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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1931, p. 4

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PAG PURs N ELSO N 'S July 16t6 to August 1lst THE CANADIAII STATESMAN, BOWMANVfLLE. THIURSDAY, JULY l6th, 1931 STORE July l6th to August 1lst inclusive w mwwý-- pinclusive The Dollar is at its highest buymng point during this sale. Smart, dependable merchandise i5 reduceci to a fraction of its real value. Nelson's Sale Values are Super Values - Proven Best by Test - and you will find in the prices quoted below that Nelson prices help largely to lower the cost of living. Neyer before (and perhaps neyer again) wxll you get such big values for so little money - YOU BE THE JUDGE. Econ omical buyers will find this the greatest bargain upheaval ini years - See that you get your share. Men's Overalis Three Big Specials Group No. 1--Spec- ial purchase of ten doz. men's red back, 7 ounce duck, ail trip- le stitched and guar- anteed correct sizes, regular $1,39 value, Re-Organiz-97 Group No. 2-Fine union made Overaîls, in good heavy weight, light or dark, blue and black, our regular $1.59 qu.ality, IRe-Oxganization Sale Special .....................-$1.29 Grou<,j No. 3-Extra heavy weight, red back Smocks or Overalîs, 'ail made by un- ion labor, triple stitch; the best value in overalîs in the trade; guarantee in every garment; regular $1.98, .i Re-Organization Sale Special ..:1.6 Men's Pants 3-Big Specials We off er our special $1.19 Pants, in ail sizes, during our Re-Organization Sale at less than milI 8 prices, per pair ...88 Better grade Pants that sell regul'arly for $1.59 pair, in all sizes; Re-Organization Sale, per par ..$12 Ail our best grade Work Pants, values as high as $2.219 a pair, ahl to be cleared at one price during this Re-Organization Siale, per pair ... $1.59~F~ Men's Sox - 3 Big Specials 15 dozen high grade silk and lisie Socks, special purchase for this big ev- ent, all sizes and colors in the assortment, regular 39e and 4.9e pair, > On Sale, pair ........ 29uc Heavy Work Socks, in cotton or wool, val- ues as high as 35e pair, 19C to be ceared, per pair ............. Silk Lisle and Sihk & Wool Socks, the finest values in the trade at $1,00 a pair, big assrtment of designs in ail sizes to choose fmm; the biggest sock value in 49c the history of this town, pair ..... MEN'S SILK POLO SHIRTS A cool garment for week-end or holiday weaxn, non-fin quahity, alI sizes, 88C Sale Price..................................... MEN'S NON-RUN VESTS AND SHORTS Very cool undies for the hot weather, and a good weariflg quality, 8 8C the set for ..................................... MEN'S NON-RUN COMBINATIONS Specially priced for this sale, in ail 79c sîzes, per pair ................................ HOSIERY FOR KIDS A mixed table of Hosiery--Sox and Golf Sox- including silk and wool, values to 79c; i19C to clean up eve'y 1pair priced ........... Men's Hat Specials An extraordinary pur- chase of men's ail wool fur feit Hats, Fedora < style, regular $3.50 value, $, Re-Organizatic- Sale Special.... .39 Superfine Feit, in the newest styles and siik lined, $4.50 value,$2 Re-Organizatiion Sale Special..$29 Three Big Shirt Specials 15 doz. men's high grade Work Shirts, values to $1, to be cleared during this Re-Organization ...59C Sale, each....... Another big Work Shirt 5p ecial, incliiding values up to $1.39 each, out they go during this Re-Organization88 Sale, each ................................ 8 Men's Fine Dress Shirts, ail fast colored broadcloths, guaranteed, in a variety of new 1931 designs, ail guaranteed fast col- ors, sizes 14 to 17,77 Re-Organization Sale ............. 7 Men's and Boys' Caps 2 Etraordinary Specials ~. No. - Includes every boy's cap in the store, val- ues to 98c, ail guaranteed pure wool tweed and cor- rect fitting, Re-Organiza- tion Sale49 No. 2-Men's high grade Caps; every wanted style and size in the assortmeîît; caps that seil reguiarly at $1.39 and $1,59; ahl new dlean stock; you can take youii choice during this88 Re-Organization Sale at ........... 8 SILK CUSHIONS In fancy shapes and pastel colors, to match the Bedspreads; worth $1.98 ea.97 While they last, each ..................97 CAPRIKA CREPES We bought these few sample pieces at less than haîf price; lovely printed effeets in 7 different colors, also black and white; good value at $1,00 per yard,39 Re-Organization Sale Price per yard .. 9 MIDDIES Girls' and Women's White Middies, with loose wooh coilars and cufs, at a big saving as follows Misses'-79c each; Women's--98c each. $ 12.95 Raincoats $ 19 Every Coat in the store goes out at one price. Included are English Tîench Coats, Silk Shot Paramatas, Oiled Silk, etc., coats that are reg- ularly $8.,95 to $12.95 each,....$ 9 Re-Organization Sale, each .......$1 8 Silk Brocaded Bedspreads 12 only rich silk frilled and ruffled Bedspreads in pastelI colors-a line we can 't offer you again at this low price; selîs everiywhere for $5.95 ea. A special purchase enables us to offer these while they last at each .... $3 .98 BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS In khaki or sand broadchoth, ail sizes up to 12 yxm, Very Special, each ........ 59c BOYS' COTTON BATHING SUITS In navy blue with econtrasting trim,39 sizes 24 to 32, Special Price ............ 9 Porch Dresses 15 doz. Tubfast and Sunfast Dresses, at less than 59 cost of print, each .... 6 doz. better grade Porch Dresses, some Hoover style, ahi to be cheared at8 c Sale Price, each .............................88 LADIES' BALBRIGGAN BLOOMERS 25 doz. plain and silk striped Bloomers-a mihh clearance, values to 49e pair, i9 Re&Organization Sale Price ............. 9 BABY RUBBER PANTS Hickory quaity-that wihh wear wehh, 25 in white or pink, Special, 2 Pair for ... 5 flew their tenth old bird race on Saturday. July lIth, from Peru. nd., U. S., 414 miles air line. Fol- lowing is the results: F. Bottrell 14 hrs, 57 mins, 24 sec. F. Bottrell 16 hrs, 38 mina, 53 sec. I. Hobbs 16 kirs, 40 mins, 19 sec. L. Richards 16 kirs, 56 mins, 53 sec. Wm. Wallace no report. The next race Is from Dayville, M1., 528 miles. Hundreds of yards of fflain and fancy San-Tan Silk; love- ly cohors, also white and black. Specialhy priced for...29c this sale, yard...... FOR BIGGER AND BTER BARGAINS WINNIE-WINKLE - A new alh sihk fabric as heavy as a double fugi that costs 79c yd. Cornes in~ a lovely range of pastel colurs, also white and black. Guaranteed fast col- ors and priced for this sale at less than to-day's cost,3 c Sale Price, per yard .. 9 WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT Silk by the yard at Prices that YELL! Nelson's Store il SALEMToronto, motoned out and visited SALEM Mr .and Mrs. G. Connish last week. League meeting next Sunday a!- The foilowing guests spent Sunday tennoon at the usual hour in charge at the Cornish home: Mrs. Bitton, o! Miss Gilbank and Mn. Kyle Mrs. Wonnacott. Bowmanville, Mn. Squair. and Mrs. J. Heard, Mn. N. Heard, Mrs. Lang and Mn. and Mrs. C. Cor- Sunday a! ternoon service wVas nish, Oshawa. conducted by the new pastor, Rev. Sorry to îearn that littie Ruth F. M. Wooton. who delivered a veny Newman dislocated lier arm. neces- practical sermon and the attendance sitating medical attention. was langer than usual. Mn. and Mrs. Alex Prout and fam- ily and Miss Gilbank, Shaw's, wene HAYDON iSunday guests with Mn. and Mrs. F. ___ L. Squair. Mn. and Mns. A. Grant and sons. Mn. and Mrs. C. Hoskin, Mn. and Toronto, are holidaying at Mn. A. Mrs. Harold Mountjoy and family, McNeil's. Kedron. visited with Mn. and Mns. Ms il rde pn e W. J. Carnn and attended service. dMs s Viola Bradle cspnaMies Mn. and Mns. G. Richards anddylva es w eek i hen.uiMs Joan. Toronto, spent the weekendElaFruonisie. with his parents, and Mn. and Mrs. Miss Audrey Thompson is visiting Milton Adain and sons, Mns. T. Ad- friends in Bowmanville. air and Mns. G. Parker, Toronto, Mn. A. Beech and Ada Sundayed Sundayed with Mn. and Mrs. Rich- at Mn. Everett Beech's, Pont Hope. ards. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley and Mn. and Mns. W. G. Wenry, Mns. Viola visited at Mn. Wm. Neil's, Or- C. Carruthens, Mrs. W. Canin, Miss ono. Gladys and Mrs. C. Poliard attended Misses Alice Ashton and Muiel the bunial service o! Mn. William Moore Sundayed with Miss Mabel George Smith, Long Sault, which Beech. took place at Bethesda Cemeteny on Miss Kathleen Thaw, Oshawa, Thursday. Much sympathy is ex- spent the weekend at Mn. Wm. Trc- tended to his parents in thein sad win's. beneavement. Mn. and Mrs. Shemilt and f amily, Mn. and Mns. T. Chapman and Providence, visited at Mn. D. Hall's. family, Kirby, visited with Mn. and. Mn. and Mrs. H. Mountjoy and Mns. A. Welsh last week. Mn. and Mrs. R. Mountjoy, Cart- Congratulations to Audrey Cowl- wright, visited at Mn. J. Cnossman's. ing and Beatnice Caton on passing Mr. and Mns. Cyrus Ashton, Cart- thein entrance exams with honons, wright, visited at Mn. H. Ashton's. and to their teachen, Miss Iva Gil- Congratulations to Misses Ada bank, who we are sonny to leann, is Beech and Lorna Thompson and leaving oun school at the end o! this their teachen, Mn. E. E. Staples, on terni. successfully passing their Entrance. Mn. J. Plunkett and Mn. Leslie Mn. and Mns. Thenon Mountjoy Plunkett motored up from Peterboro visited at Mn. Wm. Giffler's, Stark- and spent Sunday with Mns. A. Wil- ville, on Sunday. kins. Glad to report Mn. Leslie quite Mn. Norman Welsh and son Roy, recovened after his recent motor ac- Toronto, visited at Mn. C. Aveny's. cident. Mns. M. Moore, Miss Kate and Mn. Mn. Kenneth Bloxham, Montreal, Douglas Moore, and Mn. Gannet Mc- late o! Newcastle, England. is wlth Coy. Bowmanville. visited at Mn. R. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Doidge. McNeil's. Mn. and Mns. W. Fitze. Janetville. Chunch service next Sunday a! with their guests, the Misses Fitze,1 2.30 p. m. LONG SAULT SCHOOL REPORT Entrance-Myrtie Hughes. Jr. III to Sr. 11-Doris Johins 75. Pearl Smnith 74, Ethel Partner 71, Ivan Brown 63. Jr. Il to Sr. II-Alice Partner 74, George Brown 70. I to 11--Jean Davey 77, Marion Partner 70. Primer to I-May Gibbs 74. Primer--Charles Devenish 79, Ecjt inund Devenish 77. Beginners-James Smith, Harvey Partner, Helen Devenish. Merveyn Brown. Figures stand for per cent. S. M. VanCamp, teacher. LAKE SHORE, CLARKE Promotion Report of S. S. No. 2, Clarke: Entrance-Neta Allin. Sr. IV-John Mitchell. Jr. III to Sr. II-Maurice Powell 77 (Hon), Jean Homes 69, Floyd Powell 51. II to Jr. III-Audrey Jaynes 75 (Hon). Edith Hendry 72, Evelyn Brown 62. Sr. 1 to II-Stanley Brown 68, Donald Powell 53. Pr. A to Pr. B-Mildred Brown 78 (Hon), Audrey Adams 77 (Hon), Hazel Powell 75 (Hon). 75eý or over Honours; 60% re- quired to pass; figures stand for per cent. Hilda J. Rowland, teacher. ITCHELL'S CORNERS 1 Report of S. S. No. 12, Darling- ton (MitcheUl's Corners) for year ending June, 1931; names in order of menit; Honours 75,7; Pass 60%; figures indicate percent: Jr. IV to Sr. 1V-Marguerite Mar- tin 87, John Stainton 83, Nick Ly- son 67, Hilda Pierce 60. Jr. III to Sr. III-Freddie Martin 75, Vera Fisher 69, Lloyd Stainton (Rec). Sr. II to Jr. Ifl-Pete Sobel 8t,' Greta Thornton 75, Marion Balson 72. Billy Kuzenko 68. Mike Nemis (Rec). Dick Nemis (Rec). Jr. II to Sr. Il-Anmie Lyson 75, Sr. I to Jr. 1l-Jean Balson 85, Jessie Nemis 82, Gordon Fisher (Reci. Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr.-Russell Martin, Lilian Bowen. Begmnners-Velma Balson. Steve Sobel. Dora Lyson. Billie Nemis. Helen J. Lewis, teacher. DARL14NGTON Promotion Examination Report of S. S. No. 3, Darlington: Entrance-Harold Forsythe (Hon), Annie Kusli (Hon), Aloysius Kush. To Sr. IV-Grace Truli 76 (Hon). To Jr. IV-May Storms 84 (Hon), Elsie Flint 62, Hazel Flint 55 (Rec). To Sr. II-Louise Foley 77 (Hon), Hazel Trull 76 (Hon), Maurice Mor- phY 73. Berniece Roberts 69, Helen Rundle 67, Sammy VanCamp 64, Hazel Roberts 59 (Rec). To Jr. 11-Eddie Forsythe 73, Ar- thur Forsythe 72. To Sr. II-Jean Metcalf 89 (Hon>. Peggy Finnigan 78 (Hon). To Sr. I-Eveline Gibson 88 (Hon) Marie Roberts 85 (Hon), Viola Rob- erts 83 (Hon). Gordon Truil 83 (Hon), Milton Storms 78 (Hon). To Sr .Pr.-Madeline Metcalf 88 (Hon). Gordon Metcalf and Glenn Metcal! 85 (Hon), Louise Forsythe 74. Figures indicate per cent. Ruby M. Bratg, teache?. HAMPTON Report o! Hampton School at re- cent exammnations; names in order of menit: Entrance-Harry Winterburn (H), John Virtue, Harold Martyn, Annie Stainton, Olga Cowling. Sr. III to IV-Betty Knox (H), Jummie Adams (H), Lena Novick (H), Bruce Hogarth (H), Muriel Scott, Thelina Robbins, Bruce Clarke, Doris Crydermnan (rec), Vera Martyn (nec), Katie Jones (rec). Jr. III to Sr. III-Doreen Perrett (H), Gladys Chapman (H), Norma Cowling (H), Dora Cowling (.H), Walter HolweUl (H), Jack Cowling (H), Bernice Rogers, Ruth Colwill, Ruby Colwill, Jenald Black. 1 Sr. Il to III-Wanda Clarke (H), Gladys Trul(Hi, Gertrude Pettit (H), Isabelle Rogers 4H), Gladys Pettit (H), Nellie Armour (H). Jr. Il to Sr. I1.-Billie Boynton (H), Donald Adcock, Jack Jones. Pr. I to II-Bertha Armoun (H), Verna Cowling (R), Acy Horn (II). Pr. to I-Eileen Wray (H), Keith Billett (Hi, Elgin Cowflng (H). Betty Stainton (H), Freddy Payne (Hi, Teddy Kersey (H). Percy Ai- lin (H), Albert Martyn, Everett Al- lin. A to Pr.-Betty Rogers, Robert Arvay, Lewis Truil, Dorothy Hol- well, Reggie Kersey, Cecile Pettit. F. J. Groat, Mins Milar, teachers. la A exim WVTM

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