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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1931, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. OCTOBER lSth, 1931 PAGE im. Wheneýý [WAIN Cornes W HTmany people call indiges- ~~tion very often means exess acid in the stomach. The stomach nerves have been over-stimulated, and food sours. The corrective is an aikali, which neutralizes the acids instantly. And the best aikali known to medîr-al science is Philiips' Miik of Magnesia. One spoonful of this harmless, tastelessalakali in water neutralizes instantly many times that much acid, and the symptoms disappear at once. You wiIl never use crude methods when once you learn the efficiency of this. Go, get a small bottie to try. Be sure f0 get the genuine Philli ps' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physicians for 50 years in correcting qxcess acids. 50c a bottle-any drug !ýr.(Made in Canada.) rThe Standard Remedy for Heladach ZUTOO TABLETS are an officiai and harmisas vomody for headache. Mr. Ge&. Legge Edior of Graiby Laador-Ma.i, wmites: "Your ZUTOO TABLETS deerve to bo knowe wikIy as a renedy that wll stop hoadach." A box of theso hanniso rtUe tabiots in the office, homi or poclot, are assurance agamnst âmches and palis. They stop Uhm PraisesFamous Vegetable PiIs8 For Indigestion <Havng fbeen troubled with Indigest- ion ac Sick Headaches for several montha, 1 was reccommnended to try your famnous PilUs. Ait er the fist dose 1waa made aware of their very real tank value."-M jas M. Croydon. Dr. Carter's Littlee Uver Pilla are no oidZnarylxaie. 1'hey are aU vgetabk e* a v definite, valuable tonic action upon the liver . .. exactly wbat yoMneed ta end Constipation, Acidity, Biiousnesa, Headaches, Poor Co1plex- ion, etc. Ail druggiom ,25c &75c epks 4 MORE ACTIVE DAYX ItIs Always a "'TRYINO lIME" Yo0U don'î have to be poise with your mother. She understands. %This isalways a *"trying time". fut there's no excuse for needless suffering. Watcb the caendar. .. andI a few days before ... sarst taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetabie Comî- pound. It pepa you up . .. calms your neres...makes Yau eed 9 nuCh beer. Just ask for Lydia E. Pinkhams new tabts ... as s.ny drug store. Buy chean without conversation or eoebarrnssmnent. m 0~PtOSPHODINF-. STones anîd .nwigoratesithe whole UIJ t~ iervous systen.m«males new Blood in Iid Veina ULsed for Nerî'oug l)ebiity. Mn tai and Drain I'rv t.ispndency. Lasof Enerrv. PalPita 110,1 'f lar 1,11 SoId by ail dnîggists. or maied in pIý1 î~6. ocep c pne.New pamphlet mit, e. WOOD mWrDICINE CO..rOROPlO.tflý' .ook's R.gulatIng Cornpound) A4 safe. r diable rruftl ,nejîcine. Sold in tikrüe de: '.28;N.3, 85 per boa daip m.roeipt of prie . miletAddreu: TH4E COCKM£DlCItIECO. suiferai- from Lameness. Pains ln back and down fhrough groins, scant y but frequent urination. "Get- fing-up-Night." Nervous Irrltabillfy and Lack of Forca-should fi-y the amazng value of Dr. Soufhworth's UJRATABS af once! Any good drug- glsf wlll supply you on a guarantee of satisfaction or money back. Boys' Training School Fail Fair Board 1931 COUNCIL ACCEPTS CHECK PROFERRED BY MAGISTRATE çContinued fromn page 1) office. -0i)unuLl May 1929 ..iCY found soina amounts in dispute but, as they were of so trivial a nature, and as they showed that Magistrate Ward had i some cases had more than he was entitled to, in other cases the tow'n had gotten more than it was entitled to, that part xvas lef f as it was. Fromn May 1929 until Mr. Ward was given sick leave a very thorough check had bean made with the resuit thaf the finding was that the check for $250.35 handed f0 the council by Mr. Ward covered ail sumas due the town. It was fthe op- inion of the Inspector of Legal of- fices that these monies that were withald f rom the town were the i-e- suit of a misunderstanding as f0 the f ees f0 which Mr. Ward was entitled. Mr. Ward had considered that he was entitled to fees where he had used his own office or home f0 f iy cases after hours. The Attorney- General's department, however. had decreed that Mr. Ward was not an- titled f0 these fees and the latter immediately made restitution of this amount. Councillor Strike pointed out that there may be discrepancias in the report but they were flot worth any furfher expense. If was the expressed opinion of the Mayor and himself thaf the check be ac- cepted by the council and lia thare- fore moved its acceptance. The motion brought forth consid- arable discussion. Councillor Elliott wanted f0 know if any 0f the money faken by Mr-. Ward was taken with the knowledge thaf he was wrongly taking if. and if Mr. Ward had f ak- an if and paid if ouf f0 others in fees why had ha himself paid if back. Councillor Marfyn asked if Magistrafe Ward's resignation had been handed in and was informed by Mayor Elliof f that the rasigna- fion had flot hing f0 do with ftha town. Mayor Elliof t point ed ouf that Magistrat a Ward had faken a littfle more than he was ailowed but ap- parently the fees had also been i-e- tained by other magistrafes who f00 were of fthe opinion thaf fhay wera anfitled fo fhem. A close audit of the books had flot been made for some years. There was also a great deal of difficulfy among the magis- trafes of the province in datai-min- mng just what feas fhey wera anfitled f0, aspeciaily when cases ware fied outside of regular business hours. Mr. Ward, as a salaried magistrat e, had fo refui-n ail fees fo the town, whila under anothar section he is ai- lowed 25e and 50c for making ouf reports of cases f0 the Traffle De- partment and the Lîquor Control Board. Mayor EUliof t added that' Magist rata Wai-d fhoughf that ha 1was enfitled f0 charge these addi- tional feas and when acquainted by the Attorney Genei-al's deparf ment that ha was not ha had sent the money back f0 the town. Much of this money had been paid f0 Con- stable Blackweil as special pi-osecu- for in trafflc cases brought in at night, but as the mistake was made by the magisti-afe ha had i-epaid these sums himself. The motion fa accept the check was cai-ried. At the close of the meeting a Stafesman representative interview- d Mr-. Ward regarding the sums kept by hirn during the pasf few years. c~d Mr. Ward regarding sums kept tain daficits are shown agalnst me .on the books is because some of the rnoney was paid f0 Mi-. Blackwell as 'pecial f aes. If when the audit had teen made I had been asked f0 ex- Plain thesa Items I could have done so, but ftha audit was conducfed in a vei-Y hui-ried manner and I was flot; orasent ail the time. Many of the items charged fo me would have been considerably i-educed had the e uditors known that these sums wara pald fo Mi-. Blackwell." Mi-. Ward also added that ha considered hp was perfectly in the right in i-e- faining thesa fees until ha was in- formed by the Attorney General's departmenf f0 the effect that ha was flot. Mi-. Ward, while walcomlng the investigation f0 clear unp the mat ter did flot consider if had been dona falrly. The whola thing had been hurried along and ha had flot been given the chance f0 explain item for iftem as ha should have been. Breaks Up Gas In the Stomach Don't suifer f rom dangerous gas pressing around youi- heart, f rom, gourness, acidity, bloating or pain of indigestion. Stop worrying. When- ever you need quick stomach relief, taka a littie Bisuratad Magnesia- powder or fablefs. If breaks up gas, neutralizes acids and keeps the OSHAWA PRESBYTERIAL HISTORY 0F EAST DURHAM .ng tr-ading post occupied the site iil uIs 11.,w ±ort clope. This Post Fourth Annual Meeting of fthe Papi- pi-epared and read at Bow- consiste.a of a numrnuaof wigwams Eastern Section manville Women's Insfitute meeting ailla w.s known Oy ftha namne of on Friday affarnoon, Sept. 25th, by ,..ociiigomiuk. ThaUniad huchNewast.Mi-s. A. L. Nicholls, Bowmanville: Thli sist whit e man of whom we wsTh sciea f haurthNnasl, Tihe United Counfias of Noit- li have record was Peter Smith, a meeting of the Eastern Section ofbeadan Duhm ocp a trader, who livad in a log huf on the tha shaa Pesbteril 0 th ~.prominent position on the map Of i uanx of ýne creek which empties in- M.hS Osad quisteia lge nhberW.fthe province of Ont ario. Durhamn f0 Lake Ontario at this point. Tis Me. ndf romte asurro udingdis County is aimost a perfect square in m~an enjoyed tise reputafion af tricfaresn i ie0 tha dna in. shape. and the townships of Cavan, truthiuiness and fair dealing and rts. r citin s 0 f ureon.e-Hop~e'and Manvars constitute the came fo be a kind of "court of ap- sidad. Es iig peal" for the Indianis. The f irsf Durham County received ifs name Iwhite man who came as a pai-man- A deep spiritual tone prevailed f roinftha county of the sam aine a enstlawsM.HrraU.E thrughut he ay nd as otlcdin the north of England. In 1788 Loyalist, who came in 1792. Af that af the beginning in the morning Lord Dorchester, by an officiai de- fume tisera wera 200 Indians and on- worship service led by Miss Davey claration, divided the Provinca of I y one white man. Other sefflers of Orono. Aiter raading the twenty- Ontario into districts and in 1792 isoon foilowad Irom Nova Scofia. saventh Psaim. sha said that Gods Lieut. Gov. Sinîcoe divic;,cd Ontario For mivi than 20 yaars af fer Mr. word brings f0 us ail the massage into 19 count jas. The proclama- Har ris a;rival thare was no store in that we need. In these troubîcus ftion as if relates f0 Durham County the village, supplies being brouglit fimes we need f0 irinforce oui- faith raads: "Thaft Ch thirteenth of the in fi-rn Kingston. Port Hope was in God, and ba of good courage, and 1 said counfias bc heneinaffar cailedi suggesteJ as a name for ftha village by building up oui- own faîfh we by thse naine of the county of Ll in l 1819 ana iiof until 1834 did this shahl be able f0 help others. ham". Then follows thaexact reaaiy occome ifs lagal namne. In After the usual business of min- boundaries. 1815 Mn. Jaremiali Briffon opaned a utes, address of welcome, and ap-. Port Hope is the oniy f own 0f any sinaîl store on Walton St. Leading pointinent of Courtesy Coramiffe, size in East Durham, and hisfory industries were piastar, leather, but- the reports 0f Auxiliaries. Cii-des tells us that back in 1778 a f lourish- tons, i-on, angines, mnachinery. and Bands wera given by reprasan- j The township of Manvei-s is the fafivas from aach. These told of' north western township, and got ifs porsan ofmany intarestingf name Irom one of the eailiest set- prgrm. l i s cr t oftiers. These settiars were mostly Mrs. Stinson than read a latter 1 t .Irish and Engllsh. Thousands of fromourBrandi President, Mrs. W. ke ig resn acres of the basf land were set aside L mtwho, xavîng u in inu the for the support of tisa Anglican "Kingdom of God*" movamant. lias! hrhs hogotth itit ae. Edach Bran odieraiy hs uid 4~-~ These sections have rayai-ted and are ance.Each. Brach Scret"' ha now hald by private ownership. The been asked f0 pass if on f0 hier Pi-es- Principal villages of Manvers are byferial secretaries and fhey f0 pass , M - 1/ Bat hany, Fr-anklin, Lifford, BaUly- if on f0 their Auxiliary sacretarias ,-- ~'*duif, Burton, Lotus. Yelverton, Jan- and s0 reacli evei-y individual mam- c , tviile and Drum. ber. It is hoped that the prasident s"'I( Cavan township lies on ftha east- and secrefanias of each society wul .e rn sida 0f Manvers. ît la set fled imPrass upon the members tfi n-\'. principally by natives oif Ii-eiand and Portance of using the program ý.Four )\gthiai descendants. These eai-ly I-- Thins t Remmbe Daiy" reish sattiers called the township af fer senfed at tie county of the saine naine intise messagenortis 0f Ireland. The fl-st actual A very beaufiful mesg was The great secret of feeling sflrI aa a onDyl brought f0 the meeting in a solo by fresh is to keep the mouth fresh. w seffled o avn tis aJmo ih iyls Mns. K. A. Cavei-iy. wostldo h am hc i Tise tiought axpressad in the The cool flavor of WRIGLEY'S descendants stili own, in 1816. Ha quiet hall hour was the nead of a refreshea the mouth. It removea says the first whit e child born in fresh realization of the presence of ail trace of aating, that township was Florence Mc- Qod, of a new experuenca of Pente- or smoking, sweet. Carthy. The f ist burl was Mr-. cost. Each woman shauid live a ens breath. Hyland. The firsf pai-sons mai-uied separated life, seeklag ta make Jesus Rev. Mi-. Tiompson pei-fou-med the known as a parsonal friend and His marinage ceremony and necelved tise gospel active in hier own li1e, and in If aa 0f ana shilling. that 0f ahl with whom sise comas Th fismifag-ldngcr la cotact.was owned by Mn. Thorne. The f i-st An interesfing report af the Whif- grist and saw Mill were ei-ectad by by Summan School by Miss Ida INEXPENSWVE John Dayeli at whaf la niow cailed Comrie was read by the secretai-y. m SATI1SFYINO Miilbrook. Mn. Dayell got a boulder Af fan a vary safisfying lunch ser- ___________ _ _ from tise f ield and gaf a stonemason vad by the Newcastle ladies from fa dress if down as a mil stone. fables Prettily decarated wifh fail The f irst chuncli was erected about leavas, flowers and fruit, many view- 1817 and the Rev. Mr~. Thampson, ed the sevan large bales 0f lofhing who had been sent ouf as a mis- f0 ba sent ouf f0 the West by the sionany, was the first preacher. The Newcastle Church. oo fi-st hotel was built by John Deyell At the affernoon session some of 00 ha Pesbteiialsecatares roulit. ~ ..* and his sign "Liva and Let Live" thePrebytria seretrie brugh hug for years over thse doar. Thea messages. Mrs. W. P. Rogers fin- first schaol was also builifbY Mr-. pressad upon the woman the urgent SedfrTisD~' oe. lon land ha gave for the pur- nead of leaders fon the teen-age Sn o h oe girls. In Manly Places the girls ana FREE BOOK In fisosa days fthe people made anxious fo starf C.G.I.T. groups. but Mailtieat..dcmosf of their awn funniture and the can find no ana willing fa lead thern afd wiIi mmd youme o"i fi-st chair made in the townshsip is labo sale pafhways af 111e. of aur nw cSbook, ~ s11af-atadkesk ats Mrs. H. Bascoin af Wiby said ov. a* hmdrd ddightful Stewart family. Mn. Stewart talla af tht h CritanStwrdhrecipea for puddisgm6 pies his pioneer days. how hae was ablig- thatfie hris ianStawrdsip sec- I cakes. peu2i«, &c.. and a retaries wera expecfed fa keep up I Wk*de varietîy of oUser 0"lFm ad fa walk 9 miles over rough roads fthe spiritual tone 0f tise monfhiy moke better wit-thi-ougis the woods cai-iying wheat meetings, and should give a fwo- j cdw there and f lour back on his back. minute talk af avary meeting. Ma- ST.CHAR LES MILK Anotiser 0f the early settiers, Mi-. teniais for these talks is ta ba foundI UNS WEETENED 1 EVAPORA TED McCamus, relates as a facf thaf la tise "Missionau-y Monthlsy", tise' ----- aimens takiîsg wheat in ta Smifh's "Blue Book", or leaf lais and books B«e.Co.Jàitdcee!c in18201 wera told by the mai- on Christian Sfewardsisip. Sha spokp 11 Georze St.. Toranto hi.nt.ý,aifhaÈ Place tîsaf thay couid of K.agawa, wiso lives like Christ Send me à frft COiY of your ncW *i't axc',aPn%,e f r and groceries for lived, who gave away his wealth, and k oo.wicat. Tisat tea. etc.. were cash lives among tisaponr. His li11e calis Nam... ...........~ and thaf grain was a drug us o abeter ervce.We ustntoni tise market at 25c par bushal. us a bnfetetrf sai-vin.nWesmustnot P..Il.....Tihe first ncwvsra -ar was Pubiisised ..UP o ha ter eent lui iac ear of5îC.e n Port Hope ii85!2 by Hugli Camn- upi towhaf feymuste lasfyaaat aslon ansd callad tIhe British Canad- this finie. loWatiun, pebrayhf a - &Iais. If hanged hands f wica until mhake oi- alot ihn, rmebering- _______in 1868 ifs nama was changed fa ethiisf by m iit nor byhePord___ Port Hope Times. Thea Guide was an, bustsbyamy Spintsaifires ia orh *fii-st Publishad in 1852. ait Hast," ad t"WhtovrH afi MN111IIThe Principal villages oaHop uTohyou, doif."speakrUof th UNI fownshsip ana Port Hope,E Hopaeth noonwasMrs.Dunan MLeo ovilla, Gai-dan Hill, Peri-yfawn, Can- noroa w Mrs. rDcn McstumeQuckrelief f rom rheumnati@ fan. Villages ai Cavan ai-aMill- and gave a vei-y intaresting addxtess. pais wthout harmn: brook, Mt. Peasant, Frasarville, Ida, Formosa is a sinall sland iseai- Thnvle, i-at Ag llelScit. China, ta which if usad ta belang, rtThored In 1831 a Sotisetyaugra but for tise last fiirty-five yeai Ifmetin was1had i th openanra isas belongad ta Japan. If doles nof Ja men 2 h 81,d iseorteHourarn seain siaîl ta thase who have been MaJn. C0ha18e, wadpthe tra snpoi-t tiare, but large in apprtunity and va r.fhaiogbiewduri aed andimsel big with passibilities. If isas a pop- fhem f0 hed laimsa cosndf. i ulation af four million people ah . . Tis t e f-st p s offc I Driai Packed into ana part af the island To raieve the worst rheumaucPi copini unefy wst otofc nDra which is but liff le lai-gar than On- a very simple matter. Aspi-in wilI do it conywsoenad in Port Hope, fanao. Tisa Japanese hava developed every turne! lî's something that yo still knawn as Smith's Creek In 1817, tise sland very rapidly and naw can always take. Genuine Aspirin t,.bI.b with Chai-las Fothergili, who affer- tisrai-aia aiiroads and schools and are harmlem. Look for the Bayer Cross wards flgured in Canadian Hlstory isospitals. Basidas tise Japanese and on each tablet. aslafJur as isfist d uemerofl a- Ciinese living tisera, tisa head- N patue psfaste fr.trglal hunting native tribas number about AointE st d ast ndigno dn one iundned and twanfy fhousand, asay i nlyst a n mamer adPar and tisera is need foi- mare mission- TRDE MR imn o ersn is anyI arias. laett ersn h onyi Mrs. McLeod drew many vivid -tise Provincial and FaderaI Parlia- word picturas af tise hf e and homes ments. of thse people, faîling of the 1f e of fear thay lead and also of tisa heant isunger shown in thiai worship of ES idols and the refinamant of many into monastenias. Tisen sha told aof* Joinny, If youi- fatisar could save tise Joy and peace and lîvas of aarn- ana dollar a waek for four weeks, est service fiat were tise rasuît f a what would ha hava?" tis-fining esusand spo-r Mdem1hi;(propt1l)- "-ra *ver a million pack-e ages sold each week TEA Freulh freu the gardons$ More gdeliclous More nourishing QUAKER OATS Cookaeln 21/mnts fo the water bols lm J PatRopl iniedyq 4F op Deadly Disease of PuuIu * ITIS CONTAGIOUS dMUS BE ERADICATED PROMPTL SoId b 7000 dealers in Canada PrtIF,,d C. fCanada, Linited, à F- Guelph, Ont. I 7-4 Wky Delay Your Buikding Plans Planning on building or repairing your home ? Then begin now when prices are lower than ever before. In our yards are the finest grades of lumber and building supplies-just the kind you wa.nt for your home--and ail at the lowest prices in our history. You can build economicaly by building now. Shepparci & Gi Lumber Co. LtcI. (FORLMRRLY MoCLELLAN & CO.) KING ST. EAST PHONE 15 BOWBIANVILLE St~ninh L.Stim'erficd, c. Ray. A. Tuffiald, E. Haris, ~it w.W. Hudson, A. Hansel, Vice President. Presidant. ) 1 qq THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THIMSDAY, OCTOEEF. 15th, 1931 PAGE NnS W. Harrison, W. Hood. A. Perdue. S. Anderson, Secretary-Treasurer.

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