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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Apr 1931, p. 7

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRU.. 2nd, 1931 PAGE svmi YOU WANT POWER - YOU WANT MULEAG9 Thon Urne Super Sheil Anti-Knock GASOLINE and fl your crankease wth aur high grade OUas: Sheli, Castrol, Quaker State, Penzoil, or Mobiloil. Use Sunlight Coal 011 for your incubator. If your dealer cannat supply you wth this grade we will be glad ta do sa. PHONE 110OKING STEAUT~l BOWMANVI LLE f RHEUMATISM 15 Couvent Sisters Say there's nothing te equal Kruschsn This letter is flot one person'a opinion; it is the uinanimous vote of the aiters of a large convent. " We are a large community (15 in number) and find no medicmne to equal Kruschen Sais. Nlany of the sisters me troubled wth Rheumatmsm, which necessitates taking morte than the daily dose...... We cannot speak too hgl of Kruschen Salis, and the bnftwe derive from them."--Sister M.J. The natural treatment for rheuma- tlsm is Kruschen Saîts. The six minerai alts of Kruschen have a direct effert upon the whole blond stream, neutral- ising uric acid, which la the recognised cause of rleumnatism. They also restore the eliminatiug organs to prôper workmng order and so prevent con- stipation, therehv checkîing the further formation of urie avid and other bodv oons which undermine the hcath. FREE TRIAL OFFER If YOU have neyer tried Krushen-try it ro et our exrienee. We have distributed a Rre.,t !nany special GIANT" ipackagies v icfi, oake at easy for you !o Prove aur dlaim for u,*. Ask ýour drugajit fOr the new CI ANT-7, ehis ansifsaof our regular 75c. boutle togiher iwith a separate trial bottle--suffic-ient for about one week. Open the trial botule firs. put it t. thse test. and then, if Fot entirely convinced that Kruschess does everything %e cdaim it ta do. the regular boule is stili as gaod as ae. Take it bâck. Yaur drssggist is autlîorised'to retorn ,or75c. immediaîely and mithout question. YoIu have tried Kruschen free, tarepne What could be fairer? ?Maauntfactured by I. Gniffiths Hughe, Ltd... Manchiester, ng <Etb. 175Q). Ipxer.McGiUlimry Ba La..Torouto. Nip that Cold %M in the Bud Grippe or pneumnonia may develop. Soý ai the first symptom-ache, sneeze or chill take a ZUTOO TABLET. They stop thse pain and fever and help nature throw it off. Taken in time, thevwl br~ielieenht i q M l "I have used several boules of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Campaund and find it bel ps nme wonderfuily, capse. cially before chi1dbirth. I have five lavely children. After my Iast baby carne 1 had a misera- bic pain in my right side 80 I bought another boule of the Compound and I feel fine now. 1 work autaide during the fiuit season in addition ta my housework." - Mi. Chayles Trainlag School Bowm;anvl;lle, la 1932, many fanonrs in this district will be interested in the results af the fair held la Peterboro, Mai-ch 11- i3th. The following list of pie- winners shows several f nom Durhami County in seed exhiits, as well as a number ai Durhami boys in the seed judging competitions. Prize vWlnnrss Eanly Oats-1, J. J. Gordon Hod- glas, Carp; 2, Wesley Broawn, Mill- brook; 3, Jas. Lillie, Kinbui-n; 4, D. L. Scott, City View; 5, J. C. Wright, Westmeath; 6, A. J. Halpenny, Gal- etta. White, Balderson; 7, Scott James, Stittsvifle, No. 2; 8. Harvey Cavan- agh, Klnburn. Late Oats, Local-i. W. G. Barrie, Noi-wood. No. 2; 2, Thos. B. Watts, Foxbaro; 3, R. E. Drummond, Peter- bora, No. 8; 4, Thos. Petrie & Sans, Peterbara. No. 8; 5, Ad. Humpliries & Son, Hastings, No. 3; 6, Quinn, H. A., Peterbara, No. 9; 7, Wesley Wil- son, Omemee; 8, John Smith, Cavan. Bai-loy, Local-i. Dave Thi-asher, Belleville; 2, Thos. B. Watts, Fox- bora; 3, Roscae Vanderwaten. Belle- ville; 4, John MeMullen, Belleville; Late Oats-1. Jas Lillie. Kinbu-n; 5, Harold Tate, Mauubook.iNo. 1; 2, Howard Snowdon, Zephyn; 3, Ed. 6th. Boys' Training School. Bow- H. Wallace, BoUls Corners; 4, H. K manville; 7. Addson Coulter. Fax- Hodgins, Ca'-p; 5, Andi-ew Schmidt' boro. Mildmnay, R. R. 1; 6, Wm. A. Mc- Wlnter Wheat, Local - 1, John Cutcheon, Glenco, Box 33; 7, Jas. Smith, Cavan; 2, Ad. Humplies & Hollager. Faxboro; 8, Wesley Brown, Son. Hastings, Na. 3. 3, Robt. Mc- Millbi-ook; 9,. mos. Sellers, Zephyr. Mamus. Ida; 4, J. Baker. Hampton; Spring Wheat-i, Ed. H. Wallace 5, Boys' Tr-aining School, Bowman- Belîs Corners; 2. Ad. Humphies ,,q ville. Son, Hastings, Na. 3; 3, Har-vey Cav- Red Claver, Local - i. Cleni. H. anagli, Kinbui-n; 4, Jas. Lille, Kin- Ketcheson. Belleville, Na. 2; 2. W. S. burn. Channan, Oakwood. Wlater Wheat-1, Bert L.ansclell, Champienship Brampton, No. 3: 2. Bruce Sharpe, Late Oats--Jas. Lillie, Kinburn. Ida, No. 1; 3, Howard Snowden, Faîl Wheat-Bert Lansdefl, Bramp- Zephyr; 4. Wm. A. McCutcheon, tn IGlcncoe; 5, Wesley Br-own, Mlllbi-ook. Barley-D. L. Scott, City Vlew. IBarley, 6 Rowed-i, D. L. Scott, Alsike-Mark Coi-noil, Little Britain. ICity View; 2, Thas. Sellers, Zephyn- Alfalfa-Thos. Sellers, Zephyr. 13. W. K. Hodginsa, Cai-p; 4, Ed. Hà Potatoes--S. E. Griffin, Acton. Wallace, Belîs Corners; 5, Ina E. Boys' Judting Competition Cavanagli. Kinbui-n; 6, Andrew Warden's Cup-Durham Caunty; Schmiidt, Mldmay, Na. 1, 7, j. j. the teami consisted af George Neals. Gardon Hodgins, Carp; 8. Har-vey Earl Smith and Bruce Beer, all af Cavangli. Klnburn. Bethany. Buckwheat - 1, Wesley Brown, Individual Boys Judglng Campetition ,Milbrook; 2, Addison Coulten, Fox- Identification ai Weeds and Weed bDoro; 3, Thos. B. Watts. Foxboro; 4, Seeds-Allan Ougli, Port Hope No. 2, aas. Lillie. Kinburn; 5, Loi-ne L. Bag- Durhiam County. haw. Uxbnidge, Na. 2. Judging Red Claver - Pat Way, Peas, Fielcl-1, Dave Barr, Ren- Tamnworth. Lennox& Addington. cew. No. 1; 2. Howard Snawden, Judgng Barley - ea. Purcell. ,ephyr: 3. Wesley Brown, Millbrook; Coldbrook, Lennox & Addingtan. tý Ai. Humphries & Son. Hastings, Judging Oats - J. Whittington, lo. 3; 5, Andrew Schmidt, Mildxnay, Durham County. South Monaglian. io. 1. Judging Potatoes - Bruce Beer, PfYLs. Garden or Fancy-l, C. A. Bethany. Durham County. ý-encer. Consecon; 2. J. A. Carl, Winners af Cash Prizes F:-'-ýv~ille: 3, Wesley Brown, Mill- 1. Bruce Beer. Durham Caunty, $6.00 4. W 4 Vnley W:lson. Omeoiee. 2. Geo. Purcell, Len. & Add. 5.00 Deans. Any Field Varety or Fancy 3. Pat Way. Len. & Addington 3.00 -1. H-arv2y Cavanagh. Kiîiburn; 2. 4, Earl Smith, Durhami Couinty 2.00 !,orne L. Bagslaw, Uxbridge, No. 2; 5' Havi-y Blewett. Peterboro 2.00 3. Wm. A. McCutcheon, Glencoe; 4. 6'. Goa. Neals. Durham County 2.001 J. A. Carl. Fraserville. 7. Arnold Brown. Durhami Ca. 1.00 Red Clover-l. E. P. IL. Lalonde, 8. Allan Ougli. Durhami County 1.00 Sr. Plantagenet; 2. Fereol Provost, 9, J. P. Creigliton. Len. & Add. 1.00 Plantagenet; 3. Hector Leroux, l0. Hugli Davidson. Victoria 1.00 Plantagenet; 4, Oea. Menard.' Cassle- 11, Stewart Gray. Durhiam 1.00 mian; 5, Albert Charbonneau, Alfred; 6. Cleni. H. Ketcheson. Belleville. Na. 2. Alsike - 1. Mark Corneil, Little THE COLLEGE BLUES Britain; 2. Hugh Davidson, Oak- a-oaI; 3. J. H. Sandersan. Ida: 4, Carol had always been a 'home- Bruce Sharpe. Ida, No. 1: 5, Bert body." and at callege lonesomneness Lansdell. Brampton, No. 3; 6, Thos.:afected lier work. She couldn't seem Sellers. Zephyr: 7. Lansdell Bras., to study. and despaired ai passing Brampton, No. 3: 8. John Snmith, ' ber examinatians. Wisely, lier nia- Cavan; 9. John Jenkins. Lttle Brit- ther thouglit af telephoning lier ever ain; 10, Wesley Brown, Millbraok. s0 aiten, and kceping ber cheened up. Aliali a-i. Thos. Sellers. Zephyr; It savod the day-and Canal passed 2, Lansdell Bras.. Brampton, No. 3: in easy fashion. 3, Ber-t Lansdell. Brampton, No. 3; 4, Jas. Casey. Valentia; 5, Rabt. Mc- Camus. Ida: 6, T. H. Winslow, Ida. Gas In Stomach Sweet Clver-i. Thos. Sellers. Zephyn; 2, C. H. Spencer, Consecan. 3, J. A. Carl. Fraserville. u t th He r Timotly-i. Lansdell Bras. Bramp- ton, Na. 3: 2, Hl. J. Laldlaw, Bramp- Don't sufer fram dangeraus gas ton. Na. 3: 3, Thos. Sellers, Zephyr; pressing around your heart, inoni 4. Wesley Brown, Mllbrook; 5, ClemT. saunness, bloating on pain af acld in- H. Ketcheson, Belleville. Na. 2. digestion. Stap warrylag. Yaur Reg. Oats, 10 bus. lots--i. Thas. stomach i smply needs an alkaline.. Sellons. Zephyr; 2, D. L. Scott. City For saf e. speedy, certain relief take Vlew; 3, W. G. Barrie, Nonwoad, No. a llttle Blsumated Magneala-powden 2: 4. W. W. Dawson, Peterboro, Na. on tablets. It qulckly breaks up the Il; 5. Robt. Anmstrong, Ida. No. 1; gas, neutralizes the acid, stops the 6. Thas. Petrie & Son, Peterboro, No. pain and keeps the stamacli sweet 8. 7. Thos. B. Watts, Foxboro. and strang and digestion perfect. It Reg. Baily-i. Harvey Cavanagli, is doing this eveny day for thausands Kinburnn 2. Addison Coulter, Fax- -It must do the sanie ion yau or bora; 3. Thos. Sellers, Zephyr; 4, money reiunded by reliable di-ugglsts Roscoe Vandenwater, Foxboro; 5, Ina the world aven. t E. Cavanagli, Foxbora; 6. Loi-ne L. Bagshaw. Uxbridge, Na. 2. Patatoes, Rural New Yorker-1. S. E. Gifin & Son, Acton, No. 2; 2. S. Qne Dk1flny Man Gained J. Gray, Port Hope, Na. 1; 3, Dave 4 Pounds With Que Box Bair., Renfrew, No. 1; 4. Lorne L. Bagshaw, Uxbridge, Na. 2; 5, Thas. Sellers. Zephyr.M Irish Coliblor - 2. Thos. Sellers, M cC O Y 'Si Zophyr. Reg. Oats-i, Thas. Sellers. Zepli- Cod Liver Extract Tablots yn; 2, Ed. H. Wallace, Belîs Corners; Heoanly took one box and besides 3, Andi-ew Schmidt, Mldmay, Na. 1; galaing 4 pounds he wrltes, "I ami 4, H. K. Hodgins. Cai-p; 5. Jas. Lillie. mucli stranger and have more pop Kinburn; 6. D. L. Scott. City Vlew; and 8eernita take a new interest la 7. A. J. Halpenny, Galetta; 8, Han- life-It's the best medicine for a sys- vey Cavanagli, Kinburn. tom builder I have even used." Reg. Banley, 1 bus.-i, D. L. Scott, When you need mono welght just City Vlew; 2, Ed. H. Wallace, BelUs say, "«I want McCoy's"-60 augar Cornons; 3, H. K. Hodglns, Camp; coated tableta fon 60 cents at any 4. J. J. Gardon Hadglns, Camp; 5, Ira drugglst anywhere-Just ask for- Mc- 1E. Cavanagli, Kinburn; 6. Nelson R. COY's. Wf NEWS AND INFORMATION il FOR THE BbLS Y FARMER DURHAM NMLK SIPPERS LAST CALL FOR THE ELECT 19.31 OFFICERS I BOWMANVILLE SEED FAIR A. L. Pascoe Re-elected President at i This can be regarded as the last Annual Meeting at Newcastle i aUl for getting seed ready for the Eastern Ontario Seed Fair to be held lin Bowmanville in March 1932. The Durham Milk Shippers held Special attention given right now in their annual meeting in NewcastleI gettmng together even a small Community Hall on the evening Of amount of good clean seed wiIl give Tuesday, March 24th. A group ofi the grower something to work on in Inearly forty men listened to tirnelY preparing samples to show at the and instructive addresses from Dr.i fair next spring. Many farmers J. B. Reynolds of Port Hope. a for- have reasonably pure seed now mer President of O. A. C., Guelph, 1 which may be made suitabie with a andi Prof. C. B. Sissons of Toronto. littie extra care in cleaning. Others These two men are members of the may be able to obtain f rom their Board of Directars of the Central neighbours suitable seed. but if not, Milk Shippers Association and are good registered seed can be obtained helping that body in doing a good at a reasonable rate and a f ew bush- work for the dairymen of the pro- els secured now wlll serve as a foun- vince. dation on which ta build a supply of President A. L. Pascoe of Hampton a real good strain of grain ta grow was in the chair, and under his sup- on the farm. ervision the annual election of offic- It should be remembered that ers was carried on wth the follow- there are special classes in the prize ing resuits: President-A. L. Pace list whlch are coi.ned to the fanii- Hampton; Vice-Pres.-Mark Mun- ers of the Bay of Quinte district. day, Bowmanvllle; Sec'y.-Treas.-W. mhus you do not have ta compete B. Reynolds, Port Hope; Directors- with the more or less prof essional Howard Glenney, Orono. J. D. exhibitors, but are on an equal foot- Brown, Orono, W. G. Chestnut, Port ing with other farmers who are not Hope, Percy Seymour, Cavan. Fred maklng a specialty of seed growlng. Fallis, Millbrook. The prizes are quite generous in this -. section of the prize list. It is to be DURHM FRMES WI PRZEShoped that a large number of f an- DURHM FRMERS WN PRZESers i Durham and adJoining coun- AT QUINTE SEED FAIR ties wili be entering in these classes. It wlll be sanie years bef are the fair HeId at Peterboro Last Month - is held Wp this district again and this SchoolAmoag opportunity should be taken advan- Boys' Training cholA-n tage of by aur local farmers. Fur- Prize Winners ther information may be secured f rom Jack Baker, Hampton; E. A. In view of the fact that the Quinte, Summers, Port Hope; or E. P. Bradt, Seed Fair will be held at the Boys' IBoys' Training School. chai- and elIegance. Its- use keo -ps the complexion always clear and beautiful. Tonlo ln effect. Stimu- lates the skln and makes it wonder- f ully soft-textured. Saf tens and whltens the hands. Persian Balm is equally invaluable ta mon as, an ex- cellent bain fixative and coolng saing lotion. Splendid also ta pro- tect the tender skln af the child. HORTICULTUBAL SOCIETY'S SPRING FLOWER SHOW AT NEWCASTLE Part Hopers Admire Excellent Dis- play of Bulbs and House Plants f Intended for last week> Mrs. IiJ1atthcw Brown, Walton St., again proved her titie 0f champion floriculturist of Newcastle at the Horticultural SacietY's flower show held in the community hall on Tuesday, March l7th. By winnlng nine flrsts, elght seconds and six third prizes Mrs. Brown i-an up a score of 49 points, while hen nearest campetitor, Mrs. Cliris Law, scored 28 points wlth six firsts, three sec- onds and four thirds. Mrs. J. E. Matchett was third with 16 points, and Mrs. H. E. Hancock fourth with 14 points. Mrs. Brown won the bulk of her prizes on flowening bulbs on which she specially concentrated her skill and attention, while Mrs. Law's forte was prlnclpally house plants. Mrs. Brown has now won the C. D. Massey Grand Challenge Cup three years in succession and the Horti- cultural Society in lleu of leaving the cup la Mrs. Brown's permanent pos- session la presentlng lier wlth a new silver cup valued at $15.001. Complete Prize List Calla Lily-Mrs. Matt. Brown 2, Mrs. J. E. Matcbett 3. Shamrock-Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. Matchett, Mrs. T. W. Jackson. Prinirose-Mrs. H. C. AllUn 1, Mrs. Chris. Law 3. Primula-Mrs. J. E. Matchett 3. Begonia-Mrs. Matchett, Mrs. C. Law, Mi-. W. Faster. Begamia Rex-Mrs. C. Law 1 and 3. Begonia, Coll. 3 Van. - Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. C. Law, Mrs. Jackson. Tullps--Mrs. M. Brown 1 and 2. Mms. J. R. Fisher 3. Tulips B. CoU.-Mns. M. Brown 2 and 3. Hyaclaths. W. or C.-Mrs. H. E. Hancock, Mrs. M. Brown 2 and 3. Hyacinths B. Coll.-Mrs. M. Brown 1 and 2, Mrs. C. Law 3. Hyacmnths, Lav. P. or B. - Fred Fligg, Mrs. M. Brown 2 and 3. Hyacinths, P.-Mrs. C. Law, Mrs. M. Brown 2 and 3. Narcissus-Mrs. M. Brown 1 and 2. Narcissus. 3 bloomis - Mrs. Oea. Eilbeck 2. Daffodils. Coll. more than 3 bloomis -Mns. Matt. Brawn 1 and 3, Fred Fligg 2. Daffodils, 3 b.-Mrs. M. Brown 1 and 3, Fred Fligg 2. Daffodils. B. Spec - Mrs. T. W. Jackson. Geranlumn, B. Spec.-Mm. Chris. Law, Mms. J. E. Matchett, Mm. H. E. Hancock. Geraniuni. B. Coll. 4 p.-Mms. H. E. Hancock, Mms. C. Law, Mm. J. E. Matchett. House Plant, A. V. - Mrs. Jas. Brown, Mm. W. I-. Cooke, Mrs. C. Law. Aspadistra, B. Spec.-Mm. C. Law, Mms. H. E. Hancock, Miss Sara Moise. Palm-Mms. C. Law. Ferns-Mrs. W. H. Cooke. Fern. Plumosa (asparagus)-Mms. Law, Mrs. Hancock. Mrs. Matchett. Fern. A. O. V.-Mm. W. H. Cooke 1 and 2. Rubben Plant-Mrs. Coake, Mrs. Jackson. Coleus Follage - Mrs. M. Brown. Mrs. Jackson 2 and . Coleus Foliage, Coll. 4-Mms. Mat- chett 1 and 2. Mms. Jackson. Coll. 4 Hause Plants--Mms. Han- cock, Mms. J. R. Fisher, Mrs. Jackson. Pot af Tullps - Special Award- Mms. M. Brown 1, Mms. J. R. Flshor 2. There were altagether about 150 entries and many magnificent plants and flowers were exhlblted, the own- ers going ta considerable trouble and sanie expense ta have tbem convoyod [froni and ta their homes. Mr. John S. Hall, Toronto, judged ail classes and gave an inspiring lecture on the culture af flowers in the evening. Sanie exhibits of special menit were Mrs. Chris. Law's begonias: Mrs. M. Brown's tulips. nancissus. hyacinths and daffodils: an exquisite creamny hyacinth of Mrs. H. E. Hancock's; a very choice bluish hyacinth of Fred Fligg's; and a pinli of Mrs. Law's: also Mrs. Law's geraniunis. aspadis- tra. palm and plumnosa. Mrs. W. H. Cooke exhibited splendid specimens af fenns, and a rubber plant. a f ew of the many plants oi ahmost trop- îical growth that can be seen arny day in the C. P. R. waiting rooms and which are well worth a visit even if you do not intend to travel by rail. The' lady directons and memobers served tea of scalloped potatoes. beef loaf. salads and lemon pie, to about 100 guests. some 20 of whorn wvere officens and members of the Port Hope Horticultural Societv and wbn were f ull of admiration af the rn'rnv lavely and near rerfeet specimens of flowers and plants on exhibition. The tea tables wvere ail nit'ely dpr. orated in a St. Patrick's Day motif Mrc-. (Dr.) J. A. Butler's aind Nir Batty's being specially attractive and interestlng wlth its many favors em- 70 Miles an Heur 60 Horsepowor Bîî .dRoomy RARE RIDING C OM F0RT *MAPLE GROVE REFLECTIONS Instailment No. 21 Do Yo Real- WHEN the fanmera would store their buggies when wlnter came, and get down their fancy cutters wlth buffalo robes and long strings af belUs, also robes or gay colored rugs which dangled aven the back seats? In those days the boys and girls wauld go ta schoal ail Winter aven snow banks as high as the fences. Many fanmers along the Kingston Road would put ln most ai their "statute labor" shoveffing snow and breaking roads with their teamis, ta keep theni open far traffic. WENf "Maple Grave Division No. 345, in accordance with the estab- lished usages af the Order" was op- ened in due fanm every Monday ev- ening in the aid schoal, before the S. O. T. hall was bult' Jacob Stev- ens and Mai-k Munday were the Grand Old Patriarchs af the order, and rarely mlssed a meeting in fifty yeams. "Uncle Jake" retained bis membemblip until he wus called ta the Grand Lodge abave, and we un- derstand Mark Munday atml retalas his membemshlp la the ordor. WHEN Butcher Brooks, Sam Hall. Mark Williams, Roger Cawker and Sain Reynolds were irequent callersi la the nelgliborliood, buying cattle, sheep and baga? Sami Reynolds is the only survivor af this group. and lie naw lives in Western Ontario. WENM thel-e was an old frame bouse an the corner af tbe lot west ai Sami Snawden'a modern brick residonce? It was occuplod by Mi-. and Mms. Sam Barker and their fine flock ai llttlo English sparrows, Em- mia, Sam. PolUy, Rosie, Jack and Lifle; Boatie was a later addition ta the family cii-cie. None are lef t af that large cii-cie exoept Emma (Mms. Ira Pearce), living out near the Baya' Training Scliool, and Beatie (Mms. Archie McDonald> af Oshawa. To Encourage Use af Lime In order ta encourage the greater use af lime in agriculture la Ontario, Partlculai-ly in those sections where a sail corrective la requlred ta stini- ulate moi-e ecanamical production af fanm crops, Hon. Thomas L. Ken- nedy, Minister ai Agriculture, an- nounces a policy of assistance in the matter af reduced frelght rates on agricultural limestone.. C. N. R. and C. P. R. Campanles have agreed ta reduce the pi-sent tarif! on pulverized limestane ta be used by farmers ta the amaunt af 25 per cent. and the Provincial and Federal Departments of Agriculture in ca-operation will grant furthen subventions ta the comblaed amount af one-hali the iemalning freiglit rate wlth a maximum of $1.00 per ton. On limestone screenings that now enjoy special fneight rates the two gavernments wlll grant subven- tions amounting ta one-half the freiglit rate with a maximum af $1.00 per ton. In order ta take advantageofa this assistance purchasers must ai-dem at least a minimum carload of thirty tons. Wbei-e this minimum amount la more than is required by indi- vidual fai-mers they will be encoun- aged ta group their ai-dem l i- don ta take advantage af the tarif! i-e- ductians. Asthma Can be Cured. Its sufer- ing la as needless as it is terrible ta endure. Af ter its many yeam aof re- lief af the most stubborn cases no sufferer can doubt the perfect ef- fectlveness af Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- thma Remedy. Conifoi-t af body and peace afi mmd retum wlth its use and niglits ai sound sleep came back fan good. Ask your druggist; ho can supply you. This design enables Essex ta develop more power- at the samermatai-speedandtheiare power at Iower matai- speed than the «'Low-Speed" cars. It permnits greaten power in proportion ta weight, better balanclng af crankshaft loads, impi-oved bearing lubrication, mare efficient cooling and en- ables Essex matai-s ta outlast low-speed engines. .,ook's& Regulating Compound àmmIrýA aefa, niide ,g1 m.diaat..Sold in three d. V.-, of obtltb-No. 1. ils o 2 3* o. $5per b«L le àl 4ç' o &roest&o rimast TH4E COOK MEDICINEU Essex intraduces fine-car style and Super-Six smoothnew ta, the low-priced field. It is strong- ly buiît ta assure lasting satis- faction and enduring dependa- bility. It challenges the perform- ance of asly six, regardiesa of price and matches the economy of cars moat noted for Iaw op- erating cost It gives you Rare Ridiui Com fort for the Birut time at its 10w priae. T'he èVa alue Sensation in a Year of Sensational Values Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co. Ltd. Bowmanvillef Ont. Ssx THE FINEST PERFOIMING SIX HUDSON IVIR &UILT Competes with thre LOWEST in Price Challenges the FINEST in Quality Essex is the only low-prlced car that follows the motor design of the higliest-priced cars in using L.-ct-weight moving parts and Un engin. spe.d w DIS PHOSPHODINEý > lTe Great English Preparatin. I tones antd *nvgorates the whole n~~Jervoas systees. makes new Blowd j jin old Vains. Usad for Nervous ÊDebid&fy, Mental and Drain Wrry IE. TU OWO» woICIfjE AS PLEASANT TO TAKE TKOROUGH ON As 3ueA RIR WORK ]Eltq M-3 CONTAIN p EFF#CIENT NO N^RCOTICS AND PROMPT TO ACT TUE CANADIAN 13TATESUM, IBOWMANVnJiE, THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd, 1931 PAM envm

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