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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1931, p. 3

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THE ANAIANSTAESMA, BWMAVflLE, HURDAY OCOBERiSts, 931PAGE TBN Business Directoryj I LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A.. LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Maney to loan on Farmn and Town property. Royal Bank Building, E"-wmanville. Phane 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Muney ta Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ro Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, Bowmanville. Ontario. Phones: Office 102; House 409. L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Loans - Investments Bowmanville - Next to Royal Theatre Phones: Office 688; House 553. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toron- to University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office: King St., Bowmanville. Office Phone 40; bouse phone 22. X-Ray Equlpment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King Street East, Bowmanvllle. Office hours 9 a. m.j ta 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equlpment in Office. CHIROPRACTIC A.ND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate o! Toronto College o! Chiropractics wll be i the Bow- manville office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. Phone 141J. Residential calls made during fort- noon. ACCOUNTANT B. M. COTTONt Auditing - Accounting Books wrtten up daily, weekly or monthly. Monthly and animal statement and Incarne Tax Returns prepared. P. O. Drawer E. Phones 611 & 32. INSURANCE1 Fire Lif et C. H. DUDLEY c DISTICT AGENTt THEf MANUFACTURERS' LIFEt INSURANCE COMPANY Automobile Liability AUCTIONEER Theo. M. Siemon Auctloneers Farm and House Sales a Specialty.t Ternis moderate. Ennlskillen P. O.5 Phone 383r3. 1-tfe ELMER WILBUR e AUCTIONEERs Farm Stock Sales a Speclalty 9 Aiso Furnlture.t Phone Oshawa 1648r24 . Terms Moderate. 39-tf TED JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer For Durham, Ontario, Victoria a and Peterboro Counties c I speclalize in Pure Bred Live Stock,n General Farm Stock and Imple- t ments and Furniture Sales. Sales conducted anywhere - None too large or too small - Terms v moderate.& Phone or write Port Perry 38, for0 dates. 35-26t*b FUNERL DIECTO FUNERAL DIRECTORI F. F. MODRRISCO.S Painting and Paperhanging Ï, Sunworthy Wall Paper at speclai l prices. f Get your orders in esrly. Estimates given free.. h Geo. Pritchard f Phone 489 OyOr Statumam Offie ir A nn ual Meeting AnglicanWV.A. At Newcastle Tise nintis annual confenence o! tise Northumberland and Durham Deanery Woman's Auxillary ta the M. S.C. C. was iseld at St. George's Cisurcis, Newcastle, on Friday, Oct. 2nd, 1931. Holy Communion was celebrated at il a. m., tise celebrant bemng tise Rectar o! tise Pariish, Rev. F. H. Ma- son, M. A., assisted by Rev. C. R. Spencer, Bowmanville and Rev. Ro- berts of Coîborne. Otiser clergymen present wene Rev. T. McKsm, Rev. M. R. Kings!ond, Rev. A. G. Emmett, Rev. Jackson, Rev. J. Scott How- ard. Thse special preacisen for tise day was Rev. G. A. Andrew, B.A., Honian, China. He spoke with mucis appnec- iation af tise work o! tise Woman's Auxiliary and said tisat ah tise wo- men's and cisildren's wark in con- nectian witis the Anglican Mission in Hoîîaî was pravided for by tise W. A. That last yean $16.900 had been sent ta carry aistise work in Honan. Wisen anecocnsiders that ane quarter of ah tise people on tise face o! tise cartis are Chinese, num- bering some 35,000,000, and tisat in Haonan alone are 10,000,000 people, thse need for vast endeavour is ap- parent. Only missionaries are al- lowed ta live in Hanan. Foreign business people are flot toM_-ated there. At tise present tusse tisere is a greater apportunity tisas ever be- fore fan missionary work. Tise Chinese are a inost approacîsable and Isaspîtable people. One is al- lawed ta visit in tneir hsomes, isold meetings ini tieir compauncis, in tise streets and in tents. Moreaver anc is always sure ai an audience. Wiscther fram curiosity on thu'st af ksowledge, thse Ciese came in crawds ta bhear tise mîssianary. Dur- ing thse Civil War in China, tisaugis otier cisurcises isad becs put ta ul- tenion uses and thse missionanies Isad becs f orced ta leave, services were still cannied an in tise Anglican Mis- sion bouse and until ardered out by thse Britishs Consul, tise pniests re- mained ta carry on tiseir wark. Mn. Andrews spake, tao, a! a year spent in India wisere hie was con- sected with tise educational wark. Tisere tise progresa a! tise students bad becs so satisfactory-eigsty per cent a! tise students passmng en- trance ta University examnations-- tisat tise native autisonîties sow al- low a faur year course in Englisis training instead a! a two year course as forrnerly. Speaking o! tise pres- cnt unrest in India, and a! thse vani- ous criticismns that were made upon British rule in India, be quoted an eminent Amenican divine "Tisat if! England cauld sot salve tise prab- lcm a! bringing abaut a unitcd In- dia, no other power an cartis at the present time cou.ld accomplisis it." About 150 were present at tise celebration o! HOly Communion. Tise lunciseon was held at 12.30 in tise Parîish Hall. Accarding ta, a re- solution o! tise Deanery it bad becs dccided tIsat members sbauld bring tiseir lunches. and tbat tise bostess branci shsbuld provide tea and cof- t ee at naon and a! tersoon tea ai tise close a! tIse meeting. Tise afiemnoon session apened at 2 p. m. witi tise W. A. Prayer and the singing o! tise W. A. Hymin, "Tise Love ai Christ Constrainetis." Tise Deanery officer, Mms. McKimù, spoice a !ew words o! welcome ta tise oirancises. Tise box luncheon, ase said, was a decided advantage in many ways as everyane was more ai liberty ta make a! tise meeting a spiritual benefit. Thse greai need o! tise West fan bodily secessities was spoken o! and Mrs. McKim suggest- cd that it migist be well ta fumigate all second isand clatising bef arc sending it sa as nat ta send any dis- case in tise daubes. Tise marning's service bad becs an incentive ta greater and nobler endeavours and the W. A. sbould re-dedicate tbem- selves ta tise work. Thse minutes o! tise last Deanery meeting were tisen read and adapt- cd. Tise reports !ram tise variaus branches were tises read and thse ral caîl taken. Tiscre was a total o! 133 present. Mr'. Mason tises gave a short address a! welcome. Threc appeals were made for the day's collection. It was decided unani- mously -'tiat tise maney be devoted ta thse Diacese a! Kootcnay for tise work o! itinerating clergymen." As Mrs. McKiîn had already ser- ved two yeams as Dcanery Officer, sise asked for nominations f rom an- atiser brancis, but na nominations being made it was moved. seconded and unanimously carried tisat Mrs. McKimn retain tise Position for an- tiser year. An invitation ta tise Dcanery ta meet at St. Paul's Churcis, Bniiston. narcotics. By ah mansmake a trial o! tisis remankable prescription :isat gets tise heiplesa out o! bcd, scnds tbcm back ta wark, happy and frne !ram tiseir isealth troubles. Jury & Loveil's Drug Store is headquanters i Bawsanvillc for SIU-ERB. Go tisere taday and ask for full panticulars. No obligation la involved. WEDDING Jones--Moase One a! the prettiest of faUl wed- dings took place on Saturday, Oct. 3rd, at thse home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moase, 61 Victoria Avenue North, Lindsay, when their onlY daugbter. Helen Margaret, was mar- ried to Melville Deane Jones, B-A., Sc., Niagara Falls, Ont., only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones, Shallow Lake. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. J. U. Robins, Listowel, while Mr. Charles Cawker, Bowmanville, cousin a! the bride, played the wed- ding music. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by ber father, wore long sleev- ed vionnet model o! ivary satin. Miss Aileen Carscadden, Toronto, was maid o! honor, wbile the brides- maid was Miss Ruth Jones of Owen Sound, sister o! the groom. Miss Lamna McGill, Toronto, sang durîng the signing a! the register. The couple le! t by motor for New York, Washington and Atlantic City. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Jones iill reside at 1821 Mouland Avenue, Niagara Falls, Ont. the extension o! Christs Kingdomi on carth. The subject was dealt with under variaus headings: 1) How do its members seek ta carry out tis aim? (2) Hlow is the W. A. canstituted? (3) Every churcli woman sbauld be a member of the W. A. 4) How is the mission wonk pro- vided for fmnancially? (5) Necessity of mission study through lectures, addresses, reading missionary wanks. (6) Dorcas Department in helping Indian achools, white settlers, and in providing church f urnishngs. (7) Every branch of the W. A. is asked ta contribute ta thée general Pledge Fund with which money is paid tihe salaries of missianaries and grants towards thse maintenance af industries and ather organized wark. Dr. Cartwright stressed the need of sending help ta stricken Saskat- chewan. AUl must make use o! daily prayer and keep constantly bef are us the W. A. motta, "Thse Love of Christ canstraineth us." We were again addressed by Rev. G. A. Andrew, B. A.. of Hanan, China. In this address he spoke particularly of the W. A. missionar- ies in Cina--cailing each by name and giving us some idea a! ber wark, and asked that we wauld pray for eacb by name. He said that in ev- ery church there was a local priest, also a local W. A. in Honan, but there were a great many mare wark- ers needed. At the close of the addresses, votes of thanks were given ta: (1) The speakers; (2) Ta Newcastle W. A. for ber haspitality; (3) To thse ar- ganist and choir of Newcastle. Tise meeting was closed after the singing a! a hymn by tise benedlc- tion given by Rev. G. A. Andrew. Afternaan tea was served in tise Parish Hall. WEDDINGS Webber-Moore Tise marriage was quietly soleni- nized on Saturday a!temnoon. Oc- tober lOtis. at Danfanti United Cisurcis Parsonage, Toronto, o! Lu- cila Neoma, only daugister o! Mn. and Mms. George Moore, Bunketon, and William Roy, youngest son o! the late Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Web- ber, Bowmanville. Rev. C. W. Watch afficiated. Tise bride looked charming in a monet blue geargette and radium lace dresa witis iat ta match. She carried a bouquet o! Columbia pink rases and wore a crystal necklace, tise gi!t o! tise groom. Tise witnesses were Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Kerr, Toronto, Mrs. Kerr being sister o! tise groom. After tise wedding breakfast attise Savarin Windsor Room. tise happy couple le!t for a motar trip ta Kingsville and otiser points. The bride's travelling costume was brown crepe ensemble witis caat, isat and shoca ta match. On tiseir return Mn. and Mrs. Webber will reside in Baw- manville. Richardrs-Alldread A very quiet wedding was solem- nized an Saturday, Sept. 26tis, at tise pansanage, Newtonville, by Rcv. Tisas. Wallace, wisen Marion Eileen Aldread, eldeat daugister o! Mn. and Mrs. Matisew Aldread, becarne tise bride o! Normas James Richsards, second son a! Mn. and Mrs. Tisas. Richards, Quesn St., Bowmanvilie. The bride looked cisarming in a dres a! monci crepe witis bat ta match. Sise was attended by ber aunt, Haz- el Aileen Hamneas, and sister a! the groom, Almsa Bemnice Richards. A!- ter tise marriage tisey returncd ta ber home wiserc about !arty o! their immediate relatives had gathered. Tbcy sat down ta a beautiful tea. a!ter wiicb tise bride and groom le! t by matai' ta western Points. They will reside in Newcastle. Tise relatives fram out o! townM were: Mrs. Frances Clarke and !arn- ily, Bownsanville; Mn. Tisas. Clarke and daugbter, Oshawa; Mrs. Tisas. Richards and Aima, Mn. and Mms. Gordon Richards, Miss Editis Rich- ards, aIl o! Bownsanville; Miss Hazel Hamness and Mn. Ivan Farrow, Or- a)na; Mn. James Harness, Bowman- ville. Mr. W. J. Culley bas a gang a! mes busy fixing sidewalks wblcb were broken witi tise instailation o! tise gas mains. Tise gas Company is keeplng its promise ta Place every- tbing as they found it. and some o! tise sidewalks wlil be i better con- dition naw than tbey wcre prev- lously. Persias Bam-tbe peerlessa ad ta lovelinesa. Delightfully fragrant. DamntY ta use. Leaves no stickmness. A lile gentie rubblng and it is swl!tly absorbed by tise tissues. Tonlc i effect. Sootises and dispels rougisncss and cisafing. Ke-eps aklns SO!t and velvet-textured. Umrivalled for charm, distinction and nef me- ment. Used by bovely womcs cvery- where ta Preserve and enhance tiseirI natural beauty. IN THE DIM and DISTANT PASTI 50 YEARS AGO 25 YEAES- AGO From The Statesman, Sept. 30, 1881 Froni The Statesman, Oct. 3rd, 1906 Hunt up ail your bens and ail Mr. William Winter at the G.T.R. their feathers in readiness for the station feU eout o! an apple tree and fail show. brake bis wrist. A repart circulated last week that Mr. C. W. Cryderman, a Darling- Granny Wilson was dead is not cor- ton boy, bas been appainted coflect- rect. She called on Mr. Levi Mor- or o! customn revenues at Walkenton. ris recently ta, make arrangements Cbarivaring a companion on bis for ber burlal but the bargain bas marriage night, gat ten town youths not been comxpleted, so, she intends in serious trouble recently. They ta live a few weeks mare. made too mucb noise beating tis Thse Toronto Mail and Telegramn pans, sbouting, singing, etc., for thse and the Montreal Star are blowing neighbors and the police were nati- about their circulation. If aur de- !ied, thse resuit being that tbey ail linquent subscrlbers will pay Up we appeared befone Magistrate Harsey shail have a $1000 ta stake that The and Pleading gullty, were rnulcted Statesman bas a larger circulation in $2 eacis and a $1 each costs, than any tawn east o! Toronto. amnounting in ail ta $30. There was a raid on a melon Mrs. C. A. Cawker will sing at patcb in tawn last week. Be care- special annlversary services in Trin- f ui boys, four lads were f ined $14,40 ity Cburch next Sunday evening. for stealing melons in Part Hope the Born: In Bowmanville, Sept. 26tb. other day. 1906, ta Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lyle, a Tbe Dominion Organ Band Of son, Gerald Christian. this tawn taok part in tbe tourna- Fair Notes: Who taak tise edtor's ment at London on Wednesday and bi squash?.. Pickpockets were ab- won second prize, $175.00. The sent this year Trianks ladies, for campetition was very keen, thele- tbe splendid exhibits o! cookery; it fore, thse distinction won by Our' was mare than admired The two boys is decidedly creditable. local bands receiveci mucis praise Newcastle: Tise Schaol Board met for thse excellent progranîs c! music last nigbt. There were somne 15 or tbey !urnisised on Fair Day Stott 16 applications for the position af & Jury made a very excellent dis- assistant in tbe High ScIsool. The. play o! ebony goods. successful ane was Miss Sanders o!f ecsl:Js Mfatbspr Yorkville, wba is a young lady o!ewciasedte: Jab. poffrty M pr. experience and cames iigbly recom'f cai a luabl ary roerse br. mended,. Last Sunday nsorning jrnu Hall losta lubehrey thse village was thrown into great hanging itself in thse stable Tise excitement by tise news that tbep reception at Mrs. Drummond's Fr1- premises o! Mr'. Hooper had been' day evening ta thse Rev. A. V. Brown, burglarized during tise night, wicb' pastor c! the Presbyterian Churcis. praved unfcrtunately ta be cnly toa: who bas iust returned with bis bride true. They stale $100 wartb a!f rom their wedding tour, was a very clothes and then went ta tise pantry: nice affair. The happy couple were wisere they helped tieseacves ta presented by bis congregation with cold ham, clacese and biscuits. a bandsome musical cabinet. Enniskillen: We regret ta say Haydon: Whlle Mn. and Mrs. W. that tise Rev. T. Atkinson, pastcr o! Aunger were di'iving !rom tawn on tise Pnesbyterian Cisurcis hene, ia Saturday a team o! hanses and a. qulte ill and unable ta attend ta bis wagan camne f rom bebind and ran duties. His pulpit was f ilied last Into their buggy, upsetting it and Sunday by Rev. Samuel Taylor, who depositlng the occupants on mothen at present is visiting frlends in earth. No bones were braken but Cartwright.,. Wednesday a!ter- tise occupants were badly brulsed. noon Rev. Dr. MacNab, nectar of Thse buggy was badiy wrecked. Darlingtan, paid a visit ta our vil- Hamptan: Mn. and Mms. W. Floyd, lage and united in marriage Mn. Oaklands, Cal., are vlslting at Mr'. John Staintan and Miss E. Virtue. W. Allin's. During tise recent eartls- Hampton: Mr. W. Ruse, agent for quake their home was raised twa tise Dominion organs and pianos, is feet and was thse only anc In thse dis- maving té) Oshawa fan tise purpose trict wlth tise cimney le!t In place. o! enlanglng bis business. He bas Orono: Mn. Tisas. Cowan said bis been a very enterprising citizen and splendid young team ta a gentle- mucis regret is !elt at bis removal. man i Lindsay for $435 _Mr'. Cartwright: Mr. John Farder, James Dlckson la conventlng tise Cartwright, had a dangenous en- Christian Cisurcis property inta aa caunter witis a bull on Thursday. nice residence. He was ieadlng a young bull wbcn the animal suddenly charged hlm, catching Mi'. Farder on bis borns Tbere's a warmn spot in my heart and throwing hlm in tise air. He fan tise man wbo can afford a word was only sllghtly injured. o! praise and hope ta bis fellawman. Applause fines tise ambition. A good Chanles Everett Stone, a native o! turn, a gaod Job, or a klndly thougist Oshawa, diec Ini Torontq Hospital, sisould net be rewarded only by coin Sept. l6tis,in bis 56tis year. Mn. o! tise realm. Cash is for matenial Stone bas livcdhI Cannlngton for thlngs--the word of praise la for tise past 27? years and was one of Its the seul. Ose hand cannot clapi- most respeoted cîtizens. 1"Bilent Partner." WALKER'S LOWER PRICE STORE More people every day are finding that it pays to shop in our Lower Price Section, second floor. We have added many new fines at great reduction. Electric Toasters A good serviceable toaster, with removeable element. This is an upright toaster, nickel piated, fitted with cord attach- ment aad two-piece plug, Special at ý $149 Sleepers A heavy cotton f leece-lined sîceper, cornes ln ail sizes. a splendid garment for flU and wlnter, reg. $1,00 vle Speelal at value, .. ...59C Rubber Mats A good heavy rubber mat., made ln Bowmanvllle, sultable for car or home, good value at 75c, 39c Special at Sport Skirts9 A fine ail wool flannel sport sldrt, cornes ln ahades of red, green, blue and sand, regular $4.50 value75 Clearing at75 YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Electric Heaters 12-lnch bowl concave reflector, 6-lnch metal base, 12 mabtai wtre guards, removable Ni- chrome heating elemnent, fitted with cord attachaient and two plece plisg,$19 Special at .98... Remnants We a"e contlnuaily addint to our Rempant Table miany new pieces whlch are grestly re- duced for qulck clearance. These Include dres gooda, printa, broadolotha, cottoas, uheetUng., pwiow cttons, flan- nelettes, et.. Underwear We have on dlsplay -a-y dis- continued numbers of Ladies and Chlldren's Wool and Cot- ton and aml wool Underwesr. These ane all greatly reduced for qulck clearance. PHONE,16'i BOWMANVILLE PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LES w- - «It Seems GOOD ta Be Going ta CHURCH Again » Folks who somehow feel incomplete find that reg- ular church attendance fils the gap. They find Ihat in joining with their friends at church on the - Sabbath they achieve a new sense of well-being, and enricli their lives a hundred-fold. Perhaps you also have wondered what it is you are missing. COME TO CHURCH SUNDAY You will receive a hearty welcome at the following TRINITY UNITED CHURCH ST. PAUL'S UNITED. CHURCH ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHUROH - ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIMi CHURCH i A 'I.- (r 1932 RADIO at $67,50 TOMORROW Just $6 75down Balance in 10 montyin stalments of $6.95, b=y ti lligh qual1ity radi-ohn te equal it in perornce2 or appearance at one.third te one-haif more in price. Corne, sec and hear CLEAR AS A BELL RADIO Ask us about Sonora's new Factory-lo-Horne plan Dustan's. CASH Hardware LKER TORLSýfIMIT.£D THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMUNMLE, THMýSDAY, OCTOBER 15th, 1931

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