~- - w -~ _________________________ - r *Wiat Urne hal,,f Imeetyou? A day's work finished. But they are stili fresh and bright. They wili tell you that the way to keep fresh is to keep your mouth refreshed. The pure, cool flavor of WRIGLEY'S refreshes the mouth as noh- ing eIse can. n .-ý-z Creamed Soups! C=tmeCe=. Onion. many other creamed B oupa. together with V ov 100 other delight. fui recipes are described in aur new FREE cock bock, -The Ciood Provider." It des- eibes bow flavor is inmproved end hcw countiesadiahesecabe made with- ST.CHARLES MILK lINS WEETENED EVAPORA TED 115 George St.. Toronto Senti me a free copy or your new cook bock. PUT HlM OFF HIS PIPE Indigestion and Acidity "A fcw niotths ago, I had an attacek of indigestion. beartburn and .ititv. and ltad no appetite for meas. esl)ecially breakfast. 1 arn a pipe smoker, and for several days 1 felt s, iii I eould flot even look at my pipe. 1 decided to try Kruschen Sal t,.A few days afterwards I founi that the heartburn and acidity hadi gone. and for the last five or six weeks I have been in my usual gond health. 1 can now enjoy my pipe-smoking, and in fact feel about 10 vears younger."-R. P. When your digestive julces fail to fow freelv your food lies in the systern and ferments, thus causing the diwtresa of ind'igestion. Mihe" littie daily dose" iof Krijschen first stirnulates the flow of thc gastric juiees, and then ensures. complete, regular and unfailing elimina- tion of ail waste matter every day. QUALITY IS OUJR WATCH WORD We belleve the Sheil and Super Sheli Gasoline we sell will please you by its quallty. QUALITY MOTOR OIL You will also flnd quallty li the foflowing Motor Oils whlch we wilU gladiy supply you: SheU - Quaker State - Veedol Castrol - Penzoil - Mobiloil or 100% Penn. Motor 011. Goodyear Tires are famnous for their quality. Call and see these bWih grade tires. PHONE 110 KING ST EAT-I BOWMANVI LLE rQut* RoIefný r fo r Womenf V' nsnl uiot enimspvotdc p*B aM m whma eThsy Sno&apre OUU a th jl ife nng by taking ZiJTO TABL.ETS. Mm. Allen Wr*gt. of Fudfod, who was r8li6ved li 30 aulrtae 0f sovre pain and hodw m. rte saying: "EverY wonan inl the uand should knrow MSct ZUTOO TABLETS and wti they will do." Just try the tablets and know for yoursolf how quicdy they stop the pain. 6. I H isto ry of Early Settiers of Town oF Bowmanville and Vicinity, Instailment Numnber 3 bottom of which he f ound portions of the paper and stocking cut up Ini Clarke, Mr. Richard Lovelin fine and mixed wth grass and was the f irst settier. He, with leaves, whicl f ormed a wood mouses others, lef t Ireland in the 21st of nest. Mfter removing the nest, he September, 1795, sailing f rom the f ound aU hils moneY buried lnu loose, cove of Cork. They met with ad- rotten Wood and mould. verse winds, which took them far Mr. Lovekin drew i land f romn out o! their course, and after a ted- the Government and became a per- ious journey landed in St. Barthole- marient citizen in 1801. He toQk the mew on the 26th of January, 1796, oath o! allegiance, was appomnted and arrived in New York 9th of Ap- Chie! Magistrate of the home dis- nil following. Mr. Lovekin proceed- tricit which embraced the county ed in advance of his farnily, with fromn Cobourg t~o Toronto), and held two hired assistants, to locate l'as many offces of trust under the Gov- land and prepare a home for their erinent. During the war of 1812, reception. Af ter meeting with nm- he administered the oath of alleg-' erous adventures incident to a new lance to many brave and patriotic and wild country, he settled at the pensons, who took Up armns in de- mouth o! what was a! terwards fence o! the country. The following known as Baldwin's Creek, Wil- is a f orni o! the oath, and a list o! mot's>, where hie, after building a the names of those to whomn the1 temporary shanty. commenced to oath was administered: dlean 'some land and cut timber for (Affidavit) the construction of a house. County of Soon aften nia arrivai, himself and Durham, to Wit: men took the boat one evening and Be it renembered, that, before ranl up the maraki for the purpose of Richard Lovekin, one Of His Ma- cutting grass wth which to make jestY's Justices of the Peace for the their beds. While so engaged, they district o! Newcastle, the non-cosa- heard the wolves howling around mlssîoîed ofFicers and privates of them, which at firat the men began the first regîment of the Durham to mimic, but the noise continuing Militia, whose names are underwrt- and he olvs icresin innug ten, have taken and subscribed the bers, became s0 bold as ta approach following oath, as prescribedi by the wthin a short distance of them, the Act of the Provincial Parliament, nmen got frightened and puiled for passed the fifth day of August, in the utlt. s tey assd aongin-the fifty-second Year o! His Maies- to the lake the woives, thirty or for- tY 5 Regn, entitled an Act 'Ito re- ty in number. ranged themselves on peal part of the laws iiow if force each ide of the sand-bank. snap- for the training and warning the ping and howling like a lot o! fur- Militia of the Province, and to make ies to see them escape. Af ter arriv- . thrprovision for the raising and ing at their shanty they did not training of the said Militia.'- and thik pope t9 lnd ntl tey adwhich oath has been duly adminis- seen the last o! the dusky forms re- trdt h adnncmisoe tire in the shade o! the woods; officers and Privates in obecience tn, whereupon they repained to the the order O! Hia Honor. Major Gen- shanty and kept up a large fine the eral Shnaff e, President adniiniater- remaining part of the night. ing the Government o! the Province Having during the summer clear- o!ftJpper Canada, comrmunicated ed some o! the land and constructed through Major General Shaw. Acju- and ,completed a house. with the ex- tant General O! Militia, to Weilliam ception o! the doors and windows Wre di. the Lieutenant- Mr. Lovekin thought o! returning t~ Colonel Commanding the said firat 0Regiment o! the Durham Mlta his family, and on the following Mlta spring to bring them to their new (Oath) home. He had about a hundred and I do sincenely promise and swear, fift dolars n slverwithh*n that I will be faithful and bear true which on accounit o! its weight, h leinet>HsMisYKn thought unnecessary to take back, George, andti hm will defenti to the so he concluded to place it in a hol utmost O! my Power. againat al lowtre, ad fr tat urpse o1p traitorous conspinacies and attempta ped it in paper, put it in a stocking. agaiatveki Pes, crwn. ordeg andi securing it with a strong cord. gnit a pron rw, rdg hung it up in a hollow tree which deavorand I wVill do9 my utmost en- hie had selected, andi left the place. dao to disclose and make known On kils arrivai the following year 1to Hîs Maaesty. kils heirs and suc- with hua family, he was somewhat cesr. al 5 eso anti traitonous astonisheti on entering his house to conspiracies and attempts, which I find it already occupieti by an old shail know to be againat hlm or bear who rushed down stairs with- them-So heI.n me God. out ceremony and jumpeti through M1iiitia ROil Cail for 1812, by the wmndow. On insPecting the R. Lovekin house it was found, fnom the quan- Ebenezer Hartwell, Daniel Light- tity o! leaves andi bruaki piieti p in heant, Non-la Canr, Augustus Barber, a corner o! theànoom, that the bear Waterman A. Spencer, James Burkie, had taken Up its winter quarters Nathan Pratt, Samuel Burk, Enoch there. Davis. John Truil. John Dingmnan, After having, in a manner. set- William PlckIe. Matthew Borland, tled his efects anti !amily in the Jo311n Wilson, Eliphalet Conat, Rich- house, he went to the tree to sec if ard Martain, Michael Coffun, David the money was ail safe. He found a Bunk. Jeremiah Conat. Thomas amali piece o! the string, which hati Powers, James Plannigan. David been secured to a knotty protuber- Seron, William Preston. Timothy ance wlithin the hollow, but the Johinson, Dyer Moore, Jamnes Grant, stocking and its contents was gone Rueben Grant, Jr., James Hawkins froin whene lhe had placed it. He Jr. Thomas Hartwell. John Paine, feit disappointeti anti conaitiered it Lanlsof Soper. Caleb Raymond~, Joel lost; but occasionally it would ne- Byirns. Jr.. William Bebee Nehemiaki vert to kils mind that he waa not Vail, Aaron Hills, John B1rown, Na- j 1re o! this. and so some time a!ter- than Haskell. Joel Byrns, Sr., Jona- 'varda, to satisfv himself. he set ta, than Bedford. Jr., John Odeil, Na- Iwork and cut dow-n the tree at the than Watson. Alexander W. Rosa, *Lut er McNallGe.shom Orv1isJe Bebee. Daniel Wright, Israel Bowen, Daniel CriPpin, Dorous Crippin, Luke Smades. Joshua Smades, John Walker. Joseph Barden, Pletiaki So- per. James Merrili, John Perry, Ad- na Bates. Francis Lightfoot, Samuel Mai-vin. William Cari-. William Bor- Spencer, Jo)hn Hartw.ell, MYndert rHanis, Senr., John Burn. Alexander Fletcher, Robert Clark, John D. e t t e r Smith, Leonard Soper. John Haskili, Samuel W. Marsh,' Thomas Gaige, *M Jeremiaki Bittain. Daniel Porter, a" sc iooi James Hawkins, Sr., Gardner Giff- alLer s h o ord, Elias Smith, Jr.. Roger Bates. JmsStephens, Samuel Gifford, HAVz a bowl of Kellogg's Ezra Gifford. Peter Bîce. Christo- PEP Bran Flakes waiting pher Merkley, Josiaki Caswell, David for the children after school. Gage. Joel Smades. George -Potter. A wonderful health dish- David Bedford. Samuel Willet, David ful cf whole-wheat nourish- Crippin. Benjamin Preston, Reuben ment-jut enughbranto, Grant. Sr.. Abeil Allen, Isaac Hager- men - us enughbrn t Iman, Justin Johnson, Jeremiaki be mildly laxative-and Has Hiram Bedford, Joseph Caldi- the famous Roveor of PEP. 'well, Stephen Morse, Benjamin Root, That'. what rnakes themn Benjamin Preston, Warren Munson, known as botter bran flakes. Edwai'd McReloy, Myntiert Harrs. At ail grocens. In the red- Jr.. Asa Callendar. Joseph Haskell, and-green package. Made by James Lee. Zephaniaki Sexton, Cor- Kellgg i LodonOntaio. nelius Daly. Jonathan Sexton, Zach- Kellgg i LodonOntaio. ariah Odell, William Munsoîî. Tim- othy Haskell, Ephniam Gifford, John Voree. Jnsiaki Wilson, Stephen Bei- G as in the Stomach ý, Hurts the Heart Gas Pressure !nom a Sour, Aciti, Upset Stamach la not oniy hlghly uncamfantable. but some day may prove fatal! When your meais are folowed by bloating, a feeling a! fulinesa anti pains araunti the Heart.-you may be sure that STOMACH O AS 15 pushing anti crowtiing upwantis. Thats the reason for the shortness o! breath anti sharp, shoo$ing pains. To quickly baniaki this Gas, neu- tralize the acitiity anti cleanse anti sweeten the stomach - nothing la better than the simple use o! Bis- urateti Magnesia (powtier or tablets) whlch gives almoat instant relief. Pleasant, harmless and inexpensive Bisurateti Magnesia hàB been useti anti recommentied by Ioctors anti Drugglsts for more tuan f llteen years. Any gooti druggist can sup- pIy you-try it today 1 jt1ctitk Scwkvc 0F THE ~~auabtairbirt Awiitt GRANT-- FLEMING, M. - AsSOCIATIE SECRETARY TEETHIING It is a common bellef that any one of the ilUs f rom which the young child may sufer can be blamed up- on the baby teeth which are com- ing through the gums. The young mother is told that the cold in the head, the crying, the restlessness, the upset stomach or the diarrhoea are ail due to teething. Blaming everything that happens to the child on teething is just about as ridiculous as is blammng ail the ilUs which may corne to the middle aged woman on "change of 11f e." These sweeping statements are flot true and they may cause serious harm be-cause they lead to neglect. At birth, each tooth lies in a cav- ity of the jaw bone. The teeth grow as the baby grows and at about the seventh month, the teeth begin to push their way through the guins. There are twenty teeth in the flrst set of baby or deciduous teeth. These do flot appear ail at once. By the time the baby is one year old, he usuaUly has six teeth, the number gradually ncreases untîl when he la two and a hall years old the entire set of twenty teeth should be through. The mother need flot be alarmed if her baby does flot cut hils teeth at the ages given because children dif- fer a great deal ini the order and age at which their teeth appear. If the baby lias flot cut hils first tooth by his first birthday a doctor should sec him, as his failure to do so sug- gests that there is some condition responsible for the delay, such as improper diet. Teething 1.5 a normai process and should flot cause any real upset. Many babies are a little disturbed or fretful when teething and their sleep may flot be quite as sound at this time with the resuit that they are flot as happy as usual. Again, many babies who are healthy show no disturbance at ail, and the mother is surprised to see the white point, which is baby's first tooth. Any real upset which occurs at teetlùng time should flot be blamed on the cutting of the teeth. Condi- tions that arise then should be treated just as if the child were net teething. When the child is ill, the doctor should be called to find out the cause of the illness. Particular- iy should mothers be warned flot to consider a diarrhoea as being of fno importance siniply because the chlld is teething. If parents would realize that it is flot saf e to assume that teething is responsible for whatever happens to their child durlng the teething per- bod, many babies' lives would be sav- ed. At the present trne, serlous conditions go untreated because they are blamed oni teething and considered as of f0 importance. Some of these conditions lead to serious and fatal resuits because o! the neglect which follows wrong ideas about teething. Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation. 184 College Street, Tor- onto. will be answered peraonally by letter. Persian Balmn - there is nothing like it for creating and preserving a lovely complexion. Cooling. caress- ing - it soothes and dispels al roughness or chaf e caused by weath- er co>ndibions. Delicately fragrant. it adds exquisite charm to the moat finished appearance. Dairity women inevitably choose Persian Balm. A velvety smooth lotion, it makes the skin rose-leaf in texture. Recom- mended also té) sof ten and whiten the hands. Truly a peerless toilet requisite for every womnan. NO Longe" Bilijous--Thanks Vegetable Pilla "I suflered wkth Biliousness for days at a timne. Every medicine 1 tried failed to brin grelief the first dose of your wonderful Carer's Little Liver Pis gave me great relief."-Mrs. C., Leigh. Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pis are no ordinary laxative. They are ALL VEGETABLE and have a very defin- ite, valuable tonic action upon the liver. Theyend Constipation, Indigest- ion, Acidity Headaches, Poor Complex- ion. All druggists. 25c & 75c red pkgs. ÇàLoV E YPA HANEDl Busy bands-at liard taskb day in and day out. Persian Balm keeps the skin soft and pliable. Removes redness and relieves iintation. At yeuv Dmcgw. 0%1P0%Pm AN&a 8 Such <Ielcacy of flavour ls flot found la other teas "SALADA" TEA 9rsb §rom U»e TUBERCULOSIS LN CHILDEEN ChiltirEn have tuberculosis juat as adults do. They are not born with the disease; they contract it aften they are born. Providing proper cane la taken children do flot con- tract tubercuiosis. The disease still occurs because, either through ig- norance or carelessnesa, the neces- sary cane is not taken. Thene la no mystery surrounding the manner in which chiltiren get tubencuiosis. The disease is causeti by a germ, the tubercle baciUlus. This gerrn can neither f ly non crawl. Thene la only one way in which it can travel and rech the chillt, and, that is by being caried along i the sputum f nom someone who has tub- erculosis. The person who has active tuber- culosis, whether or flot he knows he has the disease, has thé germ o! the disease in kils sputum. When he caughs or aneezes he apreatis the germa. The saliva he beaves on eat- ing or drinking utensils contains germa, bis kisses also help to apreati the disease. Childi-en cannot protect them- selves, thêl are dependent upon adulta for protection, consequently aduita shouiti take more precautions to safeguarti the children. Careles coughing and spittixig must stop. If it la necessary te cough, then the nose and mouth shoulti be covereti with a handkerchief. If expectora- tion is necesaary, the material ex- pectonateti shoulti be propenly col- lected and destroyeti by fine. Com- mon eatlng and drinking utensils should flot be toierated and a child should neyer be kissed on the mouth. To save chiltiren. we must become destroyers o! germa and we must refuse ta do anything which ailows these enemies ta pass f nom one per- son to anothen. Tuberculosis can not occur if the germns o! the disease are not apreati, and the germa will flot spreati if we act in such a way that the secretions f nom our nase and moutha are not spread f nom us ta others. When tuberculosis occuns among Young chiltiren, it means that some- one with whom they have been in f nequent contact has the tilsease. The olden person may flot know it, because tubenculosis la. in many cases, a long chronic disease. anti the persan maybe juat feels poorly anti does not suspect that he has a serious tiselse, one which la serlous ta both himself and to otllers. Chltiren who have been exposeti ta tuberculoala, through living in the home wth an aduit who has the tilsease. shoulti be given special care. Such chiltiren shoulti of course. be examinet f rom time to time to keep a check on their condition. Tuberculosis is one disease which is greatly influenced, if flot entirely contolld bythegeneral health o! 1 te idiidul.The chilti who re- ceives proper foodi, sufficient i-est, freaki air anti sunahine la flot likely ta develop the disease. On the other hanti, the disease is venY apt ta pro- greas in the untiernouriaheti tireti chilti Who la in that condition be- cause o! the lack o! proper f ood, neat. f reaki air anti sunshine. Questions concerning Health, adi- dressedti t the Canadian Medilcal Association. 184 College Street, To- ronto. will be anawered personally by letter. HAS UT HAPP[ENED TO YOU ? 6v P.C.1 in oui- chilti- hooti, moat o! us t. learn tto gneatiy dislike the wonda uo that.' but o! course s when wve gnow Up we iearn t ha t 'k have a lot of i-ca- > A son behind them. Howeven, sM O o! us neven do learfi. For example, there's the man Who habitualiy exceeds the speet i lmit. I foiloweti one o! these chapa for about 3 miles yestenday on the Lake Shone Roati. He didn't kilt lesa than fi! ty at any time. Luckily trafic was light. He was indignant when I waved hlm ta stop. "Sure, I knaw I was dniving f ast" he saiti, 'but the noati was dlean anti I'm in a hurry." I hadti t expiain ta him that no man can drive a car at excessive speeti anti get away with it... always. CITIES SERVICE OUL "K eeps Its Youth" e sure yor moter oil s "youthful" when you buy it..à. ntspre-bourned in refin" ,,5imnid*r teextract the maxmum gasolene. Cilies Service 9 8i prolected in te mnaking agmn st scerchins and pre-burnine .. i refined at Iow temperalure te insure» Iastng vitality in your car ma . cdesn't break clown under pressure, speed or heat. Your mater is safe with Cities Service, se drain and refi oda>'. %(C CITIES SERVICE PURE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS Cites Service Oil Company Limted Cities Service-one of thetetn largest industrial orgenizations on the continent broadcasts Fridays, 8 P.M. (E.D -WEAF end 37 stations on M. B. C. lncluding CKGW, Toronto. 1861 We French clean and preus lady'. drem, F0OR gown, sult, or long coat, or gent', sut or overcoat. SmalI extra, charge for pleatlng. $S H ER RIN S $ DYE WORKS 1423 Bloor St. W. Toreuto BOWMNANVILLE AGENTS THE SMART SHOP Phono 633 Couan Diok OPHOSPHODINE. * i-onta-4' T.Cgorates the Oc1a,m,, ytern. mates ne Il in old \'runs Uscd for e.. - 1)ehlity. Mental and Bramn lr Desponden?, Lous of En ,v Palpira :05 - the Heart, aiing Menac,.. prieS2pei box. for 15. t Sold by alldruggaia.or mailed in pi.t.* pkg.onrea.eipt cf priço Nwpamplet mait ~'fl.TlM WOM bImINICeoosv .or.n THE CANADIAN SIATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1931 PAGE NINE W oFMOULTING 4Î HENS To gîvethern extr vtalîltta hurry up the Mult adg7tokt a layn egge, dose them diy with a ilti POU LTII Y Sold, by ail Dealers Prt ood Co. of Canada, Ltd. Heati Office anti Milleata Guelph, Ont. -ook's Rogulatlng Compound A safs. rdaoble m.u"%#m aedvin.. Scid in ttre. dé. ci treuth-Noý 1, Olt 28'No. 3 85 per box. t ~ rea onrasePt cf prias. ~ee amphet.Addres: q THE COOK MEDICINE CO,, SHREDDED E H EAT, WITH ALL THE BRAN 0FTH HL HA -THE CANADIAN S4RDED WIIEAT COMPANY, LMI IPrevent Lubricatîon Trouble 1 '-Wl PAGE NINE