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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Apr 1931, p. 4

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PAGvomiTHE CANAIAN STATMAN. BOWIKANVILLH, TH[UR8DAY, APRfl. th, 1931 Great Deal b o plasur - -ordo Lins~y mith di INCLUDE SHRUBBERY Peas and Beans foilowed by Winter wl The majority of people apprecite Radish. In the inter-croppmng, that 5< the beauty of shrubbery writes D.C. is, where the second crop matures Of ~TO ge hiShumano! he omiionExpn-before the late vegetable occupies the Pc -& YdUWLE"S~ mental Farms and realize how much woesae abg nrw he th Mstth=t improvement can be brought about f eet apart can have two rows of diWin M by its use, but for various reasons Spinach eight or ten inches apart in a~.many f ail to do any planting. The between. The Splnach will be out of Tryal5* chie! reasons for this neglect arei the way bef ore trie Cabbage occupies 4oday nd »eprobably the cost of planting mater- the full room. in the place of Spin- M làow ood god li and a lack of knowledge as to ach, early Lettuce or early Beets ar anbe.. what to plant. If ail the planting could be used. Between the rows of or madraue@buhta oe me h Corn, Pumpkins can be grown. Be- vi se uhcost is i many cases prohibitive, tween Parsnips, early Beets and w4 oasiCr th labourfth work is to be done weil, Spiflach~. c WISILEYVSthe labour involved wiil be consd- FIRST SOWN VEGETABLES Cr S eabl. or hi resonitis eyr The saf est guide as to the proper ti, Iwise to attempt to do a great deal time to plant vegetables is first of!w, WRnGLE'my one year. A littUe planting ail to divide the various cropa into t' --WG L,.1,,c, done each year and done well will1 groups, writes T. P. Ritchie o! the CH WIMG UM CLI Itime. The cost of many beautiful first group comprises those that are of flowering shrubs is small; and every- considered hardy or able to 'wth- d: ______________________-one can afford to buy at least one stand very cool conditions. Those Ai or two each year. Some caninot be that are semi-hardy mi, t be planted a fpropagated easily by the amateur when conditions are more favorable ci f Po> and therefore have to be purchased, and, lastly, those that are very ten- to while with others one specimen can der requiring warm, moist soil and fr of ten be dlvided as it grows older to ideal seasonal conditions for their T Sicrease the supply. proper and normal development. In le Do not plant shrubs too close ta the hardy group are Onlions, Peas. du the f oundation of the house, but trY Spiach, Radlsh and Turnlp. In the C] .4 ~to picture them as they wiil be five second or semi-hardy we find Cab- h( or ten years after planting and allow bageC oe, Beet, Carrot, Let- di pleny o rom t deeloptheproer uceand arsip.Cabageandin R mature shape. If the earth is poor, Caulifower plants can be set out fo C> W la FZ consistig chie! ly o! sub-soil thrown quite early and wilU withstand qulte a: §3% out from the celar as is very often 10w temperqtures If they have been pi roU WAI<T poIVR - YOD the case around new buildings, dig well hardened i a cold frame prior ci, a hole about three f eet ini diameter ta settig i the field. Potatoes. al- El WAI<T BERAGE and about twenty inches deep and though not consldered as hardy as jo Then Une fill with good garden soil, worklng in those just mentlaned above, may be s Tie resome well-rotted manture. Then planted at the saine time as they re- hi pat the shrub in the centre, being quire a considerable time ta came in SuperShellAnti-nock careful not ta have manure coming through the ground. This only ap- li in direct contact with the roots. plies ta the flrst plantig, however, of GIASOLINE ICuîtivate the surface occasionaily for the main crop golng i later. The di at least the flrst two or three yearsI third group, whlch includes Beans, b( fld gli your crankem 5with our or tiil the shrub is flrmly established Celery, Corn, Cucumbers, Melon, hi hgh grade 018: and has made considerable grawth. Pumpkln. Squash and Tomato. R, Wh,.n the shrubs are planted in a should not be planted until settled, cý Sheil, Castrol, Quaker shady position, be careful ta choose warmn conditions have arrived and tt species that do well i the shade. the soil is really warmn and moist. ct State, Penzoil, or' Whenever possible visit the nearest By making successional sowigs o! st Moioi.Experimental Station during the such crops as Beans, Beets, Carrots, fi Mobiloil.growing season. Tis will assist tri Corn and Lettuce at intervals of-ten du U»n making a chaice o! varieties. Send days up ta the middle of June, it is cc for the catalogues and study them. possible ta, extend the season of some 2r Sunlight Coal Oil They contain many valuable sugges- 1of the early maturing good quality di tions. Order shrubbery. rose bushes, varieties beyond their normal period cc for you incubator. Ifi u eae fruit trees and sirilar things early, o! production. e: Sno upyyuwt hsgae and if the ground is flot ready toi n cano sppy o wththa rae plant on arrival, "heel in", that is, _______________ _hi we wifl be glad ta do so. spread roots out in a shallow trench fi y ~and caver with moist earth. If the BA T 1Tc upper woody part appears dry and News For The R ,C rS shrivelled, cover that alsa. The main; ct thing to remember is not to let the 1 si S roats be exposed ta the air even for! e a few minutes. Get then ia per- Busy Farmer rc PHC~~E ~ EAST, manient position as soan as passible,-______________ 1!0 KIG ST.and water well for the flrst fewx days. 1 OWMANVILLE Ci With larger shrubs and trees it may Potato and Seed Show also be advisable ta provide support s against the wlnd in the way of stake; Thbe Patata and Seed Show held at which hald the plants rigid. prevent- Shelburne recently provedi a very ing the roots f romt becoming loosen- successful and instructive event. The ed. classes were filled with gaod quality YeurJoin Paifolproducts. with Doaley Potatoes and UsYor oitPanfl e. MUJSHROOMS Alaska Oats an outstandmng fau lut amed or Swollen a* Mot o us are fond Of rnushroornS Aprgrmof lectures was given, the but_____o us, also,ar faitoseks includmngPrfW.J Squir- idu.lge our appetite i these thinga rell of 0. A. C. and Mr. J. A. Carroll, For swift sure action science gv'es y'0U for fear we will be the uniucky onies director af the Department's CroPs Pait-Ease. justrub it if-gaod- who get one of the very few poison and Markets Branch. The latter em- Vou'Il etjoy its comfortingacins ous affairs. Before risking those phasized the success o! grading o! pain disappears--swelling goca down and gathered in the woods or pastures we 1 farmn products in Canada. The quai- aL distress vanishes-it'a a wonderfuI tshould make ourselves thoroughi.y ity o! eggs, potataes. and hogs had uilent-must help l'au o,, rney famillar with the difierent species undoubtedly been improved. Can- back-generous tube 60c-ali druggista which are now f ully descrlbed i adians were now eating 30 dozens o! --made in Canada. variaus Government Bulletins. To eggs per capita. while England eats J()» tMEaensure an adequate supply, regard- only il dozen per capita. ln Se~ ~~~ less o! the season, and ta be positive CwTsii nPe e regarding the safety o! aur supply,Cw-etn nec Joi t- ashowever, we can grow these aur- i selves. Practically any seed store1 Interest in cow-testlng wark in lists mushroom spawn and wfi sup- Peel County is keen. Results for ply saine along wth the simple dir- 1930 of the Peel County Cow Testing IIections for growing i an old root Association were presented at a re- cellar or other dark corner, cent meeting. The twenty best cows wiî îop ~ VGETALE TPESaveraged 12,557 pounds of milk and -iliÉopa had-VEGTABE TPES445 pounds o! butterf ai, whereas the achi in twenty min- Our Canadian vegetables may bc îwenty poorest cows only averaged utIbreak up a SWh ove,- raughly divided into three types 5,267 pounds of mllk and 210 Pounfds nîghi. andreiave the moihiy from the standipoint o! gerieral mari- a! butterf at. It is f elt that the cull- pan$ of woIwL Uiéd by thoei,- agemenit. One of these occuPies ing o! 10w producers would alieviate - space for the entire season, such as the surplus milk problem in Toronto. Melons. Onions !rorn seed, Parsnips, Over 100 cows were entered during E m iPeppers, Pumpkins, Sqjuash, Toma- February in the cow-testing ,vork, R m itops, Potatoes, Corn and Lima Bea. which brings the total number being P hi esCZthe is the early type which tested monthIy for ml n utr El MUmay be planted in between the rows fat production ta nearly 900 cows at be out o! the way before full space Biii aktFrBre No matter how severe, Radish, Lettuce, Peas, early Beets,I youl can alwayrn have and possibly Bush Beans. Steps ta secure markets for Onta- immeffiate relief: Thirdly. we have the late craps rio barley ini Britain are being taken tha ma besuccessfully planted af-j by Hon. T. 1- Kennedy in canjunct- terth ealysorts on the samne ion with f ederal authonities. Receuit Ir grund.These are sown in late JuneI investigations have shown that Brit- oJulyan include Cas Lettuce, Cel- ish brewers and malters annually ery, Corn, Chinese Cabbage, Must- purchase about 21 million bushels o! ard En i.lte Cabage ad Caui- barley fronm. Califarnia. This barity E~U~'IIA LJ ~U~A Ub Your tablets have not only in- *~*E I~ ~ 5~ * jcreased my weight 15 pouncis in ai B PS M few onth but made me cheerfulI an aeaiae,"5 rtsapaessional organist. She closes by 1 saying-'MY case was diffcult- co ffl Y M P sul." ow youkn aw etae gind <'qL5UuuI~IL~ ~I~~Si f subb" ow ->ou ntable t a n- T'he CANADA STARCH CO., Llrnlted MONTREAL weight. Get 60 tablais for 60 cents ________ .±.L. at any druggist anywhere-just ask for McCoy's. t! THE, OLDEN, GOLDEN DAYS Carmel. The names of the Circuit ministers were A. R. Campbell, T. )ear Editor: Sluer and J. F. Metcalfe, and the The writer bas more time at is f ~oflowing appeared as local preach- isposal than formerly, henoe the ers, (i the order named), S. Wash- Lore frequent sketches ta the old ington, A, Washigton, 0. Washing- 'me Paper. h recali that i one of ton, T. Wlndati, S. Johns, G. W. iose I used the expresslon-"the Jacobs, W. S. Cowhe, D. Rogers. The iden, golden days," which I hope hast named is the anly one o! the lisi till not convey the idea that I live who remains-the others were al 1together i the past, as I fancy promoted ta higher service many rur older readers, ai leasi, wil an- Years aga. I held them in high es- lrstand how each old-tlme naine teem. They gave o! their best to vears uts cluster o! recollecîlons, Christ and the Church and now rest ;Ore a halo o! tender memories-aill ram their labors. )fkeen and living interesi. A local Yours sincerely, )Oeî wries:- (Rev.) D. Rogers. "Where the Church and the School St. Thomas, March 30. 1931 Wlth their firm creed and rule Were the centre and suin o! Our SELFISHNESS joys.,, There lurks a charm about the By Edgar A. Guest vonderful times the aId missianary mniversanias used to gîve us. i was Think o! yourself from, firsita h ast; me o! the events o! the year in the Guard Yourself !rom the wintry blast ilage church. hts onlY competitor Feed your Siomach and quench your vould be a temperance lecture fram thirst; 0me travelling advocate, or a Feather your nest and feather h Dfrst ,iurch tea-meeting or the annual Fly ta your pleasures and dance 'rotracted Meeting.", Blessed old tbem. through- imes! We were happy then, though There is nobodi' els i the world ve had not the hundred moderns but you. àat we tink necessarY now. Tlko orefadrgto Lasi week I found my imind run- wongfYUSl-adrgto ling over some o! the evenis-many Givenhghtt.h asn )f ihemn sad-which occurred on Gv otogtt h asn aie o!whih hhav narecord. Whai if your conduct should brlng %mong the earliest was the death of t sxm tliitle son of Mr. John Trewin, To s ho oarad hrey sused by the burnig o! potato- namsewohnradsaeyu îOs and Martin Varnum, who feillWha ftey'ehr ytetig !om a beam in bis faiher's barn. you doy'ehutbyth hig rhai may have been as f ar back as youd terfern rul L62 ar 1863. On one o! the last Why shol hisufrgtobe lays i May 1866, my school maie. you? lifford Fowke, who had just gone Live for yourself but don't complain ome ai the dinner haur, was acci- When you have corne ta the world's lently crushed by the tan-bark mil1 disdain. n bis father's tannery. Wihat a pro- 1 Don't neturn when the nlght cornes, ound impression was made upon us on 111! In the summer -of 1867, Noah1 And wonder where ahil your frienda ickard, ai the age o! 17, was ac- have gone. idently drowned in "the hole" at Carry no bunden except your awn, Slliott's Mill. A little laten, a bright, But always be ready ta weep ahane. iYOUS itile girl o! three or four ,mmers, was !oncibly drownad by But if You wish for the happy yearsI ier demented mother. h think it was And the lave o! a f riend who sees , the summer af 1867 when my dear your tears, tla comrade, 'Bobby" Haidge ison And tha world's respect and an hon- t' Rev. Joseph Hoidge) sickaned andi ored name, ied, and I was one o! the four who And ail the .ioys which the genile )re him to bis resiing place near dlaim, us father's home. In June 1872 You must think o!failiers in ail you tev. Edwin S. Washington, B. A., do-- (who came home ta spend two or You must think o! them firsi, and ,ree days bafare going ta his new, last o! yau. ,harge ai Cooksviile) was accidently dot ai the edge a! the bush an his ather's farmn, and after four or five UNNECESSARY LONELINESS lays during whlch ha was mostly un- ,oscious, he passed away on Julyi The radio was crooning samathing Znd, aged 26 yeas. That too. pro-1 about -lonely avanings." Kay ut- luced a gloom which sattled aver the iered an exasperated. exclamation i ,mmunity, ar 'd aven the Confer- r'nd shut it off. She was tirad oa! nca as well, fur ha was ana of the hearing about lonely evenings. She; .osi promising young preachers o! had tao many o! ihen. 1h wondan-". is class who wena ta ba ordained the sia meditated. and picked up the Mlhowlng Jane. t l.ephone. Iu a !ew moments sha A f ew days ago I racovened a aiod was talking ta han moihen miles 'Circuit Plan" o! Darlingion Ci- away. "Why haven't h thoulght o! uit, for the yan 1874. Tiare weré ibis before? It's 50 nice ta talk ta ix appoinimants - Hampton, T y- you Mum !' 1ay made it a weekly sune, Zion, Enniskillen. Union and habit. f rom tien cn! 6619M golng to, foflow that Plan" SAtVE.Fr r Io!I j a Y F-.EbFq ANYONE, who lives from hand to mouth is at the mercy of the future. Sickness, business depres- sion or loss of position would speli disaster. $ 1,000 in the Bank means freedom from worry which the man who spends ail can neyer know. THE INSTALMENT PLAN MAKES SAVING EASY The Royal Banlk of Canada Bowmanville Branch -L I G. Helkey, Ma nager R RTosE TE&à .ýGOO'DXt9 31 & - ii Cornes a new and better Gasoline MA&RATHON BL U E a Canadidn made Anfi-Knock Gas. at the same price as Regular Gas McColl-Frontenac now offers Canadian auto- mobile owners an entirely new gasoine... MARATHON " BLUE".. which- -is anti-knock -yields greater mi1eag;e -gives lightning pick-up and yet custs na more than regular fas ÀMCCOLLWFRONTIEWAC OIlîCOMPANY LIMITED PAGU FODIR 11.1 111.

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