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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1931, p. 4

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PAGE FOURTEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. APRIL 2nd, 1931 Spring Furniture' is Arriving Daily Our New BABY CARRIAGES CARRIERS and GO CARTS are the very latest in X style and color and the prices are very Iow. See our leader for $19.00 NEW MARSHALL MATTRESS i * What about a new rnattress this Spring. Compare our Marshall "Sleepmaker",....195 any double size ....................$ 95 A GOOD SIMMONS BED A good Simmons Bed with Spring$150 and Mattress for ...................$ 50 Fa F. MORRIS CO. Furniture and House Furnishings Phone 10 Bowmanville Easter Toggery at the SMART SHOP Never before have the new Spring Clothes been so devastatingly chic as for Easter 1931. Here you will see the finest selec- on of Coats, Dresses, Hose and Gloves in town and at prices that W are 'the lowest in years. This is your ]ast chance before Easter - Cali in Thursdav or Saturday. THE SMART SHOP COWAN BLOCK GEO. R. MASON, Manager. CADMUS HAYDON Rev. F. W. Newell gave a very in- Mrs. John Graham, Maple Grove, teresting talk on Sunday. his subiect' and Mrs. Mary Jane Archer, Lind- being the flfth word from the cross, say, visited at Mr. D. Graham's -I thirst' No League Thursday'Mrs. Henry Ashton visited her sister, owing to bad roads Sunday School1 Mrs. Leo Niddery, Brantford Mrs. Convention which was held at South Wesley Thompson is visiting friends Nestleton on Tuesday was very well in Toronto.. Mrs. Reuben Ashton attended and everyone present re- and daugbters, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus ported a profitable and most enjoy- Ashton, Port Hope, visited at Mr. able time. Mr. Willard Spencer is Leslie Graham's. Mr. and Mrs. E. visiting his parents- Mr. and Mrs. Bradley and Freda visited at Mr. l Everard Sanderson and famlily spent Bradley's, TYrone- Mr. Louis Ash- Thursday evening at Mr. A. E. Mc- ton has accepted a position i Tor- Gill's. Mr. W. D. Ferguson spent 1 onto Mr. Edward Philps and Mr. Monday in Toronto, Mr. ad Mrs. WM. Shaw Sundayed in Oshawa Edgar Gibson and Glenn spent Sun- Mr. Milton Siemon and sons wlere day evening at Mr. Everard Sander- 1 Wth Mrs. Milton Slemon. Hampton, sf'.BLACKSTOCK Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Staniford Van Camp on the arrival of their first-born, a son... .Mr. L. Allin and friend, Orono. spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Galbraith. ..1..Mrs. Arthur Balley, Mrs. Flo. Crawford and Mr. N. H. Marlow were recent visitors to Toronto. Miss Violet Dever visited Miss Hazel Eng- lisb Mr. Gus Hill, Woodbridge, visited at Mr. Grant Jackson's. The regular meeting of the A.Y.P.A. was beld at the home of Mr. A. L. Bailey on Marcb 25tb, with twenty- three members present. The programj was in charge of Miss Agnes Whit- sisted o! the following nunibers: A papeir by Dr. Wittaker, "The Mean- ing of Lent"; and readings by Mrs. J. Rahm. Miss Florence Phair and Mr. William Hamilton. A contest was put on, the winners being Mrs. J. Rahm and Mr. Stan Williams, The United Churcb and St. John's Churcb are uniting for a special ser- vice in St. John's Anglican Church on Good Friday evening. Service is to be conducted by Rev. F. W. New- ell. Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor have returned after spending theirà honeyrnoon at Oshawa, Brantford and Paris, Ontario Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey gave a eucbre party on Friday evening, March 27th. There were nine tables. The winners were Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mountjoy... Mr. and Mrs. Charles Venning gave a eucbre party on Monday evening, March 3th. SOLINA Don't miss the Easter Concert at Hampton on Monday. Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber father, Mr. H. G. Pascoe.. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White spent Sunday at Mr. Charle- ton MeBride's. Peterboro Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke and Miss Marion Mountjoy, Kedron. visited at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe and baby Ray, and Mrs. S. E. Werry spent Friday in Toronto. Congratulations to Mr.. and Mrs. Geo. White wbo hast week celebrated the thirty-flfth anniversary o! their wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and Kathleen, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. White and Gertrude of Maple Grove visited their parents and belp- ed celebrate the occasion. ., Miss Ruby Dewell is spending a couple of months with her sister, Mrs. Lovell. Dexter. Michigan Mr. Allan Bal- son bas taken a position witb Mr. Gerald Talcott, Bowmanville Remember the Women's Institute meeting next Thursday afternoon. April 9th. This is the annual meet-t ing' and it is boped every member will be present League meeting . Mronday evening was in charge o! the dth Vi"e President. Miss Evelyn Tink Devotional period was taken by Missî Ruth McKessock; piano solo, Miss Helen Baker; Mrs. Roy Langmaid gave a very interesting review o! David Grayson's "Friendly Road' which was much enjoyed; piano solo. Mriss Ileen Balson; reading. Mr. Alan McKes!-ock. A conteqt was enjoyed and meeting closed witb the League Benediction. IDress Up For EasterI NEW STYLE NEW VALUE Conservatively speaking, our clothes values are the best in 10 years. Better style, better quality - it's easier to be well dressed this Easter. SUITS At least $10 better value than last year. See these spring models at $18.50 $22.50 $25.00 NEW STYLE HATS TOPCOATS Snappy looking pat- terns and styles - and what values at $15.00 $22.50 $25.00 I From $2.95 to $450 TPoe6 Rank of Montreal T. B. (GII <I IST Bowmanville last Saturday Mrs. James Ken- nedY, Miss Haze1 and Mr. Worthy Kennedy. Toronto, returned witb Mrs. HenrY Ashton last week who bas been with them during the ill- ness and death of Mr. James Ken- nedy. Basket Social next Monday even- lng, April 6th, under auspices of re- pair coniittee of church. Splendid prograin consisting of local talent. Ladies corne and bring baskets. SALEM Mrs. Swmnford's motber f romn Tor- onto, spent the weekend with ber .Glad to know Mrs. N. Strutt is able pital after ber recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Carruthers mot- ored to Cobourg on Sunday and re- turned with bis aunt. Mrs. Butters of Cobourg, wbo is spending a few days witb Mr. and Mrs. Carrutbers and visiting ber sister, Mrs. Car rutbers Sr., of Bowmanville, who is still very ill Sorry to note that Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator bave been quite ill witb colds Mrs. R. Fran- ces, wbo bas been in very poor health for somne tirne past. was taken to the home of ber sister, Mrs. L. Corden, Bowmanville, one day lasti week, in order to be nearer medicall aid Sympatby is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and ber bro- ther. Mr. Way. in tbe death of tbeir mother, Mrs. Way, which occurred in Toronto bospital last Tuesday after a lingering illness. The funeral took Place at Toronto on Friday. An- other daugbter, Miss Mary Way, bad just returned to ber home in New- i foundland after spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong and visiting ber mother in the bospital every few days. COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnot and family, Maxwell's, were Sunday vis- itors of Mrs. Eli Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hocken are moving in- to Mr. Blake Courtice's bouse. We welcome Mrs. Hocken to our village. On Friday afternoon the month- ly meeting of the "Sunbeams" Mis - sion Band was held in No. 8 School with about one hundred in attend- ance. Tbe president, Miss Audreyl Trevail, was in the chair. Meeting opened with a hymn. Scripture les- son given in the suggested program was read by Dorothy Snudden, Flor- ence Wilkins and Rosena Edgar. The watch tower heralds responded to their caUl; and a pretty dialogue was given by seve4al members of the group in charge. Miss Sadie Muir gave the story "A Japanese Pied Pip- er" f rom the study book. A piano solo by Florence Wilkins and a reci- tation by Douglas Brock concluded the program. Friday night our Young people presented their play, "The Mummy and the Mumps" to a good bouse. Eacb one in the play took bis or her part well and it was a laugh fromn start to finish. Pro- ceeds about $50. Saturday after- noon the C. G. I. T. met at the Par- sonage with an attendance of ftfteen. The meeting opened by the girls re- pating the C. G. I. T. purpose. af ter which a bymn was sung and Rev. H.1 Wolfraimn led in prayer. The dis- cussion period was in charge of Beth Gay and Louise Cour tice. A sing song was enjoyed, and Miss Arnoldý gave a missionary talk. A reading was given by Beth Gay, and a very interesting talk by Rev. H. ýC. Wol- f f raim. Af terwards a social time was i spent and rpfreshments served by' Mrs. Wolfraim who certainly gave I the girls a good time Sunday services were good. Sunday School session in the afternoon took Up the I review, with Mrs. A. J. Oke and Mrs.1 L. J. Courtice taking charge of it.« Sunday evening the service wa'; ini char-e of the 'Trail Rangers." The speaker of the evening was Mr. Wil- f rid Carruthers o! Bowmanville, who delivered a very intcresting address to the boys. Master Donald Cour- tice. with Mr. Cecil Folind and Rev. H. C. Wolfraimn took charge of the .service Next Sunday will be spec- ial Easter services througbout the day Several from here attendec' the funeral of the late Mr* Casey TrulI on Sunday. who passecl away fter quite a long time of suffering. Mr. TrulI was an old resîdent Qf thisi -ýommunity and was bighly respect- ed. The funeral was largely attend- -d --nd"'he-srvice at the home was, rarried out according to Mr. Truiil'ý- -nqiest wilh our pastor. Rev. H. C. Wolfraim in charge. SALEM LEAGUE Y. P. Leaguc meeting on Sunday afternoon wvas opened by President S. Bittery. Minutes of last meeting were read by Mr. K. Werry. Mr. K. ý;qiair. 4th Vice. took charge of the following program: Bible reading vas condîicted by Mr. K. Squair who alýýo gave a reading on the Jews: .'iolin solo, Mr. C. Collacuitt: prayer and talk, Mr. Swinford: solo. Miss ENFIELD Mrs. Weir and Miss Elsie Bowman. Listowel. are visitîng at Mr. T. Bow- man's Mr. and Mrs. H. James, Columbus, visited at Mr. J. Hep- burn's Mr. W. Smith spent the weekend in Toronto A pair of twins. boy and girl. arrived at the home of Mr. T. Taylor last Monday morning. AIl are doing well The autos are running around the corner again a! ter a long shut-in Wood- cutting is pretty well flnisbed for this wlnter. ENNISKILLEN Don't miss the Easter Concert at Hamnpton on Monday. Mrs. Wm. Virtue, Tyrone, spent Tuesday with ber son. Mr. Charlie Virtue. The road surveyors were here on Saturday to lay out the new hlghway.. Mrs. Wm. Griffin is spending a couple of weeks at Mr. T. Taylor's nursing, , Miss EUla Tamblyn, Enfield, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston. Mrs. Edith Ormiston and Mr. W. Riggs vislted Mrs. J. Pye recently, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and family spent Sunday at Mr. A. Brunt's. Sunday evening service was very well attended. Rev. Mr. Whyte gave a good discourse on "The Man of Grace." The choir rendered one sel- ection, and Miss Annie Oke and Miss Reva McGill sang a duet. "Saved by Grace" very nicely . Mr. Wesley Oke celebrated his birthday by en- tertaining a few f riends to dinner on Saturday evening. Misses Ger- tie and Winnifred Oke. Bowmanville. spent the weekend with their par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oke Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. J. H. Freeborn in the death of her sister, Mrs. J. G. Stewart, Hamiota, Manitoba; and also to Mr. Thos. Craig in the death of bis sister, Mrs. IWeir, New York,, Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson and sons, Allan and Don- [ald, spent Sunday with friends i Toronto On Sunday morning in the Adult Bible Class the review les- son was taken by several members of the class. Mrs. Wm. Ashton, Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Mrs. Theo. Siemon. Mr. Frank Orchard and Mr. John Slemon each took their different les- sons, ahl being well given, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and babe, NestIe- ton. Miss Mae Lamb, Bowmanville, spent Sunday at Mr. Lorne Lamb's, and also visited Mr. Kenneth Lamb in BowmanviIle Hospital who is do- ing nicely after bis recent operation. Miss Helen McKinnon, Toronto. spent a few days with Mrs. H. J. Werry A number of ladies at- tended the W. M. S. Presbyterial held in Oshawa on Tbursday and report a very interesting and helpful meeting. Enuiskillen Continuation School Following is a report of the stand- ing of the pupils of the Continuation Sehool for the examinations of the winter term. Figures denote per cent, and subjects in brackets fol- !oignames are failures: Form Il: First Class Honours-1 None; Second Class Honours-Gracel Smith 68, Elsie Moore 65; P-ass-ý Alice Ashton 53 (Arith. Geom.) Form I: First Class Honours- Ruby Virtue 76, Marie Oke 73, Viola Bradley 72 (Latin), Gladys Martin 71 (Algebra): Second Class Hlonours -Earl Luke 68, Roland Thompson 66, Freda Bradley 65, Verona Wor- den 65 (History, Latin), Clara Page (absent through illness, not ranked). Margaret H. Dalton, teacher. Moore 's Jewellery King Street Phone 463 Power Farming Conference KEMP BROS GARAGE BOWMANVILLE Friday, April lOth Motion Pictures, Discussions and Mechanical Demonstrations conducted by Sp'ecialists of Ford Motor Co. of Canada Sessions: 10.30 - 12 noon; 2.00 - 3.30 p. m. Corne and learn how to reduce your Farin costs and make farming more profitable. It can be done. Farmers must adjust themselves to modern methods if they are going to make farrn- ing pay. Ford Tractor and a demonstrator will also be at Kemp Bros. Garage on Saturday-but corne Friday if you can. COX MOTOR SALES Bond Street Oshawa h _______________ -I Stylish Models in Tweeds, Basket Weaves Flannels, Wool Crepes $25 There are plenty of navy blues and grays . . . so popular this scason . . . as well as blacks, greens and browns. You will adore the styles . . . such clever scarf necklines . . . such smart cuiTs... such fiattering flares. Just the coats to keep you chic looking ail Spring long... and so remark- ably Iow in price, too! flew Sprin 9 DrFesses 0f course you are wanting a new print dress... no Spring wardrobe is complete mithout at least one. You will be dellghted with the wonderful collection of these smart frocks we are showlng. Somne have long siceves, some hall sîceves. some have the new cap sleeves. Patterns include llght backgrounds and dark. . . ln ail new color com- binations. See thern . . . they are remarkable at $10 PAY CASH A ~N YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE BUYE FOR a E-SfMT£ Spring To harinonize with MiladY's Spring ensemble you vdIU re- quire a Neeklace that wil enhance the beauty of Dame Fashlon's Sprlng Dîctates. At Moore's Jewellery Store you wili find a choice selec- tion - unusuaUl1w Prlced. 1 C-12, ý& àý% la THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1931 PAGE POUR c él.-

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