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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jul 1931, p. 1

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oýf C!ýýP Vol. 77 M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 9th, 1931 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 28 Statesman Awarded Fourtli Place In the Better Newspaper Contest Honor cornes to local newspaper in competition with leading Canadian Weekly newspapers at Regina Convention of C. W. N. A. The Canadian Statesman of Bow- manville was awarded 4th place in the Mason Tropby contesi o! the "Beiter Newspaper Competition" at the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association convention held ai Re- gina on July 2-3. The Mason Trophy is competed for by weekly newspapers througb- oui Canada having 2000 or more circulation. Points o! competition comprise local news, correspondence, editerial comment, features and il- lustrations, local advertisig, nation- al advertising, classlfied advertislng, typograpby and make-up. We are particularly pleased wiih the award because the ibree news- papers that led in the contesi are al !rom much larger towns than Bow- manville. The irophy was won by the Kamloops Sentinel o! British bColumbia, whlch hs.s a population o! 6120. Barrie Examiner was second with a population o! 7271, and Ren- f rew Mercury ibird published ia iown o! 5227 people, wblle the pop- ulation o! Bowmanviile la only 3600. The Huniingdon Gleaner o! Quebec was ft! th. The placing o! The Siatesman i fourth place demonsirates that our efforts te improve the paper have brought very gratlfying results, and we shaîl continue ibis policy o! en- deavoring te improve the various de- parimenis 'o! Durham County's Great Family Journal. Miss Nellie L. Pattinson, Toronto,î is holidaying ai home. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Tyler. Elgin Street, weil known as residenis o! ihis town for more iban haif a cen- tury, lasi week celebraied iheir Dia- mond Wedding annlversary. Pull particulars o! ibis intreesting event wll appear nexi week. Huge Crowci Attended Dedication 0F McGiII Memorial Gates Sunclay Notable gathering of citi- zens a.nd former citizens marked resumption of Decoration Day in Bow- manville - Beautiful ser- vices were a f eature. "To the late James H. mcGiil, in appreciation of his loyal citizenship i this town and in enduring re- membrance of bis munificent be- quest." the McGiil Memorial Gates at Bowmanvi.ile Cemetery were f or- mally dedicated and opened on Dec- oration Day. Sunday, July 5th. It was an impressive ceremony, attend- ed by a vast concourse of citizens and former residents o! Bowmanville and Durham County, who came f rom near and f ar to honor their departed relatives as wefl as the man who i success remembered the town of bis 'Unbir the command o! Major W. J. Hoar a procession nearly a quar- ter of a mile long le! t the Public achool grounds at 2.30 o'clock head- ed by the Canadian Legion Band and wth the Orange Fife and Drum Band also i attendance. The order of the parade was flrst Canadian Legion Band, foilowed by Mayor M. J. Elilot. members of Town Council and town officiais, lst Bowmanviile Troop of Boy Scouts. the Canadian Leglon, Sons of England Fif e and Drum Band, Orange Order, Oddfel- lows, and last the Pire Brigade. The route foilowed along Weling- ton Street to TemPee'nde Street where the procession turned south to the cenotaph where the citizens were massed around the monument. Mayor Elliott, on behal! o! the citi- zens of Bowmanville, placed a beau- tiful wreaih at the base o! the mon- (Coniinued on page 10) CITIZENS DEM4AND INVESTIGATION 0F TOWN WATER SERVICE Citizens were justly indig- nant Wednesday at the inad- equacy o! the water supply. Many residents were without water and others experienced a very 10w water pressure. Wiih the building of the equal- izer tank it was thought that these troubles would cease, but apparenily there is some- thing radlcally wrong some- where. The Canning Factory is us- ing about 100 gallons per min- ute durig the day which is one-third of the total output of the spring at Tyrone. It seems hardly right that one factory paying a meagre $135 per year for water should i- convnlence the whole town and crate a water f amine which under proper control sbould not exist. The con- sumption o! water should be watched carefully as this is not the flrst time water users have been inconvenienced in this way. The Town Council. Waier- works Committee and Engin- eer are under obligation to the water users of this town to correct this situation irnmed- iately so that a plentiful sup- ply of water is available at al times for domestie purposes as well as for fire protection. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. F. Sproule and daughier, Miss Flora M.. Sproule, Wesibrook, Mr. Fred R. Marshall, Salt Lake City, Utah, recently visit- ed their aunt. Mrs. W. C. Washing- ton. Councillor Demanded Audit of Police Magistrate Ward's Books Alderman Martyn clahned at council session that salaried magistrate cannot accep f ees - Council is notified of county levy. Town Council met for is Jul relief work i Bowmanville lasi Win- meeting on Monday nighi with ail ter under the relief plan was pre- inembers present except DeputY sented by Town Treasurer Alec Lyle. Reeve Rehder and wth Mayor El- It ahowed $15,349.41 had been apent liott presiding. on the Cream of Barley watermai, Petition was recelved f rom mer- road work, Rotary Park grading and chants on the south ide o! King Scugog sewer and waiermains. Street from ithe Royal Bank West Notice was recelved f rom the aslng ihat a light be erected In the Counîles' Clerk ibat the county levy privais lane behind their stores in for Bowmanville for 1931 was $25,- vlew o! recent attempied break-ina. 217.93, an increase o! $10,000.00 over Coundil was loathe te set a prece- last year. Filed. dent i placig a lighi on private In this connection ht was meni- property and re!erred the matter to tioned that the debenture rate alone Public Property Com. te report. provhded for $4000 o! ibis suin. J. Thickson, Ontario Street, asked Mayor Elloit commenting that only ihat a dltch running along bis pro- a very f ew years ago the debenture periy be cleaned oui. Referred te rate cosi Bowmanvillie $137. Ronds & Streets Com. wiih power Finance Commitiee presented sun- te act. dry accounts for $1095.74 whlch were Resignation o! Dr. D. W. Best adopted. f rom the Hh School Board was ac- Reeve Carruihers i the absence cepted and the clerk notiied t ofo the Waterworks Chalrrnan pre- write Dr. Best o! the councl's re- senied accounts for ihat departmenl gret and express iheir appreclathoxi amountlng to $68600. o! bis services. Reeve Carruthers asked permis- Boys' Trainig School f orwarded sion to replace three hydrants on an account o! $480.75 for the main- King Street ai a cosi o! about $188. tenance o! Harold McKnight at the Granied. School. Referred te Finance Com. Considerable discussion surround- wiih power te aci. ed the advisablity o! spending any A resolution passed bY the Sarnia considerable sum in improvlng the Ciy Council asking ail councils te road which runs te - the C. N. R. f orward a resolution to the Provin- iracka alongalde Dr. J. C. Zevlte cial Government requesting that realdence on Queen Street. Appar- ways and meana o! combating the ently considerable trafflc goea over comiing winter unemploynent be at this road whlch has been open tc once istituied. Coundillor Strike the public for about 19 years. Pro- stated ihat thia maiter bad alrsady periy and Roada and etreets Com- been placed before the Qovernment. mittees wll handle the maiter. Letier was received and Bled. A report o! the amount spent In <Continued on page 10) DEDICATED GATES Mayor M. J. Eflct wbo formaliy declared the McGiU M~emorial Gaies at the Bowmanville Cemetery open on Decoration Day. LOCAL and OTHERWISE Mrs. N. E. Gould, Monireal, la via- iting ber daugbter, Mrs. C. E. Reh- der. miss Aura Rundie, R. N., la bobi- daying i Peterboro and other points. Mrs. Stocker and f amily recentlY aiiended the Smith-VallMU wed- ding ai Trenton. Mms. N. S. B. James, iCompany wiih ber sister, Mrs. Chas. Haddy and !amily, la holidaying ai Port Sandfield, Musiroka. The name o! Mms. A. Colville was inadvertently omiited !rom those who teok part i the prograni ai Mms. W. HI. Carruibers' Garden Par- ty. Mr. and Mms. J. T. Welbourne, Lina Park, New Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross and Miss Annie Wel- boumne, Oshawa, were recent guesti9 o! Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. C. Poster, "Glenn-Larra." Depuiy Reeve C. E. Rehder anc Mms. Rehder and !amlly are ona cruise through the Trent Canal anc adjacent lakes on ibeir palatial yacht "Barbara II." Mn. F. C. Hoar, Miss Florenct Hoar, Miss Allie IHoskin, Major anÉ Mrs. w. J. Hoar reiurned recentïj f rom a motor trip te Cleveland Ohio, and other American cities. miss Isabel Dines, Cold Springs the Misses Penders, Cobourg, Mis- Margaret Turner, Aldembhot, Mn. anc Mrs. John A. Noble, Cold Springs wene recent guesis o! Mms. G. A. Gil- lespie. We are hnformed Enirance Exam. inaiton results for Durham Couni will flot be available tubl Monday July l3ib. Why la it resuits are s4 laite here while in many other place ihey bave been announced a weel earlier? Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Nichols ani son Douglas. Mms. Adrhan Berry ani son Estley, Misses Violet and Mar garet Osborne and Miss Wilda Smhtl speni Saiunday ai Hanilan's Poi Toronto. Two notable ihings about Bow manville's Front Street are tbe win dow boxes ai tbe Post Office ani around the Cowan Block. Russe] Candler and Percy Cowan are to b congratulated on the appearance o their respective buildings. Mr. and Mms. H. Wilcox and lam ily, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Chal lis, Orono, Mr. and Mms. S. Hocirs day and son Ernest, and Misses Llu zie and Rilda Hockaday, Solina, Di and Mrs. Davies, Oshawa, wlth Mi and Mrs. John Challis. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. hngbam an sons Mac and George, o! Camipbel crofi, vislted Mms. W. C. Wasbing ton and Mms. Warnlca. Ms. mIn ham and boys are visling relative i Peterboro wbile Mr. Ingham la I Toronto marking examinaion pap ers. Mr. Glen E. Strike. depuiy magli traite for Ottawa, wbo la a brothe o! Mr. W. R. Sinike. barrister o! th town, bas been appolnted Magistrat for tbe Capital City and district, ac tconding: te an announcernent issue lasi week by the Hon. W. H. Fric iAttorney-General. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 'Young, 21 eRuby Si., Winipeg, Man., announc the engagement o! ibeir daughte Marlon, te Mr. Stanley Bond Doui rlas, B. A., LL. B., o! New Torontà Ont., son o! Rev. and the laite Mr John Douglas o! hallngton, Ont., il emariage to take place quietly1 L.Winnipeg the latter part o! July. y Manager Tommy Rosa o! the Ro3 eal Theatre bas been making consic erable improvemenis te the fronti COMMITTEE EXPRESS THANKS CUT RIBBON The ihanks o! the Commiitee for Decoration Day arrangements is ex- iended to Major W. J. Hoar, who marsballed the parade; the Band o! the Canadian Leglon; the various fraternal organizations, Scouts and firemen for ibeir hearty co-opera- tion, and te the minisiers o! the iown i arranging the beautiful plat- formn service o! the afiernoon. k Thanks o! the commlttee is also ex-a iended to the Chamber of Comn- merce for the erection o! the plat- !ormi and to the publishers o! TheS Canadian Staiesman for their pains-y taking efforts' i the publication o! all information pertaining to thec day and for the artitic printig o! the Souvenir Programs-and to al others who had any part in the pro-L ceedinga o! the afiernoon.t T. H. Lockhart. Chairman. John Lyie NOTEN) ARCTIC EXPLORER Veteran town clerk o! Bowmanville,c who was accorded the honor o! cut-i SPEAKS AT CHAUTAUQUA wlgterbbna htoelgo "AbIIshIng the Arche" WHI Be the McGiil Memorial Gates on Sun- Subject on Intoesting Ady day. Vilhalmur Ste! anason, explorer, LOCAL and OTHERWISE author, and ectupr, is appearlng wiih tbe Canadiaxi Chautauquas ai Bowmanvlile on Thursday evening, Mr. Tom Spencer is visitihg rJuly lOih. friendsata Barrie. Ste! ansson bas speni more win- Miss Carrie Cherry, Toronto, bas ters norih o! the Arctic Circle ihan been visiting friends here. any other explorer, livig or dead. Miss Helen Kerr, Toronto, la vis- His talk, "Abolishlng the Arcthc" iiing ber uncle, Mr. Geo. E. Priich- gives a new idea o! the Canadian ard. Norh and o! ts economîc import- Mrs. F. M. Tamblyn bas returned ance te Canada as a wbole. For f rom visiiing f riendai Elizabeth- Smany YearS he bas been poiiing ville. oui the harm ihat Canadians do Mrs. G. A. Gillespie picked ibree S themselves by cailhng over a tird o! ripe tomatees on July 6th. Who can ib teir country "Barren Lands"' and beai ibis? tletting i go ai ibai. Redent mIning M'.J .AiBokyN . and neronautical dsvelopmenis bear Mis. J. Pher sisterookanoN.erYre oui bis contention ibai the present lisvstiber sesad te e Course o! empire la Northward. He r.AbrGadnrndAan ci also tells why hi lataiCanadians, TrntAert rein er an lae, rs -wboseiteresis are more affecied by 'Tornard.iiig e iteMs anorthern developments, are more W aiad cistruaiful o! them ihan the people Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C. Sotihey, o! some other nations. Sally and Jimmie, are holldayig ai d Sielansson bas been advisor toSi Port Lambton. aHubert WlIkins I conneciion with Ml-s. W. S. Blythe and !amily, De- d the submarlne expedition which la troit, Mih., are visiiing ber f ather, Li now siartlng north, and the citizens Mr. C. Rehder. o! Bowmanviile are parthcularly Master Clarence Witberidge re- Sfortunate ai ibis trne to be able lo cenitly visited his ister, Mrs. L. J. d hear him through tue Cnda Henry, Ottawa. Chautauquas. Miss Muriel Dech, Tbistletown, lai L, Quotlng f rom a ,uvecent letter by . oâdyn hhe rndoh Sir Hubert Wilkina, lhesanys: Mss Jonefli uk deiinBle S, "itwas tbe training I received visN li uk ittaBle f rom Ste! ansson that enabled me tolem.sla olidaying with ber moiber, Sface wiih confidence the fllghi across Mss es ivin B dHeenPote Sbte Polar Sea in an airplane. Af ter Mares iinadHlnPse -_ baving had personal proof ibai bisar visiting relatives ai Stouf ville iheories were sound and having had and Lake Sincoe. the eneit f hi intrution weset Trul Pamily Picnic will be ai El- ýy oui knowing tuai tbe Arctic la not Fiday, Juoiyl Prktbmtno Y,îunfriendly to those wbo know it. Mriss Margare1thSecr a.e h01it was Ste! ansson who lirsi drew Miusnedf rom vSenc is etty asr- a my attention te the possible use o! lyled ai Shant Bay. et ar ýk a submarie te siudy and te, crosslyea hn B . ,ite Arctic Ocean. lI faci, be bas Miss M. M. Armour, Toronto, la id been the promnoter o! so many ad- spending bier usual summer holidays id vances i connection with Arciic ex- ai Port Bowmanville. ploration and bas accompllsbed so Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown and r- bsinll or iioeaes Hilda are bolidaying ai Brockviile tha hr sn ob and Grenville County. t, e ihi res l oredob ivinhe.,, Mrs. E. Doherty, Winnipeg, Man., ibe reaisi eploer nw liing. laenJoymng a visit wiib bier daugh- ter, Mrs. Alan Campbell. Miss Jane Mason la leavig ibis id week on a motor trip te Quebec, >1 Rev. A rmstrong Mritiesyan NevYok. ikta of O e s Pa trt ThStatesman office. Aduli tickets 6UC Miss Irene Fee, Supi. o! Blessing - h Hospital, QuInsey, Ill., la vsitig er A t Triity Cauni, Mrs. John McIniyre. Z_ Rev. and Mms. C. R. Spencer ai- r. tended tue Anglican Sunimer Schoo] r. Congregation much impres- ai Trity College, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grills, Miss 'd sed with firat sermon Viola Grills, and Mms. W. C. Aflin, Il- Valentia, vlsiied f riends here recent- 9- preached by new pastor ly. 9- on "The Shadlow of a Mis Midrd Lawrle and Miss i 'Man." day on a holiday trip te the Pacific P- Coast. Mrs. Walter Cochrane, wbo un- S- "Try te, do someibing redemptive derwent an operation on ber nose, er flot original," said Rev. E. P. Arm- h. as been staying ai lier moiber's ai Las strong, the new paster o! Triniiy Burkeion. te United Church, hi bis morning ser- Mr. S. H. Reynolds, Windsor, is c-mon on Sunday. His subjeci "The visiîlng old f riends bers and attend. .'d Sbadow o! a Man," or the influence cd Decoration Day services and Bus- ,e, o! a man on the world as related in iness Men's Pienic. Acts 5:15-16, was especiafly good. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beatty, Li1 belng based on the incident o! the Elizabethville, and Mr. and Mrs. ce "slck beig broughi inte the aireets Orme Beatty, Welcome, speni Sun- r, of the ciy tuai Peter's ahadow clay wiih Mr. and Mrs. M. W. g- mlgbi f nîl on ihem . . . and ibey Tamblyn. to, were healed every one." He deait Mr. Ed. Johnsion o! the Post O! s. wlih the subjeci under ibree head- fice staff. Toronto, and Mrs. W. he ings, The power of buman personal- Rosevear, Beileville, are here on ac- ln lty; the power o! bealing bopeful- counit o! the illness o! their mother, ness; and the immortaliiy o! ln- Mrs. Jas. Johnsion, Churcb Si. y- fluence. The speaker quoted the Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Honey, who d- lives o!frnany greai men whose sb8.. have been enjoyig a visit wih rela- o! dows had infiuenced the world for tives here, have returned te Van- Thousands were Guests of Local Business Men at Community Picnic Crowd estimated at 6000 attended Bowmanville's greatest picnic Wednesday - Glorious weather greets outing. The Cominuniiy Picnic under the auspices o! the Bowmanville Busi- ness Men's Association beld Wed- nesday at the Cream o! Barley Camp was easily the mosi successful event staged in Bowmanville for many years. Old timers could flot recail an occasion when so many people congregated i town equal to Wed- nesday's. crowd. The parade gave everyone a good chance to gstinhto iown early for ibis interesing f eat- ure o! the outing. Nearly sixty en- tries were recelved ithe parade whlcb proved to be calithumplan i every sense o! the word. Next week The Siatesman wiil endeavour to desciibe some o! the floats ibai were in the parade, but sumfce it te say ihat practically everyone was orig- inal and exceptionaily weil arrang- ed. Decorated cars, bicycles, clowns, fancy costumes and many other features provided a parade more tban hal! a mile long and one which teok nearly bal! an hour te pass the judges stand at the Balmoral Hotel. The judges were: Dr. G. E. Reaman, I. G. Hefkey, A. J. Whalen, W. J. Bragg, M.P.P.. and A. L. Hagerm6n, and ihey had a dimfcult task award- ig the prizes. At the park every part o! the grounds was crowded wib bhappy picnickers. At one turne during the running o! the 3-mile race it was estimated that close to four thous-. and people were on the sports field alone. The three-mfle run was an epic affair and proved a grllling race. Eleven started but only four finished. Buck Turner led practical- ly ail the way, only to, be dlaqualMfed wben be tbrew blmsel!i front o! the next man as he turned te pasa hlm at the finish. Archie Woods was the wlnner and the old rellable Ted (Contiued on Page '7) Mrs. Elsie Smithi of Whitby was Winner of Plymouth Car at Picnic THE POWER 0F PUBLICITY 18 DEMONSTRATED One of the strongest f actors brouglit out by the attendance records at both the Decoration Day ceremonles on Sunday and the Community Picnic on Wednesday was the effective publicity given these events tlxrough The Statesman. We moclestly assume this as a vital factor f rom the scores of complimentary remarks giv- en The Statesman on these occasions. In practicaily ev- ery case it was mentloned that the splendid manner these events were explalned and lauded in Tlhe Statesman waà responsible for record attend- ance of interested local citi- - zens, visitors f rom out of town' and people from the district. The publishers of The Statesman are glad to play this important part in putting across two of the year's big- gest events, feeling that we are thus dolng our share in promoting that desirable spir- it of community consciousness and co-operation on whlch the success of every town and community is founded. Bowrnanville la well represented ai the Kawariba Boys' Camp ai Clear Lake wbich la operaied by tue Peterboro Rotary Club under the direction o! Capi. D. A. Loomis, M. C., the popular physical director o! Peterboro Y. M. C. A. The local boys wbo lefi for ibis camp on Sat- urday are Dick Campbell, Bob Lami- boumne, William James, Tom Reb- der, Boyd Slemon, Fred and John Neal, and Jim Clark. Huge crowd jammed King Street when Mayor Elliott drewwinning ticket from churn-President Dustan expressed appreciation to guestg. With a record attendance close te 6000 people ths firsi annual phonie of the Bowmanvllle Business Men'a Association held aitute Creana o! Barley Camp, Wednesday a!ternoon and evening, was a magnificent suc- ceas. The Plymouth Sedan offered as the grand pnize was won by Mrs. Elsie Smith o! Wbitby, tbe Rogers' Radio was won by Mm. G. Harwood of Port Hope, and tue Walnui Cedar Chesi by Miss Helen GlanvlUe o! Bowmanville. Mayor Milton J. El- Roit made the draw for the lucky tickets shortiy before il1o'clock !rom, the orchestra plat!orm on King St. and before a crowd thai completely flled the block. President T. A. Dusian expressed the appreclaion o! the association for the atendance aitute plcnhc andi announced tuai so successful was ibis eveni that ht was already dechd- ed te maireit an annual eveni. Bo dense was tue crowd ai the draw ibat it was wltu great dlmculty ibat the car was able te proceed te tihe front o! the plaiforna previous to, the draw. Fresident T. A. Duatan and every member o! tue Association wisb te express iheir ihank ste tue publie for the co-operaion they recelveti f rom tue public ai large. They s- peclally wish te commend tiose wbose efforts made the plcnlc a suc- cess and can assure them ibat no effort wlll be spared te make next Iyear's event even blgger and greater iban the 1931 pienle. I mpressive Service Markeci Induction 0F Rev. A. S. Kerr Tkursciay Nigkt Noted radio preacher, brother of new mmnister, is main preacher - Rev. J. M. Whyte of Enniakilien conducted inspiting induction. In a beautiful and impressive ser- but with the atones with which the vice Rev. Alexander S. Kerr, former- church la buJlt. ly of Maple, Ontario. was lnducted Be! ore Cbrist'a departure from into the pastoral charge of Si. Paul's earth he told his disciples that on United Church Friday night. De- ibis rock (Peter) would he build bis spite the heai of the evenlng a fairly church. That la wby the words o! large congregation turned out to the St. Peter in bis epistie are the words induction, many f rom other churcb- to turn to to find the rock on which es also belng present. The induction and the rocks wth whlch la built. was conducied by Rev. J. M. Whyte With Peter as the rock, Christ as of Enniskillen, Chairman of the the corner atone, the church waa Oshawa Presbytery, asslsted by Rev. built on those solid rocks, the apos- P. L. Jul 0f Brooklln. secretary of îles. Wlth Christ as is corner the Presbytery. atone the church should be ai lailve The service opened wlth the aang- wiih the spirit of the 111e of Christ, lng o! the Doxology, f oilowed by the for wthoui Christ there la no invocation and cail to worship by church. You can cail ht a club, an Rev. J. M. WhYte. Rev. P. L. Juil orgaflization or an association, but led i prayer and the choir under it la not a church if h la flot ruled the leadership of Mr. Henry j. by the teachings o! our Lord, he con- Knlghi rendered an appropriate an- iinued. Christ la the foundation. ihem. the limita and the boundaries of the The speaker o! the evenlng was Christian Church on earth. Wbat ls Rev. Hugh Kerr, D>. D. o! Pitaburg, endoraed by Christ must of necessity Pa., a brother of the new minisier be endorsed by ail good Christians. and a noied radio preacher. Taking What la registered i the mid of for bis text the words f roi Peter, Christ musi be reglstered i the 2-5, "Ye also, as lively atones, are mida of ail Christianity. The mes- buill up a spiritual house. an hoir sage of the church must be the same prlesihood, to offer up spiritual sac- to black and white, Chinese and Ca- rifices, acceptable te God by Jesus nadian. FEveryone la a member of Christ." Christ's church and on ihai basis ;P,, Kres Addreua everyone la equal no matter what race or color. E,ýbné toàay. utated Mr. Kerr i Peter calis Christians living atones. his opéhlng remarks, la asking what 80 the church la flot jusi a build- la wrong wiih the Church? Ia the. lng, a material building ai least, but Church Initls twllght or la i hInits a building composed o! living atones. dawn? What la lis message, its MO- These living atones are rough. un- tive, and its mission i tise Uimm carved. and unpolished, but hti la for of depreasion? An answer to these those In the church to do the carv- Lquestions ha found i the texi. There la nothing wrong wlth the church (Contiued on page 10) 1 With Which Is Incorporated The Bowm-anville News

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