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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1931, p. 4

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~. .4 THE (!ANAflTAN RrAqv.EMMA? OWMANVMLIC, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1931 SCHTOOL DAYS ARE EXTRA MILK DAYS By W. F. Stephen Mothers. just note tbe above beading. Think over it, anti you'Ii tell us 'tis so. September brings school tiays to chiltiren al over the country, anti school days mean bun- gry chiltiren. We oltier ones ne- member that empty feeling that came as we trutigeti home from school in the afternnon, anti how gooti it was to get "a snack" when we reacheti home. The best "snack" in the woriti is a glass o! milk. Most mothers realize that the chiltiren are hungry anti tireti at four o'clock on school tiays. We want the mothers to realize that milk is the most nourishing anti eas- ily prepareti foodt tey can give their chilrn. This is a time wben extra miik is needeti. You know. mothers. It aîs false economy to try to stretch the regular milk order to supply the four o'clock tiemantis of bungry chiltiren, andi the regular needs of the family. Mothers, milk is the most economnical foodi you can serve. The f irst f ew weeks of school are especially bard for chilcren, and they rightly demanti extra fo9ti. The chiltiren have to get out of the vaca- tion habit of in-between-meai bites and the stretch between noon and six o'clock is too long for growing bodies. The four o'clock glass oif milk shoulti be a part of the pro- gramme for the day. Mothers, try it. and see how the chiltiren tbrive, lose their f retfuiness and become happier. Mrs. J. J. Lord is visiting relatives at Milverton. School children love Cream of Barley. It builds bealtb. Mrs. L. A. Tole is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. 1:. H. Sylvester, Lindsay. Fail Planting Time is Here Now is a good tîme to plant almost ail varieties of Perennials. especially, Peonies. Phlox and Iris. Shrubs move successfully after October first. Our stock is complete. Brookdale Nurseries Phone 7 at C. N. R. Depot ALL ROADS LEAD TO- Millbrook Fair One of the best Agricultural Fairs in the Province Thursday and Friday, October 1lst and 2nd, 1931 S3000 in Premiums Show your Stock. Poultry, Grain, Fruit, Vegetables. Fancy Work, Fine Arts. etc.. etc.. and secure your share of the prizes. Open to the province. Speeding in the Ring - Good Purses Horseshoe Pitchîng Contest for County Silver Trophy. Meet your f riends here and have a real day's enjoyment. R. O. LARMER, J. N. McGILL, President. Sec.-T:reas. ENERGY Energy is that v~ital factor in 1f e wbîch makes a success of a man. Energy is buittUp oniy by sus- taining f oods )f purest quality. Corbett's Wholesome Bread Is a sustaining food of undoubted qualîty, a food that builds energy for the daily grmnd of life through the incorpe)ration of only the best ingredients coupled with the mixing and baking of experienced and expert bakers. Eat Corbett's Breadi for ENERGY. the ai- mighty factor which determnines your success. Silverwoot's Ice Creamn - Canada Dry Ginger Aie 14] R.C rbiett PIJONE 3 B0 WMAVILE You may well thank the tariff for putting up the - price of coal, if it wakes you Up to the enormous fuel saving you cari easily 'y make for yourself. Instead of paying $16-00 a ton for coal-you can pay $800 to $10.o0. You are now losing a lot of money which you could put in the bank, if you instail one of our sîrnple,practicai blower systems. you Save $6-00 to $8-00 a Ton with this GILSON BLOWIER and Get Automatie Temperatitie Control !t pute your own f, inare on tý'e saineC econcical ba i sthe a tr u ial heating Plants. It burns the fine, low. Prîcet dSI - olýiu coal-which gve )ast as ..Ch heat, p,r ton ',~ the iighest-priced coal. EASY FACTORY TERNIS THUF MONTH. We jntaIl the i--r ;' an ' c'uIrs. You cant l10-. lower i. , c by -.,tory gu..rantee. Fits anY fur 'ace. fhj, j, , e alc .utomnaticaiiy controlied. Sec t today a,ýd c o - i bill WM. CLARKE Telephone 665 - Bowrnanville Also Gilson Furnaces, Gas Fittings, Etc. WEDDING Richards--Lafle A quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. andi Mrs. Geo. Lane on Saturtiay, Sept. 5th, wben their daugliter, £va Matilda, wvas united in marriage wth Alfredi Lloyd Richards, son of Mr. anti Mrs. Alfredi Richards. Salem. The cere- mony was c'gnducted by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastor of Trinity Unitedi Cburch, Bowmianville. 'The bride, who was givenl in miar- riage by ber father, wore a.gown of ping georgette, witb p.nk mohair bat, anti carrieti a bouquet o! prem- ier roses anti maidenhair f ern. The weddmng music was playeti by Miss Ferne Crago, cousin 0f the bride. Following the ceremony a buflet luncheon wvas served. Later the couple le! t by motor for Muskoka ana. points west the bride wearing a black antiwhite tweed suit with înatcbîng accessories. On their re- turii they will resîde at Salem. Beck-Rundle The inarriage of Mona H., daugh- ter 0f Dr. anti Mis. H. C. Runtile, to j. Staff orti H. Beck, son o)f Mr. anti Mis. J. S. Beck, took place at the home of the brides parents, Brght- on, on Tburstiay, Sept. 3rd, at 7 oclock, Rev. C. W. Barrett officiat- ing. Roses anti ferns masseti the roomis anti matie a pretty setting for the britie, wbo wore a gown of silk- embroitiereti net over flat crepe, tulle veil caught with orange blos- somns, lace mitts, anti carrieti Ophel- ial roses. Miss Florence Dickson, maîi of honor, was wearîng blue point d'esprit frock; Miss Margaret Hennessey, bridesmaiti, in green net over floweret i slk; both wore large mohair bats and carrieti nosegays. Miss Isobel Boyti of Toronto played tbe wedtiing march, anti Miss Maur-J mne Beck, sister of the groom, sang tiuring the signing of the register. Mr. Ernest P. Lee 0f Toronto wasj grjonisinan. A reception was helti after the ceremnony, when the britie's niotheîr receivet in a dark green cut velvet frock, with corsage of deep reti roses. The grooms mother bati chosen ashes of roses satin ai lace, while Miss Maurîne Beck wore yel- 10w net over silk, wth brown bat and accessories. Mr. anti Mrs. Beck lef t by motor for Muskoka, the bride travelling in a green tweed suit, with bat. shoes, gloves anti bag to match, witb reti fox futr. Tbey wîll reside in To)ronto. Mrs. John RosskeUly, Oshawa The tieath of Lucy McKessick, wife eof the late John Rosskelly, tic- curreti at ber home. 78 Church St., Oshawa, Tuestiay evening, Sept. 8. Deceaseti was in ber 86th year, anti for the past seven months hati been seriously iii, requiring the attention of a nurse at ber home. Since ber busband's tieath, whicb occurneti ten years ago, the late Mrs. Rosskeily bas liveti alone in the littie frame cottage wbich was ber home before ber husbanti tieti. Outside of ber home. the church took Up the mo3st of ber ie whiie she was living. She will be greatly misseti from the congregation of St. George's Anglican Chuncb anti from different organizations in connection witb the church. The late Mrs. Ftosskeliy was born in Bontihead, a village near New- castle. She bas nesideti in Oshawa for more than sixty years. The only survivor, since there were no chiidren. is Mrs. Petbick of Newtonviile, sîster tif the deceaseti. Mrs. L. McKinney. Miss H. French, Mrs. J. Payne, of Toronto, Mrs. Witaker anti Mrs .H. Smith, of New- tonvilie. are nieces; anti E. Petbick, W. Pethick. of Toronto, anti J. Pethick, Chester Pethick anti John Petbick of Newtonvilie, are nepbews of the deceaseti. Captain John Goldring, Newcastle Tbnough the death of Captain John Goidring at the House of Re- Luge, Cobourg, wbene he was nemov- eai two weeks ago last Suntiay, New- castle-on-the-Lake loses an întenest- îng anti unique personahity. As a sea anti fake captaîn, having fol1- lowed the business of saîling fnomn eariy youtb, bis hfie was an eventfui one. He participated as a sailon in the Amerîcan Civil War anti coulti relate inany stirrîng taies ofiùs ex- periences. His bîograpby if written woauid neati ike a romance of adven- ture, love anti tragedy. It is a gooti many years ago now since be with bis wif e anti son fiarry purcbased anti settleti on the lîttle farn on the Base Line, a part of the Farncomb estate. He anti Harry contînueti to sail the Rplen.*" the little two-mast- Sutton-Elford er schoonier or stonehooker anti nameti alter bis wif e, Helen Mont- A pretty autumnn wetiting took gomery, carrying stone anti gravel place on Wednesday a! ternoon, to Tononto), whie Mrs. Goldring ap- August l9th, at the home oif Mi. plieti berself to the cultivation anti anti Mrs. W. A. El! ord, 255 George production of amati fruits. Ail was St. Toronto, wben Frances Ida, well; then Harry, the only son, tiieti. daugliter o! Mr. anti Mrs. John El- Captain Goldnîng then saileti the ford, Blackstock, anti Regînaiti Louis *Helen' alone or sometîmes with Sutton, Orono, only son of the late hired help. Then nturning f rom Mr. anti Mrs. Afredi Sutton., Maîi- I'or'onto with the -Helen" some ten stone, Englanti, were uniteti in mar- years ago, she struck a rock in low niage by Rev. J. E. Griffith, Humber- ,vater near Oshawa anti broke ber, Toronto. nutider. As the vessel was now un- The bride was cbanmingly attinet iimanageable he hati to abandcfi ber ini a gown o! noyai blue georgette anti go to shore in the smaUl boat. trimmeti with lace anti carrieti a The -Helen", at the mency o! winti beautîful bouquet of sweetheant anti nain became a total wneck anti roses. sweet peas anti lily tif the val- the Captains sailing tiays were endi- ley. while a santi bat, navy bitue eti. chaineinecot ad mtchngac- Ini more recent yeans be iost bis cesarmie coat nti mart umeg wife through tieatb anti then after a She wone the groom's gîft, a lovely lapse o! a few more years bis bo)use nope of peanis. The attendants were watihbreescapm oed ii t bi he Mn. anti Mns. W. A. Elford, brother adh aeyecpdwt i ie anti sisteir o! the bride. savîng nothing f rom the bouse but Mften the wedtiîng the happy bis sleeping apparel. couple le! t arnitishowers o! confetti Since the f ire be bas been living and best wîsbes on a motor trip to quite comfontably in a sheti nean the Nagara Fails, Buffalo, anti othen barn. wbich be fîxeti up %with tan points in Western Ontarîi, On paper anti felt roofing that it might ther rtun tey il reideinOr- be kept warm in tbe winter tîme. th,)in reunte groomilsidme in He bas been failing in health for tOntawbreo thest roo asenpioedinsome tîme. but despite bis eigbty- teOn Stnorestry Banch. us 2,fixe years was doing a littît arounti the bride anti groom were greatly the re weesangarndungbhouse surpniseti by a presentation given by hewekaganusghihoe thein înany relatives anti frientis on the plow or cultivato)r. Ht sur- whentheyreciveda dspla ofviveti but two weeks after being tak- choîce anti useful gîfts. The ex'en- ent oor.Teimiswr îng was very bappîly spent in musîc l, brougbt from Cobourg on Tuesday siiîgîng anti playing games. At the afternoon anti buriet ini the f amiiy close a delîcious lunch xas serveti plot iii St. Georges Cemetery witb ant i al retiredti t their respective Rex'. F. H. Mason conducting the humies wi0hîng the bride anti groomin funeral rites. In addition t> a num- manyhapy yarsof eddd lfe. ber tof relatixves from Toronto, in- manybapy yarstifweded f c elding bis brotber-in-laxv. Mr. Alexnde-WalaceJames Montgomery, anti menbers o! Alexaner-Walace is family. severai frientis f rom the xvillage anti bis far-m neigbborbood The beautiful nexv edîfîce of tbe xere present at the grax'cside. De- Unitedi Cburch at Nextonvîlle was ceasetis only Newcastle relative is the seene o! a pretty vetiting on Mrs. Tillie Taylor. the late Mrs. Wcdnesday, Septemiber 9th, xhen Goltiinga sîster, residing on Baldi- Hla May, eltiest tiaughter of Rev. win Street. Thomnas anti Mrs. Wallace, xxas mar -___ rîea ta Mr. Heiberi. E. Alexander, son oai Mr. antiMs E. H. Alexander NOTED) PIIRENOLOGIST o! Crescent Farmi, Burks Falls. Ont. PASSES AT TORONTO The eburch wxas decorated i x tb ___ floxvers andi fcrns. The bride enter- Alter suffering f nom mental ill- cd witli lier lather. She %vas cbarmn- ness lot- sanie tinie, Prof casor F. J. .îîg iii a gaxii of cggshell satini fash- Caxaiiaugi, xvl-lcn plireiiolog- ionied on lîrincesso unes xitlh bodice isi. of Toronto, entiet ils life Sept. of lace. Heir long xcii xas carrieti l2th, by jumîping ox er tihe nailiîig iin by lier sîster. lîttie Miss Mabel. It the centre of the North Sherborne xas prettily arîaiîgcd in cap effeet Bridge anti bouncing ta the pave- and hielti iii place by ribbon anti a men 90 feet beîoxv. He xvas aLyitt coiconet ut orange b1azssonis. Hcr 75 years o! age, one o! the best sxxrbouquet %vas Ophelia roses, knoxvn phrcîiologists iii Cansada anti lily oi thse valley ant imaidenhair hsiadpracticeti bis profes-sîuîî for 50 fcrnj, xxith ara!neris of kiiottet inb- yas bon. She xxare a whlite galti braceletI Passersby xere lorrificti t) sec the watcis, the gift of tise grofonli. ecrI man climb axer tlie railiîig aind leap sister, Miss Elsie Wal lace, xas frram tic bridge. Inientificatioîi tf bridesmiaiti, attîred ini peacb uet over tebd a eeldb oei sîlk antd large pîcture liat, andc car- the body xvas nevcaed"Nyoaone in t liedi roses and flerîss. Mir. Ixan Ai- blame for this. Cavanagb, Sher- exander attildec i hs bîathei. Rex. loîeSi.' Coroner G. R. Pbilp de- T. Wallacc.oliutei assîsteti by clareti an iîîquest vas unnecessaîy. lRex. Wîllîanî Sterling oif Caîborne, 'Ilrce years ago it was estîniateti onclc o! the bride. iiintiittitely fol- Professar Cax'anaugh liati -read the lo\xliiig the censlloiîy Miss E. 'Ihonip- bumlps" o! 50,000 heais iii tlîe cour~se sou prsenetlta r. îîdMis Alx-of lus career as a phrenologist. For aiîder, on behiaîf of tbe congrega- maîsy years bis ativertisenients. il- tion, a Bible aîîd a hIYnIIiiary. Slle lustrateti by chants, were featureti in sîsoke o! Mrs. Aie xaci heli) 1 the Toronto papers. He was an car- ecd departiisei:t of tîe cîsuich. nest believer iii the theonies on Duriiig the sigiiaig of tbhei egisier oli h lic baseti bis life xork. Pkro- miS. George W.illiace.ssc-iil. feý,eýor Cavanagh was bain iin Irclanti o! tIhe bridie, sanlg. Mis. Liae i isc canme ta Canada ait an early age. sicied ti the oregais Falaxx:ig tise He lixeci iii Boxx'manx'iile for sev- ceîsîanoy. tiltiiniediate familles o!ftî:îi years, being eînployed in the the bride anti groonm andi a fcxiii- Upper Canada Furniture factory anti tiliate fricîsis repairedti thie pasr- for sex traI years alter icax'îng beiti saisjage. Tbe illillîîîç.-i onvas dec- x \isiteti the town as a phrenoio)gist. ai atet ini pink and xwhite. Four, votinig girl frinssxvîre waitresses. For i îaxeiiug the bride chose trax'ei HELP THE WORLD ALONG t wx ccd it bib l ec. xx'tb inatching acces- T e h r o d h r s h t e t saris. Ater a maotai trip Mr. anti'd ir odhu's h te t Mis. Alexanider xiii resitie at Maple, A grumbie pains: why niutter it? Onît. Your heart is kinti: why shutter it? The woriti is sati enougb. Miss Marion G. B. Wartier spent The soft word helps: just say it. tise weekend wth ber aunt, Mrs. A hand-grip cheers: dont deiay it. Cîaxford, Detroit. Mich. A kindness shown: weli nepay il, Miss Giadys Lumb, Wellington, Anti bclp the woniti along. I bas returned home after visiting ber uncle anti aunt, Mr. John anti Miss ,School chiltiren love Cream 3! Lumb, Lberty Street. Barley. It builtis beaith. DISRITETAIPNOUCOO Fourth Session to be Held in November A meeting 0f the various pastors anti Suntiay schooi superintentients of Bowmanville anti Newcastle anti Darlington anti Clarke townships, was held in Trinity United Churcb, Bow.manville, on Tuesday evenmng, Sept. 8th, to arrange for the fourth District Standard Training School. Rev. j. R. Bick o! Hampton, Sup- erintentient of Leadership Training in Darlington townsbip, occupieti the chair. Rev. H. C. Wolfraim tof Courtice, acted as secretary. it was decideti to conduct the Training School in Trinity Church, Bowmanville, either the week of November 16th or the week 0f No- vember 23rd. The foliowing appointments were matie: Director-Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastor of churcb in wbich scbool is to be held. Registrar--Chas. H. Mason. Publicity and Promotion Co)mmit- tee--Chairman, Secretary, Pastor of church where scbool is to be helti, Chas. H. Mason. Committee to take care of Wor- ship Perod-Rev. C .R. Spencer anti Rev. W. J. H. Smyth. it was agreed that f ive courses of stutiy be conducteti, viz: Children's, Boys', Girls', Young Peopie's, anti Rural Problem Courses: anti that the registration fee be 50 cents. There'sxa Pure Foodr D Building Near You EveryDuy in the Year ISTABîSN~OYour A & P food shop i a PURE. FOOD flLlLDlN-G In thse broadest serise. 1859 ~For sere strict sanitary standards safegu'ird tise qualitv of etse fo keeping it pure and whl oicorne for yosir bu are rrssdwt tise spick and span 'trors, ad thse cleanly uniforrned clerks; large airy stoles wisere fans maintalît an atnsospiserc of comfort: Meat and "WIER EONOY WLS" Fîis kept in modern refrigerated cases. With col air in constant cir- culation-no odor whiatever ..toe sure, A PURE FOOD BUILDING. Atnd Its nice f0 know that prîe are as liw-if flot lower-tisan obtained elsewisere. EXTRA SPECIAL LOW PRICES-GENUINE SPRING SLIEGS Ir ITED lb. 22c LOINS JXIIALF lb. i17c FRONT QUARTERS lb. 12c SMOKED SUGAR-CtTRED WIIOIE OR BALF HKAMÎS SLICED, lb. 25e 19c FINEST PEAMEALED BACK B3ACON IEd CENTRI-1 CUTS OR SLICED, LB. Me 23e - FRESH FaIH - FRESH CAUGHT COHOE S ALMON steaks lM. ait %mM l23e HERRING FILLETS FRESH IIADDIE OUR OWN SILVERBROOK CREAMERY "UTTER 100 .190 lb. 22C SUN NYFIELD PASTEURIZED CREAMERY, LB. 24c imLREC.OECAL OATS 5 ii.~5 MADE IN (,NTARIO'S FINEST CREAMERIES T îSTN'MILD lbZIPPY, TANGY CH Z4J E NEW 1 e OLD l. e~ LONG OR EU ADY CUT BULK MACARONI SPGUTTI 3 lb.IL 5 àüDA WAFERS coxcolto BISCUIT CO. Plkg- 10OC 6-4t. Basket 2sC Nev.:r bef' re 'sas mcllow, full-fiax'ored 8 o'Clock been sold at such a low price 8 GCLOCK COFFEE FUL-DOD1ED lb. 25o Week-End Sale of Nectar Brand A &' P Teas Orange Pekoe ni.7c' Special Blend -~29o 1% 1ZA O IV0W6 100 il LARGE 24-OZ. LOAF 6 Grocery Manager: P. WliMans. Meat Manager: G. McCoy.t We Deliver-Extra Charge 10a KIng Street Phone No. 83 Bowmanvmle nu GREgAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TWrA CO LIMITED 0F CA4NADA- MILK MADE CHAMPIONS Marathon Swimmers Use MiIk Regularly When Johnny Walker had his swimming camp at Oshawa, one of the staple articles of diet which brought two of bis swimmers into first positions in the two big swims at the C. N. E., was pure pasteurized milk. If Pure Milk makes champions out of men it can make healthy men and women out of children. Glen Rae Milk is pure, pasteu.rized milk, the kind of milk on which champions are raised. Drink plenty of it. It will pay you. GLEN RAE DAIRY R. R. STEVENS & SON Phone 408 for Daily Delivery Bowman ville a e- ipArilv %V"%TT= CONCORD . m -1q. GRAPES

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