THE CANADIAN "rTMAN, DOWMAIYfl&L THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17, 1931 PG U Made-to- tMeasure Clothes $22.50 Suits - Top Coats Overcoats -Choose your cloth from hundreds of samples, have an exclusive pattern, an individual measure, an outstanding style, made just as you want it, fash- ioned from your own wishes, by expert tailors, from all wool cloths, at the new Iow level price, Suit - Topcoat - Overcoat for oniy $22.50. Suit with Extra Pants $28-50. New Fait Hais' $2.50$3.95$4.501 New shades of peari grey, fawm, beaver, cocoa, and dark grey, in the popular ,new narî-ow brim, or the 'ap brim or welt edge. These hats will give you the utmost in comfort and style. Men'sSuits$1 9.50 READY-TO-WEAR 25 only, Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. values to $25.00 Clearing for $19.50 Boys' Sweaters Abezley quality ail wool, V-neck or high n e c k styles, wonderful values on sale Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. OnIy $1.39 to Clear T. B. Gilchrist mlectiy Opposite Mohttreal Bank Phone 61 Bowmanvlle LOCAL and OTHERWISFL Fountain pen found. Enquire ai The Siatesman Office. Miss Margaret Wright, Detroit, is visiting lier uncle, Mn. Warren Dingman. Mr. Ronald Heiheington is leann- ing the jewelry business wiih Mn. J. R. Moone. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Brusi, Rochi- ester, visited her faiher, Mn. Warren Dingman. Mn. and Mns. Ro)ger Fishîcigli, To- ronto, have been visiting Mn. and Mrs. R. H. Wesiaway. Mn. and Mrs. Dan. Smith, Brant- ford, are visiting old fniends here, guests o! Mn, W. H. Pearn. Mn. and Mrs. A. R. Cousins le! t Sunday evening on ten days' moton trip to Montreal and Quebec City. Mrs. W. S. Rose and grandson, Bobby Cox, Wallaceburg, were guests o! Mrs. F. A. Haddy on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. G. Gibbs, Mn. and Mns. W. Gibbs, Oshawa, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mort- lock. Mn. and Mrs. H. R. Crabb, Simcoe, are visiting their son, Mn. Lyall Crabb, manager of the Walker Stores. Mrs. B. I. Jenneit and daughien Ruth, Calgrry, Alta., spent the weekend with her cousin, Mns. J. H. Johnston. Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Day, Misses Hilda and Alice Day, Kingston, ne- cently visited ihein aui, Mrs. W. C. Washington. Mn. Wm. Hermeston, Resident M anager O'Brien Mine, Amos, Que., is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Foster, King St., East. Mn. Ned Moore, Winnipeg, Man., lias returned home a! ter spending several weeks with lis brother, Mn. A. H. Moore, and other relatives here. Messrs. Harry Cowling, Irving Clemens and Douglas Canruthens en- tered the College o! Phanmacy on Tuesday 10 commence their course o! training for dnuggists. Mrs. W. C. Washington and Mns., B. M. Wannica are in Toronto ai- tending the induction o! the f orm - er's son, Rev. C. C. Washington, B.A., BD., into the pastonate o! Fairlawn United Chunch. Mn. and Mrs. Ray J. Dilling have neturned fnom a 1400-mile motor trip, l'aving visited New York, Long Island, and Connecticut. Miss Hel- en Barrett o! Carmel, N. Y., return- ed with them for a visit. Mn. Pency Cowling, who served his apprenticeship ai Kensiake's Drug Store and since graduation has been with the Owl Drug Stores in Ton- onto, lias again netunned to Bow- manville as Mn. Kerslake's chie! as- sistant. Mn. and Mns. H. Huiclieson and Mn. A. J. Trebilcock, Toronto, Mrs. Minnie Fissette, Brantford. Mn. and Mrs. Garrow and Mn. andi Mrs. Non- man Hamley and Jean. Peterboro, wene weekend, guesis o! Mrs. P. c. Tnebilcock. - A pleasing featune o! the services in Tinity United Churcli on Sun- day was the announcement by the paston, Rev. E. F. Armstrong, o! the gif i o! a new Hymnary for the pulpit by Mn. W J. Berry. Mn. Armstrong expnessed grateful thanks on behaif of the congregation for this use! ul and thoughtful giit. Past President F. F. Mo)rris and President Geo. W. James represent- eti Bowmanviile Rotary Club ai the funeral on Tuesday o! Mn. Geo. Hezzlewood, a prominent citizen o! Oshawa, who passed away suddenly on Saturday fnom heant failune. Deceased lias been an executive o! the General Motons Limited for many years and was active in mnany phases o! communiiy wonk. He was bonn nean Raglan, being a son o! the laie William Hezzelwood, and was in his 53nd year. The W. M. Society o! St. Paul's met ai the home 4)f Mns. Chas. Mur- dof, Silver St., on Tuesday, wth an attendance o! twenty-eight, Mrs. W. Adams, the president, in the chair. Scriptune lesson was taken by Mrs. G. A. Gillespie; Mrs. (Rev.) Geo. Mason gave a talk on the ile wonk o! the laie Dr. Carolina McDonald o! Tokio; and Mns. J. H. H. Jury gave an excellent and well thought oui address on the "Challenge o! the Unfinished Task" by Dr. Kagawa; Mns. R. J. Gill sang a solo very sweetly. Improvement Our Constant Purpose 19 To Improve So in order that you may have competent qualified dtug store ser- vice at ilU ures, we have secuned LOOK AT THIS Our Regular $10.00 and $7.50 PERMANENT WAVES DURING SEPTEMBER QNLY 3.75 MILLER'S BEAUTY SALON King St. Phone 131 Bownvilfle 21,000, an increase o! 77% for the year. The strength o! the Canadian Leglon Dominion Command at the same date was 108,000. Plans are unden considenation for brlnging Up the strength of the Ontario Com- mand to 30,000 by July 31st, 1932, and the Dominion Commnand Vo 125,000. LOCAL and OTHERWISE Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett and son Bob are on a motor trip Vo Ak- ron, Oh1o, and Plttsburg, Penn. Miss Daisy Smith and Miss Neil Carruthers, Toronto, vlsited Mrs. M. Colwell, Carlisle Ave., on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, North Bay, spent the weekend with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Challs. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoidge and son Herbert, Toronto, visited his mother, Mrs. H. J. Hoî)dge, who is confined to her bed at Mrs. James Curtis'. Mr. Normnan Yellowlees, Winnipeg, Man., son of Mr. John Yellowlees, has been visiting his uncle, Mr. Neil Yellowlees. He lef t Winnipeg by motor Friday at 8 a. m. arriving here at 10 a. m. on Monday. He is a member of the Winnipeg hockey champions who visited Toronto last winter and won many honors. Dr. G. E. Reaman. Superintendent -of Boys' Training School, was guest speaker at the Toronto Rotary Club on Friday at the Royal York Hotel, hus subject being '"Adjusting the Problem Boy." in a letter to the editor f rom a past president of the Toronto Club hie makes this comn- ment, "I have just returned from our Rotary Club meeting and Dr. Reaman made a wonderful impres- sion in his talk to the Club." C.G.I.T. and C.S.E.T. groups of ISt. Paul's Church opened their f ail season Monday night when a real get together programn was staged in the Sunday school. The Tuxis boys presented a camp scene replete with fireside songs, stunts, and a negro act with John James and Wmnton Bagneil as the negroes. The girls staged a campfire meeting t,- which a troupe of gypsies paid a visit. Re- freshments were served at the close. Rev. A. S. Kerr presided. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Woods and twq daughters, Exeter, Mr. Jas. Woods, Bowmanville, and Mrs F W. Thomp- son, Oshawa, recently visited the former's birthplace, the Skinner Farm. now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Levi Skinner, east of Tyrone. Mr. Wm. Woods was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Woods who ne- sided on that farm. over fil ty years ago, but later moved to Exeter where they purchased the f armn now oc- cupied by the son. This was Mr. Woods' first visit to the place of his birth since moving West. The Alice Jackson Mission Band o! Trrnity Unitedi Church held its opening meeting in the school room on Monday afternoon, opening with smnging and prayer by Mrs. W. C. Ives, leader. Seripture lesson was read by Bessie Simpson; five girls offered sentence *prayens; Joyce Richards took up the offering; sec- retary's and treasurer's reports were given; Watch tower was reported by Gertrude Wagar. Ruth Purdy and 1Dorothy Richards, the latter alsc 1giving a reading, which was follow- 1ed by an interesting story told by Mrs. Ives. The Band was pleased to welcome as a visitor to the meet- ing Mrs. Carswell of Darlingford, .Man. The f ah season was inaugurated by the Young People o! Trinity Un- ited Church when the cpening meet- ing was held on Monday night. Miss Helen Cryderman, issionary vice-president, presided and a good number turned out to the gathermng. 1The feature of the meeting was a splendid address by Mr. Smith Ferguson, president, on the subject of "Who is my neighbor?" Miss Daisy Clarke read a passage of scripture and Miss Florence Ives the prayer. Other items on the program were piano solo, Mrs. Ruby Daniels, vocal solo, Miss Helen Argue, and readings, Miss Florence Werry and Miss Reta Carr. r Trinity Y. W. A. held September ;meeting mn the ladies' class room on 1Tuesday evening, the president, Mrs. 1Elton Werry, presiding. The wor- ship period was led by Mrs. Smiith Fegsn at the piano, with prayer by Mrs. C. A. Wight. Devotional leaflet was read by Mrs. T. B. Gil- christ. Miss Helen Foster gave a very timely recitation, and Miss Greta Pollard favored with a couple of solos that were much appreciated. Mrs. Ruby Daniels accompanied her. The study book chapter on Japan, its attitude towards the western cus- toms and the various stages of ad- aptation and assimilation of Chris- tianity, and the education of the Young as being carried at the pres- ent trne, was splendidjy presented by Mrs. Ross Stnike. Mrs. C. A. Bartlett was appointed delegate to the Presbyterlal meeting in Newcas- tle about Sept. 28th. Talent money to date was about $48.00, as report- ed by Mrs. Muriel Symons, treas- urer. Next meeting, Quartenly tea, in charge of Mrs. Bartlett and Mrs. Ray DîIling's group on Tuesday, October 2Oth. HONEV-At Port Hope Hospîital, on Friîlay, Septemlîîem ilt.h, 1931, Emmai Gilbert, wiîlow of tli, laIe Thomnas Flon- ey, andl dearl>' loveil mother of T. A.I and 'W. A. 3. llon.'Y. Toronto, and Mrs.I X. J. Ilodgert, Port Hope. Interment at flowmnanvilie Cemneter.y. Dl CK ENSON-At thie Toronto Cener- a] Hospital. on Sunîiay, September 131h, 1931, Deborah Ann Wilhîîr, wife of Elias liiekenson, Port Hope, ln ber 68th year. Daîîghter of the 1111e'%Ir. and Mrs. Thos. Wilhur, (Brtýlleysq). larlington. ln- terineîît a t Wûeomeo Cemeter>'. PIANO LESSONS Miss Dorothy Edgar is prepared t0 teacli a limted numben o! begin- ners in piano. Phone 403, Carlisle Avenue. 37-2 Miss Evelyn Oke is pnepared to ieach a limlted numben o! beginners in piano ai lier home, King Str-eet, Bowmanville. Phone 352. 37-2 Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN-On yoîîr automno- bile, cars re-financcd; paymnents reduc- e(l: additional cash given. Terme reai- onable. Motor loa.ns and discount. Suite 2. 14% ~King St. E., Oshawa, upstairs. Phione 2790. Open Evenlngs. 36-4w Executors Sale 220 Shares cf Stock in CoUch, John- eton and, Cryderman Jtd., The property of the laIe W. B. Couob. will be sold by public auction at the office of M. G. V. Gould, Barrister, BOWMANVILLE, on Frlday, September lSth., at 2.00 p. m. Terme: Cash, The saaes of stock wilI be sold subJect to a reserve bld. Toranto General Trusta Corporation and C. W. E. Meath, Executoru cf the. Estate of W. B. Couch, Oeceased, by M. G. V. Oould, thoîr soicitor. 36-aw RESERVE THURSDAY & FRIDAY October 1 & 2 for The College Flapper Farcleal Comedy BY LOCAL TALENT Under auspices of Bowmanvllle Junior Hockey Club ai OPERA HOUSE BOWMAN VILLE Funther details next week. See bills. Cone out snd give the klds a 'baud. B. T. 8. GRLADUATES HOLD INAUGURAL MEETING Hon, W. G. Martin Usm Kaye Don u an Ezample of l"How te Play the rGame" Holding the sporting achievement o! Kaye Don as a perfect illustra- tion o! "Playing the Game" the Hon. W. G. Martin, Minister of Pub- lic Welf are, delivered an inspining address on this subject to the grad- uates o! the Boys' Training School ai a ne-union held in Toronto on Fniday night. Fil ty-seven gradu- aies, resideni o! Toronto, were pres- ent at the gathering which was held in Hunt's Dining Room at Bloor and Yonge Streets. The Minister o! Welfare was the chie! speaker and he held up f or example the spirit exemplif ied by Kaye Don in the Harmswonth Cup races in Detroit, as one that is worthy o! carrying oui and as one that would carry the boys through 1f e as real men. The election o! officers for the year ne- sulted in Mr. Martin being elected Honorary President, E. P. Bradi as Hononary Vice President, G. Dobson as President, and D. Lakeman as Secretary-Treasurer. Four Training School officiais, Dr. G. E. Reaman, supeintendent. J. J. Brown, supeintendent o! the B.T.S. 1Club, and G. L. Davidge and R. Lee f rom Bowmanviile school were pres- ent to help get the club off t0 a good start for the year. BIRTHS MANTLE-ln 1Bo%%manville Hospitai, on Septenibr tii, 1931, to 'Mr. andl Mis. josepîh M l.a Soni. HARNESS - In Clarke, On Tuesdlay, Seî,ýtemh, r Sth, 1921, te Mr. andl Mrs. Dewey llarness, a son. YOUNG - On Street, on Sep- tember 11,1931, 10 Mr. andi:tirs. Stvwart Yoting, twin girls (oote died). RICE - In flowmanvilie H-ospital, on Tuesday, Septenîher 8tb, 1931, to ',%r. and M.%rs. llarry Rice, a son (John Pow~ell). BRESLIN-At Private Pavilion Gen- eral 1Hospital, Toronto, on Wednesîlay, Septenîher 9th, 1911. 10 Mr. and Mirs. M. lmeslin, Orono, a son. MARRIAGES EATON-MITCHELL - ,\t St. john*s Church, Bowmanville, on Tuesday, Sepi- tember 151h. 1931, by Rev. C. R. Spenc- er, M. A., Ivan william, son of Mr. and Mms. Archibald Baton, Cellingwooîl, anîl Beatrice Lillian, daugbter orf',%r. and Mrs. william Mitchell, both of Ttow- manville. DEATHS CAVANAGH-At Toronto, on Satur- day, 121h Sept.. 1931, Prof. Francis Jlos- eph cuvanaghi, aged 74 years. HISLOP-ln Oshawa General Hospital, on Thursday, Sept. 101h, 1931, John Hislop, ageil 76 years. Brothîr or the late 'William Hislop, I3owmanviiie. HEZZELWOOD-In Oshawa, on Sat- urda>'. Septemiier 321h., 1931. George W. Hezze lwooil, beloved husband of Ruby )rrY, in his 5,ird year. Entombment VUnion Cemeter>' mausoleum. ARD-At bis late resitlence, -%vhitliy, Frida>', Septemiier 111h, 1931, John AmuI. aîged 77,years, beinved i tiîl,'r of Enest of Victoria, Ii. C., NIrs. A. W. Craîwforîlî of Stahroy, anîl Elmo at homeî. ln- termeuit Grov-siîle Cemnetery, fimooklin. FOR ECONOMY FUEL -1 USE TREATED Want. UPHOLSTERING-F'urniture upholst- ering; alzo closed car tops and Inside body upholsterlng. J. A. Fry, Scugog St., Bowmanville. Phone 536. 35-tf An opportunity of a good home for a respectable lady or married couple, bouse rent free for other considerations. Apply C. H. Mason, Bowmianville. Phone 50. 38-1' REAL ESTATE WANTED-The Nor- inan 'Montgomery Real Estate Agcncy w'ants farmns, tîroîjerties, l)usjnesses for listing at 19311 prices. State liarticulars. Appîly N. F., Drawer B3, Iowmanville. Articles For Sale APPLES BARRELS FOR SALE-D. S. Milligan, Coldvater, Ont. Phone 1001. 58-3- FOR SALE-Yorkslîlre pigs, six weeks ol.l. Apî,ly t0 Wilfrid Sanderson, En- nislillen. Phone 38.3r32. - 38-tf FOR SALE - One Kingston W'ebber Piano, good condition, $35. A. 1D. For- tier, NW corner Liberty and Conces- sion Sts.. I3owmanvilie. 38-1' HORSE FOR SALE-General purpose horse, rising 5 years. sound and broken f10 allîarness. AppI>' b John Wonna- cott, Enniskillen. Phone 238-21. 36-tf FOR SALE-A small WIlllame piano, standard keyboard, latent style-would look well ln any living room. Conven- lent terme. 150. Fred MItchell, Bow- manville. 30-tf FOR SALE-Framne residienc:e, con- taining 7 rooms, hardwood floors, ail modern conveniences. Centrally locaited. Garage, barn anti garîlen. AppI>' to Box 5, Bowmanville. 36-tf Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT- On Liberty Street, 6 mrone, bath and fur- nace. Possession Oct. 1. AppI>' to B. Ftur- ber, King St., Bowmanvllle. Phone 438. 36-3w FARM FOR SALE-50 acres. being lot 22 con. 5, Darlington, on wblch are brick S-roomed bouse wlth modern conven- lences, bard and soft water; outbulld- ings ln good revaîr; 3 acres orchard. For particulars apply on the premîses to E. Hagglth. Hampton, Ont. 24-tf To Let ROOMS TO LET-Roomn and Board, young men, preferred. Apply to Mrs. Stocker, Cburch Street, Bowmianville. 36-tf TO RIENT - 90 acre farm on Lake- shore Road, Newcastle; some plowing done; possession Oct. 1sf. Mrs. Frank Bone, R. R. 3, Newca.stle. 38-3 FARM TO RENTF-About 125 acres, on Lake Shore, first ctass land, two miles east of Bowmanville near Hlghway. Ap- ply to Jas. McConnachie, Box 68, Bow- manville. 36-tf TO RENT-7 rooms and bath, corner King and Ontario Streets, immediate possession, ail convenlene.n. Apply A. A. Colill, Newcaatle. ]Phone: Clarke 2503. 181-tf FOR RENT - Farmn of 45 acres at Harmony, convenientl>' îocated wltb good soil and buildings. Possession this fali or next spring. Immediaite posses- sion to plough. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barrister &c., Oshawa, Ontario, Solir- items for the owners. 33-7 WOMEN WILL SNAP THESE UP QUICKLY -and why wouldn't they ? A window f ull of beautiful han& painted 9 China, lncluding Cups and Saucems Honey 5 Jars, Mayonnaise Bowls, Cake Plates, Dessert Sets, Console Sets, etc. Your 5 chic a terernarkably 10w price of EACH J. R. Moore, Jeweller Phone 463 Next to Kerslake's Bowrnanville Gibbard Furniture Week SEPT. l8th to 26th Watch Furniture Store Windows for GIBBARD BRIDAL D1SPLAYS Progressive furniture dealers from coast to coast are now making Bridai Window Dis- plays of Gibbard Solid Walnut. When you see F. F.,Morris Co.'s bridai window you'll under- stand why it's the heart's desire of every bride to own a Gibbard Bedroom Suite. Gibbard Furniture is "Solid and true, w alnut clear through." It is designed to be in good style for years to corne, beauti- fully and duxiably fînished, and built to give genuine service. It has manir features such as: dust-proof divisions to keep clothes dlean, guides to prevent drawers sticking, cedar-lined bottom drawers of dressers, long linen drawers and ample cupboa.rd space in buffets, hand- oarved decorations instead of composition ornanientations. Now is the time to buy. F. F. Morris Co. has the best values in Gibbard Solid Walnut they have ever had. Furniture prices are likely to advance in the near future. Gibbard Solid Walnut «Solid and True - Walnut Clear Tkrough» F. F. MORRIS CO, IPocahontas Coal IT IS DUSTLESS AND COSTS LESS For Furnace and Range IN STOVE SIZE -VERY LITTLE ASH Try a ton of this coal -and you'll be back for more. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Depot Bowmanyille PAGE mvml