I ~ - - I te~m~in With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmnanville News -1 r7P N A T A I'ffT¶C1 PÇVt..TQ C1 %Iah -- - oec n - i n .,AArn no ea(Cnnu bN.42 Vol. 77 MIVI. A. JAMbblli & JiN,15, ruuiiners. ,' -- - ROTARY CLUB HEABS TALK ON CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S ACTIVITIES Reg. Hopper of Toranto Gave Inter- estiug ilustrated AddresS on Work Being AccamPlec inl Ontario The magRnificenlt anci humaneI work carrieci on by service clubs, Crippled Chldreli's Societies, the provmncial GoverninIent, anci other organiZationse was the subject of a motion picture andi brie! acidrese giveri at the Rotary Club on Friday by Rotariari Reg. Hopper of the Tor- onto Rtotary club, andi Secretary o! the Ontario Society for Crippleci Ctaldren. Rotariali Hopper was introduceci to the club by Rotarian. J. C. Dcv- itt, chairman o! the Crippleci Chilci- rens Comnùtt.ee o! the local club. The motion picture showed the var- iety o! work being carrieci on by the various orgaiiizatiolie on beb.aif O! crippled childro2n anci especially 0On behal! o! chilcrefi o! poor people. Pictures were throWl2 On the screcIl of the work lu the hospitale o! On- tario showirag the use o! artificial suulight for chilcren andi aiso the chilciren under treatment at the Thistledown Hospital at Toronto lu connection with which the Cheerio Club o! Station CKGW is domng a great work. The CrippledCibldreri's Society o! Ontario was endeavotirilig ta get comnittees at work in every comn- munity anci county amongý the crip- pied anci in places like Bowmativile wtaere a Rotary Club exlted that club usually f illeci that office. At the present time there are 45 clubs andi comrmittees in Uic province do- jng a splendid work along this lime. Ini many places where a Rotary Club dici not exist the Women's Institute were doing a commendable andi ef- fective work along thiS saine lne. The speaker urgeci that a survey be made through this county so that evcry cild who needeci treatmcnt coulci be founci andi provideci for. In mnany o! the poorer homes expertý medical care anci surgical treatmerit coulci not be obtaineci through lack o! f undesud this was where the Ro- tary Club was given an opportuty ta step lu anci do a grett work. Pictures were aiea showli showing preventive measures bemng useci, such ase the manufactwfl.g o! serumn f or use lu an epidemic o! infantile paralyses. A hIappy crowd o! crip- pied chilcrci at Bolton Camp, un- cir Uic direction o! the Toronto RO- tary Club, were shown on the screcn sud an intcresting baU gane was seen with a one-arinecc pitcher on the moundciasd a one-leg hitter at *~bat. Hon. W. G. Martin, wel knowll for bis intereet lu these mnatters, was aiea show" with a crippledcibld lu bis arme. Rtarianl Hopper during the pic- turc congratulateci the Bowmnanillel Rotary Club on Uic splendid worlc it haci carricci on lu the past and inl what it was still doing. He urgeci the club ta go out a! ter the county cases so that cripples o! the coun- try might have the samne chance as those o! the towns. The pictures were extreniely iu- o! the speaker aiea proveci helpful terestirig anci the runniflg comments to the mnembers of the club. Past President Tom Holgate expresseci the thanks o! the club to the speaker for the pictures and tis acidress. Aniong the guests at the luncheofi were Ratarians E. Harston, G. D. Conant, Chas. Anderson, A. Cutier and H. Black o! Oshawa, anci Cliff Patten, travelling passenger agent o! the C. P. R. Members were remindeci o! the attendance contest betweeri Bow- manville sud Batavia (N.Y.> Rotary Clubs. Rotarian I. G. Hefkey was made chairman of the "On ta, Tor- onto" delegatioti to greet Sydney Pascell o! London, Englanci, Presi- dent o! Rotary International, on Oct. 28th, and Rotarian Fred C. Hoar was appoluteci chairman of the committee for "On ta Rochester" for the annual intercity dinner on Oct. 2lst. PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT Public Health Nurse reports foi Scptember, 1931: Homes visiteci 64; Individuale visiteci 89; Visite to- Prenatal cases 4, Postnatal 4, Adults 22, Infants 17, Pre-sctaool 19, School 16; Acute communicable diseases. (mcasles); Communicable skin dis- case 2; Miscelaneous vlits 2; Social welfare visits 4; Not f ounci 1; Inf ant Weif are Con! erences helci 4; total attendance 49, infante 40, pre- echoal 9. Sehoal Report Visits ta, school 21; Classroom lu- spections 8; Pupils inspecteci 305; Trcatmnents 16; Dental defçcts ter- mninateci 3; Defects terminateci other than teth 1; Excluded (stomac] flu> 4. The Public Hesîtta Department appreciates the work o! the Rotary Clu-luprvldlflg the .surgical at- Council Accept Magis. NWard's Check For $250 A chaeck for $250.35 proferreci by Magistrate W. F. Wand, in payment o! ail sunis claimeci to have been wittaeld f nom the town, anci which was licîci for two months awaiting a report o! a second audit o! the magistrates books, was accepteci by the town coundil at its regular monthly session on Monday might. The subi ect was brought bef are the council by Coundillor W. Ross Strike, chairman o! the Finance Committce, to whose committee the matter was referneci. Coundcillor Stnike stateci that tae haci receiveci a report f rom the In- specton o! Legal Offices rcgarding Mn. Ward's case and also a report f rom the Attorney-General's de- partment. These reports stated that the attorney-genenal's office haci made another audit o! the books sunce Magistrate Wand haci taken (Continueci on page 9) B. H. S. WINS AGAIN AGAINST PORT HOPE IN RUGBY GROUPING Locale Display Better For. luThird GameIn uIntersehalaie ea In Uic third game o! the Inter- mediate Interscholastic Rugby gnoup, Bowmanviil High Sctacol deteateci Port Hope 11gb School 19-5 et the Town Park at Port Hope Thursday afternoon. It was a perfect after- noon for rugby with a ilght wind blowing f rom the west. Bowmsuviile trotteci out the heav- 1r team andi dieplayeci better f orm on the a! tcrncon's play. Bowmanville kicked off andi the bail was returneci by Emmet. Gooci rugby was cileplayed inluthe initial session, but the reci andi black vis- itors gaineci considerable grounci. Williams wcnt over for a touch whicta was converteci on a forward pass ta Colmer f romi the Uine a! scimmage. on an attempteci for- ward pass. Emmet intercepted anci made a nice run for f orty yards. No score r-uiqlted lu the second Qg&rta. ud lun the third session In- grami scoreci a teuchdown for the visiterSansd a rouge brought the score up ta 12. In the final quarter. Bownanvillc scoreci a touch sud a se! ety te bllug their total up te 19. Ellott made a fi! teen yard run for Port Hope andi Soutbby was pusheci over for a touchdown. Bowmanviile: Snap, Hackney; in- sides. Veale anci Plummer; micicles, Wright anci J. Willams; outeides, G. Adams anci D. Adamis; quarter, D. Williams; flying wing, Calmer; halves. Ingram, W. Bagnell andi T. Bagneil; subs. Bracit, Hunt, Oke, Binks andi Jackman. Port Hope: Snap, Mercer; insides, Ferguson anci Austin; micicles, Ryan andi Murphy; outeides, K. Long andi Eliott; flylng wlng, Leonard. halves. Emmet. Symons and Harvey;qar- ter, Southby; subs, Sylvester. Kqell'y, 1T. Long. Moore andi Meldrum. Referee-Eastman. COMING EVENTS Don't forget the Bazaar at st. Andrew's Ctaurch on Octoben 30Ui. High Schoal Commencement wil :be helci Thursday anci Piday, Nov. F 26th andi 27tb. 39-tf S Kcep in minci the Fowl Supper in .St. John's Parisl Hall, on Pnlday, iNov. 6th, auspices o! Rebekalis. 41-2 * Regular meeting o! the Auxlliary o! the Leglon wiU be helc inl the Council Roani on Monday, October l9th, at 8 p. m. r Reserve Thursday, Oct. lSth, for the Chicken Pie Supper lu St. Jobn's Pallsb Hall, under auspices o! Uie Women's Guilci. Admission 50c; chilciren under 12, 25c. Reserve Monday evening, Noveni- ber 2nd andi come andi sec"i Acventure," a three act farce com- - edy to be presenteci by a cast of 'S lyen o! the Young People's Society din Trnity Sunday school roani. Don't forget the Women's Canaci Li Ian Club on Monday, Oct. l9th, in ýt St. John's Parish Hall. Pull details a were lu last week's Statesman, also -a cordial Invitation to, ail who wlsl to become members. IThe Ladies' Auxilîary o! Trinity IChuncta will holci a foaci sale, after .noon tes andi musical lu the S. S. r room on Priciay, Octaber l6th. at3 h oclok.Admission 25c. Conveners: 2Mrs. H. W. Poster sud Mrs. W. R. ,t Strike. 41-2 'y Reserve Saturday, Oct. l7th, for bu-roa1- f 14ta . m. undr susan CO-OPERATION j- Bowmanville Business Men's Association la planning as an aid to local unemployed to pro- vide cars and trucks te draw in surplus produets from the surrounding country lu cases I where tarnera are wiUling to er give the produce on conditions h that thc men themseives dg or an pick it. If tarmers desirous of vol beng an aid ta thc unemploy- sy cd by turnlng over their sur- el plus produce that might other- th wise be wasted wll phone th Lawrence C. Masan, Sccretary, sh at 688,hliewUlsec that anlun- ac cmployed man is taken out ta p the faim and the produce .dug Ire or piekeci brought safcly Into o town where It wll be gratefuily ha welcomed by the needy. P t] Fine Services are t ce Helci at Trinity c United Ckurch Pa $2 M Inspiring andi appropriate serv- i ices for Thanksgivmng were held ingo Trinity Uniteci Church on Sunclay, pr it being the forty-second anniver- sary of the opening of this church. n The speaker was keev. David Wrenfl er M.A., B.D., pastor of Trinity United c Church, Peterboro, whose messages be were an inspiration andi help to all th who listened ta tis earnest words. d, The morning theme was "The Sb Mind of Christ" baseci on the words wi "'Know ye flot that ye are the Temp- at le of God". 1 Cor. 3:16; andi "Let $1 this mind be in you". Philp. 2:5. AUlub about us men are askiug what of the n, future andi are giving prominence to ne the words of the master spoken M centuries ago. Christ came and saw of the indifference and materialism lu Uic world. As -Michael Augelo saw a a beautiful face lu the piece o! dis- P cardeci granite so Christ secs in th what the world calis "nobodies" su fa image o! bis own likeness. As the granite haci ta undergo or cblselling to' brlng out the fine to points s0 Uic human race bas ta un- di dergo severe chastenings in order ta measure Up andi be converteci by Uic power and nci of Christ ino se f ui anci beautlful characters. Al these neglecteci or so-caieci noboci- les are to be given a chance. what le the minci o! Christ? It le the pow- er ta reflect the Uight of Goci. power r' ta awakc, ta assimilate andi ta cx- b press ta the worid the thought o! 'ý the Almlghty. ti 1 The pastor. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, who conducteci the services, expres- P seci great pleasure at havlng bis aid Pl classmate with hlm on this day andIl to hear hie wonderfui message so b 1pleasingly presenteci. The musical service by the choir 1under the direction of Mr. F. Sut- v tan. Mus. Bac., was especiall.y goociP The anthemis. "Lord I have loved a the Habitation o! Thy House" lu b which the solo was taken by Mrs.n F. H. Moody. andi the double quar-W tet by Misses M. Pickard, m. Ham- .iey. Mesdames Pickard and MoodyL anci Messrs. Pickard, Morris, KnightE suad Dr. Siemon; sud Uic Thanks- t .giving suthem "Ye shall dwcUlu nthe0 ELand," with solos by Mr. Thomas C 1Dunn anci Mrs. R. Thompson werea ,ail well sang. Mr. Thos. Duinn. bail- etone sololet, Toronto assisteci thev ichoir throughout the day andi sangb >"How Lovciy are ThY Dwelllngs" rwhich everyone greatly enjoyei. i The spirit o! gooci feliowsbip was rshown at the evening service when 5Rev. A. S. Kerr, minister of St. Paul's andi many o! his congregation as wel as a number f rom the count- 1rY aSSembleci to worship with Trin- lty congregation.t Mr. Wrcnn's evenlng theme wasc s"An olci gospel for a new day", basec i on the words "For the Jcws require1 fa sign--- but wc preach Christ cru- yci! led" 1 Cor. 1: 22-24. Paui's idea o! wbat the cross meant ta the -worid in his day, holds gooci to-dayt * andi for ail the future. There havet * been many dl!! erent teachers withr * different thoughts as ta how a lost h world le ta be saveci. Dlstarted Uiougbt, money, dlPlomacy,, military1 power have had their day and have y~ faileci bu t Chrltlanlty cannot f ail -only the cross andi Its teachlug cana Lsave a lost worid. Christ has made it '3 Possible that anl who come unta Goci ,through Hlm may be saveci. The Lcross proclims Uic length, breadth. ,2 wldth andi depth o! the love o! Goci )r to save a bast warld. It was a master- ýly theme presentec inl a masterly Dand soui-convlnclug manner. ded to thc Treasurerasdddoubtiesa mauly more who were Out O! town ofrthe hohdfldBVIM lo their ct- wigon tic platbiLext Sunday. Mr .B. lier, Assistant En- F giero! the Hydro Electrie Power Commission of Ontario, Toronto, speaking before the Bownianvillc Business Men's Association on Monday nlght at thc Balmoral Hotel stated P that the report of hia adilress w appearing in The Statesman L follawing a meeting of the a Council, Business Men and t( others rccently waS the most S accurately reportcd address ie newspaper t oiowing one of 1 is st addroeses. The Statesmian bas M always made a specil effort P ta give the truth only lin t "eportsand this recoition by 2 Mr. Becr la su ezample of what t pains arc taken te place thet tacts bei are Statesman read- t: ers. £ f r Business Men S t May Sponsor Hockey Here ?o Reasons Why Hydro Bylaws Should Carry Two weeks f rom Saturday, Octob- ý3lst Bowmanviile voters will go ta îe poils to, vote on the purchase o! he localHyo distribution systern ri i e opciwill overwhelmingly rte lu f avor o! the purchase o! the ;stem. There arc scores o! reasons 'hy the purchase shouici be approv- ýd, the main one o! course bemng 2at it le ta the gencral benefit o! àe community that the plant soulci be owned by the town. To inswer many enquiries as ta, why Bowmanvilic should vote for Uic ýurchase we are listing just a f cw rasoras why the votera shoulci vote :r the purchase. These reasone ame: 1. BECAUSE the tawn coundil Who ave made a speclal study o! Uic proposition recommenci the purchase inanimously. 2. BECAUSE the purchase o! Uic lant is the only means by which, ne tawn wiil secure a reduction lu be present high rates. beieveci te e about the bighest domestic sud ,ommercial rates lu the province. 3. BECAUSE the purchase o! the plant will not neceseitate Uic cx- enditure a! anc cent o! the rate- ayers' moncy. 4. BECAUSE the town will save $20,000 per year which le now going nto the Central Ontario Hydro Nunicipalities anci which will then go towards paying for the plant and roviciing for a reduction lu rates. 5. BECAUSE this, $20,000 is the net profit Biter ail expenses o! op- eration. ciebenture anci intercet charges andi reserve charges have ceen made sud it le on this sum that tic commission wll be able ta ne- uce the rates. The exact figures show opcrating surplus o! $27,052.36 witb debenture and imterest charges t $5,577.05 sud rencwal charges o! 1 1,382.09. When these twa latter have been deductec f rom Uic for- mer it le plainly seen that the exact net profit le $20,093.09, or lu other words the net surplus le 29.4 percent Df the entire debenture issue. 6. BECAUSE 668 other municlp- aities lu Ontallo have seen fit to purchase their own plants andi o! bhis number there lias nover been a fallure. 7. BECAUSE o! this number not one bas ever haci te draw on Uic town revenues ta meet the expen- itures on the planj. 8. BECAUSES Uthc Ibàalplant le lu as goaci condition as sny plant lu Ontario andcisl capable o! handllng nore industries and damestic con- sumers than it does at present.' 9. BECAUSE the cheaper pwe ates Uiat wll came luto elfet r l be an attraction ta, industries which now turn ta other centres owlug te tac high rates lu Bowmanvillc. 10. BECAUSE ycar Biter year the plant bas made lu excesa! $20,000 pra!fits Biter ail administration caes have been pald and this moncy bas been distributeci among other mum- icipalities which own their plants. Il. BECAUSE wftln 15 montbs o! when Port Hope purchaseci their plant the cansumers benefitec f rom a reduction in rates anci the de- bentures were paici up until 1937 andi neyer a cent o! the town money was useci. 12. BECAUSE Bellevlle, Brighton, Lindsay, Napance, Oshawa and Port Hope, ail o! whom have purchaseci their plants since 1928, have al ne- ceiveci a reduction lu rates, met ail charges andi still bave a substantial accumulateci surplus. 13. BECAUSE the local systera whicta bas been capably manageci by Mr. Geo. Chase andi tis staff wil sill be handcci by Mr. Chase anci bis staff. 14. BECAUSE when Bowmanville purchases its plant it will get uts power at cost from. the Hydro Power Commission. 15. BECAUSE the by law provides that a certain suni ta be put away cacta year so that a major repair job or installation be needeci the moncy le on hanci andi the ratepayers do not have te dig down in their pockets ta psy for ut. 16. BECAUSE since the Hydre tcok over the Bowmanvllle plant they bave spent $49,386.77 lu equip- ment and kept the plant up to date. 17, BECAUSE under the rules of the Ontario Commission the local commission electeci by the people andi cannot show any favorittlem tc any one lndustry or change rates wltbout the approval o! the Ontario Commission. 18. BECAUSE Uic local systeni has for many ycars been under*the sup- ervision o! Mr. Ueo. Chase anci un- der hlm bas become a most success- )ort Perry Win J Interscl'olastic la Meet at Qshawa st By a margm o! 5 ½, pointe Port Pu ?eriy High School were adjucigeci th 'inners o! che Inter-School Fieldiw ay helci at Alexandra Park, Osa- W] iwa, on Wednesday a!ternoon, Oc- ta aber 7th, when Bowmanviile. Wtait- ai ), Uxbridge andi Port Perry Hîgh leI 3choole met f or their annual f ield ,onteste. Port Perry athietes who cl' Eished lu third place last year g1 3iowed wonderful improvement ta Pl ,ke the events with 53 % oits M wile Whitby came second with 48 Ci ointe. Bowmanville third with 40 V2 de pointe, anci Uxbnidge st with only M 28 pointe. Bi The surprise was the showing o! ne tic local athietes who won most o! T. thc evente last year wiUi compara- T ive case. The reasan behinci their go [allure te make a gooci showing this 9 cear was oclieveci ta ie the heavy i track on which the athietes were h forceci ta perform foilowmng heavy al ainstonnis just previous ta the W~ sports. ao: It was Uiought early lu the day al that the meet wauld have to) be ai abandoneci, but shortly Biter cleven .w< d'cock it was ciecideci tel carry on. P ilthough main feU bheavily early lu the a! ternoon sud rendereci Uic track very heavy, remarkably fast mmes were made lu the track events and several new recorde were set. The fieldi events were also closciy contesteci as a number o! the olci records were broken. It would be hard ta pick out an outstanding thiete on the day's performance, but it might weil be said that each and every athlete, bath boy sud gl, gave o! hie or ber best for the shool they representei. Pl In the awarding o! the champion- se siip, afirst won thrcepoints, asec- D and two pointa, sud a third one C. point. Each o! the wmnners rcceivcd wl aribbon for wluning, while Uic ath- tir etes placing highest lu the Junior ci and senior departmcnts wlll recelve FE agolci medal and the runcr-up a i ilver medal. Port Perry, as wincr ti fi the meet, wll be presentec i wthIL ahandeome ou p donateci by R. N. se Iassett, o! Whlftby c The officiais In dbargp of the meet bc were L. W. Dippdil. president; A. W Gemmdil. vice president; C. J. Scott, tih secrctary treasurer. The officiais is from each achool wcre: Bawmsu- in vile-E. Cunningham, M. G. V. Goulci, Dr. G. C. Bannycastie; Whit- Pl <y-A. Archibaci. Mr. Fergusan, Mr. v( Merritt; Port Perry-Mr. <3emmell, lA Mr. McDanald,- Uxbridge-Mr . Bur- S bhail, Mir. Mille. Mr. Norton. Those. h in charge o! the girls' events were s Miss H. Bail, Miss Hudson sud Miss SI Allison. Tlmer-Barle Cuulgbaxn, W Bowmanville. Be! eree sud Starter ai -John Murray. Clerk o! Course-- S 3. E. Ingham. (Continueci an page 1M) D Durham LiIberaIs Meet at Orono Dr. Geo. A. McQulbban, M.P.P, Denounces Administration ai Ontario Hydre Electrie v The Hydro Electnlc Power Com-1 mission was Uic butt o! a severe at- 1 tack at the bande o! Dr. Ueo. A. Mc-1 Quibban, M.P.P. for North Wellung-J ton. in hie acidress before the con- a9 vention o! the Liberal Association c dii Durhaam Caunty at the Town Ha»l at Orono on Wcduesday, October 7.1 Dr. McQulbban cbarged that thei spirit which prompteci the forma- tion o! the Commission sud for wbich Sir Adam Beck dedicateci bis 111e haci been violateci andi that thet HYdro proposition haci been betray-1 cd by ite own commission ta thej Power Barons o! St. James Street, Montreal, sud ta intereste acroais the International border. The Hydro Commission whlch was f ormeci ta provide Ontario munici- palities with power at cost haci be- trayeci the people by sellung power to Unitedi States lutereste at one- third the price solci ta Canadisu municipaities maklug Uic cost o! power higher tol the very emple that the project was formeci to provide pawer at cost, the speaker saici. A personal investigation at Uic Queen- ston Plant baci reveaeci that this plant was only ruuulng at 40 % O! capaclty whilc other plants owncd bY tbe commission wcre closeci down sud yct the Hon. G. -Howard Fergu- son and Uic Tory machine lu Tor- auto baci made contracte for the purcbase o! Power frani the atin- eau, Beauharnolesuad Abitibi pawer 1 UVENILE EVENING AT OPENING MEETING OF MUSIC STUDY CLUB arge Attendance fer Meeting WhM Children Supplied the Program The regular meeting of the Music )udy Club was held Oct. 7th, ln St. lul's Lecture Room. Thbis belng he f irst meeting of the year there vas an unusually large attendanSi vhich shows there are mazil who ,ke a great lnterest In this work id it is most encouraging to the aciers of the Club. This being Juvenile Evening, the iildren's choir conslsting of achool irls and boys, took their usuai )aces on the platform and the Leeting opened with slnglng "O anada" by the Juvenile Choir un- Jer their most capable directress, Ules Helen Morris, with Miss Leta 3ragg at the piano. The usuai busi- cess was then transacted with Mrm H. Dudley, president, in the chair. rhe children then presented the fol- owlng programme and we were greatly delighted to, have some of ,e numbers from the chilciren who iad obtaincd medals in the contest it the Boys' Training School last veck, and we f eel sure the teachers ?s well as parents ought to be proud )fthese bright youths who are cap- abic of displaying such rare talent ?t this tender age. as each selection 'as well rendered and greatly ap- preclated: Piano Solo-Norma Searle Vocal Solo-Donald Mdflveen Reading-Mary Birks Violin Solo-Chester Jury Piano Solo-Clifford Hall Chorus-Juvenile Choir Vocal Solo-Elinor Sykes Readlng-Helen Foster Violin Solo-Elaine Reainan Piano Solo-Gertrude Wagar Vocal Solo--George Morris. At the conclusion of this excellent :rogramn the president and i fret sud mcond vice president,' Mrs. C. H. :)udicy, Mrs. J. Albert Cole and Mrs. 1A. Cawker, rcspectively, in a f ew ve» chosen rcmarks, presented Ger- ;rude Wagar, Norma Searle snd lifford HallJ, pupils of Mrs. Smith Fegusan and Mrs. Albert Cole. wlth ,helr prises for thc highest marks lu xe recent Elementary Pianoforte Examlnatlon of the Toronto Con- ;rvatory of Music. These prises ,oslsted of tliree valuable musical )oks ta each chilci which It la hoped vill prove a! much heip ta them In he comlng years sud we trust this sjust the beglnnlng of a briglit Lusical career for ech of them. Mrs. Dudley then volced the ap- preclation of thc Club lu a hearty oetc of thak to Misa Hfelen Morris, Miss Lets, Bragg sud Mr. Francis Button sud all Who sslsted lu malt- Ig this evenlng's entertalument a success. The meeting closed wlth singlug the National Anthem. siter whlch a social half hour was spent and refrcshments servcd by the as- soclate members ef the Club. DUEEHAM COUNTY TEACHERS CONVENED IN CEN4TRE ST. SCHOOL AT OSHAWA Milss Janet Drownlee et Poirt Hope Elected Prestlent - Misa by Bragg of Bowmanvlle Eleotcd te Executive Teachers of Inspectorate No. 1. Unitedi Counties of Northumberlandg and Durhaml, helci their annuai con- vention at Centre Street School. Oshawa, on Thursday and Friday last, according the chilciren of thc local schoais two extra days' holiday. The president, Marshall Malcolm, of Janetvllle, presideci at thc openlng sesion whcn Canon C. R. DePencier of St. George's Church., Oshawa, conducted thc devational exercises. Among other speakers on the open- ing day wcre Col. E. E. Snider, B-a-, [nepector o! Public Schools, who spoke o! the subiect "Some Obser- vations". Dr. Donevan, chairman of thc Oshawa Board of Education, who gave the address of weicome, A. E. Love»l. siso o! thc Board, sud C. F. Cannon. supervisor o! Uic Osh- awa Public Schools. In Uic Biter- noan the teachers were taken on a tour o! Uic Oshawa public achools whcre afternoon tea was serveci. On the second day Uic election of officers resulted as follows: Col. E. E. Snlder. Port Hope, Hon. Pres. mis Janet Brownlee of Port Hope, Preai- dent; Mr. Mervyn Hobbs of Solina, vice president; D. Barton, ERnniskil- len. secretary treasurer; and Uic ex- ecutive commlttee composeci of Misa Ruby Bragg, Bowmanvllle, sud Misa Mariolle Adamis, Orono; Miss B. Sargent, Bowmanville, sud Mr. LU Savery, Clarke P. O., auditors. A. N. Scarrow of the coliege or Education, Toronto, was Uic speak- er at the mornlng session. At a luncheon at Uic Oshawa colleglate Hydro, sport and puncî"uality were 'l anoxig tice more important items o! c iusmness diseusseci at tne regular r' ionthiy meeting of tfle Bowmanvliie bl uusmese Men's Association at the a almoral Hoetl on Tuesaay nigni. b [r. S. B. lier, assistant engmneer foi a -e Hydro Eiectric Power Commis- g non of Ontario wtao was mntroduced )y Mr. Ueo. Chase outiuec the bas- cf acte surrounding thc purchase o! sl ,e local system on whlch propcnty o )wners will vote on October 3lst. p Ur. Ilcr repeatec inl the main the a iory as publishec in The Stateenian 1i s'o weeks ago. Af ter the acidress a luetians were asked concerniug Uic a purchase sud f rom these questions s: iay be founci at lest 20 reasons o wby it le acivisable ta purchase the a iystem on wbicb property owners E 111l vote on Octaber 3lst. Mr. ler repeatec in the main the stary as v ublishbdcinl The Statesman two c weeks ago. Alter the acidrees ques- s Lons were skeci concerning Uic pur- fý chase sud f rom these questions may v be founci at lest 20 questions why it C iacvisable ta purchase Uic systcm. t Rob't. W. Hommes brougbt up the 1 ery timely question o! punctuality 1 and wsuted te know why public c meetings lu tawn luvarlably starteci î hal! sud hour Biter achedule. nle saw in this habit a slackening o! inter- et aund f aling off lu attendance sud suggested that this association set- tac example. Frank Williams reporteci for Uic Sports Committee regardiug: Uic softball scason. It was declded ta do- nate $25 f or prises ta the Front Street team te, be purchaseci at the liscretion o! Uic Sports Committee. A very hearty vote of tbauks was extendeci to Frank Williamns for tac faittafUl sud untlring efforts ho had excrtcd-lu conciuctlug the Sa! t- ball League this year, ut generally being acknowlcdged that the league was better conducteci this year than for some yeara past. It was aiea suggested that the Sports Committee get tegether with playcrs lu Uic Intermediate andi Junior hockey tearns to see if some arrangement coulci not be made WberebY the Association coulci spon- sor O. H. A. games in-Bowmanvllle. A meeting will be arrangeci andi full Eletails discusseci. Several other Items were discusseci andi the meeting proveci an unusually profitable one. REBEKAH LODGE INSTALLS NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS Sister F. Baker. District Deputy Pr4esicent, Presentcd With Silver Water Pitchir A very enjuyabie evening was ýpent in the 1. Q. O. F. Hall on Zonday, October l2th, when Sister eliorence Baker, District DeputY Presldent, and staff, instaleci the new officers o! Beehive Rebekata Locige as f oilows: Jr. Past N. G.-Mrs. Wm. Luxtan Noble Grand-Mrs. Cliff. Samie Vice Granci-Mrs. J. Gibson Rec. Sec'y.-Mrs. W. H. Yeo Pin. Sec'y.-Mrs. S. Morris Treasurer-Miesa LetsBragg Wardcn-Mrs. Ross Grant Conductor-lirs. Chas. Morris Chaplalu-Mr5. Fred Spry Muslcian-Mrs. H. SmIi R.S.N.G.-Mrs. P. Baker L.S.N.G.-Mrs. H. H. Harris RS.V.G.-Mrs. T. E. Prout L.S.V.CL-Mrs. E. Bird I. Guardlan-Mrs. H. Connara O. Guardian-Mr. J. Gibsan. Sister Baker. D.D.P., was then presentec i wth a silver water pitcher in recognition o! ber services, ta whicb she vcry flttlngly repiec. AUl then adjourneci ta the banquet hall where a dalnty banquet was serveci. Photos a! two Durham Olci BOYS, Dr. James L. Hughes sud John D. lKeachie, appearec inluWednesdaY's issue o! the Toronto Globe. These former Durhami residents were pres- eut at Uic St. Andrew's Lodge, A. F. & A. M,, Taronte, wbcn Robert Làoy- cil celebrated bis diamonci JubilcesU a Magon. Dr. Hughes, a member of that locige far 54 years, made a pre- aentation te lMr. Lovoli. lMr. Keachie h éna momber for 49 yeara 1 Il .L'q M. =- ulu 'n %juvy ýz.(;u a x ear in ,iavance ROWMANVILLE. ONT.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1931