PAGE EIGHT Salaa Ornge ekoelu TIdA PROTECTING THE QUALITY 0F YOUR MILK The mflk you offer 3your cblldren the creain served on your table - 70u waMl no doubts of Its puritY, its wholewmne quality. You want ta be sur - and to - meet your desires, we have taken every precaution known ta dalry science ta proteot the quaity of the milk we supply. Our mflk cornes from tested herds, It JO handled with utmost cleanflnesa f rom the f arm to your home, and the most modern dairy methods are observed at every stage. Why take chances? Let us put your home on our dally routes. Ilion. 408. Glen Rae Dairy Purveyors of Pure MiIk and Cream Phone 408 IL IR. STEVENS & SON Bowmanville SUMMER FURNITURE We are showing ail uines of seasonable Furniture at very 10w prices. Furniture prices we believe have lowered more than any other commodity. We have sorne splendid showings in Couches: Extension Couch, double pad mattress, in a variety of covers, at ........$9.75 Bed Couches - Adjustable Couches Hammo Couches in various styles and prices. Corne to the Business Men's Picnic, July 8th. Fe F. MORRIS CO, House Furnishings- Funeral Service Bowrnanville- Phone 10 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 16th, 1931 ORONO (Prom The News JuIy 9th.) Mr. Thomnton Wilson, Ottawa, spent Tuesday in town. Mr. Thomas Vinson. Toronto, is visitmng his sister, Mrs. Travelle. Mayor J. B. and Mrs. Moat of Oakville spent a day or two at her brother's, Mr. R. Z. Hall. Mr. D. M. Gibson, Oshawa, is vis- iting bis father, Mr. Matthew Gib- son. Mr. Irving Harris, Niagara FaUs, was a visitor over the weekend at Mr. Isaac Cobbledick's. Mr. Herb. Trew, Elizabethville, Hope township, a popular old tinie fiddler, is reported seriously ill. Mrs. (Dr.) W. McCleland, son and daughter, Toronto, are vlsiting her parents, Mr. and Mis. Robt. Foster. - Mr. and Mis. Harold Awde aud f amily, Toronto, are spendlng a ~'short holiday at his f ather's, Mr. C. P. Awde. Mr. Frank Grahami, who bas been holldaying here the past f ew weeks, le! t the first of the week on his re~- turn ta Wnnipeg. James McMilan, formerly of Ken- dal, died Saturday 4th at Miflbroak. Mr. J. P. MeMillan, Supt. County Home, Is a brother. St. Saviour's Church Sunday School picnicked at Creani of Barley Park, Bowmanvlle, aud report a very enjoyable outlng. Miss Rena McMillan of Cobourg aud Miss Florence Fairbairu e! Lakefield. are guesta o! Mrs. Rena Fairbain, at Kumrite Inn. Mr. Jini Reynolds, Cleveland, Miss Donohaugh, Columbus, and Min Solmau, Detroit, were gueste of Mr. George Armstrong over Sunday. Mis. Neil McKenzle sud daughter, Miss Enid, MUs. (Dr.) John Chester and Miss Joan, Toronto, are vWistng their Parents, 1fr. sud Mrs. T. Smith. Mr. George Armstrong returned home Friday Iast from the Private Pavillon of the Toronto General Hospital, much lmproved after bis operation. Miss Bernice Tucker who has been spendlng a couple of weeks' holiday at ber father's, Dr. M. M. Tucker, 18 visiting iu Toronto before returning ta Ottawa. Miss Agatha Staples, wha bas been holiclayiug wlth her people here, lef t for a couple of weeks' out- lng at Lake Joseph, Muskoka, bef oie returning ta New York. Executive of! Orono Horticulturel Society would be glad of any sug- gestions as ta, the most suitable place ta plant their 1000 tulips so that aUl may enjoy them fully. Orono Horticultural Society won the special prize co! 1000 tullps don- ated by the Kingsway Nurseries at the District Flower Show held at the Boys' Training School, Bowmsuvllle, on June 24th. The principal speakers at Decor- ation Day services at Orono Cern- etery, Sunday week, not only includ- ed Rev. F. H. Mason (Anglican), but Rev. Geo. Mason, pastor Centre St. United Church. Two head of cattie of the fine herd of Mr. Isaac Chapman, Kirby, in deliverp ta, Mr. Bert Foster, drov- er, were overcome by the extreme heat and dled shortly after arrival at the stock yards here. Messrs. T. W. Underwood, Mark- ham, John McConnachie, Orilila, and James McConnachie, Bowman- ville, former Orono citizens, were in town Ssturdap attending the funeral of the Iste Mis. Wm. Colville. Mrs. E. A. Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. J. Eagleson attended the Car- scadden reunion picnic beld in Queen's Park, Barrie, Thursday, JuIy 2nd, and spent the weekend with friends at Creemore and Toronto. Mrs. Ralph Ballagh and son Ralph accompanied by ber grandson, Clar- enice Grieve, of Guelph, spent the weekend at ber brother's, Mr. John Henry, Mis. Ballagh îemalnlng for a more extended visit. Mi. sud Mrs. Harold Piper were also visitais at Mr. Henry's. Former students o! Orono who have been teachlng lu outside dis- tricts, aud taklug speclal Sunimer Courses, are: Misses Mary Knox, Greta Davey, Loreen LorrIman. Dor- otby Rowe, and Mr. Calvin Hammn, at Toronto, Fred lorriman at Ot- tawa; and Ken. Hall at Hamiiltan. Some very fine trout have been landed at variaus times f rom aur traut streams, but we very much doubt If suy larger or fluer speci- men o! the sveckled besuty was ever taken ram local streams than the -one landed by Mr. George Cawau the other day wbeu he waded into the stream and grappled one with bis hands. The flsh measured aver 12 luches. Clarke District L. 0. L. attended divine worship at Centre St. Church on Sunday. The brethren, about one hundred stroug, gatbered at the Or- on nodge room aind henadd by Duh- The ie l for the Parmer.-A bottie of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the f arm bhouse will save many a Journey for the doctor. It is flot only good for the childien when taken with colds sud croup, and for the mature who sufer f rom pains and aches, but there are directions for its use on sick cattle. There ahould always be a bottie of it in the bouse. IW. A. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL AT NEWCASTLE. On the eve of the hottest Domin- ion Day ever recorded in this part of the country the ladies of Mrs. J. C. Hancock's and Mrs. J. W. Glen- ney's groups of the W. A. of the United Church held their strawber- ry festival on the church lawn and served the luscious home grown fruit with sugar and cream, bread and liutter, and cake, to sîl their pat- rons, girls, boys and grown ups. mhe ladies also sold ice cream and sof t drinks and in this did a flour- ishing business for the heat was in- tense with the promise in the air o! worse ta, follow. The concert in the S. S. Hall fol- lowed the outside activities aud, be- ing O! exceptional merit, was enjoy- ed by ail present despite the taiiid temPerature. The broad scale sud hlgh character a! the progrgm may be ludlcated by the f oilowing: Vocal salas by Mr. Haw o! Matchett's Gen- erai Store aud Tourists' Information Bureau, accomPanied by bis mother, Mis. Haw o! Orona; piano selections by Mis. Haw, includlng some a! ber Own composition; vocal solos by Miss Audrey Jaynes, Lake Shore, accam- panied by Mis. Chas. A. Cowan; sola by Miss Hattie Mason; sud selec- tions by the Newcastle Mlxed Quar- tette, Mes=r. W. F. Rickard sud H. C. Aflin, Mis. W. D. Bragg sud Miss Hattie Magon; readings by Mis. Perey Hare sud Miss Audrey Brown; Piano selections by Miss Loreen Bat- ty; sud maluly, impoitantly sud hUmoroualy, a Play eutitled "Haw the Story Grew," under the direction O! Mrs. Percy Brown who brought it with ber from Rochester, N. 'Y. The ladies who cleverlyPpresented this sketch showiug how a little bit o! gosalp wlth su element of implied secrecy, grows luto a monstrous tale by repetition, exaggeration sud ad- dition, Were Mesdames P. Brown, J. R. Fisher, J. E. Matcbett, Clarence Turner, J. C. Hancack, H. E. Han- cack, J. A. Butler sud C. T. Batty. Rev. W. P. Rogers acted as chair- mnan sud encouraged the People ta keep cool. S'LEEP ON RIGHT SIDE, BEST FOR YOUR HEART If You tan In bed ail nlght sud i cau't sleep on right side. try simple1 glYCerin, saline, etc. (Aderika). Juatg ONE dame relieves stomacb OAS, pressing on heart go pou sleep aouudj ail nlght. Unlike other mediclue,E Adierika acta on BOTH upper sud1 lower bovel, removlug poisons pou1 neyer knew were there. Relieves con-1 stipation lu 2 bours! Let Adlerika1 cleause pour stomacb sud bowels sudi see bow good pou Teed!1 jury &, Loveli, diuggists. 45-tf( $10 DOWN Now-you ton own a Gentral Eiectnic Refrigerator for eniy ton dollars down. and over two Yeats tcpay th. balance. You wili find thas the :mall monthly paymnts can be procticafly covered b,'y our .avinga min food bius. THE HYDRO SHQP BOWMANVILLE CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRÎC Ça CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Regular meeting of Cartwright Couneil was held July 6th, 1931, with members ail present and Reeve N. Green presiding. Minutes o! last meeting were read and adopted. Communications: From Harris & Harris, solicitors, re By-law No. 402,j C.P.R. agent at Nesteton-no ac- tion; from Frost & Frost, solicitors, that W. Robinson entering action against the Counties for damage to hiniself and car on Peterboro and Port Perry highway near H. Philps'; f rom Dr. McArthur re condition of Con. 10; Mis. Proutt, Jackson sud Weatherilt and petition fîom Cad- mus for calcium chloride on streets -Caundil will pay bal! cost o! ma- terial. Mis. R. Mahood sud Crawford, on behal! o! Institute, iequested cost o! ligbt lu Memorial Park. ReX er- ied ta Clerk for figures. Mi. S. McKee, T. Stroug sud M. Thampson complalnedl condition o! road, Con. 3. R.! erred ta Road Supt. Mr. N. McNally, P. Bailey sud C. Vennlng wanted Information re curb on street lu Blackstock. Le! t for consideration. On motion resolution paased re- questing ail parties worklug on roads ta cail on Treasurer sud re- ceive their cheques.. Orders sigued as follows: Hydro mleotio...... $ 7.91 Harris & Harria, by law 402 2.00 T. Strong, 1 sheep klled.. 6.00 H. Beacock, Sec.-Treas. S. S. NO. . . ....5.. ... . 00.00 S. Malcolm, Sec.-Trea. . 8 No. 7 . . . . . . . .. 250.00 D. HEarran, burylng flsh.. 9.00 R. J. Bruce, wlre fence... 33.00 B. Heasllp, wtre fence... 17.50 D. W. Bradburn, roads .... 8.99 Clerk, balf-pear salary ..... 150.00 Adjaurned ta meet Tuesday, Aug- ust 4th, at 8 p. m. W. Dsucock, Clerk. WATCH TOUR STAMPS Many two cent fines are becbg made by the Post Office for breach- es o! the new post office regulations. Iu most cases It is the fault o! the sender o! the letter wha bhas not taken the trouble te acqualut hlm or hersel! wth the pioper Tacts. Only drap letteis for delivery lu Bawman- ville are paid for with a two-cent stamp. AUl letteis ta, rural routes around Bowmsuville are three cents and the sanie applies ta letters fîom rural routes ta Bowmanville. Neg- lect ta place the proper postage ou a letter or parcel only means addition- al work for the Post Office depait- ment sud inconverilence ta the re- cipient. Asthma Brings Miserp, but Dr. J. D. Kellagg's Asthma Remedy will replace the misery wlth welcome re- lie!. Iubaled as smoke or vapor it reaches the very innermost recesses o! the branchial passages sud soothes them. Restriction passes sud easy breathing returns. If pou knew as well how this remedy would help pou as do thousands o! giate- ful users, there would be s package lu pour home ta-night. Try it. Most infants are lu! ested bp woims wblch cause great suiffering, sud if not promptly desît with May cause constitutional weaknesses dif- ficult ta remedy. Milleis Worm Pawders wlll clear the stomach sud bowels of worms sud wil so act up- on the spstem that there wlll be no recurrence o! the trouble. And not oulp this, but they will repair the injuries ta, the aigans that worms cause sud restare tbem ta, soundness. No Spe InGu KOOLMOTOR GASOLENE Free fr@m valve-stick ins g., Oum so gamolene cuis down speed à àià gum rumins p.weu..î um sp@ilsyourget-awayl KOOLMOTORi 1h nnal hgh test, ant-kn@ck, green gazolene is feue. fum hammful gum. e Volves have fre ie na. ane tob ground lois à à. gasolene aests longer.W Try it lodayl Mitions of gallons slida CUTI ES SERVICE PURE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Cities Service 011 Company Limited at"e Sudvce-eons 1.t ofmeust ul .ep-l- Màbrm onsa*"U booe.du tFdky, 8P.M. (L D. T.-WEAF sadtu«osM L C lainchg OCGW, KOOLMOTOR GASOLINE SOLm N M ANmVILLEAT K(EMP BROS' GARAGE OPP"OSITE A h& Sr-E;WPEONE2us DISTI NCTIVELY MODERN in DeSiqnand /3ea4l The « Pep» to Your Car There is no use Umping along an hait power when in reality your car trouble cau probably be flxed ln a short tine. At least, if pou bring It here you'il bave the sat- isf action of knowing lt's at the right place. Oui equipment and service men aie prepared te rmo1 "mechanical quiks,, frmarn ay make, glue or pruce car. Give theni a chance to help pou ! RePair Shop open 24 houms dally. WEST END GARAGE H. D .CLEMENS, Proprietor Phone 188 Bowmanville I. f 0 NE. Sha e lls yeu tha the."Cernerileei" la .......... .I.certerefrlgerator. Il le truly modern lu ....... desgn différent fru>m eider-style rofrigerators ...* ............ a 131moter cars am diffrent hem the. iret ............... "horseleme earrlages". S N ote the distlaeive Montor Top. Inside thiamll unit le a&U the simple meehaim-hnshed ln a per. ............... lment mupply of oil--a.aWed ofrighS behlud w"fl of steel. huat-proof, moisture-proof, tinker-proof 1 ............ I nearly a million homes, the Geueral Eleetrîe Refrigerator ham attained a reeord of expense-fre. ........ seie unequalled l i theldustry. ........................W. invite you t. lumpect the Gerneral Eleetrie Refriger. ..... ator. Interiors are unusually spadious sud provide .................. th eetemperature zones. Yen need a General Eleetrie Refrigerator now. Se. thme nearest dealIer aud learn how easy it in to have a Ceaerai Eleetrlc lu your home. .............3YEAR GUARANTEE GENERAL (* ELECT-RIC REFRIGERATOR For Sale ly te