl e olly00 At home at night they sit l hi tyn's Bowling Alleys. Fellinwsinig hyaeJlyGo chair wth a paper and without a. F. B. Lovekin brie!ly reviewec thought for the compaulonship o!f 'ORK PROVIDED FOR some .lnterestlng Lovekin histocy anc the boy tbey brougbt into the world. NWATEUEPOE then produced a list o! speakers wli Teddie Roosevet. amid ail is re- NWATEUEPOE were asked to express their sent:- sponslbillty in the office o! Presideut ment.s included. the liride's uncie o! the US. neyer neglected bis home. The new council bas taken a foc- Mr. Moses Heard, Mc. Lamne Cobble Re took turne to be a pal to bis boys ward stride lu the direction o! pro- dlck. Mr. Norman Rickard. Mr. H and today you bave the resuit. spien- vidlug better means o!figbting fires R. Pearce, Mr. Wm. Buckley. Mr.A did sons o! a splendid father." than bas exlsted lu the cecent past Waltou, Mrs. J. R. Fisher, Mr. C. R For a brie! perlod Mr. Plewman sud at the samne time is opportunely 1 Lovekiu. Mr. T. W. Barrett, Mr spoke o! the celatiousblp o! a boy takiug advsutage o! govecument aidlFred Hocklu, Mc. Wm. Hockin ta hils mother and ail t meant to foc the relief o! uuemploymeut to Mrs. Weut. Barett sud Mc. art hlm in later 11e. He urged ou the sffocd work foc men in tbe village Mrs. David MeMullen, wbo also weri boys flot to become "He-men" and who are tempocacily out o! work. the recipleuts o! many congratula. too cockY. Don't become too proud The council bas been couslderlug tions as this was the 25th annivert ta, lcow and love your mother sud lu ways sud means o! providiug more sacy o! their weddlng too. Januari conclusion be what your mother ade<uate fime protection foc some 23. thinks you are. Let uotbing bie too time sud at the 1931 inaugural Tbe evening coucluded with mi. good for you. Be satisfied ouly with meeting defiuitely cesolved upon f reshmeuts and a jolly old fashione( the best sud into everytblng you take building two watec storage tanks dance in the kîtchen, wth Mc. Wr part brlug the tbougbt that youc so that if ueed acose lu the future Scott calllng off and Mr. Chu whole 111e depended ou you doiug it 10 ask aid f rom tbe Bowmauvllle Cowan, Clarke, and Mr. Bll Reid rlght, and if you want to gcow Up a or Ocono f ire brigades, thece would slttlug on top o! the table. playirl wothy son o! a worthy father make bie au ample supply o! watec ou the fiddle sud auto barp. t your obJect to be a "Cbip off the baud. The council met again last -__________ old Block". Friday eveuiug to heac the final by egistemlng at the office o! ti On bebaif o! the Rotary Club Ro- readiug o! the euabling by-law and municipal clerk, Mr. H. C. Bonathan tarlan Cyrus Slemon moved a hearty to complete arrangements foc the About tblrty-five men to date, rang vote of tbanks to Mr. Plewmau foc building o! the tanks. iug from scbool boys to eticiý bis fine address. Ernie Érowu on The tanks will be built o! concrete farmers have put their naines ci behal! o! the boy guests moved a sud wlll be underground. Que wilî the paper. thus idcatlng thei vote o! thanks to the Rotary Club be located close to the preseut Com- ueed o! employment. They repre for tbel.r fine evening's entectain- iuunity Hall cistecu sud will be cou- sent quite a vamlety o! occupatiom ment and Jin Devtt seconded this nected wtb it by a pipe near the pursuits, professions. trades arg G. G M. 4BOSNELL, Optometrist M'30c:n b ouc ncelebcated17 tweIf th birtbday ou Saturday by i IlOMCE OVER FLOOD'S STORE-PORT HOPE vîing bis cousins sud f riends tc * omJcu HOURS: W.dneuday Each Week-9.30 a.m. ta 9.30 P. sleighing party iu the afterroo: I Toronto OfflcO-2143 Danforth Avenuei concludllng wth indoor gaines i I -, lunch In the evenlng. 1 1 QU*4LITY with PRIC>t ~ AnotherppaticaiDemoflstratiof of A &~P Table Eofoow3 TIS ~y AA K~IA~v MEAT MARKETS si. L F U W ITSFAM USB AN ieieJ.S CRS M . 2 5 Hi*M»SWXHOLE IIAM l.32e IT~F1(~~~~ ifi a t b 5 !I*ý,,"I SAUSAGE lb. 250 WI HNDN b 9 JBACON BREKFAS1' 38« H AMS RL 9 SMII . I N~tîCY RO.%S'rNG SWIFT'S PREMIUDI-SLICED FOR FRYIN(. 5i4IF rI ll I11UM-SLICED Chickens lb- 38a CookedHa'lb.39.Bacon E OR b-LB -4 TO 5 LBS. EACHBa o AK PG (HOICE CUTS F TENDER YOUNG OASTINO t n a d P a .-PORK -StnaruPa SHOULDERS lb. 16 o. ee 4N.ZTn VERI II XC. ELLENT EOAW is 5 DUTTS 0 a lb. 204 ___ Fineit Quafltj BA4CON P~~eaIBac aTE lb.29 Macaroni, Spaghetti sm ' !... . 1 b. 31c and PORK PIES 3 for 250 FRE- ,IiL'Y «MADE MINCEMEAT 2 Ibm. 230 FIRST 41ltIBS lpr 1ie e ib Rsoast lb. 2 1 ]porterhousle lb.28 A VER'% FANCY RCOAST-. SHejULD?ý'R THICK RIB 0? CRUCK l.J 0 oroBLADE ROAST OS .CONPLLEA:.: .i .GRITEN'[ OF.'SAL.T .AND)FRESH WATER HslI il, CAmRlIFID AT ALI, A êt P STORES. FISIHADDOCK FIILTS FILLIETSM.0 Wi?,.TER-C.AI:GUT WHITEFISH '14a LAKE ONTARIO HWERRINO "b.13o FANC Y BLUI.POIS'T OYSTERS "'r 38 FREcl A'LANTI( COD A»:NrE * Z 2 '".270 Vermielili k3 lb.. 2Oe Dean8 Bumlkwhite 3 'bu. 10O CHOICE QU.%I.ITY-AYLMER OR SUNSET BRANDS TOMATOES fich ini Ileailh-GIvinc i~.n-a OtSOf 3No. 21,'2 3 Size Tins29 FOR THOSE QUICK -NOON LUNCHES CAMPDELL'S Tounato Soup 2 Tins for 1L90 NASE IN ONTARIO& FINEST CREAMERIEB CHEESE NEW Ab. 1 9aOLO lb. 290 EXTRA L .» LI. db 5VVo O II W57 O MTAMI'8 OWN PRODUCT-RICHINSLUR N1CSARY TO THlE DIGESTIVE ORGANS U O NIONS No. 1 Grade 9 ibu. 25o UNGRADED The Saune figh Quality 10 Iibs. ?]L aPA~ ~ ~~~~~~~~- SRT IUAC>C'6qatBakt1c G' (EPflil>IN EXCHIANGE FOR MERHANDM ORANGES ...... Dozen 29c F~OR 'l' ... * '.1 SU~GAR Fine Granulated 10O Ibs. 449c% KING STREET - BOWMANVILLE Meat Manager: G. McCoy. Grocery Manager: P. William.. We Deliver-Extra Charge 10c. Phono No. 83 Twu uIUT ALAWT!rC & PACIVIC TUfrA Ce* _________________________LIMITID. OF CANADA EXTIRA 0W CHWT.E - 35LB SWII S PUEuGN SUC» AON 3 K.PACKGE- h Mrs W. T. and Miss Ethel Lock- ~icastIehart have gone to Toronto to spend _ _ _ _ n d ep n d en * !the remainder of the winter with w cas le I d e p e d e ti Mrs. Lockhamrt's sister Mrs. Hunter. Miss Mary VanDusen entertain- ____________ - - eda group of girl friends Friday U SA ,JN A Y2t,1931 evening, on her fifteenth birthday. URSD Y, ANUA Y 2thShe received many pretty and use-1 __________fui gifts and her guests all aver NEWCASLEMrs. S. E. Staccy and son. Ken- they had a most delightful time. NEWCASTL neth. are visiting her parents Mr. Mra. Fred Grahaîn's group of thei Mate Dnad os hlda irh-and 'Mrs. Gostlin, Toronto. W. A. is having a social evening in Mastr Dnal Joe hld bith- Misses Marjorie Down. Oshawa, the Sunday School mooms Tuesday dayne part n aurdayo asnenr-gr and Marion Rinch, Newcastle, spent cvening. Feb. 3rd, at 8 o'clock; re- taiyed uit bnhofhsnerg the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. f reshments and good mixed program boy~ cus W. Down, Bowmanvifle. including a debate on that time hion- Mr. and Mrs. David McMulIen Y.P.L. wish to announice that in ored but always interesting subject. Starkville, attended the silver wed- f ddition to a fine musical programi "The sloven]y. good natured wife ding of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson on Monday evening, Feb. 2. there lor, housekeeper versus the tidy, iii on Friday evening and rernained xiii bc shown a set of 100 colored tempered. cranky one." Admission over until Saturday evening 8as lides of Japanese people and scenes. 25C. guests of her brother-in-law and The saine set will be shown at the MiFgs Neva Switzer. coach, and Mr. sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Robinson. W.M.S. in the afternoon. Walter Blackburn motored New- Miss Dorothy Rickard entertain- The Wolf Cubs of St. Georges castle High School Basketball team e d her Sunday School class of girls Church under the able leadership Of to Uxbridge Tuesday to play Ux- at her home, The Grange, on Satur-: Rev. F. H. Mason gave a very fine bridge High School team. Regulars day. The girls spent a jolly after-'programi in the Parish Hall. coin- and subs who made the journey were noon sleighrlding, riding on the barn posed of drills and signais as used Ruby Shaw, Dorothy Bonathan. trolley systemn and later playingi by the Boy Scouts. Mr. R. Jones, Gwen and Alecia Williams, Mary house games. Each member of the of Toronto. gave lantern slide views VanDusen, Florence Spencer. June lastook a box of eats which. added 1 cf the Boy Scouts leaving Canada Brown. Margaret Toms. Bessie tthe generous menu provided oy! for the World Jamboree and the, Blackburn. Annabelle Hendry, Irene their teacher and her sisters. Misses places they visited in Englaud which1 Brereton. Audrey Bonathan. also Evelyn and Jean aff orded a bounti-I was very interesting. Ref reshments Billie Tomns as company f or Walter. fui and varied party supper. ivere served. the one maie chauffeur. ST. GEORGE'S VESTRY MEETING Very encouraging reports were given by the Rector, Rev. F. H. Mason. and the wardens for the work of the past year. The atten- dance had increased and also the contributions of the people. The Missionary apportionment had been paid in full and the receipts for parish purposes were higher. Officers for 1931 are: Rector's warden-Mr. W. H. Qibson; Peaples' warden-Mr. Howard Gibson; En- velope Secretary-Mrs. R. W. Olb- son; Sidesman-Messrs. Harold Qib- son. John Elston, John Scott, Jack Highbee and Hubert Anderson; Ad- visory Council-The wardens. Miss Mclntosh, Mrs. J. Scott Howard, Mrs. Lindsay, Mrs. Farncombe. Mrs. P. LeGresley, and Messrs.H. H. Ar- dagh. Walter Crowther, W. H. An- derson, and J. E. Matchett; Deleg- ates to Synod-The wardens and Mr. W. H. Anderson; Auditors- Mrs. R. W. Gibson, and Mr. Charles Higbee; Vestry clerk-Mr. Reginald LeQresley. A pleasing feature of the evening was the granting of an increase of salary to Mrs. Farncombe, organist and choir leader for upwards of thirty years, as a slight token of Bp- preciation for her long and falthful service in ail kînds of weather. THURSDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1931 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIT.T. ,